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Bøger udgivet af Regent Press

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  • - A Nonfiction Novel
    af Pete Najarian
    372,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Bernard
    157,95 - 207,95 kr.

  • af Kimo Reder
    212,95 kr.

    Our Fingerprints Spiral Like Galaxies is a quite literal "handbook," a single-focus anatomy guide made up of a series of freestanding micro-essays depicting the human hand as a cosmic map, an insignia of personal will, and a crossroads of bodily intake and output.In this manual of manual actions, our hand is a poly-sensual organ that can utter, listen, sniff, and savor as well as grasp, carry, manipulate, and gesture. These pages treat the hand as a five-fingered pentagram and a microcosm of Selfhood, an engine whose movements form a vast repertoire of oracles, dances, and pantomimes. Aristotle saw our hand as the "instrument of instruments," and Kant regarded it as the foremost "window on the mind." Anaxagoras viewed this body part as the most supreme proof of our near-divinity and an epicenter of mortal significance. This book gladly partakes of such perspectives and envisions our hand's array of bones, muscles, and ligaments as a primal emblem radiating its meaning in every direction.

  • af Melissa Masters
    422,95 kr.

    A rich, valuable resource for art therapists, therapists, counselors, psychologists, and life coaches; especially those working in a school setting.The ART of LIfe book is a Professional"s Guide for helping youth build self-esteem, resilience, and feel empowered to navigate their lives. Forty "lessons" encompass a holistic exploration of the four domains of the self: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Each lesson, (Nutrition, Senses, Learning Styles, Choice, Relationships, Compassion, Spirituality, Meditation, etc.) includes a general presentation of a topic, related expressive arts activities generate learning and personal insight. The ART of Life program offers a much needed foundational support for our youth in preparation toward adulthood. The information and creative ideas are also inspiring and motivational for individual adults or groups. This education in The Art of Life is an alchemical key to creating one's own life masterpiece! The book offers easy to follow content, and an extensive appendix that includes templates such as "Healthy Eating Plate," "Medicine Wheel," also - "Group Warm-up Ideas," and "Suggested Readings."

  • af Ria Bonneamie
    187,95 kr.

    'Quantum Pulse,Tales of the Etheric Field' reviews various aspects of the subconscious. The first one is about a recurring dream that finally ends when the dreamer faces his fear. The second tale consists of four stages of reincarnation within one soul. The next one shows how a child can still be connected to a traumatic past life in the current incarnation. Then a humorous story of a wandering ghost making amends for a previous error. The fifth tale recounts various possible lives of a visionary in a powerful realm in upheaval. Then a short letter done in automatic writing by an entity attached to an emotional physical being. Last, a story spanning multiple dimensions of time and space, following both modern and ancient technology, connecting the spirits of complex beings, and showing the universal aspect of all actions past, present and future.

  • af Robert R. Abbott
    287,95 kr.

    "Like the appetite for a piece of dark chocolate, risk is alluring, and its taste is savory, dopamine-triggering, life-affirming, delicious."Robert "Bud" Abbott should know. As a young man, he marched with MLK and joined the Peace Corps to avoid having to kill in Vietnam. Instead, posted to Nigeria to teach, he found himself facing down river pirates and fighting deadly snakes. And that's just from a few early years in a long life chock-full of adventure and more near-death experiences than he can count.Eventually, Abbott found a career as a globe-trotting marine biologist, even as he embraced mysticism and started a family. Appetite for Risk ties the dramatic experiences of his life in with digressions on the forces that have contributed to his survival. It combines the perspectives of genetic drivers (DNA), nurturing strategies, and spiritual linkages, looking back in time and generations to reveal the behavior of his ancestors as expressed in his own attitudes and actions. His advice to parents is to present numerous challenges to their children to better enable them to face and adapt to the changes inherent in our rapidly evolving global social-economic environment.

    152,95 kr.

    One Hundred Memorable Quotes About Stories and Storytelling is a compilation of ancient and contemporary quotes about storytellers and the art of storytelling assembled from a variety of interdisciplinary sources - folklorists, psychologists, philosophers, authors and storytellers with the addition of traditional proverbs from a oral traditions. The author's love and respect for the art of storytelling is the glue that binds these quotes together, resulting in a kaleidoscope of perspectives addressing the joy and power of something as simple as listening to a story.

  • af Gregory A. Loew
    447,95 kr.

    This memoir comes in three parts:Part 1, which includes Chapters 1 and 2, presents the highlights of my personal life, my education, and my marriage.Part 2, which includes chapters 3 to 18, is a description of my fifty-year professional career at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory where I participated in some fascinating accelerator and particle physics research. Many people are convinced a priori that this type of science is beyond their comprehension, but my ambition here is to make it as understandable as possible to my readers, regardless of their backgrounds. My career took me all over the world and brought me together with wonderful colleagues at home and abroad, whose contributions and memories I want to share.Part 3, which includes Chapters 19 to 23, covers some of my observations and experiences in world affairs and politics that enriched my life. My decision to teach courses on the causes of war at Stanford also explains how I came to publish a book in 2019 on The Human Condition, and why this memoir frequently includes comments on international events. After I retired, I also found some time to study the existential threat of global warming of our planet to which I dedicate Chapter 22.

  • af Sipala Helen
    497,95 kr.

    Buttercups and Gratitude: My Illustrated Journey with Andrew Wyeth is the second book on a diary written by model and friend Helen M. Sipala during a more than 20-year relationship with world-famous artist Andrew Wyeth. The book gives additional details to her highly successful book, Beyond the Marriage Bed: My Years as Friend, Model and Confidante of Andrew Wyeth. The book is illustrated with private photographs taken by Helen's husband George Sipala. The book includes inside glimpses of the Christmas parties hosted by Helen and George Sipala and Helen's observations of Andrew Wyeth in many private situations.

  • af Zolno Steve
    192,95 kr.

    Many of us believe that something is missing in our lives. Words come to mind like happiness, joy, contentment, peace of mind. We can't easily describe what we seek, but want to return to the feeling of well-being it seems we have lost. We can learn to identify what we seek and bring it into our lives. We become more skilled at this as we begin to understand that we only can partake of happiness in the moment. What our times of experiencing happiness have in common is that we momentarily stop chasing it.

  • af Phyllis Grilikhes
    317,95 kr.

    Co-existent with the life force and regulating its flow is the phenomenon of rhythm. Song and the measured beat of a poem are also expressions of rhythm and can be the way a pattern moves through the "now" of time. Without rhythm there is no time. This book, with a concentration on the artistic and psychological culture of the 20th century, seeks to show how the arts reveal these patterns.

  • af Alexander Shester
    677,95 - 937,95 kr.

  • af Judy Wells
    237,95 kr.

  • - Lessons From the Past and Present To Guide us on our Path Forward
    af Steve Zolno
    217,95 kr.

    What is democracy and where did it come from? Is it a new development or was it always present in human society? And perhaps the most important question: what can we do to preserve and strengthen democracy among the forces that oppose it?In this book we explore trends throughout history that have brought democratic – and undemocratic – government to people wherever civilization exists. We discuss where democracy has been most, and least, successful and why. But our most important task is to clarify what each of us can do, as politicians or ordinary citizens, to bring the benefits of democracy more fully into the personal and political lives of those who cherish it. Includes the section: Guide to Voting in a Democracy–

  • af Kimo Reder
    197,95 kr.

  • af Ken Salter
    197,95 kr.

    This is the second volume of a three-part trilogy. The first volume, GOLD FEVER / San Francisco 1851, was published in 2013. While part of an on-going series, the books stand alone and can be satisfactorily read individually. In GOLD FEVER Part Two San Francisco has been torched twice in the space of six weeks. Merchants and residents are angry and organized in a Committee of Vigilance to arrest, try and hang the arsonists and all the other cutthroats, villains and armed criminals that make the city a dangerous, lawless den of inequity in 1851 and 1852. The Governor, his cronies, and the corrupt city and county officials are determined to rein in the Committee of Vigilance even if it means civil war. Pierre and Manon Dubois must negotiate their way carefully through the minefield of warring factions, treacherous streets, and from competition of the boatloads of new immigrants, Jezebels and fortune hunters arriving weekly. The city is still a ruthless man's world where Yankee men control commerce, can bribe juries and customs officials, and deport foreign immigrants at will. Can Manon realize her dream to own and run a high-end French restaurant employing women chefs in competition with the established male-owned and staffed restaurants? Can Pierre establish a viable notary and private detective agency in this uncertain environment? Can Manon's women partners, associates and employees prevail in their careers in the still lawless town with over 2,000 saloons, innumerable gambling palaces and dens, fancy bordellos and sex-slave cribs?

  • af Ken Salter
    247,95 kr.

    San Francisco a ete incendiee deux fois en l'espace de six semaines. Les commercants et les habitants en colere ont cree un Comite de Vigilance pour arreter, juger et pendre les incendiaires ainsi que tous les voyous, malfaiteurs et criminels armes qui faisaient de la ville un lieu de debauche dangereux et sans loi en 1851 et 1852. Le Gouverneur, ses amis et les personnalites corrompues de la ville et de l'Etat sont alors bien decides a museler le Comite de Vigilance, meme au risque de declencher une guerre civile. Pierre et Manon Dubois doivent prudemment tracer leur chemin au milieu du terrain min de cette guerre entre factions rivales, travers les rues dangereuses, et en tenant compte du dfi que reprsente le dbarquement hebdomadaire de nouveaux immigrants, filles dbauches et chercheurs de fortune. La ville est encore un monde d'hommes impitoyables o les yankees contrlent le commerce, les jurys de tribunaux russ, les personnels de la douane et expulsent les immigrants trangers selon leur bon vouloir. Manon pourra-t-elle raliser son rve de possder et de grer un restaurant franais hupp qui emploie des femmes comme chefs de cuisine et pourra-t-elle soutenir la concurrence des restaurants bien tablis dont les propritaires et les employs sont des hommes ? Pierre pourra-t-il crer une activit notariale prenne ainsi qu'une agence d'investigation dans cet environnement plein d'incertitude ? Les partenaires fminines de Manon, associes ou employes, russiront-elles professionnellement dans cette ville encore sans loi qui comprend plus de 2 000 saloons, d'innombrables maisons et salons de jeu, maisons de tolrance, et baraques d'esclavage sexuel ?

  • af Steve Zolno
    222,95 kr.

    This is the story of democracy. It also is the story of the deep aspiration within every human being to be recognized as a valid and worthwhile individual. It is about how that aspiration has been honored - and dishonored - throughout time. It is about how human dignity is essential to the success of civilization. And it is about how simple acts - based on basic principles - can make the world work for all of us. As first expressed in the US Constitution - and later echoed by numerous constitutions around the world - establishing government by and for "We the people" is the main aspiration of democracy. It is to this principle we must continuously recommit ourselves if our democracies are to survive. This is how we move toward a world where we all are recognized for our value as members of society. Looking after our individual needs is a basic human attribute. But at some point people realized that combining efforts toward the common good benefited them and improved their chances of survival. We each have a democratic impulse that recognizes the value of others and wants to collaborate toward what works best for all. We also have an autocratic impulse that prefers authority and is more comfortable leading or being led. In human history, the autocratic side has been prevalent.

  • af Allen Cohen
    162,95 kr.

    The poems in the Book of Hats were written while the author was working at the Shlock Shop on Grant Avenue in the North Beach district of San Francisco....Old Indian baskets, whales' teeth, antique dentist tools, sock monkey dolls, political and labor buttons from the thirties, old beer cans, Eskimo knitting tools and hundreds of other old relics are clogged into the many glass cabinets and cases that line the walls and floor space. Hats are everywhere - stacked on shelves, swinging on dummies' heads from the rafters and hanging on nails from the walls....These poems are transcriptions of his interactions with people who came into the dark shadows of the Shlock Shop and left some part of their being there. The poems reveal the humor and poignancy of the human person that we so often forget to notice in the techno-electro speed of contemporary life.

  • - The Saga of a Black Family in America
    af Curtis L Estes
    167,95 kr.

  • af Jeannie Barroga
    247,95 kr.

  • - and other outlandish assumptions, impressions and revelations
    af Thomas Brennan
    142,95 kr.

  • af Joe Cohen
    212,95 kr.

  • af Jidi Majia
    207,95 kr.

    Split-Open Planet consists of a collection of Jidi Majia latest poems, speeches and interviews that, read together, form a compelling portrait of the most popular ethnic poet China has to offer in the past three decades .  With the publication of his first poetic volume"Songs of First Love" at the age of 22,Jidi majia won the national poetic prize and established himself as the most popular ethnic poet in China(China''s small minority nationalities totalling 80 miilion divided into 55 separate groups), for both critics and his devoted readership. Now, in this book,, he takes us on a figurative journey , exploring the challenges and joys of the human experience through the eyes of the son of a former chief in a remote tribe in Western China. Jidi Majia''s prodigious poetic output centers around the ethnic elements, ranging from his Yi identity to humanity. Major variants concern social issues and olden verities in present day China and the world, both practiced with intelligence and skill, earning him a lasting niche with passing years.Vilified with good sense and sentiment, and peppered with Yi animistic beliefs and wisdom, his work adresses elemental themes about conservation of our physical world and cultural diversity, the innocence and sacredness of indigenous cultures, his terrestrial connection to Land and Life etc.Included are his two latest long poems such as The Belated Elegy, praised as "an impressive poetic concept, mirroring the spiritual evolution and wealth of philosophy of the Yi people" as well as The Split Planet, in which he shows himself most gainly as a poet-thinker meditating on the invisible "world war" provoked by the corona-virus pandemic, conveying the tragedy spliting our world while broadening our understanding of our contemporary realities.. Both have been translated into17 languages and have had a sizable impact on reders home and abroad.A poet in action , Jidi Majia has initiated a number of high-profile international poetic events such as Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival, Chengdu Intl Poetry Week etc.These events have turned out to be a worldwide cataclysmic event, an integrative process, fostering a sense of shared ideals among poets from around the world.Thet prove high points for Chinese poets who find themselves united together with their overseas peers by both prosodic and cultural causes.

  • af Steve Zolno
    192,95 kr.

    The human condition is one of perpetually seeking fulfillment. There is a constant and continual hole we try to fill with what we believe is missing, whether it be a relationship, a career, a new possession, knowledge, or interaction with a force beyond us. Our lives seem to be lacking what we really want most of the time, but we only are vaguely aware of what that might be. Because we chronically see our lives as unfulfilled, the question we perpetually ask is not if anything is missing, but what is missing. Our spiritual practice or religion provides limited answers. But we think that if we only have the right experience - spiritual or other - we will be fulfilled. When we find our lives lacking it is because at some level we believe we miss the connections we once knew. Even if we think our life is essentially material - based on obtaining possessions or winning at competition - we still desire the feeling that comes from the recognition of others. In this book we explore a variety of religious and non-religious paths. Then we examine what we might do - if anything - to bring about the lasting state of inner peace we seek. 

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