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  • af Zecharia Plavin
    207,95 kr.

    There was a tiny island in the Far East populated by tall, gifted people plagued by malignant ideology and ruled by merciless leaders. However, a noble few were dedicated to peacefully rescuing their people from tyranny and death. Dr. Solomon Jekavpils reads about this unfamiliar place in the diary of the late pianist Adelaide Fourangier. Meanwhile, Solomon's former classmate, Nelly, manipulates him to search for Illirio Mariafels, her lost love. The story spans entire lifetimes in pre-war France, French Saigon, the island, and Paris in the late twentieth century; the diary reveals many crucial personalities. After several setbacks in her life, Fourangier joins the leading liberal islander and devotes her life to teaching piano to children. Life on the island transforms her into a caring human being, inspired pianist, and master tutor. Illirio, her heroic son, can inspire wonderful kindness with his chanting. Fourangier's diary reveals her unusual family's secrets and describes the tragic fate of the island and its people. Dr. Zecharia Plavin, a concert pianist and educator, was born in 1956 in Lithuania but has lived in Israel since his youth. He studied under Louis Kentner, the great pianist. Prof. Plavin teaches at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and Ono Academic College. He is an author, composer, scholar, and self-proclaimed dull fellow with no sense of humor...

  • af Ilan Bachar
    107,95 kr.

    Prof. Alexander (Ali) Blankstein Seine große Liebe zu Mensch und Natur führte ihn weltweit an ferne Ufer. Abgesehen von seinem Stethoskop, das er mitnimmt, um Menschen zu helfen, führt Prof. Blankstein in seinem Reisegepäck stets auch eine Kamera mit sich, mit der er in seiner Freizeit die Mimik und die Körpersprache der verschiedensten Tiere verewigt. Über Jahre hinweg konzentrierte er sich dabei vor allem auf das Fotografieren von Kühen aller Art vor dem Hintergrund der zauberhaften Schweizer Landschaft. In jüngster Zeit begannen seine kleinen Enkelkinder, sich zunehmend für diese Fotografien zu interessieren. Daraus entstand die Idee, diese zu veröffentlichen und einem breiten Kinderpublikum zugänglich zu machen. Ilan Bachar, Autor und Journalist, nahm diese Aufgabe auf sich. Er fügte die einfühlsamen Fotografien von Prof. Blankstein zu einer Geschichte in Reimen zusammen, die kleinere und größere Kinder bezaubert. Es ist Ilan Bachars viertes Buch und das erste einer Serie von originellen Kinderversen. Miri Küchel-Blankstein sammelte die Fotografien und brachte diese zu Ilan Bachar, dem Autor und Shuki Duchovni, dem Grafiker, woraus "Die Kuh hat Geburtstag" geboren wurde.

  • - The Health Education Mission of Hadassah - The American Zionist Women in the Holy Land
    af Zipora Shehory-Rubin
    172,95 kr.

    The Hadassah Book covers the topics of women, public health, and Zionism. The book focuses mainly on the unique endeavor of the members of the Hadassah Women's Organization, who took upon themselves the mission of building modern public health services for the Jewish community in Palestine under British rule, based on their American experience in that field. During these first ten years, public health services were provided to 46,000 pregnant women, 53,000 infants, 700,000 house visits were made by nurses, and 1.7 million visits were made to the 44 maternal and infant welfare centers that provided services nationwide. Thanks to these services, infant mortality in the Jewish community dropped significantly from 144:1000 in 1922 to 54:1000 in 1939 (compared to 50:1000 in the U.S. and 53:1000 in the U.K.). No other similar endeavor has achieved such remarkable results in such a short period of time. All public health services provided under the umbrella of Hadassah were equal to all, including the Arab community. The mission was based mainly on the Zionist ideology of building a new nation healthy in body and mind. The public health mission of these American women was an integral part of the Zionist mission and activities at that time. However, unlike other fields of Zionist activity in Palestine during this period, it was led completely and only by women. This book is the story of these determined American Zionist women and their remarkable achievements and contributions to the health of the Jewish community in Palestine, which was the early offspring of a nation in building. The Hadassah Book also includes original pictures that were discovered only a few years ago in one of the old Hadassah storage rooms in Jerusalem by Prof. Yoel Donchin, and they are currently displayed at a special exhibition in the Jerusalem Theater. About the Authors Shifra Shvarts, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of the History of Medicine at Ben-Gurion University, and a researcher at the Gertner Institute for Epidemiology and Health Policy Research, Sheba Medical Center. She specializes in the social history of medicine and public health in nineteenthto twentieth-century Israel. She has published six books on the development and history of the Israeli health care system. She is also the author of the Israeli HMO indices in the Israeli Medical Encyclopedia and in the Encyclopedia Judaica. Zipora Shehory-Rubin, Ph.D., is a Senior Lecturer at Kaye Academic College of Education in Beer- Sheva, Israel, where she teaches the history of education and Hebrew language. She received her Ph.D. in history from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev after completing her dissertation on Hadassah's educational enterprises and health activities during British Mandatory rule over Palestine. Her publications include books and articles on various aspects of the history of education and the history of medicine. Prof. Yoel Donchin, M.D., is a Clinical Professor of Anesthesia and Intensive Care at the Hadassah Medical Center, Hebrew University, Jerusalem. After graduating from Hadassah Medical School, he continued his residency at Hadassah, where he is now the head of the Patient Safety Center. He also rescued and preserved more than 1,000 photographs from Hadassah's early years and films created during that period. Currently he is the president of the Israeli Society of the History of Medicine.

  • af Shmuel Cohavy
    172,95 kr.

    Ein Ro'eem is a comedy that takes place on a kibbutz in Israel. Kibbutz members create a show for a children's celebration and rehearse in a field amid successful and unsuccessful love affairs. Meanwhile, the kibbutz decides to cut down part of its unprofitable orchard, inspiring strikes and disagreements. Will they save the orchard? Will the love affairs survive? And will the show go on? In Out There, in the Forest, three plots are intertwined. A British journalist is intrigued by a mysterious tiger-masked murderer and travels to Africa to find him. Who is this murderer? Is there a reason for his attacks, or is he simply a lunatic? Gordon desperately wants to look the murderer in the eyes. What will he see? Will he live to tell the tale? Meanwhile, three American women struggle with harsh living conditions in the very jungle where the murderer is based. Will they escape the masked man and survive their battle against nature? And the population of the Eastern African Republic rebels against their ruler, who rose to power in a military coup. Will their revolt succeed or will they continue to endure the harsh regime? Shmuel Cohavy is an Israeli writer who spent most of his youth on a kibbutz. He also worked at the Timna copper mines and studied history and filmmaking at Tel Aviv University. Although Cohavy's plays have already been presented in the Finborough Theatre in London, this book marks the first time his plays have been published in English.

  • - Feststellungen über die Gefahren (und Belohnungen) des Kunstschaffens
    af Ted Orland
    117,95 kr.

    Übersetzung der amerikanischen Originalausgabe von Art & FearEin Überlebenshandbuch für den Künstler von David Bayles & Ted OrlandWorum geht es bei Kunst?Wohin bewegt sie sich?Welche Widerstände gibt es?DAS SIND DIE FRAGEN, AUF DIE ES ANKOMMT, wiederkehrende Fragen, die sich in jedem Stadium der künstlerischen Entwicklung stellen. Sie sind der Ursprung für dieses Kompendium scharfsinniger Beobachtungen.Kunst & Angst erforscht, wie Kunst geschaffen wird, die Gründe, warum Kunstwerke oft nicht entstehen und die Art der Schwierigkeiten, die so viele Künstler dazu bringt, auf der Wegstrecke aufzugeben.Dieses Buch handelt davon, was du fühlst, wenn du in deinem Atelier oder im Lehrsaal sitzt, du an der Töpferscheibe oder am Keyboard, vor der Staffelei oder hinter deiner Kamera stehst und du versuchst, das Werk, das dir bestimmt ist, zu schaffen. Es geht darum, dass du deine Zukunft in die Hand nimmst, den Freien Willen über Vorherbestimmung, die Wahl vor den Zufall stellst. Es geht darum, dein eigenes Werk zu finden.

  • af Hugo N Gerstl
    207,95 kr.

    How obstructionists, media, and vested interests are making America a third world country and HOW WE CAN TURN IT AROUND America is being systematically destroyed - not by terrorists from without, but by vested interests from within! Politicians, talk show hosts, media moguls, and populist rabble rousers who seek to preserve their "territory" at any cost - by obstructing the passage of beneficial laws, by scandalous lies and accusations, by negative campaigning, and by gratuitous insults. These "saviors" pose absolutely no constructive ideas of their own to resolve the morass in which our country now finds itself. The politicians think no farther than getting themselves elected or re-elected. The lure of $100,000 in lecture fees is a powerful aphrodisiac. The lure of power, the is an even greater aphrodisiac. Politicians, fearmongers, "talking heads," and captains of industry revel in their fame, their glory, and their self-styled wisdom, when the country is in greater debt than any other nation in history, and that we are slipping faster and faster into becoming a third world nation each year. If the public starts putting two and two together and the answer should come out "four." But so far, the "average" American can still be led to believe that 2+2 equals whatever number the spin masters want to make it. What is even worse, more than 40% of Americans are buying into the politics of fear, dissension, and abuse without stopping for even a moment to consider exactly what these political hatemongers are offering in exchange for turning one faction out and securing the benefits of power for themselves. But regardless of political infighting or outfighting, what we are doing is akin to two fleas fighting over which one owns the dog. We seem not to realize that we have run out of time and money; that we no longer have the luxury of political gamesmanship and needless, stupid bickering. While this timely book points the finger at who's to blame, it goes one step further and tells how America, the most powerful nation on earth, can take back control of its destiny and cure its own disease! Hugo N. Gerstl, took his degree in Political Science and History at U.C.L.A., then went on to take his Juris Doctor at UCLA Law School. He turned down an invitation to run for Congress on the Republican ticket because his friend and fellow lawyer, Leon Panetta, was just finishing his first term in Congress. Gerstl has been a nationally known trial lawyer for 46 years and remains eternally optimistic about the resilience of the American people.

  • af Roni Aaron Bornstein
    172,95 kr.

    The lives of those many Jewish people who achieved great success in Germany have been well documented, but there is another side to this story-that of the hundreds of thousands of poor migrants, beggars and wandering Jews who struggled to eke out a meager living as they moved from community to community. Some of those beggars told stories (in Yiddish: "Schnur"), which is why they were called Schnorrers. These Schnorrers wandered from place to place in search of work and food. Our book tells their story. Dr. Roni Aaron Bornstein has a PhD in European History from Tel Aviv University. The author spent several years in various German and Jewish community archives all over Germany, where he was exposed to a large number of primary sources, published here in English for the first time. Dr. Bornstein is currently the owner and CEO of a number of companies, as well as the chairman of the Israel-Japan Friendship Society and Chamber of Commerce.

  • af Baruch Cohen
    164,95 kr.

  • af Leslie Blint
    136,95 kr.

  • - The Israeli Science Corps
    af Uriel Bachrach
    217,95 kr.

  • af Shaul Webber
    207,95 kr.

  • - There Can Be No Winners
    af Hugo N Gerstl
    136,95 kr.

  • - A Child's View of the Holocaust
    af Irit Dror-Reytan
    127,95 kr.

  • - You Bet Its Personal!: How I Sold Goods in Millions to the Richest World Markets
    af Shlomo Knoller
    227,95 kr.

  • - Fossils and Beyond
    af Moty Kuperberg
    227,95 kr.

    We cannot survive in a world where oil is $200 per barrel and where prices are dictated by a cartel and influenced by Wall Street. The free industrialized world, the glorious oil industry, and developed and developing countries have all fallen victim to greedy oil price crises. The worst year was 2008; our energy security, which the IEA defines as the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price, was harmed. Yet the average price of crude oil in 20102014 was over $100 per barrel, only to sharply decline to $56 by the end of 2014, followed by an ongoing struggle to reach $50a price which is considered acceptable by the industry. Since 2015 and until fall 2017 crude oil price still kept below the $50 level. Energy Future puts the oil and gas industrys past and present in context in order to introduce an alternative future. This future is based on three main pillars defined by the author as ENERGY GPS: geopolitics = accessible, prices = affordable, and supply = available. Moty Kuperberg is a graduate of the department of Middle Eastern history at the University of Haifa (1984), and he holds a postgraduate degree in business administration and shipping from the City of London Polytechnic (1988). He has over twenty years of experience in shipping and energy, and during the last five years he has focused on his project of Independent Energy Security Agency ( as a dynamic platform for improving the global security of supply.

  • af Dagmar Strauss Yaari
    202,95 kr.

  • - Comment Se Defendre Contre Un Assaillant Arme: Methode Originale Israelienne D'autodefense Et Techniques De Combat
    af Eyal Yanilov
    252,95 kr.

  • af Lili Rebecca Kahan
    127,95 kr.

    An amazing story of survival against all odds and a great achievement for the writer who was a teenager during World War 2, 1939-1945. This is the personal story of a family torn apart, always on the run from country to country, hiding, hoping not to be discovered and praying to survive. Lili Rebecca Kahan grew up trying to stay alive and helping others do the same. She survived dangers as a member of the underground in Budapest, often thanks to her knowledge of languages including German. There, under the Germans noses, she also helped other Jews by giving them new identities in order to escape death. Today, when survivors are leaving this world, she wants to honor the silent command of those who perished -- remember and never forget. We, the last survivors, have a solemn obligation to testify, in the name of the dead and the living, that what we endured was a gruesome reality but also a permanent warning to mankind of horrors that might still lie ahead. Former president of France Nicolas Sarkozy so aptly put it when he said, The tragedy of the Holocaust should be etched onto our consciousness as it is onto our hearts.

  • af Hugo N Gerstl
    136,95 kr.

  • - A Novel
    af Graciela Vaserman Samuels
    172,95 kr.

    A kaleidoscope of departures. In a century-long journey, men and women escape from a Europe in flames to the often convulsive but welcoming shores of Argentina. As Gabriela unveils to her daughters the land of her birth, the country becomes a map of thumbtack flags of flesh and blood. Readers see a revolving door of political parades and moments through the innocent eyes of a child, a rebel, and a mature woman. This is a catharsis at each milestone of motherhood, reflected in the responses of Gabrielas daughters. From Buenos Aires to Jerusalem to Paris and back to Jerusalem, fragile threads link family and tradition. A living willpower guides readers across the desert between generations. Facing Off was first published in Spanish as Al Dar la Cara by Metafora (Buenos Aires, 2010) and selected for display on the Argentine stand at the 2010 Frankfurt Book Fair.

  • - Seven Notes
    af Amos Navon
    172,95 kr.

    History records Mozart as a man whose melodies seemed to have sprung from angels, reaching him faster than he could write them down. How did he manage to develop and excel professionally in spite of family tragedies and personal hardship? What made this amazing musical polymath tick? In this book Dr Amos Navon answers profound and hypnotic questions about the man behind the music by examining those elements in Mozarts life that shaped his personality and determined his destiny. Navon describes Mozarts remarkable development through writing wind instrument music for virtuoso friends and explores Mozarts collaboration with Lorenzo Da Ponte, the librettist of his three greatest operas. But this is not simply a dry exploration of composition. We learn of the very human Mozart -- of Constanze, who barely survived as Mozarts wife and the mother of his children, and who, after his death, spent her life keeping her husbands memory alive. The rounded-out story of this intensely human being reflects Mozarts dependence on friends in times of financial need, the role of gambling in his daily life, his attitude toward religion, and whether his ultimate dream of living a wealthy, bourgeois life ever really materialised.

  • - The Phony Side of Particle Physics
    af Ofer Comay
    172,95 kr.

  • - Growing Through the Holocaust
    af Chava Kohavi Pines
    107,95 kr.

  • - Their Personality & Social Behavior
    af Dr Raphaella Bilski
    172,95 kr.

    They live beside us. They need our help and attention to survive. Most of us accept their presence without questioning. Part of us ignore them entirely and part of us give them food and water. These are the street cats. What do we know about them? -- very little. This book is ought to show the reader the special and interesting world of the street cats focusing on one community for about 14 years (of observation). Here you will read on the social life, on hierarchy that exists in their community, on their leaders and various social behaviour. The reader will also meet the heroic acts of various cats, the wonderful friendship relations between them and their very special patterns of motherhood etc. At the end of reading the book the street cat who was for most readers just an anonymous animal spending a lot of time near garbage cases will become a familiar animal, interesting and liked.

  • - A Quest for Meaning
    af Shlomo Breznitz
    172,95 kr.

  • af Shulamit Blank
    117,95 kr.

  • - The Ultimate Thriller
    af Hugo N Gerstl
    136,95 kr.

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