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  • af Sebastian Berlich
    238,95 kr.

    Pop stars are close to us. In their songs, their pictures, their stories on Instagram. What we are looking for is an authentic impression. Real feelings on real faces. But what happens when they cover their face with a mask? Permanently, as a second face. The phenomenon can be found in the mainstream as well as in the underground. The mask does not break with the ideal of authenticity. Rather, depending on how it is staged, it refers to the most diverse discourses, can appear cool or grotesque, become a logo or create anonymity. The essay uses mainly two examples (Sido, Slipknot) to show how the mask constructs the persona of pop stars - and thus reveals structures of pop music.The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.

    899,95 kr.

    This book is a concise overall view of the status quo of the bioeconomy and its future developments - in Germany and beyond. Numerous practitioners from business, science, civil society and politics show how the bioeconomy is addressing the global problems of the future. Based on renewable raw materials and energies, the bioeconomy is developing new products and processes with the aim of shaping a more ecologically and economically sustainable future. But can it succeed? What are its opportunities and limitations? Which framework conditions influence it? The book answers these questions with a systemic view of the bioeconomy and thus enables a quick orientation in this topic. This is additionally supported by numerous graphics. The book thus invites readers to help shape the future of the bioeconomy.

  • af Marcus-Matthias Gellrich
    856,95 kr.

  • af Lothar Bluhm
    463,95 kr.

    In this study, the Brothers Grimm's fairy tales are consistently examined as literature out of literature. Through the history of their creation and transformation, it becomes apparent how literary models were re-declared and transformed into the well-known fairy tale narratives, in the course of the editing process by the Brothers Grimm, essentially by Wilhelm Grimm. By means of a series of model studies ¿ including Rapunzel, Jorinde und Joringel and Der Jude im Dorn ¿ it is shown that the Brothers Grimm's fairy tales, contrary to their traditional assessment as 'folk tales', are of literary origin and have a literary character themselves.

  • af Christoph Strosetzki
    743,95 kr.

    Information Text: In the early modern period, numerous texts deal with professions by presenting the knowledge required in each case, individual fields of activity, purpose, origin and prestige. The course of argumentation is humanistic, insofar as it mostly starts from the human being. The ancient idea of the primacy of mental work over manual work is formative here. The importance of Spain results from the fact that the Spanish king Charles V was both emperor and ruler of the colonies in America, i.e. he ruled a world empire by the standards of the time. After discussing some central categories, overall representations of knowledge, professions, and prominent professional representatives are presented. Here, the hierarchization and its relativization by satire is revealing. The mechanical arts and the artes liberales are then presented on the basis of individual professions selected as characteristic examples, each with its own specific knowledge. The higher faculties of medicine, theology and jurisprudence with their representatives form the conclusion.

  • af Gunter Juptner
    468,95 kr.

    Everyday use in chemical production operations requires a complex bundle of basic knowledge for calculating various operating parameters and variables. This includes the application of mass and heat balances, the ideal gas law, the mass action law and electrochemistry. In addition, there are calculations for the pumping of liquids and for scale enlargement. The present work covers this subject area in a clear manner in the form of exercises. The author knows from many years of practical experience that such calculations are often not isolated problems, but complex issues in which various subject areas are coupled together. This fact is taken into account in this exercise book. It presents in a short and concise form the everyday challenges of calculations in a chemical plant and offers ways of solving them. Special basic operations are not treated, and reference is made to special works that treat such topics in detail. This exercise book offers the possibility of deepening the knowledge of solving the calculations that occur daily in a chemical production plant.

  • af Ralph Berndt
    878,95 kr.

    For every company that is active internationally, a systematically operated cross-national marketing management is indispensable in order to secure its own existence in the long term. The rapid changes on many markets and in many countries also mean that professional information gathering and processing of market-relevant data must take place within the framework of international market research. Based on this data, market-oriented decisions have to be made within international marketing management in order to achieve operational goals. This book deals not only with the "classic" topics of international marketing, such as international market research and the international use of individual marketing instruments, but also with the various management sub-functions of planning, controlling, organization and human resources management in internationally active companies, each with a specific reference to marketing in the sense of market-oriented corporate management. The theoretically presented correlations are enriched by current data on the relevant framework conditions on international markets, empirical findings on the individual fields of action of international marketing management as well as numerous current examples from entrepreneurial practice. With this comprehensive presentation of international marketing management, the authors address lecturers and students as well as practitioners who deal with marketing issues in an international context.

  • af Lars Michael Bollweg
    493,95 kr.

    Professional data management is the foundation for the successful digital transformation of traditional companies. Unfortunately, many companies fail to implement data governance because they do not fully understand the complexity of the challenge (organizational structure, employee empowerment, change management, etc.) and therefore do not include all aspects in the planning and implementation of their data governance. This book explains the driving role that a responsive data organization can play in a company's digital transformation. Using proven process models, the book takes readers from the basics, through planning and implementation, to regular operations and measuring the success of data governance. All the important decision points are highlighted, and the advantages and disadvantages are discussed in order to identify digitization potential, implement it in the company, and develop customized data governance.The book will serve as a useful guide for interested newcomers as well as for experienced managers.

  • af Stefan Huch & Rainer Alt
    493,95 - 648,95 kr.

    603,95 kr.

    This practice-oriented guide comprehensively describes the basics of planning and implementing project management in logistics and supply chain management. It also presents a range of methods and tools for assessing project risks and monitoring projects. Containing ten detailed and practical examples involving Germany-based global players like Porsche, Würth, Continental and SME, the book shares valuable and well-founded insights into systematic project management. As such, it is chiefly intended for career starters, career changers and students in the field of logistics and supply chain management.

  • af Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen
    493,95 kr.

    Why is the squaring of the circle, why is the division of angles with compass and ruler impossible? Why are there general solution formulas for polynomial equations of degree 2, 3 and 4, but not for degree 5 or higher?This textbook deals with such classical questions in an elementary way in the context of Galois theory. It thus provides a classical introduction and at the same time deals with applications. The point of view of a constructive mathematician is consistently adopted: To prove the existence of a mathematical object, an algorithmic construction of that object is always given. Some statements are therefore formulated somewhat more cautiously than is classically customary; some proofs are more elaborately conducted, but are clearer and more comprehensible. Abstract theories and definitions are derived from concrete problems and solutions and can thus be better understood and appreciated.The material in this volume can be covered in a one-semester lecture on algebra right at the beginning of mathematics studies and is equally suitable for first-year students at the Bachelor's level and for teachers.The central statements are already summarised and concisely presented within the text, so the reader is encouraged to pause and reflect and can repeat content in a targeted manner. In addition, there is a short summary at the end of each chapter, with which the essential arguments can be comprehended step by step, as well as numerous exercises with an increasing degree of difficulty.The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.

  • af Gerd Czycholl
    548,95 kr.

    The present volume 2 covers advanced topics in theoretical solid state physics and thus ties in directly with the fundamentals. Solids in external fields or more generally in non-equilibrium and deviations from the ideal 3-dimensional crystal structure (surfaces, impurities, low-dimensional structures, quantum dots, etc.) are treated. The consideration of collective phenomena such as superconductivity and magnetism complete the presentation. The reader is assumed to have the contents of Volume 1 (electrons and phonons in ideal crystals, Bloch theorem, population number representation or 2nd quantization, electron-electron and electron-phonon interaction) as well as the basic knowledge of general theoretical physics (mechanics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, and statistical physics) usually available after a bachelor's degree in physics. Volume 2 is thus ideally suited for students in the master's program in physics who wish to specialize in (experimental or theoretical) solid-state physics. Addressing current topics (e.g., Kondo effect, fractional quantum Hall effect, 2-dimensional crystals such as graphene, giant magnetoresistance effect, and others) provides an optimal transition to modern research.The new edition has been completely revised, expanded with numerous exercises and existing redesigned, with the associated solutions now included in the book.

  • af Lucas Zapf & Peter Seele
    360,95 - 366,95 kr.

  • af Harald Lesch
    238,95 kr.

    What is driving climate change? What impact does it have on the Earth's ecosystems, our environment, and us? What can I do? This book explains in a clear and understandable way the interrelationships, influencing factors and effects of the greatest challenge facing mankind: climate change.The team of authors presents over 100 aspects in clear language, each on a double-page spread. With impressive sketchnotes, professor and sketchnoter Katharina Theis-Bröhl illustrates and explains the sometimes simple, sometimes complicated issues always understandable. Because: Sketchnotes are not only beautiful to look at ¿ they are also an effective mnemonic, a structural tool and an aid to crystallize the essentials. Comprehensible accompanying texts by Cecilia Scorza and Harald Lesch round off each topic in an informative way. With this book, you can understand the causes of climate change, discover the physical connections, and recognize both local and global impacts. You will learn about the role our location in the solar system plays, the feedback processes involved in global warming, and what it means when the oceans acidify. And ultimately, the question will be asked: How much time do we have left to act? From the contents:How special is the Earth? ¿ Understanding the greenhouse effect ¿ The Earth's climate system ¿ The climate change ¿ Effects of climate change ¿ What can I do? ¿ A look ahead

  • af Andreas M. Krafft
    272,95 kr.

    How can we overcome crises and shape our common future?Since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, we have all been put to an immense test. This shows how humanity can successfully and constructively deal with such situations and make the best of them. And we learn that the future is not something that happens to us, but that we can actively and constructively shape it. The basic prerequisite for this is an attitude of openness, mutual helpfulness and hope. This non-fiction book vividly reports on the currently prevailing images of the future and the common longings as well as on people's capacity for hope and action. It reveals the power of desirable images of the future and of a collective hope as the opposite of general helplessness or of blind and naïve optimism. The central statements of this book are based on the experiences of thousands of people in more than ten countries who participated in the scientific study of the Hope Barometer in 2019 and 2020. In a unique way, this combines lived practice with the latest findings of social science futurology, positive psychology and pragmatic philosophy. Target groups:This book is for anyone who wants to look to the future with hope. It offers concrete answers to key questions and shows how crises can be overcome while shaping a better future for individuals and society as a whole. About the author:Dr. Andreas M. Krafft teaches at the University of St. Gallen and at the Free University of Berlin. As co-president of swissfuture, the Swiss Association for Futures Research, and as a board member of the Swiss Society for Positive Psychology, he leads the international research network of the Hope Barometer.

  • af Gerd Czycholl
    603,95 kr.

    The textbooks ¿Solid State Theory" give an introduction to the methods, contents and results of modern solid state physics in two volumes. This first volume has the basic courses in theoretical physics as prerequisites, i.e. knowledge of classical mechanics, electrodynamics and, in particular, quantum mechanics and statistical physics is assumed. The formalism of second quantization (occupation number representation), which is needed for the treatment of many-body effects, is introduced and used in the book. The content of the first volume deals with the classical areas of solid state physics (phonons and electrons in the periodic potential, Bloch theorem, Hartree-Fock approximation, density functional theory, electron-phonon interaction). The first volume is already suitable for Bachelor students who want to go beyond the basic courses in theoretical physics and get already familiar with an application area of theoretical physics, e.g. for an elective subject "Theoretical (Solid State) Physics" or as a basis for a Bachelor thesis. Every solid-state physicist working experimentally should also be familiar with the theoretical methods covered in the first volume. The content of the first volume can therefore also be the basis for a module "Solid State Physics" in the Master program in Physics or, together with the content of the 2nd volume, for a module "Theoretical Solid State Physics" or "Advanced Theoretical Physics". The following second volume covers application areas such as superconductivity and magnetism to areas that are current research topics (e.g. quantum Hall effect, high-temperature superconductivity, low-dimensional structures).

  • af Michael Wuhle
    272,95 kr.

    Making something measurable means being able to control itSustainability is a term with a wealth of meanings and many possible misinterpretations. Yet sustainability can be a powerful and effective tool to guide our practical actions and simplify complicated decisions.Sustainability can save costs and stabilize any organization and company. It protects the climate and the environment and leads all people into a good future.The non-fiction book "Making Sustainability Measurable" is a practical guide on how methods and instruments of sustainability can be used successfully - be it in professional life or in private and voluntary engagement.The book not only provides the interested layperson with a comprehensive overview of the central aspects of sustainability management, it also offers practitioners important decision-making aids and tips for implementation. The easy-to-understand style conveys all the essential contents of the topic of sustainability even to newcomers. Whether you have previous knowledge or not - with the many immediately implementable "best practices", the book offers a lot of practical application possibilities. The appendices contain unrestricted tools from the author's practice for the introduction of successful sustainability management.

  • af Janina Krieger
    738,95 kr.

    Although every area of life is permeated by digital processes, the majority of Germans seem to resist digital alternatives with regard to the activity of reading. The printed book continues to enjoy much greater popularity than the eBook. This seems surprising, since the entire communication behavior has moved to digital devices. So what lies behind this? Why are there still printed books in digital times? Previous studies of the printed book have focused primarily on its media future, as this seemed threatened by digitization. In this work, Janina Krieger instead examines the past from three perspectives in order to gain insights into the present. While other studies always chose one method and these mostly belonged to the quantitative approach, here three subjects are identified, which are examined with different methods and in their combination can provide an answer to the research question: the consumers of literature (the readers), literature itself (the selected genre is the novel), and the media theories of the 20th century, which have already dealt with media change.

  • af Dietmar Herrmann
    548,95 kr.

    The volume contains a comprehensive and problem-oriented presentation of ancient Greek mathematics from Thales to Proklos Diadochos. Exemplarily, a cross-section of Greek mathematics is offered, whereby also such works of scientists are appreciated in detail, of which no German translation is available. Numerous illustrations and the inclusion of the cultural, political and literary environment provide a great spectrum of the history of mathematical science and a real treasure trove for those seeking biographical and contemporary background knowledge or suggestions for lessons or lectures. The presentation is up-to-date and realizes tendencies of recent historiography. In the new edition, the central chapters on Plato, Aristotle and Alexandria have been updated. The explanations of Greek calculus, mathematical geography and mathematics of the early Middle Ages have been expanded and show new points of view. A completely new addition is a unique illustrated account of Roman mathematics. Also newly included are several color illustrations that successfully illustrate the book's subject matter. With more than 280 images, this volume represents a richly illustrated history book on ancient mathematics.

    603,95 kr.

    The LNCS journal Transactions on Computational Science reflects recent developments in the field of Computational Science, conceiving the field not as a mere ancillary science but rather as an innovative approach supporting many other scientific disciplines. The journal focuses on original high-quality research in the realm of computational science in parallel and distributed environments, encompassing the facilitating theoretical foundations and the applications of large-scale computations and massive data processing. It addresses researchers and practitioners in areas ranging from aerospace to biochemistry, from electronics to geosciences, from mathematics to software architecture, presenting verifiable computational methods, findings, and solutions, and enabling industrial users to apply techniques of leading-edge, large-scale, high performance computational methods.This, the 39th issue of the Transactions on Computational Science, is devoted to research on geometric modeling, visual object detection, cloud service utilization, pattern recognition, processing arrays, and classification using bio-heuristic optimization.

  • af Claus Ascheron
    603,95 kr.

    The aim of this book is to help young scientists improve their oral and written communication skills and thus better sell their own results. This book is not a scientific textbook. It addresses the often forgotten question of how to present one's scientific results effectively and convincingly in talks and publications. In addition, this book provides background knowledge on the process of scientific publishing and scientific customs.The recommendations help to develop a good and effective work and communication style that will benefit you throughout your life and bring satisfaction in your work.Furthermore, concrete advice is given on how to write and successfully defend a dissertation and how to take the first steps in career planning.

  • af Bernd Stauss
    272,95 kr.

    Gift-giving is an economically significant area of consumer behavior. For we are constantly buy gifts: for Christmas and Mother¿s Day, for birth and baptism, for the start of school and exams, for engagements and weddings, for birthdays or as souvenirs. Moreover, gift-giving is a very important psychological phenomenon, based on voluntariness, but also representing a duty and requiring compliance with rules. Thus, gift giving is by no means always associated with joy, but also with stress in the search for a perfect gift and disappointment when gifts fail.The book presents central results of psychological research on gift-giving. These provide answers to the following questions, among others:What ¿secret¿ rules of giving and receiving do we follow?What messages do we send with our gifts?How do certain characteristics - such as the amount of the price or empathy - influence satisfaction with a Gift-giving is an economically significant area of consumer behavior. For we are constantly buy gifts: for Christmas and Mother¿s Day, for birth and baptism, for the start of school and exams, for engagements and weddings, for birthdays or as souvenirs. Moreover, gift-giving is a very important psychological phenomenon, based on voluntariness, but also representing a duty and requiring compliance with rules. Thus, gift giving is by no means always associated with joy, but also with stress in the search for a perfect gift and disappointment when gifts fail. The book presents central results of psychological research on gift-giving. These provide answers to the following questions, among others: · What ¿secret¿ rules of giving and receiving do we follow? · What messages do we send with our gifts? · How do certain characteristics - such as the amount of the price or empathy - influence satisfaction with a gift? · What mistakes should we avoid when giving gifts in romantic relationships? · When is a monetary gift appropriate and when is it not? The Author Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. em. Bernd Stauss held the Chair of Service Management at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.What mistakes should we avoid when giving gifts in romantic relationships?When is a monetary gift appropriate and when is it not?The presentation of psychological gift-giving research is supplemented by references to gift-giving episodes in fiction by authors such as Paul Auster, Jonathan Franzen, Margaret Mitchell, and Thomas Mann. These illustrate the scientific findings and allow us to emotionally comprehend the experience of giving and receiving.The AuthorProf. Dr. Dr. h.c. em. Bernd Stauss held the Chair of Service Management at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.

  • af Elle Langer
    379,94 kr.

    Augmented and virtual reality are media innovations with specific characteristics. They create immersion in the user, as the user is immersed in the medium and its 360° environment. To successfully develop content and applications for AR and VR, psychological effects, the specifics of the 360° environment, the story, and the way the media is used must be aligned with the needs and experiences of the user. Content producers face novel challenges in content development, method selection, teamwork, and the overall production process of AR and VR experiences.The book introduces readers to the characteristics of immersive media and provides scientific evidence and practical tips to help them produce high-quality, user-centric content for immersive media. The scientifically derived success factors in the form of checklists are a guide and an ideal basis for standardizing the production process and further developing one's own projects.This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Medieninnovationen AR und VR by Elle Langer, published by Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature in 2020. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

  • af Ulf Ritgen
    658,95 kr.

    This workbook takes you through the successful work Harris, Textbook of Quantitative Analysis and is designed primarily for self-study. In five parts, the lecture content of analytical chemistry is summarized and explained using selected examples. Basic concepts of analytical chemistry are presented as well as the principle and various techniques of dimensional analysis and chromatography. UV/VIS, infrared and Raman spectroscopy are used to explain the investigation of molecularly present compounds, and selected techniques of atomic spectroscopy conclude the introduction to the fundamentals of analysis. The textbook's essential sections and illustrations are repeatedly referred to, which facilitates independent learning of the fundamentals of analytical chemistry.Easy to read, the book introduces the fundamentals and key techniques of analytical chemistry; it is aimed at undergraduate students of chemistry or related science subjects. It repeatedly refers back to the basics familiar from courses in general chemistry, so that the connections between what is already known and what is new become immediately apparent. Learning with this workbook has been tested in a distance learning chemistry course and facilitates preparation for module examinations in analytical chemistry.This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Analytische Chemie I by Ulf Ritgen, published by Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature in 2019. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

    1.098,95 kr.

    In diesem ersten deutschsprachigen Werk zum Thema zeigt der Autor, wie Komplikationen vor, während und nach Koronarinterventionen vermieden und gehandhabt werden können. Der Facharzt (Innere Medizin und Kardiologe) und Leitende Notarzt hat ein Buch für den Einsatz in der Praxis geschrieben und sich dabei an den Leitlinien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie orientiert.

  • af Oliver Stein
    548,95 kr.

    This textbook is an introduction to global optimization, which treats mathematical facts stringently on the one hand, but also motivates them in great detail and illustrates them with 80 figures. The book is therefore not only aimed at mathematicians, but also at natural scientists, engineers and economists who want to understand and apply mathematically sound methods in their field.With almost two hundred pages, the book provides enough choices to use it as a basis for differently designed lectures on global optimization. The detailed treatment of the global solvability of optimization problems under application-relevant conditions sets a new accent that enriches the stock of previous textbooks on optimization. Using the theory and algorithms of smooth convex optimization, the book illustrates that the global solution of a class of optimization problems frequently encountered in practice is efficiently possible, while for the more difficult-to-handle non-convex problems itdevelops in detail the ideas of branch-and-bound methods.This book is the English translation of the 2nd edition of ¿Grundzüge der Globalen Optimierung¿ (Springer, 2021) written in German. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent revision was performed by the author to further refine the work and to ensure that the translation is appropriate concerning content and scientific correctness. It may, however, read stylistically different from a conventional translation.

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