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  • af Vivian Stuart
    144,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Den syttende bog i den spændende og dramatiske beretning om Australiens kolonisering – et land skabt af blod, passion og drømme. Skæbner sammenflettes, og brutale kampe sættes i gang for at sikre en lysere fremtid. I 1860’erne var Kitty Broome og Adam Vincent iblandt australske nybyggere, som drog ud på nye, spændende eventyr, der ledte til en krig mellem kulturer, venner og elskere, imens de kæmper for en fremtid i deres egen verden.

  • af Vivian Stuart
    144,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Den sekstende bog i den spændende og dramatiske beretning om Australiens kolonisering – et land skabt af blod, passion og drømme. Michael ved at han ikke kan løbe fra sin fortid, dog er det længslen efter friheden, der holder ham i live. Australien … Er for nogle et land med muligheder, hvor tapperhed og ære hersker over stedet, der engang var en utæmmet vildmark – for andre, et brutalt fængsel, hvor selv de bedste mænd er drevet til at begå nogle af de mest ondskabsfulde handlinger i frihedens navn. Michael Wexford er bevidst om, at hans fortid forfølger ham, uanset hvor han tager hen. Dog er Kitty og Patrick Cadogan fast besluttet på at bevise hans uskyld – hvad end det kræver.

  • af Angela Marsons
    144,95 kr.

    Im większe zło, tym bardziej niebezpieczna gra...W brutalnym ataku zostaje okaleczony gwałciciel. Detektyw Kim Stone i jej zespół muszą szybko rozwiązać sprawę. Jednak mściciel dokonuje kolejnych zabójstw i szybko staje się jasne, że chodzi o coś znacznie więcej.Śledztwo nabiera tempa, a Kim znajduje się w wielkim niebezpieczeństwie - staje się celem niebezpiecznego przestępcy, który prowadzi własny, przerażający eksperyment.W starciu z socjopatą, który zna wszystkie jej słabości, detektyw Stone na każdym kroku ociera się o śmierć. Liczba ofiar rośnie. Kim będzie musiała podjąć działania radykalniejsze niż kiedykolwiek, aby powstrzymać zabójcę. Tym razem sprawa ma charakter osobisty.Wschodząca gwiazda brytyjskiej literatury kryminalnej powraca z powieścią, która wciągnie fanów Rachel Abbott, Val McDermid i Marka Billinghama. --- "Jestem zachwycona! To jeden z najlepszych kryminałów, jakie czytałam od dawna, i wliczam tu powieści uznanych autorów takich jak James Patterson! Ta książka naprawdę w niczym im nie ustępuje."Fiona’s Book Reviews

  • af Vivian Stuart
    147,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Den femtende bog i den spændende og dramatiske beretning om Australiens kolonisering – et land skabt af blod, passion og drømme.I Australien i det 19. århundrede befinder ireren Michael Wexford sig i straffekolonierne efter at have trodset retssystmet. Her er han i færd med at genoverveje sin eksistens og de beslutninger, som har ført ham til denne skæbne. I mellemtiden har søskendeparret Kitty og Patrick Cadogan begivet sig afsted til Norfolk Island for at finde deres bror. Michaels ry er plettet, og han begynder at planlægge sig hævn, alt imens Kitty og Patrick beder til, at deres bror ikke er den forbryder, alle gør ham til.

  • af Peter James
    144,95 kr.

    W tym samym czasie, kiedy Brian Bishop zamordował w Brighton swoją żonę, świadkowie widzieli go w oddalonym o 90 kilometrów Londynie. Tak wyglądają fakty, które ustalił prowadzący śledztwo detektyw Roy Grace. Ale tajemnica przebywania podejrzanego w dwu odległych miejscach jednocześnie nie jest jedyną zagadką, przed którą staje. Tropienie cieni przeszłości okazuje się ryzykowną grą, również dla niego. Może zwłaszcza dla niego.---"Nowy porywający thriller najlepszego brytyjskiego autora kryminałów". - The Daily Mirror"Błyskotliwe dialogi, świetnie zarysowane postaci, inteligentny detektyw Grace i piękne jak kamea nadmorskie Brighton". - The Times"Kolejny mistrzowski kryminał obsypanego nagrodami Jamesa. Subtelna intryga, niespodziewane zwroty akcji, zaskakujący finał. »Nie dość martwy«, podobnie jak jego poprzednie wysokooktanowe thrillery, natychmiast katapultował się na czołówkę listy bestsellerów". - The Argus --- Peter James jest jednym z najbardziej poczytnych brytyjskich autorów i zdobywcą wielu nagród literackich., m. in.: Grand Prix de Littérature Policère za najlepszą powieść kryminalną oraz Specsavers National Book Award za najlepszy kryminał. 35 powieści pisarza przetłumaczono jak dotąd na 36 języków i sprzedano w nakładzie przekraczającym 23 milionów egzemplarzy. 16 razy zajmowały pierwsze miejsce w rankingu bestsellerów „Sunday Timesa”.

  • af Vivian Stuart
    157,95 kr.

    The twenty-third book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country made of blood, passion, and dreams. A new century has dawned as Australia forms their country. New hopes characterise the lives of the young Australians. Some had to the Outback in search of gold and glory. Others find their fulfilment in politics and seize power in the newly-formed country. Some are even moving north to conquer new lands.

  • af Vivian Stuart
    157,95 kr.

    The twenty-fourth, and final, book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country made of blood, passion, and dreams. Finally the end has been reached as the Australians look towards the future. The Australians have reached a time of technological advance that features steam power of ships and auto mobiles becoming the preferable personal transportation for the wealthy Australians. Australia becomes Australia as we know it today.

  • af Vivian Stuart
    157,95 kr.

    The twenty-first book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country made of blood, passion, and dreams. The fires of nationalism are being kindled across the continent – especially in the hearts of the young. The children of The Seafarers and The Mariners are growing up in a young country only just coming to nationhood. Some cry for unity while others raise the spectre of race hatred and violence. It is hard to see how these young Australians could ever realise their dream of one free and mighty land.

  • af Vivian Stuart
    157,95 kr.

    The twentieth book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country made of blood, passion, and dreams. Jon Fisher and Harry Ryan return to Australia. At their return, Jon Fisher learns of the problem that his family are facing with the conflict of the wealthy squatters and the so-called ‘selectors’. The threat of war and internal fighting looms over the family as we near the turn of the century.

  • af Vivian Stuart
    157,95 kr.

    The twenty-second book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country made of blood, passion, and dreams. Australia is back to fighting with the British against the Boers in South Africa. Sloan Shannon are amongst those fighting against the Boers. He is wounded and captured, but finds himself saved by a Boar nurse. Suddenly, he must flee with her to her people – those people that he thought was his enemies.

  • af Vivian Stuart
    157,95 kr.

    The nineteenth book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country made of blood, passion, and dreams. Jon Fisher and Harry Ryan take part in a bloody war between the British and the Zulu in South Africa. Jon Fisher faces war in South Africa. The Zulus have proven themselves a surprisingly powerful enemy to the British Army. After losing his men during battle, Jon Fisher decides to go home to Australia. Harry Ryan has arranged passage for them on a merchant ship. And there starts their travels across the ocean to get back home.

  • af Vivian Stuart
    157,95 kr.

    The eighteenth book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country made of blood, passion, and dreams. Despite resistance from the native Maoris and Hauhaus, the settlers find themselves in a war between cultures. The settlers try to claim the bold frontier of New Zealand, but face opposition from two native tribes. The journey will be dangerous, and the consequences bloody. It is a matter of perishment or prevalence. Loyalty will be tested, love will fade, men will fall, but neither of the parties will back down without a fight.

  • af Vivian Stuart
    147,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Den fjortende bog i den spændende og dramatiske beretning om Australiens kolonisering – et land skabt af blod, passion og drømme. Dora Lucas, Francis De Lancey, Yates-brødrene og Luke Murphy mødes i guldmarkerne nær Bathurst. De har hver deres bagtanke, men er alle tiltrukket af guldfeberens muligheder. I mellemtiden, i Ballarat, er der problemer blandt minearbejderne. Vil de nå i mål og blive en del af den velhavende overklasse, eller vil guldfeberen føre dem ned ad uventede veje?

  • af Vivian Stuart
    157,95 kr.

    The seventeenth book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country made of blood, passion, and dreams.Destinies intertwine and brutal battles ensue to secure a brighter future.During the 1860s, Australian settlers, among them Lady Kitty Broome and Adam Vincent, venture out on new, exciting adventures which will lead to a war between cultures, friends and lovers, as they fight for the future of their world.

  • af Margit Sandemo
    127,95 kr.

    Der var krig, og her lå han hårdt såret. Som læge burde han i stedet have hjulpet de andre sårede, der lå og klagede sig omkring ham. Han drømte om døden – og om Madeleine, som han elskede. Han måtte finde hende. Men hvordan? Smerterne var uudholdelige, og gradvis forsvandt verden – og der blev helt mørkt omkring ham ...

  • af Vivian Stuart
    157,95 kr.

    The sixteenth book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country made of blood, passion, and dreams.Michael knows that he cannot outrun his past, yet it is the longing for freedom that keeps him alive.Australia… For some, a land of opportunity where bravery and honour rule the once savaged wilderness, for others, a brutal prison where even the best of men are driven to commit some of the cruellest acts in the name of freedom. Michael Wexford is aware that his past follows him wherever he goes, yet Kitty and Patrick Cadogan are determined to clear his name, no matter the cost.

  • af Vivian Stuart
    147,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Den tolvte bog i den spændende og dramatiske beretning om Australiens kolonisering – et land skabt af blod, passion og drømme.Kampen om magt og overlevelse hersker atter i den nye britiske koloni, Australien. Først kæmpede de for at tæmme et vildt land. Nu kæmper de for at beholde det. Nye indbyggere kommer til for at finde sig selv og skabe sig en ny tilværelse, men mørke kræfter lurer i horisonten og truer med at ødelægge alt, hvad de har arbejdet for...

  • af Vivian Stuart
    157,95 kr.

    The fifteenth book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country made of blood, passion, and dreams. After being accused of high treason, Michael Wexford seeks revenge upon those who took everything from him. It is 19th century Australia: Irishman Michael Wexford is unravelling his existence in the penal colonies after defying the justice system. Considered a criminal beyond reform or redemption, Michael plots his revenge. Meanwhile, siblings Kitty and Patrick Cadogan venture out to the Norfolk Island in search of their brother, praying that he is not the miscreant everyone makes him out to be.

  • af Vivian Stuart
    58,95 kr.

    INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. Anton Kramer, a man of fierce devotion where his work as a surgeon was concerned, could never surrender to an uncompromising love like Deborah's. Had Deborah's experience of men been wider she must have known this, but guilelessly she consented to the suggestion that she should join him as his bride in Indonesia when her three years' training as a nurse was completed. But Deborah came to learn that much can happen in three years. In three years a man could build a new world for himself, can make a new circle off riends and can learn to exchange confidences with a beautiful Oriental more intimate than ever he had shared with the woman he had promised to marry. When Deborah arrived to join Anton all these things were clear to her. Anton still loved her - of that she was certain... Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.

  • af Vivian Stuart
    58,95 kr.

    INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. Watching her face intently, Paul read the uncertainty there. Roughly, he drew her into his arms. “Fran, love like ours doesn’t die—you know that, don’t you?”His lips found hers and she clung to him, startled to find Paul’s attraction for her as strong as ever. But was it only that? She trembled suddenly, unreasonably afraid.“Yes,” she finally answered, “but—”“There are no ‘buts,’ darling. Not anymore.”The opening of the door startled them both. Dr. Frayle stood there. Then, to Francesca’s astonishment, the older woman entered, her face alight with a strange eagerness.“Francesca, my dear,” she said softly, “does this mean that you and Paul. . . .”It was Paul who answered. “Yes, it does,” he said. “Francesca is going to marry me.” Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.

  • af Vivian Stuart
    58,95 kr.

    INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. Doctor Sarah Hamilton came to the little mid-west town of Granville in an effort to make herself more acceptable to the American people. She hoped that by taking over as locum to one of the towns best-loved doctors she would get to know the people and their way of life.But there were two other strangers in town . . . one an ex-patient of Sarah’s, the other a deranged and dangerous man with whom Sarah was to become involved to a degree she had never anticipated. Were they, in fact, one and the same man? Was Sarah right to trust and believe in Steve Gresham, with his tragic past and uncertain future . . . Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.

  • af Vivian Stuart
    58,95 kr.

    INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. A story of love and heartbreak set in post-war Burma—it is the story of Vicky Randall and the three men who were to play an important part in her life . . . Henry O’Malley, a doctor and heroic survivor of imprisonment in Thailand; Alan Rowan, a Chindit whose love for her kept him alive through the war; and her husband Connor Daly, whom she loved but who considered their marriage a cage from which he had to be free. Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.

  • af Vivian Stuart
    157,95 kr.

    The fourteenth book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country made of blood, passion, and dreams. Against overwhelming odds they fought to tame a savage land, now they must fight to keep it. Dora Lucas, Francis De Lancey, the Yates brothers and Luke Murphy meet in the goldfields near Bathurst. All with different motives, but all drawn to the opportunities of the gold rush. Meanwhile, in Ballarat, trouble is brewing amongst the miners. Will they find riches and reach their goals or will the chaotic tide of the gold rush lead to unexpected places?

  • af Linwood Barclay
    157,95 kr.

    Nogle gange venter faren der, hvor du mindst venter den ... En varm sommerlørdag. En forlystelsespark. Alt David Harwood håber på er en dag uden bekymringer , som skal hjælpe med at opløfte hans kone, Jans, humør efter en nylig episode med depression, der har ledt hende ned af mørke tankestrømme i retning af selvmord. I stedet for en sjov dag med deres søn, Ethan, som planlagt, forvandles dagen til et levende mareridt. Da Jan forsvinder fra forlystelsesparken, ser det ud til, at Davids værste mareridt er blevet til virkelighed, men da han går til politiet for at melde hende savnet, indikerer faktaene et meget anderledes scenarie end det han fortæller dem. Forlystelsesparkens register viser, at David kun har købt to billetter, og overvågningskameraerne giver intet bevis på at Jan nogensinde befandt sig i forlystelsesparken. Lige pludselig virker Davids historie utroværdig – og politiet begynder at overveje muligheden for, at Jan allerede er død, myrdet af hendes mand. For at bevise sin uskyld, og forhindre, at hans søn bliver taget fra ham, bliver David nød til at grave ned i sin fortid, og konfrontere en frygtelig barndomstragedie – men ved at gøre dette, kan han risikere at ødelægge alt og alle, der står ham kær. ”Enestående ...spændingen stiger … De overraskende twists og de tiltalende karakterer gør dette til en af forfatterens bedste udgivelser.” — Publishers Weekly”Skrivestilen er skarp; plot-twistene er slående og kommer ud af det blå.” — Stephen King”Mr. Barclay er i stand til at påtage sig rollen som en amerikansk familiefar i en lille by fuldkommen suverænt.” — The New York Times”Masser af overraskelser og twists.” — Seattle Post-Intelligencer”Dette må være en af årets mest gribende thrillere … læseren bliver fanget af de mørke komplotter og holdt der i total suspense indtil sidste afsløring.” — Daily Mail”Forfatteren Linwood Barclay bliver bare bedre og bedre … intens og gribende.” — Daily Express”Forvent det uventede i denne gribende, ikke-til-at-stille-fra-sig-igen-bestseller.” — The Telegraph

  • af Vivian Stuart
    157,95 kr.

    Niende bog i den spændende og dramatiske beretning om Australiens kolonisering – et land skabt af blod, passion og drømme.Justin Broome, søn af to af de mest legendariske fanger i New South Wales, lærer, at dygtighed og mod ikke har en chance mod fordomme.Bitterhed og skuffelse blandes med hans hverdags hårde arbejde, alt imens skibsladninger af elendige fanger og frie nybyggere fortsætter med at ankomme fra en krigstræt England.Vivian Stuart har udgivet mere end 70 bøger, som alle har fået fantastiske anmeldelser, og er blevet taget godt imod af læsere verden over. Australierne er en gribende slægtsroman om Jenny, hendes søn Justin, og de andre modige og brutale indbyggere, som skaber en tilværelse i det barske Australien.

  • af Clive Cussler
    144,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Det sicilianska projektet är århundradets mest välbevarade hemlighet, presidentens eget skötebarn. Om det lyckats kommer Förenta staternas försvar att under en lång tid framåt vara oövervinneligt. Vad är sambandet mellan detta topphemliga försvarsvapen och Titanic, lyxångaren som sjönk på sin jungfrufärd 1912? Varför får en grupp experter order om att bärga Titanic, till vajre pris?Under ledning av mångsysslaren och allvetaren Dirk Pitt sätter bärgningsteamet igång. Deras uppgift är till synes omöjlig och tekniska missöden, ryska spioner och orkanen Amanda förvandlar den snart till en mardröm… Också i verkligheten ägnar sig bestsellerförfattaren Clive Cussler åt äventyr, precis som Dirk Pitt, hjälten i hans böcker. “Jag vill gärna tro att det finns mycket av Dirk Pitt i mig”, säger han. Cussler driver organisationen NUMA, som letar efter förlista fartyg i världshaven. Hittills har man funnit mer än sextio skepp av historisk betydelse.Clive Cussler började sin författarbana på 70-talet. Sedan dess har hans böcker sålts i 72 länder i över 70 miljoner exemplar och översatts till 32 olika språk.

  • af Vivian Stuart
    157,95 kr.

    The thirteenth book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country made of blood, passion, and dreams.Against overwhelming odds they fought to tame a savage land, now they must fight to keep it.During the 1850s on a promise of fertile soil, the wilderness of Australia had been tamed by proud men and passionate women like the Broomes or Tempests. This first line of pioneers had worked the land for the betterment of the colony. But when gold was discovered in the rugged hills and desolate outback, a different type of pioneers made their way into the wilderness: The Gold seekers.

  • af Linwood Barclay
    157,95 kr.

    Den nat, de dræbte vores naboer, hørte vi ikke noget som helst. Da familien Cutters naboer, familien Langley, bliver skudt ned i deres hus en varm augustnat, bliver familien Cutters verden vendt på hovedet. At voldelig død skulle komme så tæt på dem er chokerende not i forstaden til Promise Falls, men i det mindste kan familien Cutter trøste dem selv med tanken om, at lynet sandsynligvis ikke slår ned det samme sted to gange. Med mindre morderne selvfølgelig trådte ind i det forkerte hus… Til at starte med virkede ideen vanvittig – men hvert medlem af familien Cutter har en hemmelighed, de heller ville holde begravet. Hvad lå der på den gamle computer, Derek og hans ven Adam Langley havde fundet? Og hvor er den nu? Hvilket greb har en lokal professor og bedstsælgende forfatter i Ellen Cutter? Og hvad ved Jim Cutter om Fru Langley, som ikke engang hendes mand vidste? For at finde ud af, hvem der dræbte familien Langley, og hvorfor, må alles hemmeligheder komme frem i lyset. Men den endelige hemmelighed – den hemmelighed, der enten kan redde eller ødelægge dem alle – ligger et sted, hvor ingen ville tænke på at lede … „Linwood Barclay ved, hvordan man kaster almindelige personer ud i ualmindeligt farlige situationer … Læsere vil tonse igennem historien med glæde.“ - Publishers Weekly. „En bevægende og effektiv thriller.“ - Wall Street Journal Review „En spændingshistorie i et fantastisk hurtigt tempo.“ - Washington Post „En gribende læsning.“ - Booklist„Glat, åndeløs og ubarmhjertigt hurtig.“ - Daily Mirror

  • af Linwood Barclay
    157,95 kr.

    Nogle gange er det bedre ikke at vide besked … Fjortenårige Cynthia Bigge vågnede op en dag for at opdage, at hele hendes familie, mor, far, bror, var forsvundet. Ingen besked, intet spor, ingen hjemkomst. Nogensinde. Nu, femogtyve år senere vil hun opdage den forfærdelige sandhed. Cynthia er lykkeligt gift med en ung datter, en ny familie. Men historien om hendes gamle familie er ikke slut. En fremmed bil I nabolaget, telefonopkald, der ikke kan spores, ildevarslende gaver, nogen er vendt tilbage til hendes hjemby for at afslutte hvad de begyndte på for femogtyve år siden. Og ingens uskyld er garanteret, end ikke hendes egen. På det tidspunkt, Cynthia opdager hendes morders chokerende identitet vil det igen være for sent … selv til at sige farvel. „Du rejser dig ikke igen, før du har læst sidste side.“ - Michael Connelly„Fuldstændigt fængslende.“ - Tess Gerritsen„En fantastisk sidevender, der holder dig fast i spændingen.“ - Peter Robinson„Barclay lykkes med både at slå med gong-gongen og at servere tre medrivende, belønnende og, for det meste, sandsynlige retter, selvom du måske har brug for at tage en dyb indånding et sted inden kaffen.“ - GUARDIAN„En hurtig rutsjebane af en bog.“ - DAILY EXPRESS„Barclays underholdende uhyggelige fortælling...får så sandelig én til at blive ved med at vende sider.“ - THE TIMES„Hvor har Linwood Barclay været hele mit liv? Hans er den bedste thriller, jeg har læst i fem år. Da jeg først var 30 sider inde, kunne jeg vitterligt ikke lægge den fra mig. Skrivestilen er skarp; twist’ene er pludselige og fuldstændigt uventede.“ - Stephen King

  • af Clive Cussler
    144,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Alldeles nyligen njöt Dirk Pitt av solen och värmen i Kalifornien, då ett brådskande samtal fick honom att överge Stilla havets ljumma bris och bege sig rakt in i Nordatlantens isande kyla.Ett fartyg som länge varit försvunnet har hittats fastfruset i ett isberg. Där görs en bisarr upptäckt – alla ombord är brända till oigenkännlighet. Fartygets ovärderliga last är dock borta, en last som skulle kunna rubba den känsliga maktbalansen i världen.Upptäckten för Dirk Pitt in i ett virrvarr av villospår som döljer ett nätverk bestående av världens tolv rikaste män. Tillsammans försöker dessa män genomföra en världsomspännande komplott där flera nationers existens står på spel.Också i verkligheten ägnar sig bestsellerförfattaren Clive Cussler åt äventyr, precis som Dirk Pitt, hjälten i hans böcker. “Jag vill gärna tro att det finns mycket av Dirk Pitt i mig”, säger han. Cussler driver organisationen NUMA, som letar efter förlista fartyg i världshaven. Hittills har man funnit mer än sextio skepp av historisk betydelse.Clive Cussler började sin författarbana på 70-talet. Sedan dess har hans böcker sålts i 72 länder i över 70 miljoner exemplar och översatts till 32 olika språk.

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