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  • - The Austin Series Vol. 7
    af Henriette Vesterbak
    78,95 kr.

    He's a world-famous rock star from Texas. I'm his personal assistant.Get ready to be charmed—and taken—in this dark romance series.“When the band headlines the Chattanooga Festival, one of John's old sexy flames shows up with an offer for him. An offer he has a hard time turning down, which makes me question his feelings for me.”In response, Heidi decides to fulfill one of John's hottest fantasies, but it ends up having major consequences for her. More secrets are revealed, and before long, Heidi’s on a plane back to Denmark and her ex-boyfriend.The Climax is the seventh instalment in the Austin Series, and this is no sappy romance story. The books are dark and deliciously full of sin.So, if reading about a female protagonist meeting an alpha male with a silver tongue and a dark mind (and a soft spot for our heroine) is for you, then you picked up the right series.

  • - The Austin Series Vol. 2
    af Henriette Vesterbak
    78,95 kr.

    He's a world-famous rock star from Texas. I'm his personal assistant.Get ready to be charmed—and taken—in this dark romance series."After a wild start to my trial period and a boozy night, I've got to put my foot down with John. He needs to stop flirting with me. Both my job and my relationship are on the line. But a trip to Nashville for an interview with South Bane ends in another heated clash between us, and I let slip some revealing words that were best left unsaid."When the crew and the two other band members, Ben and Mason, take a day off to celebrate the Fourth of July, Heidi ends up alone with John, who makes it clear that he wants her—at any cost—and suddenly she finds herself in over her head.The Catch is the second instalment in the Austin Series, and this is no sappy romance story. The books are dark and deliciously full of sin.So, if reading about a female protagonist meeting an alpha male with a silver tongue and a dark mind (and a soft spot for our heroine) is for you, then you picked up the right series.

  • - The Austin Series Vol. 6
    af Henriette Vesterbak
    78,95 kr.

    He's a world-famous rock star from Texas. I'm his personal assistant.Get ready to be charmed—and taken—in this dark romance series.“Work as PA for South Bane continues at a frantic pace as we have to produce a music video for the band's latest hit. I struggle more than ever with John's possessive nature because it's hard to give the other band members as much attention when he wants me all to himself.”One day, John gives Heidi a juicy challenge, which she reluctantly accepts, but he also ends up giving her something else. A huge surprise she never saw coming. And a better understanding of why he is the way he is.The Curve is the sixth instalment in the Austin Series, and this is no sappy romance story. The books are dark and deliciously full of sin.So, if reading about a female protagonist meeting an alpha male with a silver tongue and a dark mind (and a soft spot for our heroine) is for you, then you picked up the right series.

  • - The Austin Series Vol. 5
    af Henriette Vesterbak
    78,95 kr.

    He's a world-famous rock star from Texas. I'm his personal assistant.Get ready to be charmed—and taken—in this dark romance series.“My 14-day probationary period as a personal assistant for South Bane is over, but not with flying colors. Now I have to prove to Ben and Mason that I can balance being their PA and John's girlfriend.”Despite the tragic incident still weighing heavily over Boulder Creek Lodge, Heidi’s on cloud nine about John and the possibility of continuing her work for the band. That is, until she catches John in a lie, and their agent Elaine calls with an unwelcome message for her.The Chance is the fifth instalment in the Austin Series, and this is no sappy romance story. The books are dark and deliciously full of sin.So, if reading about a female protagonist meeting an alpha male with a silver tongue and a dark mind (and a soft spot for our heroine) is for you, then you picked up the right series.

  • - The Austin Series Vol. 3
    af Henriette Vesterbak
    78,95 kr.

    He's a world-famous rock star from Texas. I'm his personal assistant.Get ready to be charmed—and taken—in this dark romance series."Consumed by love and lust, I begin an intense relationship with John, but I insist we keep it a secret from Ben and Mason. However, I soon realize that being with John, a rock star struggling with his inner demons, is not simple at all."Despite his charm, he’s also demanding and insists on having things his way—especially in bed—and Heidi’s unsure if she means anything to him at all. One day, crew member Angela reveals a secret from John's past. A secret that changes everything.The Claim is the third instalment in the Austin Series, and this is no sappy romance story. The books are dark and deliciously full of sin.So, if reading about a female protagonist meeting an alpha male with a silver tongue and a dark mind (and a soft spot for our heroine) is for you, then you picked up the right series.

  • - The Austin Series Vol. 4
    af Henriette Vesterbak
    78,95 kr.

    He's a world-famous rock star from Texas. I'm his personal assistant.Get ready to be charmed—and taken—in this dark romance series.“John and I are getting to know each other better, and while it's hard for me to accept the balance of power in our relationship that tests all my limits, I melt when John finally admits his feelings to me after a dramatic trip to Dallas.”Heidi's 14-day trial period is nearing its end, but John struggles to hide their relationship from the others, and out of the blue, life takes a drastic turn at Boulder Creek Lodge. A turn no one saw coming.The Chaos is the fourth instalment in the Austin Series, and this is no sappy romance story. The books are dark and deliciously full of sin.So, if reading about a female protagonist meeting an alpha male with a silver tongue and a dark mind (and a soft spot for our heroine) is for you, then you picked up the right series.

  • - The Austin Series Vol. 1
    af Henriette Vesterbak
    78,95 kr.

    He's a world-famous rock star from Texas. I'm his personal assistant.Get ready to be charmed—and taken—in this dark romance series."With nerves on edge, I head to Boulder Creek Lodge in Austin, Texas, to work as a personal assistant for the popular rock band South Bane. Lead singer John Monro is my biggest idol and turns out to be charismatic, brash ... and well, gorgeous, but I already knew that."22-year-old fashion blogger Heidi can hardly believe her ears when she's offered a job as a personal assistant for the American rock band South Bane. Anxiously, she travels to Austin to work for her greatest idol, the band's lead singer, John Monro.The magnetic and dominant John quickly becomes attracted to Heidi, but she resists his advances as best she can. Heidi’s on a 14-day trial, and both her two-year relationship with Daniel and a specific clause in her employment contract stand in the way of her deepest desire: to surrender to the unabashedly flirtatious John.The Chase is the first instalment in the Austin Series, and this is no sappy romance story. The books are dark and deliciously full of sin.So, if reading about a female protagonist meeting an alpha male with a silver tongue and a dark mind (and a soft spot for our heroine) is for you, then you picked up the right series.

  • af L. Sherman
    198,95 - 248,95 kr.

    KOM MED TIL NEW YORK MED EN AF DANMARKS MEST POPULÆRE ROMANCEFORFATTEREUnder en forretningsrejse til London får Holden Silver besked om sin fars pludselige død. Nyheden kaster ham ud i en personlig krise, da han med et går en usikker fremtid i møde. Kan han beholde sin stilling som direktør i familiefirmaet? Kunne han overhovedet stole på sin far? Og kender hans brødre til den hemmelighed, som Holden har båret på hele sit liv?I flyet på vej hjem til New York møder han stewardessen Catalina Ruiz, der tilbyder ham en skulder at græde ved. Men hvem af de to har egentlig mest brug for nogen at betro sig til?Faderens tidlige død er dog kun begyndelsen på Holdens kvaler. Testamentet viser sig nemlig at gemme på en overraskelse, som ingen havde set komme … Silver Corp er serien om USA’s største familieejede guld- og sølvproducent. Over tre bind følger vi hver af brødrene Holden, Ford og Griffin Silver, der som arvinger til firmaet stilles over for store udfordringer efter faderens pludselige bortgang. Serien er fyldt med broderskab, bedrag, kærlighed og ikke mindst masser af spice.

  • - Luksusudgave
    af L. Sherman
    248,95 kr.


  • - Den forgyldte fange - Del 1
    af Raven Kennedy
    228,95 kr.

    Første af seks bind i Den forgyldte fangeGuldbelagte gulve, gyldne vægge, møbler og klæder. Alt i slottet Highbell er af guld. Selv jeg.Kong Midas reddede mig fra elendighed og bragte mig til det frosne Sjette Kongerige. Han kalder mig sin skat, sin favorit. Jeg er et levende, forgyldt bevis på hans magt. I bytte for min sikkerhed gav jeg ham mit hjerte og min frihed.Jeg er tryg – indtil krig og forræderi når vores gyldne fæstning. Indtil min tillid til Midas vakler. Indtil jeg møder de monstre, som mit bur skulle beskytte mig imod…

  • af L. Sherman
    198,95 - 248,95 kr.

    I 1850 er Francesca vampyr i New Orleans.Hun er drevet af en stærk trang til at hævne sig mod mænd, der udnytter og undertrykker kvinder. Hun har gjort det til sin mission at straffe forbryderne, når ofrene ikke kan.Beau Lafayette er byens frygtløse sherif, og det irriterer ham noget så grusomt, at han ikke kan finde morderen til de bestialske mord.I nutiden er Maggie enlig mor og historieprofessor med speciale i perioden omkring midten af 1800-tallet. Da hun udfordrer sine studerende til at efterforske en række uopklarede drab, som i folkemunde blev kaldt "vampyrdrabene", bliver undervisningen mere spændende, end Maggie havde planlagt. På samme tid får hun en ny genbo, den karismatiske enlige far, Rhett."Blodhævn" er en fortælling om hævn, kærlighed og overnaturlige kræfter.

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