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En politisk udmelding, stormagter der kæmper og den psykologiske del af krige og deres påvirkning på dets soldater. Der er meget, som indgår i at planlægge og udføre strategi. Nogle ser på det som en kunst at udføre krig. Det handler ikke udelukkende om de krige, som er altødelæggende, men derimod de krige vi har indeni os selv også samt hvordan vi overvinder modstandere. Det er et unikt mindset som mange af de top atleter, virksomhedsejere og politiske magter har benyttet i flere årtier. Vi har en stor variation af bøger indenfor emnet, uanset om det er de tidligere verdenskrige eller måske politiske kampe, du søger, så har vi begge dele. Vi har bøger, som også kigger ind på kunsten i at udføre krige, det som der giver os redskaber til at bekæmpe modstandere psykologisk og ikke fysisk. Bliv inspireret og lær om hvordan du kan vinde dine kampe, som du har til hverdag eller lær mere om de krige, som har været udført.
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  • af Dennis Oliver
    186,95 kr.

    Drawing on official documentation and unit histories, Dennis investigates the formations that operated these vehicles and uses archive photos and extensively researched color illustrations to examine the markings, camouflage and technical aspects of the Sdkfz 234/2, 234/3 and 234/4 armored cars that served on the Western and Eastern Fronts.

  • af Anna von Arnim-Rosenthal
    183,95 kr.

  • af Sun Tzu
    133,95 kr.

  • af Emilia Hansen
    48,95 - 198,95 kr.

    Den Danske Soldat er en uforglemmelig fortælling om kærlighed, krig, mod og hemmeligheder. Tim og Lilly lever i to forskellige verdener, da anden verdenskrig bryder ud. Hun er en del af den tyske overklasse, han er markarbejder og tilhører det danske mindretal i Schleswig Holstein. Alligevel tiltrækkes de voldsomt af hinanden i skyggen af krigen, fordi de begge drømmer om et andet liv end den fremtid, som familien, pligten og fællesskabet dikterer. Lillys gåpåmod åbner en helt ny verden for Tim, og hans opbakning giver hende mod til at forfølge sine drømme. De er forelskede, men deres kærlighed er en hemmelighed. Begge risikerer udstødelse, hvis det kommer frem. Da Tim indkaldes til den tyske hær og sendes til østfronten, skilles de, og står nu over for hver deres krig. For Tim bliver det snart en grum kamp på liv og død – og en brutal realisering af, at virkeligheden ved fronten er en helt anden, end den han troede. På hjemmefronten kæmper Lilly for ikke at blive presset ind i et passende ægteskab og for at fastholde sin drøm om at blive dyrlæge. Men krig dræber både drømme og mennesker, og hvis Tim når hjem, er det ikke sikkert Lilly stadig er den samme – eller at han er.

  • - Essays om at være forfatter og menneske
    af Thomas Mann
    248,95 kr.

    De fire essays i denne samling bringer os nærmere ind på livet af den tyske forfatter Thomas Mann og redegør for produktionen af fire af hans største romaner: Buddenbrooks, Trolddomsbjerget, Josef og hans brødre og Doktor Faustus.Vi følger skriveprocessens op- og nedture og får indblik i den omfattende læsning af både skønlitterær og videnskabelig art, der er en central forudsætning for Manns kreative arbejde. Vi underrettes om forfatterens helbredsproblemer samt om de konflikter, som hans litterære og politiske virksomhed medfører og belastes af – det være sig med tyske ”emigrationspatrioter” eller folk, der mener sig udleveret i hans fiktioner.Teksterne er overvejende blevet til under Manns eksil i USA og belyser den dannede europæers møde med amerikansk politisk kultur og tilværelsen som kunstner i en krigstid, hvor foredrags- og forfatterlivet konstant afbrydes af intense nyhedsmeddelelser fra den anden side af Atlanten.

  • af Daniel Finkelstein
    106,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • af Sean McFate
    186,95 kr.

    "Stunning. Sean McFate is a new Sun Tzu." -Admiral James Stavridis (retired), former Supreme Allied Commander at NATOAn Economist Book of the Year 2019Some of the principles of warfare are ancient, others are new, but all described in The New Rules of War will permanently shape war now and in the future. By following them Sean McFate argues, we can prevail. But if we do not, terrorists, rogue states, and others who do not fight conventionally will succeed?and rule the world.The New Rules of War is an urgent, fascinating exploration of war?past, present and future?and what we must do if we want to win today from an 82nd Airborne veteran, former private military contractor, and professor of war studies at the National Defense University.War is timeless. Some things change?weapons, tactics, technology, leadership, objectives?but our desire to go into battle does not. We are living in the age of Durable Disorder?a period of unrest created by numerous factors: China's rise, Russia's resurgence, America's retreat, global terrorism, international criminal empires, climate change, dwindling natural resources, and bloody civil wars. Sean McFate has been on the front lines of deep state conflicts and has studied and taught the history and practice of war. He's seen firsthand the horrors of battle and understands the depth and complexity of the current global military situation. This devastating turmoil has given rise to difficult questions. What is the future of war? How can we survive? If Americans are drawn into major armed conflict, can we win? McFate calls upon the legends of military study Carl von Clausewitz, Sun Tzu, and others, as well as his own experience, and carefully constructs the new rules for the future of military engagement, the ways we can fight and win in an age of entropy: one where corporations, mercenaries, and rogue states have more power and 'nation states' have less. With examples from the Roman conquest, World War II, Vietnam, Afghanistan and others, he tackles the differences between conventional and future war, the danger in believing that technology will save us, the genuine leverage of psychological and 'shadow' warfare, and much more. McFate's new rules distill the essence of war today, describing what it is in the real world, not what we believe or wish it to be.

  • af Bernard Wozny
    172,95 kr.

    The WW2 Polish submarine ORP Orzel, Pride of the Polish fleet. Envy of the Nazi Kriegsmarine. Hounded by the Nazis Seemingly abandoned by her captain. Interned under Nazi pressure in a neutral port, the remaining officers and crew perform a daring escape. With nowhere to go, not even home, they flee to join the British Navy. Sailing to Britain leads them through even more danger! This is the true story of the ORP Orzel. More importantly, this is the Spirit of Poland! "The greatest adventure story to come out of the war" - Sir Winston Churchill

  • af Christopher R Browning
    213,95 kr.

    "A remarkable--and singularly chilling--glimpse of human behavior. . .This meticulously researched book...represents a major contribution to the literature of the Holocaust."--Newsweek Christopher R. Browning's shocking account of how a unit of average middle-aged Germans became the cold-blooded murderers of tens of thousands of Jews--now with a new afterword and additional photographs. Ordinary Men is the true story of Reserve Police Battalion 101 of the German Order Police, which was responsible for mass shootings as well as round-ups of Jewish people for deportation to Nazi death camps in Poland in 1942. Browning argues that most of the men of RPB 101 were not fanatical Nazis but, rather, ordinary middle-aged, working-class men who committed these atrocities out of a mixture of motives, including the group dynamics of conformity, deference to authority, role adaptation, and the altering of moral norms to justify their actions. Very quickly three groups emerged within the battalion: a core of eager killers, a plurality who carried out their duties reliably but without initiative, and a small minority who evaded participation in the acts of killing without diminishing the murderous efficiency of the battalion whatsoever.While this book discusses a specific Reserve Unit during WWII, the general argument Browning makes is that most people succumb to the pressures of a group setting and commit actions they would never do of their own volition. Ordinary Men is a powerful, chilling, and important work with themes and arguments that continue to resonate today.

  • - Bolsjevismen fra Moses til Lenin
    af Dietrich Eckart
    228,95 kr.

    I sit skrift Bolsjevismen fra Moses til Lenin. Samtale mellem Adolf Hitler og mig (1924) fremlægger Dietrich Eckart, Hitlers faderlige ven, åndelige læremester og skaberen af førermyten, med besnærende argumenter sin og Hitlers antisemitiske og antikristne verdensanskuelse og historieopfattelse.Dietrich Eckarts optegnelser fra de fortrolige samtaler med den senere Fører er et enestående personligt og historisk dokument, der indeholder så afslørende og ekstreme udtalelser, at Hitler efter sin magtovertagelse sørgede for, at bogen forsvandt fra offentligheden.Først nu - med dette initiativ fra Forlaget Helikon - gøres Eckarts værk og åndelige testamente tilgængeligt for et dansk og skandinavisk publikum. En bog, ingen kommer uden om, der vil forstå baggrunden for holocaust.

  • af Peter Harmsen
    166,95 - 248,95 kr.

    I december 1942 var det meste af verden i krig. Millioner af unge mænd og kvinder var sendt i kamp i afsides egne, og hele befolkningsgrupper flygtet, fordrevet eller taget til fange.Peter Harmsen har samlet beretninger fra soldater og civile over hele kloden. På øer i Stillehavet og ved fronten i Kina, i skyttegravene i Rusland og i Nordafrikas ørken, på himlen over Europa og dybt i Atlanterhavet blev mennesker dræbt i større antal end nogensinde før. Holocaust fortsatte, og uskyldige mænd, kvinder og børn blev myrdet i tusindvis samtidig med, at deres bødler fejrede Kristi fødsel. Men der var også overalt eksempler på barmhjertige gerninger.De mange skæbner giver ikke kun et indblik i, hvordan julen blev markeret midt i Anden Verdenskrigs mørke. De fortæller også en dybere og mere universel historie om kampen for at overleve som menneske i en usædvanlig tid.

  • af Konstantin Paustovsky
    148,95 kr.

  • af Halik Kochanski
    196,95 kr.

    Across the whole of Nazi-ruled Europe the experience of occupation was sharply varied. Some countries - such as Denmark - were allowed to run themselves within tight limits. Others - such as France - were constrained not only by military occupation but by open collaboration. In a historical moment when Nazi victory seemed permanent and irreversible, the question 'why resist?' was therefore augmented by 'who was the enemy?'. Resistance is an extraordinarily powerful, humane and haunting account of how and why all across Nazi-occupied Europe some people decided to resist the Third Reich. This could range from open partisan warfare in the occupied Soviet Union to dangerous acts of insurrection in the Netherlands or Norway. Some of these resistance movements were entirely home-grown, others supported by the Allies. Like no other book, Resistance shows the reader just how difficult such actions were. How could small bands of individuals undertake tasks which could lead not just to their own deaths but those of their families and their entire communities? Filled with powerful and often little-known stories, Halik Kochanski's major new book is a fascinating examination of the convoluted challenges faced by those prepared to resist the Germans, ordinary people who carried out exceptional acts of defiance.

  • af Andrei Pogacias
    126,95 kr.

    This intriguing book describes the Romans' formidably warlike enemies in modern Romania and Bulgaria - their 'most illustrated' opponents, thanks to friezes on Trajan's Column and carvings on Trajan's Adamklissi monument.Formidable warriors, able to field tens of thousands of infantry and cavalry and led by a military aristocracy, the Dacians and Getae presented a real threat to Rome's north-eastern frontier. They inflicted several defeats on Rome, crossing the Danube to invade the province of Moesia, and later stubbornly resisting counter-invasions from their strong mountain fortresses. Historians believe that the Dacians and Getae were essentially the same group of tribes during successive periods, related to Thracian tribes from territory south of the Carpathian Mountains, but their exact relationship in place and time is a subject for debate. Those called the 'Getae' by ancient Greek sources were actively expanding by at least the 4th century BC; some enlisted as mercenaries in Roman armies during the 1st century BC, and others later clashed with the army of Augustus, fighting alongside the Sarmatians. The people whom the Romans called the 'Dacians' are best known from wars against the emperors Domitian in AD 85-89 and Trajan in 101-106. At their peak, the Dacians and Getae defeated neighbouring peoples stretching from modern Slovakia to southern Ukraine and it is believed that the effectiveness of their weapons caused modifications in Roman infantry armour. Although most direct ancient sources have been lost to us, enough references remain to reconstruct a picture of their society and culture. Using previously unseen photos of archaeological finds with colour illustrations showing the appearance and weaponry of their warrior kings, noblemen, infantry and cavalry, this detailed book draws upon the latest literary and archaeological research to provide a complete account of these fascinating fighters.

  • af Antony C. Sutton
    548,95 kr.

    THIS is the third volume of an empirical study of the relationship between Western technology and entrepreneurship and the economic growth of the Soviet Union.The continuing transfer of skills and technology to the Soviet Union through the medium of foreign firms and engineers in the period 1945 to 1965 can only be characterized as extraordinary.

  • af Smedley Butler
    113,95 kr.

    Critics of war are often labeled treasonous lunatics. Even those who are critical of the government are scrutinized and dragged through the mud. Young men and women volunteer to fight wars on their nation's behalf, and we should commend them for their actions, but we should question the steps to board ships and planes bound for foreign soil before their military service is required.Major General Smedley Butler was a 2x Medal of Honor recipient and an advocate for those he lead to war. His legacy is rich with valor in combat but also the bureaucratic fight on the homefront. From exposing war-profiteering to campaigning for veterans benefits that provide returning US troops with rich opportunities in the present day, "Old Gimlet Eye" was an American hero you surely did not read about in school."War is a racket, it always has been," and it still is.

  • af Grenville Bird
    444,95 kr.

    A fresh study of the tumultuous events of August 1870 when Prussia overthrew the established order in Europe, laying the foundations for a military and political hegemony lasting into the 20th Century.

  • af William E. Hiestand
    126,95 kr.

    A new illustrated study of the devastating, but little-known, Soviet armored blitzkrieg against the Japanese in the last weeks of World War II, and how it influenced Soviet tank doctrine as the Cold War dawned.Although long overshadowed in the West by the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the USSR's lightning strike into Manchuria in August 1945 was one of the most successful and unique campaigns of the era. Soviet forces, led by over 5,500 tanks and self-propelled guns, attacked across huge distances and deserts, marshes, and mountains to smash Japan's million-strong Kwantung Army in a matter of days.Japanese forces were short of training and equipment, but nevertheless fought fiercely, inflicting 32,000 casualties on the Soviets. Red Army operations were characterized by surprise, speed, and deep penetrations by tank-heavy forces born of the brutal lessons they had learned during years fighting the Wehrmacht. Lessons from the campaign directly shaped Soviet Cold War force structure and planning for mechanized operations against the West.Illustrated with contemporary artwork and rare photos from one of the best collections of Soviet military photos in the West, this fascinating book explains exactly how the last blitzkrieg of World War II was planned, fought, and won, and how it influenced the Red Army's plans for tank warfare against NATO in Europe.

  • af Stephen Turnbull
    156,95 kr.

    Featuring specially commissioned artwork and maps, carefully chosen illustrations and insightful analysis, this book examines the legendary Mongol warriors and their vastly different European opponents. Having conquered much of Central Asia by 1237, the Mongols advanced into the northern Caucasus. The fall of several key centres such as Riazan and Vladimir was followed by Mongol victory at Kiev. Moving west, in 1241 two Mongol armies achieved stunning victories at the battles of Liegnitz in Poland and the Sajo River (Mohi) in Hungary, before suffering their only reverse of the campaign at the fortress of Klis. The Mongol forces regrouped in Hungary to prepare for a further advance into Austria and Germany, but the death of their leader, Ogedei Khan, meant that his generals were required to return to Mongolia to choose a successor. Smaller Mongol forces would return to raid in the years to come, but never again would Western Europe be threatened as it was in 1242.Fully illustrated, this innovative study of the forces that clashed during the Mongol invasion of Europe between 1237 and 1242 allows a comparison to be made between the all-conquering nomad horsemen of the steppes and the mounted knights of the West.

  • af Mark Galeotti
    126,95 kr.

  • af Joseph P. Farrell
    213,95 kr.

    Offers a range of exotic technologies the Nazis researched, and challenges to the conventional views of the end of World War Two, the Roswell incident, and the beginning of MAJIC-12, the government's alleged secret team of UFO investigators.

  • af Robert Mason
    198,95 kr.

  • af Martin van Creveld
    345,95 kr.

  • af Caroline Moorehead
    126,95 - 196,95 kr.

  • af Deborah Rodriguez
    118,95 - 186,95 kr.

  • af Adam Makos
    233,95 kr.

    THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER: "Beautifully told."-CNN • "A remarkable story...worth retelling and celebrating."-USA Today • "Oh, it's a good one!"-Fox News A "beautiful story of a brotherhood between enemies" emerges from the horrors of World War II in this New York Times bestseller by the author of Spearhead. December, 1943: A badly damaged American bomber struggles to fly over wartime Germany. At the controls is twenty-one-year-old Second Lieutenant Charlie Brown. Half his crew lay wounded or dead on this, their first mission. Suddenly, a Messerschmitt fighter pulls up on the bomber's tail. The pilot is German ace Franz Stigler-and he can destroy the young American crew with the squeeze of a trigger...What happened next would defy imagination and later be called "the most incredible encounter between enemies in World War II."The U.S. 8th Air Force would later classify what happened between them as "top secret." It was an act that Franz could never mention for fear of facing a firing squad. It was the encounter that would haunt both Charlie and Franz for forty years until, as old men, they would search the world for each other, a last mission that could change their lives forever.

Første verdenskrig

Den første verdenskrig, bestod af en militær konflikt der begyndte i sommeren 1914. Det handlede om en konflikt mellem Serbien og Østrig-Ungarn, der hurtigt spredte sig gennem et kontinent som allerede var på grænsen til at sprænge. Krigen varede fra 1914 til 1918 i augst og var en krig som befandt sig på Europæiske grunde, samt Afrika, Mellemøsten og Sydøstasien.  Bøgerne om første verdenskrig er meget foranderlige, alle med hver sin vinkel af historien. Det er mange mennesker som har været påvirket af tidens store ødelæggelser, og der er derfor også mange historier. Det handler om mennesker som har været tæt på krigen, oplevet den på tæt hold som soldater eller politiske magter. Det er spændende historier som giver os en bedre forståelse for, hvad sådan nogle krige, gør ved samfundet og dets mennesker. 

Anden verdenskrig

Krigen udfoldede sig i Europa 1939, hvor det daværende nazistiske Tyskland, besluttede sig for at angribe Polen. Som første verdenskrig, blussede det mange konflikter frem, der berørte utallige lande, krigen sluttede i sommeren 1945. Krigen forandrede verden og mange samfund blev påvirkede af den. Der er naturligvis skabt utrolige historier som er fortalt verden over, gennem dagbøger såsom Anne Franks dagbog og historier fra soldater der oplevede krigen på førstehånd. Bøgerne indeholder detaljer om den massive destruktion som krigen medbragte og hvordan folket overlevede. Dyk ned i vores udvalg af bøger anden verdenskrig. 

Danmarks besættelse

Beretninger af samfundets folk, der desværre skulle opleve den konfliktrige 2. verdenskrig og hvordan disse mennesker overlevede. Danmarks besættelse medførte en stor følge af sult og arbejdsløshed i lande og bøgerne kigger dybt ind i konflikten og de danskere som oplevede det. Detaljerne står utrolig beskrevet i biografierne, men hvis du er mere til visuelle oplevelser, er der også mange bøger som indeholder det. Bøgerne har forskellige indgangsvinkler og der er også historier der handler om de dele af landet som blev påvirket. F.eks. Jylland, Sjælland og Fyn var utrolig ramt af besættelsen og havde derfor mange følgeskader. Familier der blev adskilt og ikke så hinanden før mange år efter. Historier om kærlighed der ødelægges og smerte som blev medbragt gennem krigen. Vores bøger om Danmarks besættelse er historierige med massere af indblik ind i det lokale folk. Det spændende ved bøgerne er vi ved det er erindringer som fortælles af menneskene der har været tæt på, desuden også mennesker der var tæt på den berygtede Hitler. Det er personlige beretninger om Berlinmuren der faldt og hemmelige informationer omkring den daværende tids diktatorer.  

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