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  • - An alternate life
    af Beeb Brown
    161,95 kr.

    Memory loss of airline pilot in England leads to a new perspective on his life and talents. As his memory slowly returns, he has conflict over his current life and past life and relationships. It all ends with an unexpected ending which finally answers many of his questions about his life and character. Retiring from over 31 years as an airline pilot for an international airline traveling to over 47 countries as well as 6 years in the U.S.Air Force, I have personally travelled to England and to the town featured in the story. Also lived at Lake Tahoe and grew up in California.

  • af Veronica R Wynn
    132,95 kr.

    Don't Leave Me in the Dark is a book written for children who are growing up, or adults who may have grown up in homes where Jesus (the Light) is not being talked about. This book explains the importance of getting to know Jesus the Christ. It shows children how to talk to God and gives examples of prayers. It also shares the importance of having a godly, circle of friends. Jesus doesn't want anyone to be left in the dark when it comes to something so valuable to life. Veronica R. Wynn is the author of Poetically Driven by the Spirit; a book of poetry based on real life, true love, heartbreak, and spiritual realities. The Alabama native is known for writing and gifting self-published short stories like Friends to Family and Love Lessons to selected readers. She is also known for her daily, spiritual posts on social media.

  • af Annette Almquist
    260,95 kr.

    Looking through the eyes of a colt born crippled in a herd of wild horses, children can learn valuable life lessons, while the colt learns them too. Stumble did not understand what he felt was his mother's over-protection until it saved his life during a very frightening time. Through the eyes of others, he learned to see that there was much more to him than his disability. I can never remember a time I did not love horses. My mother told me, "We really had to watch you when you were little; you would have gone with anyone who promised you a horse." One of Daddy's cousins was a rancher named Mel. Of all his cousins, Mel was my favorite, because he had cattle and horses. I married a Colorado cowboy, and we had a small horse ranch. Having those horses up close and personal only made me love them more. They are beautiful on the outside, and on the inside, they are loving, loyal, and smart. They communicate very well when one takes the time to understand. My son, Coleman Walker, and daughter, Twyla Collins, are amazing trainers and riding instructors. I dedicate this story to them.

  • af Luverta Hood Boulware
    235,95 kr.

    Food For the Soul is simply saying, when we reverence God wholeheartedly and take heed unto His Word our souls are nourished, refreshed, restored, and renewed in Christ. As we follow the examples of Christ, believing, receiving, confessing, and applying His Word, we are empowered, encouraged, inspired, impacted, enlightened, influenced, strengthened, and released to do great things for the kingdom of God. Food For the Soul is spiritual nourishment for you helping you nourish the Body, Soul, and Spirit to flourish, grow, mature, develop, and evolve allowing us to become the best version of Christ we can be. The purpose of Food For the Soul is to awaken the people of God who are sleep, stagnant, complacent, or lying dormant to arise out of their sleep and start living out their God given potentials. It's time for the people of God to arise and be obedient to the will of God and to speak the "Logos" written Word of God. We must be about our Father's business, witnessing and winning souls for Christ. Know before we can reach other's, all must be well with our own soul salvation. Luverta Hood Boulware 54 yrs. old, resides in Lancaster SC. Luverta has two adult sons, Julius L. Hood and Ja'Miara L. Boulware, one granddaughter, Journey Elise Boulware. Luverta is more than just a Author/Writer, she is a mother to many she has fostered over 29 years. Luverta is an anointed Prophetic Scribe, which God is calling forth for such a time as this. To offer His people hope and a future in Christ, through His Word. To help increase their faith so they can hear from God. Please visit There you will find Bible Scriptures, basic life principles and more. More books are coming soon! My mission is to be about my "Father's Business" spreading the Gospel/Good News of Jesus Christ. Also to introduce faith solutions to the people needs, through the Word of God.

  • - the Way of Christian Womanhood
    af Denise Dorminy
    165,95 - 235,95 kr.

    The world offers a smorgasbord of options to women searching for purpose and satisfaction, but most often the choices women make leave them exhausted and unfulfilled. Denise Dorminy has written a book designed to help call the hearts of women back to the only source of true joy: Jesus Christ. She invites women to be happily and conspicuously Christian in their God-designed roles and in every season of life. Barefoot and Cross-Eyed: The Way of Christian Womanhood is a biblically rooted exposition of what it means to be a Christian woman. With conviction and vulnerability, Denise examines the Bible's portrait of Christian womanhood and colorfully shares the duty and delight of cultivating the character of Christ through humble repentance and faith - in her words, living barefoot and cross-eyed. Denise Dorminy is a wife, mother, and homemaker of over 30 years. She and her husband Jon have three children and ten grandkids who keep their hearts laughing and their crowns shiny. They live in Martinsburg, WV with roots reaching to Oklahoma.

  • af Poetic Postal Person
    138,95 kr.

    I never thought about writing a book. One day, while in my LLV, God instructed me to take out my pen and paper and begin writing. That was the beginning. From then on, I write the words He tells me to, none are my own. This book is a collection of poems about personal experiences in my life and some that are written for others. These poems are about hope, forgiveness, kindness, understanding and love. They are also about fears and failures yet always coming back to God's love and forgiveness. I hope this affects everyone who reads this as it has the friends, family and strangers that I have read these to. I may not know until I reach heaven who these words have helped, but I know that I wrote all of them because God told me to. May the love and peace of our God and Almighty Savior bless and keep you forever. I have been a mail carrier in the New Mexico Permian Basin for over six years. I was born and raised in the Roman Catholic Faith and was taught to serve God above all else. I was blessed with the perfect parents for me. I have received more blessings than I can count and deserve. Going to heaven is my only goal. My pen name was bestowed upon by Scott from KLOVE's Scott and Kelli Show.

  • af Darryl Putman
    114,95 kr.

    Have you ever been born again? If not, you need to be. We all know where we came from, but we all do not know where we are going. If you don't know anything at all, you need to know where you are going to spend eternity at. You will live forever either in Heaven or Hell. It's best for a person not to be born at all if they are not going to be born again. In the Bible, the Gospel of John says that Jesus closed the door to Heaven. Take your bible and follow me to the book of John and let's hear what Jesus is saying. John 3:3 states, "Except a man born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Now look down to verse number 7: "Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again." If Jesus said you must be born again, that can only mean one thing: We were not born right the first time. King David said in the book of Psalm 51: 5, "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity: and in sin did my mother conceive me."

  • - A 60 Day Devotional
    af Connie W Coleman
    172,95 kr.

    In our everyday lives, it is easy to become complacent with the mundane, day-to-day tasks that arise. However, it is important to remember how magnificent God's grace is, working in our lives even when we fail to see it. Spirit Thrilled is an encouraging devotional that will inspire readers to become closer to God. Readers will be able to reflect on their own spiritual journeys and discover more about their relationship with Him. Each devotional covers a different facet of being a Christian, with some being lighthearted and brief, and others going in-depth. Each one serves as a reminder of God's magnificence, with a new piece of scripture brought to the forefront. Connie W. Coleman strives to uplift readers and energize them with the Word of God. Readers will feel a spiritual revival, finding the beauty God offers every day, especially in the most unlikely places. Through her relatable experiences and insightful advice, readers will be heavily equipped with the knowledge to recognize the truth, which can only be found by trusting in the Lord. Connie W. Coleman has been called by God to share her lived testimony to others so they may become excited to learn about, live with, and seek the Lord. Originally, many of the devotionals in this piece were a part of Connie's daily devotionals on her social media, which she revised to become Spirit Thrilled. As a proud coffee addict who is working on realizing that her desire for everything to go as planned does not always happen, Connie's message is to help readers spark a flame in their hearts for the love of Jesus Christ. She is a no-nonsense, open-hearted child of God, mother, wife, and "Booyah" to her grandchildren.

  • af Steve Gregg
    253,95 kr.

    Steve Gregg lo dijo de la mejor manera cuando escribió "Aparte del Reino, nada existe que de un significado trascendente a la historia del mundo y a los esfuerzos humanos". Sin embargo, muy pocos se toman el tiempo para entender las ideas bíblicas que se exponen tan profundamente en este libro. En cada página, el autor trae una profunda visión, convicción y claridad acerca de lo que significa la obra del Reino de Dios. Él me recordó el profundo privilegio que es ser parte activa de este Reino eterno, ¡y por eso estaré eternamente agradecido! -Dr. Leighton Flowers, Doctorado en Ministerio, Director de Evangelismo y Apologética para Bautistas de Texas, Profesor de Teología en el Trinity Theological Seminary, Evansville, IN

  • af Andrew O Jackson
    136,95 kr.

    How would it feel to know you have finally been 'chosen' out from so many others in becoming what you always wanted to be? Singled out, not by luck, trickery, or rite of passage, but by your own faith and belief in yourself that you were the best and would one day stand out from all the rest. Throughout history, to be 'chosen' has been applauded and rewarded. Even other species of life have received notoriety when their opportunity came to be noticed. So how would a tree feel to be 'chosen' as a Christmas tree? To become a joyful symbol of the most celebrated time of the year. In this enchanting and inspirational tale for readers of all ages 'Christmas for a tree, ' authored by Andrew O. Jackson helps readers discover through imagination how a tree would feel to receive the most supreme honor imaginable in becoming a Christmas Tree. Christmas season is the most blessed time of year to be thankful, and for one Christmas tree that time had come. The time to give and receive. The time to belong and believe. The time to know and understand that all things, great and small, are made possible in the sight of God, and by his hand. Andrew O. Jackson was born in Birmingham Alabama and raised in Brooklyn NY. He graduated from Franklin K. Lane high school. After graduation, he took classes in journalism in Manhattan. Following that, he decided to enlist in the United States Marine Corps.When Andrew left the marines he returned to New York and worked as a New York City transit bus operator. The freedom and excitement of meeting people of all backgrounds and ages further expanded his imagination and desires to put pen to paper on a variety of literary topics. Poetry; Fables; novels, short stories, and religious themes etc. He has not attempted to publicly publish any of this literature until now.'Christmas for a Tree' ...just imagine if you will? A Christmas tree. Your Christmas tree, telling its own story... just imagine?

  • - From Slavery to Sin to Slavery to Christ in Romans 6
    af Nathan Randal Tritch
    155,95 kr.

    Baptism and faith received in Christ forever seal, bind, and enslave the sinner to God and his righteousness. The slave to God has been forgiven of all sin, declared righteous and free from enslavement to sin on account of Christ. Those joyfully bound to God in Christ are responsive instruments of righteousness for now and forever. Born and Baptized in 1980 in the Lutheran Church (LCMS) in Watauga, Ft. Worth, TX. I lived in Springfield, MO from childhood to adulthood. Met my wonderful wife and raised three wonderful children together there. I love to read the Bible and spend time with family, especially, in God's Word together. I enjoy deer hunting and crappie fishing with my dad, listening to metal music, learning and singing Hymns, and playing guitar. Pursued pastoral training in 2013 at the age of 33 after sobering up from a 21-year addiction to drugs and alcohol. My endeavor to seminary thus began, to learn and grow to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Earned a BS in Biblical Theology in 2018 at Liberty University, a MA in Theology at Concordia Irvine in 2022, and currently enrolled as an MDiv student at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. MO.

  • af Elisha White
    139,95 kr.

    Avery is a young Christian woman who is devoted to loving the Lord. One day, when her mother gets in an accident and accused of a horrible crime, Avery must rely on her senses and guidance from God to prove her innocence along the way she grows in more ways than she thought she could, finding friendship, love, and strengthening her bond with God. Elisha White is 20 years old. She got saved in January 2023. She loves to read her bible, play video games, and read Christian books. Elisha loves her family, even when we don't see eye to eye. Her favorite bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11. Elisha does bible studies every day. She has a TikTok where she makes Christian content: @elishawhite358.

  • af Roger E Glover
    136,95 kr.

    This book reflects a careful look at traditional Christian understanding of sexuality. I have critiqued the arguments used by liberals to change traditional Christian understanding. This book proves that Christian morality can be defended by scripture, science, and reason. I dedicate this book to Christians who are being bullied by the world. Rev. Roger Glover has a BA in political science from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and a Masters in Theology from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. He has served on the board of the North East Arkansas Council on Family Violence for 8 years. He is presently a member of the Board of Directors for the Joshua House, which is a recovery ministry for men recovering from life-controlling issues. He has served for 53 years as a United Methodist Minister, presently pastoring the Redfield UMC. He and his wife, Louise, have been married for 60 years and serve as a team in ministry. They have 2 daughters, a son-in-law, and 2 grandchildren.

  • af Christal Kahles Jones
    142,95 kr.

    A paralyzed young woman goes on the adventure of a lifetime when she seeks to follow in her father's footsteps and become a missionary. The problem is that she's a woman, and she is paralyzed. Will she succeed and accomplish her calling by pushing through and keeping her eyes of Jesus? Or will situations arise at home that require to forfeit her dream? Find out in this heartwarming story! Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, writing came naturally to Christal Kahles at a young age. Being a child, her hobbies were to write a story rather than to play in the grass with the other children. Finally, when Christal was 12 years of age, she began work on her first "real" book, but she never imagined that this book was only the start of her calling. Realizing she had a gift of writing, she began entering poems in writing competitions, and has gone on to write screenplays and short stories as well. Of course, she credits of all what has to the glory of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

  • - The App
    af Pastor Gidget Lightbourne
    125,95 kr.

    During a very painful period in my life and dealing with the loss of a loved one, the Lord asked me this simple question." Who are you when the things that once defined you are no longer a part of you." I honestly did not know and in my attempt to answer, it took me on a journey of self-discovery and the realization of who God created me to be. In my quest to understand who I was I invited the persons in my inner circle on this journey as well so, as I did with them allow me to invite you on this adventure to self-discovery and fulfillment in finding your APP! Gidget Lightbourne was born in Nassau Bahamas, she has been married to Prophet Jeff Lightbourne for 35 years. They have three beautiful daughters and three wonderful grandchildren. "Madame President" as she is affectionately known was ordained a Pastor in 2006 and has held many positions within the Gospel Ministry. Presently she is the Women's Ministry President and this position has afforded her the opportunity to minister and help countless women to find their purpose and the fulfillment of the call on their lives. Pastor Lightbourne's mantra is "All is well" because she firmly believes that if God is in it, all shall be well.

  • af Loretta Nazelrod Brown
    171,95 kr.

    Born in 1940, at the end of the Great Depression and the beginning of WW II, the author grew up in a hard-scrabble environment that was influenced by the lasting effects of those two events. In this book, she shares the story of a hard life that was eased by the love and wisdom of her mother, who was in turn influenced by those qualities in her mother and mother-in-law. In the midst of their want, the author and her siblings found love, joy and happiness, growing up poor. Born in the mountains of Western Maryland, number seven in a family of ten living siblings, Loretta contracted spinal meningitis while still a baby. With love, care and prayer she survived, but was a quieter, more reserved member of her family. An early interest in writing was spurred by membership in a local writer's group, but a growing family, and work, put that on the back burner until she retired. Influenced by reading memoirs of other authors who grew up at the same time, she decided to try her hand again. Guest writing a column for the local newspaper, under the aegis of editorial editor James Goldsworthy, gave her the foundation and the motivation to write this book.

  • af Marisol Martinez
    171,95 kr.

    When Life Happens is a summary of the author's life, and a testimony of how God directed every step, even before she was aware of His works. Each experience she shares within the chronology of her life holds a valuable lesson related to life on Earth and its purpose. The author manages to speak to difficult topics and her disappointments while extending God's grace and mercy. She encourages readers to accept the messiness of their lives and move forward, using each trial as a stepping stone. Marisol Martinez was born in the Dominican Republic and lived in New York City when her family migrated to the United States when she was 12 years old. She grew up, like many of us, in an emotionally dysfunctional family, but she was always hopeful of forming her own family where she would be able to focus on not repeating history. As an entrepreneur, she possesses a variety of skills and experiences, among them, pastoral ministry, church planting, parent/school liaison, real estate agent, interpreter, wife, and homemaker. However, her greatest triumph was raising three children who today are a great asset to society. Her inspiration to write this book was born from the reality that most of us hide much of our story that should be shared, and in doing so, encourage each other to move forward; because life happens to all of us. By sharing part of her life, Marisol makes herself known to those closest to her, in anticipation that her story will bring hope to every reader.

  • af Deborah Mateo
    176,95 - 258,95 kr.

    It was another hot summer in the State of Texas and new opportunities brewed in the air. She was a young Hispanic single mother with nothing but hunger for success running through her veins. On a deep internal lead, she applied to be a Police Officer and the turn of events that followed, seemed as though they had been written for her a long time ago. This new experience brought her life full circle, explaining to her why she had been through so much trauma, abuse and neglect. It showed her who she was meant to be and why. Because of her personal experiences, abuse and trauma, there was nothing she couldn't face or attempt. It opened new doors of opportunities and brought her the success she had both longed for and been hungry for in her life. Now more than ever she faced every new obstacle and challenge without fear or hesitation as there was no stopping her dreams of a better life for both her son and her. Barbara is a new and upcoming author who loves to write nonfictional books based on her life's Journey, experiences and achievements. She was born in Puerto Rico and raised in Germany. She learned three languages and became very versatile when it came to adapting to new situations. She attended College in New York and completed her Psychology Degree. With this very vital piece of education, she decided to blend all her accomplishments and skills all into once career and moved to Texas, where her career really blossomed as a Police Officer. This career brought forth other opportunities to grow allowing her to become a certified Physical Fitness instructor and Life Coach. After 16 years of Law Enforcement, she decided to turn her attention to her first passions, Writing and Nursing, where she now hopes to encourage those who need it, (especially her sons), by sharing her life changing experiences and all the secrets to her healing, growth and success.

  • af Cheryl Thomas
    209,95 kr.

    TJ Rupert got away with everything. The baby of the family, TJ loved to teeter on the edge, always taking risks, but always forgiven. Some would say he was the complete opposite of his brother, Austin, a straight-laced secret service agent who was willing to die protecting the president. No one could have guessed that it would take millions of people disappearing in the blink of an eye from the surface of the earth to bring them together. As the world erupts into chaos and confusion, Prince Joshua Bay, a charming political leader, makes his entrance as the savior no one knew they needed. His promise to rescue humanity gains him love and notoriety from a society desperate for security, but in the shadows, his work feeds a questionable and ominous movement. TJ and Austin travel down diametrically opposed paths in their search for truth about this mysterious prince. Both witness first hand the actions of this charismatic leader, but only one is hypnotically drawn to the demonic forces at work behind the scenes. In The Last Chance by Cheryl Thomas, the brothers' discovery of an extraterrestrial power thrusts them into a celestial war of biblical proportions, forcing them to make the destiny-defining choice between good and evil. But, what is genuinely good? What is actually evil? This is the last chance mankind will have to escape the coming destruction. The brothers must figure out a way to discern the truth; the fate of humanity depends on it. Cheryl has been writing all of her life, winning awards while still in high school. Her first novel, The Olive Tree, was published in 2005. In 2021, Cheryl won a national writing contest sponsored by Xulon Press and, as a result, her second novel, The Last One, was published. The Last Chance is her third novel, the second in a three-book series. In her free time, Cheryl enjoys crafting, baking, reading, and playing with her five grandchildren. Cheryl enjoys using her imagination to bring both real and fictional characters to life and gives readers a new perspective about people and events they may have taken for granted in the past.

  • af Natasha Sloane
    202,95 - 287,95 kr.

    Forged in His Fire is a guide on how to have a personal and intimate relationship with our Father, Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit. God is looking for an end-time army who will step up and fight the good fight, not only by teaching the gospel, but by being the gospel. To walk in freedom and allow Him to forge you in His fire, you will need consistency in your relationship with Him. To answer His call to action and stand strong in the Lord, you must be equipped, and be ready to fight. To accomplish this, you will need fortitude, discipline, endurance, determination, and the mindset you must not give up, no matter how hard it gets. Life does not get easier, you only become stronger as you dedicate quality time to be with Him. Our Father wants to meet you where you're at, take your hand, and walk you through to the truth. He will help you face what you need to face and show you how to not waste even one single day in bondage. "Solitude with God repairs the damage done by the fret and noise and clammer of the world." - Oswald Chambers "Creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God." (Romans 8:21 ESV) The question is: Are you ready to be Forged in His Fire? Natasha is a writer and has a ministry called "Forged in His Fire Ministries." She enjoys hiking, reading, and writing when she is not with her family. She is the mother of two precious daughters, who inspired her to pick up her cross and walk out an obedient life.

  • - A Young Man's Cry 4 Help
    af Khalil Hill
    137,95 kr.

    Finding Your-Self Lost in the Wilderness: A Grown Man's Cry 4 Help is a book about my life and everything that I've experienced in my journey thus far. Growing up fatherless like so many other young men throughout the inner cities of America, I often questioned what a man was as there weren't any in my life capable of teaching me. The men in my life were broken like me, as they never had a father/man to teach them how to become one. This is one reason why I was lost wandering in the wilderness for nearly twenty years. It gets, deeper. At the age of 16 is when true identity of my biological father was revealed but more importantly this is what set me on my journey. Khalil Hill is a 41 year old African American male who was raised in Wilmington, Delaware. He currently resides in Houston TX where he spends his time working towards becoming the man God created him to be. He enjoys reading, writing, spending time with family and playing chess. He's also an aspiring motivational speaker seeking to help those who are once where he was in life.

  • - Moving from Glory to Glory!
    af Anthony C Burris
    171,95 kr.

    God's covering: moving from glory to glory provides sound doctrine to believers concerning the ways in which they are covered by the glory of God. Most new believers know that they have sinned and fallen short of God's glory, but few grasp the reality of their current identity, position, and responsibility in His kingdom. This book focuses on how God took me from a backslider to an ambassador of His Gospel of reconciliation. After an extraordinary encounter with God my whole life began to change as He continues to shift me from glory to glory. This book provides insightful teaching about the defeated accuser, our peace covenant, our rights as children of God and the need for the church to be a unified body of believers guided be the Holy Spirit. These promised provisions are available to all who abides under God's covering. You can experience this freedom of abiding in His secret place! Minister Anthony C. Burris is first and foremost a servant and son of God. My assignment in the body of Christ is to teach the infallible word of God as inspired by the Holy Spirit. I was filled with the Holy Spirit at age fifteen. While in high school I heard the call of God to teach His children in the NYC school system. In fulfillment of this calling, I have taught in the NYC school system for more than thirty-five years. I have served as a deacon in charge of evangelism, servant-leader leading a home-group ministry, and as a minister/ administrator in my most recent church assignment. This book is an extension of my assignment to teach new believers and share my testimony of my walk with Jesus.

  • af Kathryn McLane
    235,95 kr.

    Inspired by stories of evangelists who were part of the Protestant missionary movement of the nineteenth century, eight classmates from Union Theological Seminary applied to the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions (ABCFM) to accomplish missionary work abroad. Joseph Cochran, John Dulles, Edward Dodd, George Coan, Dwight Marsh, Justin Parsons, George Dunmore, and Samuel Rhea became the inner circle known as the brothers of the red velvet chapeaux and traveled to India, Asia Minor, and Persia to help spread the Word of God. Author Kathryn McLane, the great-great granddaughter of Samuel Rhea, serves as the ghostwriter of a "fictionalized collective memoir" that shares the missionary lives of these young men and their self-denying labors in foreign lands. Their stories describe the perils they faced, such as marauding Kurds and Arabs, severe weather, disease, and persecution by the leaders of other religious sects as well as the strength they derived from their religious devotion and camaraderie. As the author was drawn to and fascinated by the stories of these missionaries told through letters and reports published and archived in journals of the ABCFM (during a period spanning half a century from 1840 to 1890), so, too, will readers be drawn to the determined faith and endurance these men showed as they faced various struggles to ensure their missionary work reached those who needed it. To carry on the legacy of these brave men of God, prepare to be transported back in time as "fictionalized" dialogue brings to life the true documented events and stories in Brothers of the Red Velvet Chapeaux.

  • - Divine Guidance for Daily Living
    af John Emilimor
    183,95 kr.

    About the Book This is a practical scriptural guide to understanding and following God's plan for every area of your life. Written for Bible-believing Christians to help them overcome the challenges that religious dogmas and traditions pose when accessing God's will. Discover: How to renew your mind so you can hear God's voice How to apply God's will to your marriage, career, and finances How to stick with God's will in difficult times How to discern God's will through dreams, visions, and the counsel of others Know the place of prayer, fasting and counselling in executing the will. How time factor plays out in the fulfillment of God's will. And much more! About the author Dr John Emilimor retired from clinical practice into full time ministry following a divine call in 1995. He has since been engaged in a global apostolic and prophetic teaching ministry with diverse gifts of the Holy Spirit. He founded Dominion Christian Assembly in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USÁ and later moved to Texas to focus on a trans-denominational ministry. An author, revivalist, counsellor and conference speaker dedicated to leadership and youth development.

  • - My Faith Journey!
    af Frances O Campbell Lmsw
    203,95 kr.

    This personal memoir was written to encourage others, especially women to write their stories regardless of family and personal conflicts. I desire the audience to know these conflicts are not coincidental but divinely orchestrated by God. Rev. Frances Olivia Campbell was born in Port Chester, New York. She is retired from the Westchester County - Department of Social Services and is the sole proprietor of the RevHeRevShe Collection ( Her Aunt Marian planted the seed many years ago and inspired her to write this book. She is married to Rev. William L. Campbell, and they are parents to one son, Edwin, and two daughters, Barbara (Chris) and Tiana, and three grandchildren, Christian, Lauren, and Liana. Rev. Frances is an ordained deacon and elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion denomination. With the help of God, her commitment to perseverance, and her professional editor, Carla, this book is finally a reality.

  • - Understanding the language of the broken
    af Pastor Chrissy Kidd
    114,95 kr.

    Tragedy and loss are a normal part of our everyday lives, yet the darkness of certain situations keeps us from speaking about the painful truth of how these situations mark us. Those who have experienced tragedy and loss tend to keep the pain of their circumstances hidden due to fear of how others will react. Few people understand tragedy and loss until they have acutely felt the effects, and this book will help to shine some light on what others experience while trying to navigate the tumultuous waters of grief. Grief Speaks... is about the raw and real pain of grief and tragedy. Pastor Chrissy Kidd is an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene and a contingent chaplain at a local hospital. She is also part of the pastoral staff at Together Ministries Nazarene Church located in Thornville, Ohio. She currently preaches bi-weekly and has traveled to speak at local churches and grief groups. After the tragic accident and death of her husband, Jeremy, she has become a widow and single mom of two beautiful children, Lauren and Eli, and is now an advocate for anyone who is experiencing loss and grief.

  • - Winter
    af Charlyn Joelle
    183,95 kr.

    "Seasons of Life" is a book that features inspiration, scriptures, recipes, and poems to help you navigate through the different phases of life. The book reflects the love that Jesus has for us, regardless of whether we are going through good or bad situations, joy or pain. The common thread throughout the book is that Jesus will always be there for us. I hope you enjoyed reading this book and that you will learn to cherish every season in your life, knowing that the Lord is always with you. Remember, nothing can separate from the love of God! 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. 37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Roman 8:35-39 (KJV) Charlyn J. Battle is a devoted wife, mother, and faithful believer. With over 28 years of experience as a Human Resources professional, she has developed a passion for helping people achieve their best and promoting their well-being. Charlyn cherishes the small things in life, like the warm embrace of her children, and finds joy in inspiring and encouraging others. In her free time, she enjoys cooking Southern cuisine with a gourmet twist. Family is everything to Charlyn, and she believes in treasuring every moment spent with loved ones. Although her life may be complicated, Charlyn remains a compassionate and forgiving person who strives to see the good in every situation. She has a weakness for fresh flowers and great deals on footwear.

  • - An Eyewitness Account of the Liberian Civil War What We Need to Know
    af Saah Foday Kanda
    253,95 kr.

    The nation of Liberia has a rich and deep history that represents its strength and perseverance, as it has dealt with severe corruption since its birth. Liberia's political state has been shifted several times, and 1988 marked the beginning of a civil war that would cost the lives of hundreds of thousands and misplace millions of citizens. In Liberia A Cross Between Crime and Punishment, Saah Foday Kanda illuminates the political and social chaos that ensued in Liberia from the 80s until now. He informs readers about the people and events that either helped build or tried to destroy Liberia, the important dates that mark the beginning of various conflicts, and the aftermath and rebuilding period for this country. He details the strategies of the rebellion and how he was imprisoned by the rebels himself as a refugee, witnessing terrible atrocities and constantly fighting for harmony and peace in a hostile environment. As someone who has experienced the disorder of Liberia firsthand, Saah Foday Kanda understands the imperativeness of sharing the realities of the civil war that took place there. Misinformation and hearsay spread quickly, so Saah knew his voice and eye-witness accounts had to be heard to provide accurate and reliable information on how his nation endured through its suffering and still stands tall in the face of adversity. Saah Foday Kanda has an extensive educational and leadership background, earning a graduate degree in general public administration from Capella University and pursuing two undergraduate degrees at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He has been involved with many organizations that strive for impactful social, political, and economic changes. He strives to continue to make the world a better and happier place for all.

  • - Heroes and Symbols Illustrated Activity Book
    af Christopher C Murray
    253,95 kr.

    Thank you for exploring the exciting world of Cayman's heroes and symbols with us! In this coloring book, you explored the fascinating symbols and brave individuals that make our beautiful islands special. We hope that as you have colored the pages of this book and engaged in the activities, you will remember the stories and meanings behind these heroes and symbols. We hope that your imagination soared as you brought these symbols to life with your favorite colors. And most importantly, you had fun and enjoyed the journey through Cayman's rich culture and heritage! Pastor Christopher C. Murray is a dynamic and compassionate figure known for his profound impact in youth advocacy, counselling, and mentorship. With an unwavering commitment to helping others, he has become a guiding light for countless individuals seeking solace, and growth. He has touched the lives of many through his sermons, teachings, and care for others. His ability to connect with people has earned him a reputation as a beacon of compassion and understanding. Pastor Christopher Murray is the founder of the Boys-to-Men Non-Profit in the Cayman Islands. Undoubtedly, he is an example of resilience and hope in the community. Dr. Richard Wildman is a dedicated Christian, educator, and mentor. His role as a mentor reflects his belief in the power of guidance and support. He willingly shares his wisdom and experience with others, for the betterment of their future. Dr. Wildman is a board member of the Boys-to-Men Non-Profit in the Cayman Islands. Dr. Wildman is deeply involved in his faith community, where he provides spiritual guidance. Above all, he treasures his family and prioritizes creating a nurturing and loving home environment. His life is a testament to his unwavering faith, passion for education, and commitment to his family.

  • - Facts about Vaxx
    af Veronica Moore
    181,95 kr.

    The debate over vaccines and their impact on people has been ongoing for many years. While some people believe that vaccines are necessary, others are strongly opposed to them. Unfortunately, many people lack the necessary information to make informed decisions about vaccines. Veronica Moore has written a book called "Vaccines, Did You Know?" to provide readers with comprehensive information on this topic. Veronica's interest in vaccines began when her son was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. She spent several years researching the condition, which led her to discover information about vaccines, the science, the laws, and the misinformation surrounding them. Her book aims to provide readers with a detailed analysis of vaccines, including their ingredients and effects on children and adults. Veronica draws on peer-reviewed medical studies, and conversations with doctors, nurses, epidemiologists, virologists, and parents, to ensure that she covers many aspects of the vaccine debate. Additionally, she shares her personal experience with vaccines, offering a more realistic and personal approach to the conversation. Veronica believes that questioning and researching information about vaccines is essential to understanding what we put into our bodies. By writing this book, she hopes to encourage others to investigate vaccines more thoroughly, enabling everyone to make more informed choices about what is best for their family. Veronica Moore is a wife, mother, grandmother, homeschool teacher, and an Associate Real Estate Broker. She and her husband reside in New York State with their children.

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