Bag om Antichrist is in Syria
Antichrist is a key figure in the prophecies, he is not only a figure of Christianity, he is also a figure of Islam where he is called Al Dajjal, the Damned. The Arab prophecies close with this, close with this powerful and cruel figure that will come at the end of time.He comes to crown the power of sin over thousands of years between the human race and the race of angels. The earth will be modified and become a paradise when Yeshua comes down here to reign during the millennium, but for that to happen all malignant cancer will have to be removed from our midst and this is the role of Antichrist.He came to bring all sin and rot together around him. It is like that fly trap that at the end of the day is filled with hundreds of flies, stuck in the trap with glue. Antichrist is the same, he will accumulate everything that is of no use around him so that when the angels manifest themselves, this world will be destroyed, not the world itself, but these people who are the seeds of evil.How will this happen? It is that whoever accepts Dajjal as a leader will receive a mark called 666. Whoever receives this mark will be sealed as a child of chaos and will be persecuted by the holy angels in the Apocalypse. It is these who will be hunted down and exterminated by Hashem's warrior angels.The mark will seal you to hell, to the doom of the second death ...But will everyone really be bad? Will everyone who takes the mark of the Beast be bad and deserve eternal punishment?No, many, around 99% will not be bad, they will be just people who want to live their daily lives with their family, however they will be living at the end of a cycle of time and this will require them to make a quick decision, accept the brand or do not.Of course, millions will accept it, because they will not understand what the brand is, they will think it is just a document or a form of electronic money. This does not make them bad, but as they were born in this final, apocalyptic cycle of time, they will be sealed to perdition.Does that look like injustice? Yes, but the Creator will be doing justice to those who groan and weep waiting for deliverance. People who have been called by the Eternal and who live in torments because of the current system that pursues them. They cry out for justice and divine justice will come, but for this the son of Sin will be sent to the world to gather around them not only the bad ones, but the vast majority are people who do not have an open mind to differentiate the divine from the profane.Does this again sound unfair? So do your part and warn these people, because millions of them will love Dajjal for not understanding right and wrong, they live in complete darkness;Do your part.It brings the light to these people who live in darkness, because the end of the cycle is coming and when Antichrist arrives it will manifest itself and gather billions of people around him, most of them do not know what Yeshua is or know the Creator.They know that he died on the cross, but they do not understand their saving power, they did not have a new birth into the light and therefore live in darkness and they will be devoured by the Chaos Dragon, Antichrist.Do your part, bring the light to those who are in darkness, their final destination in Revelation will be terrible.
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