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  • af Theresa Sneed
    143,95 kr.

    par-a-nor-maladj.Beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation.I was only nine years old when I had my first experience with the paranormal-definitely beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation.I was only nine years old when I had my first experience with the paranormal-definitely beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation.-Theresa Sneed When author Theresa Sneed finds herself in the ICU with a condition her doctor would later reveal most people die from, she sets about pulling old files together to explain her unique beliefs based on her personal experiences. FACING MORTALITY was written while in the hospital recovering from deep-vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Throughout her life, Theresa has had some incredible experiences with the spirit world that would later drive her to write her NO ANGEL series and many of her other works. Theresa Sneed has written an amazing memoir of a lifetime's worth of spiritual and paranormal experiences that have so profoundly strengthened her faith and her connection to the Savior, Jesus Christ. In this book, she carefully walks the reader through each positive experience, gently and quietly, as if the Savior himself is guiding you along the way. It opens your mind and heart to the vastness of our existence and the wonders of eternity. She boldly included some of the evil encounters from Satan, which she's had as well. People need to know they are challenged by the adversary and can learn to recognize his ways and distinguish them from God's ways. The flood of positive spiritual experiences throughout the book are evidence enough of God's love. The balance helps put into perspective the severity of the fight and exactly where we must look to endure. I highly recommend Facing Mortality to anyone interested in paranormal encounters of the most spiritual kind. Nanette O'Neal

  • af Theresa Sneed
    222,95 kr.

    Years had passed since Merrick Snyder's untimely death, but Elle still wondered. They never found his body, and if anyone could survive a treacherous fall, he could. But body or not, he must be dead, otherwise, he would have already resurfaced. At least, that's what Elle kept telling herself.

  • af Theresa Sneed
    222,95 kr.

    Held captive for years, Elle suffered horrific abuse that left her skittish and afraid of everything. But her abuser is in prison, locked up on death row. So, how did the distinctive, gold-lettered band from an expensive Cuban cigar, illegal in the United States, and the exact brand he smoked, wind up on the floor of Elle's jeep? When she finds things that could only have come from him, she questions her sanity, and wonders if she'll ever be rid of him, but that's crazy-how can he hurt her from death row?

  • af Theresa Sneed
    222,95 kr.

    Finding her wandering the streets of Boston in a daze, Sheriff Malcom Snyder gives Elizabeth Shepherd a name but no identity. He cruelly locks her in his cellar and keeps her captive for five years until one evening when she escapes with his truck, his money, and his five-year-old daughter, Sally. They flee to a place hidden within the woodlands of Maine--beautiful Sebec Lake, dump his truck in its deep waters, and then unexpectedly run into Sam Hancock, a young college professor with a camp at the lake. Sam recognizes the signs of abuse and gives them a safe place to hide while he takes off on a perilous journey to Taunton, MA, to clear Elizabeth's name from the nationwide smear campaign the sheriff initiates and the reward money he cunningly hangs over her head. But Sam must hurry before the corrupt sheriff uncovers the trail that leads to his cabin and to the young woman and little girl he is trying to protect.

  • af Theresa Sneed
    182,95 kr.

    Author Theresa Sneed loves to help others learn how to write and publish books almost as much as she loves writing herself. In this short, informative book, she shares her writing steps to success. Step 1. Get your writing sanctuary ready Step 2. Schedule a consistent time to write Step 3. Begin an ideas page or folder Step 4. Brainstorm ideas Step 5. Storyboarding Step 6. Develop your writing Step 7. Find beta readers Step 8. Start a new writing project Step 9. Revise and edit your manuscript Step 10. Hire a professional editor Step 11. Revise and edit again Step 12. Format your book Step 13. Create your cover Step 14. Publish your book Step 15. Marketing

  • af Theresa Sneed
    247,95 kr.

    Accused as a witch in Salem 1692, teenage time-traveler, Bess Martin, narrowly escapes back to the twenty-first century. But she accidentally brings friends from Salem with her, including Hezekiah, the handsome young man who has stolen her heart. Warned that time travel was messing with her mind, Bess is reluctant to return again, but wants to help the unwitting travelers. Once back in Salem, she discovers a problem with the timeline she caused and now must fix. Unfortunately, it's just days before the last of the hangings and the pressing to death of Giles Corey. Knowing she'll witness the gruesome deaths of the accused, how will she be able to hold her quick tongue and not suffer the same fate as those hanged that horrific day in September? From the ninth great-granddaughter of Susannah North Martin, who was accused and hanged as a witch, comes book three in the SALEM WITCH HAUNT series: SALEM BEWITCHED, a realistic time travel steeped in suspense and intrigue with a touch of sweet romance. Using primary sources, Theresa Sneed masterfully weaves the trials and hangings of Mary Eastey, Martha Corey, Ann Pudeator, Samuel Wardwell, Mary Parker, Alice Parker, Wilmot Redd, Margaret Scott, and the pressing to death of Giles Corey into this insightful historical fiction.

  • af Theresa Sneed
    222,95 kr.

    Through a series of ill-fated events, Bess Martin finds herself thrust back to Salem in the middle of the Salem witch trials. Last time, her sharp tongue earned her 'high suspicion of sundry acts of Witchcraft', and she barely escaped with her life. Will Hezekiah, the brave young man who came through the rift to the future with her three years earlier, follow Bess back to Salem and rescue her, before her quick temper decides her fate? From the ninth great-granddaughter of Susannah North Martin, who was accused and hanged as a witch, comes book two in the SALEM WITCH HAUNT series: RETURN TO SALEM, a realistic time travel steeped in suspense and intrigue with a touch of sweet romance. Using primary sources, Theresa Sneed masterfully weaves the trials and hangings of Reverend George Burroughs, Martha Carrier, George Jacobs Sr., John Proctor, and John Willard into this insightful historical fiction. [The] Salem Witch Haunt [series] held me spell-bound from the beginning and then kept getting better and better. At the end, I found myself wishing there were more pages to read. Sneed is an excellent writer with a wonderful, engrossing story to tell. It has a clever, satisfying twist at the end. That she is a descendant of the people she writes about enriches the story. You can feel her love of the topic and personal involvement in these lives even though the story is fictional. Excellent read! - Jan M. Martin

  • af Theresa Sneed
    237,95 kr.

    When she finds herself thrust back in time, seventeen-year-old Bess Martin, a senior at Danvers High, sets out on a mission to save her eleventh great-grandmother from the gallows tree. With a near-perfect knowledge of the historical events about to unfold, Bess knows the untimely fate of many. The problem is that Bess has inherited her grandmother's sharp tongue-a tongue that caused her grandmother to be tried and hanged as a witch in Salem Village, 1692. Can Bess stop the hangings and change the course of history, or will she share her grandmother's fate? From the ninth great-granddaughter of Susannah North Martin, accused and hanged as a witch, comes SALEM WITCH HAUNT, a realistic time-travel steeped in suspense and intrigue with a touch of sweet romance.Book one, SALEM WITCH HAUNT takes the reader through the first six trials and hangings: Bridget Bishop, Sarah Good, Elizabeth Howe, Susannah Martin, Rebecca Nurse, and Sarah Wildes.

  • af Theresa Sneed
    217,95 kr.

    When Elias introduces his best friend Jaron Finley to his magical world of fairies, castles, wizards, and y¿kai shapeshifters, will Jaron ever want to go back to his dull world of school and homework, especially after meeting Elieli, the fairy princess of Estraelia? It's doubtful, but he must-the mortal that he is. Will Elias alter his memory and erase all that his friend has seen, or will Jaron keep the secret that Elias Rey, a sophomore at PVHS, is a wizard, and the youngest heir of Elderberry? Talk about ending on a cliffhanger! I kept flipping the last page back and forth looking for more. While still being young and reckless teen boys, Elias, Jaron and even Samuel (who we see lots less of this time) grew remarkably. I was sad we didn't see Aydon, Adalee, or the dragon much after those first few chapters. And I want to know how things go with the curse and does Sirius ever get vanquished? I laughed at the scenes, I worried during others, and I cried so hard during the battles, and that plot twist for Jaron totally floored me. I never saw it, Saulen and his fate, or the comment from Jorethen coming until they slammed into the pages. Book one took time to get going and now a day later I'm dying to know when book three releases because I need to know more. -Shannon Triple A

  • af Theresa Sneed
    217,95 kr.

    Elias Rey, a fifteen-year-old student at Penquis Valley High School, is skinny, has a chipped tooth, and a bad case of acne. His favorite pastime is drawing dragons and his room is plastered with his renditions. Tested out as a genius, he should be in college instead of high school, but he chooses to be with the only family he's ever known, his foster sister Lizzie, and his best friend Jaron. Life is good, except for one thing, Brute, the meanest student at PVHS. Elias considers moving to get rid of Brute's constant bullying. Until one fated day when a strange boy pushes a leather pouch into his hands and then mysteriously disappears, leaving Elias to wonder who he was. Shortly thereafter, Elias discovers that the pouch contains Ilesar, an ancient Papyrus that can give him anything his heart desires. He isn't going to be pushed around. Ever. Again. At least, not by the school bully. I love this story! Elias of Elderberry is a cross between Harry Potter, Peter Pan, and Alice in Wonderland, with a hint of Lord of the Rings. - Sarah BeggsElias of Elderberry is imaginative and entertaining, but also thought provoking. It was fun learning about the worlds Theresa Sneed creates. Her evil is pure evil . . . and her good is amazing. - Kari PikeElias of Elderberry is a truly marvelous book! The action, concept, and mysteries contained in this novel are intensely compelling and exciting. Not satisfied with simply writing an entertaining story, Sneed fills the pages with lessons about temptation, addiction, and the morals of right versus wrong. - R.L. DrembicThe Sons of Elderberry! Book One was fantastic! I am eager to read the continuing sequels. Do any of us really know who we are and what are real worth is? Fifteen-year-old Elias was soon to discover things beyond his wildest imagination. This is about present day with regular school attendance, yet also, time travel with castles, dungeons, dragons and more! There were many characters well-defined and realistic. Also, the scenes were portrayed very well so the reader was able to easily picture them occurring. My Review of this book offers a Five Stars rating.- LAWonder10Elias of Elderberry was action packed and a fast-paced read. There was a plethora of different species. I'm amazed by the world the author created and all the different creatures. I enjoyed getting to know Elias and his friends and family. I laughed at some of the antics of the characters. I found Elias to be a typical teenager, dealing with the normal teenage woes. I loved the solutions he came up with for problems. - TNT ReviewsElias of Elderberry is a good read. Not only is it good fantasy, but the characters seem very real as they grasp with the choices of good vs. evil, power vs. the greater good of mankind. The characters are memorable, especially Elias. The dilemmas he faces, while fantasy, can parallel situations in modern life, such as addictions which may take courage to overcome, the struggle with selfishness, etc. It was both a fun read and insightful. -AzguyI look forward to more from this author. It was well-written and I could identify with the characters and their circumstances, which probably makes me weird since this is High Fantasy (fairies, etc.) urban style. I look forward to more from this author. She kept it clean. - Meesha

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