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Hos os finder du et bredt udvalg af fantastiske sjove brætspil! Vi har alt til familien, er det Azul brætspillet eller Codename brætspillet har vi dem til de bedste brætspil priser.  
Vi har selvfølgelig brætspil til voksne og brætspil til børn. Søger du det bedste brætspil til en sjov spilleaften med familien eller vennerne? Så prøv og tag et kig på vores sortiment, vi har alt fra strategi til quiz brætspil. 
Det er trods alt altid sundt at tage en hyggelig stund med dine nære, og huske hinanden på det der holder jer tæt. Eller er du måske et konkurrence menneske? Så har vi også glimrende brætspil, selskabsspil eller strategispil til unge og voksne.
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  • af Henrik Andersen
    247,95 kr.

    Mester i kongernes spil, er 3. bind i Skak for sjov-serien, som har i alt tre bind. Bogen kan læses af børn og unge, som har en vis rutine i at spille skak, og som er vant til at spille med i turneringer. Også voksne, som er øvede skakspillere, kan læse bogen med udbytte. Henrik Andersen har skrevet lærebogen på baggrund af 20 års erfaring som skakinstruktør for børn og unge. "Skak for sjov-serien er kærkommen forfriskende og pædagogisk velfungerende." (Lektørudtalelse fra Dansk BiblioteksCenter). "Skak for sjov-bøgerne er udmærkede bind, som starter med det basale og rykker gradvist videre." (Sune Berg Hansen, stormester i skak, i Politiken).

  • af Franco Masetti
    152,95 kr.

    268,95 kr.

  • af Frank Lantz
    200,95 kr.

    How games create beauty and meaning, and how we can use them to explore the aesthetics of thought.Are games art? This question is a dominant mode of thinking about games and play in the twenty-first century, but it is fundamentally the wrong question. Instead, Frank Lantz proposes in his provocative new book, The Beauty of Games, that we think about games and how they create meaning through the lens of the aesthetic. We should think of games, he writes, the same way we think about literature, theater, or music—as a form that ranges from deep and profound to easy and disposable, and everything in between. Games are the aesthetic form of interactive systems, a set of possibilities connected by rules of cause and effect.In this book, Lantz analyzes games from chess to poker to tennis to understand how games create beauty and evoke a deeper meaning. He suggests that we think of games not only as hyper-modern objects but also as forms within the ancient context of artistic production, encompassing all of the nebulous and ephemeral qualities of the aesthetic experience.

  • af Sergei Tiviakov
    244,95 - 292,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Willemze
    224,95 kr.

    The best place to start your tactics training is in the endgame! Chess is 99% tactics and if you want to win more games, nothing works better than training tactics. Win a piece or find a mate. That will get you results.Since most of the pieces have left the board, endgame tactics have the clarity that enables you to grasp all basics concepts quickly and comprehensively. In the endgame, you can focus on what is important without any distractions by a couple of random pawns and pieces. In 1001 Chess Endgame Exercises for Beginners, IM Thomas Willemze does two things at once. He explains all the basic concepts, and provides you with a huge amount of exercises for each theme and each chess piece. Willemze uses all his experience as a coach, and his familiarity with the famous Step Method, to carefully build up your chess knowledge step-by-step. He shows you the strength of all pieces, from the lonely pawn to the almighty queen. And he guides you from the basics to more complex tactics in a highly instructive puzzle rush.

  • af Thomas Engqvist
    164,95 kr.

    Lessons, motivation and coaching to make you a better chess player. Any aspiring chess player, at almost any level, would get better with a coach. If that's not possible, having chess champion coach Thomas Engqvist's book next to your chess set is the next best thing.

  • af Andon Rangelov
    111,95 kr.

    This book contains 100 chess puzzles and their solutions. The book is appropriate for Intermediate and Advanced Players. Please keep in mind that these are do-it-yourself exercises. Use "look inside" for additional details.Try to find the best move that leads to checkmate, stalemate, or material advantage in all exercises (all answers are at the end of the book).

  • af Fred Reinfeld & Bruce Alberston
    212,95 kr.

  • - Play Basic Chess like International Grandmaster Paul Keres
    af John C Murray
    87,95 - 97,95 kr.

    The ultimate training for chess players who want to become chess champions. This is the sixth part of this series of exercises from soviet's chess games that you can use as models. These problems will allow you to experience the conditions of a real chess game.If you want to win more games, nothing is more useful than improving your ability to calculate combinations. This book contains 115 exercises.

  • af Cyrus Lakdawala
    297,95 kr.

    Rashid Nezhmetdinov (1912-1974) played fearless attacking chess. With his dazzling style, the Soviet master already was a legend during his lifetime, but international fame largely eluded him. Only once did he get permission to show his exceptional talent in a tournament abroad.Five times Nezhmetdinov was chess champion of the Russian Federation. In the 1961 Soviet Championship, he won the ?Best Game' prize for a spectacular win against... Mikhail Tal who praised his opponent for his ?amazing creativity.' Other stars that ?Nezh' defeated in grand style included Spassky, Polugaevsky, Bronstein, and Geller.His games, full of tactical pyrotechnics, are his legacy and have reached an ever-growing audience. Nezhmetdinov's shocking strategic queen sacrifice, in 1962 against Chernikov, as shown on Agadmator's YouTube channel, has become the best-watched chess video of all time with millions of views.In this book, Cyrus Lakdawala pays tribute to the genius of the enigmatic Nezhmetdinov, a Tatar who grew up as an orphan in the part of the Soviet Union that is now Kazakhstan. In more than one hundred impressive and instructive games and positions, Lakdawala shows how Nezhmetdinov fought for the initiative, how he bluffed and sacrificed, and how he kept his cool to out-calculate his opponents. Lakdawala's lucid writing perfectly matches the power of ?Nezh's' moves. This wonderful collection celebrates Nezhmetdinov as the Greatest Attacker in Chess.

  • af M Yudovich & A Kotov
    337,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Soltis
    165,95 kr.

    An invaluable insight into the mind of chess prodigy turned Grandmaster, Fabiano Caruana, tracing his stratospheric rise to chess fame. Andrew Soltis takes the reader through 60 of his games, describing the tactical intricacies behind his and his opponent's strategies.

  • af Gawain Jones
    264,95 kr.

    Coffeehouse Repertoire is a 1.e4 player¿s dream: an arsenal of ideas from a world-class grandmaster to surprise and confound your opponents, combining coffeehouse trickery with theoretical soundness. In Volume 2, GM Gawain Jones shows how to fight for an advantage against 1...e5, plus the French, Pirc, Modern and Philidor Defences.

  • af Stefan (Author) Zweig
    102,95 kr.

    A new edition of this classic Zweig story - an epic chess match on a transatlantic liner during WW2 unearths a story of persecution and obsession.

  • - Fundamental Tactics and Checkmates for Improvers
    af Peter Giannatos
    224,95 kr.

    Working on chess tactics and checkmates will help you win more games. It develops your pattern recognition and your ?board vision' - your ability to capitalize on opportunities. This Workbook features a complete set of fundamental tactics, checkmate patterns, exercises, hints, and solutions.Peter Giannatos selected 738 exercises based on ten years of experience with thousands of pupils at the prize-winning Charlotte Chess Center. All problems are clean, without unnecessary fluff that detracts from their instructive value. The Workbook has ample room for writing down the solutions to the exercises. This is helpful for both students and coaches, who can assign homework from the book without having to worry about being unable to review the solutions. And writing down the correct chess moves will greatly accelerate your learning process.Everyone's First Chess Workbook offers you a treasure trove of chess knowledge and more than enough lessons to keep you busy for a year!

  • - The Official, Comprehensive Wordlist for Scrabble (TM)
    af Collins Dictionaries
    195,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Endorsed by WESPA for use in Tournament & Club play from 1st September 2015, the latest official wordlist contains all 276, 663 words. Nearly every Scrabble (TM) player has been involved in a dispute over which words are acceptable. Now you can settle all those squabbles with this wordlist from Collins - the authority on Scrabble.

  • af Sverre Johnsen
    199,95 kr.

    The Caro-Kann is a rare beast among chess openings. While respected as a sound and safe way to start the game, it also avoids symmetry or simplification. This allows Black many ways to keep the game unbalanced and play for a win.Two Norwegian opening experts provide a set of options that take full advantage of this flexibility. In the main line, you are given a choice between the 4...Bf5 and the 5...exf6 systems - but both strictly in their modern dynamic forms! In the latter, Hansen is a world-leading authority, with a wealth of experience to explain the typical mistakes White makes when facing this deceptively tricky line. By studying his material, you will be well ahead of the game in this rapidly-evolving system. For instance, the critical improvements over the Duda-Carlsen game in 2020 were already in Hansen's files from two years earlier.The other recommended systems for Black are also aggressive and very much the '21st-century Caro-Kann'. It's 3...c5 against the Advance, in which Hansen is also an outstanding specialist. The Panov Attack is answered with ...g6 lines - strategically ideal, and nowadays backed up by amazing modern computer analysis. Against the Two Knights, we are offered an ...exf6 option as well as the ...Bg4 approach. The repertoire is completed with good sensible recommendations against almost every other conceivable move White can throw at the Caro-Kann. This extremely up-to-date book has an innovative structure, with 'lessons', model games and theory 'magnifiers'.Sverre Johnsen is a chess analyst, researcher, organizer, trainer and writer from Norway. He is co-author of Win with the London System and Win with the Stonewall Dutch, two of the best-selling openings books of recent years. Grandmaster Torbjorn Ringdal Hansen is also from Norway. He is one of the founders of the chess retail business Sjakkhuset and works full-time as a chess trainer. He was the first coach of Magnus Carlsen (in 1999) and has worked with three other players who went on to become grandmasters.

  • af Wesley So
    199,95 kr.

  • - How to Think Creatively and Avoid Foolish Mistakes
    af Paata Gaprindashvili
    165,95 kr.

    Full of examples that emphasise the power of logical and resourceful thinking and quick wit, Imagination in Chess will guide you to become a better chess player by harnessing your imagination.

  • - From beginner to winner with moves, techniques and strategies
    af Sean Marsh
    159,95 kr.

    A chess book for beginners, taking you from the very basics to an advanced level of play, with a design-led approach.

  • af Cecilie Bogh
    36,95 kr.

    Har du prøvet at spille skak?I denne bog kan du høre noget om skak.Og du kan lære at spille skak på flere måder.Kender du bondeskak? Eller måske skomageråbningen?Du kan også høre om nogle af de største skakspillere.Den danske forfatter Cecilie Bogh er oprindeligt uddannet lærer, men har efterfølgende taget en master i børnelitteratur og arbejdet som forlagsredaktør med særligt fokus på de yngste læsere samt på uddannelse.

  • - med venner
    87,95 kr.

    At spille huskespil er både sjovt og meget lærerigt. Her får du et hyggeligt huskespil med Rasmus Klump og vennerne. Vend to brikker og se, om de matcher. Hvis de er ens, må du beholde parret. Den spiller, som har fleste par til sidst, har vundet. Huskespil styrker hukommelsen og forbedrer både forståelse og motoriske færdigheder hos små og store børn. Huskespil er med til at udvikle dit barns logiske sans, observationsevne og koncentrationsevne. Velegnet til spillere i alle aldre.Huskespillet er fuld af farvestrålende billeder og søde motiver. Spillet er enkelt og nemt at lære, hvilket er ideelt for børn, der skal starte med at spille spil, hvor det er vigtigt med nemme og overskuelige regler og brikker. Barbo Toys produkter er designet med omsorg her i Danmark og med fokus på bæredygtighed og materialer af høj kvalitet. Vores produkter er designet og fremstillet efter filosofien “lær gennem leg” og understøtter og stimulerer aktivt barnets fantasi og læringsudvikling.Velegnet til børn i alderen 3 + år40 brikkerSKU 7441

  • - New edn
    af Graham Burgess, John Emms & John Nunn
    145,95 - 195,95 kr.

    The 125 greatest chess games of all time, selected, analysed, re-evaluated and explained by a team of British experts and illustrated with over 1,000 chess diagrams. Join the authors in studying these games, the cream of two centuries of international chess, and develop your own chess-playing skills - whatever your current standard. Instructive points at the end of each game highlight the lessons to be learned.First published in 1998, a second edition of The Mammoth Book of the World's Greatest Chess Games in 2004 included an additional 12 games. This edition includes a further 13 games as well as some significant revisions to the analysis and information regarding other games in earlier editions of the book, facilitated by the use of a variety of chess software.

  • af Svend Novrup
    45,95 kr.

    Backgammon er kommet for at blive, og danske spillere spiller med musklerne også i udlandet. For backgammon er også et spil med mange spændende finesser, som man ikke kan læse om i de ofte meget mangelfulde brugsanvisninger, der følger med bræt og brikker.I denne bog bliver det grundigt og instruktivt forklaret, hvorfor backgammon ikke er som ludo, hvor det kun gælder om at slå store slag, men er et forfinet, taktisk spil, hvor man kan spille angreb, forsvar, tage chancer eller spille "safety first", eller hvor man kan kaste dobleterningen og forhøje indsatsen og spændingen – eller få modstanderen til at give sig.Bogen anbefales af Dansk Backgammon Forbund.Sport, skak og spil – og et ben i tenorfaget: Forfatteren Svend Novrup (f. 1945) er en højt respekteret golfskribent og har været sportskommentator i radio og tv, bl.a. på kanalen Eurosport fra 1996 til 2002. Han er forfatter til over 100 bøger heriblandt en lang række quizbøger og samlinger af vittigheder. Adskillige af Svend Nortrups bøger oversat til og udkommet på seks sprog.

  • - A Chess Grandmaster on the Game of Life
    af Jonathan Rowson
    127,95 kr.

  • - Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall - from America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness
    af Frank Brady
    125,95 kr.

    When Bobby Fischer died in January 2008, he left behind a confounding legacy. Everyone knew the basics of his life: he began as a brilliant youngster, then became the pride of American chess, then took a sharp turn, struggling with paranoia and mental illness. But nobody truly understood him. What motivated him from such a young age, and what was the source of his remarkable intellect? How could a man so ambivalent about money and fame be so driven to succeed? What drew this man of Jewish descent to fulminate against Jews, and how was it that a mind so famously disciplined could unravel so completely? From his meteoric rise, to an utterly dominant prime, to his eventual descent into madness, the book draws upon hundreds of newly discovered documents and recordings, and numerous firsthand interviews conducted with those who knew Fischer best, to paint, for the very first time, a complete picture of one of the most enigmatic icons. This is the definitive account of a fascinating man and an extraordinary life, one that at last reconciles Fischer's deeply contradictory legacy and answers the question: 'Who was Bobby Fischer?'

  • af Cyrus Lakdawala
    185,95 kr.

    This book examines all aspects of the highly complex Sveshnikov Variation and provides the reader with well-researched, fresh, and innovative analysis.

  • - A Solid and Straightforward Chess Opening Repertoire for White
    af Christof Sielecki
    244,95 kr.

    After the success of his award-winning book ';Keep it Simple 1.e4' International Master Christof Sielecki is back. His new repertoire based on 1.d4 has a similar profile: variations that are straightforward and easy to remember, and require little or no maintenance. Sielecki has created a reliable set of opening lines for chess players of almost all levels. The major objective is to dominate Black from the opening, by simple means. You don't need to sacrifice anything or memorize long tactical lines. His main concept is for White to play 1.d4, 2.Nf3, 3.g3, 4.Bg2, 5.0-0 and in most cases 6.c4. Sielecki developed this repertoire while working with students who were looking for something that was easy to understand and easy to learn. This new 1.d4 repertoire may be even easier to master than his 1.e4 recommendations, because it is such a coherent system. Sielecki always clearly explains the plans and counterplans and keeps you focussed on what the position requires. Ambitious players rated 1500 or higher will get great value out of studying this extremely accessible book.

Bedste brætspil

Brætspil har været en del af familiehyggen i flere tusinde år. Faktisk stammer brætspil 5000 år tilbage fra Egypten, og har været det siden. Brætspillet startede ud med at være en simpel form for backgammon, og det er et unikt spil, der har haft sine rødder for mere end 5.000 år siden. Brætspil er perfekte til sjove, hyggelige og intense aftener med folk du holder af. Vidste du, at der er mange gode effekter af at spille brætspil også? Brætspil udvikler hjernen og specielt i en ung alder, f.eks. hvis dine børn skulle få lyst til at spille, kunne de lære at tælle, regne, træne farvegenkendelse og mere! De bedste brætspil er trods alt også dem, som får dig til at tænke eller reagere. Det kunne f.eks. være quiz brætspil, strategi brætspil eller selskabs brætspil. Vi har et kæmpe udvalg af variationer, og det kunne også være du ville have lyst til at tage på et eventyr i en familieaften? Så har vi de perfekte! Wildlands trilogien byder på diversitet og autentisk følelse af magi! Her kan du regne med at bruge timer på at spille med dine kære og overvinde dem ved hjælp af din egen strategi. Effekten af at tænke på denne måde kunne også gøre dig overlegen i en stor bredde af brætspil, og give dig fordelen over dine børn eller de voksne! Søger du måske verdens bedste brætspil, skulle du tage og prøve Get a Hint, det kan få en hel aften til at føles som en time. Brætspil til voksne finder du især også her, Questio brætspillet er vores faglige quizspil, et underholdende og vidensskabende brætspil. Er det måske et brætspil til dine børn? Der har vi også Rasmus Klumps skøre brætspil ‘pandekage spillet’, hvem kan spise flest pandekager? 

Brætspil til voksne og børn

Hvem ved, det kunne måske også være spillet for voksne, hvis du ønsker at tage tilbage til simplere tider, hvor sommeren kun gik ud på at lege med vennerne, og hygge sig i solen. Brætspil kan bringe minder frem og huske dig på de sjove brætspil aftener med dem du holder af, det er videnskabeligt bevist, at der ligger dybe tanker i at interagere med selv de simple brætspil. Der ligger naturligvis også en tilfredsstillelse i at vinde, og hvis du mangler lidt mere af det i hverdagen, er brætspil det perfekte redskab til at udfordre dine venner! Du kunne få lidt mere ud af de sjove brætspil såsom Azul brætspillet og Codename brætspillet, det kunne evt. være en del af jeres hygge-traditioner.  Verdens bedste brætspil er hvad du gør det til, det er subjektive meninger, det kunne være ‘the infinite board game’ af W. Eric Martin, et stort spil med massere af forskellige omveje. Tag ind og kig på vores sortiment, det er fornuftige brætspil priser, og du kan finde alt hvad dit brætspil bankende hjerte ønsker.

At finde brætspil online med familien er også det sjove i sig selv, måske finder i jer selv i en diskussion over en hyggelig stund, i havde for mange år siden sammen. Det vækker minder og det er det vigtige. Endvidere må det da også gøres klart at effekten bag brætspil er tiltalende og for brætspil til børn, som er i den alder, hvor hjernen er en svamp, er det perfekt til at gøre dem skoleklar! Brætspil til voksne kan naturligvis også udfordre dig men vigtigst af alt, give dig den sjove aften du har ventet spændt på. Brætspil er en del af os, og kan bringe os tættere sammen som mennesker. 

Husk på det kun er et brætspil dog, og ikke de olympiske lege! At være ydmyg er en dyd, og ingen kan lide en dårlig vinder. Så hvis du er mesteren i brætspil, må du prøve at give dine venner eller familie en chance, det er lidt sjovere, når andre kan følge med. Vi har et bredt udvalg af brætspil som sælges online.

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