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  • af Hannah Richards
    142,95 kr.

    The book of Jude is only twenty-five verses in length, but it packs a spiritual wallop! Jude, the brother of James (and half-brother of our Lord Jesus), writes a message to believers about the times in which they lived. Those times are not at all that much different from the days in which we now live. Jude warns against apostasy, licentiousness, and the mockers that are destined to be part of the last days. Even during Jude's day, mocking the Lord's return had already begun. How much worse is it today, roughly 2,000 years later?

  • - Exchanging Your Will for God's
    af Hannah Richards
    162,95 kr.

    Prayer. At its most basic, it is talking with the God of the universe. That, in an of itself, is one of the most amazing aspects of prayer. However, what is God's purpose for authentic Christians in prayer? Throughout Scripture, we see prayers of all types, prayers of hope, prayers of desperation, prayers of praise, and prayers of discovery. For the authentic Christian, the highest calling we have is to commune with God through prayer in order to discover God's will. Too often today, people are taught that prayer is a tool to use to fulfill our own requests. We are unabashedly taught that being selfish in prayer is the true purpose of prayer. The tragedy of this type of thinking is that it turns God into a genie, to be used for our purposes. In this book, author Fred DeRuvo explores the reality of prayer, the purpose of prayer, and the means to discovering God's will. We are told to pray and we are told to pray ceaselessly. But are we told to pray this way to accomplish what we want accomplished, or what God wants accomplished? DeRuvo maintains that true prayer is prayer that seeks to discover God's will for every situation. Once discovered, prayer can then be entered into to find the strength to fulfill God's will for that day, hour, and situation. Prayer is one of the greatest weapons the authentic Christian has in order to overcome the onslaught of the enemy. Without it, we are defeated. Without a right understanding of it, we endanger our Christian testimony and witness. God wants us to pray. But He wants us to pray for HIS will, not ours.

  • af Hannah Richards
    162,95 kr.

    Anything that is seen as opposing Islam is considered an enemy. Under Islam and its Shariah law, no mercy is extended to those who stand in the way of Islam's encroachment. Those who do not convert to Islam will be executed. The most recent phenomenon is seen in the blending of Christianity with Islam; something many have been calling Chrislam. This idea that Muslims can worship with Christians and visa versa is completely rejected by Scripture, which states that there is only one way to receive authentic salvation. It is through Jesus: Savior, Lord, and God. We know from the Bible that the end times will create a falling away. They will begin to compromise the truth of the gospel, giving way to seducing spirits. Has it affected you or your local church yet? How can Christians reduce Christ to be a servant of Allah, by saying the two are one in the same?

  • af Fred Deruvo
    162,95 kr.

    Everywhere we look, there is corruption, rebellion, and sin both inside and outside of the visible Church, but does this mean that the invisible Church is also affected by it? In other words, as the authentic believer walks with Christ, yet sins from time to time, does that sin directly affect the purity of the invisible Church, or is the invisible Church (Christ's Bride) already pure, unable to be contaminated by sin? Does God want us to focus on our sin, or does He have something else that we should spend our time focusing on? Does the action of concentrating on our sin (and how terrible it can make us feel), create within us a spiritual maturity, or a spiritual poverty, born of false piety? Are we struggling to gain something we already possess, but are simply not aware of it yet? Satan benefits greatly by keeping God's children blind to the many blessings that are ours in Christ now.

  • af Fred Deruvo
    172,95 kr.

    There seems to be a good amount of confusion regarding salvation and the rewards that may result from it, for the believer. Many read parts of Scripture and believe it to be saying that if we don't finish the race, we do not end up with salvation. Is this true? Is this what the Bible means? Author, teacher and speaker Fred DeRuvo shines the light on this extremely valuable and important subject. He tackles salvation and then moves into areas of rewards for the believer. The Bible lists five different crowns available to the believer. There may be more, but we know that are five. What are the requirements for gaining each crown? Will all believers receive the same crowns (beyond salvation; the crown of life)?

  • af Fred Deruvo
    162,95 kr.

    Planet earth is under attack, but the attack is in the spiritual realm. Entities such as The Pleaidians Plus, Syrius and others are issuing their mandates for earth: evolve or die. They themselves are not going to bring about our death. They warn that we will be doing that, if we do not follow their guidelines and instructions, which they promise will save us and our planet. How are we to change? What is their underlying message of "hope" that more and more of humanity desires to understand? What happens to those who are unwilling to change?

  • af Fred Deruvo
    162,95 kr.

    You have to wonder sometimes. Though the visible church is being overrun by Contemplative Prayer, Church Growth movements, Seeker-Sensitive thinking, the Emergent Church, Spiritual Formation and a host of dangerous philosophies that are squelching the authentic gospel with what Paul would call "another" gospel, there are far too many individuals who seem unable to see the forest for the trees.

  • af Fred Deruvo
    162,95 kr.

    Rather than simply attempting to deal with aspects of this subject which have already been dealt with, author Fred DeRuvo tackles the claims against the PreTrib Rapture from another perspective. He deals with the plausibility of a few men being able to pull off what has got to be the greatest hoax the church has ever known...if it actually was a hoax. Beyond this, DeRuvo also deals with many other claims by the Anti-PreTrib Rapturist, finding out if these claims hold any water at all.

  • - A Study-Grow-Know Commentary: Revelation
    af Hannah Richards
    207,95 kr.

    A commentary on the book of Revelation, chapters 5 - 22, in plain English. This commentary has been written for the average individual. In this commentary on Revelation, author Fred DeRuvo draws back the curtain on chapters five through twenty-two, presenting information in an easy-to-understand style, written for the average person. Whether he succeeds or not is up to each reader to decide. One thing is certain regarding the book of Revelation. Because of its prophetic nature, Christians will continue to debate aspects of it until such a time as we can know for certain. Either the things found within Revelation are yet to come to pass, and that alone will prove their veracity, or they will not come to pass. Only time will tell. Probably the most often-missed point of Revelation is the fact that it reveals the Lamb of God for who He is; King of Kings and Lord of Lords! We must never forget that the book of Revelation is first and foremost about Jesus Christ, God the Son. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. Without Him, there would be no Revelation! All eyes on the King!

  • af Hannah Richards
    162,95 kr.

    There is a chaos coming that is predicated upon the rise of Islam, Satanic Soldiers, aliens, and evil beyond measure. As an ideology, Islam masquerades as a religious light to the world, one that promises to usher in world peace but at what cost? Through the use of political strategies, military might, and religious tenets, adherents of Islam work within various established governments to create special laws or exemptions for Muslims, in the hope of eventually overthrowing that established government. Americans and other Democratic nations have a tendency to believe that something as antiquated as Islam and as barbaric as Sharia Law have little to no chance of succeeding as a worldwide venue. Yet, this is obviously far from the truth. By merely looking at current conditions in The Netherlands, Great Britain, France, and elsewhere, a clear picture is seen that those who profess Allah as god have no difficulty pursuing a course of action that promotes Allah under the three-pronged system of Islam. But Islam, while a very real threat, is not the only one. Many believe that something known as The Black Awakening will one day occur, bringing those among us who seem to live normal lives, but are deeply connected to Satan, awake to do his bidding, further precipitating a worldwide disorder. With the help of these Satanic Soldiers woken to their true calling, as well as the false front of demons masquerading as aliens, and the barbarism of Islam, Satan is leading an army in which he hopes to capture all of mankind. Sound far-fetched? Too much like science fiction? Think again because what may seem like the plot of a Sci-Fi movie, may well be at our door. The question is...what, if anything, can be done about it?

  • af Hannah Brady
    142,95 kr.

    With the growing over-regulation of society by Technocrats, Technocracy is all the rage. We are being promised a Utopian global village like no other. But the Bible says we are moving toward the Tribulation, not Utopia on earth. What are we to believe and is there any way to know for certain? For over 2,000 years, God has spoken of a coming time of global judgment on this earth. Can Technocracy keep God's plan from unfolding? Open this book and your Bible to learn the answers.

  • af Hannah Brady
    152,95 kr.

    Daniel 2 reveals not only the order of empires that will occur and lead up to the physical return of Jesus at the end of this age, but tells us much about them. We learn not only the identity of the empires, but their inherent strength and value as well. Moreover, each empire that replaces the previous one, in some measure, absorbs part of that empire. So it is, even to the final Gentile empire that will be in place when Jesus returns. This final empire will be headed by one ruler, the Antichrist. But as each empire rolls into the next, what can we learn from the make-up of the final empire. The Bible says that it "dies" as if having a fatal wound, yet it lives. The last empire to exist was the Roman Empire. We also know that it went out of existence just as the empires before it did. But, the Bible clearly says that though it appears to die, it comes back to life. The Roman Empire (legs of the statue), segues into the final empire (feet of the statue). How does that occur? A trip through parts of Scripture and secular history will provide the answer.

  • af Hannah Brady
    182,95 kr.

    While many believe that we can turn back the hands of time to a seemingly more patriotic, nobler day, a day in which the United States at least outwardly appeared to be far more in line with the principles set forth by our Founding Fathers, it appears that the Bible is not so inclined to go along with that thinking. Evil is most assuredly on the rise, from all corners. It is obvious, making it extremely difficult to ignore. The problem is that while information is plentiful, few seem to be asking the question what should Christians be doing now? Too many are doing their level best to simply stand against evil, by standing against other people. Is our war against people or it is against spiritual beings and powerful forces in the heavenly realms?

  • af Hannah Richards
    162,95 kr.

    What is it that causes people to want to know the secret things of the universe, whether they are true or not? Clearly, knowledge is power and power can feel absolute when it is kept within a cloistered group. It appears as though there has been a deliberately hidden, yet clear goal, known only to those who have been initiated within the various esoteric societies that have existed throughout the ages. These societies use secrecy to draw in those who seek power and dominion over the entire earth through coming cataclysmic changes. For generations now, evil has seen fit to share its gnosis with but a few chosen lines of humanity. These elitists, as they have become known, jealously guard their secrets while working to bring the world to its knees in order to chart a new course they call the New World Order (NWO). The attempts to create this NWO actually began in the Garden of Eden and continue to this day. Time and technology have allowed progress to move forward at speeds previously unheard of in past generations. Where does it ultimately lead and what will it look like? Author Fred DeRuvo peels back the curtain connecting the dots between the beginning and what will be the end. DeRuvo brings us into the future as he shares insight from the Scriptures and from the esoteric societies whose goal is to tame this world for their Dark Lord, Lucifer.

  • af Hannah Richards
    142,95 kr.

    There is huge disagreement about just exactly how Christians are to view their own sin. Some say there needs to be a continual awareness of how bad we are because of our sin; that we need to express absolute remorse to God whenever we commit a sin. If we do not, then God will not take us seriously and sin will not be forgiven.

  • af Fred Deruvo
    172,95 kr.

    Society has changed...drastically over the past decades. Why is that? Plain and simply, it is due to the fact that people have become more preoccupied with Self. We often see Self as simply a force or an idea. In this book, Dr. Fred presents Self as an entity capable of getting things done its way and using the individual to accomplish it. In essence, Self easily becomes the master to every person who is not under the control of God's Holy Spirit, with the person becoming the slave. Our global society has placed an increasing emphasis on doing things that make a person feel good about themselves (Self). In every area of life, we are told that we need to cater to Self, because in doing so, we become healthier, more rounded individuals. But look where this has gotten us? Society in general today is more rude, more brutish, and generally carries with it the attitude that says "I care only about me!" The concept of consideration for others is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Gone are the courtesies in life that separate humanity from the animal kingdom. Respect for others has been replaced with ideologies that allow Self to do the dictating. Whether we see this in the form of criminal "flash mobs," or the rudeness of someone deliberately cutting us off in traffic, the root of the problem is the same. Self, by its very nature, needs to dominate. When a society exists in which millions of individuals live for Self, it is not long before anarchy establishes itself throughout the whole of global society. In this book, Dr. Fred looks examines the fallacies of the Self-life. What are the root causes, the fundamental problems, and the solution?

  • af Fred Deruvo
    182,95 kr.

    There is a good deal of talk today about peace in the Middle East. There is also a great deal of acrimony where Israel is concerned because of this peace process and its failure. Insults and vitriol are routinely placed at the feet of Israel because of their alleged unwillingness to foster peace with the Arab nations that surround her. This is expected from the world. It shouldn't come from people who call themselves Christians, yet this is increasingly becoming the norm throughout Christian circles. People do not realize how they contradict themselves. On one hand they say that Israel controls the foreign policy of the United States. They say that "the Jews" control the media. On both counts, they are wrong. Logically, does it not stand to reason if "the Jews" controlled the media, there would obviously be far less acrimony toward Israel than there is today. Instead, what do we have in the world? We have a tremendous sympathy toward Arabs and Muslims and particularly the world's collective heart goes out to the "Palestinians" within the Land of Israel. The world believes those people have gotten a raw deal and the fault lies with Israel. So what does the Bible teach about the Land and the nation of Israel? Is God done with the nation as many believe? Is He now focusing solely and forever on the Church and can we rightly assume that from Ezekiel 36 onward, even though God is referring to specifics about Israel, He really means the Church?

  • af Fred Deruvo
    172,95 kr.

    We are not only seeing a proliferation of books purported to be from aliens friendly to us, but are also experiencing a growing multitude of people who simply receive the messages from these aliens as truth without question. Why is that? What do these aliens allegedly teach that makes their truth seem so inviting? Years ago, it was relatively unheard of to take books like this seriously unless you were in that small segment of the population that lived within that fringe group mindset. Today, it is fast becoming the norm and people from all walks of life are not only accepting messages from aliens as truth, but are directing their energies to bring about what the aliens tell us needs to happen in order for earth and its citizens to survive. The question arises beyond what these entities tell us. The real question has not only to do with the message they bring, but the determination of their true identity. Are they truly who they say they are and are they here for altruistic purposes? While it might seem as though they have made contact with many individuals on the earth, the question as to their veracity is one that must - at all costs - be considered. What is their purpose? Why are their messages so filled with earnestness and why are they just seeming to come out of their dimension now, at this point in time? Can we know? Can we see beyond what is being presented to us to find the truth? Join author Fred DeRuvo as he circumvents some of the main books at the forefront of the world of aliens.

  • af Hannah Richards
    172,95 kr.

    As if it is not enough that there are wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, tsunamis, and more weird weather, humanity seems to have a growing preoccupation with the world of aliens. Any numbers of movies today include the topic of either angels, aliens, or alternative dimensions. Because our world seems to have gotten smaller due to technology, it is as if everyone senses we are outgrowing this planet. Something big is on the verge of occurring. Because one country cannot sneeze without all other countries knowing about it, the natural propensity is too gaze to the skies for answers...and more room. After all, history is replete with references to aliens as well as other dimensions. Here in America, alien abductions are said to go back to the 40s and possibly even earlier. Many are coming round to conclude that the skies - or at least other dimensions within the skies that are visible - contain the answers we cannot yet fully see. Even some evolutionists are now beginning to question Darwin's theories, preferring instead to look to the heavens as the answer to how life formed on this planet. However, rather than concede that God Himself may be in fact be the Author of life, these same individuals prefer to believe that alien life forms seeded life on this planet. There has been a growing spate of movies and books, which seem to give credence to the growing belief that as human beings, our life on this planet was graciously bestowed on us by higher beings, ascended masters, or just plain aliens. Their job has been to help us through the evolutionary process in order that what they have created does not become extinct. Join Fred as he explores the possibilities that seem to be permeating society at an astounding rate. Aliens? Angels? Inter-dimensions?

  • af Fred Deruvo
    182,95 kr.

    Everyone has an opinion. It does not matter whether you're a New Ager, a UFO researcher, a student of the Bible, or simply a curious party. Theories regarding aliens range from believing that the whole alien phenomenon is nothing more than an elaborate hoax, to the belief that they are real and getting ready to take over our world, to the view that they are demons disguising themselves as aliens. Who is right? Can we know? Each reader will undoubtedly have their own opinion about the subject of extraterrestrials and their goals for earth and its people. In this book, author, speaker, and teacher Fred DeRuvo culls information and research from a variety of well known researchers and authors in the field.

  • - Shouldn't Be a Fightin' Word!
    af Hannah Richards
    162,95 kr.

    Because of the times, it is natural to discuss areas of Eschatology (study of End Times). So many events and situations seem to point to the fact that the Tribulation period is right around the corner. During discussions, all aspects of the End Times are routinely examined, including the timing of the Rapture, the arrival of the Antichrist, the Millennial Reign of Jesus, the coming Gog-Magog (Attempted) Invasion of Israel, and the list goes on. However, one of the problems with discussing areas of Eschatology is that once a person adopts a particular viewpoint about the Rapture for instance, the discussions can quickly turn into quarrels. As the quarrels continue to rage, the one thing that the Church was called to do - the Great Commission - seems to fall by the wayside. Christians (and non-Christians alike) seem to spend a good amount of time talking about, and attempting to convince others of, a specific Eschatological viewpoint they themselves have embraced. Let's face it, the more people we find who agree with us, the better we feel about a particular position we hold...whether it turns out to be correct or not. While Eschatological discussions will always be part of the landscape, Christians should never lose sight of the real assignment at hand. Jesus commissioned us to preach the Gospel throughout all the world. While we should not ignore studying prophecy related to the End Times, is it possible we may have become sidetracked? This book is a REISSUE of the previously released "DEATH OR RAPTURE..." with a new cover and title. The contents are the same so if you already have DEATH OR RAPTURE, you do need to buy this book. If you want more copies of DEATH OR RAPTURE, you will need to buy copies of THIS book since DEATH OR RAPTURE is being discontinued with the publication of this book.

  • af Marie Swanson
    182,95 kr.

    In the late 70s, early 80s, the subject of Satanism and Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) was making headlines across the land. Mike Warnke, Lauren Stratford, Rebecca Brown and others came forward with harrowing tales of their own involvement in Satanism. Though others began to come forward with similar horrific tales, due to the efforts of a few staff writers at Cornerstone Magazine who set out to debunk it, the entire topic died virtually overnight. No longer did anyone feel comfortable discussing it for fear of being cast as a lunatic or worse. Roughly forty years later in 2010, the level and intensity of Satanic evil is once again on the rise and has become far more blatant. Where are the naysayers now? Why was it summarily squelched then, but becoming accepted now? Is there a connection? We know without doubt that Satan has worked for thousands of years to perfect His strategies; engaging, ensnaring, and utlimately controlling people for his purposes. Those strategies work themselves out in a variety of ways, some of them extremely difficult to believe, all of them sick, demented, and vile. Christians need to wake up to the fact that wars rage all around us constantly. Certainly, God has already won the battle; however, each individual Christian is responsible for his or her part in that war. Do you know what the enemy is doing? Are you aware of how his tendrils have forced their way into every aspect of our society? Are you also aware that souls hang in the balance? Get up, open your eyes, and prepare to take on the enemy with God's strength and in His armor. It is a victory that is already ours!

  • af Marie Swanson
    172,95 kr.

    Anyone who has been paying attention has noticed that there appears to be a growing number of individuals who claim to be channels for spiritual entities. The stated purpose of these entities through their human hosts, seems to be altruistic enough, but is it? Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Seth, Raphael, Kryon, and others all have something to tell us. For the most part, their message seems to be much of the same; that God is love. In fact, if we will but look within, we will find god. From there we will have begun our journey from imprisonment to freedom, or self-enlightenment. Beyond these individual entities, a multitude of others exist, such as "walk-ins." Their purpose? Soul exchange. This is the belief that another spirit comes in to take over a person's life, as the previous soul moves on to either someone else, or some other purpose.

  • af Hannah Brady
    152,95 kr.

    Have you ever not said something because you thought, "Oh, that would not be politically correct"? Too often this is the course people take because they are afraid of being ostracized by saying something that someone may deem to be offensive. In today's world, the only people who can get away with saying or even doing something that may be considered offensive are those who understood to be "victims." If you are not considered a "victim," you are an "oppressor." As far as political correctness is concerned, oppressors have virtually no rights. What is interesting about the way political correctness works is that decisions are based on an abstract gut feeling, or emotional virtue, as opposed to solid, unwavering absolute truth. Absolute truth is panned as repressive, violent, and does more to create aggressors than to free victims. Political correctness is like the shifting sands underneath your building, which can collapse at any moment. There is a foundation, albeit one that is constantly changing based on given situations. It all boils down to who is the determined victim and who is the oppressor. Once these groups are identified, the silencing of the oppressor can begin. This is how far society has come in its attempt to bring a utopia to fruition. Unfortunately, that utopia is based not on God's truth, but on man's lies.

  • af Hannah Richards
    197,95 kr.

    As we move quickly toward the time of Christ's return, many things have to fall into place. Among them, the time must be ripe within society to not only birth a one-world government, but a ruler to rule over it. Once this ruler - the Antichrist - begins his climb to the top of the leadership heap, the Tribulation is not that far behind. Of course, societal changes must also occur in order to create favorable conditions to which the Antichrist will enter. Many of these changes are currently taking place throughout the world, guided by the politics of the United States, as well as nations across the globe. What are these political changes? How are they working to create a new world order? What to they have to do with the End Times, as it is called in the Bible?

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