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  • af W Q Blosh
    117,95 kr.

    This book covers Chinese Alphabets derived after analysing thousands of simplified Chinese characters.WHAT IS A CHINESE ALPHABET?A Chinese Alphabet is a simple PART created by combining 2 to 6 strokes. Some Chinese Alphabets are also Chinese characters. All the Chinese Alphabets can be used to form Chinese characters.MORE EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE WAY TO LEARNIf thousands of Chinese characters are learnt by combining single strokes, you will need to put in more effort to remember and distinguish them.This new way of learning is by combining common parts (alphabets and strokes) into characters, something like forming English words (but not exactly the same).WHAT-YOU-SEE-IS-WHAT-YOU-NAME (WYSIWYN)All the Chinese Alphabets are classified into 32 groups. Each group is named according to the observable common features the Chinese Alphabets share. For example, in the PARALLELS group, all the alphabets have (almost) parallels strokes.BIG FONTSuitable for toddlers to trace with finger or crayonWHAT YOUR CHILD WILL LEARNMore than 200 alphabets classified into 32 groups.They will learn systematically32 representative Chinese Alphabets 32 groups of BASIC Chinese AlphabetsVARIATIONS and EXCEPTIONS of the basic alphabets

  • af Neven Paar
    442,95 kr.

    *Proszę zwrócic uwagę, że to Wydanie Standardowe jest czarno-biale z linkiem do cyfrowych obrazów w kolorze. Ebook jest w pelnym kolorze. Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium jest końcowym rezultatem mojej 17-letniej podróży transformacji Kundalini po pelnym i trwalym przebudzeniu w 2004 roku, które trwale rozszerzylo moją świadomośc. Po doświadczeniu calkowitej wizualnej aktualizacji, która pozwala mi codziennie byc świadkiem holograficznej natury świata, wiedzialem, że to co mi się przydarzylo bylo wyjątkowe. Tak więc przez następną częśc mojego życia postanowilem wykorzystac mój dar i poświęcic się nauce o nie widzialnym świecie energii, z którym jestem intymnie związany, jednocześnie rozwijając odpowiednie umiejętności językowe, aby kompleksowo przekazac moje odkrycia. Przebudzenie Kundalini jest częścią misji Twojej Duszy na Ziemi. Jego ostatecznym celem jest optymalizacja Twojego toroidalnego pola energetycznego (Merkaba) i przeksztalcenie Cię w Istotę Światla, umożliwiającą podróże międzywymiarowe poprzez świadomośc. Posiadanie odpowiedniej wiedzy w tym zakresie może upelnomocnic cię do przejęcia kontroli nad twoją Ewolucją Duchową i wypelnienia swojego przeznaczenia, abyś mógl kontynuowac swoją podróż przez Gwiazdy w następnym życiu. Dlatego wlaśnie napisalem tę książkę. Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium zawiera wszystko, co musisz wiedziec na temat Kundalini, w tym wplyw procesu wniebowstąpienia na ludzką anatomię i rolę, jaką odgrywa system nerwowy, jak odblokowac pelny potencjal twojego mózgu i obudzic moc twojego serca oraz jak wykorzystac modalności uzdrawiania duchowego, takie jak krysztaly, widelki strojeniowe, aromaterapię i Tattwy, aby podnieśc wibracje twoich czakr. Duża częśc książki poświęcona jest filozofii i praktyce Jogi (wraz z Ajurwedą), w tym lista Asan, Pranajam, Mudr, Mantr i medytacji oraz instrukcje ich stosowania. Omawiam również szczególowo proces przebudzenia i transformacji Kundalini, w tym trwale i częściowe przebudzenia, Świadomych Snach, Siddhis (moce psychiczne), Doświadczenia poza Cialem, rolę jedzenia, wody, skladników odżywczych i energii seksualnej podczas integracji oraz szczytowe wydarzenia w ogólnym procesie transformacji. Ponieważ bylem naukowcem i laboratorium w jednym, książka ta zawiera calą moją wiedzę i doświadczenie nabyte podczas mojej duchowej podróży, wlączając w to istotne medytacje, które rozwinąlem podczas napotykania zastojów i blokad energii Kundalini. Wreszcie, pomagając przez lata wielu przebudzonym przez Kundalini osobom, które "blądzily w ciemności" szukając odpowiedzi, zawarlem również ich najczęstsze pytania i wątpliwości. Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium jest dokladną i zaawansowaną ekspozycją na temat Kundalini, która jest lekturą obowiązkową dla każdego zainteresowanego tym tematem i swoim rozwojem duchowym.

  • - Trace, Colour, Write, Visualise (Age 6+)
    af W Q Blosh
    112,95 kr.

    How much time does a learner need to spend learning to write Chinese characters?Do you need to write every Chinese character that you learn?How many times do you need to write a Chinese character?Is it effective to write a full page of the same Chinese character repeatedly?How to remember all the strokes in a Chinese character easily?If your purpose is to develop the ability to RECALL the Chinese characters you learn, writing the characters is only one way to register them in your mind. More importantly, you need to be able to VISUALISE it, that is able to 

  • - 32 Teams of Chinese Alphabets
    af W Q Blosh
    197,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • - More Chinese Alphabets
    af W Q Blosh
    197,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • - How to Guess the Meaning of Chinese Words - Preschoolers' First Chinese Book (Age 7)
    af W Q Blosh
    282,95 kr.

    New Way to Learn Chinese VISUALLY!Created for toddlers, students learning Chinese as a second or foreign language.Also suitable for adults young at heart!Explained in English so parents who do not speak Mandarin can also guide their children.The tenth book in the Foundation Series, developed to help learners develop visual skills to decode Chinese characters without writingChinese words that share common parts may be related in their meanings (e.g. many animal names share the same part). The common part they share is called ‘RADICAL’.This is an introduction to 39 FREQUENTLY-USED RADICALS.Learn to ‘guess’ the meaning of words with these radicalsSee the part order of Chinese words through COLOURS. LEARN CHINESE VISUALLY (FOUNDATION SERIES)BOOK 1: MEET THE STROKES IN CHINESE CHARACTERSBOOK 2: COUNT IN CHINESE AND ENGLISHBOOK 3: MEET THE CHINESE ALPHABETSBOOK 4: 32 TEAMS OF CHINESE ALPHABETSBOOK 5: MORE CHINESE ALPHABETSBOOK 6: MY FIRST WORDSBOOK 7: HOW TO ‘SPELL’ CHINESE WORDSBOOK 8: MORE WAYS TO ‘SPELL’ CHINESE WORDSBOOK 9: UNIQUE WAYS TO 'SPELL' CHINESE WORDSBOOK 10:  HOW TO GUESS THE MEANING OF CHINESE WORDS

  • - Unique Ways to Spell Chinese Words - Preschoolers' First Chinese Book (Age 6)
    af W Q Blosh
    257,95 kr.

    New Way to Learn Chinese VISUALLY!Created for toddlers, students learning Chinese as a second or foreign language.Also suitable for adults young at heart!Explained in English so parents who do not speak Mandarin can also guide their children.The ninth book in the Foundation Series, developed to help learners develop visual skills to decode Chinese characters without writingLearn how to 'spell' Chinese characters with unqiue 'spelling', that is the parts (alphabets and strokes) are combined in a special way not seen in other words.See the parts of Chinese words through COLOURS.Note that Chinese characters are usually learnt as a whole and this can take up a lot of memory. As a result, the more one learns the more confused one gets.This new way to learn Chinese visually helps learners to decode Chinese characters into their components and learn how to form/spell characters through simple rules.To ‘spell’ is to write or name the parts (alphabets or strokes) that form a word in the correct sequence.Learn how to form Chinese characters easily using simple rules, bond points and cross pointsApply content learned in Book 1 (Strokes), Books 4 and 5 (Alphabets) in Books 7, 8 and 9 (Spelling Chinese Words) LEARN CHINESE VISUALLY (FOUNDATION SERIES)BOOK 1: MEET THE STROKES IN CHINESE CHARACTERSBOOK 2: COUNT IN CHINESE AND ENGLISHBOOK 3: MEET THE CHINESE ALPHABETSBOOK 4: 32 TEAMS OF CHINESE ALPHABETSBOOK 5: MORE CHINESE ALPHABETSBOOK 6: MY FIRST WORDSBOOK 7: HOW TO ‘SPELL’ CHINESE WORDSBOOK 8: MORE WAYS TO ‘SPELL’ CHINESE WORDSBOOK 9: UNIQUE WAYS TO 'SPELL' CHINESE WORDSBOOK 10:  HOW TO GUESS THE MEANING OF CHINESE WORDS LEARN CHINESE VISUALLY (VOCABULARY SERIES)BOOK 1: OPPOSITESBOOK 2: MORE OPPOSITES

  • - More Ways to Spell Chinese Words - Preschoolers' First Chinese Book (Age 6)
    af W Q Blosh
    257,95 kr.

    New Way to Learn Chinese VISUALLY!Created for toddlers, students learning Chinese as a second or foreign language.Also suitable for adults young at heart!Explained in English so parents who do not speak Mandarin can also guide their children.The eighth book in the Foundation Series, developed to help learners develop visual skills to decode Chinese characters without writingLearn how to 'spell' Chinese characters easily by seeing where the PARTS (alphabets and strokes) INTERSECTSee the parts of Chinese words through COLOURS.Note that Chinese characters are usually learnt as a whole and this can take up a lot of memory. As a result, the more one learns the more confused one gets.This new way to learn Chinese visually helps learners to decode Chinese characters into their components and learn how to form/spell characters through simple rules.To ‘spell’ is to write or name the parts (alphabets or strokes) that form a word in the correct sequence.Learn how to form Chinese characters easily using simple rules, bond points and cross pointsApply content learned in Book 1 (Strokes), Books 4 and 5 (Alphabets) in Books 7, 8 and 9 (Spelling Chinese Words) LEARN CHINESE VISUALLY (FOUNDATION SERIES)BOOK 1: MEET THE STROKES IN CHINESE CHARACTERSBOOK 2: COUNT IN CHINESE AND ENGLISHBOOK 3: MEET THE CHINESE ALPHABETSBOOK 4: 32 TEAMS OF CHINESE ALPHABETSBOOK 5: MORE CHINESE ALPHABETSBOOK 6: MY FIRST WORDSBOOK 7: HOW TO ‘SPELL’ CHINESE WORDSBOOK 8: MORE WAYS TO ‘SPELL’ CHINESE WORDSBOOK 9: UNIQUE WAYS TO 'SPELL' CHINESE WORDSBOOK 10:  HOW TO GUESS THE MEANING OF CHINESE WORDS LEARN CHINESE VISUALLY (VOCABULARY SERIES)BOOK 1: OPPOSITESBOOK 2: MORE OPPOSITES 

  • - How to Spell Chinese Words - Preschoolers' First Chinese Book (Age 6)
    af W Q Blosh
    272,95 kr.

    New Way to Learn Chinese VISUALLY!Created for toddlers, students learning Chinese as a second or foreign language.Also suitable for adults young at heart!Explained in English so parents who do not speak Mandarin can also guide their children.The seventh book in the Foundation Series, developed to help learners develop visual skills to decode Chinese characters without writingLearn how to 'spell' Chinese characters easily using PART ORDER RULESSee the basic structures of Chinese words through COLOURS.Note that Chinese characters are usually learnt as a whole and this can take up a lot of memory. As a result, the more one learns the more confused one gets.This new way to learn Chinese visually helps learners to decode Chinese characters into their components and learn how to form/spell characters through simple rules.To ‘spell’ is to write or name the parts (alphabets or strokes) that form a word in the correct sequence.Learn how to form Chinese characters easily using Part Order Rules (e.g. Left to Right, Top to Bottom, Middle before Sides, Sides before Middle, Outside before Inside, Inside before Outside)Apply content learned in Book 1 (Strokes), Books 4 and 5 (Alphabets) in Books 7, 8 and 9 (Spelling Chinese Words) LEARN CHINESE VISUALLY (FOUNDATION SERIES)BOOK 1: MEET THE STROKES IN CHINESE CHARACTERSBOOK 2: COUNT IN CHINESE AND ENGLISHBOOK 3: MEET THE CHINESE ALPHABETSBOOK 4: 32 TEAMS OF CHINESE ALPHABETSBOOK 5: MORE CHINESE ALPHABETSBOOK 6: MY FIRST WORDSBOOK 7: HOW TO ‘SPELL’ CHINESE WORDSBOOK 8: MORE WAYS TO ‘SPELL’ CHINESE WORDSBOOK 9: UNIQUE WAYS TO 'SPELL' CHINESE WORDS LEARN CHINESE VISUALLY (VOCABULARY SERIES)BOOK 1: OPPOSITESBOOK 2: MORE OPPOSITES

  • - My First Words - Preschoolers' First Chinese Book (Age 5)
    af W Q Blosh
    257,95 kr.

    New Way to Learn Chinese VISUALLY!Created for toddlers, students learning Chinese as a second or foreign language.Also suitable for adults young at heart!Explained in English so parents who do not speak Mandarin can also guide their children.The sixth book in the Foundation Series, developed to help learners develop visual skills to decode Chinese characters without writingLearn Chinese Alphabets that are also Chinese characters (that is they have meanings and sounds)Note most Chinese Alphabets are NOT Chinese characters by themselves. They have to combine with other Chinese Alphabets or strokes to form characters.These simple characters have a minimum of 2 strokes and a maximum of 6 strokes. Their meanings can be easily understood from the pictures shown. They are often the First Words introduced to learners.No writing, just trace the strokes from head to tail with your finger according to the colour code to learn the order the strokes have to be written. LEARN CHINESE VISUALLY (FOUNDATION SERIES)BOOK 1: MEET THE STROKES IN CHINESE CHARACTERSBOOK 2: COUNT IN CHINESE AND ENGLISHBOOK 3: MEET THE CHINESE ALPHABETSBOOK 4: 32 TEAMS OF CHINESE ALPHABETSBOOK 5: MORE CHINESE ALPHABETSBOOK 6: MY FIRST WORDSBOOK 7: HOW TO ‘SPELL’ CHINESE WORDSBOOK 8: MORE WAYS TO ‘SPELL’ CHINESE WORDS LEARN CHINESE VISUALLY (VOCABULARY SERIES)BOOK 1: OPPOSITESBOOK 2: MORE OPPOSITES

  • - Meet the Chinese Alphabets - Preschoolers' First Chinese Book (Age 4)
    af W Q Blosh
    257,95 kr.

    New Way to Learn Chinese VISUALLY! Created for toddlers, students learning Chinese as a second or foreign language. Also suitable for adults young at heart! Explained in English so parents who do not speak Mandarin can also guide their children. The third book in the Foundation Series, developed to help learners develop visual skills to decode Chinese characters without writing. Covers the the basic blocks of Chinese characters - Start with 32 Chinese Alphabets to help you familiarise with their names The alphabets are presented as cartoons and have easy-to-remember names (e.g. T-Shape, Half Ladder, Split) to describe their appearance No writing, just trace the strokes from head to tail with your finger according to the colour code to learn the order the strokes have to be written.LEARN CHINESE VISUALLY (FOUNDATION SERIES) BOOK 1: MEET THE STROKES IN CHINESE CHARACTERS BOOK 2: COUNT IN CHINESE AND ENGLISH BOOK 3: MEET THE CHINESE ALPHABETS BOOK 4: 32 TEAMS OF CHINESE ALPHABETS BOOK 5: MORE CHINESE ALPHABETS BOOK 6: MY FIRST WORDS BOOK 7: HOW TO 'SPELL' CHINESE WORDS BOOK 8: MORE WAYS TO 'SPELL' CHINESE WORDS BOOK 9: UNIQUE WAYS TO 'SPELL' CHINESE WORDS BOOK 10: HOW TO GUESS THE MEANING OF CHINESE WORDS

  • - Meet the Strokes in Chinese Characters - Preschool Chinese book for Age 3
    af W Q Blosh
    257,95 kr.

    New Way to Learn Chinese VISUALLY! Created for toddlers, students learning Chinese as a second or foreign language. Also suitable for adults young at heart! Explained in English so parents who do not speak Mandarin can also guide their children. The first book in the Foundation Series, developed to help learners develop visual skills to decode Chinese characters without writing. Covers the most basic parts of Chinese characters - 35 STROKES. The strokes are presented as cartoons and have easy-to-remember names (e.g. Vertical, L-Bend, Hunchback) according to the features they have (e.g. hook, bend, curve) No writing, just trace the strokes from head to tail with your finger to learn the stroke direction.LEARN CHINESE VISUALLY (FOUNDATION SERIES) BOOK 1: MEET THE STROKES IN CHINESE CHARACTERS BOOK 2: COUNT IN CHINESE AND ENGLISH BOOK 3: MEET THE CHINESE ALPHABETS BOOK 4: 32 TEAMS OF CHINESE ALPHABETS BOOK 5: MORE CHINESE ALPHABETS BOOK 6: MY FIRST WORDS BOOK 7: HOW TO 'SPELL' CHINESE WORDS BOOK 8: MORE WAYS TO 'SPELL' CHINESE WORDS

  • - Count in Chinese and English - Preschool Chinese book for Age 3
    af W Q Blosh
    237,95 kr.

    BILINGUAL BOOK - Learn to count in Chinese and English. Learn to write Chinese characters of numbers 1 to 10 by tracing Learn how numbers 11 to 20 are written in Chinese Learn to spell numbers 1 to 20 in English Created for toddlers, students learning Chinese as a second or foreign language. The second book in the Foundation Series, developed to help learners develop visual skills to decode Chinese characters without writing.LEARN CHINESE VISUALLY (FOUNDATION SERIES) BOOK 1: MEET THE STROKES IN CHINESE CHARACTERS BOOK 2: COUNT IN CHINESE AND ENGLISH BOOK 3: MEET THE CHINESE ALPHABETS BOOK 4: 32 TEAMS OF CHINESE ALPHABETS BOOK 5: MORE CHINESE ALPHABETS BOOK 6: MY FIRST WORDS BOOK 7: HOW TO 'SPELL' CHINESE WORDS BOOK 8: MORE WAYS TO 'SPELL' CHINESE WORDS

  • - Chinese Characters Visual Organiser
    af W Q Blosh
    175,95 kr.

    Are you struggling to learn Chinese characters? Discover 'tricks' to help you learn like a native Chinese!Learning character by character is tedious and can get more confusing the more characters you learn. Cellis WheelTM is a powerful tool that helps you to build a mental map of characters and cultivate your ability to decode them easily. Cellis WheelsTM are comprehensive cognitive organisers that integrated many aspects of Chinese characters. They are:1. Visual OrganisersCharacters sharing the same components (CELL) are rounded up in the Ferris- wheel-like graphics for easy comparison. Some of these characters are similar-looking, hence can be easily mixed up if not consciously distinguished. 2. Sound ArrangersYou can see the sound patterns of these characters at a glance and differentiate similar-sounding characters easily 3. Meaning DiscoverersCharacters in the wheels are presented in such a way that clues to the meanings of characters are revealed. Structure DecoderWriting drills can be reduced or even phased out if you can recognise and distinguish characters without building muscle memory through writing. Instead, visualise the structure of characters and the sequence the parts have to be written in your mind through the use of colours. This BOOK is designed to be a:Neophyte's DictionaryYou are introduced to the fundamental meaning of a character instead of being overwhelmed by multiple meanings. This will serve as the anchor for future learning and exploration. Beautiful Exploratory Mental CanvasDictionaries is a linear way of presenting the characters - isolated and fragmentary. Cellis Wheels (CW) connect similar characters and show their relationships.Dictionaries focus on helping you go deep into individual characters. Our books focus on helping you explore a myriad of characters, develop an awareness of possibilities and be attentive to similarities and differences.Most dictionaries are text-based, black print. Our books are graphic-based, colourful! It's NOT just a book!To enhance your learning, you can access online flashcards so you can Listen to pronunciation of vocabularies Understand their meanings through pictures (where applicable) Play matching game to revise the vocabularies Build long-term memory of the vocabularies using flashcards This book is created after many years of work. Looking forward to your support. Happy learning!

  • - The Chinese Spelling Book
    af W Q Blosh
    387,95 kr.

  • - Activity Book For Preschoolers (Age 4)
    af W Q Blosh
    197,95 kr.

  • - The Chinese Alphabets Book
    af W Q Blosh
    417,95 kr.

  • - Unspoken Rules of Chinese Characters
    af W Q Blosh
    422,95 kr.

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