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  • af Servando Gonzalez
    213,95 kr.

    On April 9, 1948, Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, was the scene of violent riots that later became known as the Bogotazo. The event that apparently triggered the riots was the assassination of Colombian leader Jorge Eliécer Gaitán. Participants in the riot destroyed most of the city center. Several thousand people were killed. The riots coincided with the celebration in the city of the Ninth Pan American Conference of Foreign Ministers, which had opened its sessions a few days earlier, on March 30. The Conference was presided over by General George Marshall, U.S. Secretary of State. Marshall, like John Foster Dulles, who succeeded him, was a lawyer in a Wall Street firm and a senior executive of the Council on Foreign Relations. In reality, the Bogotazo was not a spontaneous explosion of popular violence, but a false flag operation that initiated in the Western Hemisphere a large-scale psychological warfare operation later known as the Cold War. As such, the Bogotazo is a key event in understanding many similar false flag operations carried out by the CIA on the orders of the Council on Foreign Relations' globalist conspirators -including the September 11, 2001 false-flag operation. Almost all authors who have studied the Bogotazo mention Fidel Castro's participation in the events anecdotally, without giving it much importance, as a curious chapter in the youthful years of a man who later became a world-class political leader. Interestingly, the only article on the Bogotazo to appear in Studies in Intelligence, the CIA's in-house academic publication, is an obvious effort to downplay Castro's involvement in the events. The times he has spoken on the subject, Castro himself has also tried to downplay his participation in the events. But, as we will see below, Fidel Castro played an important role in the events of the Bogotazo, let alone in the Cold War that began in the Western Hemisphere with the Bogotazo. The Bogotazo is extremely important because in that operation the CFR conspirators used the newly created CIA to test the effectiveness of new brainwashing techniques (Manchurian candidate), use of scapegoats, false flag operations and psychological warfare operations based on the Hegelian dialectic principle of thesis-antithesis-synthesis, which were later successfully repeated in similar op- erations, such as the assassinations of U.S. President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert, as well as the assassinations of U.S. Presi- dent John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert, as well as the assassinations of U.S. President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert, as well as the assassinations of U.S. President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert, as well as in the operation that caused the tragic events of September 11, 2001. These psychological warfare operations have resulted in the extraordinary advancement of the globalist conspirators' plans to establish a Communo-Fascist New World Order under their total control.

  • af Servando Gonzalez
    313,95 kr.

    The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) describes itself as a sort of social club where the rich and powerful get together to discuss national and international politics from a rational, non-partisan, patriotic perspective. But, really, what is the Council on Foreign Relations? The CFR is many things. It is a millionaires club, a communo-fascist party in power, an intelligence agency, a think tank, a criminal gang, an association of assassins and mass murderers, a cabal of sociopaths and psychopaths, a sect involved in the occult and a pirates' den. Moreover, the CFR is the visible head of the Invisible Government of the United States. Its core nucleus is composed of international bankers, oil magnates and CEOs of transnational corporations. But, most importantly, the CFR is the true axis of evil in the world. The CFR's main enemy is the people of the world, particularly the American people. This explains why, behind every single act of treason against the American people, you can always find, hiding in the shadows, one or more members of the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR's true, secret goal, is the elimination of 85 percent of the world's population as the first step in establishing a New World Order - a communo-fascist totalitarian dictatorship with just two social classes: the all-powerful masters, living in opulence, and the other 99 percent of the population, made up of oppressed serfs, with no rights at all, living in the most abject economic and moral poverty under a total surveillance police state. Is it time to overthrow the Invisible Government of the United States? Read this book carefully and reach your own conclusions.

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