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  • af Donald Readerlear
    156,95 kr.

    2nd of September 1947Mary is murdered at a Ouija board party. None of her dear friends Are suspected. The police eventually decide to drop the case. All Mary's friend's disperse all around New Zealand. The murder of Mary is forgotten or is it. Many year's later Dolly and her mother Lady Perrin are on board the Electra cruise ship bound for Australia and New Zealand. Dolly meets and fall's madly in love with David Pickle and eventually marry s him completely against her mother's wishes. Years later her beloved David suddenly drop's dead making her a young widow. Dolly returns home from a holiday in Surfer's Queensland Australia. To find her daughter Betty and husband Steven and two small children Anna and FredaHer Daughter isn't coping very well with being married young and having to deal with a lazy husband and energetic children. Dolly visits her mother Lady Perrin in a retirement village. Only to find there has been a murder at the village. Dolly meets and falls in love with Andrew the murdered woman's son. They both try to find the murderer only to discover a web of deceit.

  • af Donald Readerlear
    125,95 kr.

    Martin and Eve senior citizen's after a number of failed marriages meet in a retirement village, and realise they are soul matesBecause they love murder. Their first victim was a ill tempered selfish woman that was easy and popping her into the Village freezer was inspired. But Martin thought that the Manager of the village had witness part of the murder. So she had to be murdered too. After Martin and Eve had a fairy tale marriage. They carry on with their new venture popping off people who should not be upsetting other humans. Happy and madly in love till the end.

  • af Julia Jones
    147,95 kr.

    Landshark is a small pony with big personality and loads of curiosity who moves to a new farm, Swallows lane. He was excited about making new friends, learning different skills and having new experiences. In one day, he discovers how to run fast, graze the best pasture, snooze in the sun, get treats from humans, and tell great stories. This picture book for children shares a fun story about a miniature pony who understands that life is all about learning, and learning is a valuable skill.

  • af Geoffrey Gardner
    214,95 - 272,95 kr.

    This book explains how the thread of modern history was originally penned in the Revelation by the Apostle John during his exile on the isle of Patmos in 92A.D. It was a vision given to him by Christ that details in sublime language the various eras down to the present day. The destruction of the World Trade towers on September 11 2001, or 9/11 is part of this explanation. The twin World Trade Towers in New York city were the pride of America. Their construction began in 1968 and represented the prosperity and culmination of the postwar era and America's superpower status. Destroyed in one day in 2001 their significance goes to the heart of our existence here on planet Earth and is part of the conflict at bottom in this world. The towers in New York were the 'trade towers.' For the first one hundred thousand years of our existence as fully formed human beings we were hunter-gatherers and later on, when the big game became depleted; farmers. Apart from simple bartering there was no trade for gain. We had no knowledge of weights and measures then, or packaging up goods for a price. These practices only emerged some six thousand years ago; and is what the story of Adam and Eve, and particularly Cain, their son, is all about. Cain is the divine analogy of the emergence of trade within the human experience, and its disastrous effect upon the purity of the human spirit. Although the practice of trade may have been quite a natural evolution and has brought many benefits to mankind, trade for gain also brought depravity to human nature; and tarnished our primitive purity and character, or image of God in which we were created. This was the Fall of man, where the evil spirits of envy, greed, deceit and murder emerged and became universal. Cain 'built a city.' Not only so, but rival city states and their attendant war machines. The world six thousand years ago marked the appearance of armed pillaging hordes and the first empires. The 'Assyrian wolf that came down on the fold.' The emergence of trade for gain proceeding from crop surpluses marked one of the most significant changes of life on Earth. From being created in the image of God, mankind became engaged in rivalry featuring depraved practices for gain that a formerly generous population had no knowledge of. The World Trade Towers were destroyed by Islamic terrorists. Struck down by terrorists proceeding from the Islamic world out of a clear blue sky on a Tuesday morning, representing probably the greatest single act of terrorism of all time. The Islamic faith is the violent reaction proceeding from the spiritual realm to Roman Catholicism. When Pope Boniface IV in 609AD dedicated the universal Church to the worship of the Virgin Mary, owned only by Christ, Mohammed appeared with his teachings the following year. A further false faith and one of the sword, that swept North Africa and West Asia from India to Spain. Swiftly rendering some of the richest parts of the habitable Earth hostile to European activity, particularly trade. So the World Trade Towers, destroyed by the reaction to Western idolatry fits with the overall direction of history and the religious conflict the world, and the Revelation, when everything is boiled down, is really all about. This work explains how the vision given at the end of the first century down through eras of time fits with world events.

  • af Joel Everson
    132,95 kr.

    This poetry book is designed for kids but is also supposed to be a fun story for the person reading it too. It starts off with a kid called Billy and a dog called Paul. Playing with the dinosaurs the night before they, (mainly Billy) wanted Paul to become a dinosaur. The next morning the parents put a dinosaur costume on Paul as they wake up. From there throughout the book, they go adventures and laughs described in a poetry way. In the end, Billy was sad that it was the end of the day and Paul had to take his costume off. Paul looks at Billy as to say I've been a dinosaur all along and nothing is going to change. In life, it might not go as you want it to go but your perspective can change it if you allow it to. You can choose to be happy or sad even if it doesn't go your way and that's the moral of the story.

  • af Jane King
    397,95 kr.

    "e;There is no available information at this time. Author will provide once available."e;

  • af Dot Mulder
    177,95 kr.

    Benjamin Bee is a bumblebee who would dearly love to have some friends to play with. One day Benjamin Bee sets off to explore a neighbouring farm, hoping to find a friend. Join with Benjamin Bee as he goes on an amazing adventure and learns valuable life lessons about himself and others he meets.

  • af Marilyn Lawson
    147,95 kr.

    A young child's story. Jack loves fishing and the story concerns an adventure of his with his father. He is fishing to enter a fishing competition. Trouble happens and he saves a goblin who grants him a wish whenever he needs it.

  • af Ian Samson
    147,95 kr.

    Ella wakes up and is surprised by her parents when she is told that they will have a day out at the zoo. Once at the zoo, little Ella visits the animals and comes across a friendly wolf whose name is Willy Wolf. Ella enjoys her day at the zoo and especially seeing Willy Wolf. When the family arrives back home, Ella goes to sleep and dreams about playing with Willy Wolf. She hopes to return to the zoo again.

  • af Anne Hume
    177,95 kr.

    Jock and Lassie are West Highland Terriers who live with the author and her husband on Waiheke Island, which lies about twenty kilometres offshore from Auckland, New Zealand. The two dogs are brother and sister from the same litter. Lassie is usually the more cautious and wiser of the two, while Jock is rather reckless, typically getting himself into all sorts of scrapes. Of course, Jock rarely takes heed of his sister's warnings and lands himself in all sorts of bother. This book tells the story of their first journey to Waiheke on the car ferry, the sights they see along the way and Jock's misadventure when his curiosity about Waiheke's sea life gets the better of him!

  • af Donna Scatchard
    137,95 kr.

    Leo and the Pirate Ship is based on a true story which was inspired by a young boy's imaginative adventures and journey's. When he was 5, his father built him a Pirate Ship. Everyday after school Leo would race off to the Pirate ship where he practiced being a crayfish fisherman. He had wonderful journeys sailing his ship out to sea where all the crayfish were and returning home to the dock.

  • af Annan Jazz von
    737,95 kr.

    This book is a passage of stories, carried out in poetry style, on the journey I've been through while I was growing up, and all the negatives I learned to turn into something positive. Something is better than nothing, making the most of all. I'd like to share all the thoughts I had while developing as a child to an adult to help teenagers and ones in need experience hard times by expressing thoughts out of my poetic diary.

  • af Terimoana Gilgen
    177,95 kr.

    Te Oraiti visits her Nanny nanny, who's in hospital. They play cards, and Te Oraiti gives Nanny nanny a foot massage. They talk about medicine from the ancient Maori and they laugh a lot. Nanny nanny explains why they nearly lost their traditional ways of healing.

  • af Grace Ki Te Aroha
    125,95 - 233,94 kr.

  • af Marcel Perrot
    158,95 kr.

    The book concerns my views in ethics, politics and epistemology, and where i explain colour as either primary or secondary, and where primary colour is always a posteriori for the human being, and where secondary colour concerns the external world and the ideas within itself. For as i say, the ideas of a world, are as Berkeley says, abstract and pure as a priori,.Furthermore, i explain Democritus and the soul atoms, and what they mean for colour, and where we comment on the colour atoms. Where we also visit Epicurus and the atomic swerve, and where the atoms swerving are something which God cares, and where he does not always judge their way, and for the atoms are beyond what Jehovah can govern as the God of our world.furthermore, i have shared dialogues with both Homer and Virgil, and where Pierrot converses with either great poet. Lastly there is a dialogue between my Pierrot and Nietzsche, and where the comment on Lord Buddha, and where they both prefer him than Jesus Christ.

  • af Dawson Sue Dawson
    162,95 - 282,95 kr.

  • af Loanne Rhymes
    217,95 - 343,95 kr.

    158,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Yor Abann Kamyay Ajak Yor
    158,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Burgess John A Burgess
    159,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Alex Kalina
    147,95 kr.

  • af Caleb Byarugaba
    177,95 kr.

  • af Maryanne Wright
    162,95 kr.

    Throughout Covid and emerging in and out of lockdown, I have found joy in the small things that life can bring a walk in the park in the rain.. I also have been drawing on my memory bank of happier times.

  • - Tuning in to the Voice of God
    af Hallot Bronwyn Hallot
    125,95 - 232,95 kr.

  • - Your Path to a Contentment Mindset
    af Rahul Rai
    177,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • - Everything Happens for a Reason
    af Georgina Goodyer-Willetts
    272,95 - 320,95 kr.

  • - Encounters in Rainforest Escapades
    af Ghazally Ismail
    167,95 - 282,95 kr.

  • af Maureen E Armstrong
    158,95 kr.

  • af Weddell Mike Weddell
    272,95 kr.

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