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Countries in East Asia and the Pacific were already experiencing a learning crisis when the COVID-19 pandemic made things worse. This report examines key factors affecting learning outcomes in the region, including teaching, the use of educational technologies (EdTech), and public spending on education.
This book analyzes the vulnerabilities and inefficiencies associated with international labor migration from the Kyrgyz Republic brought to light by the COVID-19 pandemic and proposes policy options to address them.
The fourth edition of Global Findex - the world's most comprehensive database on financial inclusion - offers a lens into how people accessed and used financial services during COVID-19, when mobility restrictions and health policies drove increased demand for digital services of all kinds.
Chad's economy has contracted since 2015, preventing poverty reduction and the improvement of development outcomes. This Systematic Country Diagnostic identifies key constraints on poverty reduction and recommends solutions.
Le Manuel de référence sur les systèmes de mise en oeuvre de la protection sociale synthétise les expériences et les leçons apprises des systèmes de mise en oeuvre de la protection sociale à travers le monde. Il adopte un concept de la protection sociale large, qui couvre différentes populations telles que les familles pauvres ou à faible revenu, les chômeurs, les personnes handicapées et les personnes confrontées à des risques sociaux. Il analyse différents types d'interventions des gouvernements pour la protection des individus, des familles ou des ménages, au travers de programmes spécifiques allant de programmes ciblant la pauvreté, aux prestations et services en faveur de l'emploi, et aux prestations et services au bénéfice des personnes handicapées et d'autres services sociaux. Ce Manuel de référence cherche à répondre à différentes questions pratiques soulevées au cours de la mise en oeuvre, en particulier: - Comment les pays mettent-ils en oeuvre les prestations et services de protection sociale ? - Comment le font-ils avec l'efficacité et l'efficience voulues ? - Comment assurent-ils une inclusion dynamique, en particulier celle des personnes les plus vulnérables et les plus défavorisées ? - Comment favorisent-ils une meilleure coordination et intégration non seulement entre les différents programmes de protection sociale mais aussi avec les programmes mis en oeuvre par d'autres acteurs gouvernementaux ? - Comment peuvent-ils répondre aux besoins des populations ciblées et assurer une meilleure expérience client ? Le cadre de mise en oeuvre des systèmes de protection sociale précise les principaux éléments de cet environnement opérationnel. Il se décline en différentes phases qui s'échelonnent tout au long de la chaîne de mise en oeuvre. Ces phases sont les lieux d'interactions entre différents acteurs, parmi lesquels des personnes et des institutions. La communication, les systèmes d'information et la technologie facilitent ces interactions. Ce cadre peut s'appliquer à la mise en oeuvre d'un ou plusieurs programmes ainsi qu'à la mise en place d'une protection sociale adaptative. Le Manuel de référence des systèmes de mise en oeuvre de la protection sociale s'articule autour de huit principes clés qui constituent le code de conduite de la mise en oeuvre: 1. Les systèmes de mise en oeuvre ne suivent pas un modèle unique, mais tous les modèles partagent des points communs qui forment le coeur du cadre de mise en oeuvre des systèmes de protection sociale. 2. La qualité de la mise en oeuvre a une grande importance et la faiblesse de l'un des éléments constitutifs de la chaîne de mise en oeuvre affectera négativement l'ensemble de celle-ci et réduira les impacts du ou des programmes qui lui sont associés. 3. Les systèmes de mise en oeuvre évoluent dans le temps, de manière non linéaire et leur point de départ est important. 4. Dès le début de la mise en oeuvre, des efforts devront être déployés pour ' garder les choses simples ' et pour ' bien faire les choses simples '. 5. Le premier segment de la chaîne, à savoir l'interface entre les futurs bénéficiaires et l'administration, est souvent son maillon le plus faible. Son amélioration peut nécessiter des changements systémiques, mais ceux-ci contribueront considérablement à l'efficacité globale et atténueront les risques d'échec de cette interface. 6. Les programmes de protection sociale ne fonctionnent pas dans le vide et, par conséquent, leur système de mise en oeuvre ne doit pas être développé en vase clos. Des opportunités de synergies entre institutions et systèmes d'information existent et les saisir peut améliorer les résultats des programmes. 7. Au-delà de la protection sociale, ces systèmes de mise en oeuvre peuvent aussi améliorer la capacité des gouvernements à fournir d'autres prestations ou services, comme les subventions à l'assurance maladie, les bourses d'études, les tarifs sociaux de l'énergie, les allocations logement et l'accès aux services juridiques. 8. L'inclusion et la coordination sont des défis omniprésents et permanents. Pour les relever, il faut donc améliorer de façon continue les systèmes de mise en oeuvre à travers une approche dynamique, intégrée et centrée sur la personne.
This book helps readers understand the basic concept of asset management; explains systems, tools, and procedures; and provides models and guidance for strategically managing assets, establishing systems and asset registers, and applying life-cycle-based asset operation and maintenance.
The Global Economic Prospects is a World Bank Group Flagship Report that examines global economic developments and prospects, with a special focus on emerging market and developing economies.
A decade since the spark of the Arab Spring, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region continues to suffer from limited creation of more and better jobs. Youth face idleness and unemployment. For those who find jobs, informality awaits. Few women attempt to enter the world of work at all. Meanwhile, the available jobs are not those of the future. These labor market outcomes are being worsened by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Jobs Undone: Reshaping the Role of Governments toward Markets and Workers in the Middle East and North Africa explores ways to break these impasses, drawing on original research, survey data, wide-ranging literature, and young entrepreneurial voices from the region. The report finds that a prominent reason behind MENA's unmet jobs challenge is a lack of market contestability in the formal private sector. Few firms in the region enter the market, few grow, and those that exit are not necessarily less productive. Moreover, firms in the region invest little in physical capital, human capital, or research and development, and they tend to be politically connected. At the macro level, economic growth has been mediocre, labor productivity is not being driven by structural change, and the growth of the stock of capital per capita has declined. New evidence generated for this report shows that the lack of dynamism is due to the prevalence of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). They operate in sectors where there is little economic rationale for public activity and they enjoy favorable treatment--flouting the principles of competitive neutrality. Meanwhile, labor regulations add to market rigidity, while gendered laws restrict women's potential. To change this reality, the state must reshape its relationship toward markets, toward workers, and toward women. The region must create a level playing field between SOEs and the private sector, replace labor rigidities with appropriate social protection and labor market programs, and remove barriers to women's economic participation. Governments can also foster new sectors and occupations, gradually propelling market contestability and job creation. All reforms will have to rely on improved data capacity and transparency to create a new social contract between governments and the people of the region.
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered the most pronounced setback in the fight against global poverty since World War II.This report provides new data on the stark reversal of progress in the fight against global poverty. It explores how to optimize fiscal policy and identifies policies that can help correct course.
Dans de nombreux pays à faible revenu et à revenu intermédiaire, la couverture sanitaire s'est considérablement améliorée au cours des deux dernières décennies, mais pas les résultats en matière de santé. Ainsi, la couverture effective - une mesure de la prestation de services qui répond à une norme minimale de qualité - demeure à un niveau inacceptable. Le rapport Améliorer la couverture effective en matière de santé examine une approche particulière visant à améliorer la couverture effective: les incitations financières sous la forme d'un financement basé sur la performance (FBP), une réforme globale qui comprend généralement la rémunération liée à la performance pour les agents de santé de première ligne ainsi que l'autonomie des établissements, la transparence et l'engagement communautaire. Ce rapport de recherche s'appuie sur un vaste ensemble d'études rigoureuses et de nouvelles analyses. Par rapport au statu quo, dans les pays à faible revenu dotés de systèmes de santé centralisés, le FBP peut entraîner des gains substantiels en matière de couverture effective. Toutefois, les avantages relatifs du FBP - la composante rémunération liée à la performance en particulier - sont moins clairs lorsqu'il est comparé à deux autres approches, à savoir: le financement direct des établissements, qui permet d'octroyer des budgets de fonctionnement aux services de santé de première ligne en accordant aux établissements l'autonomie en matière d'allocations budgétaires, mais sans rémunération liée à la performance; et le soutien financier lié à la demande pour les services de santé (c'est-à -dire les transferts monétaires conditionnels et les vouchers). Bien que le FBP se traduise souvent par des améliorations marginales, combler les lacunes importantes de la couverture sanitaire effective n'est pas encore à la portée de nombreux pays. Néanmoins, d'importantes leçons et expériences tirées de la mise en oeuvre du FBP au cours de la dernière décennie peuvent orienter le financement de la santé à l'avenir. En particulier, pour réussir, la réforme du financement de la santé devra sans doute moins se focaliser sur la rémunération à la performance tout en conservant les éléments de financement direct des établissements, l'autonomie, la transparence et l'engagement communautaire.
Over the past 40 years, the number of people in China with incomes below US$ 1.90 per day has fallen by close to 800 million. The report explores the key drivers for China's achievements in poverty, considers lessons for other developing countries, and puts forward suggestions for China's future policies.
The study supports policy makers in designing legal and operational frameworks and practices to enhance cooperation between tax authorities and Law Enforcement Agencies at the domestic and international levels, and to build on synergies between investigations and enforcement in the context of tax crimes, money laundering and corruption.
This study aims to raise policy makers' awareness of the business case for investing in gas flaring and methane reduction projects. It focuses on mid-sized flares that are too small to be prioritized by oil companies but represent 58 percent of global flare volumes.
This report discusses the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on migrants in the Mediterranean region, and on their sending and receiving countries. The report shows that policy interventions can help mobility continue safely in the aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak and better prepare countries to respond to future shocks.
This book shows that there is great potential to reduce the risks and maximize the benefits of temporary migration from South Asia. Building on rigorous analytics, it proposes policies to reduce vulnerability and enhance the benefits of temporary migration for migrants themselves, their families, and the home economy.
Global Economic Prospects is a World Bank Group Flagship Report. Published semiannually, the report includes analysis of topical policy challenges faced by developing countries through in-depth research in the January edition, and shorter analytical pieces in the June edition.
This report reviews the progress of the implementation of the health financing reform in Ukraine, in particular the funding, purchasing, and governance of the Program of Medical Guarantees (PMG).
While many countries pledge to phase out fossil fuels in 30-40 years, 6-7 million people die each year from air pollution. This report shows how to design coherent policies that harness synergies and manage tensions between air quality and climate mitigation and that put people's health first while paving the way for long-term decarbonization.
Private cities are an emerging reality in developing countries and are particularly important in South Asia. Weak urban governments are at the root of some of the challenges faced by cities in developing countries. This report seeks to assess the role private cities can play in the urbanization process of developing countries.
This report promotes a more inclusive development and COVID recovery by better understanding how policies can increase productivity and reduce vulnerability in the informal sector.
This report aims to identify and map air pollution hotspots in South Asia in terms of concentration and exposure, understand the various sources of pollution in hotspot areas (from Kabul to Dhaka), and help categorize policy actions and interventions based on a systematic analysis of costs and benefits.
This book provides an analysis of the complex issue of enforcing foreign confiscation and restraint orders, a crucial step in the process of asset recovery. It further outlines related challenges and offers practical recommendations. The study will be a useful tool for law enforcement, justice, and asset recovery practitioners.
Overweight and obesity are a major challenge in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The aim of this book is to provide new evidence and analysis in order to support planning efforts on obesity prevention in the country.
This Policy Research Report examines one specific policy approach to improving effective coverage: financial incentives in the form of performance-based financing (PBF) or financial incentives to health workers on the front lines.
Technology is a key driver of economic development. However, the extent to which firms adopt and use technologies and to what purpose is poorly understood. From a technological standpoint, firms largely remain black boxes. This report proposes a new approach to measure and understand the adoption and use of technologies by firms.
The book contributes to the understanding of the complexities and dynamics that underlie the relationship between Africa and China, and how to make this relationship truly mutually beneficial.
The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region has untapped potential for trade and global value chains (GVCs) to grow in the wake of COVID-19. This report, based on new data and evidence, shows that 'deep' trade agreements can drive policy reforms and help the region overcome some of its disadvantageous fundamentals.
The COVID-19 pandemic provides a unique event demonstrating the risks associated with global value chains as well as ways in which they are a source of resilience in trade. Efforts to reshore production would make all countries worse off and increase the number of people in extreme poverty.
This framework document provides a practical approach for designing representative studies and developing uniform sampling guidelines to support estimates of health outcomes that are explicitly linked to exposure to land-based contaminants from ASGM activities.
This framework document provides a practical approach for designing representative studies and developing uniform sampling guidelines to support estimates of health outcomes that are explicitly linked to exposure to land-based contaminants from ULAB activities.
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