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Bøger udgivet af Rotolo Media

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    162,95 kr.

    Bunyan's primary objective is to define what the Law is, as given to Adam, and later more fully developed through Moses at Sinai. It requires implicit, universal, and perfect obedience, --failure in even the minutest point is not an option for the resulting penalty is eternal ruin. He shows us that a man, under the influence of that law, may reform his conduct, become a member of a Christian church, even, appear to be--"a virgin" waiting for his Lord, but yet to have "step even upon the lowest round of the ladder that reacheth to heaven." While man is a stranger to the new birth, "his destiny is the lion's den;--to be thrown into Hell to the very devils." Bunyan is harsh in addressing those who say, "Let us sin that grace may abound," perverting the consoling doctrine of Divine grace unto the destruction of their souls. "What! because Christ is a Savior, wilt thou be a sinner! because His grace abounds, therefore thou wilt abound in sin! O wicked wretch!...Tell the hogs of this world what a hog-sty is prepared for them, even that which God hath prepared to put the devil and his angels into." To the distressed, sin-beaten Christian, this book abounds with consolation, and instructions how to overcome the devices of Satan, who will use the Ten Commandments, like ten great guns, to obliterate all your hopes. "Learn to outshoot the devil with his own bow, and to cut off his head with his own sword. Doth Satan tell thee thou prayest but faintly and with cold devotions? Answer him, I am glad you told me, I will trust even more to Christ's prayers, and groan, sigh, and cry more earnestly at the Throne of Grace." To such readers as have been driven to the verge of despair by a fear of having committed the unpardonable sin, there is strong comfort, and a very explicit scriptural definition of that awful offense. It is my earnest desire that the reading of this book may produce in you solid peace and comfort.

  • af Michael Rotolo
    142,95 kr.

    The mountain region of Germany known as the Black Forest is a difficult place to live especially in the bitter cold of winter. Most folks lead a hard and humble life. For Max Steiner it was no different. Despite the protests of his carnally-minded mother he he had set his eye upon sweet little Doris. He loved her and couldn't imagine living without her. Doris and Max were quickly blessed with their first child, a son they named Herman, who grows to be an awkward, unpopular young boy who would often think of himself as a "good-for-nothing" but God has great plans for Herman. There would be significant obstacles and set backs but God would fashion him into a powerful man of God and through this unstoppable plan God would also see to softening the hard hearts of many. From jealous neighbors, to Max's domineering and ambitious mother, to Max himself, God would touch and even redeem some from very worldly lives. Though unable to give to Herman the treasure that Max's rich mother could offer, Doris's faithful mother Magdalena offers the consistent and faithful prayers that God will use to transform Herman into his champion for the everlasting Gospel. She may well be the overlooked heroine of this beautiful story of faith and grace.

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