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Har du prøvet at være så træt, at du intet orker? Det har jeg – og det ønsker jeg aldrig at prøve igen.Vil du vide, hvordan du skifter fra træthed til topform, så er denne bog noget for dig.Træthed opstår på grund af en ugunstig energiproduktion i dine celler – og hvis du vil problemet til livs, bør du kende til de kosttilskud, som er beskrevet i denne bog. Korrekt anvendt kan kosttilskuddene genstarte din energiproduktion og genoplive hjerne og krop på få uger.Bogen er letlæst og giver dig et hurtigt overblik over indholdsstoffer og doseringer. Du får en nem vejledning til at skaffe de korrekte versioner af kosttilskuddene – og du vil i løbet af få uger kunne mærke, hvordan trætheden mindskes, og livet vender tilbage.Bogen er til dig, der ønsker en naturlig, men videnskabeligt baseret metode til at forlade træthed, tågehjerne og tabt livskvalitet.Uddrag af bogenNår mennesker med udbrændthed og svær, langvarig træthed indtager 400 mg rosenrod dagligt, ses en signifikant forbedring efter 1-2 uger. Forsøget varede i alt 8 uger, og der blev målt stærkt nedsat udmattelse (fatigue), depression, mental ubalance, vrede og konfusion (forvirring) hos dem, der fik rosenrod. Der var desuden en reduceret stressreaktion, og deltagerne angav, at deres humør blev markant bedre.I et andet 12-ugers forsøg opnåede deltagerne markante forbedringer allerede i den første uge, idet rosenrod udløste en stærk reduktion af træthed, koncentrationsbesvær, livslede, irritabilitet, angst, hjælpeløshed, udmattelse og fysiske symptomer (svaghed i kroppen, ubehag eller anspændthed i musklerne). Virkningen blev ved med at øges, i takt med de 12 uger skred fremad.Om forfatterenMilena Penkowa er hjerneekspert, cand.med. og ph.d. i hjernevidenskab fra Københavns Universitet. Hun driver virksomhederne Hjerneeksperten og Milenas Medlemsklub, og er vært på tv-programmerne Hjerneeksperten og Milenas Mad på dk4. Milena holder foredrag og kurser – og er forfatter til en række bøger om bl.a. hjernemad, ledsmerter, angst m.m.
Hvad vil det sige at vide, hvor man er? Det undersøger "Almanak" ved at bevæge sig gennem årets forskellige landskaber, væsner og steder, og nærme sig den nære og dybe natur. Bogen er en anledning til for eksempel at genopdage moser og regn, morgenlys og mudder i takt med årstidernes skiften i en tid, hvor verden viser sig på nye måder. Den er en slags almanak til en overgangstid.Emmy Laura Pérez Fjalland er kulturgeograf, forfatter og underviser. Hun har en ph.d. i geografi og planlægning. Tidligere er hun udkommet med bl.a. "Jordbo – En ledsager i uregerlige tider" (2021) og har bidraget til danske og internationale antologier og tidsskrifte
'Taking the reins of your health and happiness is the most important intervention you can make, and only you can make those positive changes. I want this book to inspire you and to give you the confidence and tools to create a better second half where you don't just survive, you dial back the years so you can THRIVE.'
Lægen er klar i spyttet, da Karina efter længere tids smerter i kroppen søger svar på sine symptomer. Den 35-årige mor til to har arvet samme bindevævsygdom, som langsomt tog hendes egen mor fra hende i en alt for tidlig alder. Den livsændrende dom tvinger hende til at lægge en ny plan for livet – Plan B, som går ud på at skabe så mange gode minder sammen med familien som muligt, inden sygdommen overtager hendes liv. Med sejlbåden Evy tager Karina og hendes familie på en jordomsejling, der skal ændre alt. Plan B er den virkelige historie om 1000 dages eventyr, som fører den danske familie gennem troperne, til møder med indfødte stammefolk og lander dem midt i en kartelkrig i de mexicanske gader. Undervejs må de lære at overgive sig til det uventede, kæmpe med overvejelserne om at give op og rejse hjem, ligesom de må indse, at turen til paradis langt fra altid kan gå efter planen.
Kom med ind i en brutal verden bag tremmer, hvor død, vold og trusler forfølger de ansatte. Også når de går hjem.Firhjulstrækkeren i bakspejlet kom nærmere og lagde sig ud i overhalingsbanen på motorvejen. En ung, mørkklædt mand foldede sin hånd som en pistol og kiggede direkte på Ali. Beskeden var ikke til at tage fejl af. Mohammed Ali blev en del af en rå verden, da han begyndte som fængselsbetjent i det bandeplagede Nyborg Fængsel. Blodige konflikter fra gaden blev slæbt med ind bag murene, hvor den afstumpede vold rystede den tidligere elitebokser. Bag lås og slå regerer de stærke, og de svage bliver udnyttet og forsømt. Hverdagen blev også en kamp mellem indsatte og ansatte om, hvem der styrede fængslet. Der blev knyttet tætte bånd mellem fængselsbetjentene, men der var også kollegaer, der ikke fulgte spillets regler. Jo længere tid der gik, desto sværere fik Ali selv ved at kende forskel på rigtigt og forkert. Til sidst endte vold og trusler med at forfølge Ali udenfor fængslets mure og kaste lange skygger over hans liv. Det her er historien om bandefængslet indefra.
Denne bog er en hyldest til det at blive ældre. Målet er at inspirere andre til at tænke over, hvordan de gerne vil leve deres liv, turde mere og aldrig lade sig kue af, hvad andre mener, kvinder kan - eller ikke kan - når de nærmer sig eller for længst har passeret de 50 år.Den er også en protest mod et ungdomsforherligende samfundssyn, og så er den Line Baun Danielsens personlige fortælling om at begynde forfra, forfølge sine drømme og ikke mindst holde sig mentalt og fysisk skarp hele vejen til kisten.
"We are not all super athletes, but we all perform in one way or another, every single day. Whether we're training for a marathon, smashing that big presentation, or chasing after kids, we need energy and focus for a healthy mind and body. To be our best, we need to feel our best, and what we eat makes the difference. Dan Churchill, The Healthy Chef, has spent more than a decade coaching high performers--everyone from professional hockey greats to famously fit celebrities like Chris Hemsworth or Lindsay Vonn to 100-mile runners-to be "legendary eaters." Churchill's philosophy and methods are simple--ditch the complicated science of performance nutrition and focus on five fundamental values: Eat good. Eat easy. Eat more. Eat deliberately. Eat special. Written in his fun and friendly voice, Eat Like a Legend provides recipes for food you can actually cook--food that's packed with fiber, nutrients, and other good stuff calibrated to enhance focus, determination, gut health, muscle mass, and endurance, no matter what you do. In this lifestyle cookbook, Churchill gathers the best of the best food with simple, step-by-step instructions--the tastiest dishes in his repertoire that will provide the energy you need to perform in your daily life, including: acai bowls (that are actually good for you), chicken alfredo you can eat every day, crispy sticky salmon on sesame greens, one-skillet apple pie, sexy tofu scramble with avo-dill salsa, legendary baked ziti with a kale pesto, game-day (and work-day) shrimp tikka masala, pad thai in a flash with sunny-side up eggs, gooiest brownies ever (you'll never guess how). All of these recipes go from pantry and fridge to plate quickly and Churchill includes tips for when to eat them relative to exercise for optimum health. Many of the recipes are interactive, featuring a QR code which can be scanned to instantly drop you into his studio kitchen, where he prepares the meal at hand and answers common questions about the ingredients and cooking method. Featuring dozens of full color photographs, Eat Like a Legend is balanced, delicious, accessible nutrition for everyone"--
Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. Her name is Wild Woman, but she is an endangered species. Though the gifts of wildish nature come to us at birth, society's attempt to "civilize" us into rigid roles has plundered this treasure, and muffled the deep, life-giving messages of our own souls. Without Wild Woman, we become over-domesticated, fearful, uncreative, trapped. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D., Jungian analyst and cantadora storyteller, shows how woman's vitality can be restored through what she calls "psychic archeological digs" into the bins of the female unconscious. In Women Who Run with the Wolves, Dr. Estes uses multicultural myths, fairy tales, folk tales, and stories chosen from over twenty years of research that help women reconnect with the healthy, instinctual, visionary attributes of the Wild Woman archetype. Dr. Estes collects the bones of many stories, looking for the archetypal motifs that set a woman's inner life into motion. "La Loba" teaches about the transformative function of the psyche. In "Bluebeard", we learn what to do with wounds that will not heal; in "Skeleton Woman", we glimpse the mystical power of relationship and how dead feelings can be revived; "Vasalisa the Wise" brings our lost womanly instincts to the surface again; "The Handless Maiden" recovers the Wild Woman initiation rites; and "The Little Match Girl" warns against the insidious dangers of a life spent in fantasy. In these and other stories, we focus on the many qualities of Wild Woman. We retrieve, examine, love, and understand her, and hold her against our deep psyches as one whois both magic and medicine. In Women Who Run with the Wolves, Dr. Estes has created a new lexicon for describing the female psyche. Fertile and lifegiving, it is a psychology of women in the truest sense, a knowing of the soul.
Maisie Hill turns her attention to our stress hormones and nervous system - and how women can revolutionise the way in which they interact with the world to harness our inner power and live our best lives. How we're wired has a lot to do with why we worry about the same things. We need to stop beating ourselves up and find the tools to thrive. Are you a habitual people-pleaser that leaves you feeling resentful and pissed off - with them and yourself? Do you lose all your time and energy because you're unable to say ?no'? Do you struggle to express your feelings, needs and desires - experiencing an irritability and rage that's eroding your career and relationships? Maybe you're struggling to do things that will make a difference to your health, such as over-drinking, over/under-exercising, and dietary and other lifestyle changes. Sound familiar? Then this is your chance to deal with that beautiful brain of yours. Starting now. It's time to do things differently. Find a new way to feel connected to your cycle and the wisdom of your body. Become full of emotional resilience so you can stop holding back and crack on with your life. And more than anything, become that person who ? calmly and unapologetically ? makes herself and the things you need a priority in your life. And who listens the inner whisper that brought you to this book for no other reason that you know?deep down?how important it is. Maisie shows us the simple and effective ways to get unstuck and change things with wise words and case studies from her own coaching practice, tried and tested on women who have struggled with the same issues. It's the essential guide to how to be human.
Sat's obsession for more than three decades of being a chef has been big, bold flavor, and that's not something he's prepared to sacrifice to ensure his food is also heart healthy. He still enjoys the odd steak and glass of red wine - since we all, occasionally, need to treat ourselves - but it's always in moderation. His diet focuses on lean protein and a mix of legumes, good fats - such as avocado, nuts and olive oil - vegetables and fruits, as well as seasonings that will help elevate any dish. The recipes are designed for every day, use ingredients that can be bought from any supermarket and are accompanied by advice written by nutritionist Dr Neil Williams highlighting the ingredients that are rich in the vitamins and minerals that aid heart health.
Var en af de sidste bøger, Andreas Moritz, den tysk-amerikanske ayurvedisk uddannede læge nåede at skrive. Her afslører han, hvorledes alliancen mellem medicinalindustri og sundhedssektoren på mange måder er en uhellig alliance.At solen, kilden til alt liv på jorden, skulle være vores fjende, er blevet en af vor tids unaturlige og farlige myter.Den virkelige trussel mod vores helbred er tværtimod, som Moritz viser, de mange former for solbeskyttelsescreme, vi rådes til at bruge, når vi vil følge vores naturlige trang til at opholde os i solen og lade os opbygge.Moritz redegør kort og klart for, hvorledes det ultraviolette lys fra solen kan være kræftforebyggende, og oven i købet kan bidrage til at kurere hudkræft. Og omvendt påviser han, at hudkræft kan forårsages af solbeskyttelse, ligesom han henviser til undersøgelser, der dokumenterer, at kvinder der får for lidt sollys er udsatte og risikerer uregelmæssigheder med menstruation.Hans ærinde med den lille, men vægtige bog er at lære, hvorledes vi skal omgås sollyset, så vi får et sundere og sandere forhold til solen og kan udnytte vores naturlige adgang til dens helbredende kræfter.
Open your mind, look after your body'A few years ago, I was driving home from a busy day in clinic when I realised something: most of my patients were not getting better. I was tinkering with their medications to ease symptoms ... but had I actually helped anyone that day? I'd never felt so powerless.Since then, I have studied nutrition, psychotherapy and a wide range of holistic healing approaches. I have studied research papers from all over the world, tested ideas on myself, asked my patients to try additional treatments, and I've seen wonderful results.I believe in a 'whole-body' approach - treating my patient's physical , mental and emotional health - mind, body and spirit. Headaches, back pain, IBS, anxiety ... the long list of chronic illness is on the rise. I've never seen so many younger patients struggling. But I've also seen what makes people well:Six health habits. Simple daily actions. An open-minded approach, grounded in evidence.Everything in this book is free. This is truly accessible healthcare for everyone.
Designed specifically for individuals along the borderline personality disorder (BPD) spectrum, this card deck provides 52 instant tools to manage BPD symptoms in five key areas: abandonment and emptiness, relationship patterns, unstable self-image, impulse management, and dissociation. The cards allow for a customized approach, providing skills that are immediately applicable to gain insight, enhance self-control, and build adaptive responses to thrive in life with BPD.
"A definitive twenty-first century permaculture manual for human flourishing in an age of disconnection, disease, and decline. Drawing from twenty years of experience as a land designer and site developer, in The Resilient Farm and Homestead, Revised and Expanded Edition author Ben Falk describes how he has transformed a degraded hillside in the frigid climate of Vermont into a thriving Garden of Eden that now provides year-around abundance and regeneration for his family and community. First published in 2013, The Resilient Farm and Homestead is a comprehensive how-to guide for building durable and productive land-based systems through the reciprocal interplay of humans and the natural world. In the ten years since he first published this seminal work, Falk has only deepened his wisdom in harnessing nature-based solutions for an increasingly perilous planet. Coming on the heels of the unprecedented upheaval of Covid-19, this new and expanded edition of The Resilient Farm and Homestead couldn't be more timely. More than just a collection of tricks and techniques for regenerative site development, the book covers nearly every strategy Falk and his team have tested at the Whole Systems Research Farm over the past two decades. The book includes detailed information on earthworks, gravity-fed water systems, soil fertility management, growing nutrient-dense food and medicine, fuelwood production and processing, agroforestry, managed grazing, and much more. The book presents a viable home-scale model for an intentional food-producing ecosystem in cold climates and beyond. Inspiring to would-be homesteaders everywhere, Falk is an inspiration for what can be done by working with and guiding natural systems and making the most of what we have by reimagining what's possible. Complete with full-color photography and detailed design drawings, The Resilient Farm and Homestead, Revised and Expanded Edition includes new information on: -Designing greenhouses and microclimates -Zone 4 permaculture -Reinvigorating human health -Raising children on a homestead -Top-performing plants -The power of woodchips -Efficient and resilient energy systems -Beekeeping -And much, much more!"--
Effective, Natural Ways to Revolutionize Your Gut HealthAre you tired of suffering from stomach discomfort and digestive issues? Do you want to be free from pain, pills, and prescriptions?From ulcers and constipation to IBS and GERD, these common issues can have uncommonly debilitating effects on your life. But don't despair-there is hope and healing for even the most stubborn gut ailments by experiencing the true power of probiotics.In The Probiotic Diet, leading natural health experts and bestselling authors Jordan Rubin, Dr. Josh Axe, and Dr. Joseph Brasco give you practical, natural and effective strategies on how to overcome any gut issue and experience a vibrant, healthy life.In these pages you'll discover how to:Prepare easy, delicious "gut friendly" probiotic meals.Reduce common digestive symptoms such as gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, constipation and diarrhea.Fight serious gut issues such as Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, IBS and Celiac Disease.Don't be one of the millions who suffer in silence. Become more-than-a conqueror and experience true healing by following this revolutionary diet! It's time to take control of your gut and unlock your health potential.
A herbal medicine-making guide for modern life that starts with you.Learn how to make over 100 easy herbal remedies at home that will improve both your mental and physical wellbeing. Organised by everyday needs and ailments, this intuitive, beautifully illustrated guide will help you better understand your physiology and find just the right herbal restorative.Andrew Chevallier, author of international best-seller Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, offers a holistic approach to natural medicine. He will teach you not only to treat symptoms, but to identify their causes and explore the mind-body connection, so you can meaningfully apply each simple herbal solution.Covering everything from poor sleep, common colds, and menstrual problems to low mood, heart health, and safe dosages, discover how you can make plant remedies an integral part of your self-care routine, and master essential medicine-making techniques for maximum efficacy.This book is your indispensable companion to self-healing with herbal remedies.
"Working with Will Cole has changed my health and my life. Gut Feelings offers a highly effective, intuitive, and softer way to reset and reconnect your body and emotions."-GWYNETH PALTROWThe definitive guide to understanding the connection between what you eat and how you feel, offering a 21-day plan to reset your relationship with your body and heal the gut inflammation caused by stress, shame, and trauma-from the New York Times bestselling author of Intuitive Fasting and Ketotarian.It's easy to suffer from frustration and confusion when it comes to nutrition and health. With so much focus on what, when, and how to eat, the emotional component of eating tends to get left behind. Dr. Will Cole sheds light on the relationship between your physical and emotional health, providing a framework for you to better understand the gut-brain connection and influence that connection for the better. He illustrates how stress and shame can cause gut inflammation and sabotage your health in a process called Shameflammation. On the other end, problems with the gut can often present themselves in the form of mood swings, anxiety, and food cravings. True health isn't just about what you eat, but how you feel.Shameflammation can be the reason for chronic health conditions such as autoimmune disorders, leaky gut, IBS, and other GI disorders. Thankfully, it's possible to heal the connection between the physical and mental with good food and somatic practices that support a healthy gut and brain. Dr. Cole offers holistic tools to help you reevaluate your relationship with food and your body, getting you back in touch with your gut feelings. His 21-Day Gut Feeling plan helps you bridge the gap between your emotions and your health, including: More than fifty healing recipes, such as Breakfast Fried Rice, Scallop Noodle Bowls, and Honey Grapefruit Sorbet Dietary prescriptions founded upon flexibility and awareness Mindfulness techniques to strengthen your intuition and discover your prioritiesGut Feelings approaches nutrition and wellness from a place of self-love and will help you eliminate stubborn health conditions, on your own terms.
"... featuring 100 family-friendly recipes to help you boost your metabolism, up-level your energy, and start living a happier life."--Provided by publisher.
Denne bog er skrevet for at skabe debat og lidt oplysning, om en kranienerve, som ikke mange kender til.Denne Vagusnerve styrer en stor del af kroppens funktioner, og kan komme i ubalance, og derfor skabe sygdomme.Bogen gennemgår alternative metoder til at styrke sin Vagusnerve, og hvad videnskaben og læger har fundet ud af vedrørende den Kranienerve.
Ved du, at der findes en naturlig vej ud af angst?Hvis du ønsker hjælp mod din angst, så har du fat i den rette bog. Bogen forklarer, hvordan du selv kan modvirke de ændringer i hjernen, der skaber angst. Du får en praktisk og let tilgængelig guide til de naturmidler og kosttilskud, som det er værd at kende, hvis du har angst.Flere af dem er lige så angstdæmpende som receptpligtig medicin, og du vil opdage, hvor befriende livet kan være uden nervemedicin og vanedannende stesolider.Følger du bogens anvisninger, vil du også opleve en række andre fordele såsom mindre stress, søvnløshed og depression samt en forbedring af din livskvalitet, hjernefunktioner og dit humør.Hvert kosttilskud er nævnt i sit eget kapitel, og det hele er beskrevet, så alle kan læse med. Bogen giver dig mulighed for selv at erobre kontrollen over din angst.
"The Hormone Shift breaks down what is happening behind the scenes in a woman's body throughout her life, explains how to prepare for whatever is coming next, and offers plans to keep the body in balance and minimize unwanted symptoms. Dr. Taz uses the wisdom of eastern modalities like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine and integrates modern medical treatments for specialized acute care. There's so much that women can do in the years leading up to perimenopause and menopause to prepare their bodies for the changes ahead, and make the shift smoother than they ever thought possible"--
Overcome fatigue, brain fog and anxiety, and gain energy, clarity and peace of mind with Dr Izabella Wentz, internationally acclaimed thyroid specialist and author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, Hashimoto's Protocol.What were you doing in your life before you got sick? This is a common question Dr Izabella Wentz asks her clients when trying to get to the root cause of symptoms such as low energy, sleeplessness, caffeine dependency and poor memory. More often than not, she found they developed their symptoms after a period of acute or chronic stress: starting a new business, having a baby or living through a global pandemic - these can all destroy our once-resilient stress response.Since Dr Wentz was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis at the age of twenty-seven, she has sought to help her clients eliminate symptoms of stress, fatigue and burnout, and manage problems that conventional medicine has failed to address. In Adrenal Transformation Protocol, Dr Wentz tackles adrenal dysfunction, the body's inability to produce essential hormones when it mismanages stress, and shows that by making a few small dietary and lifestyle changes, you can see profound improvement within weeks.In this simple four-week programme, Dr Wentz will help you identify your adrenal triggers, balance your stress response and build up resilience to prevent stress from overwhelming your adrenals in future.
Now in paperback, a deep dive into the underlying cellular cause of chronic fatigue, burnout, and brain fog, with a framework for restoring cognitive function, alertness, and an abundance of energy.
"With 64 delicious recipes and 8 weekly meal prep plans, this is the cookbook every bodybuilder needs! Every bodybuilder knows it can be difficult to plan weekly meals, cook every night, and also stick to your macros. Meal prep can make the task a whole lot easier, but it can also seem overwhelming if you don't know where to start. Now, two-time Ms. Figure Olympia and fitness trainer and coach Erin Stern makes it's simple, with 64 absolutely delicious recipe and 8 weekly prep plans, you'll never get bored with eating the same meals every week, and you'll also get to enjoy amazing recipes that actually taste good and help you reach your training goals. Each weekly prep plan includes eight recipes along with detailed prep plans that help you prepare meals for the upcoming week that will keep you satisfied and on track. Here's what's inside: 8 weekly step-by-step prep plans with detailed shopping lists. Each plan targets a unique training goal, whether you're looking to build muscle, lean down, or just maintain. 64 delicious recipes for breakfasts, sides, salads, entrees, snacks, and even desserts. Helpful tips for sticking to your plans, shopping smart, and modifying the plans to meet your personal goals."--
"Using revolutionary teachings to help rewire your subconscious mind and bring balance to your energy, this book helps you finally be free of the stress, doubts, and low energy that block your joy and quality of life"--
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