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  • af Tracey A Hulen
    457,95 kr.

    "Social-emotional learning is a necessary aspect of a child's development, and it is often overlooked in education. Children must have access to social-emotional education to experience full neurological development and excel as contributing members of society. Authors Tracey A. Hulen and Ann-Bailey Lipsett offer their book Building Blocks for Social-Emotional Learning: Creating Safe, Secure, and Successful Elementary Schools to help elementary educators implement social-emotional instruction into their classrooms. The book includes detailed information on children's neurological development and need for social-emotional nourishment, which serves as a foundation for the practical strategies to integrate social-emotional concepts into instruction, lesson planning, and assessment. Building Blocks for Social-Emotional Learning provides everything elementary teachers need to help students understand and develop social-emotional concepts so they can reach their full potential"--

  • af Lauryn Mascareñaz
    322,95 kr.

    "Equity is an essential aspect of education for all, and it is just as relevant to school and district leaders as it is to classroom teachers. Leaders need to know how to make equity the norm in their institutions. Author Lauryn Mascareänaz with her book Evident Equity: A Guide for Creating Systemwide Change in Schools provides a comprehensive way for leaders to demonstrate equity and integrate equity into every facet of their schools. Each chapter of the book covers a different aspect of equitable leadership, from organizing staff to benefit equity to staying strong in the face of inevitable adversity. Evident Equity seeks equitable education for all and shows how leaders can spearhead that movement"--

  • af Amy S Gaumer Erickson
    427,95 kr.

    "Self-regulation is an important skill for student success both inside and outside of the classroom. It empowers students to become lifelong learners and grow healthy self-care behaviors. In Teaching Self-Regulation: Seventy-Five Instructional Activities to Foster Independent, Proactive Students, Grades 6-12, authors Amy S. Gaumer Erickson and Patricia M. Noonan support teachers in developing students' self-regulation skills by creating authentic learning opportunities and delivering effective feedback. The authors outline four components for successful self-regulation-(1) plan, (2) monitor, (3) adjust, and (4) reflect-and provide seventy-five instructional activities to teach self-regulation skills to students. By reading Teaching Self-Regulation, secondary educators will receive practical tools and strategies to address the social-emotional needs of every student"--

  • af Damian Cooper
    467,95 kr.

    "In Rebooting Assessment: A Practical Guide for Balancing Conversations, Performances, and Products, author Damian Cooper argues classroom assessment practices have stagnated. This is because educators are not taking full advantage of technology-driven advancements to incorporate student performances and conversations with students as valid metrics for assessing what students have learned. Cooper and contributor Jeff Catania provide educators with a balanced assessment approach focused on conversations, performances, and physical products (written tests, essays, and so on) in which teachers use a variety of recording devices, from smartphones and tablets to webcams and dedicated video cameras, to capture visual and aural evidence of student learning as it happens in the classroom. This digital evidence enables teachers to provide high-quality feedback to students and support student self- and peer assessment, encouraging them to take ownership of their learning. By reading this book, K-12 educators will receive tools and strategies for creating a more reliable assessment process that enhances learning for every student"--

  • af Erik M Francis
    412,95 kr.

    "Depth of knowledge (DOK) is a hard-to-define, contentious framework for education that is often overlooked due to a lack of clarity surrounding what it entails. Author Erik M. Francis seeks to clear up this cloudy perception of DOK with his book Deconstructing Depth of Knowledge: A Method and Model for Deeper Teaching and Learning. This resource clearly defines depth of knowledge and explores how it can be applied to instruction based on distinct models presented by various educational experts since its initial inception in the '90s. The book also adapts DOK for different purposes, including instruction, extended student learning, and response to intervention. Select chapters focus on converting learning standards into DOK learning targets. Deconstructing Depth of Knowledge is the whole package when it comes to depth of knowledge, providing readers with everything they need to know about what it is, who it's for, and how to use and sustain it"--

  • af Paul C Farmer
    417,95 kr.

    "Professional learning communities (PLCs) provide the best possible environment for student learning and growth, but the need for virtual and hybrid classrooms has made it challenging for PLCs to thrive. With their book Virtual PLCs: A Guide to Effectively Implementing Online and Hybrid Teaching and Learning, authors Paul C. Farmer and Dennis King provide a thorough guide for implementing the PLC process in virtual and hybrid classrooms. Included in this book are discussions on basic PLC principles, the four pillars of a PLC, and PLC leadership, all within the context of virtual or hybrid learning. The book also touches on how to maintain school culture through virtual school and how to ensure the PLC goal of high levels of student learning is present no matter what the classroom looks like. Education is evolving beyond the four walls of a classroom, and Virtual PLCs ensures the PLC process will evolve right along with it"--

  • af Sharroky Hollie
    377,95 kr.

    "Positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) is, in theory, an effective method of creating equitable educational environments that serve all students. In practice, however, it often falls short, especially when concerning historically underserved students. There is a disconnect between cultural responsiveness and PBIS that creates a gap in PBIS effectiveness, often leaving Black and Brown students with disciplinary disproportionality and academic disparities. In Supporting Underserved Students: How to Make PBIS Culturally and Linguistically Responsive, Sharroky Hollie and Daniel Russell Jr. emphasize the need for alignment between PBIS and culturally and linguistically responsive teaching and learning to ensure equity for all students. They begin with an overview of traditional PBIS practices, highlighting where gaps exist for historically underserved students. Then they offer practical strategies for aligning, assessing, and activating culturally responsive practices for PBIS. The book also highlights situational appropriateness for cultural behaviors. It provides guidance on how teachers can validate and affirm students' cultural behaviors, and how they can build and bridge those behaviors to the academic and social skills students need in order to succeed at school and in mainstream society"--

  • af Thomas W Many
    432,95 kr.

    "A comprehensive guide for coaching collaborative teams in a Professional Learning Community (PLC) at Work, this "grab and grow" resource is a powerful tool busy school leaders, instructional coaches, and teacher leaders can grab to grow their collaborative teams' skills. Collaborative teacher teams are the engine of a PLC. The members of these teams work in cycles of continuous improvement to ensure high levels of learning for all students. It can be a challenge to lead and coach these teams to reach their full potential. Authors Thomas W. Many, Michael J. Maffoni, Susan K. Sparks, and Tesha Ferriby Thomas and contributor Brian Greeney provide complete, easy-to-implement professional learning to deepen teams' knowledge of five prerequisites of a PLC. For the prerequisites, ranging from curriculum to assessment to intervention, the authors present strong, evidence-based strategies and instructions for getting the most out of the collaborative process so teams and PLCs can thrive"--

  • af Washington Collado
    322,95 kr.

    "Talking openly and honestly about racism is a challenging endeavor in today's world. Such conversations are often riddled with defensive tones, misinformation, and general discomfort. Thankfully, Beyond Conversations About Race: A Guide for Discussions With Students, Teachers, and Communities, written by a collective of brilliant authors, including Douglas Reeves, Anthony Muhammad, Sharroky Hollie, Kenneth C. Williams, Washington Collado, Rosa Isiah, and Yvette Jackson, addresses the difficulties of challenging conversations about race. The book addresses a whole array of scenarios and discussion questions about race, such as important history regarding race, who should take responsibility for what, the creation of safe spaces for conversations, violence, advocacy, and law enforcement. The book aims not only to encourage challenging conversations but to spark action, with the goal of developing anti-racism. With all the events and tragedies surrounding racism, people need to understand how to talk about racism. Beyond Conversations About Race provides a comprehensive guide for how to have these conversations and how to transfer them into the action the world needs"--

  • af Tina H Boogren
    362,95 kr.

    "Many instructional leaders find differentiating their coaching practices for beginning and veteran teachers challenging. In Coaching for Professional Wellness: A Guide to Supporting New and Experienced Teachers, author Tina H. Boogren provides instructional and self-care strategies that coaches and mentors can implement to support both their newest and most experienced teachers. Equipped with extensive coaching experience, Boogren shares interactive activities and easy-to-replicate strategies to build a schoolwide system of support. By reading this book, instructional leaders and coaches review the important components and essential values of coaching educators"--

  • af Martha Kaufeldt
    427,95 kr.

    "For 21st century students, high-stakes testing often creates stressful classroom environments that hinder student learning and negatively impact students' overall performance on the tests themselves. Author Martha Kaufeldt's De-Stress the Test: Brain-Friendly Strategies to Prepare Students for High-Stakes Assessments seeks to alleviate the stress of the test and help create classrooms full of focus and learning. Topics range from a biological breakdown of how the brain reacts to stressful environments to practical strategies for reducing stress and increasing focus in the classroom. Kaufeldt's experience shines through as she provides accessible solutions to help students thrive during testing. Students deserve to learn and develop without experiencing needless stress and anxiety, and De-Stress the Test is a tool that can help make that a reality"--

  • af Joe Cuddemi
    427,95 kr.

    "Charting the Course for Collaborative Teams: Lessons From Priority Schools in a PLC at Work provides educators with the knowledge, tools, and insight to significantly improve schools labeled as priority schools-schools where most students struggle to meet district or state standards and low achievement persists. The book advocates that to truly support the belief that all students can learn at high levels, educators must focus on and develop their capacities to act collaboratively within the professional learning community (PLC) process. With this commitment to high achievement for all, editor Sharon V. Kramer works with numerous expert contributors to share the strategies they have used to turn around their own underperforming schools through the power of collaborative teams. By reading this book, teachers and collaborative teams will explore best practices and research-based solutions to face barriers and challenges associated with priority schools"--

  • af Robert Eaker
    362,95 kr.

    "In Leading PLCs at Workª Districtwide: From Boardroom to Classroom, authors Robert Eaker, Mike Hagadone, Janel Keating, and Meagan Rhoades guide educators in developing successful districtwide professional learning communities (PLCs) to ensure high levels of learning for every student. The authors advocate high-performing districts develop when collaborative teams at every level align their concepts, practices, and vocabulary. Aligning this work is a top-down, bottom-up cyclical process, starting with the district level and ending with grade-level and content-area teams. By reading Leading PLCs at Work Districtwide, district and school leaders will have the tools and strategies to create a districtwide culture of continuous improvement"--

  • af Robert Eaker
    322,95 kr.

    Champion continuous school improvement with the support of our Leading PLCs at Work(R) Districtwide Plan Book. Divided into weekly and monthly planning pages, the plan book helps guide leaders in identifying and acting upon major responsibilities, tasks, and goals throughout the year. Also included are PLC checklists as well as multiple tools for self-reflection, project preparation, and meeting planning. Leaders can use this resource to embed core values into the planning process so that educators at every level accomplish the right work: Discover how to work backward when designing effective plans for your school district. Understand why it is essential to have a visual districtwide calendar that holds everyone accountable and provides everyone with the same information. Receive templates for planning and monitoring activities and due dates. Utilize daily checklists as well as weekly and end-of-year self-reflection tools. Learn how to evaluate timelines to optimize time and productivity in your professional learning community (PLC). Contents: Section 1 Preface--Districtwide Planning How to Use this Plan Book Section 2 Monthly PLC Work (July Through June) Monthly Calendar Daily Planner Monthly Reflections Tool Section 3 Midyear Self-Reflection Tool End-of-Year Self-Reflection Tool Project-Planning Tool Meeting-Planning Tool

  • af Timothy D Kanold
    442,95 kr.

    "In SOUL! Fulfilling the Promise of Your Professional Life as a Teacher and Leader, author Timothy D. Kanold shares his own reflections and anecdotes, as well as wisdom and research from various teachers and leaders, to inspire and guide K-12 educators through their professional journeys. SOUL! is a follow-up to the bestselling book HEART! Fully Forming Your Professional Life as a Teacher and Leader. Whereas the goal of HEART! is to support educators in living a balanced professional life, the aim of SOUL! is to continue the work started in HEART! by reflecting on and taking daily actions that generate healthy responses to the obstacles educators face. No matter where readers find themselves in their teaching and leading careers, SOUL! will help them lead a fulfilling work life and ensure their students and colleagues flourish"--

  • af Sarah Schuhl
    377,95 kr.

    "This book is part of the Every Student Can Learn Mathematics series. In Mathematics Unit Planning in a PLC at Work, Grades PreK-2, authors Sarah Schuhl, Timothy D. Kanold, Jennifer Deinhart, Nathan D. Lang-Raad, Matthew R. Larson, and Nanci N. Smith provide grades preK-2 mathematics teachers with a framework for collectively planning a unit of study. This book helps teams identify what students need to know by the end of each unit and how to build student self-efficacy. The authors advocate using the PLC at Work process for increasing mathematics achievement, and as teams answer the four critical questions of a PLC, they provide students with a more equitable learning experience. The authors share tools and protocols for effectively performing collaborative tasks, such as unwrapping standards, generating unit calendars, determining academic vocabulary and rigorous lessons, utilizing and sharing self-reflections, and designing foundational addition and subtraction units. By reading Mathematics Unit Planning in a PLC at Work, Grades PreK-2, teachers will receive practical insight into collaborative planning and inspiring detailed models of this work in action"--

  • af Diane Kerr
    397,95 kr.

    "The early years of a student's educational career form the foundation of all future learning and provide a launchpad social, emotional, and intellectual growth. It's easy to see why this time of early childhood learning, from preschool through the early grades, is essential to an effective education. What About Us?: Embracing the PLC at Work Process in Early Childhood emphasizes the importance of early childhood learning and provides strong ideas and methodology-through the PLC at Work process-to help teachers realize the full potential of an early childhood classroom. Authors Kerr, Hulen, Heller, and Butler provide strong, researched tools for optimizing the PLC at Work system and making sure every student gains the strong foundation necessary for an excellent education"--

  • af Mark Onuscheck
    462,95 kr.

    "High-quality literacy instruction is necessary for all learners, and building a solid literacy foundation is of paramount importance during the elementary grades. Part of the Every Teacher Is a Literacy Teacher series edited by Mark Onuscheck and Jeanne Spiller, Reading and Writing Instruction for PreK Through First-Grade Classrooms in a PLC at Work outlines how collaborative teams in professional learning communities (PLCs) support and encourage the literacy development of all students. Authors Erica Martin and Lisa May provide PreK through first-grade teachers tools and strategies for designing standards-aligned instruction, assessments, extensions, and interventions. By reading this book, teachers will address specific literacy challenges and situations found within their grade band and explore methods to collaboratively provide a guaranteed and viable curriculum for every student"--

  • af Sarah Gord
    462,95 kr.

    "High-quality literacy instruction is necessary for all learners, and building a solid literacy foundation is of paramount importance during the elementary grades. Part of the Every Teacher Is a Literacy Teacher series edited by Mark Onuscheck and Jeanne Spiller, Reading and Writing Instruction for Second- and Third-Grade Classrooms in a PLC at Work outlines how collaborative teams in professional learning communities (PLCs) support and encourage the literacy development of all students. Authors Sarah Gord and Kathryn E. Sheridan provide second- and third-grade teachers tools and strategies for designing standards-aligned instruction, assessments, extensions, and interventions. By reading this book, teachers will address specific literacy challenges and situations found within their grade band and explore methods to collaboratively provide a guaranteed and viable curriculum for every student"--

  • af Kathy Tuchman Glass
    462,95 kr.

    "High-quality literacy instruction is necessary for all learners, and building a solid literacy foundation is of paramount importance during the elementary grades. Part of the Every Teacher Is a Literacy Teacher series edited by Mark Onuscheck and Jeanne Spiller, Reading and Writing Instruction for Fourth- and Fifth-Grade Classrooms in a PLC at Work outlines how collaborative teams in professional learning communities (PLCs) support and encourage the literacy development of all students. Author Kathy Tuchman Glass provides fourth- and fifth-grade teachers tools and strategies for designing standards-aligned instruction, assessments, extensions, and interventions. By reading this book, teachers will address specific literacy challenges and situations found within their grade band and explore methods to collaboratively provide a guaranteed and viable curriculum for every student"--

  • af Sarah Schuhl
    377,95 kr.

    "In Mathematics Unit Planning in a PLC, Grades 3-5, authors Sarah Schuhl, Timothy D. Kanold, Jennifer Deinhart, Matthew R. Larson, and Mona Toncheff provide grades 3-5 mathematics teachers a framework for collectively planning a unit of study. The book helps teams identify what students need to know by the need of each unit and how to build student self-efficacy. It advocates the PLC at Work process for increasing mathematics achievement, and as teams answer the four critical questions of a PLC, they provide students with a more equitable learning experience. The authors share tools and protocols for effectively performing collaborative tasks, such as unwrapping standards, generating unit calendars, determining academic vocabulary and rigorous lessons, utilizing and sharing self-reflections, and designing robust fraction units. By reading Mathematics Unit Planning in a PLC, Grades 3-5, teachers will receive practical insight into collaborative planning and inspiring detailed models of this work in action"--

  • af Thomas R Guskey
    452,95 kr.

    Make school a better experience for students by ensuring grading and reporting practices are honest, accurate, meaningful, and fair. A companion to the best-selling and award-winning On Your Mark, this practical guide details how to successfully lead lasting grading reform. Dr. Thomas R. Guskey simplifies the transition by guiding educators through six essential steps--from developing a coalition devoted to change to creating a systematic plan. Use this resource to develop a new system of grading in your school or district: Become familiar with the process of implementing a rigorous new system of reporting that aligns with the goals of standards-based grading. Acquire numerous tools and strategies that will assist in the process of implementing a new grading system. Study the six steps that are essential to any successful attempt to reform grading, as well as how to succeed in each. Learn how to form a change action plan that covers the entire system of implementation and improves the student experience. Contents: About the Author Introduction Chapter 1: Learn From Failures Chapter 2: Form a Coalition for Change Chapter 3: Understand the Change Process Chapter 4: Clarify the Purpose of Grading and Reporting Chapter 5: Report Multiple Grades for Cognitive Outcomes Chapter 6: Report Multiple Grades for Noncognitive Outcomes Chapter 7: Get Assessment Policies and Practices Right Chapter 8: Develop a Systematic Plan for Implementation References and Resources Index

  • af Jasmine K Kullar
    377,95 kr.

    "In Connecting Through Leadership: The Promise of Precise and Effective Communication in Schools, author Jasmine K. Kullar states that because they communicate nonstop from the moment the school day begins until it ends, educational leaders must know how to communicate effectively. She demonstrates ways administrators can communicate verbally and nonverbally with many groups in the school community, from teachers to students to parents. Whether the message is positive or negative, simple or complex, or actionable or informational, educational leaders' responsibility is to connect in a way that inspires and motivates others"--

  • af Thomas W Many
    427,95 kr.

    "In Thrive: Building a Coaching Culture for Collaborative Teams in PLCs at Work authors Thomas W. Many, Michael J. Maffoni, Susan K. Sparks, and Tesha Ferriby Thomas apply the best thinking in the profession to the process of building a highly effective coaching culture for collaborative teams in Professional Learning Communities at Work (PLCs). This follow up to the authors' earlier book Amplify Your Impact: Coaching Collaborative Teams in PLCs at Work uses the team coaching structure they advocate to explore how coaches can build a coaching culture in PLCs to address adaptive challenges, providing the concrete ideas and strategies necessary for coaching teams toward effective and deeper implementation of the PLC process. Leaders and coaches will learn effective coaching strategies for essential PLC elements, as well as how readers can use the Strategy Implementation Guide (SIG) and Pathways for Coaching Collaborative Teams to develop and fully realize those elements. Through this book, coaches and leaders will learn the theory and strategies necessary to coach teams toward a fully realized implementation of the PLC process"--

  • af Bob Sonju
    382,95 kr.

    With foreword by Mike Mattos Build a strong, highly impactful team committed to learning for all. Written by eight professional learning community (PLC) experts, this practical guide addresses the most common challenges educators face when building collaborative teams and working collaboratively. Each chapter offers a variety of templates, processes, and strategies to help your team resolve conflict, focus on the right work, and take collective responsibility for student learning. Rely on this book to troubleshoot collaborative learning and team development in your PLC: Gain an understanding of the PLC framework and the unique qualities of effective collaborative work. Learn about collaborative teams, what goes into making them, and how to utilize them effectively to drive change and professional development for teachers and other educators. Become familiar with the ways in which interpersonal issues affect collaborative teams, and gain collaborative tools for conflict resolution and team building for teachers and staff. Learn how a toxic work culture can contribute to the failure of collaborative learning and how to combat this toxic school culture. Explore how educators in nontraditional schools or singletons can use the collaborative process to their advantage. Contents: About the Authors Foreword by Mike Mattos Introduction Chapter 1: Organizing Schools Into Effective Collaborative Teams Chapter 2: Managing Team Members Who Disengage Chapter 3: Establishing Clarity on What Students Need to Know and Be Able to Do Chapter 4: Planning for Targeted and Effective Team Interventions Chapter 5: Working Together in a PLC Chapter 6: Changing to a Positive School Culture Chapter 7: Involving Nondepartmental Members in a PLC Chapter 8: Supporting Singleton Teachers in Collaborative Teams Chapter 9: Dealing With Cautions, Conflicts, and Commitments References and Resources Index

  • af Tina H Boogren
    382,95 kr.

    "In 180 Days of Self-Care for Educators, author Tina H. Boogren invites readers to examine their habits and practices in order to better prioritize themselves and their happiness. With an understanding of the difficulties that educators face in prioritizing themselves, Tina Boogren provides readers with the skills necessary to shift their thinking and turn self-care into an ongoing, lifelong practice. As such, this book takes readers through the thirty-six weeks of the school year, divided across four sections or seasons - the season of sacrifice, disillusionment, finding balance, and finishing strong. Each of the thirty-six weeks of the school year focuses on a single self-care method, placed there to help the reader best prioritize themselves in that time of the year. Moreover, the book takes these strategies a step further and encourages readers to utilize these tools more generally as a means of bettering their life outside of school. Through this book, readers will find strategies and tools that they will find indispensable in their journey towards becoming their best selves" --

  • af Garnet Hillman
    377,95 kr.

    "In Think like a coach, teach for success: delivering actionable feedback in the classroom, authors Garnet Hillman and Mandy Stalets offer a fresh perspective on implementing and delivering effective feedback in the classroom by examining the practices utilized by coaches. Although people would traditionally describe coaches and teachers as different professions that operate in separate spheres, the two share endless similarities. The responsibilities of both coaches and teachers include guiding their learners through the process of sharpening their skills while providing individualized feedback. In order to understand how teachers can ensure all students develop the skills necessary for success, Hillman and Stalets explore what purposeful coaching looks like on the athletic field and in the classroom. By reading Coaching the Classroom, educators will possess the tools and practices needed for creating a culture of student-centered learning and for becoming leaders of the feedback process in their classrooms"--

  • af Austin Buffum
    252,95 kr.

    Create a path to success for every student with the support of our RTI at Work(TM) Plan Book by experts Austin Buffum and Mike Mattos. Broken down into 40 weekly planning pages, the plan book helps individuals and collaborative teams stay on top of various responsibilities, tasks, and goals as they implement a three-tiered approach to effective intervention. Also included are reproducibles, tools, and activities designed to improve teamwork and strengthen daily practice. Use this RTI at Work teacher planner to guide your student intervention plan and instructional strategies: Review the foundational ideas and basic concepts of RTI education and the RTI at Work process. Recognize the positive cultural shifts that occur in schools by implementing response to intervention (RTI) within a professional learning community (PLC). Learn best practices for using the forms and reproducibles included in the book to meet daily RTI goals. Read inspiring RTI at Work success stories from real teachers and principals. Acquire references and resources for further study of RTI at Work and PLC at Work(R).

  • af Wendy Custable
    457,95 kr.

    No matter the content area, evidence-based grading puts student growth at the heart of the classroom. Designed for teachers and administrators of grades 6-12, Proficiency-Based Grading in the Content Areas details a five-step approach for implementing evidence-based grading and maintaining its effectiveness over time. This book equips any educator -- from technical to fine arts -- with the tools and support to make the shift to focusing on standards and competency. Use proficiency-based grading (also known as evidence-based grading) to drive student success: Become familiar with the basic concepts and essential decisions of evidence-based grading that apply to teaching in all content areas. Learn the five phases of implementing proficiency-based grading -- (1) preparation, (2) incubation, (3) insight, (4) evaluation, and (5) elaboration. Explore the steps, paradigm shifts, and pedagogy necessary to implement proficiency-based grading in a particular content area. Study individual-level and institutional-level grading decisions and how they differ from each other. Understand how proficiency-based grading differs from content area to content area and the unique benefits it offers to each. Contents: Introduction Chapter 1: Implementing Proficiency-Based Grading With Core Belief Fidelity Chapter 2: Implementing Evidence-Based Reporting in Career and Technical Education Chapter 3: Implementing Evidence-Based Grading in English Language Arts Chapter 4: Implementing Evidence-Based Grading in Fine Arts Chapter 5: Implementing Evidence-Based Grading in Mathematics Chapter 6: Implementing Evidence-Based Grading in Physical Education and Health Chapter 7: Implementing Evidence-Based Grading in Sciences Chapter 8: Implementing Evidence-Based Grading in Social Sciences Chapter 9: Implementing Evidence-Based Grading in World Languages Epilogue: Creating Self-Reliant Learners References and Resources Index

  • af Don Parker
    427,95 kr.

    "In Power for Good: Building Trusting Relationships with At-Risk Students author Don Parker shares numerous evidence-based strategies designed to build trusting and mutually beneficial relationships with at-risk students. In his book, Dr. Parker declares that the research is in and it shows that the old, zero tolerance methods of classroom control are not effective. In reality, the most effective methods of increasing positive classroom behavior and academic success are positive, uplifting student-teacher relationships and counseling from authority figures. If educators wish to curb behavioral issues in the classroom and, more importantly, empower their at-risk students, then they must embrace these new methods. Dr. Parker provides the evidence-based guidance necessary for teachers to make these adjustments in their teaching styles. Through this book, educators will learn how to build uplifting relationships with at-risk students and create a climate and culture in their schools that will enable student success"--

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