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Bøger udgivet af Vigmostad & Bjørke AS (VB Import)

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  • - X-wing
    af Aaron Allston
    98,95 kr.

    X-wing er galaksens eliteflystyrke, og flygerne risikerer livene sine i kampen mot Imperiet.

  • af David Weber
    273,95 kr.

    The Star Kingdom of Manticore is once again at war with the Republic of Haven after a stunning sneak attack. The graduating class from Saganami Island, Royal Manticoran Navy's academy, are going straight from the classroom to the blazing reality of all-out war. Except for the midshipmen assigned to the heavy cruiser HMS Hexapuma, that is. They're being assigned to the Talbott Cluster, an out of the way backwater, far from the battle front. The most they can look forward to is the capture of the occasional pirate cruiser and the boring duty of supporting the Cluster's peaceful integration with the star kingdom at the freely expressed will of eighty percent of the Clusters citizens. With a captain who may have seen to much of war and a station commander who isn't precisely noted for his brilliant and insightful command style, it isn't exactly what the students of Honor Harrington, the "salamander", expected. But things aren't as simple-or tranquil-as they appear.

  • af David Wallechinsky
    213,95 kr.

    Today more than ever, international headlines are dominated by dispatches from the many dictatorships that still dot the globe. Although Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein has been deposed, North Korea's Kim Jong-il continues to attract attention on the world stage; at the same time, other dictatorships, led by royal families, military juntas, and single political parties, persist in repressing and brutalizing their citizens without ever attracting anything like Saddam's or Kim Jong-il's level of international attention.In this fascinating, eye-opening read, New York Times bestselling author David Wallechinsky offers in-depth portraits of each of the twenty worst dictators -- and the governments they head -- currently in power: exposing their crimes, and revealing their strange personalities and mysterious backgrounds. Tyrants also reveals the extent that foreign corporations and governments support these tyrants despite their policies.Timely and provocative, crafted with the popular touch that has made Wallechinsky a bestselling author, Tyrants will awaken you to the criminal regimes of the present -- and pose challenging questions about America's role in curbing (or promoting) their power in the future.The Tyrant Hall of Shame includes:Kim Jong-il/North KoreaHu Jintao/ChinaSeyed Ali Khamenei/IranKing Abdullah/Saudi Arabia Muammar al-Qaddafi/LibyaOmar al-Bashir/SudanIslam Karimov/UzbekistanSaparmurat Niyazov/Turkmenistan Fidel Castro/Cuba

  • af Stephen Woodworth
    101,95 kr.

    The police call them The Violets, and they are crime-fighting's secret weapon. Through their violet eyes they can actually expose the face of a murderer. But now one killer is closing their violet eyes permanently, and even the FBI can't stop him.

  • af Kavita Daswani
    228,95 kr.

    Anju wants a husband. Equally important, her entire family wants Anju to have a husband. Her life in Bombay, where a marriage can be arranged in a matter of hours, is almost solely devoted to this quest, with her anxious mother hauling her from holy site to holy site in order to consult and entreat swamis and astrologers. As Anju's twenties slip away, she's fast becoming a spinster by her culture.s standards. Only then is she able to persuade her parents to allow her to move to New York, where, she hopes, she will not be viewed as a failure.

  • - a novel
    af Lisa Tucker
    213,95 kr.

    Patty Taylor spiller i et band, og forsørge sin to år gamle sønn, Willie. En dag dukker faren til Willie opp. Han soner en lang dom, men er blitt løslatt på prøve. Nå kommer han for å kreve Patty og sønnen tilbake, selv om hun for lengst har brutt med ham. Dermed har det Patty fryktet mest av alt skjedd. Fortiden har innhentet henne.

  • - a novel
    af Marianne Wiggins
    186,95 kr.

    Falling in love during the Second World War, a soldier and a glassblower's daughter eventually have a son, who in adulthood finds his own love affair affected by fallout of the atomic age.

  • - what successful marriage is really about
    af Laura Schlessinger
    96,95 kr.

    The advice book for married couples is controversy. Some might say it's old fashioned advice, others say - like 'The Rules' - that it works, and helps couples get along better together. Dr Laura's tell-it-how-it-is relationships book looks at what isn't working in today's marriages and prescribes a new set of values and rules to help make love blossom and marriages work. She tells wives to stop whingeing and work harder at nurturing the family and loving their men and rewards will be duly reaped. A central theme is the three A's: appreciation, approval and affection - or showing your man you need, admire and desire him.

  • af Jennifer Vanderbes
    198,95 kr.

    Påskeøya, 1913. Elsa Pendelton ankommer øya sammen med ektemannen, antropologen Edward Pendelton, som er sendt for å studere de berømte statuene, og søstra Alice. Elsa begynner si egen utforsking av øya. Siden de er isolert fra omverdenen, veit hun ikke at første verdenskrig er brutt ut, og at en tysk skvadron på flukt fra britene er på veg mot Påskeøya. Seksti år seinere reiser botanikeren Greer Farraday til Påskeøya for å forske på øyas flora. En serie hendelser fører til at historiene til to kvinner møtes.

  • - how Washington sold our soul for Saudi crude
    af Robert Baer
    158,95 kr.

    The author exposes USA's corrupt relationship with Saudi Arabia and argues that the US' dependence on Saudi oil makes them increasingly vulnerable to terrorism and economic disaster. He documents the complex ties between the CIA, the Saudis, and the terrorist groups that later turned on the United States with horrible consequences, the recent history of the Al Sa'ud family and its connection to terrorism.

  • af Martin Gilbert
    158,95 kr.

    How does he assess the information that is brought to him? How does his personal or political philosophy, or a moral sense, sustain him? How does he draw inspiration from those around him? How does he deal with setbacks and disasters? In this brilliant close-up look at Winston Churchill's leadership during the Second World War, Gilbert gets to the heart of the trials and struggles that have confronted the world's most powerful leaders, even up to current politicians such as George Bush and Tony Blair.Basing the book on his intimate knowledge of Churchill's private and official papers, Sir Martin Gilbert, Churchill's official biographer, looks at the public figure and wartime propaganda, to reveal a very human, sensitive, and often tormented man, who nevertheless found the strength to lead his nation forward from the darkest and most dangerous of times.

  • af Preethi Nair
    143,95 kr.

    A magical mixture of East meets West, mothers in conflict with daughters, and the healing power of food. 'Maybe there are one hundred shades for explaining truth, a spectrum from light to dark, depending on the vulnerability of those who have to hear it. Things are not always clear cut, they are not either black or white, life just isn't like that.' Nalini and her two young children are transplanted from luxury in India to the bewildering confusion of London, only to be abandoned by her negligent husband. At first survival is a struggle, but Nalini turns to what she does best: cooking. Her mouthwatering pickles bring financial stability and domestic happiness, as well as affecting everyone who tastes them. Everyone, that is, except for her daughter, Maya. Maya loves fish fingers, burgers and chips. She's not interested in her history; that died with her father. Resisting the pull of her family, she follows her own chaotic journey which will take her back to India before she can face the truth about her parents, forgive them and herself - and admit that lime pickle is delicious, after all.

  • af Sandra Cisneros
    213,95 kr.

    Boka inneholder utdrag fra forfatterens romaner The house on Mango street og Caramelo, et utvalg dikt fra diktsamlingene My wicked ways og Loose woman, og sju historier fra Woman hollering creek.

  • af Langston Hughes
    148,95 kr.

    Boka inneholder et utvalg av Hughes' lyrikk samt de tre historiene Cora unashamed, Home og The blues I'm playing.

  • af Jayne Ann Krentz
    98,95 kr.

    Bibliotekaren Leonora Hutton reiser til Wing Cove etter at halvsøstra hennes, Meredith, dør på en mistenkelig måte. Her møter hun Thomas Walker, som forteller henne at Meredith har stjålet 1 million dollar fra et collegefond. Thomas' svigerinne er også funnet død under mistenkelige omstendigheter, og samtidig som Leonora forsøker å finne igjen pengene, forsøker hun å finne ut sannheten om de to dødsfallene.

  • - a John Gierach fly-fishing treasury
    af John Gierach
    196,95 kr.

    The author uses his renowned dry wit and fly-fishing philosophy in this collection of forty of his finest essays on the art of fly fishing.

  • af Judy Dunn
    58,95 kr.

    Jenny's cat in "The Little Kitten", is restlessly looking for a comfortable spot to give birth to her kittens. The straw in the barn is too scratchy so Jenny gives up her bottom drawer.

  • - a novel of Redwall
    af Brian Jacques
    98,95 kr.

    The otter Taggerung, having discovered that he is too pure of heart to live and fight beside the vermin clan who raised him, embarks on a journey to find his true home and family.

  • - a brotherhood of war novel
    af W.E.B. Griffin
    108,95 kr.

    Chronicles the adventures of the American Special Forces troops who fought a covert war against Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara in the Congo in 1964.

  • - 49 musicians shaping a new blues tradition
    af Art Tipaldi
    183,95 kr.

    This book journeys across America to explore the storied generation of new blues musicians: the biological and spiritual children fathered and mentored by the masters of the blues. Stoking the '60s blues revival, and standing at the vanguard of the next evolution, these young players walked through the doors opened by their fathers-and have kept them open, strengthening a timeless art form. This book tells their unique stories, so you can listen to the elders on the same front porches, sit at the same kitchen tables, ride in the same vans, and stand on the same smoky stages as some of the blues greats. With index and discography.

  • - the story of the Andes survivors
    af Piers Paul Read
    108,95 kr.

    De overlevde flystyrt og et snøskred i Andesfjellene. De hadde for lenge siden gitt opp å få hjelp fra omverdenen. Det som holdt dem i live i ti uker, var så redselsfullt at ingen greide å snakke om det. Dette er en fortelling fra virkeligheten om en flyulykke i 1972. Boken er filmet.

  • - the bounty hunter wars
    af K.W. Jeter
    88,95 kr.

    Boba Fett er den mest fryktede og suksessrike skuddpremiejeger i galaksen. Selv de mest råbarkede kriminelle skjelver hvis noen nevner hans navn. Han møter den dødligste utfordring i hele sin karriere, en ubetinget krig mot Mandalorian hæren. Da the Rebellion samler styrkene, foreslår prins Xizor en utspekulert plan til the Emperor og Darth Vader. En plan om å få fienden til å sloss innbyrdes, fordi da vil kun de sterkest overleve. Det blir en jobb for Boba Fett, som snart befinner seg som mål for konspirasjon, mord og ondskap.

  • af Thomas F. Monteleone
    263,95 kr.

    Folk rundt om på heile kolden begynner å få mareritt om en torturist fra nazistenes dødsleire, en sadistisk psykopat kalt Den lille engel. En psykiater, en rabbi og en FBI-agent oppdager at de som har marerittene blir brutalt drept. Marerittene er nemlig desperate skrik fra fortapte sjeler som forsøker å advare de levende om at Den lille engel har funnet en vei tilbake, og at han åpner verden for historiens mest demoniske monstre. Han kan bare bli stoppet av dem han allerede har drept.

  • - X-wing
    af Aaron Allston
    98,95 kr.

    Wraith skvadronen er sendt ut for å stoppe krigsherren Zsinj og hans Super Star destroyer, Iron First, ved å infiltrere seg på flåten hans og avsløre hans planer. De må klare dette, ellers er det slutten på Wraith skavdronen.

  • af Barbara Hambly
    98,95 kr.

    Nam Chorios, en ufruktbar bakevje av en verden, var engang var en fryktet fengselskoloni, men huser nå en fanatisk religiøs sekt. Prinsesse Leia er blitt tatt til fange. Samtidig lander Luke på en mystisk planet for å lete etter sin tapte kjærlighet Callista, og oppdager at the Force er hans verste fiende. Men verst av alt, da Han, Chewie og Lando reiser fra Coruscant på en redningstokt så dukker det opp en ukjent livsform.

  • af Chris Bunch
    273,95 kr.

    Offiseren Damastes og trollmannen Tenedos prøver å få orden i landet Numantia som er preget av borgerkrig og anarki. Kampen er skjebnebestemt, og den leder til en gjenfødelse av Numantia under dødsgudinnens beskyttelse. Dette er første bok i serien om Numantia.

  • - techniques for analyzing industries and competitors
    af Michael E. Porter
    493,95 kr.

    Boken tar opp spørsmål av avgjørende betydning for bedriftslederen og angir et komplett sett med teknikker for å analysere bedriftens situasjon og hvordan man skal møte konkurrentenes handlinger. Trinn for trinn gis de teknikker og instrumenter man behøver for å lykkes med en bransje- og konkurrentanalyse.

  • af Michael E. Porter
    444,95 kr.

  • - creating and sustaining superior performance
    af Michael E. Porter
    395,95 kr.

    I denne boka viser forfatteren hvordan markedsføring, produksjon, ledelse, økonomi og andre disipliner samordnes til et helhetsperspektiv på foretaket. Boka er skrevet for utøvere av faget, folk som er ansvarlige for hvordan konkurransefortrinn kan skapes og folk som ønsker bedre forståelse av foretak og deres resultatoppnåelse.

  • - an extravagant life
    af Laurence Bergreen
    288,95 kr.

    Boken forteller om den amerikanske jazz-musikeren Louis Armstrongs liv og virke.

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