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  • af Remi Harris
    217,95 kr.

    Learn Gypsy Jazz Guitar Soloing Strategies for 6 Classic StandardsReady to play authentic Gypsy Jazz Guitar Solos? Gypsy Jazz Guitar Soloing Etudes - Volume Two is the second series of immaculately crafted guitar etudes taught by Gypsy Jazz guitar virtuoso Remi Harris... and it's packed full of authentic Gypsy jazz language.Master Gypsy Jazz Guitar Organically Discover engaging melodic solos over captivating choruses of 6 tunesDevelop authentic Gypsy Jazz vocabulary that paints musical picturesLearn to create incredible Gypsy Jazz guitar solos that grow organicallyMaster the art of connecting your solo to the melody of the tuneLearn Incredible Solos over Beautiful Gypsy Jazz Standards:By the end of the book, you'll be playing exciting solos on the following tunes. Honeysuckle RoseI Can't Give You Anything but Love, BabyI've Found a New BabySweet Georgia BrownGypsy Jazz Blues (with altered changes)Gypsy Jazz Rhythm ChangesMore Than Just Gypsy Jazz Guitar Licks...This book is about so much more than simply learning licks or solos!Discover:A rock-solid, musical strategy for improvising over any chord changesAn unlimited "creative ideas" generatorA versatile template to write compelling guitar licks over any chord sequenceHundreds of beautifully conceived licks, runs, sequences and motifs you can use to navigate common chord changes and add to your Gypsy Jazz vocabularyYou'll get instant access to Remi's way to create unlimited Gypsy Jazz guitar licks by using a simple chord visualisation method that's an absolute game changer.

  • af Joseph Alexander
    217,95 kr.

    Meaningful Guitar Warmups That Improve Your Skills and Reduce Risk of InjuryGuitar Practice Warmup Routines teaches you the best skills to work on in your warmups in a safe, musical way - the ultimate rule being that your warmup should never be more difficult than your workload. The focus is on warming up the brain and body safely while developing complementary skills to enhance your main guitar practice routine. In this ground-breaking guitar warmup book, you'll focus on the following essentials to make you a better guitarist in double time...¿ Picking hand¿ Chords¿ Linear fretting hand coordination¿ Chromatic displacement picking¿ Major and minor scales¿ Arpeggios¿ Fingerpicking¿ Synchronisation¿ Fretting hand stretches¿ Wacky drills

  • af Joseph Alexander
    217,95 kr.

    Master the Harmonic & Melodic Minor Scales for Jazz GuitarAt last, a straightforward guide to using the often-confusing Harmonic and Melodic minor scales, designed especially for jazz guitarists!Harmonic & Melodic Minor Jazz Guitar Soloing teaches the why, how, when, and where of these powerful scales with a methodical approach that will develop your jazz guitar soloing as you go.¿Incredible Attention to Your Learning GoalsIn Harmonic & Melodic Minor Jazz Guitar Soloing,· Each substitution idea is explained in detail· Learn exactly which minor scale to reach for and when· Discover how to combine harmonic and melodic minor scales with Dorian and Lydian sounds· Master 128 creative jazz licks that expand your jazz guitar soloing vocabulary· Create structured jazz lines using motivic and rhythmic development

  • - Domina El Lenguaje de Los Solos Menores de Guitarra Jazz
    197,95 kr.

    El ii V i menor para guitarra jazz explicado Más de 170 ejemplos de audio con notación 12 pistas de acompañamiento Discusión y análisis completo de los enfoques más importantes para los solos en la ii V menor Dominio de la ii V menor es la guía definitiva para los solos bebop en la ii V menor para guitarra. Pisándole los talones al libro éxito en ventas "Cambios fundamentales en la guitarra jazz," este libro profundiza en cada enfoque importante para los solos en la progresión de acordes ii V i menor. Partiendo de los principios básicos tales como arpegios de acordes, notas de aproximación cromáticas, arpegios extendidos y notas objetivo, Dominio de la ii V menor cubre los conceptos melódicos más emocionantes y avanzados que son utilizados por todos los grandes guitarristas de jazz bebop. Los capítulos en profundidad cubren el vocabulario esencial basado en el modo dominante frigio, la escala alterada, las sustituciones de arpegio y la escala eólica bebop. El énfasis está construir tu solo de guitarra de jazz a partir de cero, y en crear líneas basadas en los conceptos importantes demostrados en el libro. Con más de 170 ejemplos de audio con notación oirás, absorberás y comprenderás el vocabulario de la ii V menor como nunca antes. También puedes probar tus ideas con las 12 pistas de acompañamiento profesionales incluidas para descarga gratuita desde El enfoque a lo largo de Dominio de la ii V menor está en usar sólo una posición en la guitarra, lo que significa que puedes centrarte sólo en lo más importante; el sonido de la línea melódica. De esta manera puedes dejar de preocuparte por cien diferentes permutaciones de digitación y dominar un área de la guitarra. Mediante el bloqueo de estas distracciones propias de la guitarra, el sonido de la ii V i menor quedará profundamente arraigado en tus oídos, dándote la libertad de crear música con sentido.

  • - Más Allá de Las Pentatónicas
    197,95 kr.

    ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo los grandes guitarristas de blues descubren esas notas "secretas"? A veces parece que nuestros guitarristas de blues favoritos simplemente tienen más notas de entre las cuales elegir, esas que sencillamente te hacen sentir increíble. La realidad es que, a menudo, ellos simplemente están focalizando la nota exacta en el momento exacto. La Guía completa para tocar guitarra blues - Más allá de las pentatónicas te muestra cómo incorporar estas notas secretas a tu propia interpretación. Los solos de guitarra blues son mucho más complejos que la simple interpretación pentatónica... ¡En Más allá de las pentatónicas aprenderás exactamente cuáles notas tocar y cuándo tocarlas para crear tus propios momentos especiales e increíbles! De hecho, es sencillo liberarte de las cadenas de los solos de guitarra blues que consisten únicamente en pentatónicas, y puedes hacerlo agregando una o dos notas secretas especiales para enriquecer tus melodías y destacarte como un solista de guitarra blues excelente. Realza tus solos de guitarra blues Es verdad que la mayoría de los solos de guitarra blues consisten (bastante acertadamente) en un 90% de pentatónica... pero ese 10% restante, allí es donde sucede la magia. Una vez que comprendas cómo funciona una canción de blues, será más sencillo elegir las notas más conmovedoras y evocadoras y utilizarlas para crear solos de guitarra blues hermosos, memorables y apasionados. Desglosa los temas y comprende cómo funciona el blues Más allá de las pentatónicas forma el balance perfecto entre comprensión teórica y aplicación práctica. El énfasis se encuentra firmemente puesto sobre la interpretación y se incluyen más de 125 licks de guitarra blues y 80 minutos de ejemplos de audio escritos en notación estándar, ¡para que comprendas y sientas qué notas quieres que se oigan! Una vez que puedas sentirlo, tendrás siempre las bellas notas en tu corazón y en tus dedos, listas para crear la música más poderosa que sea posible. Notas objetivo y escalas hermosas para la improvisación de blues Mientras que la primera parte de Más allá de las pentatónicas observa cómo focalizar las notas más poderosas, la segunda mitad introduce las otras escalas que se usan en los solos de guitarra blues. Existen muchas opciones hermosas y ejemplos de cómo utilizarlas en los solos de blues en la vida real. La teoría se pone inmediatamente en práctica para ayudarte a tocar el blues como B.B. King of Stevie Ray Vaughan. La Guía completa para tocar guitarra blues - Más allá de las pentatónicas te enseña hacer lo siguiente: 1. Comprender y aprender las notas secretas que tocan los mejores guitarristas de blues 2. Oír y aplicar opciones de nota poderosas y expresivas 3. Incorporar la teoría al sentimiento y música genuinos, de manera que no tengas que pensar, sino simplemente tocar. Miles de copias vendidas Con más de 3000 reseñas de 5 estrellas, Fundamental Changes te trae la guía para guitarra más completa de Amazon. Echa un vistazo a nuestras reseñas para este título más abajo. Cómpralo ahora y ve más allá de las pentatónicas Kindle es genial, pero realmente creemos que aprender música en papel vale los pocos dólares extra. Lo que sea que elijas, selecciona una copia de Más allá de las pentatónicas ahora y haz un cambio para toda tu vida en tu interpretación de guitarra blues.

  • af Joseph Alexander
    217,95 kr.

    The Complete Advanced Guitar Practice MethodFrustrated with long-term plateaus?Feel like you're wasting time in the practice room?Don't know what to study to improve your guitar playing? If you already practice guitar but struggle with the what, when, and how, then this book is for you.Because what you need is a structured practice plan that yields positive short-term growth, and long-term guitar excellence.Guided Practice Routines for Guitar - Advanced Level is book three in Levi Clay's ground-breaking guitar practice series. Books one and two were both instant bestsellers, and now he's ready to take you on the ultimate guitar practice bootcamp!There's no fluff here, Levi's no-nonsense approach cuts to the heart of the skills you need to become a bulletproof guitar player. This serious set of routines will expose the areas in your playing that need development, but immediately set about fixing them.You'll learn by using carefully designed practice drills and play along with Levi himself on 128 exercises with accompanying audio tracks.Plus... everything is clearly illustrated with neck diagrams, standard notation and TAB.Advanced-Level Skills for Every Guitar Player!Whatever style of guitar you want to play, there are certain key skills you need to master regardless of genre - and this book covers them all.Each of the 10 routines in Guided Practice Routines for Guitar - Advanced Level lays the foundation for guitar mastery

  • - Edição Em Portuguès
    167,95 kr.

    Acordes de Guitarra Contextualizados - Construção e Aplicação "Um método completo de acordes de guitarra que te ensina a construir, entender e tocar cada acorde da música moderna." Há centenas de "dicionários de acordes" publicados, então o que torna este especial? Quer vocè esteja aprendendo guitarra pela primeira vez ou procurando por mais informações sobre acordes, o Acordes de Guitarra Contextualizados tem as respostas que vocè procura. Em vez de simplesmente listar diagramas de acordes, esse livro te ensina com riqueza de detalhes como construir e aplicar cada tipo de acorde que vocè encontrará. O que está incluso? Tudo que vocè precisa para entender e dominar o braço da guitarra, inclusive mais de 110 exemplos em áudio e faixas de fundo que vocè pode baixar gratuitamente em O livro tem mais de 100 páginas com diagramas claros e em alta resolução que abordam a construção de todos os tipos usuais de acordes. Há très formatos essenciais diferentes para cada acorde e muita informação sobre o contexto em que são usados. Como Vocè se Beneficiará Imediatamente: Entendendo a teoria por trás da construção de cada tipo de acorde e aprendendo onde cada intervalo fica no braço da guitarra, vocè o verá instantaneamente de uma nova maneira. Vocè internalizará rapidamente o conceito de notas guias e conseguirá usá-las imediatamente para construir qualquer tipo de acorde que desejar, em qualquer lugar do braço. Atalhos Para a Musicalidade: Construir e tocar tríades e acordes com 6a, 7a e dominantes alterados. Aprender como usar substituições para inserir extensões diatônicas e alterações cromáticas nos acordes. Entender e tocar acordes de guitarra de forma musical sem simplesmente decorar uma lista de formatos complexos Quando vocè ler o Acordes de Guitarra Contextualizados, vocè verá e entenderá o braço da guitarra de forma inovadora. Na verdade, vocè nunca mais vai precisar de um "dicionário de acordes" novamente. Vocè conseguirá rapidamente encontrar acordes musicais que funcionem sempre que precisar. O Acordes de Guitarra Contextualizados Inclui: Très formatos de cada tipo de acorde importante com teoria, construção e uso na música. 100] páginas e mais de 110 exemplos em áudio para baixar gratuitamente Uma forma útil, musical e completa para dominar acordes de guitarra. É fácil, sistemático, divertido e confiável. Clique em "Dè Uma Olhada" para saber mais ou suba a página para comprar agora.

  • - Aprende a Leer M
    197,95 kr.

  • - Libro 2: Fraseo Melódico
    197,95 kr.

    Domina fácilmente el fraseo melódico en tus solos de guitarra "Él sólo lo siente" ya no es una explicación aceptable para la habilidad musical. Este libro desglosa la sensación melódica y las frases en habilidades que se pueden aprender. El método más detallado y estructurado para desarrollar tu propia voz única en la guitarra Ya sea como parte de la serie Guía completa para tocar guitarra blues, o como una obra independiente, Fraseo melódico te lleva en un viaje a través de todos los aspectos del fraseo musical. Todos tenemos las mismas 12 notas... Es cómo y cuándo las tocamos lo que diferencia a los maestros de los aficionados. Todos sabemos que es importante aprender los licks y el vocabulario de los músicos que queremos emular, pero para desarrollar una voz única debemos aprender cómo frasear nuestras líneas de manera personal. Fraseo melódico te enseña cientos de maneras de tratar incluso a las líneas simples para hacer música a tu manera. Aprende a controlar el ritmo y el fraseo, y abre tu mente a nuevas posibilidades musicales infinitas. Fraseo melódico desafía nuestra percepción de lo que es hacer solos de blues. Ya no vas a estar "persiguiendo licks" por todo el diapasón; sufriendo porque no pudiste ejecutar o recordar la línea que estabas intentando tocar. En este libro aprenderás cómo desarrollar y controlar fragmentos rítmicos fundamentales para crear y conducir tu solo. Al centrarse en el ritmo y el fraseo, y aprendiendo a combinar y desarrollar estos elementos rítmicos fundamentales, las melodías se resolverán por sí mismas. Este es un enfoque natural y orgánico para el desarrollo de tus solos de guitarra donde aprenderás a improvisar de verdad y a liberarte de la prisión de "sólo tocar licks" o de simplemente "explorar" la escala pentatónica menor. La guía completa para tocar guitarra blues- Fraseo melódico contiene: Más de 160 ejemplos con audio gratis para descargar Notación estándar y tablatura Las lecciones más profundas disponibles sobre el ritmo y el fraseo Echa un vistazo a los siguientes comentarios: "Si estás buscando ir más allá del nivel superficial con el blues y empezar a ganar algo de entendimiento de lo que sucede dentro de los entretejidos melódicos, ¡esto es para ti! Me encantan los libros de Joseph Alexander... él es una gran ayuda para cualquier persona interesada en la guitarra." "Entre las cosas que más me gustan de estos libros es que no están organizados como lecciones, sino más bien como rutinas de práctica. El énfasis está en conseguir que las ideas lleguen a tus dedos y a tus oídos; no sólo a tu cabeza. Un enfoque muy estimulante. Espero el siguiente libro." "La práctica de llamada y respuesta en este y otros de sus libros han ayudado tremendamente a mi interpretación" Fraseo melódico va a cambiar la forma en que abordas la guitarra. Después de leer este libro nunca "te quedarás sin licks" otra vez; serás capaz de crear frases musicales interesantes y emotivas siempre que quieras, y de mantener a la audiencia volviendo por más. Desplázate hacia arriba para comprarlo ahora

    197,95 kr.

    Solos de Jazz Blues para guitarra: 176 ejemplos musicales originales. Practica para tener

  • - C
    177,95 kr.

    Domina los acordes para guitarra esenciales y crea buenos hábitos para toda la vidaDescubre cómo tocar todos los acordes esenciales en la guitarraComprende cómo trabajan los acordes en conjuntoCrea progresiones de acordes y domina el rasgueoEntiende la teoría y la construcción de acordesAplica y utiliza acordes instantáneamente para crear cancionesLos primeros 100 acordes para guitarristas¿Tienes dificultades para aprender los acordes en la guitarra?¿Te gustaría tener una forma efectiva para memorizar, tocar y combinar acordes para hacer música en la guitarra?¿Quieres tocar ritmos con confianza y correctamente?¿Quieres desarrollar hábitos de práctica perfectos que se quedarán contigo para toda la vida ?Los primeros 100 acordes para guitarra te enseñará a digitar, rasguear y combinar correctamente los acordes esenciales de la música para convertirte en un mejor músico rápido y fácil. ¿Qué obtendrás?: Un curso completo, basado en los primeros acordes de guitarra esenciales para ayudarte a memorizar, comprender y aplicar los acordes musicalmente.Una rutina de práctica comprobada que te ayudará a desarrollar la memoria muscular, una gran técnica y conocimiento musical.Comprensión de cómo tocar los acordes correctamente, y la teoría de cómo se construyen.Un truco instantáneo para enseñarle a tus dedos a moverse; subconscientementeBono 1: Aprende a conectar los acordes de una manera verdaderamente única y musical. Conectar acordes significa que la práctica siempre es divertida mientras exploras ideas creativas.Bono 2: Una guía completa de los patrones esenciales de rasgueo en la guitarra.¿Te falta una parte del rompecabezas?La mayoría de los principiantes de la guitarra conocen algunos acordes, pero pocos realmente entienden que es fácil y rápido ampliar ese vocabulario a cientos de acordes y colores.Los primeros 100 acordes para guitarra no es una simple lista de acordes, es un método de guitarra completo para principiantes que te enseña cómo practicar para toda una vida de buenos hábitos de guitarra.Desde los acordes más básicos, hasta algunos voicings avanzados y emocionantes, serás guiado en pequeños pasos sencillos. En todo momento, se hace énfasis en usar los dedos correctos, cambiar de acordes fluidamente, crear una técnica excelente y desarrollar la creatividad.¡Ponte a prueba! Al final de cada capítulo, los acordes recién presentados se combinan en progresiones de acordes de la vida real.¡Cómo practicar! - También se incluye una sección detallada de "Cómo practicar" junto con capítulos dedicados sobre Patrones de rasgueo esenciales y algo de teoría de acordes.¡Escúchalo!Aprender acordes en el papel es una cosa, pero una vez que escuchas cómo aplicarlos, se convierten en música. Los primeros 100 acordes para guitarristas contiene muchos ejemplos de audio de apoyo para ayudarte a meterte en la música y aplicar rápidamente cada acorde nuevo en una situación musical.Este libro es gratis en Kindle Unlimited

  • af Chris Brooks
    217,95 kr.

    Master The Rhythm Guitar Secrets of Rock & Metal's PioneersRip some holes in your skinny jeans and get out your headbands - it's time to rock out like it's 1987 and discover the style that defined a generation. 1980s Rock Rhythm Guitar Mastery is a deep dive into creating and playing authentic 1980s hard rock and metal rhythm parts, from the glammed-up Sunset Strip to fist-raising Bay Area thrash.A Magnum Opus of Rock Guitar Secrets1980s Rock Rhythm Guitar Mastery takes you on a Crazy Train ride through the decade of big hair and even bigger riffs... and just like Bill and Ted, you'll discover that there's plenty to learn from going back in time to study the creative pioneers of rock and metal. Phone box not required!Of course, you're going to learn some great sound-alike riffs, but this book is all about teaching you to think like the iconic players who created these unforgettable guitar parts. Players likeMick MarsReb BeachWarren DeMartiniMichael ShenkerJames HetfieldEddie Van HalenYngwie MalmsteenGeorge LynchPaul Gilbert...and more!A Battery of Powerful Rhythm Guitar RiffsNot only will you instantly expand your riff playing, you'll also get equipped to write your own face-melting rhythm guitar parts.You'll master a range of creative rhythm-writing skills, including...Killer Zakk Wilde and Slash-style riffsTotal dynamic masteryTight part writing using harmonised scalesSpicing up common chord sequences, just like Eddie Van HalenThe secret chord fragment approach used by Schenker, Malmsteen and NorumDiscover a Trilogy of textures ...Turn note subdivisions into musical ideasUltimate palm muting technique to cleanly blend notes with chord fragmentsSparkling, chorused clean tonesGuitar Riff Writing that's Heaven SentBonus: Hear the music as it should be played! Download 100 free studio quality audio tracks and play along with Chris before getting creative on the backing tracks.Ready to go On With The Show? Supercharge your rock and metal rhythm chops and buy 1980s Rock Rhythm Guitar Mastery today**Mullet sold separately!

  • af Joseph Alexander
    232,95 kr.

    Effortlessly Fuse Funk, RnB, Blues, Rock and Jazz GuitarLet's get this out of the way... Shane Theriot's Grammy Winning resume includes Beyoncé, Hall & Oates, Willie Nelson, and The Neville Brothers - so you know he's the real deal!And in Modern Funk Fusion Guitar he shows you how to combine the best elements of Funk, RnB, Blues and Jazz to create that cutting-edge style that you're already hearing on countless platinum tracks.A Modern Twist on Classic StylesYou'll learn all this by studying five gorgeous original tracks, each of which will hone the guitar techniques you need.First, you'll learn the fundamentals...How to create short, well-formed melodic motifs and build them in your solo How to nail your phrasing with ear catching dynamics and note placementHow to freshen up pentatonic scales by breaking out of standard patterns and adding ear-catching chromatic ideas·How to build and get creative with hybrid pentatonic scalesThen you'll master some real game changers...Discover how to superimpose arpeggios/scales to access the "secret" sounds of fusion. It's easier than you think!The best way to add "outside" notes to shapes you already know and form those long, flowing lines you hear from the likes of Scott Henderson and Wayne KrantzHow to really ignite your solos up with the dominant-diminished concept. It's a killer!You'll also gain sage advice on building solos that tell a story, and how to easily resolve any line... no matter how far "outside" you take it! 5 Great Tunes from a Grammy Award WinnerDid we mention that Shane is also a Grammy-winning producer?In Modern Funk Fusion Guitar he shares 5 original tunes, which you'll learn to sharpen your skills.You'll learn killer solos over:A modal vampA slow-burning gospel-blues A New Orleans-style funk-bluesA Neville Brothers-style minor blues A Tower of Power-style high energy funk track Bonus: If all that's not enough, Shane also includes stunning rhythm guitar ideas you can immediately add to your arsenal of riffs!Hear it, Play it, Own it...In Modern Funk Fusion Guitar Shane breaks down every single musical idea in detail. In fact, he explains not just what was played but why he played it... and passes on game-changing advice for every guitarist.You'll get the backing tracks and over 100 audio examples of every exercise as a free download so you can explore the music and get really deep into the groove. If you're ready to inject your guitar playing with fresh exciting ideas, then Modern Funk Fusion Guitar is the creative shot in the arm you've been waiting for.Buy it now...

  • af Joseph Alexander
    217,95 kr.

    Learn Gypsy Jazz Guitar Soloing Strategies for 8 Classic StandardsStruggling to play authentic Gypsy Jazz Guitar Solos? Ready to progress from licks to longer, meaningful solos that tell a story?In his new book, Gypsy Jazz Guitar Soloing Etudes - Volume One, world renowned Gypsy Jazz guitar virtuoso Remi Harris presents 8 immaculately crafted guitar etudes, packed full of authentic Gypsy jazz language.Master Gypsy Jazz Guitar Organically Discover engaging melodic solos over multiple choruses of 8 tunesDevelop long-form Gypsy Jazz vocabulary that goes beyond scales and arpeggiosLearn to improvise incredible Gypsy Jazz guitar solos that grow organicallyTell a musical story that connects your solo to the melody of the tuneMaster Solos over 8 Essential Gypsy Jazz standards:These tunes cover a selection of must-know Django Reinhardt originals and other Gypsy Jazz standards that have become staples of the repertoire. You'll learn how to play over the changes to...All of MeAutumn LeavesCoquetteDanse Norvégienne Dark EyesDinetteDjango's TigerMinor SwingMore Than Just Gypsy Jazz Guitar Licks...But this book is about so much more than simply learning licks or solos!For each tune you get:A rock-solid soloing strategy for soloing over the changesCreative ideas that will enhance your musicalityAn in-depth breakdown of every single idea to use as a template for your own linesDozens of beautifully conceived licks, runs, sequences and motifs you can use to navigate common chord changes and add to your Gypsy Jazz vocabularyBonus - Unlimited Jazz Lick Generation ConceptsIn Gypsy Jazz Guitar Soloing Etudes you'll be given access to Remi's secret approach to creating unlimited jazz guitar licks. Understanding and applying this method is an absolute game changer.Accelerated Learning For Every Gypsy Jazz guitaristIf you want to learn a language, there's no better way than spending time with someone who speaks it fluently. Remi Harris has invested years of study and thousands of hours into playing Gypsy Jazz and has mastered every style, from old school to modern.In Gypsy Jazz Guitar Soloing Etudes he shares a wealth of practical, exciting concepts you can use to never run out of ideas. Your playing will improve immediately as you go direct to the source and absorb tons of new ideas.Bonuses and AudioBonus 1: Download backing tracks and audio examples for every tune. Practice the solos, then jam out and develop your own ideas.Bonus 2: Get access to Remi's performance videos for every tune so you can see and hear exactly how each one should be played.Bonus 3: Learn Remi's secret approach generating to unlimited Gypsy Jazz Guitar LicksIf you're ready to play Gypsy Jazz like Django and beyond, Gypsy Jazz Guitar Soloing Etudes is the only choice you need to make today. Buy it Now...

  • af Joseph Alexander & Tim Pettingale
    164,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Alexander
    217,95 kr.

    The Comprehensive Guitar Practice GuideFeel like you're wasting time in the practice room?Don't know which skills to study to improve your guitar playing? Frustrated with long-term plateaus?If you understand the need to practice guitar, but struggle with what, when, and how, then this book is for you. Because what you need is a structured practice plan that yields positive short-term growth, and long-term excellence on guitar.Guided Practice Routines for Guitar - Intermediate Level is book two in Levi Clay's ground-breaking series. Book one was an instant bestseller, and now he's ready to take your guitar playing to the next level.This book solves the problems posed by millions of guitar students around the world:"What should I practice, and for how long?" "What should my practice routine look like?" And, quite simply, "How do I get good on guitar?!"You'll learn by using carefully designed practice drills and play along with Levi himself on over 125 exercises with accompanying audio tracks. Plus... everything is clearly illustrated with neck diagrams, standard notation and TAB.Next-Level Skills for Every Guitar Player!Whatever style of guitar you want to play, there are key skills you need to master across every genre - and this book covers them all.After a meaningful warm-up session, each of the 10 routines in Guided Practice Routines for Guitar - Intermediate Level builds and refines your guitar skills in the following essential areas:Foundational Techniques Review - review and sharpen the areas of technique that will form the foundation of what's to comeClosed Voice Triads - learn to visualise CAGED chord shapes and break them into smaller, closed voice triads. Quickly 4x your chord voicing options. Dominating Dominant 7s - get fluent with one of the most important chord and scale sounds in Blues, Rock, Country and JazzPlaying 1/8th and 1/16th Note Rhythms - sort out your rhythm skills once and for all with Levi's no-nonsense approachMajor 7 and Minor 7 Workout - a complete workout for major 7 and minor 7 chords. You'll cover multiple chord voicings and scales all over the neck. Then you'll use these to play some must-know song progressionsMastering Intervals - break out of clichéd patterns and runs by creating sequenced patterns using 3rds, 4ths, 5ths, 6ths and 7th intervalsEmbellishing CAGED Chord Voicings - this vital routine teaches how to connect closed voice triads across the fretboard, from position to position, adding musical embellishmentsArticulation and Phrasing - learn one of the most important articulation techniques in modern guitar, and effortlessly combine alternate picking with legatoDrilling Minor Modal Scales - dive into the Dorian minor scale - an essential tool in your soloing arsenalBuild practice habits that will keep you growing musicallyEvery routine in this ultimate guitar practice guide improves your playing and enhances your musicality. It's a powerful approach that has already paid off for literally thousands of students, and now it's available to you!Buy it now and quickly hear meaningful practice become excellent musicianship.

  • af Rob Garland
    217,95 kr.

    Master The Guitar Fretboard with CAGED ChordsWant to play any chord, anywhere on the neck at will?Ready to use cool voicings to create next-level rhythm guitar parts?The CAGED Rhythm Guitar Method quickly levels up your chord chops and solves two problems faced by all guitarists.1) How to get away from boring chord voicings and play great rhythm parts anywhere on the neck2) How to actually practice rhythm guitar in a creative, musical way. To help, guitar ace and educator Rob Garland (author of numerous TrueFire courses) has written The CAGED Rhythm Guitar Method to teach you the following skills:· Quickly get inside the CAGED system and understand how great guitarists use it to build perfect rhythm parts· Master the fretboard with an easy, organic method · Use smaller voicings to create tight rhythm parts and add new depths to your musicThe Quickest Route to Creative Rhythm Guitar MasteryThe CAGED Rhythm Guitar Method is cleverly constructed to build a set of skills that'll change your rhythm playing for the better. For each essential chord type you will:· Learn "master" CAGED voicings and divide them into focused smaller sounds· Combine chord voicings to create interest over long chord vamps· Play any chord in every key· Use fun and creative voicings to play common chord voicings in any stylePowerful though these skills are, there's more to come!Next, you'll learn how to add unlimited embellishments to each chord to create inventive rhythm guitar parts that will make any song shine.Real-World Guitar PartsAs you become fluent with these CAGED shapes, you'll quickly apply them to chord sequences that appear in hundreds of songs. You'll explore everything from two-chord vamps to more complex sequences to create brilliant rhythm parts you couldn't have imagined before.The CAGED Rhythm Guitar Method contains over 90 free audio tracks to download, so you can hear every exercise and musical idea, exactly as it should be played.The CAGED Rhythm Guitar Method offers you the tools and the pathway you need to revolutionize your guitar parts. Become a better guitarist and buy it today.

  • af Joseph Alexander
    217,95 kr.

  • af Serkan Süer
    117,95 kr.

    Master Essential Rhythms, Ride Patterns and Rudiments as you Learn to Play Drums Master Every Essential Rock Drum Rhythm Develop Speed, Control Power and Timing Effortlessly Combine Rudiments and Essential Techniques Learn the Most Important Rock Drum Styles for Beginners Discover Ride Patterns, Beats, Fills and More... Learn Rolls, Paradiddles, Dynamics, Double Bass Drum Technique and Odd Times Learn with clear notation and hundreds of audio examplesRock Drumming for BeginnersDo you want to Learn Rock Drums? Do you need an organised way to tackle the essential techniques and vocabulary of Rock Drums? Do you need to confidently learn rudiments and turn them into grooving rock drum fills? Do you want to learn about straight, shuffle, triplet and 1/16th note drum feels? Do you need hundreds of drum phrases, fills, and rudiments to practice? Are you struggling to Master the Basics of Rock Drumming?Rock Drumming for Beginners is the perfect way to master Rock DrummingStarting with 1/8th note ride patterns, snare and bass drum variations, and essential rudiments, Rock Drumming for Beginners guides you on an exciting journey through every stage of playing rock drums.Early on you will learn about backbeats, hi-hat patterns, double-stroke rolls, paradiddles, groove variations and 1/8th note fills. These are the building blocks of every common rhythm in rock drums and they are presented in an easily accessible and logical progression.Next, you will discover 1/16th note drum rudiments, the 'alternate hands technique', ghost notes, and flams and learn to combine them into exciting, creative patterns of your own. Throughout, the emphasis is on creativity and building solid timing.In the next section, the basics of triplet and shuffle grooves with both 1/8th and 1/16th notes are covered and plenty of example patterns, variations and fills are taught. Also included is a detailed look at the root of all rock drumming: The Blues.As your skills develop, you will begin to tackle dynamics, double bass drum technique and even get to grips with odd times, like 5/4 and 7/4.Each technique and approach is combined into musical examples that give real insight into the approach of the best rock drummers in the world.Here's What You Get: Over 85 Pages of Rock Drumming Essentials stuffed with 214 individually recorded examples so you can develop your rock drumming skills at your own pace A Complete Course in Rock Drums- From first rudiments to advanced techniques teaching you to play the essential rock drum grooves while developing your own personal style Detailed discussion of drum rudiments, technique, and developing speed Hundreds of drum fills, ride patterns, creative ideas and rudiments.Hear it!Reading music from paper is one thing, but once you hear how to apply it, it becomes real. Rock Drumming for Beginners contains 214 supporting audio examples to help you get inside the music, and quickly apply every new concept in a musical way. You can download them for free from our dedicated website.

  • af Joseph Alexander
    217,95 kr.

    Learn Jazz Guitar Bebop Scales - Musically!Struggling to play convincing jazz guitar solos?Bebop scales are at the heart of jazz guitar soloing and essential for developing your chops. However, they are greatly misunderstood and often poorly taught, making your jazz solos boring and uninspired. Enter Bebop Scales for Jazz Guitar! It's a complete jazz guitar method packed with essential bebop guitar vocabulary - and it's taught by Eleonora Strino, who has taken the jazz guitar world by storm with her jaw-dropping solos. You'll learn these bebop guitar skills:How to form bebop scales to suit every chord in the songMajor, Minor and Dominant Bebop ScalesHow to solo with bebop scales over a Charlie Parker bluesHow to solo with bebop scales over other well-known jazz standardsYou'll be learning bebop guitar scales musically and discovering patterns that are beautiful phrases in their own right. The essential theory is taught with simple language and is followed by immediate musical application so can add these ideas to your playing instantly.

  • af Joseph Alexander
    217,95 kr.

    Pentatonic Speed Strategies for Guitar is Chris Brooks' guide to building jaw-dropping speed and fluency with the pentatonic scale. Famous for his picking technique and guitar teaching strategies, Chris has turned his attention to the humble pentatonic, and is here to show you its speed strategy secrets.Using pentatonic scales, you'll learn to work smarter (not harder) to reach your true speed potential.Condensing decades of experience into an incredibly well-structured method, Pentatonic Speed Strategies for Guitarbreaks down speed barriers by streamlining your mechanics and offering you 124 exhilarating licks that effortlessly combine virtuosity and musicality.Take Pentatonic Licks to the LimitPentatonic scales are a different animal when it comes to speed and require a different approach to three-note scales. Not to worry though, Chris is here to guide you, step-by-step.Using various picking and fretting solutions, you'll master:Streamlined alternate picking approaches that create logical and fast patternsRearranging fretboard patterns to make fast licks a joy to playUsing hammer-ons and pull-offs to increase speed and dynamic variationEconomy picking patterns in the styles of Eric Johnson and Frank GambaleTraditional pentatonic boxes, extended shapes, and three-note-per-string pentatonic fretboard coverageLicks in the styles of Paul Gilbert, Eric Johnson, Kee Marcello, Vinnie Moore, Frank Gambale and Richie KotzenUsing pentatonic scales in colourful new harmonic contextsGetting in and out of speed licks in a musical waySee it, Hear it, and Jam AlongKey sections of Pentatonic Speed Strategies for Guitar are supported by detailed video demonstrations, so you can see what Chris' perfect guitar technique looks like in action.Every example is played at multiple speeds in the free audio download, with space for you to try the licks right after Chris.You get:124 awesome speed licks for the pentatonic scaleAudio for every example with space for you to play to the trackVideo demonstrations for important parts of each chapterTAB and notationBonus 1: The Ultimate Pentatonic Scale Soloing Reference ChartBonus 2: A Special Chapter on Using Speed Licks in the Real WorldBuild your technique, create your own personalised vocabulary, and find new ways of using the humble pentatonic in the modern world of virtuoso guitar!

  • af Joseph Alexander
    217,95 kr.

    Learn how Write a Guitar Solo with Deep Purple Legend Steve MorseKnown for his intricate, original solos, innovative guitar techniques and musical versatility across several genres, Steve Morse is undoubtedly a legend of rock guitar. As founder of the Dixie Dregs, guitarist for Flying Colors, and Deep Purple's axe-man for over 25 years, his achievements in rock are unequalled.Now, Steve shares his secrets in the art of guitar soloing in Steve Morse: Melodic Rock Guitar Concepts.It's a phrasing masterclass... but so much more besides!Steve Morse is a storyteller at heart, and when it comes to soloing, he thinks like a composer, which allows him to improvise with breathtaking musicality. This book teaches you to develop the mindset and skillset to play compositional, melodic rock guitar solos. Steve Morse First Teaches You These Guitar Techniques: How to create vocal, melodic phrasingHow to develop motifs to build guitar solos How to use diverse rhythms to create engaging guitar melodiesHow to create well-formed phrases with momentum and directionHow to use space to punctuate ideas and keep your listeners engagedThen Freshens Up Your Playing With These Rut-Busting Approaches:How to combine different rhythms in fast-picked passagesHow to sequence ideas to avoid clichéd patternsHow to add passing notes to create fresh hybrid soloing shapesHow to use string skipping to create modern, unpredictable phrasesHow to use multiple bends to span the bar lineLifting the LidMelodic Rock Guitar Concepts shows you the influences that have shaped Steve's unique guitar style and he shares how he has adapted his favorite country licks into a rock context. You'll discover how Charlie Parker was a great influence, and how to recreate many of Steve's chromatic bebop inspired licks.You'll also learn how Morse visualizes scales and master a set of challenging picking drills to sharpen your technique.To conclude, Steve presents a guitar masterclass on how to create tension/resolution in your solos while adding some outside-inside interest.

  • af Joseph Alexander
    242,95 kr.

    The Comprehensive Guide to Practicing GuitarFeel like you're wasting time in the practice room?Don't know what guitar skills you should be working on when? Need a complete guide to the most beneficial way to practice guitar? Every musician understands the value of practice, but we can all struggle with the what's, when's and how's when we learn guitar. What we need is a structured plan that yields positive long (and short!) term improvements.Levi Clay's new ground-breaking series, Guided Practice Routines for Guitar, is proven to work based on his experiences with thousands of guitar students, and cuts to the heart of this age-old problem.It solves the problems posed by millions of guitar students around the world:"What should I practice, and for how long?" "What should my practice routine look like?" And,"What's the quickest way to get good?" It answers all these questions with carefully designed practice drills that you'll play along with Levi himself on over 125 exercises with audio tracks, clearly illustrated in full standard notation and TAB.The result is a series of proven guided practice routines that cover the essential, foundational guitar skills all players must have.Foundational Skills for Every Guitar Player!Whatever style of guitar you want to play, there are foundational skills that are required across every genre. This book helps you master them all. After a fun yet meaningful warm-up session, Guided Practice Routines for Guitar builds and refines your guitar skills in the following essential areas:Rhythm - build fretting hand dexterity and excellent alternate picking hand motion. Learn to execute syncopated rhythms and apply them to musical pentatonic scalesPicking - master picking drills, and use these mechanics on beautiful chord changesDrill moveable CAGED shapes - learn to play any chord, arpeggio, or scale in any key with powerful moveable shapesMoveable major scales using CAGED - break away from predictable patterns and begin a scale anywhere to 10x your fretboard visualisationAdvanced picking approaches - learn outside and cross-picking techniques to play more versatile phrases, then combine these with melodies, strumming patterns, and bass notesAdvanced CAGED exercises - learn the Circle of 4ths with CAGED shapes to play the major scale in every key. Plus combine arpeggios and scales musicallyLegato - develop fluid phrases then combine picking and legato to play any line of music fluentlyMajor scale melodic approaches - complete your mastery of the major scale shapes by using sequenced patterns to create unique melodic ideasConsolidate your skills - nail a final series of drills that combine everything you've practiced and get even more creative with some sneaky bending tricks. Build a practice habit that will keep growing your musicalityEvery routine in this book enhances your skills and develops your musicality. Better still, you'll be able to practice along with Levi on the 125 exercises and audio tracks as he coaches you and plays the exercises with you. This unique approach has paid dividends for the thousands of students he's taught over the years, and now it's available to you.

  • af Chris Zoupa
    217,95 kr.

    Exotic Scales for Rock/Metal Guitar... In 130 Jaw-Dropping LicksIs your rock/metal guitar playing crying out for some fresh ideas?If you're ready to discover some spicy scales that will launch your guitar soloing into the stratosphere, rock god Chris Zoupa is here to mastermind your success.Exotic Scales for Rock Guitar Soloing is your complete pathway to next-level soloing.If you're comfortable with pentatonics and au fait with modes, this patented Zoupa guidebook will quickly make your guitar solos scream with a new exotic dimension.Learn Exotic Scales Musically to Elevate your Guitar Solos Exotic scales are often treated like mysterious side-dishes instead of a tasty main course. But here, you'll quickly develop a taste for the power of exotic scales by making simple changes to ideas you already know...Here's a breakdown:The Pentalodic Scale - yep, you read that right. What happens when you make one simple change to the minor pentatonic scale? You create a super-familiar pattern to slay solos in harmonic and melodic minor settingsSymmetrical Arpeggios ­- You've probably rolled out a diminished arpeggio, perhaps even an augmented one, but there are so many new places you can use these ideas... you'll learn the how, why and the where of using symmetrical arpeggios to create incredible solosHarmonic Minor - integral to the golden age of metal, the harmonic minor provides all the sinister you need. And it's still alive and well from Opeth to Eilish. Once again, a simple tweak to something you already know allows you to quickly access this iconic texturePhrygian Dominant - From the Scorpions Sails of Charon to Laid to Rest by Lamb of God, the Phrygian Dominant scale is a life-changer that's used to create exotic motifs and spicy riffs. It's essential for metal, neo-classical and most virtuosic rock guitar musicMelodic Minor - Listen to artists like Periphery, Cynic, Mike Stern, Steve Vai and Allan Holdsworth and you'll quickly discover a sound you've been missing in heavy rock and metal. It's dark, mysterious and the ultimate sonic secret weaponHungarian Minor - Known for its connection to Django Reinhardt and Gypsy Jazz, this scale has been beautifully integrated into rock and metal by many metal gurus and sounds incredible. Once again, a small tweak to something you already know allows quick access to these tones, and you'll get all the secrets. Exotic Scales / Real World ApplicationsIn these hallowed pages, the focus is always on creating great music, so you'll learn how to turn scales into compelling solos from the first moment.While Exotic Scales for Rock Guitar Soloing teaches you 130 death-defying stunt-guitar licks, it actually shows you how to write your own lines to build your own unique musical identity. Boring theory is kept to an absolute minimum so that the focus is on playing in real world situations.Superlative Shredding to Make Your Solos SingIf you're ready to discover a whole new sonic world, Chris Zoupa is ready to guide you through the ins and outs of exotic shred! You'll be a different player on the other side.

  • af Joseph Alexander
    217,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Alexander
    217,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Alexander
    187,95 kr.

  • af Buster Birch
    217,95 kr.

  • af Ioannis Anastassakis
    217,95 kr.

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