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Bøger udgivet af Spirit Press

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  • af Ethan Firpo
    187,95 kr.

    The time of awakening is upon us. This is Book 1 of a trilogy written to help both the novice and seasoned new age person on their journey. The author has filled the book with much needed information. You are taken step-by-step through easy to understand examples of how to use the tools and ideas presented. Useful information, exciting ideas, and practical tools are in each chapter.

    172,95 kr.

    One Spirit Press has the philosophy that words are the breath of life. The infinite manifestation of life is defined, relished, and explored through words. Phil's work with words draws mind pictures that give form to a unique way of looking through the lens of life. Through Poetry and photography we see the world differently. We are proud to present an artist of words and photography.

  • - A Psychic's Journey
    af Peter Lyons
    287,95 kr.

    The author starts his journey as a good Catholic boy. Through a series of events he finds that God has gifted him with an ability to speak directly to his guides. He discloses psychic readings, instruction on doing readings, meditation, connecting with guides and much more. His stories, of actual events, show the importance of developing ethics and a strong inner connection to divinity, especially if you are to be involved in the psychic world. This collection of personal stories, instruction and observations bring this gifted author's fresh and easy to read style to the reader. "The psychic church is as diverse as the Christian one, with as many disagreements as there are agreements among its members. Sadly there are too many psychics who know very little of the workings of their gift. It would seem genuine psychics are few and far between."

  • af Gwin McGee
    232,95 kr.

    Over the years, I've heard stories from some of my clients about unprincipled healers or gurus. The stories from my clients, who have encountered unscrupulous healers or gurus all have a common chain of events that eventual bring about the demise of their health, well being and energy. It may take years for an un-expecting client to realize they have been taken to the cleaners by an unethical healer or guru. My hope for the creation of this book is to help people escape the manipulations of unethical practitioners.

  • - a journey through transition
    177,95 kr.

    Butterfly A Rose is Emily's attempt to bring to life what she has difficulty finding words for; her life in transition from hiding behind the male person she was told to be at birth to living as the transgendered woman she is full time. The words came out as they are in this book because poetry at its best takes the reader beyond the words into a deeper truth.

  • - Volume 3: Q-Z
    af Alice Firpo
    397,95 kr.

    This book is comprised of the main encyclopedic text (G-P), followed by a Bibliography, which includes a more detailed list of books (up to 15 for each) by authors described in the book as well as other recommended authors. An Extraordinary work three volumes of over 4000 entries including bibliography and webliography. The main encyclopedic text includes around 4,000 entries. It gives a brief description or definition of each entry and tries to point the reader to the source of more information, such as books and websites or to other related entries. The people described herein, half of whom have passed on and half of whom are living are all people who in one way or another have spiritually influenced our world. You will find many highly educated people, as well as people with practically no education but with a spiritual gift to share or mystical message to impart.

  • - Volume 2: H-P
    af Alice Firpo
    397,95 kr.

    This book is comprised of the main encyclopedic text (H-P), followed by a Bibliography, which includes a more detailed list of books (up to 15 for each) by authors described in the book as well as other recommended authors. An Extraordinary work three volumes of over 4000 entries including bibliography and webliography. The main encyclopedic text includes around 4,000 entries. It gives a brief description or definition of each entry and tries to point the reader to the source of more information, such as books and websites or to other related entries. The people described herein, half of whom have passed on and half of whom are living are all people who in one way or another have spiritually influenced our world. You will find many highly educated people, as well as people with practically no education but with a spiritual gift to share or mystical message to impart.

  • af Ethan Firpo
    172,95 kr.

    This is a book about intimacy and the part it plays in our longing for love, our sexuality, and desire for spiritual love and a sacred space. It is about a desire that we often mistake for physical love. It is our desire for survival that pushes us to seek intimacy. The desire to be known by our lovers and loved in a spiritual space pushes us toward intimacy. This writing is about what I have learned and know to be so about the nature of reality, of intimacy and love.

  • af Phil Lowe
    152,95 kr.

    In your mind, have you ever compared the difference between the many versions of God created by religions around the world and the one God of creation? If not, let the snake and apple seed take you on a journey through old religious dogma that has for thousands of years brought war and conflict into the world. Through poetic words explore the Creator's world where you will find recipes for baking apple pies that will bring food to soul as it works its way along the path to enlightenment. Fishing for Snakes and Baking Apple Pies is a book of poems that compares what millions hold to be the absolute Word of God to the Creator's words written throughout Nature. Riding along with the snake and apple seed could bring a fresh new viewpoint to your thinking.

  • - Questions For The Inspired Mind
    187,95 kr.

    A three-month death sentence; A "ride" from a helicopter drop; Grievous loss; Mission Almost Impossible; All topics worthy of consideration and report.Authentic and illustrative in its' telling, Inquire Within poses questions and possibilities for dynamic living. This book of true tales employs the art of inquiry to navigate life's thorny, adventurous, and joyful experiences. You'll find yourself nodding in familiarity at the efforts of being all too human, while attempting to live a soul-filled life. What is your question?

  • - Volume 1: A-G
    af Alice Firpo
    397,95 kr.

    This book is comprised of the main encyclopedic text (G-P), followed by a Bibliography, which includes a more detailed list of books (up to 15 for each) by authors described in the book as well as other recommended authors. An Extraordinary work three volumes of over 4000 entries including bibliography and webliography.The main encyclopedic text includes around 4,000 entries. It gives a brief description or definition of each entry and tries to point the reader to the source of more information, such as books and websites or to other related entries. The people described herein, half of whom have passed on and half of whom are living are all people who in one way or another have spiritually influenced our world. You will find many highly educated people, as well as people with practically no education but with a spiritual gift to share or mystical message to impart.

  • - Essays on life, death, sex, and liberation
    af Ethan Firpo
    207,95 kr.

    "Great essayists give gifts of reflection, contemplation, and surprising revelations. Julie Enszer delivers essays like cool drinks of water, sipping on community building, home-making, coming out, sex, politics and change from 1994 to 2012. With a Midwestern lesbian point of view, Julie shows us who are, who we can be, and where we are going. Drink up her words and be refreshed for the journeys to freedom, liberation and social justice." Sue HydeAuthor, Come Out & Win

  • - Los Milagros de La Mente
    252,95 kr.

    No puedes escapar los resultados de tus pensamientos. Lo que piensas es experimentado en tu vida. Si tus pensamientos están llenos de rabia, experimentarás rabia en tu vida. Por el contrario, si entiendes amor absoluto y lo vives, encontrarás paz y alegría. El sufrimiento que experimentamos es básicamente debido a que sostenemos nuestros dolores pasados, nuestros resentimientos y rabia. Mientras nos quedamos en el pasado, con nuestra manera de pensar, sufriremos. Mientras las culturas del mundo se mantienen encerrados en sus sistemas, en que ya no trabajan para sus ciudadanos, las personas de este mundo continuarán sufriendo. Tienes el milagro de la mente a tu alcance. Cambia tu percepción y como te identificas con la vida y serás la revolución que se necesita.Este libro explora las áreas de la vida que te mantienen atado y en esclavitud. Te muestra como, usando solo el pensamiento, puedes liberarte a ti y a tu familia. Los obstáculos en el camino, las penas del corazón y el sufrimiento, pueden ser eliminados de tu vida. Es el Milagro de la Mente lo que permite que esto suceda.Únete a mí en este viaje, en este momento. Este es un viaje para crear Milagros para todos y para eliminar el sufrimiento.

  • - Loving Your Self
    af David Fishman
    172,95 kr.

    The Open Mind is full of insightful concepts about our spiritual nature and the journey we take. A companion for anyone who is interested in their spiritual journey, it takes you through undemanding thoughts to help you center your thinking away from the ego mind. A combination of prayer, meditation, and daily ideas, the clarity is peaceful and enlightening. A Course in Miracles works as a foundation in the book.

  • - A Book of Exotic Love
    af Suzanne Deakins
    197,95 kr.

    Double Chocolate is a book of love... and all those things that go into love. Passion, Anguish, Fantasy, and Consciousness all serve as over all areas of poetry. A book to be read slowly and enjoy as you would a hot fudge or any delightful chocolate treat. Try one at breakfast, another at lunch and perhaps one at dinner and a late night snack. Chocolate does release in the brain the same endorphins and opens pleasure centers as does love, hence the connection between love and chocolate.Full of actual experience and fantasy the journey of this book will leave you exhilarated, and on a roller coaster of your own memories of those moments with lovers, partners and circumstances that taught you of love.

  • af Vangina E Lee
    322,95 kr.

    From a very humble beginning, built by the Power of the Holy Spirit, the many prayers of her people and the sheer will power and strength of its leadership which never faltered, today the Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit is a shining beacon holding up the banner "God Is Love-Christ Died for Sinners". May God richly bless their vision as they strive to build a larger church building to extend their outreach to the Chinese people in the Sunset area and beyond!BENEDICTION"To Him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy-to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen." Jude 1:24-25

  • af Corey Spears
    152,95 kr.

    P-Towns Dairies is the poetic story of a boy whotravels to the beautiful beach town, known asP-Town, where he falls in love and has a summerromance. As the summer lingers on, the romance ends.A genuine perspective on love and bitter endings.

  • - Love Secrets for Intimate Relationships
    af Nick Polimeni
    252,95 kr.

    This book from a collection of letters between my sweet young niece and I. Often you will see dialogue which is spoken to a particular person. Such dialogues are the way I spoke to her. As I spoke to her then, I speak to you now. Choosing to read this book is an act of friendship and it shows the vibrancy of your passion to live. Therefore, I intimately dedicate my communication to you. I am a man. Who would better know a woman's heart than a sensitive man, one whose heart has been taken over many times by a woman's passion.In this quiet adventure I propose you undertake, you can and will build the dwelling for your homecoming. You will select each precious component of your life and each little tool necessary to reconstruct that which you know is alive deep inside you, that others have had you look for outside you: happiness, accomplishment, love, strength, and fulfillment. Yes! These things are inside you already and you can bring them back to life.

  • af Ben Gilberti
    187,95 kr.

    Mysticism, the full realization of God cannot be attained through thoughts or words. The Archetype of the Story of Exodus provides a paradigm of spiritual development that includes spiritualized intellect symbolized by Moses. Mr. Gilberti's tome is more than his personalized writing, but rather takes you through the maze of thought to new realizations. Using Carl Jung's concept of archetype symbols and Aristotle's method of reasoning you are led to the brink of your mind in An Experience of God.There will be those who will no longer run from the fear, who will go into free fall, who will begin to trust the world more to be what it always has been and always will be -- God. The taboo against sensuousness, the indictment and conviction of Eros as evil, effectively puts us at odds with the entirety of our creation as the universe, since we know this creation only through our senses.

  • - Mystical Exploration of The Ten Commandments
    af C Suzanne Deakins
    117,95 kr.

    God speaks to Moses on the mountain out of the fire. There is no voice coming from the clouds, stones, or earth, but from the fire God speaks. Stepping into this place of fire that does not consume but burns everlasting we are given the rules, laws, and covenants for a community of spiritual beings experimenting with humanity. The Ten Commandments are the archetypes for the rules we must follow if we are to go on this spiritual journey to the Promised Land, the land of milk and honey, and heaven. Just as there are laws (rules) that govern math so are their rules about our spiritual life and journey. The laws point to the direction we must take as we free ourselves from the illusion and dream state of consciousness. ìMs. Deakins interpretations takes us on a journey through consciousness. New found depth and meaning brings us to the brink of a personal revelation about our role in the ocean of humanity.

  • af Ethan Firpo
    287,95 kr.

    An award-winning book that brings into balance the human equation in business. Topics such as leadership, listening, motivation, change, and communication are looked at from a humanistic point of view. Contains an extensive bibliography and index.Perfect for those who manage a small business or in a large corporation."Back to The Basics Management is not a gimmick, not a technique, not a fad. It is the very essence of management- the philosophy, the psychology, and the craft of leadership.In 8 languages including Chinese and Japanese, computer training programs, audio books and 6 English printings. This second edition is even more relevant in today's economy. Through away your other books on management, you will never need them after you read this." Library Journal

  • af Kirubel Zelalem Seifu
    182,95 kr.

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