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  • af Élodie Nouhen
    117,95 kr.

    16 classical lullabies for your baby performed with wind instruments. Lull babies into sweet and blissful sleep with exquisite pieces by the world's most revered composers, including Schubert, Debussy, Ravel, Offenbach, Satie, and Brahms. Along with the whimsical, dream-like illustrations, the musical picture book includes brief commentary on each work. The accompanying CD features 16 classical lullabies performed on woodwind and harp by the critically acclaimed French quintet L'Ensemble Agora. WINNER OF THE PARENTS' CHOICE GOLD AWARD AND NATIONAL PARENTING PUBLICATIONS BRONZE AWARD

  • af Félix Leclerc
    177,95 kr.

    Au rythme des saisons et des chansons, petit ourson deviendra grand ! À moi le froid, je n'ai pas peur! Un petit ours ignore les conseils de ses parents et choisit de passer l'hiver loin de sa tanière. Libre, il fait la fête avec les oiseaux, les renards et les chevreuils. Mais le printemps est bien loin! Rempli d'illustrations vivantes et raffinées, le livre est un hommage à la grande forêt québécoise, à ses arbres et à ses animaux. Les chansons créées spécialement pour accompagner le conte suivent les aventures de l'ourson et de ses amis sur des airs circassiens, traditionnels ou jazz. Le disque comprend la narration du conte et 10 chansons. A beloved French-Canadian songwriter tells the story of an adventurous young bear A small bear, ignoring the advice of his parents, chooses to spend the winter away from the family's den. As his journey begins and before the cold sets in, the bear lives a life of ease, singing and dancing with his new friends the birds, the foxes, and deer. But the spring is still far away and the bear soon discovers why the rest of his family hibernates for winter. The story by celebrated author-songwriter Félix Leclerc is accompanied by an audio CD with 10 songs from the award-winning singer-songwriter Edgar Bori.

  • af Bïa Krieger
    177,95 kr.

    Une fête en chanson sous le signe des musiques populaires américaines. Pour son anniversaire, un petit garçon reçoit une mouffette en cadeau. En formidable duo, ils organisent un pyjama party auquel tous les animaux de la forêt sont conviés! Chacune des chansons nous fait découvrir un ami de Joséphine la mouffette: Raton Laveur l'emberlificoteur, Coyote le pique-assiette, Sac d'os le loup miteux... Du rock & roll au funk en passant par le hip-hop et le disco, ce sont les aventures de ces personnages hauts en couleur qui nous sont racontées. Des illustrations espiègles et festives complètent cet album qui a du panache! Le disque comprend 11 chansons. A charming children's story set to a various genres of American popular music. For his birthday, a small boy receives a very special gift: a skunk! These fast friends organize a pajama party for all of the other animals; a zany cast of characters that include a sleep-walking dog, a grizzly bear policeman, and a rabbit who is deeply in love with a fox! This vibrant children's book is accompanied by audio CD filled with tunes that move from rock to soul, and rap to disco, making it a book children can read and dance along with.

  • af Félix Leclerc
    177,95 kr.

    Toute la poésie et la sensibilité du grand auteur-compositeur Félix Leclerc se retrouve dans cette sélection de chansons qui célèbrent la nature, les animaux et les enfants. Avec délice, les petites oreilles peuvent découvrir les classiques du grand troubadour tels Le petit bonheur et Le train du Nord, interprétés par des artistes féminines folk. S'y ajoutent les illustrations de la célèbre pièce Cadet Rousselle par le grand peintre Jean Dallaire.. Un parfait mélange de joie de vivre et de douceur! Le disque comprend 10 chansons et une version en dessin animé de Cadet Roussel sur vidéo. The songs of an iconic French-Canadian singer reimagined through illustrations and musical performance. Inspired by a short animated film produced in 1989 by the National Film Board of Canada, which featured legendary poet and songwriter Félix Leclerc performing a moving interpretation of the traditional French children's song "Cadet Rousselle," this work is admirably brought to life by one of Canada's distinguished painters, Jean Dallaire. The featured album includes 10 touching renditions of several well-known Leclerc songs performed by young female vocalists, including DobaCaracol, Catherine Durand, Jorane, and Mara Tremblay.

  • af Daniel Lavoie
    177,95 kr.

    Un album qui célèbre la beauté du monde de l'enfance et de la nature ! Dans ce livre qui raconte les explorations d'un jeune garçon, les insectes, les animaux, les dinosaures et même les dragons sont de la partie. Que ce soit dans une cabane au sommet d'un érable ou lors d'une promenade dans la forêt, toutes les occasions sont bonnes pour découvrir le monde. Peur du loup, peur de la nuit ? Ici, la peur n'est pas de mise, on l'apprivoise! Humour, douceur et fantaisie, conjugués une voix ensorcelante et aux illustrations expressives, sont les ingrédients d'une magie à laquelle personne ne résiste. Le disque comprend 10 chansons Songs written and performed by one of Canada's best-known French-language artists Singer-songwriter Daniel Lavoie takes great pleasure in revisiting his childhood fantasies, as he offers up a healthy serving of good old-fashioned fun and play in this musical storybook. The book follows a little boy who's out to have fun, whether it's with his pet baby dragon or as a musketeer risking his life for king and country. Ten French-language songs accompany the adventures, and the disk also includes a PDF of the entire book.

  • af Gilles Vigneault
    117,95 kr.

    A heartwarming tale about friendship and sharing wisdom between generations, accompanied by 9 songs. Sophie and Emilio spend their days enjoying life's small discoveries in a tiny seaside village with their best pet friend "Sir" and a mischievous crow. Sophie's regular visits and gift exchanges with her great-uncle lead to teachings about how value is determined by the intentions of the heart. The wisdom found in Old Man Tom's eloquent quote, "It's all in the nature of things," sums up this poetic tale of friendship, values, mentorship, overcoming loss, and rites of passage. An accompanying CD includes the narrated story along with nine folk-infused songs performed by Martha Wainwright, Paul Campagne, and Thomas Hellman, among others. WINNER OF THE PARENTS' CHOICE RECOMMENDED AWARD

  • af Christiane Duchesne
    177,95 kr.

    Un abécédaire en chansons qui fera sourire les petits loups. Dans cet abécédaire illustré avec fantaisie, toutes les lettres de l'alphabet ont leur chanson. Les petites oreilles peuvent se familiariser avec elles grâce à des pièces musicales toutes plus comiques et poétiques les unes que les autres. On y croise un éléphant, des hirondelles, un koala, un wapiti, et même un fantôme qui se promène à vélo! Les mélodies sont tendres, joyeuses et légères comme des nuages. Zut, c'est déjà fini? On recommence! Le disque comprend 24 chansons. Learning the alphabet is bound to be fun with these 24 simply worded songs that take children on a wild musical odyssey through the letters A to Z. Zany, hilarious characters--from a friendly ghost who delivers fruit-filled flans on a bicycle and a twisted turtle who feels a tad bare under her shell to Jon le pigeon (John the Pigeon), a four-legged bird who loves to tap to the beat--come to life through expressive watercolor illustrations that highlight each catchy lyric. The accompanying CD features a fusion of rock, pop, world, and folk music performed exquisitely by seasoned singers and talented musicians who incorporate a wide array of instruments, among them the xylophone, the glockenspiel, and the pedal steel guitar, into the tunes. Children are sure to clap their hands and join in on the theme song, "Sing It Again," at the end.

  • af Gilles Vigneault
    177,95 kr.

    Un merveilleux conte intergénérationnel sur l'amitié du grand poète québécois Gilles Vigneault. Ce conte débordant de sagesse nous présente Sophie, une petite fille qui aime beaucoup dessiner. Quelque temps après la mort de son vieil oncle Tom, Sophie perd un objet précieux. Ou bien quelqu'un a-t-il volé son tesson de verre qui brillait de mille feux, un cadeau offert par son ami Emilio ? Avec l'aide de ce dernier et de l'âme du Bonhomme Tom, Sophie mène son enquête auprès des chats et des corneilles qui vivent autour de la maison. Grâce aux chansons et illustrations empreintes de sensibilité qui accompagnent le récit, les petits découvrent qu'on peut trouver les trésors du coeur dans le cadeau le plus modeste. Le disque comprend la narration du conte et 9 chansons. In this touching, poetic story set by the seaside, Old Man Tom teaches Sophie and Emilio the importance of seeing the world through their hearts. In addition to a production of the narrated story, the CD offers nine songs ranging from "Un ami que j'aime" (A Friend That I Like) and "C'est dans la nature des choses" (It's in the Nature of Things) to "J'en ai plein le nid" (I Have a Nest Full) and "La maison du Bonhomme" (The Old Man's House).

  • af Christiane Duchesne
    177,95 kr.

    Go beyond the ABCs with this zany alphabet songbook. Learn the alphabet while meeting a host of zany characters like a friendly ghost who delivers fruit-filled flan on bicycle, a twisted turtle who feels a tad bare under her shell, and a curious cricket named Simon. The accompanying CD features a fusion of rock, pop, world, and folk music across 24 singalong songs that invite children on a wild musical odyssey through the letters A to Z. A wide array of instruments are featured in the tunes, among them the xylophone, glockenspiel, and pedal steel guitar. Children are sure to clap their hands and join in on the theme song, "Sing It Again," at the end.

  • af Connie Kaldor
    177,95 kr.

    A plucky tale about following your dreams, featuring 12 quirky singalong songs in Spanish! A little duck from the Prairies dreams of making it in New York City and bringing his ducky dance to the Broadway stage. His lonesome journey seems bound for failure until he meets a truck driver named Big Better. She points him in the right direction and gives him that little nudge he needs to tackle the Big Apple. Cheer this little guy on in this never-give-up-on-your-dreams narrative of courage, self-esteem, friendship, and encouragement. The accompanying album (included on a CD and via a unique digital download code) features 12 happy-go-lucky songs about alligators that waltz at midnight, little girls who sing off-key to get tomatoes thrown at them, and opera-singing slugs that sneak out at night to do the boogie-woogie. La historia-canción que da título al libro es sobre un patito de la pradera que tiene un gran sueño - ir a la cuidad de Nueva York y hacer su baile de patito en Broadway. Su viaje aventurero parece condenado al fracaso, hasta que conoce a una camionera llamada Gran Betty. Ella le señala la dirección correcta y le da el empujoncito que necesita para afrontar la Gran Manzana. Canciones adicionales presentan a caimanes que bailan el vals a la medianoche, niñas que cantan fuera de tono para que les arrojen tomates y babosas que cantan opera y salen a hurtadillas en la noche para bailar el boogie-woogie. WINNER OF THE PARENTS' CHOICE GOLD AWARD, NATIONAL PARENTING PUBLICATIONS HONORS AWARD, A JUNO AWARD, AMONG OTHERS

  • af Trout Fishing in America
    177,95 kr.

    A story followed by 11 pop-rock songs about a barnstorming cat who forgets it's his birthday! Chicken Joe, oddly enough, a cat who sleeps in the hen house, is abruptly awoken one morning by roosters playing rock 'n' roll. Somehow he's forgotten that it's not just any other day; it's his birthday! As he sets out on a quest to figure out what he needs to remember, his pack of loyal friends, including the hens Helen and Hilda; Miss Kitty, the city dog; and Mister, the mule, conspire to keep his surprise party a secret. The accompanying album (included on a CD and via a unique digital download code) features a collection of 11 pop-rock, country, and blues sing-along songs along with the narrated story performed by the internationally renowned duo Trout Fishing in America. WINNER OF THE PARENTS' CHOICE RECOMMENDED AWARD, NATIONAL PARENTING PUBLICATIONS GOLD AWARD, AND MORE

  • af Ana Gerhard
    177,95 kr.

    A fantastical introduction to classical music through creatures that have inspired composers, from sugar plum fairies to valkyries! Introduce children to the fantastical characters found in legends and fairytales--including gnomes, fairies, witches, goblins, elves, and wizards-- through the works of classical composers like Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Verdi, and other composers. An original and interesting way for younger listeners to discover classical music, this book pairs three centuries of music history with stunning and evocative illustrations. A glossary of musical terms, a short biography of each composer, and a brief description of each extraordinary character are included. The accompanying CD features 20 compositions performed by world-renowned ensembles such as the London Philharmonic Orchestra, La Scala Chorus and Orchestra, and the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields. WINNER OF THE PARENTS' CHOICE GOLD AWARD AND NATIONAL PARENTING PUBLICATIONS GOLD AWARD

  • af Gilles Vigneault
    177,95 kr.

    Un album de chansons et comptines rempli d'espoir ! Le temps d'un merveilleux concert, les influences musicales convergent dans le salon du Vieux Joe, qui habite à Kyoto. Ses amis musiciens jouent des instruments provenant des quatre coins du monde! Chaque page illustre magnifiquement les paroles de la chanson titre, et fait découvrir aux petits les trésors de l'Orient. Les autres chansons qui accompagnent le livre permettent de poursuivre le voyage au Québec grâce à des classiques du répertoire de Gilles Vigneault. Le disque comprend 8 chansons et 8 comptines. The lush, color-washed line drawings in the book focus on the whimsical title-song "Comptine en mode zen" (Nursery Rhyme in Zen Mode) that tells the tale of an improbable group of musicians who come together to play their instruments in old Kyoto. The curious cast includes cane-wielding Joe from Cajun land, his kimono-clad Japanese wife, their Spanish friends, a little boy with a high-pitched voice, and a Buddhist monk. Sixteen additional songs on the accompanying CD introduce zany-crazy characters such as the old lady who snorts like a hog in "La mère à Maillard" (Maillard's Mother) and a rooster who serves eggs for breakfast in "Les quatre oeufs" (The Four Eggs).

  • af Han Han
    117,95 kr.

    A touching reminder of how music can bring people together. Xiaomi will never forget the magical sounds she heard one hot summer evening when the power went out in her family's apartment building. It happened while her parents were preparing dinner. Her father lit candles and suggested they take their musical instruments to the courtyard to perform for their neighbours. Xiaomi danced as her father played the erhu and her mother the accordion. The songs made their way into each home, and soon, everyone joined the concert, laughing and singing under the moonlight. Includes a CD (and a unique digital download code) with the narrated story and song.

  • af Ana Gerhard
    187,95 kr.

    Meet classical composer Antonio Vivaldi in this charming semi-autobiographical tale. Travel through time following a charming little mouse named Minim who loves cheese and music. With great courage, he braves a cold Venetian winter night to visit an orphanage. His mission is to replace the tooth fairy by leaving a little gift under each child's pillow. Little does he know that this task is fraught with danger. A tomcat is lurking about in the building, always on the lookout for his next meal. Luckily, it's also home to the great composer Antonio Vivaldi, whose music will prove irresistible! In addition to the illustrated story and introductory notes on the composer, an accompanying CD (and a unique digital download code) features recordings of the narrated story and the performances of the composition "Concerto for Winter" from The Four Seasons. A free teaching guide is available at Part of the Little Stories of Great Composers series, featuring Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, Haydn, Schubert, and Paganini.

  • af Ana Gerhard
    187,95 kr.

    Meet classical composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in this charming semi-autobiographical tale. Travel through time following a charming little mouse called Minim who loves cheese and music. Join him on his vacation adventure in the country with Sasha and Bobik as they spend time with their favourite uncle, none other than Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. This summer, the brilliant composer has offered them a gift they didn't expect, one that will last forever and bring happiness to children all over the world! In addition to the illustrated story and introductory notes on the composer, an accompanying CD (and a unique digital download code) features recordings of the narrated story and the performances of the compositions "German Song," "March of the Wooden Soldiers," "The Witch Baba Yaga," and "Kamarinskaya" from Album for the Young. A free teaching guide is available at Part of the Little Stories of Great Composers series, featuring Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, Haydn, Schubert, and Paganini.

  • af Ana Gerhard
    187,95 kr.

    Meet classical composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in this charming semi-autobiographical tale. Travel through time following a charming little mouse called Minim who loves cheese and music. One day, he witnesses the arrival of a dapper, young Mozart and his family as they set foot on a dock one late, cold night. He is no ordinary boy, sporting a white wig and dressed in red velvet, on his way to play several concerts in the city. To the surprise of all, he begins to play with his sister for the tired customs officer and gloomy dockworkers. The evening air comes to life, and soon, everyone's faces are beaming, their ears ringing with music! In addition to the illustrated story and introductory notes on the composer, an accompanying CD (and a unique digital download code) features recordings of the narrated story and the performance of the composition "A Little Night Music" ("Eine Kleine Nachtmusik"). A free teaching guide is available at Part of the Little Stories of Great Composers series, featuring Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, Haydn, Schubert, and Paganini. WINNER OF THE NATIONAL PARENTING PRODUCT AWARD

  • af Chantal Grosléziat
    177,95 kr.

    An homage to the rich cultural heritage of Guadeloupe, Martinique, Haiti and Réunion featuring 30 traditional songs. Imagine a daily island hubbub with warm breezes, salt water, and music flowing through a marketplace of cinnamon, freshly roasted coffee, bananas, and raw cocoa. This collection of 30 traditional French-Creole lullabies and nursery rhymes from Guadeloupe, Martinique, Haiti, and Réunion pays homage to community, family ties, work, love, and life's passages. Lyrics appear transcribed in their original French Creole dialects and translated into English, followed by extensive notes on the origin and cultural context of each song. The musical picture book is accompanied by a CD featuring 30 songs recorded by an ensemble of local musicians with indigenous acoustic instruments. WINNER OF THE PARENTS' CHOICE RECOMMENDED AWARD AND MORE

  • af Élodie Nouhen
    177,95 kr.

    20 miniature masterpieces in mesmerizing piano-four hand arrangements. Open up the fairy tale and dreamlike worlds imagined by renowned classical composers for the piano. Compositions transport listeners to France and Russia in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when the instrument was the preferred way to introduce children to the magic of music. Explore the poignant yet fleeting fears and joys of childhood with 20 miniature movements for two- and four-hand piano by Bizet, Debussy, Liadov, Moussorgsky, Ravel, Tchaikovsky, and others. Performed by acclaimed pianist duo Ludmila Berlinskaya and Arthur Ancelle. Brief explanatory notes and illustrations accompany each musical work. Includes a CD and unique digital download code.

  • af Raquel Bonita
    142,95 kr.

    Unfold an orchestra of nine animals and eight instruments in this heartwarming tale. Maestro Evarista is a conductor in search of an orchestra. With a heavy cart full of instruments, the little lizard sets out to find musicians. One by one, she comes across an assortment of animals who lighten her load as they pick their parts in what becomes a ten-member menagerie. Her cart finally empty and her heart full, Maestro Evarista takes the lead in a concert that proves big dreams do come true with a little hard work to see them through. In a twist on the classic accordion format, this tale unfolds page by page and animal by animal until the full orchestra is presented across a panoramic, ten-panel spread. Introduced in rhyming verse, a vibrant cast of characters appears against a bold black backdrop to set the stage for readers of all ages. Scan the QR code to read along to the narrated story and soundtrack online.

  • af Jiu Er
    177,95 kr.

    This charming audio picture book features a collection of short illustrated texts evoking the simple pleasures that fill a day in the life of Little Sun, a fearless pig with a big heart. The recorded narration of the book can be heard for free on The Secret Mountain web site. Full color.

  • af Jennifer Gasoi
    177,95 kr.

    A musical picture book featuring 12 songs that explore several musical styles. Discover the different colours of jazz according to Grammy Award winner Jennifer Gasoi with this musical picture book that melds bluegrass, Dixieland, Cajun, calypso, klezmer, and many other styles. The accompanying CD offers 12 catchy, tuneful, playful, and totally endearing songs. The musical picture book includes notes highlighting the history, instruments, and unique characteristics of each musical genre, along with listening suggestions and activities for each song. WINNER OF THE PARENTS' CHOICE GOLD AWARD AND NATIONAL PARENTING PUBLICATIONS GOLD AWARD

  • af Ana Gerhard
    117,95 kr.

    Meet classical composer Franz Schubert in this charming semi-autobiographical tale. Travel through time following a charming little mouse called Minim who loves cheese and music. The setting is a lively open-air café on a beautiful spring day after a long, hard winter. Amid people talking and laughing, a strange fellow sits by himself, book in hand, reading a poem about a trout swimming joyfully in a brook. The small rodent spots a scrumptious piece of gruyere on the floor next to the man's table and is completely oblivious to the fact that it's being used as bait for a mousetrap. Fortunately, before he can sink his teeth into the cheese, he is quickly lifted off the floor by the odd-looking daydreamer...who happens to be Franz Schubert, a brilliant composer with no qualms about making time for the little things in life! In addition to the illustrated story and introductory notes on the composer, an accompanying CD (and a unique digital download code) features recordings of the narrated story and a performance of the composition "Trout Quintet" ("Forellenquintett"). Part of the Little Stories of Great Composers series, featuring Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, Haydn, Schubert, and Paganini.

  • af Chantal Grosléziat
    187,95 kr.

    Representing 11 languages originating from Central and West Africa and brought to life with lavish illustrations, this collection's rhymes and lullabies soothe babies to sleep as the songs travel from one country and one language to another. Lyrics are reproduced in the original language and translated into English, followed by notes on the origin and cultural context of each song. The accompanying CD features 29 songs from 10 countries--including Rwanda, the Ivory Coast, and Senegal--each one unique in language and sound, recorded with indigenous instruments and exquisitely performed by women, men, and children. This delightful, enchanting production captures the staccato rhythm of the children's rhymes and the poetry of the language as well as a sense of the heritage and tradition of each culture.

  • af Gilles Vigneault
    177,95 kr.

  • af Trout Fishing in America
    177,95 kr.

  • af Nathalie Soussana
    177,95 kr.

  • af Greg Brown
    177,95 kr.

    A storybook-music CD featuring lullabies written by several celebrated songwriters of our time (Neil Young, Carole King, Don Henley, Nanci Griffith, Tom Waits...) and performed by artists presently signed to the prestigious Minnesota roots music label Red House Records.

  • af Patrick Lacoursière
    177,95 kr.

    The third Storybook-Music CD from this critically-acclaimed, award-winning world lullaby collection features wonderfully recorded songs from around the world sung in their original language.

  • af Patrick Lacoursière
    177,95 kr.

    The second in a series of storybook-music CD's that focuses on wonderfully recorded lullabies from around the world sung in their original language. The accompanying bedtime story is in English, Spanish and French.

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