Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025


Et billede kan forevige et øjeblik, og det er hensigten med at tage billeder. Oftest finder vi de smukkeste landskaber og tager fotos af det, som vi nu om dage lægger op på de sociale medier. Hvis du kunne tænke dig at blive bedre til at tage billeder, så har vi unikke bøger, som omhandler vinklerne af fotoet og lyset samt meget mere. Der er meget viden, som kræves, når det omhandler gode billeder, og der er meget som spiller en rolle i det perfekte billede. Bøgerne indeholder gode vejledninger og råd til, hvordan du kan opsætte kameraet og tage det perfekte billede! Bliv inspireret af vores foto bøger nedenfor og overrask dine venner og familie med det næste billede du tager.
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  • - Discovering London's Beautiful Places
    af Siobhan Ferguson
    269,95 kr.

    Title: prettycitylondon, Author: Siobhan Ferguson, Publication Year: 2018-04-16, Publisher: The History Press Ltd, Language: eng

  • af Phillip Prodger
    294,95 kr.

    William Eggleston's photographs are special for their eccentric, unexpected compositions, playfulness, implied narrative and, above all, his portrayals of people. This title accompanies the first exhibition to explore Eggleston's pictures of people. It includes works that span his career from the 1950s onwards.

  • - The Decisive Moment
    af Henri Cartier-Bresson
    1.006,95 kr.

  • af Czeslaw Milosz & Robert Delpire
    493,95 kr.

    Available again with 10 new images by master of photography Josef Koudelka, this remains one of the most powerful documents of the spiritual and physical state of exile ever published.

  • - The Image of the Savage
    af Charles Freger
    274,95 kr.

    The transformation of man to beast is a central aspect of traditional pagan rituals that are centuries old and which celebrate the seasonal cycle, fertility, life and death.

  • - The Director's Vision
    af Christopher Kenworthy
    257,95 kr.

    Reveals the secrets of the best filmmaking techniques.

  • - The Art of Rope Bondage
    af Nawashi Murakawa
    225,95 kr.

    Kinbaku is the Japanese word for rope bondage: In the west it is often referred to as Shibari. Although it originated in Japan as a means of restraint and torture, during the last hundred years it has also been used as an activity which gives emotional, physical, and visual pleasure for the participants. Nawashi Murakawa, the Artistic Director of the annual London festival of the Art of Japanese Rope Bondage provides the historical context for the practice which goes back 12000 years. He also explains how Kinbaku has developed as a dramatic art form which is performed in front of audiences in many countries. This series of ten chapters demonstrates how the art of rope bondage has developed in the UK, Russia, Canada and the USA as well as presenting a modern day live performance in Tokyo. The final section shows more traditional Japanese techniques. Chapters with Japanese contributors provide the text in Japanese as well as in English. The stunning and surprising photographs reveal the beauty and daring of the models, and their written accounts together with those of the photographers and rope experts give an insight into the lifestyle of those who practice this particular fetish.

  • af Ansel Adams
    367,95 - 394,95 kr.

    An unprecedented showcase of four hundred essential photographs taken by Ansel Adams, documenting his growth as an artist from 1916 to 1968.

  • af Conde Nast
    593,95 kr.

    A celebration of the pivotal role the fashion editor has played in shaping America's sense of style since "Vogue"'s launch 120 years ago. Drawing on American Vogue's exceptional archive, this book focuses on the work of eight of the magazine's legendary fashion editors.

  • af Greg Marinovich & João Silva
    125,95 kr.

  • af Hans Edvard Nørregård-Nielsen & KIRSTEN KLEIN
    164,95 kr.

    Himmerland gør sig gældende ved sin natur – kør engang en tur på vejen langs Lovns Bredning! – og er kendt fra både historien og kunstens og litteraturens verden: Her blev oldtidsminderne Skarpsallingkarret og Gundestrupkarret fundet i 1891, her boltrede Skipper Clement sig og brændte og hærgede, her er cisterciensernes Vitskøl Kloster og færgen mellem Sundsøre og Hvalpsund, her er Aggersund og herregårde som Lynderupgaard og Hessel, her er Foulum, hvor Martin A. Hansen gik rundt i sit alt for store tøj, her er Frejlev Kirke med Per Kirkebys glasmosaikker og skulptur på kirkegården, og her er Farsø og Johannes V. Jensen og  himmerlandshistorier.

  • af Kurt Rodahl Hoppe & Marianne Wirenfeldt Asmussen
    347,95 kr.

    Forfattere skriver ofte deres ord på udvalgte steder. De fleste skriver mange vilkårlige steder, de færreste arbejder livet igennem på det samme sted. Skrivesteder, kunne man kalde dem. Karen Blixen er én blandt meget få forfattere, der har to geografiske lokaliteter uløseligt knyttet til sit navn: Kenya og Danmark. Begge steder er livgivende kilder til hendes værk. Begge steder har sat sine spor direkte og indirekte i bøgerne, men stort set hele hendes litterære værk blev til i arbejdsværelset på Rungstedlund. Det blev hendes sted – Skrivestedet.Bogens forfatter Marianne Wirenfeldt Asmussen har sammen med fotograf Kurt Rodahl Hoppe opsøgt alle stederne, alle detaljerne i Karen Blixens huse i Kenya og Danmark, og søger således at afdække og aftvinge stederne deres betydning, egenart og skønhed. Af og til er de nye farvebilleder bragt i dialog med gamle sort-hvide fotografier fra dengang, Blixen var der, eller de er enkelte steder ledsaget af citater fra forfatterskabet.Skriftdesigner Trine Rask har specialdesignet skriften Karen til denne udgivelse efter studier af Karen Blixens håndskrift. Den benyttes til bogens store citater fra Blixens forfatterskab.Marianne Wirenfeldt Asmussen (f. 1945) er kunsthistoriker og forfatter, grundlægger og tidl. leder af Karen Blixen Museet på Rungstedlund.Kurt Rodahl Hoppe (f. 1961) er fotograf. Har illustreret en lang række bøger om arkitektur og kulturhistorie. I 2017 udgav han fotobogen Bogsteder.

  • - Din guide til større oplevelser og bedre billeder på safari
    af Jakob Wandel
    96,94 kr.

    Safari i Afrika er en oplevelse, mange kun får én gang i livet. Det er derfor vigtigt, at oplevelsen bliver så god som overhovedet muligt. Safarihåndbogen giver dig de informationer, du har brug for, når rejsen skal planlægges. Den hjælper dig igennem alle de overvejelser, du bør gøre dig, inden du tager afsted. Er en pakkerejse en god løsning for dig? Hvornår skal du tage afsted? Hvilke områder skal du besøge? Hvad med børn og ældre? Hvordan undgår du ubehagelige overraskelser undervejs? Spørgsmålene er mange og Safarihåndbogen giver dig svarene. Samtidig forsyner den dig med et væld af uundværlige praktiske oplysninger om det at tage på safari.Målet med Safarihåndbogen er at gøre din safari 50 % bedre, end hvis du planlagde rejsen uden at læse den.Safarihåndbogen er desuden den første bog på dansk, der detaljeret beskriver, hvordan du, som naturfotograf, får det optimale ud af opholdet i den fantastiske afrikanske natur. Ikke alle safarirejsende er ambitiøse naturfotografer. Bogen giver derfor også en lang række tips til, hvordan du får de bedste billeder med hjem med et helt almindeligt kamera. Den danske naturfotograf Jakob Wandel har rejst og fotograferet vilde dyr i store dele af verden og han har flere gange været på safari i Afrika. I Safarihåndbogen giver han sine erfaringer videre, med det ønske at din safari bliver en oplevelse for livet.Rigtig god rejse!

  • af Alex Webb
    394,95 kr.

    A contemporary reimagining of Alex Webb¿s long out-of-print, limited edition book Dislocations. Recognised as a pioneer of colour photography, Alex Webb is able to juxtapose gesture, colour and contrasting cultural tensions into a single beguiling frame, resulting in evocative images that elevate fractured and multilayered meanings. His book Dislocations, first published in 1998 as a limited edition accordion book with Canon Laser prints (then considered state of the art), brings together pictures from the many disparate locations over Webb¿s oeuvre, meditating on the act of photography as a form of dislocation in itself. Spurred by the pandemic, and its world of closed borders and disrupted travel, Webb reconsidered the impossibility of creating this series of images: the result is this reimagined edition of Dislocations, which includes new photographs taken in the twenty-five years since the original. This characteristically exquisite book brings a fresh perspective to Webb¿s expansive catalogue, and speaks to the palpable sense of dislocation in our time.

  • af Brigitte Lardinois
    1.438,95 kr.

    Magnum Magnum showcases the best of Magnum members, celebrating the vision, imagination, and brilliance of both the acknowledged greats of photography in the twentieth century and the modern masters and rising stars of our time.

  • af Rico Pfirstinger
    294,95 kr.

    Learn all you need to master your Fuji X-T5 camera!

  • af Angelika Taschen, Barbara Stoeltie & Rene Stoeltie
    272,95 kr.

  • af Kristof Ramon
    412,95 kr.

    What does it take to become a road racing legend and compete in the toughest sport in the world? Get closer to the action and go behind the scenes with the teams and riders at all the major tours and classics through the lens of world-class pro-cycling photographer, Kristof Ramon. The ideal gift for road racing fanatics.

    393,95 kr.

    Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch Format: 23,5 x 30 cm , 256 Seiten Einzigartig: Das Standardwerk zur minimalistischen Fotografie! Zeitgemäß und populär: Internationale Newcomer und etablierte minimalistische Fotokünstler Fotoobjekte reduziert auf das Wesentliche als Gegenentwurf zum Chaos in der Welt Für Anhänger des Minimalismustrends und alle, die dem Auge in unserer überladenen Welt eine Pause gönnen möchten Wir leben in turbulenten Zeiten - was bei vielen Menschen die Sehnsucht nach der Reduktion aufs Wesentliche weckt. Der Trend zum Minimalismus spiegelt sich in den Bereichen Wohnen, Umweltbewusstsein und Achtsamkeit wider, aber auch in Kunst und Fotografie. Das Auge des minimalistischen Fotografen lenkt den Blick auf die Ästhetik des Gewöhnlichen und wandelt sie um in etwas Außergewöhnliches, Inspirierendes. Die Fotografien verwenden dabei stets klare Linien, oftmals in geometrischen Kompositionen. Minimalistische Künstler wie Maria Svarbova, Maarten Rots, Matthieu Venot oder Natalie Christensen schöpfen ihre Motive aus dem Alltag. Mal sind es schematische Beschreibungen der Topographie, mal rein flächige, abstrakte Kompositionen. Mal sind sie detailliert, mal weiträumig. Stets geht es darum, zu reduzieren. Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch

    313,95 kr.

    This commemorative portfolio displays all the 100 pictures awarded in the 2022 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition, together with the stories of what they reveal and how they were created. Representing the work of photographers worldwide, they illustrate both the beauty and drama of the natural world and our conflicted relationship with it. Chosen by an international panel of judges from around 50,000 entries, the images are the work of photographers from dozens of countries and represent a worldwide range of styles and ways of seeing nature. You will find a rich variety of subjects, from wild regions, remarkable behaviour and portraits of creatures you may never have seen before, to reportage of vitally important ethical and environmental issues. Adding depth are the background stories - not just about how the pictures were made and the equipment used but also information about the subjects and why the photographers chose them.

  • af Roxana Marcoci
    443,95 kr.

  • af Julie Adair (Indianapolis King
    244,95 kr.

    Say cheese! Explore this beginner-friendly guide to digital photography with the Nikon Z fc cameraWith a design that looks like an old-school film camera, the Nikon Z fc makes photographers want to grab this very-modern model off the shelf and start taking photos. But if you really want to set your pictures apart from the average snapshot, you need Nikon Z fc For Dummies.This book takes you on a comprehensive and user-friendly tour of the Nikon Z fc camera, its settings, and all of its automatic and manual options. You'll learn how to control exposure, take advantage of advanced focusing options, fix color problems, and get the best image quality.You'll also get:* Accessible instruction on tried and tested photography techniques* Instruction on how to adjust color and exposure settings* Strategies for when to use your camera's auto options to when to take full control of settingsIdeal for anyone who wants to get the most out of their Nikon Z fc camera, Nikon Z fc For Dummies covers the photography basics you need to understand to take fantastic pictures along with how to apply those techniques to the Nikon Z fc.

  • af Sebastian Strange Nielsen
    157,95 - 198,94 kr.

    Alle kender arbejdstitlen, men få ser sygeplejerskernes verden med fagpersonens øjne. Det er svært at beskrive, hvordan arbejdet er, fordi sygeplejen er vidt forskellig, alt efter i hvilken sektor og afdeling man er ansat. Arbejdet og ansvaret kan i første øjekast se ens ud inden for regionerne og kommunerne hver især, men det er langtfra tilfældet. Lige så snart man kommer inden for sundhedssystemets verden, åbner den sig op. Lag for lag vil nuancerne afsløre sig inden for hvert speciale, afdeling og område. Gennem sort/hvid analog fotografering, leverer Sebastian Strange Nielsen en mulighed for at se, hvor forskellig og unik sygeplejen er fra sted til sted. Han introducerer hvert kapitel i tekst, men lader hovedsageligt sine fotografier stå alene. Sebastian er selv sygeplejerske, og selvom hans værk ikke skal være en faglig fortælling, giver han alligevel indblik i den verden, som de uindviede ikke ser. Om forfatteren Siden 2016 har Sebastian Strange Nielsen arbejdet som sygeplejerske på Odense Universitetshospital, og i 2021 afsluttede han specialuddannelsen til anæstesisygeplejerske. Han blev født i 1992 og har selv lært sig analog fotografering, inden han begyndte på den rejse, som har ledt til den bog, du holder i hånden nu.

  • af Dian Hanson
    162,95 kr.

    The female butt, tush, culo, or derriere has always inspired awe, fantasy, and slavish devotion, and now TASCHEN offers a more portable, affordable alter to this beloved body part with The Little Big Butt Book. Enjoy over 400 photos from 1900 to the present day.

  • - Portraits of Childhood
    af Steve McCurry
    394,95 kr.

  • - The Advanced Selfie and Self-Portrait Handbook
    af Sorelle Amore
    125,95 kr.

    Selfies are now arguably the world's most popular form of self-expression

  • - The Day May Break
    af Nick Brandt
    512,95 kr.

    The Day May Break, photographed in Zimbabwe and Kenya in late 2020, is the first part of a global series portraying people and animals that have been impacted by environmental degradation and destruction. The people in the photos were all affected by climate change, displaced by cyclones and years-long droughts. Photographed at five sanctuaries, the animals were rescues that can never be re-wilded. As a result, it was safe for human strangers to be close to them, photographed so close to them, within the same frame. The fog on location is the unifying visual, as we increasingly find ourselves in a kind of limbo, a once-recognizable world now fading from view. However, in spite of their loss, these people and animals are the survivors. And therein lies possibility and hope.NICK BRANDT (*1964) studied film and painting at St. Martin's in London. He turned to photography in 2001 with his trilogy On This Earth, A Shadow Falls, Across the Ravage Land. His more recent bodies of work / books are Inherit the Dust (2016) and This Empty World (2019). He lives in California.

  • - Master the Art of Food Photography with 52 Bite-Sized Tutorials
    af Joanie Simon
    165,95 kr.

    Shoot Stunning, Professional Food Photography that Looks Good Enough to Eat!Snapping unbelievably gorgeous food photos has never been simpler than with Picture Perfect Food, your all-in-one guide to delicious-looking images from prolific photographer and educator, Joanie Simon. Whether you're an up-and-coming food blogger, looking to break into commercial photography or capturing food just for fun (and your Instagram account), this approachable collection of tutorials will have you taking tantalizing and tasty shots with every snap of the shutter. No matter if you're using your phone, your fanciest DSLR or any camera in between, you'll gain complete confidence as you expand your technical knowledge and grow your artistic eye, creating awe-inspiring images that dazzle the senses.With her cheerful teaching style, Joanie walks you through each element of a masterful food photo in chapters devoted to Camera Settings, Light and Shadow, Story, Props Styling, Composition, Food Styling and Finding Inspiration. Learn how to find the best light in your house for standout shots and to delve into the shadows to create a moody and mesmerizing atmosphere; discover how to compose the elements in your scenes through color theory and visual weight for unforgettable images that capture and hold the eye; and uncover the secrets of styling sensational salads and stunning soups and keeping your cool when shooting frozen foods, among other essential tricks of the trade.With camera in hand and Joanie's expert guidance at your fingertips, tackle every photography challenge with confidence and take your food photos from meh to mouthwatering in no time.

  • af David Busch
    324,95 kr.

    David Busch's Nikon Z7 II/Z6 II Guide to Digital Photography is your all-in-one comprehensive resource and reference for Nikon‿s next-generation Z7 II and Z6 II mirrorless cameras. The company has upgraded these compact cameras with the features most requested by enthusiasts, including two memory card slots, advanced autofocus features, and performance-enhancing dual EXPEED 6 processors. Serious photographers can select the high-resolution 45.7 megapixel Z7 II, or opt for the higher continuous shooting rates and stellar low-light versatility of the 24 megapixel Z6 II. Both cameras offer incredible image quality, especially when coupled with a burgeoning line of ultra-sharp S-series, Z-mount lenses. The affordable FTZ adapter allows you to use more than 300 different lenses in Nikon‿s F-mount lineup, too. Five-axis in-body image stabilization provides up to five stops of anti-shake performance so you can hand-hold the camera at slower shutter speeds. An improved autofocus system with human and animal eye/face detection offers lightning fast focus for stills and both 4K and Full HD movie-shooting. With this book in hand, you‿ll master all these impressive features, and fine tune your camera skills as develop your creativity taking great photographs with your new Z7 II or Z6 II. Filled with detailed how-to steps and full-color illustrations, David Busch's Nikon Z7 II/Z6 II Guide to Digital Photography covers the cameras‿ capabilities in depth, from taking your first photos through advanced details of setup, exposure, lens selection, lighting, and more, and relates each feature to specific photographic techniques and situations. Also included is the handy visual guide to the Z7 II and Z6 II, with close-up photos and descriptions of the camera's essential features and controls. Learn when to use each option and, more importantly, when not to use them, by following the author‿s recommended settings for every menu entry. With best-selling photographer and mentor David Busch as your guide, you'll quickly have full creative mastery of your camera‿s capabilities, whether you're shooting on the job, as an advanced enthusiast, or are just out for fun. Start building your knowledge and confidence, while bringing your vision to light with the Nikon Z7 II or Z6 II today.

  • - Creating Photographs
    af Albert Watson
    145,95 kr.

Billeder gennem tiderne

Portrætter og malerier var begyndelsen på det hele. I starten var det penslen og blyanten som styrede denne verden og er stadig en del af kunst i dag. Det er en udødelig færdighed og malerier kan koste op til flere tusinde af kroner. Dog med de digitale værktøjer vi har fået idag har vi mange flere muligheder, i dag kan en iphone eller android telefon tage et billede som er magen til et kamera som er flere tusinde kroner værd. Bøgerne hos tales indeholder et udvalg med et dybt kig ind i forvandlingen af billeder gennem tiderne. 


Nu om dage består det af ‘selfies’ og lægge disse op på instagram eller lignende. i gamle dage var det malerier, noget som stadig gøres idag men er mere sjældent. Hvis du vil lærer mere om de gode vinkler som benyttes i selfies nu om dage, har vi bøger som specifikt kigger på dette.

Mode fotografier

Tøj, huse og fede biler. Det er oftest det vi ser i mode, og her har vi samlet en række af bøger som kigger på mode universet. Det handler meget om hvordan det foregår og hvilke krav der er til disse slags billeder. Oftest handler det om farven, baggrunden og modellen. Der er meget balance som skal irettesættes når vi tager billeder som skal være gode. Find vejledninger til det ved hjælp af bøgerne her hos tales!

Historie billeder

Billeder kan sige mere end tusinde ord. Det er utroligt hvor meget et billede kan give os, et helt statisk, stillestående illustration af et område, dyr eller person. Der er meget vi kan forstå bare ved at kigge på billeder. Det er også derfor de benyttes på artikler, det giver hurtigt læseren en forståelse for hvad det handler om. Udover det kan billeder af historiemæssige øjeblikke være med til, at kaste lys på hvad der egentlig skete. 

Kunsten bag det perfekte billede

Hvis du vil lærer kunsten i at tage det perfekte billede, så er bøgerne her en rigtig god start. Der er massere af inspiration at hente fra dem, og de giver gode råd til hvordan, du kan opnå perfektion. Få inspiration til dit næste billede til instagram her.

Gør som tusindvis af andre bogelskere

Tilmeld dig nyhedsbrevet og få gode tilbud og inspiration til din næste læsning.