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Komponister og sangskrivere

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  • - Rossini og hans operaer
    af Thomas Milholt
    227,95 - 337,95 kr.

    Allerede som dreng var Gioachino Rossini (1792-1868) et enestående musikalsk talent. Han opnåede at blive verdens førende komponist i en stærkt konkurrencebetonet operaverden og blev for en tid opfattet som kunstens Napoleon. Senere bevirkede en skiftende smag, at publikum mistede interessen for hans operaer. For at beskytte sig mod ydmygelsen gemte Rossini sig bag en maske, der viste ham som et jovialt, dovent og overfladisk geni. Det var denne maske, eftertiden fejlagtigt troede var den rigtige Rossini.Manden bag masken gør op med myter og fordomme og skildrer den italienske mesters liv og karriere under Napoleons besættelse af Italien og i årene i Napoli og Paris efter den franske kejsers fald. Biografien gennemgår alle Rossinis 39 operaer kronologisk og inddrager den tids anmeldelser og mere end 3.500 breve og dokumenter. Centralt i denne samling er flere hundrede nyfundne breve, som Rossini skrev til sine forældre.Thomas Milholt beskriver, hvordan det blev afgørende for Rossinis omdømme, at kunstner og værk blev set i en politisk og kulturhistorisk sammenhæng. Det påvirkede udformningen af hans operaer og fik indflydelse på samtidens og eftertidens vurdering af værkerne og mennesket bag dem.

  • - The Love Story of One Band and the Whole World
    af Rob Sheffield
    165,95 - 264,95 kr.

  • af Torben Kragsbjerg
    157,95 - 422,95 kr.

    If you want a closer look into what happened with Miles Davis' music in the 1980's, this is the book for you. 10 years ago I planned an updated Danish version of my dissertation "That's Right" from 1991. The project stranded because of financial shortcomings. Things have changed, and this book is a result of that. The dissertation looks at the music Miles Davis recorded in the 1980's. The historic context is described. Miles Davis as an improviser is described and analysed. Focus is on "Blues", "Spanish modes", "Pop" and "Modern composition". The esthetic guidelines he used are stated. When you go to page one you are back in time in the year of 1991. A few more recent comments and explanations have been included.

  • - Kantor - Kapelmester - Organist - og hans samtid
    af Kjeld Gross & Katja Gross
    144,95 kr.

    Fra 1880'erne frem til 1934 var H.C. Kapel Slagelses uofficielle Stadskomponist. Han nåede at komponere minimum 99 værker i denne periode.Læs om hans opvækst, uddannelse og livet som komponist i Slagelse.

  • - Musik og kristendom
    af Jørgen I. Jensen
    253,95 kr.

    ‘Ansigtet – musik og kristendom’ markerer Jørgen I. Jensens mangeårige virke som inspirerende kirke- og kulturhistoriker, teolog og musikskribent samt forfatter til et stort, originalt teologisk tværfagligt forfatterskab. Bogens 25 artikler og essays – tre nye – bevæger sig frit i krydsfeltet mellem kultur, historie, teologi, kirke og kunst – med treklangen teologi – kultur – musik som den røde tråd. Ånds- og kulturhistorie generøst formidlet med lærdom, musisk gehør, intellektuelt overskud og historisk overblik. Der findes næppe en mere vidende polyhistor i Danmark end Jørgen I. Jensen. Med udgangspunkt i sit fag, teologien, hvis mange discipliner han har stort indblik i, har hans nysgerrighed og forskerevne ført ham ind i et stort antal fagområder. Som højagtet kender af musikken, dens historie og krævende specialviden, har han udviklet en omfattende kulturanalyse. Munter fortælleglæde og en udbredt foredragsvirksomhed har i årtier været hans særpræg. Det er indlysende at opsamle bredden i dette forfatterskab i en bredspektret antologi. Jeg ved knapt nok, hvad jeg kunne anbefale varmere.Erik A. Nielsen, prof. emer., dr. fil. og dr. theol.

  • af Eva Hvidt
    180,95 kr.

    Som komponist og dirigent banede Ebbe Hamerik en tydelig vej ind i 1900-tallets modernisme, der gjorde stort indtryk på samtiden. Med sine musikdramatiske værker søgte han energisk at forny den krævende genre, bl.a. med operaen Marie Grubbe og et musikdrama over Karen Blixens fortælling Drømmerne. Med sine ”cantus firmus”-symfonier udviklede han en række originale og anvendelige orkesterværker i tiden efter Carl Nielsen. Ebbe Hamerik var en modig og alvorlig kunstner, der turde gå sine egne veje. Han var en særegen personlighed, der satte ekstremt høje krav til sig selv. Som frygtløs idealist meldte han sig som frivillig soldat i Den Finske Vinterkrig 1939/40 i kampen mod Sovjetunionen. Som passioneret sejlsportsmand krydsede han flere gange tværs over Nordsøen til Skotland og tilbage igen, ene mand i sin sejlbåd. En grænsesøgende adfærd, der blev fatal og brat afbrød en virkelig original komponistkarriere.

  • - En kulturhistorisk biografi
    af Michael Fjeldsøe, Bjarke Moe & Katarina Smitt Engberg
    216,95 - 397,95 kr.

    Aldrig tilfreds, altid fremad! En af de allerstørste skikkelser i dansk musikliv var egensindig og nysgerrig, og så var han lige så engageret i at forny den folkelige sang som i at udvikle den store koncertmusik. Samtidig var han dybt optaget af en europæisk musiktradition og dens fornyelse. Carl Nielsen stræbte livet igennem efter at skabe musik med en umiddelbar evne til at kommunikere, og som passede til sit formål. Den største skønhed opstår, når tingen fuldstændig passer til sin funktion, mente han."Carl Nielsen. En kulturhistorisk biografi" skildrer de mange områder, hvor Carl Nielsen var aktiv som musiker, komponist og kulturpersonlighed. Bogen er samtidig en indføring i den europæiske musikkultur og det københavnske kulturliv, som han var en del af og tog aktivt del i.

  • af Wilson José Figueiredo Alves Junior
    568,95 kr.

    Reviewer of the journal Veredas do Direito - Direito ambiental e desenvolvimento sustentável, Escola Superior Dom Hélder Câmara, Belo Horizonte-MG. Reviewer of the journal Revista de Direito da Cidade - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), Rio de Janeiro-RJ. Journal reviewer for Revista Científica do UNAR - Centro Universitário de Araras, Dr. Edmundo Ulson - UNAR, Araras-SP. Reviewer of the journal Revista Quaestio Iuris, of the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ, Reviewer of the journal Revista Brasileira Multidisciplinar (UNIARA). Reviewer of the journal Águas Substerrâneas (ABAS). Member of the editorial board of the journal Ius et iustitia of the Centro Universitário de Araras, Dr. Edmundo Ulson - UNAR, Araras/SP. Lecturer on the Law degree course at the Centro Universitário de Araras, Dr. Edmundo Ulson - UNAR, where he teaches Scientific Methodology, Legal Research, Monograph Orientation and Environmental Law. Institutional evaluator for Guia do Estudante, Editora Abril.

  • af Ajnura Zhuraeva
    571,95 kr.

    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most sparing infectious diseases that can cause dangerous infections. In the structure of extragenital pathology in prematurity they are also presented in the second place after diseases of the cardiovascular system. The problem of UTIs is due to the peculiarities of clinical courses, diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections during pregnancy. Asymptomatic bacteriuria (IBU), which is a preclinical form of UTI and is characterized by recurrent course, low proportion of self-healing, high choice of complications for mother and fetus.

  • af Renata Alves Monteiro Correia
    418,95 kr.

    According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), indoor air pollution is the eighth health risk factor and is responsible for 2.7% of the world's illnesses. The purpose of this study is to carry out a quantitative survey of non-biological pollutants, specifically CO2, and biological agents, specifically fungi, and compare the results with the parameters established by Conama Resolution - RE 09/2003. For this assessment, the research was carried out in an administrative office located in the centre of Curitiba. The methodology applied consisted of carrying out laboratory analyses on the air conditioning filters and collecting indoor air in two different climatic seasons, then comparing the results with the legislation in force in Brazil, currently governed by Resolution RE 09/2003. It is hoped that this study will contribute to understanding the behaviour of these pollutants and also provoke critical reflection on the exposure of workers around the world in artificially refrigerated environments to the invisible risks that cause countless diseases.

  • af Gabriel Saré Ximenes Ponte
    418,95 kr.

    This book analyses the characteristics of political federalism in the broadest sense and, in particular, Brazilian fiscal political federalism and the national federative pact. In this vein, the phenomenon of fiscal municipalisation is analysed, with the increase in transfers of resources to municipalities and the guarantee of autonomy as a federative entity, implemented in the Political Charter of 1988. The international scenario of fiscal responsibility is analysed, inspiring the Brazilian Fiscal Responsibility Law, which establishes the administrative sanction expressed in the sole paragraph of art. 11, raising questions about the autonomy of municipalities and the characteristics of tax competence. The answer was obtained through the position of the Federal Supreme Court, which analysed the constitutionality of the provision.

  • af Juliana Cugini Ferreira
    418,95 kr.

    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of the decision of the Federal Supreme Court, in Habeas Corpus 126.292 SP, which on 17 February 2016 set a precedent for a new understanding in criminal procedural law about the beginning of the execution of a conviction before its final and unappealable sentence. From then on, it was possible for the defendant to be sent to prison immediately after the conviction was confirmed by a panel of judges in the second degree of jurisdiction. However, the inmate retains the right to appeal to the higher courts, but remains behind bars. According to the new jurisprudence interpreted by the STF, the phase of analysing evidence and materiality is exhausted in the First Degree Court and it is admitted that the Principle of the Presumption of Innocence ceases after the conviction is confirmed in the Second Instance. To this end, the bibliographical and documentary research method is used, studying doctrinal and principiological concepts on the legal framework, highlighting the Federal Constitution and the Principle of the Presumption of Innocence.

  • af Hurshida Ahmedzhanova
    419,95 kr.

    Women's health largely determines the state's attitude to healthcare, especially to maternal and child health services. The quality of life of any woman is largely determined by the state of her reproductive system, which throughout the world requires compliance with some of the causes of female morbidity. It is known that neoplasms of the organs of the reproductive system of women relate both to the general level of their morbidity and to mortality from malignant neoplasms. Meanwhile, over the last decade, an increase in the frequency of neoplasms of the reproductive system has been noted, among more than two thirds of which benign tumors and tumor-like formations are observed. The transformation of precancerous diseases into cancer can be achieved through large-scale organization of work to promote a healthy lifestyle among women of all ages (primary prevention) and treatment given at a gradual stage as a result of regular and systematic screening.

  • af Sly Stone
    114,95 kr.

    SUNDAY TIMES MUSIC BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023MOJO BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023A ROUGH TRADE BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023AN UNCUT BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023A VARIETY MUSIC BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023One of the few indisputable geniuses of pop music, Sly Stone is a trailblazer who created a new kind of music, mixing Black and white, male and female, funk and rock; penned some of the most iconic anthems of the 1960s and 70s, from "Everyday People" to "Family Affair"; and electrified audiences with a persona and stage presence that set a lasting standard for pop culture performance. Yet he has also been a cautionary tale, known as much for how he dropped out of sight as for what put him in the spotlight in the first place. As much as people know the music, the man remains a mystery. In Thank You, his much-anticipated memoir, he's finally ready to share his story - a story that many thought he'd never have the chance to tell. Written with Ben Greenman, who has written memoirs with George Clinton and Brian Wilson among others, Thank You will include a foreword by Questlove. The book was created in collaboration with Sly Stone's manager Arlene Hirschkowitz. "For as long as I can remember folks have been asking me to tell my story," says Stone. "I wasn't ready. I had to be in a new frame of mind to become Sylvester Stewart again to tell the true story of Sly Stone. It's been a wild ride and hopefully my fans enjoy it too."

  • af Moon Unit Zappa
    162,95 kr.

    The saying goes that "God only gives you what you can handle." Well God didn't grow up in my atheist, Wiccan, fame-laden, oversexed, teetotalling, drug-free, cloistered, chaotic, non-communicative, workaholic, feral-feeling house.'For Moon Unit, daughter of musician Frank Zappa and his 'manager', Gail, processing a life so unique, so punctuated by the whims of creative urges, the tastes of popular culture and the calculus of celebrity, has at times been eviscerating. But it is her deep sense of humour and unshakeable humility that keeps her - and this memoir - pinned to the ground.A child-star at age 14 after her accidental international hit single (recorded with her father), 'Valley Girl', turned her into a reluctant celebrity, Moon Unit Zappa's life has been utterly extraordinary from her birth in 1967 into a family that was already blessed/cursed as music royalty thanks to the acknowledged genius of Frank. But what are the consequences of growing up in a family who spend most of their time naked arguing about sexual/extra-marital liaisons and practising white magic in a free-for-all state of nonconformist, virtuoso abandon?Earth to Moon is a reckoning with self-esteem, the ghosts of the past and a mother and a father who, in the process of leaving their mark upon on the world, scarred their first daughter on home soil. Brutally self-deprecating and funny as hell, it belies a rose-tinted perspective on the 70s and 80s west coast American scene, from within the belly of the beast of the rock and roll world.

  • af Kieran O'Hagan
    128,95 kr.

    Beethoven was a musical genius. He has given pleasure to millions. What is less well known is that he removed a nine-year-old child from his mother and embroiled himself in one of the most bitter, protracted custody disputes in childcare history. Karl van Beethoven was the only child of Johanna and Kaspar van Beethoven, the composer's brother. When Kaspar died, Beethoven was determined that Karl did not remain under his mother's care. He loathed Johanna. He frequently referred to her as 'poison', claiming she had infected Karl with her 'poison'. Beethoven was awarded guardianship over her child. Thereafter, his behaviour towards Karl, described in his own letters, in the observations of his contemporaries, and in court testimonies, constitutes one of the earliest, most comprehensive records of emotional and psychological abuse. This is the story of a child's resilience and survival in the face of cruelty and intolerance, and of Beethoven's failure to sever him from the mother he loved. It is a fictionalized memoir based on documented fact.

  • af Maria Silva
    417,95 kr.

    The main aim of this work is to improve the usability of the OBA-MC by implementing a learning object repository. The OBA-MC is a learning object model created from the Content Map and Dependency Map tools, whose creation process is a methodology for subject planning. To develop the repository, a block was implemented in the Moodle virtual learning environment. This block contains a menu for the inherent functionalities of a repository, such as importing, exporting and listing objects.

  • af Barbara Leandro Monteiro
    417,95 kr.

    The aim of this study was to test treatments to overcome dormancy in seeds of: Copaíba (Copaifera langsdorffii), Fava d'anta (Dimorphandra gardneriana), Janaguba (Himatanthus drasticus Mart. M.M. plumel) and Aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuva allemão). The treatments tested were: mechanical scarification with sandpaper followed by immersion; chemical scarification with sulphuric acid and a control. The substrates were: soil and soil plus manure. The treatments tested varied between the species studied. After statistical analysis, it was possible to affirm that the best results for overcoming seed dormancy were obtained.

  • af Shahnoza Anvarova
    571,95 kr.

    Currently, the problem of fetal growth restriction syndrome remains relevant, which is due to the fairly high incidence of perinatal mortality and perinatal morbidity in newborns born with this pathology. According to WHO, the number of newborns with developmental delay ranges from 31.1% in Central Asia to 6.5% in developed European countries. According to various authors, fetal growth retardation syndrome occurs in 2.4-17-25% of cases in Uzbekistan. Antenatal measures aimed at preventing, diagnosing and treating fetal growth restriction syndrome require innovative approaches. Currently, one of the methods widely used in clinical practice for diagnosing the condition of the fetus about ORP is cardiotocography. Thus, the problem of non-invasive dynamic monitoring of the fetal condition in growth restriction syndrome is an urgent problem of modern perinatology. Conducting scientific research in this direction will make it possible to find ways to adequately assess the intranatal state of the fetus and will open up opportunities for the introduction of complex and reliable methods of fetal monitoring into clinical practice.

  • af Claudiane de Souza Almeida
    417,95 kr.

    The content of this book is part of a research project that aimed to verify the gender representations of three literacy teachers, and to analyse the effects of these representations on the production of children's gendered identities. The methodological procedures used to produce the information were: interviews with three teachers who work in the early years of primary school and observation, with a field notebook, of the classes where these teachers worked. The concepts of gender, representation, identity and difference from the post-structuralist field of Cultural Studies were used in the analyses. The argument developed in this study is that the teachers' gender representations produce differences between boys and girls with implications for the production of the lessons taught, the activities carried out at school, the games played by the children and the way the teachers understand and talk about the children's reading and writing performance.

  • af Natália Rodrigues de Macedo
    417,95 kr.

    Monogastric animals do not absorb the phosphorus present in oilseeds, which make up around 90 per cent of the raw material used in feed. This is due to the absence of the enzyme phytase, which helps break down phytic acid, where the phosphorus present in these seeds is stored. In order to provide sufficient amounts of phosphorus in the diet of monogastric animals, also known as non-ruminants, inorganic phosphorus is added to their feed, mainly in the form of bicalcium phosphate. In order to ensure that this element is properly metabolised in sufficient quantities, more phosphorus is added than these animals actually need, and the excess phosphorus that is not metabolised is eliminated in the faeces of the monogastric animals, causing what environmentalists call the eutrophication of rivers and lakes, which is the growth of algae, forming a thick green curtain over the surface of the water. This work deals with the production of the enzyme phytase, which should be added to monogastric animal feed to replace the use of inorganic phosphorus.

  • af Nodira Juldasheva
    574,95 kr.

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a multifactorial, heterogeneous pathology characterized by hyperandrogenism, chronic anovulation, the appearance and cystic changes of the ovaries, menstrual disorders and infertility. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common endocrionopathy, it affects, according to various data, from 5 to 10% of women of childbearing age. In the structure of the causes of infertile marriage, polycystic ovarian syndrome accounts for 20-22%, and among all cases of endocrine infertility, polycystic ovarian syndrome accounts for 56.2%.

  • af Bruno Walter
    167,95 kr.

    Recollections of Mahler written in 1936 by the composer's assistant conductor in Hamburg and at the Vienna Opera, plus Ernst Krenek's biographical sketch of Mahler and a new Introduction.

  • af Vanessa de Faria José Maria
    459,95 kr.

    L'objectif principal de ce livre est de retrouver l'histoire de l'un des fondateurs du Mouvement noir unifié (MNU) à São Paulo, Vanderlei José Maria. En retraçant sa vie personnelle et militante, nous avons cherché à comprendre comment il pensait la situation des Noirs au Brésil. Dans un premier temps, nous avons réalisé une étude bibliographique pour comprendre comment se sont déroulés les premiers moments de la lutte des Noirs dans le pays, depuis l'abolition de l'esclavage jusqu'à la période actuelle. Nous avons adopté comme cadre théorique l'approche historico-culturelle de Vygotsky, qui permet d'étudier l'homme dans sa globalité, en le considérant comme un être biologique et social. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé des entretiens semi-structurés, avec l'intention de permettre aux personnes interrogées de sentir qu'elles n'étaient pas de simples objets, mais qu'elles pouvaient se sentir partie prenante de la recherche, puisqu'elles étaient proches de Vanderlei. À la fin de la recherche, nous avons réalisé que l'histoire de Vanderlei et celles de nombreux autres activistes sont étroitement liées et qu'elles reflètent toujours la façon dont le mouvement noir pense aujourd'hui.

  • af Vanessa de Faria José Maria
    459,95 kr.

    The main purpose of this book was to recover the story of one of the founders of the Unified Black Movement (MNU) in São Paulo, Vanderlei José Maria. By tracing his personal and activist life, we sought to understand how he thought about the situation of black people in Brazil. Firstly, we carried out a bibliographical survey to understand how the first moments of the struggle of black people in the country took place, from the abolition of slavery to the current period. We adopted Vygotsky's cultural-historical approach as our theoretical framework, which allows us to study man as a whole, seeing him as a biological and social being. To do this, we used semi-structured interviews, with the intention of allowing the interviewees to feel that they were not just objects, but that they could feel part of the research, since they were close to Vanderlei. At the end of the research, we realised that Vanderlei's story and those of many other activists are closely intertwined and that they still reflect the way the black movement thinks today.

  • af Bobby Bones
    212,95 kr.

    #1 Bestseller?New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA TodayFrom Mountain Pine To Your Morning Drive . . .Millions of radio listeners nationwide tune in every morning to The Bobby Bones Show, the most popular country music show in America. Its host, Bobby Estell, known to music lovers as Bobby Bones, entertains listeners with his witty banter and the easy, everyman rapport he has with stars like Carrie Underwood, Garth Brooks, and Jason Aldean. Despite his fame and success, Bobby has stayed true to his roots and where he came from?the place where he learned that ?Fight. Grind. Repeat.? mantra that makes him one of the busiest guys in the business. Raised by an alcoholic single mother and an enterprising grandmother who taught him to shop at garage sales, play poker, and love music, Bobby spent his childhood in the hills and trailer parks of Mountain Pine, Arkansas. But Bobby refused to limit his dreams, and when he got his first radio as a birthday present, he focused on getting on the air and beyond. Full of stories from his childhood, his brushes with the best and the beautiful of music?hint: not all of them like him (oh well)?the hijinks and danger that have been a part of his journey, and rippling with his self-deprecating humor, Bare Bones is the heartfelt, honest tale of someone who has truly lived the American dream.

  • af Toni Braxton
    197,95 kr.

    While Toni Braxton may appear to be living a charmed life, hers is in fact a tumultuous story: a tale of personal triumph after a public unraveling. In her heartfelt memoir, the six-time Grammy Award?winning singer and star of WE tv's hit reality series Braxton Family Values is unapologetically honest in revealing the intimate details of her journey.Toni talks about the intense guilt she once felt when she accepted a recording deal that excluded her sisters?a decision that would haunt her for years, tainting her chart-topping success. She speaks honestly about losing everything?twice?and having to pick up the pieces alone.Always the consummate professional, Toni rebuilt her life only to suffer more heartache. The mother of an autistic child, Toni had long feared that her son's condition might be karmic retribution for some of the life choices that left her filled with remorse. Later, when heart ailments began plaguing her at the age of forty-one and she was diagnosed with lupus, Toni knew she had to move beyond the self-recrimination and take charge of her own healing?physically and spiritually.Unbreak My Heart is more than the story of Toni's difficult past and glittering success: it is a story of hope, of healing, and, ultimately, of redemption.

  • af Enorê Faria Artioli
    417,95 kr.

    The aim of this study was to analyse the permanence of students entering in 2011/01 on the undergraduate accounting course at UNEMAT's Cáceres Campus, from a quantitative and qualitative research perspective. Firstly, we analysed the historical situation of the students in order to trace their academic flow. To do this, we analysed the transcripts of 41 students entering the class under study, which were made available by the Academic System. Secondly, we applied a questionnaire to analyse their opinions on permanence. The results showed that only 22% of the students were able to complete the course in the minimum time required to complete it, 22% were held back, 2% withdrew, 10% transferred and 44% dropped out. The main causes of evasion and retention are related to socio-economic, learning and pedagogical issues. We can see from the profile of the subjects that the admission policies are being implemented satisfactorily, catering for all genders, colours and social classes. The high level of evasion and retention demonstrates the need to implement student permanence policies.

  • af Elielton Souza Silva
    417,95 kr.

    The aim of this research is to identify the impacts generated by the implementation of micro- and macro-drainage works on the Mutum canal. Given the transformations that have been taking place, from spatial relations to the valorization of the surrounding areas. This research aims to demonstrate what kind of transformations and forms of appropriation this structure has brought about. In this way, the aim is to measure the transformations that have taken place in space, the changes that have occurred at a socio-spatial level and what kind of speculation has been caused by the development. To this end, three actions will be carried out: firstly, to characterize the socio-economic profile and identify the transformations that took place in the neighbourhood during the implementation of the project. Secondly, to verify how the process of appropriation of the neighborhood took place. And finally, to observe the short- and long-term impacts caused by the appropriation of this area by the public authorities.

  • af Jeliälton Souza Silwa
    418,95 kr.

    Cel' dannogo issledowaniq - opredelit' posledstwiq, wyzwannye prowedeniem mikro- i makrodrenazhnyh rabot na kanale Mutum. Uchitywaq proishodqschie preobrazowaniq, ot prostranstwennyh otnoshenij do walorizacii okruzhaüschih territorij. Cel' dannogo issledowaniq - prodemonstrirowat', kakie preobrazowaniq i formy priswoeniq prinesla äta struktura. Takim obrazom, cel' sostoit w tom, chtoby izmerit' transformacii, proizoshedshie w prostranstwe, izmeneniq, proizoshedshie na social'no-prostranstwennom urowne, i kakie spekulqcii byli wyzwany zastrojkoj. Dlq ätogo budut predprinqty tri dejstwiq: wo-perwyh, oharakterizowat' social'no-äkonomicheskij profil' i wyqwit' transformacii, proizoshedshie w kwartale wo wremq realizacii proekta. Vo-wtoryh, prowerit', kak proishodil process priswoeniq mikrorajona. I, nakonec, proanalizirowat' kratkosrochnye i dolgosrochnye posledstwiq, wyzwannye priswoeniem ätoj territorii gosudarstwennymi organami.

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