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Bøger udgivet af William Carey Library Publishers

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  • af Sheryl Takagi Silzer
    113,95 kr.

    Biblical Multicultural Teams speaks to the heart of cultural misunderstanding- our childhood upbringing. Sheryl Takagi Silzer is able in this work to provide both an honest look at her own cross-cultural experience and an astute academic understanding of cross-cultural communication. We all work and function in a multicultural world. The advice and wisdom in Biblical Multicultural Teams will thus enable you to take a hard look at assumptions and attitudes found in your team and to work on submitting them to biblical standards of interaction.Sign up for the WCIU Press newsletter to be notified about new books from this author and more! http: //

  • - Fresh Perspectives on Christian Mission
    af Kenneth R Ross
    103,95 kr.

    The Edinburgh 2010 study process has created a diverse community of discussion and reflection which spans the globe and extends broadly across the full spectrum of church life. At no time or place have all of its participants ever come together. Yet they have found ways to unite and connect - through a website, through email, Skype and Facebook, and through occasional meetings or consultations to address particular issues. The process is therefore informed by possibly a wider range of experience than has ever before been applied to questions of church and mission. From such an extensive web of international interaction this small book has emerged. It revolves around seven "transversal" themes which "run like threads" across all nine of the Edinburgh 2010 study tracks (examined in the companion volume Edinburgh 2010: New Directions for Church in Mission). Each of the seven transversals represents a way of looking at mission, like a set of binoculars which enables you to see things that you might otherwise miss. Working through the chapters, either alone or in a small group, will yield fresh perspectives on the meaning and practice of Christian mission in the world of the 21st century.

  • af Robert Alan Blincoe
    288,95 kr.

    The Protestant mission paradigm, as conceived by Luther and Calvin and taking classic shape in the generation of Reformers that followed them, assumed that church administrative bodies should retain for themselves the authority to initiate God's mission to all the world. However, another paradigm will be shown to be more biblical, more predictably effective as measured by an inductive study of mission history, and truer to what is "really there" in societies everywhere. The research provides evidence-based support for the desired outcome of this thesis, that Protestant churches-modalities-should recognize the indispensable contribution of, and biblical basis for, sodalities-voluntary mission structures-thus bringing about the necessary favorable conditions to normalize a relationship between them.

  • - Global Voices on Global Mission
    af Beth Snodderly
    173,95 kr.

    First the Kingdom of God assembles a collection of essays from renowned Christian leaders of diverse cultures at the frontiers of global Christianity to elevate the conversation and to address key aspects of the changing trends aforementioned. This volume offers unique perspectives from multiple disciplines, ethno-racial diversity, and confessional affiliations. The lay person, clergy, or scholar is invited to re-examine his/her theological and social framework of missions afresh in the light of a global and interconnected geo-political global landscape. The contributors have aptly married first class scholarship with accessible style for general readership to inform, ignite a new passion, and refocus mission praxis on the Master's vision-to "seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness" (Matt. 6:33).

  • - The Origin of International Development
    af Beth Snodderly
    118,95 kr.

    Chaos is not God's will. We see this in the opening verses of Genesis and in the First Epistle of John, where those causing confusion are ultimately labeled as "children of the devil" (1 John 3:10). We see examples of this theme throughout Israel's history, in the messages of the prophets, in Jesus' demonstrations of authority over the powers of darkness, in the Epistles where we find principles for living godly and non-chaotic lives, and finally in the Book of Revelation where, in the end, Jesus victoriously reigns over all. These images illustrate the origin of international development: setting right what is not right, something destroyed and desolate, something that is not compatible with life-tohu wabohu. "Creation ... constituted bringing order to the cosmos from an originally nonfunctional condition." There is a need in all societies for restoring order and relationships to reflect God's will for this world, overcoming evil with good.

  • - Early Life and Core Missiology
    af Greg H Parsons
    228,95 kr.

    Although a number of short articles have been written about him, to date, there is no complete biographical work on Ralph D. Winter (1924-2009). This study, (originally Greg Parsons' dissertation) seeks to provide a thorough account of Ralph Winter's life, tying together the threads of his life and work. It starts with his years spent in Guatemala, and leads up to Winter's groundbreaking message at the Lausanne 1974 congress. More than just a biography, Ralph D. Winter leads the reader through an analysis of issues within the history and development of missiological thinking that will fascinate anyone interested in mission history. "I have been reading your thesis for the last 40 minutes or so, and could read it all night. It is a fascinating history, and so well researched, documented and written. Thank you for your vision and perseverance in this study. It inspires me to press on in my research on the Lausanne Movement." - S. Douglas Birdsall, Executive Chair, Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization "Greg Parsons' Ralph D. Winter: Early Life and Core Missiology lets us look with fresh perspective on Ralph Winter's life journey up through his watershed contribution at the 1974 Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization. If you want to know how the stage was set for the rapid change from a previously Western dominated to the truly global church of today, this book will provide both fascinating detail and provocative insights." - Phil Butler, Founder and current Senior Strategic Advisor at visionSynergy Sign up for the WCIU Press newsletter to be notified about new books from this author and more! http: //

  • - History Through A Missiological Perspective
    af Paul Pierson
    228,95 kr.

    In this text, Paul E. Pierson, Dean Emeritus of the School of Intercultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, guides the reader through a missiological view of history from Christ to the present. Pierson particularly highlights the contexts by which the biblical faith moved into new and different cultures. Today, the Christian faith, is the most geographically and culturally diverse worldwide movement that exists. Paul E. Pierson's book illuminates how this amazing fact has come about and how the trend will continue. Sign up for the WCIU Press newsletter to be notified about new books from this author and more! http: //

  • af Azar Ajaj
    153,95 kr.

    How should Christians respond to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which, for decades, has been the focus of media reports on suicide bombings, wars, billions in military weaponry, and countless diplomatic efforts towards resolution by presidents and prime ministers? In this volume, you'll hear the voices of Jews and Arabs of faith as they passionately share their perspectives on what has happened and how we should understand the present situation in the light of Scripture. Sign up for the WCIU Press newsletter to be notified about new books from this author and more! http: //

  • - God's Will on Earth, as It Is in Heaven
    af Beth Snodderly
    118,95 kr.

    This anthology is a collection of William Carey International University faculty and student writings concerning the nature and goals of international development. This book is the first in the WCIU Press International Development Series. The perspectives of twelve different authors are represented. Sign up for the WCIU Press newsletter to be notified about new books from this author and more! http: //

  • - A Case Study in Contextualized Theology
    af Stephen J Strauss
    288,95 kr.

    The Ethiopian Orthodox Church (EOC) is non-Chalcedonian, believing that Christ's human and divine natures combined intone nature which is both human and divine. Do Western and Ethiopian Orthodox Christians have the same Christology, but express it differently? If not, how are they different? How should evangelicals in Ethiopia express their understanding of Christ's deity and humanity so that they are clear, inoffensive and biblical? To answer these questions, one must understand historical, formal, linguistic and popular perspectives on the nature of Christ in the EOC. To do this, an ethnographic study of one Addis Abada neighborhood was conducted to begin to understand popular perspectives on the nature of Chris in the EOC. The findings suggest that there are some substantive differences between Chalcedonian and Ethiopian Orthodox perspectives on the nature of Christ. In speaking of Christ, evangelicals in Ethiopia should avoid referring to "two natures" while affirming his full deity and, especially, his full humanity. They should develop a fresh Christological creed for the Ethiopian context.

  • - A Chinese Contextualization of Salvation through Honor and Shame
    af Jackson Wu
    288,95 kr.

    Years ago, the author had a startling realization. Theologians and pastors have long taught on the glory of God and its central importance in the Bible. However, because he was living in East Asia, it also dawned on the author that this sort of talk about God's glory, praising Him, and magnifying His name was simply another way of talking about honor and shame. When the author looked at most theology and ministry-related books, he found that honor and shame seemed to be treated differently. Anthropologists talked about honor-shame, but theologians largely focused more on legal metaphors. The author could see both themes in Scripture but couldn't find help as to how to bring them together. This study was developed in order to address this gap and bring those themes together. Sign up for the WCIU Press newsletter to be notified about new books from this author and more! http: //

  • af Egbert Brink
    103,95 kr.

    What specific contribution can the spiritual counselor or pastor make to the trauma healing process, alongside other professionals? From his own competence on religious domain, the pastor can guide the counselee in tackling the 'Question of God' and help to restore the connection with God. This pastoral counseling demands a safe setting, safeguarding of the counselee's autonomy and a 'non-anxious presence' by the pastor. Especially important is that the pastor adopts an open attitude which does not shy away from the counselee's (sometimes unspeakable) suffering and that he does not, on forehand, take an apologetic stance. The Book of Job can help to express the confusion of feelings that are evoked in a traumatic context, in particular in the relationship with God, other people and oneself. The language of Job appears to be very useful in formulating the experience of suffering and asking the most penetrating life questions.

  • af James Butare-Kiyovu
    118,95 kr.

    The ongoing task of international development has dominated the headlines and the airwaves as of late, especially withthe establishment of the Millenium Development Goals, the growing numbers of celebrities involved in charity work, and an expanding global awareness of our humanity's interdependence. Nowhere has the challenge of international development been more acutely felt than among Christian congregations and faith-based NGOs. While followers of Christ certainly face a daunting challenge in the fight against global issues of poverty and oppression, there has never before been a time when Christians have been as equipped to help and informed about the situation of our world as they are now. With this in mind, Christians everywhere can move forward in their task of development with hope in their hearts. The articles compiled here by James Butare-Kiyovu highlight the promise God holds out for those who would work towards shalom on this earth, and offer the same challenge that is quoted from the late Dr. Ralph D. Winter in the introduction to this anthology: 'No generation has less excuse than ours if we do not do as He asks.' Sign up for the WCIU Press newsletter to be notified about new books from this author and more! http: //

  • - Going to the Final Frontiers
    af D C Keane
    198,95 kr.

    Too Soon to Celebrate-Too Soon to Quit "Lord, why another mission agency? There are already so many good ones," Greg Livingstone cried out on a beach in 1983. But, as he made his case to God that he should find someone else to change the world, the answer became clear: the world needed a new agency, operating in a new way, that would focus entirely on all Muslim peoples.So began the wild, risky, worthy story told in Uncharted Mission, a book that is more than the history of the founding of Frontiers. D. C. Keane weaves together interviews with over one hundred missionaries who refused to accept the status quo in missions and were willing to go where no one had gone before-to the Muslim frontiers. In this inspiring true story, you'll meet pastors, engineers, artists, pilots, and others whose lives changed course when they discovered that Muslims were largely left out of historic missionary efforts.This is a book for innovators who ask, as Greg Livingstone always asks, "How can we do this better? How can we improve?" Don't simply admire the groundbreakers who went before us in this compelling narrative; there is still work to be done. There are still "frontiers" of mission for the next generation of Christians who want to change the world.

  • - Cultivating Our Roots
    af David J Evans, Ronald J Vos & Keith P Wright
    227,95 kr.

  • - A Prayer Companion
    af Dick Webster & Flo Webster
    103,95 kr.

    Worship and Warfare is a treasury of truths which can enrich your prayer ministry. This booklet includes names of God, reminders of His character, hymns, quotes, and scripture verses which will stimulate, guide and refresh your prayer times.

  • af David Lim
    258,95 kr.

    This is the fourth and latest volume in the Buddhist World series which includes Sharing Jesus in the Buddhist World, Sharing Jesus Holistically with the Buddhist World, and Sharing Jesus Effectively in the Buddhist World. Compiled from papers presented at the annual SEANET Missiological Forum in Thailand, Communicating Christ in the Buddhist World delivers fresh insights from mission theologians and practitioners. The first four chapters reflect on the theological framework by which Christians can fulfill the biblical mandate to evangelize and transform peoples. The next five chapters consider the significant sociological issues that have arisen in the Christian encounter with Buddhist peoples. The final three suggest some strategic ways forward for effective evangelism in the Buddhist world. May this book challenge the international Christian community to find better ways of relating to and approaching people of other faiths!

  • af Martin Parsons
    333,95 kr.

    "Muslim responses to Christianity down the ages have been shaped by diverse factors. One of the primary stumbling blocks has been Muslim misperceptions of Christian core beliefs about the person of Jesus and the nature of God. This study includes a practical example of contextualization which should provide great insights to Christians who are trying to explain their faith to Muslims in diverse contexts." -Peter G. Riddell, Professor of Islamics; Director, Centre for Muslim-Christian Relations

  • - Searching Questions about the Hadith from a Christian Perspective
    af Bernie Power
    248,95 kr.

    The Hadith are Islam's most influential texts after the Qur'an. They outline in detail what the Qur'an often leaves unsaid. The Hadith are a foundation for Islamic law and theology and a key to understanding the worldview of Islam and why many Muslims do the things they do. This book subjects the Hadith to a critical analysis from a biblical perspective. In a scholarly and respectful way, it exposes significant inconsistencies within these ancient documents and highlights potential problems with the Muslim-Christian interface.

  • - Using the Hadith in Christian Ministry to Muslims
    af Bernie Power
    238,95 kr.

    The Hadith have long been neglected by Christians, yet they may hold the key to reaching Muslims with the good news of Jesus Christ. In this ground-breaking book, the earliest traditions of Islam are assessed from a biblical perspective. Insights into the Islamic worldview and potential springboards to Christian truth are uncovered along the way. For those contextualizing the gospel to Muslim friends and colleagues, this book seeks for concord and connection with Muslim thinking, while maintaining a clear commitment to Jesus Christ and his gospel.

  • af Charles J Mellis
    163,95 kr.

  • af James P Dretke
    228,95 kr.

    Muslims and Christians are in dialogue with each other whenever they meet. Their interaction may be stimulating and edifying, or it may be extremely negative.A Christian Approach to Muslims: Reflections from West Africa endeavors to isolate some of the communication problems that beset Christians and Muslims. The book's finding is that the primary distinction between Christianity and Islam rests in the attitude of each towards the Law of God, and the practice which grows out of this understanding. For Islam, the shari'a is central; for Christianity, it is the gospel.James Dretke, former director of the Islam-in-Africa Project, had long experience in Muslim Africa, especially Ghana, and in this book, he reflects creatively on the theme of a Christian approach.

  • - Waking Up to God's Missionary Call
    af Reverend Leonidas A Johnson
    173,95 kr.

    In the pages of this book, Rev. Leonidas A. Johnson eloquently shares how God's missionary call, like an aromatic stew, has been simmering within the African American church. According to him, "The African American church will play a critical role in spreading the gospel message to people groups living in areas of the world that represent the last strongholds and citadels of satanic power attempting to stop God's Mission."

  • af Dr Kraft & Charles H
    238,95 kr.

    "Seldom are we able to listen to the story of a school that has so greatly impacted world mission. As we contemplated how to record the first forty years of the School of World Mission, now School of Intercultural Studies, it was obvious that the best way was to capture the memory of one who lived it. While many of our faculty can claim deep root in the school, no one compares to Chuck Kraft who, apart from the first four years, has been a vital part of every development." - C. Douglas McConnell, Dean, School of Intercultural Studies

  • af Patrick O'Connor
    256,95 kr.

    Patrick O'Connor highlights specific action-oriented principles from the teachings of George Patterson as he guides the reader through the various aspects of cross-cultural ministry: the gathering of new believers, the development of new churches, the mobilization of new churches into a movement, the training of new leaders, and the departure of the pioneering ministers.

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