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Bøger udgivet af World Scientific Publishing Company

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  • af Wieslaw A Kaminski
    1.128,95 kr.

    The symposium celebrates the 300th anniversary of the publication of Newton's "Principia". Appearing in 1687 after the pioneering work of Copernicus, Galileo, and Descartes, the "Principia" represents the culmination of the Scientific Revolution.The symposium focuses on Newton's discoveries and their impact on the modern world in the light of recent historical, methodological, as well as scientific studies.The proceedings contain papers devoted to the intellectual context of the "Principia" (analysis of ancient mechanics and middle-age physics) and to the problems of developing physics and its methods. The influence of post-Newtonian physics on Science will also be considered.In view of the "revolutionary-evolutionary" controversy concerning the character of the development of science, some authors will undertake the interesting problem of whether physics will ever shake itself free from Newtonian methodology.Distinguishing features are: The Methodologically and ideologically diverse views on the "Principia" and their influence on modern science and philosophy (from neo-Thomism to neo-Marxism, from science to art); The Reception of Newton's ideas in Central Europe (Poland, Habsburg's Monarchy); and the Intellectual context of the "Principia" with special emphasis on the impact of Wittelo's little known study of optics.

  • af S. Kai
    2.363,95 kr.

    In this volume, the problems of pattern formation in physics, chemistry and other related fields in complex and nonlinear dissipative systems are studied. Main subjects discussed are formation mechanisms, properties, statistics, characterization and dynamics of periodic and nonperiodic patterns in the electrohydrodynamics in liquid crystals, Rayleigh-Benard convection, crystallization, viscous fingering and Belouzov-Zhabotinsky chemical reaction. Recent developments in topological and defect-mediated chaos, chaos in systems with large degrees of freedom and turbulence-turbulence transitions are also discussed.

  • af Yu Zhu
    638,95 kr.

    The main objective of this book is to extend the scope of the q-calculus based on the definition of q-derivative [Jackson (1910)] to make it applicable to dense domains. As a matter of fact, Jackson's definition of q-derivative fails to work for impulse points while this situation does not arise for impulsive equations on q-time scales as the domains consist of isolated points covering the case of consecutive points. In precise terms, we study quantum calculus on finite intervals. In the first part, we discuss the concepts of qk-derivative and qk-integral, and establish their basic properties. As applications, we study initial and boundary value problems of impulsive qk-difference equations and inclusions equipped with different kinds of boundary conditions. We also transform some classical integral inequalities and develop some new integral inequalities for convex functions in the context of qk-calculus. In the second part, we develop fractional quantum calculus in relation to a new q-shifting operator and establish some existence and uniqueness results for initial and boundary value problems of impulsive fractional q-difference equations.

  • af John R Klauder
    1.073,95 kr.

    This volume is a review on coherent states and some of their applications. The usefulness of the concept of coherent states is illustrated by considering specific examples from the fields of physics and mathematical physics. Particular emphasis is given to a general historical introduction, general continuous representations, generalized coherent states, classical and quantum correspondence, path integrals and canonical formalism. Applications are considered in quantum mechanics, optics, quantum chemistry, atomic physics, statistical physics, nuclear physics, particle physics and cosmology. A selection of original papers is reprinted.

  • af Zhi Xu Wang
    1.213,95 kr.

    In this book, expansions of functions in infinite series and infinite product and the asymptotic expansion of functions are discussed. This may be the best reference book on Special Functions.

  • af Perry Gee
    88,95 kr.

    Inspired by real-life events of a talented 10-year old inventor, this character-building story is packed with humour, educational elements and interesting facts. Scott Sun is a talented young boy who develops inventions to solve real-life problems. His quest for a young inventors' award brings readers on a learning journey about creativity and innovation, patience and having a positive attitude towards school work. The book also deals with an issue which every child will face at some point in time: How do I react to the success of others when they have done better than me? Unique to this book is the presence of an animated phablet, Witty Wikky, who engages readers with witty explanations. Kids are also encouraged to write to Wikky and share their views about various issues encountered by them. Wikky's unique way of engaging readers brings much delight. This is a great book for students in the primary levels.

  • af Robert S Plant
    4.128,95 kr.

    This two-volume set combines theoretical and statistical physics ideas on convective parameterization with a wealth of information on the practical and operational use of parameterizations in weather forecast and climate models. The motivation for this approach is the assumption that future advances in the subject are most likely to arise from the application of theoretical concepts to practical problems, a feeling within the community that has led to the EU-funded COST Action investigative project. Contributors to the book are leading participants in Action, all of whom have devoted much attention over the last few years to building up a thorough knowledge of both theory and practice. Parameterization of Atmospheric Convection intends to equip theoretically oriented scientists with a firm grasp of the important practical issues, and vice versa to equip application-oriented scientists with a firm grasp of the important theoretical tools. This makes the parameterization problem accessible to a wider range of scientists than before. At the same time, by providing a solid bottom up presentation of the principles and practice of parameterization, this two-volume set is the definitive reference point for current atmospheric scientists and modellers working on such problems.

  • af Lev Borisovich Okun
    1.523,95 kr.

    The book "Leptons and Quarks" was first published in the early 1980s, when the program of the experimental search for the intermediate bosons W and Z and Higgs boson H was formulated. The aim and scope of the present extended edition of the book, written after the experimental discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, is to reflect the various stages of this 30+ years search. Along with the text of the first edition of "Leptons and Quarks" it contains extracts from a number of books published by World Scientific and an article from "On the concepts of vacuum and mass and the search for higgs" available from http: // or from http: // The book is unique in communicating the Electroweak Theory at a basic level and in connecting the concept of Lorenz invariant mass with the concept of the Extended Standard Model, which includes gravitons as the carriers of gravitational interaction.

  • af William Siew Wai Lim
    963,95 kr.

    Over the past few decades, rapid urbanisation has threatened to erode public space, especially in emerging economies. Market forces that prioritise profit generation are allowed to construct venues of consumption in its place. Though their physical appearance may resemble traditional public space, in reality, they are greatly restrictive and diminished in affordability, accessibility and social meaning. It is in this context that William SW Lim, chairman of Asian Urban Lab, has brought together architects, designers, historians, sociologists and urbanists from the region to discuss public space in selected Asian cities. Part One contains essays from participants from Chongqing, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Taipei and observations from commentators. Several essays by William SW Lim on the subject round off the discussion in Part Two. The thoughtful essays in Public Space in Urban Asia emphasise how engaging with the present actuality of cities and public awareness of spatial justice in cities are crucial for it is the achievement of spatial justice that will help create a greater level of happiness across societies in our increasingly urbanised world.

  • af Giorgio Parisi
    1.748,95 kr.

    This book provides a selection of papers of the late Daniel Amit (1938 2007). Daniel Amit was a physicist who spent the last 22 years of his life working on neural network models. He was one of the pioneers in the field. The volume contains 21 papers, from the highly influential 1985 paper on the Hopfield model (published together with Hanoch Gutfreund and Haim Sompolinsky), to his last (unpublished) manuscript. Many of these papers are landmark papers in the field. The book also provides a biography; an introduction on Daniel Amit's scientific career before the Hopfield model; and introductions to each of the included papers, written by their co-authors. This book will be of interest to physicists, computational neuroscientists and neurobiologists.

  • af Michael G Rossmann
    1.008,95 kr.

    The current book attempts to give a glimpse of the scientific life of Michael Rossmann. The book begins with his very interesting and moving autobiography. His enormous energy must have been evident already from early childhood when he and his mother had to emigrate from Nazi-Germany to England, via The Netherlands. Starting school with a new language was a challenge that he managed well with the assistance of understanding teachers. Crystallography soon became the tool to explore new worlds, unknown to everybody. With a skill for mathematics, he realized that the transform of a molecular structure in the diffraction pattern could be used for analysis of both symmetry and structural relationships. This method, molecular replacement (MR, also the initials of his name) became one of his great successes of his career. The previous book by him in this series (Selected Papers by Michael G Rossmann with Commentaries) covers his main contributions in this area. With an interest in symmetry, viruses became obvious objects to study. Rossmann attacked these monstrously large molecular assemblies with his unfailing energy and his appetite for real challenges. The amazing variation of molecular arrangements with icosahedral symmetry is truly amazing. This book includes a selection of reports of the structures of some giant viruses. As always, knowing the structure enhances the understanding of function greatly, in the case of viruses the mechanism of infection is a key problem. Rossmann has contributed many central insights in this area. Thus, this book is of interest both as an interesting personal story but also for research into viruses that repeatedly plague all living organisms on the planet, right now in the form of the corona virus pandemic.

  • af Andrew M Quinn
    1.564,95 kr.

    In the vast landscape of medical literature, we now have a groundbreaking book that unveils the intricate details of our body's inner workings. In Vivo Microscopy takes readers on a captivating journey through the microscopic realms of organs and systems, offering unprecedented insights into the new technologies that allow the visualization of tissues at a cellular level.Authored by leading experts in the field, this comprehensive guide delves into the cellular mechanisms of various organs, shedding light on the microscopic events underpinning the full spectrum of disease processes, especially inflammatory conditions and cancer. In vivo microscopy allows the visualization of living tissues in real-time. This allows us to explore the dynamic interaction of cells and their microenvironment, providing a profound understanding of the manifestations of each of these conditions.In Vivo Microscopy not only educates but also inspires. Its rich visuals, coupled with compelling narratives, make it an enthralling read for anyone with an interest in the microanatomy of the human body and the novel technologies the book details. It also serves as a valuable resource for healthcare professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of the pathologic basis of disease, as well as for researchers aiming to uncover novel therapeutic targets.As we continue to unravel the complexities of our body, this book serves as a guiding light, encouraging us to investigate the microscopic universe within and paving the way for advancements in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.

  • af Matthias Beck
    888,95 kr.

    Twentieth century public health initiatives have been crucially informed by perceptions and constructions of risk. Notions of risk identification, assessment and mitigation have guided political and institutional actions even before these concepts became an explicit part of the language of public administration and policy making. Past analyses investigating the link between risk perceptions and public health are relatively rare, and where researchers have investigated this nexus, it has typically been assumed that the collective identification of health risks has led to progressive improvements in public health activities.Risk and the Politics of Public Health addresses this gap by presenting a detailed critical historical analysis of the evolution of risk thinking within medical and health related discourses. Grouped around the four core themes of 'immigration', 'race', 'armed conflict' and 'detention and prevention' this book highlights the innovative capacity of risk related concepts as well as their vulnerability to the dysfunctional effects of dominant social ideologies. Risk and the Politics of Public Health is an essential reference for those who seek to understand the interplay of concepts of risk and public health throughout history as well as those who wish to gain a critical understanding of the social dynamics which have underpinned, and continue to underpin, this complex interaction.

  • af Tyson T Brooks
    1.523,95 kr.

    This comprehensive book presents a new approach to dynamic distributed virtual systems. Wireless grids edgeware promises new cloud to edge secure architectures with mobile security for the Internet of Things (IoT). The scope covers framworks and models for wireless grids edgeware, as well as open specifications and new applications called gridlets and wiglets.The book also highlights fundamental to advanced concepts necessary to grasp wireless grids, edgeware and IoT current issues, challenges and solutions as well as future trends in IoT infrastructures. It also serves as a virtual and effective bridge between academic research on theory, and science-practitioners work with wireless grids, edgeware and IoT technology.This unique compendium is composed for researchers, professionals and students working in the field of innovation management, wireless technologies, information system theory, systems engineering, security system designers, and mobile cloud service developers. University professors and researchers involved in wireless grids, edgeware and IoT related networking may find the book useful for their undergraduate and especially graduate courses.

  • af Paul Jaffe
    1.687,95 kr.

    Power beaming is the ability to move energy without moving or employing mass between an energy input and energy output. It is an emerging technology that could reshape how we generate and distribute energy and how our devices and autonomous systems are powered.This comprehensive compendium provides the foundation needed for researchers, technology developers, and end users to understand the promise and challenges for power beaming. By establishing a common nomenclature and conceptual approach to the analysis and assessment of power beaming systems, this unique reference text provides a true status of advancements in the field, and lays the groundwork for fruitful future research and applications.

  • af Jim Rolfe
    1.379,95 kr.

    Prudence, Pragmatism and Principle examines New Zealand's approach to national security by taking the country's own definition of security and examining each of the components within that definition to determine what the country has or has not done to achieve security.The book highlights the centralised all-of-government approach to achieving security policy and its more distributed and focused approach to responding to national security issues. It also evaluates the degree to which the country chooses to follow a path of prudence, pragmatism or principle in achieving its security. The emphasis on each of those is different according to the issue.The author first presents the development of New Zealand's thinking about security issues and the structure of the national security system. He then delves into case studies of security concern including the national demand for security, international disorder, New Zealand's immediate region and its security, disruptions in the domestic sphere, and natural hazards as a security issue. The final substantive chapter examines how New Zealand works to achieve its security goal of the freedom of citizens 'to make the most of opportunities to advance their way of life'; an unusual national security goal and one that is difficult to achieve or even to define.

  • af Javad Shabani, Eva Gurra & Eloise Yalovitser
    743,95 - 1.018,95 kr.

  • af Massimo Capaccioli
    728,95 - 1.687,95 kr.

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