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  • - Bedtime Stories for Kids
    127,95 kr.

    "Dreamland Adventures: Bedtime Stories for Kids" is a charming collection of bedtime tales designed to whisk young readers away to fantastical worlds before they drift off to sleep. Written with warmth and imagination, the book features a series of short stories, each offering a unique adventure filled with colorful characters and delightful surprises.In these tales, children will encounter a variety of enchanting settings, from magical forests to far-off galaxies, where they'll embark on journeys full of wonder and discovery. Along the way, they'll meet endearing protagonists such as brave knights, curious animals, and clever adventurers, who navigate challenges with courage and creativity.The stories in "Dreamland Adventures" are crafted to capture the imagination and inspire young minds, while also imparting gentle lessons about friendship, bravery, and the power of imagination. With engaging narratives and vivid imagery, the book creates an inviting atmosphere perfect for bedtime reading, fostering a sense of comfort and excitement as children drift off to dreamland.Whether it's a quest to rescue a lost treasure or an expedition to the stars, each story in this collection promises to captivate young readers and transport them to magical realms where anything is possible. "Dreamland Adventures: Bedtime Stories for Kids" is sure to become a cherished favorite for families looking to share special moments together at the end of each day.

  • - Finding Spiritual Connection in Your Relationship
    136,95 kr.

    "Marriage and Faith: Finding Spiritual Connection in Your Relationship" is a thoughtful and insightful guidebook that explores the intersection of marriage and spirituality. Written with compassion and wisdom, this book delves into the ways in which faith can enrich and strengthen the bond between partners, offering practical advice and inspiring anecdotes to help couples deepen their spiritual connection. Throughout the pages of "Marriage and Faith," readers will discover a wealth of strategies for nurturing their relationship on a spiritual level. Drawing from a variety of religious traditions and spiritual practices, the book encourages couples to explore their shared beliefs, values, and aspirations, and to incorporate these into their daily lives together. From rituals and prayers to mindfulness exercises and reflective prompts, "Marriage and Faith" provides couples with a toolbox of resources to deepen their spiritual connection and foster a sense of unity and purpose in their relationship. The book also addresses common challenges that couples may face on their spiritual journey, offering guidance on how to navigate differences in belief, overcome obstacles, and cultivate a sense of mutual respect and understanding. Above all, "Marriage and Faith" emphasizes the transformative power of love and faith in building a strong and enduring partnership. Whether you're newlyweds or seasoned partners, this book offers invaluable insights and practical strategies for creating a marriage that is grounded in shared values, mutual support, and spiritual growth. It is a must-read for couples seeking to enrich their relationship and deepen their connection on a spiritual level.

  • - The Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants Considered as Illustrative of Geology, Vol VI
    143,95 kr.

    The book Principles of Geology by Charles Lyell is widely considered one of the most influential scientific books of the 19th century. First published in 1830, it presents a detailed overview of the geological processes that have shaped the Earth, and argues for a gradual, uniformitarian explanation of geological phenomena, as opposed to the catastrophism that was popular at the time.Lyell's work was groundbreaking in its insistence on the importance of studying the present-day processes that shape the Earth in order to understand the past. He argued that the Earth's geological features were the result of slow, continuous changes that had been occurring for millions of years - a view that challenged the prevailing belief in sudden and catastrophic events like floods and earthquakes.Principles of Geology went through numerous editions and was widely read by scientists and laypeople alike. Its influence can be seen in the work of other important scientific figures, including Charles Darwin, who cited Lyell's ideas as a key influence on his theory of evolution.

  • - A Guide to Mindfulness and Meditation
    127,95 kr.

    "The Path to Spiritual Enlightenment: A Guide to Mindfulness and Meditation" is a comprehensive and accessible book that serves as a roadmap for individuals seeking to cultivate mindfulness and embark on a journey of spiritual growth. Written by an experienced practitioner or a renowned spiritual teacher, the book blends ancient wisdom with modern insights to provide readers with practical techniques and profound insights into the transformative power of mindfulness and meditation.The book begins by laying a foundation for understanding mindfulness and its role in spiritual enlightenment. It explores the origins of mindfulness practices, delving into their historical and cultural significance across various traditions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism. Through this exploration, readers gain a deeper appreciation for the timeless wisdom underlying these practices.As the book progresses, it offers a step-by-step guide to incorporating mindfulness and meditation into daily life. Readers are introduced to various meditation techniques, breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices, each designed to cultivate inner peace, clarity of mind, and emotional resilience. The author emphasizes the importance of consistency and patience in one's spiritual journey, encouraging readers to approach their practice with an open heart and a willingness to embrace the present moment.Throughout the book, the author shares personal anecdotes, inspirational stories, and practical tips to illustrate the transformative power of mindfulness and meditation. Drawing from their own experiences and insights, they offer guidance on overcoming common challenges, such as distractions, doubts, and self-judgment, that may arise on the path to spiritual enlightenment.Ultimately, "The Path to Spiritual Enlightenment" serves as a gentle yet profound guide for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual practice, cultivate inner peace, and awaken to the inherent wisdom and beauty of life. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, this book offers invaluable wisdom and guidance to support you on your journey toward spiritual growth and self-discovery.

  • - Stress Relief and Spirituality through Yoga
    127,95 kr.

    "Yoga for the Soul: Stress Relief and Spirituality through Yoga" is a comprehensive guide that delves into the profound benefits of yoga, both in terms of stress relief and spiritual well-being. The book is organized into eight chapters, each focusing on specific aspects of yoga practice and its transformative impact on the mind, body, and spirit.Chapter 1: The Basics of YogaThis chapter serves as an introduction to the fundamentals of yoga, covering the history, philosophy, and basic postures. It lays the foundation for readers, whether they are beginners or looking to deepen their understanding.Chapter 2: Yoga for Stress ReliefHere, the author explores how yoga can be a powerful tool for managing and alleviating stress. The chapter includes practical techniques, breathing exercises, and postures specifically designed to release tension and promote relaxation.Chapter 3: Yoga for SpiritualityMoving beyond the physical aspects, this chapter delves into the spiritual dimensions of yoga. It explores the connection between yoga and inner peace, mindfulness, and a deeper sense of purpose.Chapter 4: Specialized Yoga PracticesReaders are introduced to specialized forms of yoga, such as Kundalini or Ashtanga, which cater to specific needs or preferences. The chapter provides insights into the unique benefits and practices associated with each.Chapter 5: Yoga for Different AudiencesTailoring yoga for different demographics, this chapter addresses how yoga can be adapted for children, seniors, pregnant women, or individuals with specific health concerns. It emphasizes the inclusivity of yoga for all age groups and fitness levels.Chapter 6: Advanced Yoga PracticesFor those seeking a deeper challenge, this chapter explores advanced yoga practices, including intricate poses, advanced breathing techniques, and meditation. It is designed for practitioners looking to elevate their practice to new heights.Chapter 7: Maintaining a Regular Yoga PracticeThe importance of consistency is highlighted in this chapter, providing tips and guidance on how to establish and maintain a regular yoga routine. It addresses common challenges and offers practical advice for making yoga a sustainable part of daily life.Chapter 8: The Spiritual Journey of YogaThe final chapter brings together the spiritual aspects explored earlier, guiding readers on a reflective journey. It discusses the transformative power of yoga in fostering self-discovery, inner growth, and a profound connection with the spiritual dimensions of life. Overall, "Yoga for the Soul" is a well-rounded guide that not only instructs on the physical aspects of yoga but also emphasizes its capacity to nurture mental and spiritual well-being. The book caters to a wide audience, from beginners to advanced practitioners, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to embark on a holistic yoga journey.

  • af Various
    164,95 kr.

    "Our Boys: Entertaining Stories by Popular Authors" is a captivating collection of short stories that showcases the talent of various well-known writers. Each story within the book offers a unique and engaging narrative, providing readers with a diverse range of plots, characters, and settings to enjoy. The compilation aims to entertain and captivate its audience through a blend of humor, drama, suspense, and heartfelt moments woven into the fabric of each tale.Readers can expect to be taken on a literary journey filled with twists and turns, as they immerse themselves in the imaginative worlds created by these popular authors. From lighthearted adventures to thought-provoking reflections on life, "Our Boys" promises to offer something for everyone to enjoy. With its rich storytelling and compelling narratives, this book is sure to leave a lasting impression on those who delve into its pages.

  • af Charles Lyell
    166,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af George Moore
    212,95 kr.

    Spring Days is a novel by Irish author George Moore, first published in 1916. It tells the story of a young Irishman, Tony, who is torn between his love for two women: his childhood sweetheart, Eileen, and his mistress, the older and more worldly Bertha. Set in Dublin and London at the turn of the 20th century, the novel explores themes of love, desire, class, and the struggle for independence.Moore's prose is vivid and poetic, capturing the beauty and vibrancy of springtime in all its glory. He paints a vivid picture of the changing seasons, using nature as a metaphor for the characters' emotional states. The novel also features a cast of colorful supporting characters, including Tony's bohemian artist friends and his disapproving mother, who add depth and complexity to the story.Overall, Spring Days is a beautifully written and emotionally rich novel that offers a fascinating glimpse into the social and cultural landscape of early 20th century Ireland and England. It is a must-read for fans of classic literature and anyone interested in the complexities of human relationships.

  • af Charles Reade
    232,95 kr.

    "Love Me Little, Love Me Long" is a novel written by Charles Reade. The book was first published in 1859 and tells the story of Kate and her love affair with Francis. Kate is a young woman who is the daughter of a wealthy businessman, and Francis is a struggling artist who is very passionate about his work. Despite their differences in social status and outlook on life, the two fall in love and begin a tumultuous relationship.The novel explores themes of love, class, and morality, with a particular emphasis on the challenges faced by individuals who dare to cross social boundaries in pursuit of their desires. Reade's writing is characterized by his attention to detail and his ability to paint vivid portraits of his characters and their experiences.Overall, "Love Me Little, Love Me Long" is a compelling read that offers a nuanced and thought-provoking exploration of love and the human condition. Whether you are a fan of classic literature or simply looking for a good book to read, this novel is sure to captivate and engage you from beginning to end.

  • af Thomas Hibbert
    212,95 kr.

    The American Flower Garden Directory is a comprehensive guide to gardening written by Thomas Hibbert in the mid 1800s. The book is known for its detailed descriptions of various flowers, including their cultivation, propagation, and uses in landscape design.It covers both annuals and perennials, as well as shrubs and trees, and provides information on their history and origins.The book also includes advice on garden design, soil preparation, and pest control, making it a valuable resource for both amateur and professional gardeners alike. With beautiful illustrations and a wealth of information, The American Flower Garden Directory remains a classic and essential guide to gardening in America.

  • af Theodor Mommsen
    247,95 kr.

    The History of Rome is a multi-volume work by the German historian Theodor Mommsen. It was first published in the mid-19th century and remains one of the most influential works on ancient Rome to this day. The book covers the period from the founding of Rome to the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Mommsen's writing is characterized by its attention to detail and its commitment to using primary sources to reconstruct the past.One of the most notable features of The History of Rome is its focus on political and legal developments. Mommsen was particularly interested in the Roman Republic, which he saw as a crucial stage in the development of Western political thought. He was also interested in the role of law in Roman society, and he devoted significant attention to the development of Roman law and its influence on subsequent legal systems.Despite its academic focus, The History of Rome is eminently readable and accessible to a general audience. Mommsen's writing is clear and engaging, and he has a talent for bringing the past to life. Overall, The History of Rome is a masterpiece of historical writing and an essential read for anyone interested in the history of ancient Rome.

  • af Theodor Mommsen
    247,95 kr.

    The History of Rome is a multi-volume work by the German historian Theodor Mommsen. It was first published in the mid-19th century and remains one of the most influential works on ancient Rome to this day. The book covers the period from the founding of Rome to the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Mommsen's writing is characterized by its attention to detail and its commitment to using primary sources to reconstruct the past.One of the most notable features of The History of Rome is its focus on political and legal developments. Mommsen was particularly interested in the Roman Republic, which he saw as a crucial stage in the development of Western political thought. He was also interested in the role of law in Roman society, and he devoted significant attention to the development of Roman law and its influence on subsequent legal systems.Despite its academic focus, The History of Rome is eminently readable and accessible to a general audience. Mommsen's writing is clear and engaging, and he has a talent for bringing the past to life. Overall, The History of Rome is a masterpiece of historical writing and an essential read for anyone interested in the history of ancient Rome.

  • af Hilary Abner Herbert
    162,95 kr.

    In 1890 Mr. L. E. Chittenden, who had been United States Treasurer under President Lincoln, published an interesting account of $10,000,000 United States bonds secretly sent to England, as he said, in 1862, and he told all about what thereupon took place across the water. It was a reminiscence.General Charles Francis Adams in his recent instructive volume, "Studies Military and Diplomatic," takes up this narrative and, in a chapter entitled "An Historical Residuum," conclusively shows from contemporaneous evidence that the bonds were sent, not in 1862, but in 1863, but that, as for the rest of the story, the residuum of truth in it was about like the speck of moisture that is left when a soap bubble is pricked by a needle. General Adams did not mean that Mr. Chittenden knew he was drawing on his imagination. He was only demonstrating that one who intends to write history cannot rely on his memory.The author, in the following pages, is undertaking to write a connected story of events that happened, most of them, in his lifetime, and as to many of the most important of which he has vivid recollections; but, save in one respect, he has not relied upon his own memory for any important fact. The picture he has drawn of the relations between the slave-holder and non-slave-holder in the South is, much of it, given as he recollects it. His opportunities for observation were somewhat extensive, and here he is willing to be considered in part as a witness. Elsewhere he has relied almost entirely upon contemporaneous written evidence, memory, however, often indicating to him sources of information.

  • af Immanuel Kant
    142,95 kr.

    The book "Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals" was written by the famous German philosopher Immanuel Kant. It is a work of moral philosophy that explores the nature of morality, the principles that underlie it and the duties that individuals have towards one another.In the book, Kant argues that moral principles are based on reason alone and are not dependent on particular circumstances or personal preferences. He believes that there are certain fundamental moral principles that are universally applicable, such as the principle of the dignity of all human beings.Kant also introduces the concept of the "categorical imperative", which is a moral principle that is binding on all rational beings regardless of their individual desires or goals. He argues that this principle requires individuals to act in such a way that their actions could be made into a universal law without contradiction.Overall, the book is a significant contribution to the field of moral philosophy and has had a profound impact on subsequent philosophical and ethical thought.

  • af Immanuel Kant
    152,95 kr.

    "The Critique of Practical Reason" is a philosophical work written by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant. It was first published in 1788 and is considered one of his most important works.The book explores the nature of practical reason and ethical decision-making. Kant argues that practical reason is the basis for moral action and that moral action is grounded in a universal principle of reason called the "Categorical Imperative". He argues that moral decisions cannot be based on personal preferences or desires, but rather on the rational principles that guide human behavior.The book is divided into two main parts. The first part focuses on the "Analytic of Pure Practical Reason", which explores the nature of practical reason itself. The second part, the "Dialectic of Pure Practical Reason", examines the application of practical reason to ethical decision-making.Overall, "The Critique of Practical Reason" is a dense and complex philosophical work that offers a comprehensive analysis of the nature of practical reason and its role in ethical decision-making. It is an important contribution to the field of moral philosophy and continues to be studied and debated by scholars today.

  • af Immanuel Kant
    132,95 kr.

    "The Critique of Practical Reason" is a philosophical work written by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant. It was first published in 1788 and is considered one of his most important works.The book explores the nature of practical reason and ethical decision-making. Kant argues that practical reason is the basis for moral action and that moral action is grounded in a universal principle of reason called the "Categorical Imperative". He argues that moral decisions cannot be based on personal preferences or desires, but rather on the rational principles that guide human behavior.The book is divided into two main parts. The first part focuses on the "Analytic of Pure Practical Reason", which explores the nature of practical reason itself. The second part, the "Dialectic of Pure Practical Reason", examines the application of practical reason to ethical decision-making.Overall, "The Critique of Practical Reason" is a dense and complex philosophical work that offers a comprehensive analysis of the nature of practical reason and its role in ethical decision-making. It is an important contribution to the field of moral philosophy and continues to be studied and debated by scholars today.

  • af Benjamin Franklin
    172,95 kr.

    Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography is a classic of American literature and an essential reading for anyone interested in the life and times of one of America's founding fathers. The book is an account of Franklin's life, from his early years in Boston and Philadelphia to his role as a statesman and diplomat in Europe. Franklin wrote the book in several parts, with the first part covering his life up to the age of 25 and the second part covering his life from age 25 to his retirement from business at age 42.Throughout the book, Franklin discusses his personal philosophy and his views on various topics, including religion, politics, and morality. He also provides insights into his inventions and experiments, including his work with electricity. The book is written in a conversational style and is full of anecdotes and insights that provide a unique perspective on life in colonial America.Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography is an engaging and informative read that offers a fascinating glimpse into the life of one of America's most famous and influential figures. It is a must-read for anyone interested in American history or the life of this remarkable man.

  • af Scott Nearing
    197,95 kr.

    The American Empire is a book written by Scott Nearing, an American economist and social activist, that explores the growth and impact of American capitalism.In this book, Nearing argues that the American Empire, characterized by its expansive economic and military power, has been built through the exploitation of labor and natural resources both domestically and abroad. He examines the role of corporations, government policies, and the military-industrial complex in the creation and maintenance of this empire, and also critiques the social and environmental costs of this system.Throughout the book, Nearing advocates for a more equitable and sustainable economic system that values human welfare and environmental protection over profit and power.Overall, The American Empire is a thought-provoking and informative analysis of the economic and political forces that have shaped the United States into the global power it is today.

  • af James Danby McCabe
    247,95 kr.

    Great Fortunes and How They Were Made is a book written by James D. McCabe that explores the stories of some of the most successful businesspeople and entrepreneurs in history. The book is divided into several chapters, each focusing on a different industry or sector, such as steel, oil, banking, and transportation.Throughout the book, McCabe provides detailed accounts of how these individuals were able to amass their great fortunes, often through a combination of hard work, innovative thinking, and a bit of luck. He also examines the economic and social conditions that allowed these individuals to succeed, and the impact their success had on the world around them.While the book is primarily focused on the stories of these successful businesspeople, it also provides insight into the broader economic and social forces that shaped the world in which they lived.

  • af Arthur Scott Bailey
    132,95 kr.

    The Tale of Miss Kitty Cat is a charming children's book written by Arthur Scott Bailey. The story follows the adventures of Miss Kitty Cat, a curious feline who loves to explore the world around her. Throughout the book, Miss Kitty Cat encounters a variety of different animals and learns important lessons about friendship, kindness, and bravery.One of the most endearing aspects of The Tale of Miss Kitty Cat is the way that Bailey brings his animal characters to life. Each creature has its own unique personality and quirks, making them feel like real individuals rather than just generic animals. This makes the book a delight to read for both children and adults.The Tale of Miss Kitty Cat is a timeless classic that has been enjoyed by generations of readers. It's a heartwarming story that teaches important moral lessons while also providing plenty of excitement and adventure. If you're looking for a great book to share with your children or grandchildren, this is definitely one to consider.

  • af George Edmundson
    212,95 kr.

    "History of Holland" is a comprehensive book written by George Edmundson that focuses on the history of the Netherlands from the early Middle Ages to the turn of the 20th century. The book covers various aspects of Dutch history, including its political, economic, social, and cultural developments throughout the centuries.Edmundson's book is well-researched and insightful, providing readers with a detailed understanding of the country's history. He delves into the Dutch Republic's Golden Age, the conflicts and wars that shaped the country and the various political and social movements that arose over time.The book is suitable for readers who are interested in learning more about the history of the Netherlands, and Edmundson's writing style makes it easy to read and understand. Overall, "History of Holland" is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to gain a deeper appreciation for the rich and complex history of the Netherlands.

  • af Napoléon Bonaparte
    142,95 kr.

    The Maxims of Napoleon Bonaparte is a collection of sayings and quotes attributed to the famous French military and political leader. The book is a compilation of Napoleon's ideas and beliefs on various topics, ranging from war and politics to love and human nature. It is considered a valuable insight into the mind of one of history's most influential figures.The maxims are written in a concise and straightforward style, reflecting Napoleon's direct and pragmatic approach to life. Many of the quotes are still widely cited today, such as "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake" and "Ability is nothing without opportunity." The book has been translated into many languages and has been a popular reference for leaders and strategists around the world.Overall, The Maxims of Napoleon Bonaparte is an essential read for anyone interested in understanding the mindset and philosophy of one of history's most successful leaders. It provides valuable insights and lessons that are still relevant today, making it a timeless classic.

  • af James Huneker
    207,95 kr.

    "Chopin: The Man and His Music" is a book written by James Huneker, a music critic and writer who lived from 1857 to 1921. The book is a biography of Frederic Chopin, a Polish composer and pianist who lived from 1810 to 1849. Huneker's book provides readers with an in-depth look at Chopin's life, his music, and his impact on the world of classical music.The book is divided into two parts. The first part of the book is a detailed biography of Chopin, covering his childhood in Poland, his move to Paris, and his relationships with important figures in the music world, including Franz Liszt and George Sand. Huneker also discusses Chopin's struggle with illness and his untimely death at the age of 39.The second part of the book is a detailed analysis of Chopin's music. Huneker provides readers with a detailed look at Chopin's compositions, including his preludes, nocturnes, and waltzes. Huneker's analysis is both informative and insightful, providing readers with a deeper understanding of Chopin's unique style and musical genius.Overall, "Chopin: The Man and His Music" is a must-read for anyone interested in classical music, music history, or the life and works of Frederic Chopin. Huneker's writing is engaging and informative, making this book a valuable resource for music lovers and scholars alike.

  • af James J. Walsh
    162,95 kr.

    "Medieval Medicine" is a book written by James J. Walsh that explores the history and practices of medicine during the medieval period. The book covers a wide range of topics, from the theories of the ancient Greek physician Galen, to the development of hospitals and surgical techniques in the Middle Ages.Walsh provides fascinating insights into the beliefs and practices of medieval medicine, which were often based on a mixture of superstition, religion, and empirical observation. He describes the use of herbs and other natural remedies, as well as the use of bloodletting, which was a common treatment for a variety of ailments. The book also explores the role of women in medicine during this period, including the work of midwives and healers.Overall, "Medieval Medicine" is a comprehensive and engaging look at the history of medicine during a fascinating period of human history. With Walsh's clear writing style and wealth of knowledge, this book is sure to be an informative and enjoyable read for anyone interested in the history of medicine or the Middle Ages.

  • af Charles Kingsley
    197,95 kr.

    "Health And Education" is a book written by Charles Kingsley, a prominent English clergyman and novelist, first published in 1874. The book covers a wide range of topics related to the physical and mental well-being of children, including hygiene, exercise, diet, and education. Kingsley's emphasis on the importance of outdoor activity and a balanced diet for children was ahead of its time and has become widely accepted as a crucial part of a child's development.One of the key themes of the book is the belief that education should be holistic, encompassing not just intellectual development but also physical, emotional, and spiritual growth. Kingsley argues that a child's education should aim to cultivate their character and instill a sense of morality and responsibility, as well as providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in life.Overall, "Health And Education" is a valuable resource for parents, educators, and anyone interested in promoting the well-being and development of children. Kingsley's insights and advice remain relevant and valuable today, making this book a classic of child-rearing literature.

  • af James Mark Baldwin
    182,95 kr.

    The Story of the Mind by James Mark Baldwin is a comprehensive exploration of the evolution of human psychology. Baldwin was a renowned psychologist and philosopher, and in this book he delves into the origins of human consciousness looking at the development of the mind from its earliest stages. He examines the relationship between the mind and the body, exploring topics such as perception, memory and thought.One of the key themes of the book is the idea that the mind is not an isolated entity, but rather is shaped by its environment and experiences. Baldwin argues that the mind is constantly adapting to new situations and that this adaptability is what has allowed humans to thrive as a species.Throughout the book, Baldwin draws on a wide range of sources, from philosophy and psychology to biology and anthropology, to create a comprehensive and engaging overview of the evolution of the mind. The Story of the Mind is a fascinating read for anyone interested in the workings of the human psyche and remains a classic work in the field of psychology.

  • af Vatsyayana
    207,95 kr.

    The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian text that is widely considered as one of the most famous and comprehensive works on human sexuality. Authored by Vatsyayana, a Hindu philosopher, the book is divided into seven parts, each dealing with a different aspect of sexual behavior.The first part discusses general principles and ethics, while the second part deals with the art of seduction and courtship. The third and fourth parts focus on sexual positions and techniques to enhance pleasure, respectively. The fifth part deals with extramarital affairs, while the sixth part discusses the nature of attraction between men and women. Finally, the seventh part provides advice for attracting and keeping a lover.While the book is best known for its explicit descriptions of sexual techniques, it also offers insights into the emotional and psychological aspects of sexuality. The Kama Sutra emphasizes the importance of mutual respect, communication, and intimacy in sexual relationships. It also stresses the value of self-improvement and spiritual development as a means of achieving greater sexual satisfaction.Despite being written over 2,000 years ago, The Kama Sutra remains a relevant and influential work on sexuality and human relationships.

  • af George Edmundson
    212,95 kr.

    "History of Holland" is a comprehensive book written by George Edmundson that focuses on the history of the Netherlands from the early Middle Ages to the turn of the 20th century. The book covers various aspects of Dutch history, including its political, economic, social, and cultural developments throughout the centuries.Edmundson's book is well-researched and insightful, providing readers with a detailed understanding of the country's history. He delves into the Dutch Republic's Golden Age, the conflicts and wars that shaped the country and the various political and social movements that arose over time.The book is suitable for readers who are interested in learning more about the history of the Netherlands, and Edmundson's writing style makes it easy to read and understand. Overall, "History of Holland" is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to gain a deeper appreciation for the rich and complex history of the Netherlands.

  • af Joseph Jacobs
    162,95 kr.

    "The Story of Geographical Discovery" by Joseph Jacobs is a fascinating book that delves into the history of exploration and discovery. The book takes readers on a journey through time, from the earliest explorers who set out on perilous voyages in search of new lands, to the more recent expeditions that explored the far reaches of the world. Jacobs presents a comprehensive account of the most famous explorers, including Columbus, Magellan, Cook, and many others. He also highlights the lesser-known explorers whose contributions have often been overlooked. The book covers a wide range of topics, including the technology and equipment used by explorers, the impact of exploration on the world, and the challenges and dangers that explorers faced. One of the strengths of the book is Jacobs' ability to bring history to life through vivid storytelling. He uses a narrative approach to recount the adventures and hardships of the early explorers, making the book both informative and entertaining. Overall, "The Story of Geographical Discovery" is a must-read for anyone interested in history, exploration, and the human spirit of adventure.

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