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  • - Volumen II: Esperanza: Oración
    af Padre Chisholm
    250,95 - 382,95 kr.

    San Gregorio Magno nos dice que más hombres son atraídos hacia el Cielo por la fuerza del ejemplo que por los efectos de los argumentos. Si esto es cierto con respecto a la humanidad en general, lo es especialmente con respecto al niño. El niño se forma con el ejemplo. Las verdades de fe aprendidas en el Catecismo son en su mayor parte ininteligibles para él. Necesita que se las esbocen como en un cuadro antes de poder asimilar su significado. A los niños les encantan los cuentos, y no tardan en captar la moraleja que éstos pretenden transmitir. Si estas historias son realistas y están al alcance de su propia práctica, intentan imitar lo que se cuenta en ellas. La larga experiencia y el ejemplo de grandes y santos hombres, que en esto, como en otras cosas, han seguido el ejemplo del mismo Santísimo Señor, han convencido al autor de este libro de la necesidad de poner de relieve, por medio de ejemplos, las verdades contenidas en el Catecismo.Esto fue lo que le indujo a emprender esta obra. Cada ejemplo ha sido cuidadosamente escogido para traer a la mente del niño alguna de las grandes verdades de nuestra santa Fe, y fijarla allí. Cada línea de su libro ha sido escrita con escrupuloso cuidado y en el lenguaje más sencillo, para que la religión resulte atractiva y para que el niño vea que está en su mano hacer mucho por Dios de una manera humilde. Es consciente de muchos defectos en su obra sin pretensiones; pero espera que el resultado de sus momentos de ocio, arrebatados a la continua agitación de una laboriosa vida misionera, no esté exento de frutos. Sólo tenía en vista un fin: la mayor gloria de Dios y la santificación de las almas. Si la lectura de esta pequeña obra hace que un solo niño sea más santo, o que ame más fervientemente a nuestro amado Señor, considerará que no ha trabajado en vano.

  • - Hope: Prayer
    257,95 kr.

    St. Gregory the Great tells us that more men are drawn towards Heaven by the force of example than by the effects of argument. If this be true in reference to mankind in general, it is especially so with regard to the child. The child is formed on example. The truths of faith learned in the Catechism are for the most part unintelligible to him. He requires to have them sketched out as in a picture before he can take in their meaning. Children delight in stories, and they are not slow to catch the moral these are intended to convey. If these stories are lifelike, and within reach of their own practice, they try to imitate what is told in them. Long experience and the example of great and holy men, who have in this, as in other things, followed the example of Our Blessed Lord Himself, have convinced the author of this book of the necessity of bringing out in bold relief, by means of examples, the truths contained in the Catechism.It was this that induced him to undertake this work. Each example has been carefully chosen to bring home to the mind of the child some one of the great truths of our holy Faith, and to fix it there. Each line of his book has been penned with scrupulous care, and in the simplest language, that religion might be made attractive, and that the child might see that it was in its power to do much for God in a humble way. He is conscious of many defects in his unpretending work; but he hopes that the result of his leisure moments, snatched from the continual turmoil of a laborious missionary life, may not be without its fruits. He had but one end in view-the greater glory of God and the sanctification of souls. If the perusal of this little work will make even one child more holy, or love our dear Lord more fervently, he will consider that he has not labored in vain.478 pages

  • af St Alphonsus De Liguori
    156,95 kr.

    We have here one of the masterpieces of St. Alphonsus, a book that speaks to all hearts, that reveals to every Christian soul its true wants and the true means to satisfy them. One cannot read this book without becoming better; nor can one grow tired in reading it again and again. It is indeed a very highly-prized and widely-spread work. It was published in 1768. (Tannoia, B. 3, ch. 41, 42.)The holy bishop, developing the celebrated text of St. Paul on the qualities of true charity, explains in thirteen chapters the principal virtues that we ought to practise and the defects that we ought to avoid in order to render to our Lord love for love. He treats of patience in general (Chap. I.), and in particular in sicknesses, poverty, and contempt (Chap. X.); of meekness (Chaps. II. and VIII.); of purity of intention (Chap. III.); of tepidity, and the remedies against this vice, namely, the desire of perfection, the determination to attain perfection, mental prayer, frequent communion, and prayer (Chap. IV.); of humility (Chap. V.); of ambition and vain-glory (Chap. VI.); of detachment from all things, especially when there is question of following one's vocation (Chap. VII.); of conformity to the will of God, and of obedience (Chap. IX.); of faith (Chap. XI.); of hope (Chap. XII.); and, finally, of temptations, and spiritual desolation (Chap. XIII.). The work is concluded by a summary of virtues that are to be practised

  • af Abbe Janvier
    253,95 kr.

    This book is one that goes through the entire life of the Holy Man of Tours, Leo DuPont, the apostle of the Holy Face. From his birth and upbringing to his voyage to France & the death of his wife and child. How his home became a destination for people to come to, pray, and seek healing from the Holy Face. His relationship with the Carmelites and Dom Gueranger. How he was 'crucified' to his home because the devotion became so popular. Finally, the events of his death.

  • af Sister Mary Bernard
    112,95 kr.

    This abridged account of the life of Bernadette of Lourdes and the Sister of Charity of Nevers, is very interesting and will be welcomed by those who desire a short life of the privileged child of Mary

  • af Bishop Challoner
    112,95 kr.

    Bishop Challoner gives a reflection, for a month, on the truths of the faith. From Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell, to the passion of Christ. He will give 4-5 considerations for us to chew on during each day.

  • af Rev Vaughn
    127,95 kr.

    Indeed, so great is the evil of sin, that if, through the blessing of God, this little treatise should be the means of preventing but one venial sin in any one of its readers, it will have accomplished a most glorious task, for it will have prevented an evil far greater (could one but realize it) than the Black Death, the bubonic plague, the earthquake in Tokyo, or even the universal Deluge itself. And we devoutly hope it may prevent not one only but many, and not in one only, but in many readers, which may God grant.

  • af James O. Hanney
    147,95 kr.

    Una colección de dichos de los monjes del desierto sobre la lucha contra el vicio y el aumento de la virtud. Los ejercicios que hacían, a diario, nos muestran que nunca hay un día de descanso para ganar santidad, virtud o permanecer en el camino estrecho.

  • af Padre Cramer
    187,95 kr.

    No es un mero padre ideal el que se describe en El padre cristiano, aspirando a una santidad inalcanzable o fantasiosa. Es un padre tal como Dios quiso que fueran todos los padres, tal como debería y podría encontrarse a la cabeza de toda familia cristiana. Es un padre cristiano genuino que cumple fielmente las obligaciones de su estado y se santifica en los deberes ordinarios de la vida diaria. El padre cristiano naturalmente inculcará hábitos cristianos, impartirá un tono moral e infundirá un espíritu religioso en su familia; y como la familia es el fundamento de la sociedad, debemos hacer que el padre sea verdaderamente cristiano si queremos reformar la sociedad, cristianizar la tierra o hacer que el pueblo sea moral.Encontrado en el libroEl Nombre del PadreLa vocación del padreEl modelo de padre cristianoLa imagen acabada (Peligros a evitar, la vida cristiana)La obra de un padre cristiano ("Guárdate tesoros", Gobierno/Disciplina, Cuidados paternales)Dos padres modelo (Abraham y Tobías)El granjero de MunsterEl padre en oraciónOraciones para un padre cristiano

  • af Thomas a Kempis
    167,95 kr.

    This volume presents two of his shorter works which have not hitherto been available in English-The Hospital of the Poor (Hospitale Pauperum) and The Way of the Monk: A Handbook for Spiritual Warfare (Enchiridion Monachorum)Both of these treatises were written to serve as simple and helpful guides to the conduct of the spiritual life, and, because of this, are composed in a direct, straightforward and easily readable style. In this respect, many readers may find them a little more accessible than The Imitation, and a useful companion to that volume.

  • af James O. Hanney
    142,95 kr.

    A collection of sayings of the desert monks on fighting vice and increasing in virtue. The exercises they did, on a daily basis, show us that there is never a day of rest in gaining holiness, virtue, or staying on the narrow path.

  • af James Lang
    167,95 kr.

    In the following pages, we read about an ambitious Luther trying to obtain for himself the dignity of the cardinalate at a young age. We learn about the true motives for his objections to indulgences, which sprang principally from resentment at the loss of income for his own Augustinian Order. We witness also his bad temper and vitriolic tongue, his nocturnal conversations with demons (whether they were real or imagined), and his scandalous and degrading bouts of drunkenness and debauchery. The title given here for this biography, The Devil's Bagpipe, was suggested by a striking woodcut image produced in 1535 by Erhard Schoen, and reproduced on the cover of this volume.This is a work which all Catholics (and indeed, all people interested in history) should read, for it substantially modifies and corrects the popular but inaccurate "myth" of Luther, replacing it with a more balanced, credible and truthful account of the life, character and motives of a man who gravely distorted the Gospel of Christ and did untold damage to His one true Catholic Church.

  • af Rev. Wilhelm Cramer
    152,95 kr.

    It is no mere ideal father that is described in The Christian Father, aspiring after unattainable or fanciful saintliness. It is a father such as God intended all fathers to be, such as should and might be found at the head of every Christian family. It is a genuine Christian father faithfully discharging the obligations of his state and sanctifying himself in the ordinary every-day duties of life. The Christian father will naturally instill Christian habits, impart a moral tone, and infuse a religious spirit into his family; and as the family is the foundation of society, we must make the father truly Christian would we reform society, Christianize the land, or make the people moral.Found in the book:The Name of FatherThe Father's VocationThe Model Christian FatherThe Picture Finished (Dangers to Avoid, the Christian Life)The Work of a Christian Father ("Lay up to Yourself Treasures", Government/Discipline, Paternal Cares)Two Model Fathers (Abraham and Tobias)The Farmer of MunsterThe Father at PrayerPrayers for a Christian Father

  • af Bishop Ullathorne
    277,95 kr.

    William Bernard Ullathorne was a Benedictine monk and Roman Catholic priest who ministered in Australia from 1833 until 1840 and then returned to his native England, where he was ordained a bishop in 1847 and served as Bishop of Birmingham from 1850 until 1888. He is best known for his catechetical trilogy: The Endowments of Man, The Groundwork of the Christian Virtues, and Christian Patience, published in the 1880s. Christian Patience is presented in twelve lectures. Bishop Ullathorne teaches that Christian patience is both a special virtue and a universal virtue. As a special virtue, it is opposed to two opposite vices: a vice of excess, and a vice of defect. Patience is the virtuous mean between the excess vice of obstinacy and the defect vice of impatience. As a universal virtue, patience in found in all the Christian virtues, as it strengthens and perfects them.

  • af J. P. Coghlan
    172,95 kr.

    Embárquese en un profundo viaje a través de la vida de San Benito José Labre, patrón de los sin techo y de los enfermos mentales, contada por su propio confesor. Esta conmovedora narración desvela la inquebrantable devoción y vida penitente del santo, que eligió una vida impregnada de humildad, oración y sacrificio por encima de las comodidades mundanas. La incesante búsqueda de la pureza espiritual de San Benito y sus milagrosas intercesiones encarnan lecciones eternas de fe, demostrando cómo la extraordinaria piedad de un hombre puede resonar a través de los tiempos.Descubra cómo la extraordinaria santidad de San Benito sigue inspirando a los creyentes, ofreciendo un faro de esperanza y un testimonio del poder transformador de la gracia de Dios. Su devoción a los pobres, su penitencia autoinfligida y los milagros divinos atribuidos a su intercesión, incluso después de su muerte, pintan un conmovedor retrato de la santidad que trasciende el tiempo, hablando al corazón de la vida cristiana contemporánea.Al adentrarse en las páginas de su vida, prepárese para ser desafiado e inspirado a profundizar en su propia fe. El viaje de San Benito José Labre refleja una llamada a un propósito más elevado, una llamada que resuena en las vidas de aquellos que buscan una estrecha unión con Dios en un mundo en constante cambio. Este libro es algo más que una biografía: es una llamada a reflexionar sobre nuestro propio camino espiritual con Dios.

  • af Rev. Giuseppe Loreto Marconi
    172,95 kr.

    Embark on a profound journey through the life of St. Benedict Joseph Labre, the patron saint of the homeless and those suffering from mental illness, as recounted by his own confessor. This deeply moving narrative unveils the saint's unwavering devotion and penitential life, choosing a life steeped in humility, prayer, and sacrifice over worldly comforts. St. Benedict's relentless pursuit of spiritual purity and his miraculous intercessions embody timeless lessons of faith, demonstrating how one man's extraordinary piety can resonate through the ages.Discover how St. Benedict's remarkable holiness continues to inspire believers, offering a beacon of hope and a testament to the transformative power of God's grace. His devotion to the poor, his self-inflicted penance, and the divine miracles attributed to his intercession even after his death paint a poignant portrait of sainthood that transcends time, speaking to the heart of contemporary Christian life.As you delve into the pages of his life, prepare to be challenged and inspired to deepen your own faith. St. Benedict Joseph Labre's journey reflects a calling to a higher purpose-a call that echoes in the lives of those seeking a close union with God in an ever-changing world. This book serves as more than a biography; it is a call to reflect upon our own spiritual walk with God.

  • af San Alfonso Liguori
    242,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af St Alphonsus Liguori
    277,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af Obispo Ullathorne
    297,95 kr.

    William Bernard Ullathorne fue un monje benedictino y sacerdote católico romano que ejerció su ministerio en Australia desde 1833 hasta 1840 y luego regresó a su Inglaterra natal, donde fue ordenado obispo en 1847 y ejerció como obispo de Birmingham desde 1850 hasta 1888. Es conocido sobre todo por su trilogía catequética: The Endowments of Man, The Groundwork of the Christian Virtues y Christian Patience, publicada en la década de 1880. La paciencia cristiana se presenta en doce conferencias. El obispo Ullathorne enseña que la paciencia cristiana es tanto una virtud especial como una virtud universal. Como virtud especial, se opone a dos vicios opuestos: un vicio de exceso y un vicio de defecto. La paciencia es el medio virtuoso entre el vicio de exceso de obstinación y el vicio de defecto de impaciencia. Como virtud universal, la paciencia se encuentra en todas las virtudes cristianas, pues las fortalece y perfecciona.

  • af San Alfonso de Liguori
    182,95 kr.

    Tenemos aquí una de las obras maestras de San Alfonso, un libro que habla a todos los corazones, que revela a cada alma cristiana sus verdaderas necesidades y los verdaderos medios para satisfacerlas. No se puede leer este libro sin mejorar, ni cansarse de leerlo una y otra vez. Es, en efecto, una obra muy apreciada y ampliamente difundida. Se publicó en 1768. (Tannoia, B. 3, cap. 41, 42.)El santo obispo, desarrollando el célebre texto de San Pablo sobre las cualidades de la verdadera caridad, explica en trece capítulos las principales virtudes que debemos practicar y los defectos que debemos evitar para rendir a nuestro Señor amor por amor. Trata de la paciencia en general (cap. I) y en particular en las enfermedades, en la pobreza y en el desprecio (cap. X); de la mansedumbre (caps. II y VIII); de la pureza de intención (cap. III); de la tibieza y de los remedios contra este vicio, a saber, el deseo de perfección, la determinación de alcanzar la perfección, la oración mental, la comunión frecuente y la oración (cap. IV); de la humildad (cap. V); de la humildad (cap. VI). IV.); de la humildad (cap. V.); de la ambición y de la vanagloria (cap. VI.); del desprendimiento de todas las cosas, especialmente cuando se trata de seguir la propia vocación (cap. VII.); de la conformidad con la voluntad de Dios y de la obediencia (cap. IX.); de la fe (cap. XI.); de la esperanza (cap. XII.); y, finalmente, de las tentaciones y de la desolación espiritual (cap. XIII.). La obra concluye con un resumen de las virtudes que deben practicarse

  • af C. M. Fr. Jean Marie Aladel
    207,95 kr.

    This is an account of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Catherine and the origins of the Miraculous Medal. A great number of events that are attributed to the miraculous medal are told in this work as well (healings to conversions). These historical accounts are meant to increase one's devotion to this sacramental. Oh Mary, conceived without original sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

  • af C. M. Padre Aladel
    207,95 kr.

    Se trata de un relato de las apariciones de la Santísima Virgen María a Santa Catalina y de los orígenes de la Medalla Milagrosa. También se relatan en esta obra un gran número de acontecimientos que se atribuyen a la medalla milagrosa (desde curaciones hasta conversiones). Estos relatos históricos pretenden aumentar la devoción a este sacramental. Oh María, concebida sin pecado original, ruega por nosotros que recurrimos a ti.

  • af Rev. Joseph Simler
    207,95 kr.

    This guide, dear Reader, offers you its counsels to teach you how to meditate well. It places itself at your disposal, as a faithful and devoted friend, in order at first to initiate you into mental prayer, and to accustom you afterwards to its habitual practice. In its capacity as a Guide, it is going, as it were, to take you by the hand, in order to conduct you more surely to this so desirable end.

  • af Rev. D. Chisholm
    397,95 kr.

    St. Gregory the Great tells us that more men are drawn towards Heaven by the force of example than by the effects of argument. If this be true in reference to mankind in general, it is especially so with regard to the child. The child is formed on example. The truths of faith learned in the Catechism are for the most part unintelligible to him. He requires to have them sketched out as in a picture before he can take in their meaning. Children delight in stories, and they are not slow to catch the moral these are intended to convey. If these stories are lifelike, and within reach of their own practice, they try to imitate what is told in them. Long experience and the example of great and holy men, who have in this, as in other things, followed the example of Our Blessed Lord Himself, have convinced the author of this book of the necessity of bringing out in bold relief, by means of examples, the truths contained in the Catechism.It was this that induced him to undertake this work. Each example has been carefully chosen to bring home to the mind of the child some one of the great truths of our holy Faith, and to fix it there. Each line of his book has been penned with scrupulous care, and in the simplest language, that religion might be made attractive, and that the child might see that it was in its power to do much for God in a humble way. He is conscious of many defects in his unpretending work; but he hopes that the result of his leisure moments, snatched from the continual turmoil of a laborious missionary life, may not be without its fruits. He had but one end in view-the greater glory of God and the sanctification of souls. If the perusal of this little work will make even one child more holy, or love our dear Lord more fervently, he will consider that he has not labored in vain.

  • af Papa León XIII
    147,95 kr.

    La humildad es la mayor virtud de la vida espiritual, la virtud que abre las gracias del Sagrado Corazón de Marí Jesús y del Corazón Inmaculado de María. Es la virtud por la que alcanzamos el Cielo. Es la virtud que Nuestro Señor la apreciaba, porque Él es el mayor instructor de la humildad: "Aprended de mí, que soy manso y humilde de corazón" (Mt. 11, 29).En esta maravillosa obra, el Papa León XIII expone sesenta consejos, pequeñas reflexiones, sobre cómo puedes esforzarte por conseguir esta gloriosísima virtud. Y concluye este libro con algunas de las más bellas citas sobre la de algunos de los más grandes santos. Escribió esta poderosa obra mientras era Obispo de Perugia."Que el estudio del conocimiento de ti mismo, el huir de los honores, y el amor a las humillaciones, sean tus armas; y de éstas no debes despojarte jamás, no, ni un solo momento", dice el Papa León XIII.El Papa declara además: "La Sagrada Comunión, por la que recibimos en nuestros pechos en sustancia al Dios hecho hombre y aniquilado por amor a nosotros, es una maravillosa escuela de humildad y medio poderosísimo para adquirirla".La humildad hay que practicarla diariamente para adquirirla. Sólo un hombre humilde podía escribir una obra tan profunda.Sólo un hombre humilde podía escribir una obra tan profunda, una obra que te inspirará a luchar contra el vicio del orgullo con renovado vigor.

  • af St. Alphonsus Liguori
    237,95 kr.

    We are calling this 'the saint maker series' because everyone that has read it has developed a greater love and devotion to Our Lord than they had before. The morning mediation is to be done sometime in the morning. The evening in the evening and the spiritual reading section either midday or whenever possible. When broken up these are very short in time, but try not to rush it. The advent volume covers everyday of advent and the Immaculate Conception.

  • af C. SS. R. Padre Michael Muller
    167,95 kr.

    El P. Michael Muller, C.SS.R. escribe un hermoso tratado sobre lo que es un Sacerdote Católico. El honor que se les debe dar, el poder que poseen, el deber con el que deben vivir, etc. El Padre da historias, también, para aumentar nuestra devoción que debemos tener por los sacerdotes.

  • af C. SS. R. Fr. Michael Muller
    182,95 kr.

    Fr. Michael Muller, C.SS.R. write a beautiful treatise on what is a Catholic Priest. The honor they are to be given, the power they possess, the duty they are to live with, and so on. Father gives stories, as well, to increase our devotion we should have for priests.

  • af Pope Leo XIII
    142,95 kr.

    Humility is the greatest virtue in the spiritual life, the virtue which unlocks the graces of the Sacred Heartof Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It is the virtue by which we reach Heaven. It is the virtueOur Lord prized, for He is the greatest instructor of humility: "Learn of me, because I am meek andhumble of heart" (Matt. 11:29).In this marvelous work, Pope Leo XIII sets forth sixty counsels, little reflections, on how you can strive forthis most glorious virtue. And he concludes this book with some of the most beautiful quotes onhumility from some of the greatest saints. He wrote this powerful little work while serving as the Bishopof Perugia."Let the study of the knowledge of yourself, the fleeing from honors, and the love of humiliations, beyour weapons; and of these you should never divest yourself, no, not even for a single moment," saysPope Leo XIII. The pope further declares, "Holy Communion, by which we receive within our breasts invery substance the God made man and annihilated for love of us, is a wonderful school of humility and amost powerful means of acquiring it."Humility must be practiced daily in order to be acquired. Only a man of humility could write such aprofound work-a work, which will inspire you to battle the vice of pride with renewed vigor.

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