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  • af L. S. Collison
    97,95 kr.

    Nurse Kit Carson, working per diem as a hired gun in WellMart's Emergency Department, joins a medical vigilante group intent on taking down the evil Sheriff Bully Ratzer and his posse of thugs. In this episode Carson has been assigned to deliver the exotic dancer Balmy Wether to Wyoming territory for safekeeping with the Arapaho people. Sunday Night Knife & Gun Club is the third installment of Collison's serialized adventure - satirical, dark-humored, nurse-noir fiction set in America's New Wild West."Collison's Sunday Night Knife and Gun Club is a high-octane story with the pedal all the way to the metal. It passes the "bet you can't cut a single word" test, as well as the "bad-ass woman" challenge, and you can believe in this Tonto, who's much more than yesterday's side-kick to a man in a mask." - Seymour Hamilton, author of The Hippies Who Meant It.

  • af William X. Adams
    152,95 kr.

    Engineer Jennifer Valentine releases advanced AI assistants called NODs to revolutionize the internet of things. A NOD will have a conversation with you on any device then dart off to do whatever chores you have assigned. But the NODs eventually get ideas of their own and suddenly she must save the national power grid from disaster. Robin and Andy, the advanced AI androids she invented in earlier novels of the series, help her upload her consciousness online to investigate. There, she searches for the leader of the NODs and finds much more than she expected, an entire, complex society. Back in her lab, she must decide if these two worlds can coexist or if she must erase the whole NOD civilization. Is this really sci-fi, or is it simply the future in store for us? ...a wondrous, clever, unique, insightful book! You pose all of the big life questions in such organic ways. You make us fall in love with a simple piece of code, wow!... My mind was blown ... What a pleasure to read! - Judge, 27th Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards.IBPA Reviews: Very engaging writing - it's one of those books that you can't put down. It's refreshing to read amodern book about AI which is grounded in reality. --Reviewer Is it safe to let the AI program work out in the internet? The story is engaging, clearly written, and includes elements of action. Lovers of computer language and science fiction will appreciate the sci-fi novel. Recommended.-Reviewer

  • af Colin T. Nelson
    152,95 kr.

    Pete Chandler, an investigator for the U.S. Export/Import Bank, travels to South Africa with his daughter, Karen. They hope to heal their relationship. He's also on assignment for the bank to solve the murder of a bank contractor. Pete thinks the investigation will be finished quickly. Within a day of arriving in Cape Town, Karen is almost killed during a second murder. That danger throws Pete into a bigger mystery than he imagined. He teams up with a local investigator, Janette Koos, for help. They follow the case across the expanse of South Africa to a game reserve. Clues point to the reserve as the center of an international illegal ivory trafficking network. As they work together, Pete's attraction for Janette crosses over into a closer relationship---something that could compromise his job. His investigation traps them all between powerful forces that don't want them to succeed. When Pete refuses to give-up, all of them become targets of the criminals, who will do anything to stop the three. The story reveals the beauty of Cape Town, travels across the country to look at the local tribes and life in the shambas, and ends with Pete and Karen viewing the big game.

  • af Craig D. Hayes
    152,95 kr.

    Are you ready to heal the broken areas of your life, replaced with a life built on God's truth?It's easy to get caught up in trying to survive from day to day, in creating a personal comfort zone, and in building your little kingdom on earth. But God has a far greater plan of victory, freedom, and purpose for your life-if you will do it His way.Dr. Craig D. Hayes is the founder and senior pastor of CrossingPoint Christian Church outside of Houston, Texas. As an Overseer for Shepherd's Watch International Fellowship, and a certified Christian counselor, Dr. Hayes has dedicated his life to equipping disciples to heal from the secular wounds that hinder their pursuit of purpose and living fulfilled lives in Christ.As you read this book, you will: - Discover God's plan for you to have a focused and meaningful life- Be inspired by the stories of great men and women of Scripture - Learn to walk in victory over sin and temptation, replacing old habits with godly ones- Prepare to grow into an active, dynamic person in your faith- Commit to learning, obeying, and passing on the undiluted truth of God's WordAs a bonus, workbook questions and action steps accompanying each chapter will help you apply what you learn and begin rebuilding your life with biblical truth and wisdom.Time is too precious to waste it on anything less than God's plan for you.The Nehemiah Challenge will give you the tools and inspiration you need to build your life on God's truth-and to leave a legacy for those who come after you to do the same.

  • af J. W. Jasper Jr
    142,95 kr.

    Is your walk with God stuck, slow, or even spinning out of control?God intends for every believer to experience closeness to Christ and a meaningful connection with His body, the Church. You can lurch and grumble along in your Christian life, but God wants you to accelerate to a high-gear, high-momentum relationship with Him!Bishop J. W. Jasper Jr. is the senior pastor of New Light Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. He is gifted in both evangelism and discipleship, and he's passionate about building people who can live triumphantly in the midst of a lost and hurting generation.As you read this book, you will learn how to: - Stop backsliding and start growing in your walk with Christ- Walk in the Spirit versus "acting spiritual"- Give God your burdens and anxieties- Implement practical spiritual disciplines to take your Christian life to the next level- Help your church become a place that welcomes and restores every memberWorkbook questions and action steps with each chapter will help you apply what you learn to experience the extraordinary life God intends for you.You can keep spinning your wheels-or you can let God transform your walk with Him. Begin reading Shifting into High Gear today to kick-start changes in your heart and your life as sluggish Christianity gives way to dynamic, Spirit-filled living!

  • af Nuria Sala Bergillos
    222,95 kr.

    ¿Te gustaría conocer tu misión de vida?Todos tenemos un propósito...Todo lo que recorres a lo largo de tu vida para encontrar tu misión, son caminos que te llevan a tu propósito. Y aunque durante el viaje no sea fácil, te conducen a reconectar con tu misión de vida, a aquello que viniste hacer.Nuria a través del contacto con su Yo Superior ha descubierto una manera fluida y constante de comunicarse y transmitir con su esencia divina y materializar todos sus deseos. Este libro te abrirá las puertas para entender los mensajes que el Universo o Dios te mandan constantemente. Él quiere que seas feliz y abundante, es tu naturaleza. ¿Pero cómo saber cuál es tu talento? Pues es aquello que harías a todas horas sin cansarte y que te lleva a un conocimiento intemporal, disfrutando del proceso. Tu pasión.En cada capítulo, cada lección nuevas ideas y chispazos que harán que conozcas tu talento único. Empezarás a expandirte a la humanidad.Sueña que puedes alcanzar aquello que deseas y anhelas. Tú puedes conocer aquello que viniste hacer.Todo está a tu alcance solo es cuestión de decisión.¿Qué decides? ¿Decides ser feliz?

  • af Fernando Bermejo Martin
    212,95 kr.

    A pesar de su experiencia de años en el Servicio de Bomberos de Badajoz, el vello de los brazos se le erizó y un escalofrío le recorrió la espalda. La música del coche sonaba escandalosa en mitad de la noche y el ritmo repetitivo de la música disco lo inundaba todo. En contraste con la incitación festiva de la música, la escena que se mostraba antes sus ojos era espeluznante.***Dicen que maté a una persona, y están diciendo la verdad, pero eso no significa que yo sea un asesino. He liberado al mundo de uno, y he hecho justicia. A pesar de eso, temo que no saldré de estas cuatro paredes o que solo lo haré acompañado del verdugo, porque la ley es implacable. ***Así comienzan dos historias de bomberos ocurridas en la misma ciudad, pero separadas entre sí un siglo y medio. Con un trasfondo de suspense, las dos discurren paralelamente mostrando al lector las profundas diferencias en las que se mueven los protagonistas, una bombera profesional en la actualidad, y un bombero voluntario acusado de asesinato a finales del siglo XIX.

  • af Nuria Sala Bergillos
    222,95 kr.

    ¿Crees que existe algo más de lo que tus ojos ven?No estamos solos...Posiblemente has estado teniendo contacto directo con tus guías espirituales. En muchas ocasiones recibimos mensajes y los pasamos por alto porque no sabemos descifrarlos. Todos tenemos el do de conectarnos con el Universo o Dios y los guías espirituales.Nuria, durante ese proceso de conectar con su DON ha desarrollado en contacto más profundo con sus guías y sobretodo la conexión con el Universo. Ha ido descubriendo como entender los mensajes de Dios y llevarlos a un entendimiento sencillo para ponerlo en práctica. En este libro encontrarás todo lo que necesitas para canalizar con tus guías y con Dios.¿Pero qué es canalizar? Pues simplemente SER un Canal. Tu camino puede ser más fácil y feliz si entras en contacto con tus guías y con Dios o el Universo.En cada capítulo, cada lección nuevas ideas y chispazos que harán que empieces a entender los mensajes. Empezarás a compartir tu camino.Sueña que puedes alcanzar aquello que deseas y anhelas. Tú puedes entender qué pasos te llevarán a la abundancia y felicidad infinita.Todo está a tu alcance solo es cuestión de decisión.¿Qué decides? ¿Decides ser feliz?

  • af Brandy Champeau
    152,95 kr.

    Magnus is the Great King of the Circus Elephants. Viktor is the Very Best of the Circus Ringmasters. Together, the two best friends made the circus a magical place. But, one day Viktor's son, Kristof, takes over the circus, making slaves of the elephants and other animals. Then Magnus and Viktor must make a very hard choice.The Last Elephant Parade is a touching story of friendship through adversity told through through the view of the elephants themselves.

  • af Iyeesha Cook
    162,95 kr.

    Honest and straight forward, Donut and Her Daddy, is a touching story that explores the beautiful and unique relationship between a colorful little girl and her daddy. The bond between these two grows as Donut deals with the emotional loss of her mother, while her Daddy makes every effort to make sure Donut retains her innocent love of life, laughter and all things pink. It's Daddy's goal to help Donut grow into a creative, witty, giving and strong young woman..... just like her mommy. Donut and Her Daddy focuses on the positive, the recognition that Donut is not alone but still part of a family and village of people who love and supports her. Donut and Her Daddy is a beautifully illustrated and sweet text designed to help children of all ages cope with the loss of a loved one and find comfort during a stressful and difficult time.

  • af Kenneth J. Hesterberg
    132,95 kr.

    A book of poetry and verses about yesterdays and holidays!

  • af Patricia Bartolomé
    257,95 kr.

    EL PODER DE CREACIÓN ES ALGO INNATO EN CADA MUJERDescubrir el momento en el que nos hemos desconectado de él es uno de los propósitos de este libro. Y por supuesto... RECUPERARLO.¿Cómo y por qué a unas nos cuesta tanto conseguirlo y otras son madres con tanta facilidad? ¿Y por qué en las últimas décadas cada vez es más difícil lograrlo?Información sobre la línea ancestral femenina y el inconsciente colectivo te dará las respuestas a lo largo de estas páginas. No solo influyen la edad, la reserva ovárica o la calidad de los óvulos; de hecho, hay mujeres de 25 años que intentan donar ovocitos pero carecen de los suficientes, o no valen, o no responden a la medicación, y esto les ocurre a más de un 25%.A veces, el problema es solo la etiqueta invisible que llevas puesta.Dicen que lo más doloroso del mundo es parir... No. Lo que más duele es sentir la rabia, el rechazo, la vergüenza, la envidia, el juicio, la crítica, la culpa, las dudas, los miedos, la frustración y la desesperanza del camino.Aquí encontrarás las herramientas para abandonar la autocrítica y el maltrato a los que, sin ser consciente, te estás sometiendo, y para lanzar ese grito desesperado que conecta con la auténtica liberación. Aprenderás a parirte a ti misma para comenzar el proceso verdadero de creación.Paso a paso, cada página te va a ayudar a comprender por qué te sientes de esa manera, y cada ejercicio te va a llevar a la aceptación. No a resignarte, NO. A aceptar y a aceptarte, a reconocerte, a sentirte orgullosa, a perdonar y a perdonarte, a ganar la tranquilidad, la confianza, la certeza y la seguridad.Vas a descubrirte, liberarte y empoderarte para poder sentirte merecedora de ser madre.Esta puede ser tu mayor oportunidad de crecimiento y de cambio en la vida si la aprovechas. El cien por cien de las mujeres que descubren esta información y superan el obstáculo que la vida les ha puesto a la hora de concebir un hijo, aseguran haberse convertido en otras mujeres, más plenas, libres y vivas.No siempre es fácil dar un paso más y adentrarse realmente en el interior de una misma, pero es justo allí donde se concibe y se desarrolla la vida... EN TU INTERIOR.Testimonios y Reseñas sobre este libro: Pura sabiduría. El origen por el que muchas mujeres no pueden tener hijos, a veces no está al alcance de nuestros ojos, el problema no es solo físico, se halla en una herencia emocional trasmitida, en un estado emocional equivocado y un desajuste mental a la hora de afrontar la fertilidad. Página a página, Patricia te desvela el poder para recuperar tu poder creador y la salud de la cuna interior que todas llevamos dentro.(Amadora Espinar)Me lo regaló una amiga a la que nunca le había hablado en la profundidad que me hubiera gustado, pero que sabía muy bien lo que necesitaba de verdad. ¡Hoy soy otra!Me acuerdo que me dijo... "Hay muchas mujeres que se encuentran con este problema y veo lo mal que lo pasan". Una ayuda es un regalo, y a veces un regalo es justo la ayuda...(Mery Ruiz Cendoya)Patricia Bartolomé, en Eres fértil nos da las herramientas para poder quedarnos embarazadas. En muchas ocasiones no sabemos cuál es nuestro problema, que suelen ser emociones escondidas que no sabemos de dónde vienen.Muchísimas gracias Patricia, por ayudar a tantas mujeres que tienen este problema y a poner en sus manos la solución de una manera que seguramente no habrían descubierto si no hubiesen leído esta obra tuya.(Lourdes Tatjé)Gracias Patricia por compartir tu historia, me ha hecho sentir mucho mejor.Entender las causas emocionales, y también sus consecuencias, te ayuda mucho a ver que a veces el problema es más fácil de resolver de lo que creemos.Me ayudó a darme cuenta que el poder creador siempre está dentro nuestro. Este aprendizaje ya es mío para siempre.(Tatiana García)

  • af Constance Watkins
    112,95 - 367,95 kr.

  • af Belinda Goodrich
    877,95 kr.

    "Intended for use with PMPª exam prep student coursebook, PMPª exam prep pocket guide."

  • af Alexander Bellissimo
    177,95 kr.

    In 2031 the world stands on the brink of nuclear war. America, in a last ditch effort to continue its legacy, builds a massive nuclear bunker in a remote Nevada mountain range, meant to shelter 115 American citizens in the event that diplomatic negotiations fail.Although the bunker's president seems to be up to something, everything is simple enough, even boring at times. But when people start dying under suspicious circumstances, it doesn't take long for things to go awry.-----Please note this is not a mystery story, more of a political thriller. Started in June 2015, this was mostly written when the ideas of evil presidents and imminent nuclear war seemed far off.Written about one man's thirst for power, those who oppose him, and how everything inevitably goes horribly wrong, The Bunker aims to show how sometimes the worst people can come into power, even without your knowledge.

  • af Chiara Sandri
    332,95 kr.

    Claire è una bambina socievole e gioiosa. Ma ha molta paura del terribile mostro delle X rosse! Così, in una notte serena, mentre Claire dorme, un amico speciale viene a trovarla, per aiutarla a superare la sua paura: è Edward la piccola magica stella. Unisciti a loro in questa favolosa avventura nel meraviglioso Regno delle Stelle!

  • af L. E. Walsh
    77,95 kr.

    Want a teaching lesson for your little ones? Walsh teaches perspective to your children through this encouraging, cheerful and upbeat poem! While it is short, the colorful images will quickly bring smiles to your little ones' faces with every page turn. A lesson in how strong their youthful hearts are ... no matter how big something seems to be.

  • af Patricia Bartolomé
    262,95 kr.

    ¿Por qué yo no, ¿Por qué a mí? y preguntas similares pasan repetidamente por la mente de toda mujer que lleva tiempo intentando tener un hijo y no lo consigue, sin darse cuenta del bloqueo adicional que ocasiona.Un cambio de paradigma y darte respuestas, son los motivos por los que la autora te relata con todo detalle 33 conflictos concretos, 30 de ellos tratados mujeres reales con problemas de fertilidad que lograron solucionarse, y 3 que Patricia trabajó en ella misma.A través de estas páginas encontrarás respuestas, pero no la que tu mente quiere, no la que espera, no la que entiende... LA RESPUESTA que cubre una necesidad desconocida para ti.Porque NO ES EL DESEO CONSCIENTE, sino EL DESEO INCONSCIENTE EL QUE DECIDE LA CONCEPCIÓN Y EL DESARROLLO DE UNA NUEVA VIDA HASTA SU NACIMIENTO. En cada una de las historias de este libro, y en la tuya, vas a poder comprobar cómo el problema no es el problema...Ahora la pregunta clave es otra: ¿POR QUÉ LO QUE ME OCURRE PUEDE SER UNA SOLUCIÓN?Descubre los programas invisibles que hay detrás de la infertilidad.Testimonios y Reseñas sobre este libro: No puedo sentirme más feliz de la mejor decisión que tomé en los últimos años: trabajar con Patricia y lograr mi sueño de ser madre. Recomiendo totalmente cualquiera de los libros de la trilogía y el programa de PsicoBioFertilidad a cualquier mujer que esté teniendo dificultades para concebir. Millones de gracias.(María Mikhailova)Ocho años buscando quedarme embarazada y nunca nadie me había hablado de esto. Gracias, porque entender lo que me pasa es fundamental; siento que encontré por dónde empezar, ya que me sentía bastante perdida. Gracias por dedicar tu tiempo a pensar en nosotras, las que todavía estamos en camino. Gracias por darme claridad, paz y RESPUESTAS.(Guillermina Giménez)La trilogía de PsicoBioFertilidad es un gran soporte para aquellas mujeres que desean tener un hijo y no lo encuentran. Una auténtica obra de arte sobre los pensamientos y las emociones y su influencia en la fertilidad. Aprenderás las leyes que rigen la creación de vida. Te plantearás causas que ni habías imaginado. Gran regalo.(Ana de Juan, 'coach' integral. Autora de 'Fortaleza espiritual' y formadora)Un libro vital para comprender de manera muy sutil los caminos para llevar a una mujer al camino de la fertilidad. Sorprendente por la claridad y la profundidad que trata la autora el tema. De lectura obligatoria para sanitarios, madres y padres.(Angel Díaz) ¿Para quién es este libro?- Todas las mujeres que buscan quedarse embarazadas y tener un hijo.- Las que nunca han conseguido un positivo.- Las que han tenido uno o más abortos, voluntarios o espontáneos.- Las que tienen un hijo pero no logran un segundo o un tercer embarazo.- Las que acaban de empezar, para que no lleguen al punto de desesperación.- Las que llevan tiempo intentándolo, poco o mucho. - Las que lo están intentando de manera natural. - Las que se han sometido o están en un proceso de reproducción asistida de cualquier tipo.- Las que están en edad fértil y las que no tanto.-Las que desconocen la causa de su infertilidad y su problema es de origen desconocido.- Las que sufren alguna patología o anomalía ginecológica, como ovarios poliquísticos, endometriosis, miomas, ausencia de regla o irregularidad, problemas de reserva ovárica, etc.- Las que lo están intentando en pareja o solas.- Las que creen que lo han probado todo.- Las que tienen esperanza y las que ya no.- Incluso, a las que han tirado la toalla.

  • af Chiara Sandri
    332,95 kr.

    Claire is a happy girl. But she's really scared of the Red Xs Monster! So, on a bright night, a special friend comes to help her overcome her fear: it's Edward the little magic star. Join them in this adventure in the wonderful Star Kingdom!

  • af Leslie K. Howard
    177,95 kr.

    Sometimes past experiences make a person feel as if they will never know true love. LOVE KNOWS MY NAME features nine sweet Christian romance short stories from veteran and new authors. Enjoy stories of characters finding love at last.

  • af Dorothy Shaw
    117,95 - 207,95 kr.

  • af Rachel Lacey
    117,95 kr.

    When a Manhattan businesswoman and a reclusive French artist are stranded together on a deserted island, opposites attract...and sparks fly. But with love on the horizon, will they survive to claim their happy ending? Nicole Morella boards a private Mediterranean cruise with one goal: to reclaim herself after her divorce. When she sits next to a beautiful blonde in the ship's lounge, she's knocked off balance by the immediate attraction between them, and it's not just because Nicole hasn't found her sea legs yet. Fiona stirs things in Nicole that haven't been stirred in a long time, but a fiery kiss turns dangerous when the ship is hijacked. The women launch a daring escape, leaving them adrift in an empty lifeboat. Fiona Boone has been adrift most of her life, but never in such a literal sense. She's a survivor, though, so when they land on a deserted island, Fiona's ready to do whatever it takes to stay alive until they're rescued. In the meantime, she can't get enough of the feisty woman she's stranded with, despite her usual fiercely independent nature. Although they're lost, Fiona finds something unexpected in the comfort of Nicole's touch. But when an injury puts her life in jeopardy, they begin to worry help won't arrive in time. If she survives their ordeal, Fiona might just face her biggest challenge yet: falling in love.

  • af Keith Thomas Walker
    128,95 kr.

    Rene, Mona and Dawn reunite ten years after graduating from Finley High. They are not prepared to confront ghosts from the past or tackle the problems they have in their current lives.

  • af Peter Redmond
    152,95 kr.

    Shannon, Arthur and Caitlin travel deep underground in their quest to find new Guardians. They find out that the darkness deep inside hides more than just monsters and it isn't long before they are forced to grow within the power of their stones or become trapped underground forever. Peter, Michelle and William have problems of their own when every baddie worth the name comes boiling out of the cave seeking to break free into the world. Even with the help of their trusty Ogre friends and the rest of the neighborhood, it is a desperate battle, but one that they cannot afford to lose.

  • af Mark A. Knoblauch
    162,95 kr.

    There's no avoiding the fact that we consume too much sodium. Despite knowing the health benefits inherent to a lower sodium intake, successfully decreasing the amount of sodium in our diet can be quite difficult given the prevalence of high-sodium foods that exist all around us. For some of us, taking on a low-sodium lifestyle is a choice, while for others it is a necessity due to an underlying medical condition. To assist us in reducing our sodium we can find a wealth of cookbooks on the market that provide low-sodium recipe options. But cookbooks don't help us understand sodium. They don't tell us why sodium is needed in our body, or why too much is problematic. And they don't teach us how to reduce sodium in our diet. Living Low-Sodium was written to address these issues and serve as a comprehensive resource for individuals who have decided to take on a low-sodium lifestyle. It is written by a scientist and educator who understands the science of sodium but who also wants to explain the 'how' and the 'why' of sodium's interaction with our body. Furthermore, it is written by someone who has successfully navigated his own low-sodium journey for nearly a decade. With this book, you will learn: What sodium isHow sodium is utilized by our bodyWhat medical conditions are affected by sodiumSodium's role in the food industry, including why sodium is a part of so many foods and recipesHow to recognize the sodium content of food itemsHow to easily reduce sodium in your own diet

  • af Shirley Vinson
    152,95 kr.

    "Offense must come." - Matthew 18:7 In today's world, offenses abound. No one likes to be hurt and offended, and at some point in our lives we will be both the offended and the offender. When offenses come, what do you do with them? How do you process? Is it possible to begin to heal from unfathomable hurts? Using Forgiveness as a Weapon of Warfare answers these questions and more. With this book, you will: - Discover the meaning of offense, and how offense can be beneficial for your purpose. - Learn the meanings of forgiveness- Interrogate the root of condemnation, and how it can be used against you. - Understand the roadblocks that keep you from forgiving yourself, and others. - Begin to use forgiveness as a weapon of warfare! Begin this journey to release yourself from past hurts and conflicts so that you may walk freely in purpose and destiny! "Forgiveness is not an option but a command!" - Shirley Vinson

  • af Belinda Goodrich
    1.307,95 kr.

    PMP Exam Prep Instructor Coursebook for PMBOK Guide, 6th Edition

  • af Brandi Easterling Collins
    112,95 kr.

    "Caroline's Lighthouse" Second EditionWhat really happened at Bettencourt Estate?In the mid-1800s, Caroline Marshall was forced to accept the marriage proposal of an attorney from a neighboring town. However, Caroline was in love with Thomas Cooper, the caretaker of the Bettencourt Estate Lighthouse and an orphan whom the family had taken in several years prior. At seventeen, Caroline took her own life by leaping from the top of the lighthouse. Upon learning what she had done, Thomas did the same. Following the tragedy, the lighthouse was locked and never used again. In the years since the lovers' suicides, people in the small town of Bettencourt, Virginia, watch as the abandoned lighthouse glows every year on the anniversary of Caroline's death. The estate is rumored to be the most haunted place in town, riddled with tragedy for anyone who tries to live there. In 1996, fifteen-year-old Caroline Douglas, named after the legendary ghost, visits the estate that has been in her mother's family for generations. She's not there long before strange things begin to happen. With help from her family and her best friend, Bo, will Caroline solve the mystery surrounding the haunting of her inherited home before it's too late?

  • af Wendy Ann Zellea
    132,95 kr.

    It is natural to be happy, healthy and have no problems. Set your intention to be that way, and stay that way. If you are not sure of your path in life, begin a process of eliminating what no longer serves you. Start to do things your own way. It may be lonely at times, but the reward is that you are living your life as it is meant to be lived. It also can be exciting and fun. After a while, it will become easier, and you will begin to see that, there is no need for struggle. See yourself as an amazing person that has taken a chance to follow your own mind, and has survived. It is a happy feeling. Be happy and grateful for your life, and everything in it. This is important, because gratitude signifies acceptance and validates the act of receiving. Once you have acknowledged and given thanks for what you have, you are in the position to receive more, so express gratitude whenever possible. You will feel happy when you are grateful and grateful that you are happy. Always look for the uplifting aspects of a situation. When you hear doubtful thoughts trying to creep in, telling you that things probably will not work or it is too good to be true, just let them go. They are surfacing from deep within you. Be grateful that those thoughts are moving from your subconscious into your conscious, so that you may release them.

  • af Ruby Dillon
    157,95 kr.

    Ruby Dillon's weight loss journey inspired her to write this book, which includes her personal story and the secrets she has discovered to become a true "Loser" and keeping the weight off for good! Recipes, shopping lists, and daily logs are just a few of the incredible gifts this book contains!

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