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Forlænget returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Bøger udgivet af The Write Perspective, LLC.

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  • af Aaron Fields
    138,95 kr.

    If very few people know how to interact in a healthy, productive, intimate and functional way with others, then that means most people interact with others in a unhealthy, unproductive, and dysfunctional manner. If this is true, then what is considered normal? It must be normal in society today to be in a dysfunctional relationship. As it pertains to being in an addictive relationship, it's extremely dangerous and unhealthy. Many people are depressed, frustrated and confused because most likely they were never taught anything about relationships. Unfortunately by the time they have life figured out, they already wasted many years going back and forth to these addictive relationships and toxic environments. I implore you to do everything in your power to avoid these types of relationships. Once you get caught up in these nasty and disgusting situations between yourself and the person you're with, don't be surprised when things get worse.

  • af Aaron Fields
    148,95 kr.

    I hope I can activate your heart by letting you know that your life is worth living because you have value and you have purpose. Get rid of the negative thoughts in your head and start thinking about knowledge, truth, wisdom and love. Yes, life can be so challenging and frustrating but this world needs you right now. Your friends, family, and teammates need you to get well and pull through because they know you have so much to offer to the world. Suicide should NEVER be an option because there are many other alternatives to solving your problems. I don't know what's going on in your life right now but I encourage you to not put worldly things on a pedestal and don't let them define who you are. In order to keep your life in order, create a much larger vision for yourself.

  • af Aaron Fields
    188,95 kr.

  • af Aaron Fields
    188,95 kr.

    Creating a vision and setting goals is an important life skill that is never too early to start learning and developing. Having a vision starts as an idea in your imagination that you have a desire to make real one day. When a child is creating a vision, he/she is learning how to take responsibility for themselves. Why? Because they understand that their actions will determine whether or not they succeed. A child creating a vision also builds self-confidence and resilience. When children are creating a vision, it's important they learn how to believe in their abilities.

  • af Aaron Fields
    193,95 kr.

  • af Aaron Fields
    193,95 kr.

  • af Aaron Fields
    193,95 kr.

    Fathers are facing many challenges in this society. As a result of their hardships in life, many of them start to feel inadequate as a parent. It's important for fathers to understand that they bring many different skills to parenting. If you're a father, always remember that you are important and there are endless opportunities to get involved and stay involved with your children.

  • af Aaron Fields
    193,95 kr.

  • af Aaron Fields
    198,95 kr.

    As adults, it's important to teach and inspire our children. Early in life, children love to explore the world around them and create meaningful experiences. As adults, it's important to create a healthy environment that allows the child to investigate and develop a creative mind.

  • af Aaron Fields
    193,95 kr.

    Yes, the concept of sex is a vital aspect to human life, but it should always take place when you're ready. Please understand that every decision you make will have a set of consequences that you will need to accept and take responsibility for. Always remember that it's okay to say "NO".

  • af Aaron Fields
    193,95 kr.

    If you continue to store anger, bitterness and resentment in your heart, life will prevent you from elevating yourself to a higher level of existence. If you continue to dwell on the past and not forgive others of their transgressions, life will make you become more cynical. If someone does you wrong, you don't have to go back to the way things were, but you must have the ability to move on with your life.

  • af Aaron Fields
    193,95 kr.

    Children who feel good about themselves not only have the confidence to try new things, they also feel proud about their gifts and talents. When a child believes in him/herself, they are more likely to to try their best. However, children with self-doubt tend to feel unsure of themselves. Children that don't believe in themselves tend to give up easily because they find it difficult to cope when they lose, fail at something, or make a mistake. It's important for children to be around someone who can be a good example for them. Children need someone who can help them put effort into something and they most certainly need someone who can model the right attitude.

  • af Aaron Fields
    193,95 kr.

    Raising a child on your own as a single mother can be stressful and challenging. It's very important that you learn how to lean on others for support, take better care of yourself, and stay positive. Yes, raising a child brings on many responsibilities, but it also brings many rewards. By providing your child with love, respect, and support, you can lessen your stress and help your child succeed.

  • af Aaron Fields
    148,95 kr.

    It's important for men to understand that sometimes the number of women you bring into your life is going to be associated with the amount of stress, and negative energy you may have to put up with. If you're a man that wants to deal with women on a sexual and intimate level, you must make sure that your life is in order first. Most of the issues men face is based on their lack of understanding between a wife material woman and a non-wife material woman. Why? Well, it's because the man hasn't risen to the level of kingship. When he reaches that level; he can differentiate between a woman suitable for marriage and a woman who isn't.

  • af Aaron Fields
    148,95 kr.

    It's important for black men to not let others create a narrative about them. At the end of the day, the only person that can control your narrative is you. Now keep in mind there will be other people in this society that will try to embellish or create a false narrative about you. However, in order to overcome or create a counterattack, the black man must be the autobiographer. Always remember that your life is a story, and you are the main character. It's time to take the reins of your life and start making decisions for yourself and taking responsibility for your actions. Yes, life can be scary sometimes and we're all going to make mistakes because none of us are perfect, but that doesn't mean you should give up on yourself. It's important for black men to understand the impact of their presence in this society. Not only black men must be leaders in their communities and preside over the household, black men also must be able to discern what's going on in their environment.

  • af Aaron Fields
    148,95 kr.

    It's important for the black man to understand how strong mentally, emotionally, psychologically, financially, and spiritually he must be in order to endure some of the issues that will transpire when interacting with the liberal black woman. If you're not prepared on how to deal with black women, you're going to lose your mind. The black man is so busy arguing and going back-and-forth with the black woman, he can't even be the best version of himself. The black woman is a blessing from God, but if you're not careful, she can be your greatest curse and a major distraction. Sadly, too many black women in our community are mentally fractured and psychologically disturbed largely due to the weakness of the black man's mindset. The black man doesn't realize that most of his issues with black women can be averted if he starts thinking and operating on an optimal level.

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