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  • af Quan-Hoang Vuong
    567,95 kr.

    Despite the remarkable cognitive power, humans are not alien beings living in their isolated universe but part of the Earth¿s biosphere ¿ a dynamic, intelligent system. The working of the human mind and society is built upon and follows the principles of the natural world. In today¿s modern society, where technological advancement has significantly increased information accessibility to new knowledge, social sciences can greatly benefit from discoveries in natural sciences. In this book, the latest findings in life sciences are used as evidence to demonstrate and explain the mechanisms of psychological and social information processes. Mindsponge is a novel theory of information processing in the human mind. The mechanisms of information processing are present in all levels of the natural world ¿ from ecological and physiological down to cellular and molecular. As a subset of nature, humans express these patterns in the way we think, believe, behave, and establish social constructs. By looking at the intelligent ¿minds¿ of nature, a more accurate framework for human cognition can be logically derived. The mindsponge theory reflects the physical, chemical, and biological laws upon the mental world, not the other way around. Throughout the book, readers will find interesting, often hilarious, stories of both the natural and social world, accompanied by clear scientific explanations and evidence. Each story brings to the table yet another angle to look at the unified principle of information processing within the biosphere: survive and thrive! The book also provides original quantitative findings employing the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) to demonstrate the consistency and applicability of the theory in studying psychological and social phenomena. Abstracting & Indexing BoD

  • af Josef Kunc, Markéta Novotná, Franti¿ek Kri¿an, mfl.
    517,95 kr.

    The book presents a comprehensive view of the development and transformation of retail in the Central European region, specifically in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary (so-called Visegrad Group countries, Visegrad Four or V4 countries). These countries have long-term common historical ties and culture. Their socialist history still united them by common economic and geopolitical interests. The aim of the book is to provide readers with a deeper insight into the retail environment of the V4 countries, which is linked to three decades of post-socialist transformation. This transformation has been associated with a fundamental change in the economic environment, localization strategies, and spatial distribution, creating a new network structure with new catchment and commuting links. It has also been associated with the development of large retail units and a fundamental change in shopping behaviour and consumer preferences of the affected populations by restricting purposeful shopping only and moving to entertainment and leisure in shopping centres. The book also reflects current trends in the use of smart technologies in shopping and responds to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on today's retail.

  • af Quan-Hoang Vuong, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Viet-Phuong La
    567,95 kr.

    Academia is a competitive environment. Early Career Researchers (ECRs) are limited in experience and resources and especially need achievements to secure and expand their careers. To help with these issues, this book offers a new approach for conducting research using the combination of mindsponge innovative thinking and Bayesian analytics. This is not just another analytics book. 1. A new perspective on psychological processes: Mindsponge is a novel approach for examining the human mind¿s information processing mechanism. This conceptual framework is used to construct models in studies. The framework is highly flexible and widely applicable for many different types of information processes. The mindsponge approach can help researchers discover interesting ideas or even formulate their very own theories when investigating psychosocial phenomena. This approach brings a fresh wind to the current landscape of social sciences and humanities (SSH). 2. Easy-to-follow analysis protocol: The Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF analytics) is useful in terms of computing and visualizing power but also easy to learn and apply. Contrary to being intimidating, the Bayesian analytics section of this book is presented in a reader-friendly manner with a detailed yet clear step-by-step procedure. Examples are from published BMF articles, allowing readers to immediately practice the method and quickly create their own applications. With educational purposes in mind, the book is very suitable for ECRs who are looking to innovate their research methods. 3. Advocating for low-cost, high-quality research: Doing science can be very costly. Mindsponge innovative thinking and BMF analytics help produce impactful studies using openly available data on online repositories. This is based on the authors¿ previous works and experiences. The book presents examples of employing the open R package bayesvl on secondary data from different sources. With less financial constraints, researchers can have more freedom of thought to pursue their curiosity and creativity. ECRs in low- and middle-income countries may find this aspect crucial in their careers. 4. Support and collaboration: The authors share their insights from experiences in the academic publishing system to help readers get through the processes of manuscript writing and peer-reviewing more easily. The authors are also ready to support other researchers with further inquiries and collaboration opportunities at the following website, This book is for: a) ECRs whose only abundant resources are their innovation capacity and strength of will; b) Researchers in SSH who want to explore a novel approach to thinking and study conducting; c) Low- and middle-income countries¿ researchers looking for a cost-effective research protocol; and, d) Innovative thinkers who want to turn their interesting thoughts into good publications. Abstracting & Indexing Baidu ScholarBDSBoDBowker Book DataCNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)DimensionsExLibrisGoogle BooksGoogle ScholarNavigaReadCubeSemantic ScholarTDOne (TDNet)WorldCat (OCLC)X-MOLAdditionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.

  • af Castrucci Emanuele
    372,95 kr.

    In its philosophical usage the concept of form indicates the entity that makes possible the relationship between orderer and ordered at the origin of all knowledge. In a classic perspective metaphysical form preceded ethical decision: the "forming" intervention consisted, in the discovery or recognition of ontological structures of reality, substantially unchangeable by human beings. If ethical form was a subsection of general ontology, ethical decision was merely its mirror image. In this context, an ex nihilo decision was truly unthinkable. But the modern emergence of the is-ought problem, i.e. the split of norm from the human nature, typical of modernity, undermined the basis of the ancient-classical concept of form. How could the one now be deduced from the other? The starting point understandably lies, historically, in the seventeenth century break of modernity, which highlights the detachment of ethical-political decision from metaphysical form, no longer considered pre-existent. While it is true that onto-theology was inextricably linked, in the great Western-Christian era, to an eschatology, it is in the Baroque period that it fails for the first time. Profane life thus seems separate from transcendent Veritas: no harmonious line of continuity is any longer drawn between the two planes. Decisionism - namely, decision free of form and posited ex nihilo to come to terms with the world's events - is, as is clear, an obligatory outcome, once certain radical epistemological conditions are determined, which the all-encompassing order of the scientific-technological organization of existence by its very nature requires. But decisionism can only reject any discourse on the foundational procedures of its method: on any analysis of the sense of practical systems. Any control over the truth of its contents is precluded. The criterion of ethical validity - which substitutes, according to the non-cognitivistic canons, that of truth - interprets the problem of form in terms of formalism. The studies contained in this book hinge on these points. They intend to suggest that the way to overcome ethical occasionalism, the perennial risk of any decisionistic epistemology, can be sought not only in an overall historical-metaphysical form but by relating ethics with mysticism. In other words: if decision can only intervene within the margins of the utterable, of practical, mundane speech, it is clear then that language - and the language of ethics in particular - is able to embrace only a part of human experience, leaving out - for example, mysticism - «what matters most» (Wittgenstein). The task of the mystical experience, expressed in the second part of Robert Musil's great novel, The Man Without Qualities, with an explicit reference to Wittgenstein's fundamental ethical issues, may be so to provide fresh energy, new life blood to an utterable ethical reflection. An adequate interpretation of all these theoretical topics today could only move on an overtly literary level - a level which however is not to say senseless for problems of ethics and political philosophy. Thomas Mann's Naphta, in The Magic Mountain, who possesses a formidable intellect for dealing with philosophical-political questions, has something to say on this point. Because it is literature (much more than the longwinded debates between meta-theoreticians) that is able to provide valuable pointers on issues of modern ethics in general and of overcoming a vacuous moral occasionalism in particular. The book is divided into three parts. The first part considers the origins of the crisis of the classical concept of form in 17th-century aesthetics and politics, and concepts such as sovereignty, decision and nihilism in the early modern state are directly addressed, in relation to complex cultural phenomena such as Libertinism, Mannerism and the Baroque, in the light of the cumbersome presence of Hobbes. The second part examines the reflections of the crisis of the concepts of form and decision in some literary masterpieces of the early 20th-century Austro-German world, treating as ideal-typical models Musil's, Man Without Qualities, and Mann's ,Magic Mountain. The third part attempts a possible theoretical reconstruction of the concept of ethical form, starting from some ideas of Schopenhauer and Paul Valéry, and ending with a sketch proposing some lines of a conventionalist ethics.

  • af Airina Volungevi¿ien¿
    687,95 kr.

    The research described in this book searches for the answers on how learners learn in todays open and networked learning environments and how learners, educators, institutions, and researchers can best support this process. There is sufficient data available on virtual learning environments, provided by learning analytics, on student and teacher behaviour and performance, but there is no common practice among teachers in higher education for using this data to improve the learning and teaching process. Learning analytics and data may inform and improve open and online learning from the point of view of teacher and learner awareness about their behaviour and their learning and teaching methods. The idea of describing learning analytics as a metacognitive tool, suggesting a development of metacognitive decision-making skills in teacher education, and focusing on learning design in higher education by using data from learning analytics served as the main focus of this research. The aim of the research was to create the model of application of learning analytics method as a metacognitive tool to enhance student success. The aim of the research was reached through theoretical and empirical objectives, namely: describing the learning analytics method as a metacognitive tool; revealing teacher metacognitive practices in application of learning analytics in teaching and learning, as well as learning design; and creating the model of application of learning analytics as a metacognitive tool to enhance student success. This research study is the result of the research project ¿Open Online Learning for Digital and Networked Society (3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0189)¿. The project is funded by the European Social Fund according to the activity ¿Improvement of researchers¿ qualification by implementing world-class R&D projects¿ of Measure No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712. ABSTRACTING & INDEXING ¿Learning Analytics: a Metacognitive Tool to Engage Students¿ is covered by the following services:¿ Baidu Scholar¿ Barnes & Noble¿ Bayerische Staatsbibliothek¿ BDS¿ BoD¿ Bowker Book Data¿ Ciando¿ CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)¿ Dimensions¿ EBSCO¿ ExLibris¿ Google¿Books¿ Google Scholar¿ Naviga¿ ReadCube¿ Semantic¿Scholar¿¿ TDOne¿(TDNet)¿ WorldCat¿(OCLC)¿ X-MOL Additionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.

  • af Ramakanta Meher
    517,95 kr.

    I take great pleasure in presenting this book of engineering mathematics to the students of Engineering colleges. It is prepared in accordance with the syllabus of Bachelor¿s degrees in Engineering and polytechnic colleges. It has been prepared by keeping the modern method of education in mind as well as the aptitude and attitude of the students to participate in various competitive examinations. In this book, the concepts are explained in a lucid manner that makes the teaching and learning process more easy and effective. Each chapter has been prepared with strenuous efforts to present the principles of the subject in the easiest manner to understand and to work out the sum of each topic of the book.Similarly, each chapter has been started with an introduction, definitions, theorems, explanation and solved examples for the better understanding of concepts.I hope that this book serves the purpose of keeping in mind the changing needs of the society to make it lively and vibrating. ABSTRACTING & INDEXING Baidu ScholarBayerische StaatsbibliothekBDSBoDBowker Book DataCiandoCNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)DimensionsEBSCOExLibrisGoogle BooksGoogle ScholarNavigaReadCubeSemantic ScholarTDOne (TDNet)WorldCat (OCLC)X-MOLAdditionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.

  • af Anatoliy A. Martynyuk, Andrzej Szadkowski & Bogus¿aw Radziszewski
    942,95 kr.

    This book is intended to familiarize the readers with basic concepts, and classic results of stability theory stated in a way as required by the rigorous rules of contemporary mathematics and, simultaneously, to introduce the learners to broad elds of not only the stability theory but also applications involved. The emphasis is put on various dynamical systems which are defined by different branches of science and through diverse areas of human activity but always with care not to exceed the basic classical approach in the presentation. All in all, the authors plan to combine the textbook-like with encyclopaedia-like content. Another special goal of the authors is to attract the reader's attention to those aspects of theories whose incomplete understanding may lead to inaccuracies or errors. Sometimes, anyway just as designed, the offered information is limited to the pure statements of facts without any proofs. The reader should consult the references to find out missing pieces of information. This book also makes use of numerical (computer) computations. Most of the material contained in the book has already been published, a large part in various works of the authors. Fragments of several chapters come from published works of other authors - some excerpts, particularly relating to basic concepts, and some classic results are taken from outside sources. The book is offered as a textbook for the college-level students or as an aid to the PhD students interested in practical problems of the stability theory. The prerequisites are not demanding - the basic knowledge of calculus, complex functions, and linear algebra which are covered in the suitable, elementary courses is required. The first two chapters include what is typically covered in most introductory courses for students. The first chapter contains definitions of various types of stability; the second commences classic stability theorems regarding ordinary differential equations, but the most basic, applicable in technical sciences. The linear equations are treated more broadly, which creates a foundation for the linear approximation of differential equations in the stability research. Chapter three deals with integral inequalities and their application to the stability studies. Integral inequalities, both linear and nonlinear, are effectively applied in the development of the direct Lyapunov method when the boundedness and stability of motion of nonlinear weakly coupled systems are studied. Chapter four is predominantly dedicated to the Lyapunov direct method. Still, some attention is also paid to the method of limiting equations because it can be used to study motion stability even in hopeless cases when other methods fail. The issue of constructing of the Lyapunov function is a key element in applications of the direct method, and this chapter provides several methods of constructing the function. In the end, a string of examples illustrating the use of the Lyapunov direct method is posted. Chapter five contains a detailed presentation of the comparison method and its use in the stability research. This method, being is essential part of the qualitative theory of equations, is particularly central in studies of largescale systems. In the method, some differential inequalities and Lyapunov functions allow nonlinear transformations of the original system to an equation (a system or a matrix system) of a lower dimension. The idea of delimiting and estimating so-called stability domains is developed in chapter six, where also a qualitative comparison of different stability procedures is made. The evaluation of the efficiency of various methods is conducted by applying, in each case, the same vector norm as a measure of the distance between solutions - no surprise the Lyapunov direct method wins the competition. The contrast between various method results is shown using an example of a simple second-order differential equation. Moreover, for linear systems, the notion of the "best" Lyapunov function is made. Manifolds of non-holonomic equations of motion are in the focus of chapter seven. Application of topological manifolds and mapping techniques prove to be effective tools in the stability research that extends more and more to advanced fields of mathematics. The chapter reviews specific applications of the Lyapunov direct method to investigations of invariant manifolds and some practical results of the topological fixed point theory. Chapter eight deals with recurrence equations, difference equations, and difference inequalities that mainly are associated with discrete dynamic systems. These types of models are usually obtained by converting the time-continuous dynamics into discrete-time dynamics by employing the Poincare-type mappings. The main objective is the stability investigation of solutions and its estimates. Chapter nine is limited to a short overview of some stability issues for delay differential equations modelling some practical processes and systems with aftereffect phenomena - the main worry is about the compensation for the loss of stability due to delay in the system. Linear models are discussed, but the emphasis is put on Lyapunov functionals for nonlinear equations. Chapter ten on partial differential equations, not including the means of discretization to the stability analysis, uses an approach based on the utilization Lyapunov functionals. The Lyapunov theory is exercised here in relation to a particular class of continuous models - it is an outline of some techniques rather than the methodology. The presented here approach is anecdotal, and it is based on specific cases and examples. Chapter eleven presents some samples of the probabilistic approach to stability matters. This category of problems is necessary when in the modelling process, it turns out that the excitations are not clear, not defined, or not repeatable. In the present considerations, the stability study is reduced to examining the stability of the trivial solution, and the focus is on the almost-sure probability. The last chapter provides a brief introduction to themes of chaos, focusing on the dependence of chaos on the Lyapunov exponent. The irregular behaviour of solutions of motion which is identified with chaos is not due to stochastic forcing or sensitive dependence on initial conditions. The real reason for it is the exponential rate of the distance between the trajectories due to nonlinearities of the system - the Lyapunov exponent is a measure of it.

  • af Sefer Dar¿c¿
    237,95 kr.

    This book contains different perspectives on the consumer from communication, marketing, and advertising perspective. The chapters, each of which is prepared by academicians who are experts in their fields, touch upon the most prominent issues regarding the consumer today.Each section sheds light on a different point in its field regarding the consumer. It is known that consumption patterns and consumer behaviors have undergone great changes today. The challenges, opportunities, and changes brought about by this change are among the most discussed topics in the literature. In this book, attention is focused on such prominent points. We hope that the book will bring a different perspective to both the literature and related sectors. Abstracting & Indexing Baidu ScholarBayerische StaatsbibliothekBDSBoDBowker Book DataCiandoCNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)DimensionsEBSCOExLibrisGoogle BooksGoogle ScholarNavigaReadCubeSemantic ScholarTDOne (TDNet)WorldCat (OCLC)X-MOLAdditionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.

  • af Inassaridze Hvedri
    707,95 - 942,95 kr.

  • af Polymersetty Chandrasekhar & Saranjit Singh
    227,95 kr.

  • af Sefer Dar¿c¿ & Ay¿e Meriç Yaz¿c¿
    227,95 kr.

    The book aims to contribute to the new paradigm of sense-able covid-19 from and analytical perspective of different disciplines, to define and relate that kinds of multi disciplines able to provide users with relation of contextual services, to relate and analyse their dynamics and to react accordingly, in a seamless exchange of information during pandemic terms. In this context the book's main aim is to understand the complexities of society's pandemic beginning from information that is theoretically accessible from various viewpoints, through a multidisciplinary approach and in multiple contexts, both indoors and outdoors. In addition, the book will be examined in COVID-19 and later changes and transformations. ABSTRACTING & INDEXING CORONALOGY: Multidisciplinary Academic Analysis in Perspective of Covid-19 is covered by the following services: Baidu Scholar Barnes & Noble Bayerische Staatsbibliothek BDS BoD Bowker Book Data Ciando CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) Dimensions EBSCO ExLibris Google Books Google Scholar Naviga ReadCube Semantic Scholar TDOne (TDNet) WorldCat (OCLC) X-MOLAdditionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.

  • af Tomas Grunskis, K¿stutis Zaleckis, Brigita Tranavi¿i¿t¿, mfl.
    952,95 kr.

    The monograph presents the complex analysis and evaluation of the changes of the social-spatial genotype of the large Lithuanian cities (Kaunas, Klaip¿da and Vilnius) determined by the modernist urbanization of the Soviet era using the interdisciplinary theory of networks and mathematical network models as the main methodological tools. The idea behind the monograph is the following: the modernistic urbanism not only introduced the new spatial configurations in specific location of a city with a specific social scenario of public space usage, but essentially affected how city is functioning as a whole. Soviet transformations of three Lithuanian cities from 1939 till 2016 are used as a good example of above mentioned revolutionary processes. ABSTRACTING & INDEXING Modernization of Public Spaces in Lithuanian Cities is covered by the following services: Baidu Scholar Bayerische Staatsbibliothek BDS BoD Bowker Book Data Ciando CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) Dimensions ExLibris Google Books Google Scholar Naviga ReadCube Semantic Scholar TDOne (TDNet) WorldCat (OCLC) X-MOLAdditionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.

  • af Mircea Valeriu Deaca
    342,95 kr.

  • af Romualdo Salcedo
    372,95 kr.

    A distinguishing feature of IMDIS is the capability to find globally maximum concentrations under multisource/rose-wind conditions, either from real meteorological data or from potentially worst-case scenarios (critical conditions). The later seem to be especially relevant to the atomic energy industry. ABSTRACTING & INDEXING IMDIS is covered by the following services: Baidu Scholar Bayerische Staatsbibliothek BDS BoD Bowker Book Data Ciando CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) Dimensions EBSCO ExLibris Google Books Google Scholar Naviga ReadCube Semantic Scholar TDOne (TDNet) WorldCat (OCLC) X-MOLAdditionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.

  • af Anatoliy A. Martynyuk, Andrzej Szadkowski & Bogus¿aw Radziszewski
    437,95 kr.

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  • af Edwin Seroussi & Ruthie Abeliovich
    932,95 kr.

    Borderlines innovatively explores the ways artistic interventions construct social, cultural, and mental spaces. The fifteen essays bring a broad multidisciplinary approach to the concept of borderlines and its markings through artistic manifestations. Rejecting older ¿normative¿ understandings of the word border lines as signifying semantic irreversibility, this work gives prominence to the plasticity of the combined single word ¿borderlines.¿ Borderlines is a collection of essays that address the cultural, artistic, conceptual, and performative mapping of places. The essays in this collection ¿write¿ borderlines from a wide variety of perspectives, representing diverse disciplines, cultural backgrounds, countries, and generations. It presents the pervasiveness of borderlines as an intellectual, artistic and political concept, across media, theories, and places. Borderlines is intended for academic specialists and students in cultural studies, theatre and performance, media and sound studies. Author information: Ruthie Abeliovich, The University of Haifa. Edwin Seroussi, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. ABSTRACTING & INDEXING Borderlines: Essays on Mapping and The Logic of Place is covered by the following services: Baidu Scholar Barnes & Noble Bayerische Staatsbibliothek BDS BoD Bowker Book Data Ciando CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) Dimensions EBSCO Elsevier - Scopus Books ExLibris Google Books Google Scholar Naviga ReadCube Semantic Scholar TDOne (TDNet) WorldCat (OCLC) X-MOLAdditionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.

  • af Zdravko ¿Ergo, Jasmina Gr¿ini¿, Kristina Afri¿ Rakitovac & mfl.
    612,95 kr.

    Tourism research has indeed become a booming and attractive agenda for data analysis oriented empirical economist thanks to modern technology. There has been a tremendous improvement over last decades in the mathematical, statistical, probabilistic, and computational tools available to applied macroeconomics in tourism research. The book is no attempt to make comprehensive or broad representation of the issues of development of macro econometric modelling in tourism research. Authors¿ intention is to be selective, illustrative and deep, to present cases of analytical thinking on some of the major issues of model-based research in tourism sector. Zdravko ¿ergo is Senior Research Associate at Institute of Agriculture and tourism Pore¿, Croatia. His scientific research and professional activities are focused on Tourism economy, Macroeconomic aspects of tourism, Sustainable tourism development. During his carrier he was a member of scientific teams in numerous projects among two or more scientific institutions. He published more than a hundred scientific papers and numerous book chapters. Jasmina Gr¿ini¿ is full Professor of Tourism at Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia, Department of Economics and Tourism, where she was the Head of the Department of Tourism for many years. She is a member of the editorial boards of 5 international scientific journals and 4 international scientific monographs. Her main research topics are Principles of tourism, International tourism, Management of tourism attractions, Tour operators and Tourist agencies. She worked on several projects and published more than eighty scientific papers, including the book ¿International Tourism¿ (2014) and ¿Tour operators and hoteliers in the modern tourism¿ (2015). ABSTRACTING & INDEXING Approaches in Tourism Modelling is covered by the following services: Baidu Scholar Bayerische Staatsbibliothek BDS BoD Bowker Book Data Ciando CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) Dimensions DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books) EBSCO ExLibris Google Books Google Scholar Naviga ReadCube Semantic Scholar TDOne (TDNet) WorldCat (OCLC) X-MOLAdditionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.

  • af Fotini Anastassiou
    437,95 kr.

    This book presents and reviews current theories on multilingual language acquisition and learning as well as multilingual children¿s speech production and communication and language interactions. A child¿s ability to communicate in more than one language is a complex ability and the newest developments in the study of multilingualism and its further acknowledgement as a field of study ignited researchers and academics to increase their interest and their work in investigating its several aspects. ABSTRACTING & INDEXING Multilingual Communication and Interactions is covered by the following services: Baidu Scholar Barnes & Noble Bayerische Staatsbibliothek BDS BoD Bowker Book Data Ciando CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) Dimensions EBSCO ExLibris Google Books Google Scholar Naviga ReadCube Semantic Scholar TDOne (TDNet) WorldCat (OCLC) X-MOLAdditionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.

  • af Pedro Encarnacao, Nicole Bianquin & Sylvie Ray-Kaeser
    957,95 kr.

    All children want to play. This is also true for children with disabilities. Facilitating their engagement in play, whatever children¿s capacities, is a central premise of people who view play as fundamental for their development and well-being. Play for the sake of play, just for recreational pleasure and enjoyment, without any secondary goal. In this book yoüll find guidelines to support children with disabilities¿ play. They can be a useful tool for ensuring that children with disabilities can fully enjoy their right to play, for improving the quality of children¿s play, enhancing their play satisfaction and participation, and reducing play deprivation. Written in a lay-person language, providing ready-to-use information, this book is for parents, teachers, rehabilitation professionals, toy manufacturers, policy makers and in general for all of those interested in the topic of play for children with disabilities. This publication results from the research and work of a transdisciplinary team, all participants in the COST Action ¿LUDI - Play for Children with Disabilities¿. ABSTRACTING & INDEXING Guidelines for supporting children with disabilities' play is covered by the following services: Baidu Scholar¿ Bayerische Staatsbibliothek BDS BoD Bowker Book Data Ciando CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)¿ Dimensions¿ DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books) EBSCO ExLibris Google¿Books Google Scholar Naviga ReadCube¿ Semantic¿Scholar¿¿ TDOne¿(TDNet)¿ WorldCat¿(OCLC)¿ X-MOL¿ Additionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.

  • af Serenella Besio, Daniela Bulgarelli & Vaska Stancheva-Popkostadinova
    652,95 kr.

    This book comes as one of the outcomes of the COST Action ¿LUDI ¿ Play for children with disabilities¿ (2014-2018), a multidisciplinary network including more than 32 countries and 100 researchers and practitioners from the humanistic and technological fields, devoted to study the topic of play for children with disabilities. The primary objective of this book, developed within the scientific activities of the Working Group no. 1, is to review the state of the art of knowledge on play evaluation and to present and discuss existing tools and methodologies for play assessment. Gathering all the existing knowledge in this area of study is urgent; moreover, this knowledge must be harnessed for an innovative goal, potentially disruptive in the overall conception of disability. In fact, it concerns the need to give children with disabilities the opportunity to play as they want, as they wish, in an autonomous way. Establishing the goal of respecting the play for the sake of play of children with disabilities means building an authoritative, appropriate and competent area in favour of these children¿s needs. ABSTRACTING & INDEXING Evaluation of childrens' play is covered by the following services: Baidu ScholarBayerische StaatsbibliothekBDSBoDBowker Book DataCiandoCNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)DimensionsDOAB (Directory of Open Access Books)EBSCOElsevier ¿ Scopus BooksExLibrisGoogle BooksGoogle ScholarNavigaReadCubeSemantic ScholarTDOne (TDNet)WorldCat (OCLC)X-MOLAdditionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.

  • af Yulong Li & Xiaojing Liu
    332,95 kr.

    The number of kindergartens is swelling in China, particularly private kindergartens, taking up two-thirds of early childhood education institutions nationwide. The quality of teaching in private kindergartens is positively linked to the levels of teachers¿ professional competence. Thus, to enhance the teaching quality in private kindergartens, strengthening teacher¿s professional competence is one of the vital approaches. Teacher¿s professional competence can be enhanced via effective CPD activities. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the impacts of CPD activities on Chinese private kindergarten teachers¿ professional competence and to identify to what extent, teachers can turn their professional competence into practice. A qualitative approach was adopted in this research. 18 kindergarten teachers and three kindergarten principals were selected as participants from three private kindergartens in Shenzhen. The findings showed that CPD activities can profoundly impact kindergarten teachers¿ professional competence¿ professional attitude, knowledge, and skills. They can also help teachers to be more inclusive and positive in their teaching. They also enabled teachers to learn various knowledge and skills that are relevant to child care and development, teaching, as well as cooperation with colleagues and children¿s parents. In addition, it was found that private kindergarten teachers would stay at different stages in turning their professional competence into practice. This process of turning professional competence into practice can be influenced by four levels of factors: teacher-level factors, classroom-level factors, school-level factors, and family-level factors. The research findings presented herein have significant implications for the knowledge base of private kindergarten teachers¿ CPD in China. It also has implications for the practice relevant to private kindergarten teachers, principals, and policymakers. ¿From continuing professional development to classroom practice: on the journey of teachers in Chinese private kindergartens¿ is covered by the following services:¿ Baidu Scholar¿ Bayerische Staatsbibliothek¿ BDS¿ BoD¿ Bowker Book Data¿ CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)¿ Dimensions¿ EBSCO¿ ExLibris¿ Google Books¿ Google Scholar¿ Naviga¿ ReadCube¿ Semantic Scholar¿ TDOne (TDNet)¿ WorldCat (OCLC)¿ X-MOLAdditionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.

  • af Ramakanta Meher
    1.662,95 kr.

  • af Bogdan Alexandru Vi¿¿Laru
    517,95 kr.

    The increasing number of cases for renal diseases in cats and dogs, but also the conditions generating this pathology as secondary impairment (leptospirosis, babesiosis, various poisonings) represent the fundamental need for establishing a veterinary hemodialysis center and for publishing the current editorial work. Peritoneal dialysis has become a widely used technique in removing toxins (endogenous and exogenous) that can be dialyzed, both in chronic and acute renal patients. With possibilities of use in the veterinary field nowadays and considering the future development of veterinary medicine, peritoneal dialysis occupies an important place in renal disease therapy in dogs and cats, especially in the case of elder animals and patients weighing up to 10 kg, that cannot withstand hemodialysis because of insufficient body mass or because of the underlying cardiopulmonary pathology. The current book is the result of team work involving several veterinary specialists who have generously laid their knowledge in the service of healing patients. For this we are indebted to each and every one of them and, in particular, we thank all patients who made us all aware every time that, in their absence, nothing we have learned is possible. Abstracting & Indexing Baidu ScholarBayerische StaatsbibliothekBDSBoDBowker Book DataCNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)DimensionsEBSCOExLibrisGoogle BooksGoogle ScholarNavigaReadCubeSemantic ScholarTDOne (TDNet)WorldCat (OCLC)X-MOLAdditionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.

  • af Zhen Chen
    332,95 kr.

    My aim in this paper is to explore the role that touch plays in D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930)'s idea of human regeneration-what he calls resurrection of the body." "Voli me tangere" (touch me) is Lawrence's recasting of Jesus' "noli me tangere" (do not touch me) spoken to Magdalene after his resurrection. The theme of resurrection is one of the most important in Lawrence's writings. For Lawrence, resurrection of the body means the revitalization of human sensuality. It appears as the dominant theme in many of his fiction works, most prominently in The Rainbow (1915), "The Thimble" (1917), "The Horse-dealer's Daughter" (1922), "The Ladybird" (1923), Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928), and The Man Who Died (1929). Touch, for Lawrence, is a matter concerned with true human relatedness, the unconscious or spontaneous exchange of inner life between individuals. Lawrence came to believe that touch plays an important role in human regeneration, and it appears prominently in his fiction as a healing power for individuals who have the courage to undergo the death of their old mental self, which will enable them to restore the inner life and achieve their individual organic wholeness. Because Lawrence's concept of touch and resurrection is mainly psychological in nature, in exploring these areas of his thought, this paper will draw heavily on his writings on psychology, especially Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious (1921) and Fantasia of the Unconscious (1922). Even now, when most of Lawrence's works have been annotated or commented upon numerous times, little research has been devoted on these two works. This is no doubt because of the difficulty of their style and exposition. The two books may be called Lawrence's attempt to adapt his thought to the newly evolving ideas of psychological theory current at the time. Drawing on sources in theosophy, yoga, and contemporary psychology, his expositions seem to be an attempt at a grand synthesis derived from the disparate traditions. In these two books, in presenting what he himself half-jokingly refers to as his "pseudo-philosophy," he describes an eccentric system of human consciousness in which the "unconscious," which he also calls spontaneous consciousness, is redefined as the vital life-force. Lawrence uses the term "unconscious" with its own unique significance, and understanding its special connotations can present considerable difficulties. For example, in Fantasia of the Unconscious and Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious, Lawrence takes the term, which he probably appropriated from Freud, and adds his own special twist to it. He objects to the Freudian unconscious chiefly because it attributes the sexual motive to all human activities. Lawrence himself believes that that is only partly true; for him, the unconscious is the spontaneous source of all authentic human activities, including first of all "religious or creative" elements and secondarily sex. Although these writings have been largely neglected because of their admitted obscurity and indeed inaccuracy from the viewpoint of modern science, they are nonetheless of essential importance to the understanding of Lawrence's art and thought. Lawrence considers modern objective science as that of a "dead world," and rejects both its method of clinical observation and its tendency to fix everything into principles. His own way is to proceed by intuition and posit what he calls "subjective science," a science "in terms of life." It is this that he tries to illuminate in these writings. In trying to explain the role of touch plays in his idea of regeneration, I will use the psychological insights concerning body, in which the sense of touch is one of the five senses, and mind that are set forth in Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious and Fantasia of the Unconscious. For Lawrence, the body is a field of pre-mental consciousness, the mind acts only as its instrument, so to neglect the body or to put the body, especially what he calls the lower body-the source of inner life-under the control of the mind can only result in "death." This situation, which he believed is the central problem of the modern age, led him to call for regeneration in the flesh or body. He believed that restoring the body and mind to their proper roles would bring about a whole, regenerated human being. Not only does Lawrence often emphasize the need for organic wholeness of consciousness in an individual, heequally emphasizes the importance of relations and contacts between individuals. He believes that human relations, which he often identifies as "touch" in his writings, should be bodily without any mental or spiritual interference and that bodily touch that can give rise to spontaneous feeling or consciousness has a power of cure in human regeneration. Abstracting & Indexing Baidu ScholarBDSBoDBowker Book DataCNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)DimensionsEBSCOExLibrisGoogle BooksGoogle ScholarNavigaReadCubeSemantic ScholarTDOne (TDNet)WorldCat (OCLC)X-MOLAdditionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.

  • - A Problem Text
    af David DeBruyne & Larry Sorensen
    392,95 kr.

    The goal of Quantum Mechanics I, A Problem Text, is to enable students to solve problems appropriate to their first course in quantum mechanics. Significantly detailed solutions to traditionally posed problems dominate. Theory and rationale are addressed in prescript and postscript narratives and/or within the solved problems to guide students; and clarify vocabulary, symbology, and terminology. Applications of the postulates are presented initially using arguments from linear algebra appropriate to discrete systems with low-dimensional vectors and matrix operators, introducing orthogonality, orthonormality, Hermiticity, eigenvectors, eigenvalues, probability, expectation value, and degeneracy. These arguments blend into infinite-dimensional vectors and operators, and calculus-based arguments for continuous systems where delta functions, theta functions, and Fourier transforms are initially discussed. Dirac notation is fully developed within these first five chapters. Chapter six discusses Ehrenfest¿s theorem, the Heisenberg uncertainty relations, and Gaussian wave functions and wave packets. Increasingly sophisticated potential energy functions are then treated to include the free particle, the infinite square well, the one-dimensional scattering state, the simple harmonic oscillator, the finite square well, orbital angular momentum, and the hydrogen atom. Ladder operators are featured in the developments of the simple harmonic oscillator and orbital angular momentum. The diversity of narratives and detailed solutions intend to allow students to solve comparable unsolved exercises at the end of each chapter/section whether used as a primary text, a supplementary text, or for self-study. ABSTRACTING & INDEXING Quantum Mechanics I is covered by the following services: Naviga (Softweco) Primo Central (ExLibris) ReadCube Summon (ProQuest) TDOne (TDNet)

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