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Hverdagens sædvanlige problemstillinger kan byde på frustrationer, og det kan være svært at finde tid til sig selv. Går du og har ønsker om at ændre dine vaner? Træning og programmer dertil finder du her! Der kan være mange måder at træne på, både dig selv, eller f.eks. dit barn.
Det er vigtigt at finde ro og plads til dig selv, men hvis det er det nyfødte barn, det handler om, så har vi naturligvis også bøger, der kan instruere dig i det. Derudover hvis du gerne vil vide mere om, hvordan du kan spise dig sund og i form, så har vi specifikke bøger omkring emnet. Det er et bredt udvalg af segmenter indenfor styrketræning, løbetræning eller måske er det yoga, du mangler. Træning er en essentiel faktor i udviklingen af dig selv, som handler om, hvad du har brug for lige nu.
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  • af Sahil Munjal
    123,95 kr.

  • - Øvelser og variationer
    af Marina Aagaard
    288,95 kr.

    Bestseller håndbog med mere end 550 øvelser, over 1000 fotos, med kropsvægt og redskaber, fx håndvægte, vægtstænger, træningstubes, elastikker og store bolde.Med: Kommentarer, progressioner, tips og variationer. Gennemillustreret. 4. udgave indeholder flere nye forslag til øvelsesvariationer.Styrkeøvelser fra begynder til elite niveau til alle former for træning i fitness, idræt, holdtræning og hjemmetræning. Mange unikke øvelsestips og fakta.Til: Holdinstruktører, fitness instruktører, gymnastik instruktører, personlig trænere, fysiske trænere på alle niveauer, fysioterapeuter, idrætsundervisere og idrætsstuderende.

  • - The Buddhist Path of Kindness
    af Sylvia Boorstein
    198,95 kr.

    According to the Buddha, the path of kindness is the path of happiness. Now Sylvia Boorstein, nationally bestselling author of It's Easier Than You Think, has taken the 2500-year-old practice of developing the qualities of a compassionate heart—the core of the Buddha's own practice—and made it accessible to all. Pay Attention for Goodness' Sake is the first book ever to guide Western readers on the path of the Buddha's Ten Paramitas, the Perfections of the Heart. Boorstein combines traditional Buddhist teachings and parables with stories from her own life, as well as easy-to-follow meditations, to show how the practice of Mindfulness—paying attention in everyday life—can lead to these perfections that all of us strive for, including Generosity, Morality, Wisdom, Energy, Patience, Determination, and Equanimity.When we take on this practice, Boorstein notes, "our vision becomes transformed. We see, with increasing clarity, the confusion in our own minds and the suffering in our own hearts. . . . And we also see the extraordinariness of life, how amazing it is that life exists.” Boorstein's lively and practical lessons about everyday generosity, morality, making and mending mistakes, the bliss of blamelessness, and other human concerns and frailties, help to clarify our distractions and connect us with our own goodness, "the part of ourselves that wishes it had done differently.” For Buddhist and non-Buddhist alike, Pay Attention for Goodness' Sake is a cheerful, inspiring book that offers the possibility of a transformed life.

  • - Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan
    263,95 kr.

  • af Frances Punter
    113,95 kr.

  • af Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming
    183,95 - 373,95 kr.

  • - Rejs dig med yoga, chakraer og energilinjer
    af Kristine Skytte Glue
    168,95 - 193,95 kr.

    Yoga kan give os styrke til at overleve i et effektivt og patriarkalsk domineret samfund, hvor perfektion og ambition er det højeste mål. Men hvad hvis yoga oprindeligt var bevægelser skabt af kvinder?Stå stærkt, vilde kvinde lærer os at se yoga som kvindefrigørelse. Den hjælper os til at stå frem som kvinder med stolthed over vores cyklus, vores særlige evner og egenskaber, i stedet for at pakke det væk og prøve at passe ind.Du får dynamiske yogaprogrammer, yin-programmer, meditation i bevægelse samt mantrasang. Hvis vi kun bevæger os blidt, kan vi ikke bære børnene, hugge brænde og grave i jorden – men hvis vi kun bevæger os kraftfuldt, brænder vi ud. Lad os stå frem med den fulde balance, med hårdt og blidt, nænsomt og klogt, så vi kan finde kreativitet, mod, omsorg, styrke og hvile.Bogen undersøger sammenfald mellem chakraerne som energicentre og meridianbaner som energilinjer i kroppen. Den giver en samlet forståelse, der inddrager den kvindelige krop og psyke og de forskellige faser, en kvinde bevæger sig igennem i løbet af en måned og gennem et helt liv.Om forfatterKristine Skytte Glue er cand.mag. i Moderne Kultur og Kulturformidling, har boet i Frankrig og i Syrien og har i mange år arbejdet med flygtninge og integration og desuden med demokratiudvikling i Jordan og Tunesien. I 2014 flyttede hun til Ærø, hvor hun driver en yogaskole, Ø-yoga, skriver, bader i havet året rundt, dyrker jorden og passer de mange menneskelige relationer i lokalsamfundet.E-bogen er lavet i fixed format

  • af Shawn Wells
    257,95 kr.

  • - Safe Yoga for People with Osteoporosis
    af Margaret Martin
    158,95 kr.

    Yoga for Better Bones shows you how to practice Yoga safely if you have osteoporosis or low bone density. This Second Edition of Yoga for Better Bones is a practical step by step guide written by Margaret Martin, PT, CSCS - a Certified Yoga Teacher and a Physical Therapist with over 30 years helping clients achieve their health goals. Richly illustrated with clear photo images demonstrating modifications to popular Yoga poses. Detailed and clear explanations of why you need to modify your Yoga practice if you have low bone density or osteoporosis. Ideal for individual Yoga practitioners and Yoga teachers. This book shows you how to practice Yoga with confidence and reduce your risk of fracture from osteoporosis.

  • - Second Edition
    af MJ Cullinane
    353,95 kr.

  • af Freddy Silva
    285,95 kr.

  • - Bodyweight Exercises for Strength, Resilience and Injury Prevention
    af Ross Clifford
    126,95 kr.

    Build Your Own Bulletproof Body offers a challenging, stimulating and accessible program of bodyweight exercises to help you overcome those niggling sports or musculo-skeletal injuries - from tennis elbow to low back pain to Achilles tendinitis.

  • af Ryuho Okawa
    128,95 kr.

  • af Douglas Vermeeren
    180,95 kr.

  • - 7 Hidden Principles to Master the Energy of Thoughts and Emotions - How to Raise Your Vibration Instantly and Shift to the Frequency of Your Desires
    af Ryuu Shinohara
    223,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af Abigail James
    146,95 kr.

    The ultimate skincare handbook, offering a holistic toolkit for inner wellbeing and outer radiance, by the international facialist and skincare expert Abigail James.

  • - The self-massage essentials
    af Massoguide
    263,95 kr.

  • - The 7 Central Practices to Awaken Heart and Mind
    af Roger Walsh
    233,95 kr.

  • - How to See Through your Sorrow
    af Susan Holliday
    96,95 kr.

    Hidden Wonders of the Human Heart is an intimate guide to ways of seeing which help us reveal what is stirring in our hearts. It unveils a source of hidden wisdom in each of us, a vital realm alive with the possibility of new beginnings.

  • af Jody Moore
    163,95 - 263,95 kr.

  • af Neville Goddard
    113,95 kr.

    One of Neville's Most Transformative Works With a Major Biography and TimelineWritten in 1944, Feeling Is the Secret resounds with the full power of Neville Goddard's mystical vision. With total persuasiveness, Neville-writing at the peak of his abilities-demonstrates how the world without reflects your world within. What's more, the mystical visionary explains exactly how to use his system of mental creativity through the methods of prayer, sleep, and assumption. Feeling Is the Secret is one of the most revolutionary works of practical spirituality ever written. It promises a turning point in your life. In this beautifully designed "e;deluxe edition"e; you benefit not only from Neville's radical statement, but also from a comprehensive and enthralling analysis and biography of Neville, "e;Chariot of Fire,"e; by spiritual thinker Mitch Horowitz, who is considered the most powerful interpreter of Neville's ideas today. Mitch's comprehensive essay is a spiritual and historical journey in itself. This edition is rounded out with Mitch's timeline of Neville's life. Here is a resource book that you will turn to again and again. NEVILLE GODDARD (1905-1972) was one of the most remarkable mystical thinkers of the past century. In more than ten books and thousands of lectures, Neville expanded on one core principle: the human imagination is God. He was a compelling presence at metaphysical churches, spiritual centers and auditoriums. Neville was not widely known during his lifetime, but today his books and lectures have attained new popularity. His principles have influenced several major spiritual writers, including Carlos Castaneda and Joseph Murphy.

  • af Robert Rosenthal
    208,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • - Transforming the Self to Embrace Miracles
    af Robert Rosenthal
    208,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • - The Prosperity Classics: How to Attract Money; Riches Are Your Right; Believe in Yourself
    af Dr. Joseph Murphy
    168,95 kr.

    Dr. Joseph Murphy was a proponent of the New Thought movement. Developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by philosophers and deep thinkers, who by combining a metaphysical, spiritual, and pragmatic approach to the way we think and live, uncovered the secret of attaining what we truly desire. Now you can learn how to change your negative thoughts into positive ones with this three-book set of Murphy's wisdom and use your mind to channel a spiritual rebirth.How to Attract Money is Murphy's most powerful program for using the visualizing faculties of thought to attain the life you want. Riches Are Your Right contains powerful affirmations for health, wealth, relationships, and self-expression. In Believe in Yourself Murphy shows how you can use the power of believing in yourself to achieve your dreams. As you read these powerful works, remember, it is your right to be rich. You will learn: Why relaxation and meditation can bring you wealth. How to make friends with money. Affirmations to bring you closer to your goals. How thoughts can build your financial health or deplete it. How to grow spiritually, mentally and materially. How your mind is a channel of the Higher Mind of the universe. Why encouraging others helps YOU. How believing in yourself is so important. Examples of what you can achieve through imaginative intelligenceThere is no virtue in poverty. It is okay to desire all the money you need to lead a full, happy, prosperous life and surround yourself with beauty and luxury. Murphy has a gift for expressing great truths clearly and this book will change your life.

  • - FROM SELF-REJECTION TO SOUL CONNECTION One woman's journey of spirituality and self-discovery to gain clarity, confidence and awaken your soul.
    af Niki Kinsella
    289,95 kr.

  • - The Art of Being a Woman
    af Sat Purkh Kaur Khalsa
    198,95 kr.

  • af Carolyn Boyes
    88,95 - 126,95 kr.

  • af Bramblehill Designs
    103,95 kr.

  • af Bob Anderson
    158,95 kr.

    Stretching is the most popular fitness book in the world, having sold over 3¿ million copies in 40 years. It has been translated into 24 languages. In this new edition there are stretches for improving the bad posture attributable to cell phone usage ("tech neck¿), and for people using computers.This is the book that people tell their friends about, that trainers suggest for virtually every sport and activity, and that medical professionals recommend to people just starting to get back in shape. Stretching first appeared in 1980 as a new generation of Americans became committed to running, cycling, aerobic training, and workouts in the gym ¿ all of which are commonplace now. It features stretching routines specific to a variety of people, including sports enthusiasts, travelers, children, gardeners, and people in wheelchairs. There is a new section titled ¿Stretches for the Digital World,¿ with stretches for people using cell phones and/or computers, as well as tips for better posture and stretches to do in an office environment.

Træning af kroppen og sindet

Tænk på træning som en gave til dig selv, på længere sigt, vil du få både kontrol over din krop og kost og hvilken bedre gave er der end et længere liv? Det er trods alt videnskabeligt bevist, at et fokus på det fysiske helbred, kan være lige så vigtigt som det mentale. Det er faktorer som overlapper hinanden, og det ene fungerer ikke uden det andet. Krop og sind er ét. 

Men her har vi fokus på den fysiske træning, og det indebærer hvad du gør det til. Yoga er en glimrende metode til både, at strække sig og finde ro. Det er vigtigt at vi holder øje med hvad vores krop mangler, og for at lytte mere til den er træningsbøger det perfekte redskab. Bøgerne kan indeholde flere års visdom, fra mennesker som har været gennem processen fra start til slut, og ved hvordan den burde foregå. Træning er en fantastisk oplevelse, det bringer os tættere som menneske, og giver os mere styrke til at komme igennem hverdagen. 

Forstå din anatomi

Ønsker du at blive stærkere eller få en mere æstetisk krop, er der nok viden her til, at give dig den perfekte start. Research viser også at vi udløser dopamin under træning, det er det stof som, giver dig glæde. Træning i hverdagen kan dog ikke altid være nemt, at flette ind, tidsmæssigt kan det være bøvlet, og der må du derfor finde dig en god kalender, som kan give dig et overblik. 

Kroppens anatomi er en god grundviden, at danne sig, inden du begynder på din træning. Om det er cykeltræning, styrketræning eller udelukkende vægttab du fokusere på, er anatomien altafgørende for hvordan din krop, tager imod de forskellige øvelser. Det er forskelligt hvad vi som mennesker har brug for, og det kan betyde at øvelser med brede udsving i armene, kan være skadelige for dig og sunde for andre. 

Det samme går for kosten, det er den største del af din træning, her skal du være opmærksom på det din krop har brug for.

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