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Bøger udgivet af Rangjung Yeshe Publications,Nepal

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  • - Confusion Dawns as Wisdom
    af Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
    182,95 kr.

    This hands-on guidebook adapts the Dzogchen path for the modern student while adhering to traditional principles. The book is based on the direct, accessible style of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and offers a thorough grounding in how to study, contemplate, and meditate in this rich spiritual environment. Guided by an introductory teaching by Rinpoche, as well as 42 selected teachings from great Dzogchen masters, readers learn to access the pure, clear awareness that lies hidden under the constant flow of anxious thoughts.

  • - The Profound Instructions of Padmasambhava to the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal
    af Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche
    182,95 kr.

    Treasures from Juniper Ridge combines meditation and pith practiceinstructions in a way that is easy to apply and comprehend. It is a compilationof discovered teachings, termas, by the greatest master of VajrayanaBuddhism, Padmasambhava, hidden by his female disciple, Yeshe Tsogyal.Treasures is replete with pieces that are direct, profound, fresh, and pertinentto our times.These various revelations are for all levels of practitioners. They provide indepth explanations of assorted aspects of practice, including: deity, deathand dying, non-conceptual meditation and recognizing mind nature. Thebook outlines ways to apply these teachings for the modern student, whileremaining true to traditional principles.“Padmasambhava’s pith instructions are extremely important because heis not just a legendary figure or an ancient myth. He is an actual personwho continuously carries out spontaneous activities, including manifestingas treasure revealers, so that there is always a fresh, unimpaired teachingthat people can practice. This also ensures that Padmasambhava’s spiritualinfluence and blessings are unceasing.The special quality of these terma teachings is that they provide a methodfor accomplishment that is appropriate for each specific generation, periodof time, and individual person who meets them. The treasure teachingshe gave on the Juniper Ridge of Crystal Pearls contain the essential meaningof hundreds of such instructions.”—Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

  • - A Principal Guidance Manual for Mahamudra
    af Dakpo Tashi Namgyal
    207,95 kr.

    A Buddhist ClassicA practical manual for both teacher and student alike, Clarifying the Natural State covers the path from mindfulness to complete enlightenment, simply and methodically. Presenting the profound and ultimate instructions of Mahamudra, it embodies the realization of India and Tibet’s greatest masters.The words of Dakpo Tashi Namgyal are unique. Adorned with plenty of pithy advice out of his personal experience, practitioners are greatly benefited by his instructions on how to remove hindrances and progress further. His methods for practicing Mahamudra are preeminent. This book is indispensable as it focuses exclusively on practice. -Khenchen Thrangu RinpocheElevate your experience and remain wide open like the sky. Expand your mindfulness and remain pervasive like the earth. Steady your attention and remain unshakable like a mountain. Brighten your awareness and remain shining like a flame. Clear your thought free wakefulness and remain lucid like a crystal. - Dakpo Tashi Namgyal 16th Century

  • af Padmasambhava
    237,95 kr.

    Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche exactly defines deity practice from the Dzogchen perspective, offering key points on how to engage in this discipline as a pure Dzogchen yogi. Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche was one of the greatest Dzogchen Masters of the last century. His teaching style was direct, simple, and powerful, a comfortable ambiance created by his compassionate humility that opened one up to being able to absorb his profound words. He was fearless in teaching the view, meditation, and conduct of the Great Perfection, due to the strength of his realization. Although Dzogchen Deity Practice uses the peaceful and wrathful practice as its basis, the efficacy of these teachings on development and completion stage practices apply to many other sadhanas as well.It is a hands on guide to engaging in the skillful methods of Vajrayana that prepare us for this life's experiences as well as what will unfold when we die and are in the intermediate state or the Bardo. The beautiful poetry offered expresses a reality beyond our mundane everyday life and helps our minds to be open and aware.

  • - A Collection of Padmasambhava's Advice to the Dakini Yeshe Togyal and Other Close Disciples
    af Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche & Padmasambhava
    240,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • - A Condensation of the Tripitaka
    af Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche
    145,95 - 222,95 kr.

  • - Essential Teachings from the Dzogchen Perspective
    af Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
    181,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • - Teachings on the Secret Empowerment
    af Padmasambhava
    127,95 kr.

  • - Feminine Principles Discovered
    af Chokgyur Lingpa
    237,95 kr.

    Tara is an emanation of the mother of all the Buddhas of the three times. She carries out all their activities, dispelling the obstacles created through the eight or 16 types of fear. When anyone supplicates Tara, her response is swift. The activities resulting from her aspirations are extraordinary, and there is ample evidence of this, right up to the present day. The special quality of Tara is her extraordinary compassionate resolve to benefit all beings by removing whatever causes them to feel anxious or afraid.Tara is the heroine who swiftly carries out the activities of all the Buddhas. She is the very identity of enlightened activity — beyond that which we can mentally imagine or fathom — and has incredible virtues that surpass any thought. In short, through the symbolic meaning, you realize the true state of original wakefulness.This book gives the devotee the tools to apply the great energy and vitality of Tara in practice. Offering an overview of the many practices associated with this incredible Buddha, it gives of the gift of enlightenment into the palm of the readers’ hand and affords the possibility to benefit others.

  • - Teachings on the Drubchen Ceremony
    af Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
    173,95 kr.

    The Vajrayana system of Tibetan Buddhism has many techniques, few difficulties and is meant for people of higher capabilities. Because each of us possesses the enlightened essence, when many people participate in a great accomplishment practice, then many enlightened essences are gathered together in one place. Hence, practice will be more effective. If we have recognized and realized our enlightened essence, then circumstances will be perfect. Even if we have not, if we participate in the practice and stay within the environment, there will be great benefit.The Vajrayana system has many techniques and skillful means for clearing away the impurities that prevent us from fully realizing our buddha nature. If we weren’t already endowed with this pure gold, the buddha nature, but instead possessed mere brass, we could polish and clean as much as possible, but the brass would never turn into gold. Nevertheless, since we already have a divine nature, then if we engage in the development, recitation and completion stage practices, which act like a polish, we can realize what we actually are.The Great Accomplishment book offers detailed explanations of these practices and the underlying theories from which they derive. It gives hands on advice on the meaning, the application and the profound results of working together with other practitioners to accomplish the goal of taming our minds and benefiting others. From the most esoteric to the subtlest of practical details, these three masters, Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, Orgyen Topgyal Rinpoche and Lama Putsi give a complete guidance manual on this hidden treasure.

  • - The Conclusion
    af Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche
    247,95 kr.

    The Light of Wisdom, the Conclusion, presents detailed explanations of the activities of a Vajra Master and Buddhist practices to clear away hindrances on the path and enhance realization. The book is a combination of three texts:The root text, The Gradual Path of the Wisdom Essence is oral instructions of Padmasambhava, recorded by his chief female disciple, Yeshe Tsogyal. Padmasambhava established the Buddhist doctrine in Tibet during the eight century. He concealed teachings in the form of hidden treasures, to be revealed at an appropriate time in the future. The Light of Wisdom by Jamgön Kongtrül, one of the most prominent Buddhist masters of nineteenth-century Tibet, is an extensive commentary on this sacred scripture. Entering the Path of Wisdom consists of annotations on the commentary by Jamyang Drakpa, a student of Jamgön Kongtrül, dictated to Jokyab Rinpoche.The root text of Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo, a terma revealed by the great treasure-finder Chokgyur Lingpa, and its commentary by Kongtrül Rinpoche, the great translator in person, form together a complete scripture that embodies all the tantras, statements and instructions of the Nyingma School of the early translations, which is most rare to find in the past, present, or future. …I find it important that all Dharma practitioners study and reflect upon this book.? Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse RinpocheIt is correct that it will be quite difficult to practice the entire Gradual Path of the Wisdom Essence, so you should use what is directly appropriate for your training. It is never said that you should practice an entire root text as Light of Wisdom contains the complete path for different kinds of individuals, both of Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana. But since its title is the Wisdom Essence, it means that its ultimate practice is Dzogchen.? Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

  • - The Path of the Compassionate Warrior
    af Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche
    145,95 kr.

    Dzigar Kongtrul guides us through intelligent reasoning to identify our deluded perception of a truly existing self and shows us the key to awakening from this fundamental confusion. Rinpoche's brilliant commentary on the classical Indian Buddhist text, The Way of the Bodhisattva by Shantideva is a testament to this inspiring teacher's compassionate and compelling style. Uncommon Happiness is saturated with advice from an adept practitioner of the Buddhist Path. By expounding the essential meaning of the engaged Buddhism and introducing skillful methods to utilize along the way, he reveals our innate wisdom mind and challenges us to meet and employ our intrinsic enlightened capacity.In this extraordinary book, we have the unique opportunity to connect with a realized teacher, renown for his compassion and kindness, who skillfully teaches us how to reach that same level of conviction and certainty in our self. This clarification overflows with the genuine delight and humanity Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche embodies. These qualities transcend time, race, and place and are universal principles for all people to live by.Here is a combination of primordial notions expounded in the 8th century and practiced throughout the world till the present time and a modern interpretation pertinent to contemporary audiences. These values include loving kindness, compassion, joy and impartiality as well as generosity, patience, discipline, morality, diligence, peaceful abiding and intelligence. Instructions to engage in these trainings are presented with clear and precise language, easy to comprehend and apply.

  • - A Commentary on The Quintessence of Spiritual Practice, The Direct Instructions of the Great Compassionate One
    af Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
    157,95 kr.

    Vajra Speech, by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, renowned for hisextra­ordinary experience and realization, is a wide rangingcollection of pith instructions for the Dzogchen yogi. This Tibetanmaster’s advice reduces negative emotions and naturallyenables loving kindness, compassion and wisdom to flourish.“A swan can separate water and milk when drinking. Theyogi should be like the swan in sepa rating the milk of originalwakefulness from the water of ignorance.”—Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche“Compared to many years studying books and going throughanalytical meditation, we found it more beneficial to ask questionsof Tulku Urgyen and listen to his answers.”—Orgyen Topgyal Rinpoche

  • - Teachings of Tibetan Buddhist Masters
    157,95 kr.

    This collection of translated writings addresses the issue of engaging in secular life with Buddhist intentions. It includes practical advice by great Tibetan teachers such as Paltrul Rinpoche and Jigme Lingpa. Combining folktales and poetry, their teachings pieces impart the essence of spirituality in a pithy, direct fashion."There are three things that you should place:Your body on the seat;Your mind in your body;And relaxation in the mind.There are three things that should be in conformity:Conversations with friends;Clothes with the country;And mind with the Dharma."Paltrul RinpocheTulku Thondup is a living advocate of the Tibetan tradition, He has translated and published many books and has taught at Harvard University. He is hte author of the Healing Power of Mind.

  • - Discourses on Training in the Nature of Mind
    af Drubwang Tsoknyi Rinpoche
    227,95 kr.

    Tsoknyi Rinpoche is a reincarnate lama educated in the Tibetan Buddhisttradition. He has been teaching students from around the world since 1990."Being carefree, you can fit in anywhere. If you're not carefree you keepon bumping up against things. Your life becomes so narrow, so tight; itgets very claustrophobic. Carefree means being wide open from within,not constricted. Carefree doesn't mean careless. It is not that you don'tcare about others, not that you don't have compassion or are unfriendly.Carefree is being really simple, from the inside. Dignity is not conceitbut rather what shines forth from this carefree confidence.?-Tsoknyi RinpocheTsoknyi Rinpoche's teaching style embodies a vividness that is a playbetween himself and his audience. His immediateness includes gesturesand examples that entice us to understanding. Through guided meditationshe offers direct participation as a delightful enhancement to ourpractice. Simple, straightforward and profound, Carefree Dignity is abook that captivates our intellect while enriching our awareness.

  • - A Condensation of the Tripitaka
    af Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche
    207,95 kr.

    "Gateway to Knowledge" is a condensation of the Tripitaka and its accompanying commentaries by the Tibetan Buddhist master Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche. Consolidating the intent of Buddha Shakyamuni's teachings into a unified body of textbooks, it is the philosophical backbone of the living tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. This rich source book embodies th

  • - The Lives and Insights of the Early Masters
    342,95 kr.

    Wellsprings of the Great Perfection presents the primary sources explaining how the Dzogchen teachings came into this world, who received them and through whom they passed. It is an impressive collection of original translations from a vast number of classical Tibetan documents, including songs of realization by the early masters of the lineage.“ The Dzogchen teachings of the Greatest Secret, also known as the Great Perfection, are the words of the compassionate Buddha, and among the causal and resultant vehicles, they are of the type that employ the fruition as the path, Wellsprings of the Great Perfection describes the origin, and gives both short and detailed historical accounts and teachings.“I see a profound importance in studying, reflecting upon and practicing the authentic statements and explanations of the Dzogchen lineage masters- especially for people who aspire to realize the Great Perfection- the Through cut of primordial purity, the view of Trekchö. I therefore request readers to keep these scriptures in the center of their hearts.” - Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, author of Present Fresh Wakefulness“The ultimate origin and absolute teachings of Dzogchen inscribed in this most sacred text and whispered by the greatest adepts of its lineage are finally available in this volume. Every serious student Dzogchen must study and enshrine it in their heart.” - Tulku Thondup, author of The Healing Power of Mind

  • af Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
    127,95 kr.

    Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche spent many years in retreat, assimilating the teachings within his experience. He spoke with humor and true understanding, expressing plainly and simply what he himself had undergone. Consequently, his teachings are uniquely accessible, with a powerfully beneficial impact on those who hear or read his words. This book, a selection of his oral and written teachings, spells out the essential points of spiritual practice and leads readers along the same path they would follow in the presence of a master. Through direct, pithy instructions, students are encouraged to question the master repeatedly, while at the same time processing their own experiences. Representing the heart of Rinpoche's teachings, Repeating the Words of the Buddha shows that the enlightened essence is present within the mind of any sentient being, and that it can be recognized by all who seek it.

  • - A Tibetan Buddhist Anthology of Mahamudra and Dzogchen
    af Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche
    157,95 kr.

    For practitioners on the paths of Dzogchen and Mahamudra, one of the greatest joys is to personally receive oral instructions from a realized teacher. The excitement of being able to train based on that advice is further enhanced by the stimulation and support that guidance manuals provide. All of the selections presented in Perfect Clarity offer incredible teachings that are inspiring and vital. Pith instructions are so simple and direct that we can easily apply them without fear of mistakes.These days, the most effective style of teaching is not lengthy scholarly explanations but rather direct guidance manuals The Dzogchen tantras themselves were written in a style that shrouds and conceals the meaning so that only a master who is extremely well-versed in oral instructions and treatises is able to clarify the meaning. On the other hand, based upon oral instructions a guidance manual is a short, comprehensive teaching written in a clear and simple manner. Such summaries of the Mahamudra and Dzogchen teachings contain all the teachings that a worthy practitioner requires to reach the state of primordial enlightenment in this very life.Tulku Urgyen RinpocheThe amazing collection in Perfect Clarity is rounded out by an introduction by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, a preface by Marcia Dechen Wangmo, biographical data of the authors, a glossary, line drawings and photos and Tibetan source material references.

  • - Practical Advice for Mahamudra Meditators
    af Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
    197,95 kr.

    "Crystal Clear," by the learned and realized Tibetan Master Thrangu Rinpoche, is a companion volume to the classic meditation manual "Clarifying the Natural State." In his straightforward and lucid style Rinpoche gives us an indispensable guidebook for insight practice (vipashyana). For people who want more than just theory, this is a handbook that begins with watching the breath and leads practitioners through stages of realization, all the way to complete enlightenment.

  • - The Life and Teachings of Adeu Rinpoche
    af Adeu Rinpoche
    192,95 kr.

    Adeu Rinpoche's story is not about the horrors he endured under the Communist takeover of Tibet--he himself notes that many other people underwent much worse hardships, not to mention all those that died--but rather the way in which he told his tale. While describing what happened to him and many others, how he survived and finally his release from prison he spoke in a straightforward, dignified manner without any resentment, anger or sadness. He never added mental anguish on top of an already untenable experience. He viewed what happened to him as a ripening of his own individual karma, he accepted responsibility for the abuse he suffered; in fact, he repeatedly stated that each person suffered according to their own karma, as he said, "I felt that whatever befalls you is a ripening of the specific karma that you created in the past.?Adeu Rinpoche took the trauma and suffering as an opportunity not only to accept the vicissitudes of life without bitterness but also to transcend the unjust treatment by not harboring ill-will against the perpetrators, instead developing compassion for them. In the end he turned suffering into happiness, for even while imprisoned he was able to meet many great masters, receive teachings from them and even do some serious practice. It is truly inspiring that people exist in our world with such profound realization and accomplishment-they are examples to us all.This tale together with wonderful teachings presents a compassionate and wise face to the hardship Adeu Rinpoche and so many others endured and triumphed over. It is a banquet of realization, pith instructions and dignity.

  • - The Visionary Autobiography of a Tibetan Master
    af Traktung Dudjom Lingpa
    247,95 kr.

    A Clear Mirror is the autobiographical account of a saint, a genius, a virtuoso who has granted readers what is most rare in personal accounts: full access to his incredible inner life. Dudjom Lingpa was a 19th century Tibetan visionary and Great Perfection master whose legacy of meditation teachings has swept across the world since his lifetime,

  • - Heart Lamp: Lamp of Mahamudra and Heart of the Matter
    af Tsele Natsok Rangdrol
    187,95 kr.

    This book main idea is that intrinsic to the heart, mind and spirit in every human being is an identical essence which can be realized. This realization makes any man or woman a Buddha. The focus of this book is the method of how to implement that through a system of training which is of timeless value, and not bound by cultural limitations. The timeless truth it conveys is as meaningful for a Westerner today as it was in India and Tibet.During the centuries this system of effortless training has been applied by people from all any occupation -- tailers and kings, monks and business men – and provided them with a simple method to not only withstand the changes of life but also to transcend them. Like the waves on an ocean, the ups and downs, joys and sorrows, we meet in our lives can be seen as movements in the ocean, giving true peace and room for caring for others.I will be hard to find another book which is as concise as Heart Lamp.The audience is the steadily increasing followers of Buddhism in the Americas, Europe and Asia, which is grown in the wake of Tibetan masters’ teaching outside of Tibet. Heart Lamp is unique in that its translator worked closely with several of the most respected meditation masters of recent times and was able to receive knowledge from the “lifeblood” of the living tradition.Heart Lamp is unique in its brevity without losing the depth of a true spiritual lineage the training in which can bring about enlightenment in a single lifetime. And, it is being used as the textbook during meditation retreats around.

  • - The Cycle of the Four Bardos
    af Tsele Natsok Rangdrol
    167,95 kr.

    This book main idea is that intrinsic to the heart, mind and spirit in every human being is an identical essence which can be realized. This realization makes any man or woman a Buddha. The focus of this book is the method of how to implement that through a system of training which is of timeless value, and not bound by cultural limitations. The timeless truth it conveys is as meaningful for a Westerner today as it was in India and Tibet.During the centuries this system of effortless training has been applied by people from all any occupation -- tailers and kings, monks and business men – and provided them with a simple method to not only withstand the changes of life but also to transcend them. Like the waves on an ocean, the ups and downs, joys and sorrows, we meet in our lives can be seen as movements in the ocean, giving true peace and room for caring for others.I will be hard to find another book which is as concise as Heart Lamp.The audience is the steadily increasing followers of Buddhism in the Americas, Europe and Asia, which is grown in the wake of Tibetan masters’ teaching outside of Tibet. Heart Lamp is unique in that its translator worked closely with several of the most respected meditation masters of recent times and was able to receive knowledge from the “lifeblood” of the living tradition.Heart Lamp is unique in its brevity without losing the depth of a true spiritual lineage the training in which can bring about enlightenment in a single lifetime. And, it is being used as the textbook during meditation retreats around.

  • - Experience Through Mistakes
    af Marcia Schmidt
    187,95 kr.

    Confessions of a Gypsy Yogini is a tale of experience through mistakes, learning the hard way. It is a guidebook to help find ourselves, offering a fresh approach to traditional teachings in a non-adulterated way, adapted to modern characters. Presented within the Buddhist framework, it will draw the reader closer to seeing things as they truly are, assisting in ascertaining and validating our inherent beauty and combating any feeling of worthlessness while acknowledging anxiety as a part of the path. To overcome negative perceptions, we need to study our confusion and find tools to clear some of it away. Learning how to meditate begins the road to healing and training in various simple formulas directs us to becoming better people. We can meet life’s challenges with humor and triumph over them.Included are several opinions of major Tibetan Teachers:Confessions of a Gypsy Yogini is a vivifying account of the ambrosia-like Buddhist path with brilliant imagery and clear voices of many renowned Masters recorded by the author, who lived at the feet of one of the greatest Tibetan Masters of meditation for 17 years at the epicenter of unfolding events of Dharma that crossed many oceans. May this volume reach many to ignite the light of love and wisdom - the true meaning of Dharma - in the hearts of many.Tulku Thondup RinpocheMarcia [Dechen Wangmo] has followed many great lamas, some of the best of this century. Her account of her experience as an American amidst this older generation of lamas is quite important for Dharma students from the West.Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

  • - A Collectin of Padmasambhava's Advice to the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal
    af Padmasambhava
    207,95 kr.

    Padmasambhava, the Indian mystic and tantric Buddhist master, is second only to Buddha Shakyamuni as the most famous personage in the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism. In the ninth century, he made the journey across the Himalayan Mountains to establish Buddhism for the people in that country. Now, more than 1,000 years later, we are able to hear and be touched by his voice as contained within this collection of oral advice. Sometimes with humor, sometimes with biting sarcasm, Dakini Teachings covers a wide range of instructions. Given not only to the king of Tibet but also to uneducated people, it is a classic work of valid truths for anyone who sincerely wants to follow a spiritual path in every walk of life.

  • - The Life Story of Padmasambhava
    af Yeshe Tsogyal
    227,95 kr.

    The Lotus-Born is the amazing story of the mystic, master scholar, and outrageous yogi Padmasambhava, who grew up an adopted prince, was banished, and burned at the stake in a neighboring kingdom, yet continued, miraculously unscathed, to live more than 500 years. His dramatic, illuminating story is available for the first time in English in this translation of Princess Yeshe Tsogyal's ninth-century biography of Padmasambhava. A master whose insights filigree this book, Padmasambhava is considered second in importance only to the Buddha in the Tibetan spiritual tradition.

  • - A Collection of Padmasambhava's Advice to the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal and Other Close Disciples
    af Padmasambhava
    222,95 kr.

    “ Don’t mistake mere words to be the meaning of the teachings. Mingle the practice with your own being and attain liberation from samsara right now.” PadmasambhavaPadmasambhava is the primary master of Vajrayana, the teachings for our time. Out of his great compassion and wisdom, he instructed his main disciple Yeshe Tsogyal to conceal terma treasures to be revealed at the destined time for future practitioners. The profundity of this advice is meant to be personally applied by all individuals in all circumstances. It is a classic work, which contains valid truth for anyone who sincerely wants to follow a spiritual path.“The chief compiler of Padmasambhava’s teachings was Yeshe Tsogyal, an emanation of a female Buddha. There may be some people who believe that only men can attain enlightenment, but her life is proof to the opposite. The awakened state of mind is neither male or female.” Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, from Introductory Teachings

  • - A Condensation of the Tripitaka
    af Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche
    207,95 kr.

    The Gateway to Knowledge is a condensationof the Tripitaka and its accompanying commentaries. Consolidating the intent ofBuddha Shakyamuni’s teachings into a unified body of textbooks, it is the philosophical backbone of the living traditionof Tibetan Buddhism. This rich source book embodies the basics of Prajnaparamitaand Madhyamika as well as Abhidharma from both the Mahayanaand Hinayana perspectives. Every volume in this series includes the Tibetan text and the English translation on facing pages.“The Tibetan master, Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche (1846-1912) is an exceptionaltreasure of wisdom, compassion and scholarship. His accomplishments in practice,learning, composition and teaching are immense.Volume III contains explanations on the five skandhas, the Hinayana and Mahayana, Buddha Nature and the conditioned and unconditioned.

  • - The Memoirs of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
    af Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
    397,95 kr.

    Blazing Splendor paints an intimate portrait of the lost culture of Old Tibet and of a remarkable man who inspired thousands. A memoir in the form of tales told by Rinpoche toward the end of his life, the book spans his lifetime -- a lifetime rich in adventures of both spirit and body. His reminiscences weave a rich tapestry of family history and a

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