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  • af Gabriel Bodard
    407,95 kr.

    What are the implications of digital representation on intellectual property and ownership of cultural heritage? Are aspirations to preservation and accessibility in the digital space reconcilable with cultural taboos, colonized history, and cultural appropriation?This volume brings together different perspectives from academic and practitioners of Cultural Heritage, to address current debates in the digitization and other computational study of cultural artifacts. From the tension between the materiality of cultural heritage objects and the intangible character of digital models, we explore larger issues in intellectual property, collection management, pedagogical practice, inclusion and accessibility, and the role of digital methods in decolonization and restitution debates.The contributions include perspectives from a wide range of disciplines, addressing these questions within the study of the material culture of Africa, Europe, Asia and the Americas.

  • af Luka Glu¿ac
    317,95 kr.

    How does the nexus between security, human rights and good governance play out in the sustainable development context? Based on state-of-the-field, interdisciplinary research with a global perspective, Leaving no one behind, leaving no one unaccountable offers the first comprehensive account of the role of ombuds institutions in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, launched by the United Nations in 2015. With their unique position in-between three branches of power, the mandate to oversee public administration (including the security sector) and protect human rights, ombuds institutions are well-placed to play an important role in national efforts to fulfil the SDGs. The book takes the specific angle by looking at SDG-16, devoted to effective, accountable and inclusive institutions, through the lens of security sector governance. It brings granular analysis of all SDG 16 targets, demonstrating how ombuds institutions could contribute to achieving each of them. The book develops an innovative conceptual framework, by looking at both implementation and accountability. The former is captured under the title of 'leaving no one behind' and the latter under 'leaving no one unaccountable'. Leaving no one behind is a central credo of the 2030 Agenda. It is highly relevant for SDG-16, as well as security sector governance, due to the centrality of the principles of responsiveness, inclusiveness and participation.The book attests that for a number of the SDG 16 targets, ombuds institutions should primarily serve as accountability mechanisms. It argues they should work with, pressure, and make public administration accountable, in cases when the administration as the primary duty-bearer fails to protect the rights of citizens and when their actions fall short of the standards needed to achieve the SDGs.As this book demonstrates, many SDG 16 targets are rather vague, and limited guidance exists on how to measure and achieve them, especially in fragile contexts. It thus provides guidance and recommendations to ombuds institutions and other actors on how to best support each other in achieving SDG-16. Leaving no one behind, leaving no one unaccountable is a key resource for scholars, policymakers and activists concerned with effective, accountable and inclusive institutions, and those interested in political science, security studies, human rights and development studies.

  • af Felicitas Kleinkopf
    317,95 kr.

    The legal opinion was developed in the context of the "XSample" project funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg. The aim of the project was to examine the copyright possibilities in research with text and data mining. The content of this expert opinion is the legal assessment of the copyright relevance of real use cases from the field of digital humanities as well as the analysis of the permission of the individual work steps.A central subject of this research process is the safeguarding of the requirements of good research practice, which is accompanied by the question of whether the corpora created for text and data mining may be passed on for research purposes, at least in part. In this way, a certain legal certainty is to be achieved for researchers who are confronted with questions about the scope of the new text and data mining permissions in the Copyright Act - §§ 44b, 60d - in order to make research on copyrighted works reproducible in the future to an extent sufficient for research.***Das Rechtsgutachten ist im Kontext des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg geförderten Projektes "XSample" entstanden. Ziel des Projektes war es, die urheberrechtlichen Möglichkeiten bei der Forschung mit Text- und Data-Mining zu prüfen. Inhalt dieses Gutachtens ist die rechtliche Beurteilung der urheberrechtlichen Relevanz realer Anwendungsfälle aus dem Bereich der digitalen Geisteswissenschaften sowie die Analyse der Erlaubnis der einzelnen Arbeitsschritte.Einen zentralen Gegenstand dieses Forschungsprozesses bildet die Sicherung der Anforderungen der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis, womit die Frage einhergeht, ob die für das Text- und Data-Mining erstellten Korpora jedenfalls auszugsweise zu Forschungszwecken weitergegeben werden dürfen. Auf diese Weise soll eine gewisse Rechtssicherheit für Forschende erreicht werden, die sich mit Fragen nach der Reichweite der neuen Text- und Data-Mining-Erlaubnisse im Urheberrechtsgesetz - §§ 44b, 60d - konfrontiert sehen, um die Forschung auf urheberrechtlich geschützten Werken zukünftig in einem für die Forschung ausreichendenUmfang reproduzierbar zu gestalten.

  • af Luigina Ciolfi
    277,95 kr.

    "Sharing economy" and "collaborative economy" refer to a proliferation of initiatives, business models, digital platforms and forms of work that characterise contemporary life: from community-led initiatives and activist campaigns, to the impact of global sharing platforms in contexts such as network hospitality, transportation, etc.Sharing the common lens of ethnographic methods, this book presents in-depth examinations of collaborative economy phenomena.The book combines qualitative research and ethnographic methodology with a range of different collaborative economy case studies and topics across Europe. It uniquely offers a truly interdisciplinary approach. It emerges from a unique, long-term, multinational, cross-European collaboration between researchers from various disciplines (e.g., sociology, anthropology, geography, business studies, law, computing, information systems), career stages, and epistemological backgrounds, brought together by a shared research interest in the collaborative economy.This book is a further contribution to the in-depth qualitative understanding of the complexities of the collaborative economy phenomenon. These rich accounts contribute to the painting of a complex landscape that spans several countries and regions, and diverse political, cultural, and organisational backdrops. This book also offers important reflections on the role of ethnographic researchers, and on their stance and outlook, that are of paramount interest across the disciplines involved in collaborative economy research.

  • af Benjamin Adams
    342,95 kr.

  • af Lindy Heinecken, Wilhelm Janse Van Rensburg & Nicolette Van Zyl-Gous
    151,95 kr.

  • af Robert-Jan Smits & Rachael Pells
    312,95 kr.

  • af Robert G Beghetto
    277,95 kr.

  • - Introductions to the Magnum Opus of Franz Rosenzweig
    af Martin Brasser
    277,95 kr.

  • - A History of the Department of Government, from the Webbs to COVID
    237,95 kr.

  • - A Guide
    247,95 kr.

  • - An Examination of Conceptual Linkages and Policy Recommendations
    af Oya Dursun-OEzkanca
    158,94 kr.

  • - Rethinking how Security Sector Governance matters for migrants' rights
    af Sarah Wolff
    133,95 kr.

  • - Conversations on the Case of Greece
    277,95 kr.

    Cultural heritage was invented in the realm of nation-states, and from an early point it was considered a public asset, stewarded to narrate the historic deeds of the ancestors, on behalf of their descendants. Nowadays, as the neoliberal narrative would have it, it is for the benefit of these tax-paying citizens that privatisation logic on heritage sector have been increasing over recent decades, to cover their needs in the name of social responsibility and other truncated views of the welfare state.This volume examines whether we can place cultural heritage at the other end of the spectrum, as a common good and potentially as a commons. It does so by looking at Greece as a case study, lately a battlefield of harsh and experimental austerity measures but also of inspiring grass-roots mobilisation and scholarship, currently blossoming to defend the right of communities to enjoy, collaboratively manage and co-create goods by the people, for the people.Since cultural heritage -and culture in general- is hastily bundled up with other goods and services in various arguments for and against their public character, this volume invites several experts to discuss their views on their field of expertise and reflect on the overarching theme: Can cultural heritage be considered a commons? If so, what are the advantages and pitfalls concerning theory, practice and management of heritage? What can we learn from other public resources with a longer history in commons-based or market-oriented interpretation and governance? Can a commons approach allow us to imagine and start working towards a better, more inclusive and meaningful future for heritage?

  • - Science Policy and Risk Analysis for Scientists and Engineers
    af Daniel J Rozell
    277,95 kr.

    The public is generally enthusiastic about the latest science and technology, but sometimes research threatens the physical safety or ethical norms of society. When this happens, scientists and engineers can find themselves unprepared in the midst of an intense science policy debate. In the absence of convincing evidence, technological optimists and skeptics struggle to find common values on which to build consensus. The best way to avoid these situations is to sidestep the instigating controversy by using a broad risk-benefit assessment as a risk exploration tool to help scientists and engineers design experiments and technologies that accomplish intended goals while avoiding physical or moral dangers.Dangerous Science explores the intersection of science policy and risk analysis to detail failures in current science policy practices and what can be done to help minimize the negative impacts of science and technology on society.

  • - Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Methods in Teaching and Learning in Archaeology (12-13 October 2018)
    407,95 kr.

    342,95 kr.

    The energy system is undergoing a fundamental transformation - from fossil to renewable energy, from central power plants to distributed, decentralised generation facilities such as rooftop solar panels or wind parks, from utilities to private residents as producers of energy, and from analogue to digital.This book looks at the energy transformation from two complementary angles: governance and business model innovation. On the one side, governance is a decisive factor for the success of the transformation because it can act as an accelerator, or it can delay the process. On the other side, entrepreneurs and corporate decision-makers provide new business models for a decentralised energy world.Based on best practices, country studies and interviews with CEOs and founders of startups from all over the world, the "Global Game Changer" suggests eight key principles for political decision-makers to successfully implement the transformation, and six core competencies for corporate decision-makers to thrive in the new marketplace.

  • - Visual Essays on Imperial History and Memory
    447,95 kr.

    This volume presents ten visual essays that reflect on the historical, cultural and socio-political legacies of empires. Drawing on a variety of visual genres and forms, including photographs, illustrated advertisements, stills from site-specific art performances and films, and maps, the book illuminates the contours of empire’s social worlds and its political legacies through the visual essay. The guiding, titular metaphor, sharpening the haze, captures our commitment to frame empire from different vantage points, seeking focus within its plural modes of power. We contend that critical scholarship on empires would benefit from more creative attempts to reveal and confront empire. Broadly, the essays track a course from interrogations of imperial pasts to subversive reinscriptions of imperial images in the present, even as both projects inform each author’s intervention.

  • - Lessons from 40 years of innovation
    af Rebecca Ferguson
    207,95 kr.

    Educational Visions looks to future developments in educational technology by reviewing its history, covering themes such as learning analytics and design, inquiry learning, citizen science, inclusion, and learning at scale. The book shows how successful innovations can be built over time, informs readers about current practice and demonstrates how they can use this work themselves. The chapters show how one research group has worked persistently over 40 years with four visions in mind, of a future where: learning is accessible for everyone teaching is adapted to meet learners' needs teams can successfully teach any number of students at a distance learners engage enthusiastically with STEM learning.Each vision is covered in a pair of chapters: the first brings together four decades of research in the area; the second introduces current work, showing how they are united by a consistent framework and a persistent vision.

  • - Perspectives from Within; Lessons and Insights
    af Melissa Vogt
    317,95 kr.

    Dr. Melissa Vogt considers the influence of Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade in coffee farming communities of Costa Rica from 2009-2019.Sustainability certifications schemes are working amongst a range of sustainability efforts, unique by their intra market location. The intentions of each certification scheme must be clarified prior to evaluation and their influence considered amongst contextually specific historic and contemporary considerations, and alongside the range of sustainability efforts.The advantages and disadvantages, opportunities for improvement and how alternative mechanisms might improve upon or complement sustainability certification schemes are explained. An epilogue considers how prioritisation of coffee as a cash crop may align with sustainability. The influence on biodiversity, community health and income, and the possible implication of reduced coffee crop density for consumers, the market and farming landscapes is considered. How sustainability standards might better encourage more ambitious sustainability in farming landscapes is for future consideration.

  • - Experiences from Urban Latin America in Global Perspective
    af Robert Muggah & John (Igarape Institute) de Boer
    102,95 kr.

    While widely considered a core pillar of the peace and security architecture, Security Sector Reform (SSR) is coming under fire. SSR theory and practice are criticized for being overly focused on traditional conflict and post-conflict settings and for being unable to adjust to unconventional settings marked by chronic crime and terrorism. SSR tends to be disproportionately focused on national institutions and less amenable to engaging at the subnational scale. Drawing on the experiences of so-called 'citizen security' measures in cities across Latin America and the Caribbean, this paper offers some opportunities for renewing and revitalizing SSR. The emphasis of citizen security interventions on multiple forms of insecurity, data-driven and evidence-informed prevention, the promotion of social cohesion and efficacy and designing crime prevention into the social and built environment are all insights that can positively reinforce comprehensive SSR measures in the 21st century.SSR Papers provide innovative and provocative analysis on the challenges of security sector governance and reform. Combining theoretical insight with detailed empirically-driven explorations of state-of-the-art themes, SSR Papers bridge conceptual and pragmatic concerns. The series is authored, edited, and peer reviewed by SSR experts, and run in collaboration with the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF). Through in-depth discussions of governance-driven reform SSR Papers address the overlapping interests of researchers, policymakers and practitioners in the fields of development, peace, and security.

    342,95 kr.

    This book has been prepared with the aim to present the application of these two state-of-the art technologies in agricultural sciences and food technology, and to explain the protocols for analyses of different plant, animal, microbiological and food samples as well as for different biotechnology procedures.Selected methods and protocols which are used in plant stress physiology, weed science, fruit breeding research, microbial ecology, plant virus and fungus diagnostics, phytobacteriology, fishery, food biochemistry, food materials and food technology are described. Special adaptation of certain protocols is required for application in each of these sciences, for every type of GMO organism, food technology raw material, and food technology product, as well as for every type of bacteria, virus, fungus or fungus-like organism, for each type of raw material in terms of plant host species, plant organs, year period and conditions in the laboratory.Application of molecular methods, primarily qPCR, and Raman microscopy/ spectroscopy in agricultural and food sciences provides substantial opportunity for increased production efficiency, food safety, better product quality and improvement of plant and animal health.This book is aimed for students, scientists and professionals working in the field of agriculture and food technology.

  • - Case Studies
    237,95 kr.

    This book presents a practical approach to pro-environmental challenges faced by companies in the process of restructuring.It contains a broad variety of case studies from different economic sectors, and small and large businesses, in four European countries: Ukraine, Romania, Germany and Poland. The studies are the results of surveys of companies that had either already restructured or were planning to, and reveal both the weaknesses and strengths in these practices. The book is divided into three parts: explorations of how political and legal factors are embedded in a company's strategy and how they influence the company's behaviour; analyses of companies' activities on matching restructuring with ecology; and approaches to ecoinnovations within the companies.The case studies throughout the book show that the restructuring of a company is an opportunity for the implementation of proecological action and "green" business models. The authors trust that the experiences and good practices of others will prove valuable both for future businessmen (i.e. students), but also for academics and representatives of local government, central environmental agencies, owners and managers of enterprises to be restructured.

  • - Examples from Asia
    af Deniz Koçak
    102,95 kr.

    Community policing has often been promoted, particularly in liberal democratic societies, as the best approach to align police services with the principles of good security sector governance (SSG). The stated goal of the community policing approach is to reduce fear of crime within communities, and to overcome mutual distrust between the police and the communities they serve by promoting police-citizen partnerships. This SSR Paper traces the historical origins of the concept of community policing in Victorian Great Britain and analyses the processes of transfer, implementation, and adaptation of approaches to community policing in Imperial- and post-war Japan, Singapore, and Timor-Leste. The study identifies the factors that were conducive or constraining to the establishment of community policing in each case. It concludes that basic elements of police professionalism and local ownership are necessary preconditions for successfully implementing community policing according to the principles of good SSG. Moreover, external initiatives for community policing must be more closely aligned to the realities of the local context.

    537,95 kr.

    This book describes the results of activities undertaken to construct the CLARIN research infrastructure in the Low Countries, i.e., in the Netherlands and in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium).CLARIN is a European research infrastructure for humanities and social science researchers that work with natural language data. This book introduces the CLARIN infrastructure, describes various aspects of the technical implementation of the infrastructure, and introduces data, applications and software services created in the Low Countries for a wide variety of humanities disciplines. These enable researchers to accelerate their research activities and to base their conclusions on a much larger and richer empirical base than was possible before, thus providing a basis for carrying out groundbreaking research in which old questions can be investigated in new ways and new questions can be raised and investigated for the first time.Given CLARIN's focus on language data, linguistics and particularly syntax are prominently present. However, other humanities disciplines that work with natural language data such as history, literary studies, religion studies, media studies, political studies, and philosophy are represented as well. The book is a must read for humanities scholars and students who want to understand and use the potential that the Digital Humanities offer, as well as for computer scientists and developers of research infrastructures, in particular for researchers working on the CLARIN infrastructure in other countries.

  • - A Value Based Economy
    af Arjo Klamer
    296,95 kr.

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