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Musikteori og musikvidenskab

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  • af Arthur Foote
    282,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af Henry Hiles
    197,95 - 352,95 kr.

  • af Brynner Vallecilla
    237,95 kr.

    "Teoría Musical Aplicada 4: Acordes con Oncena" sumerge a los lectores en un viaje fascinante a través de la compleja y rica textura de la música mediante el estudio de acordes enriquecidos con oncenas. Este libro explora en detalle la construcción, aplicación y la profundidad emocional que los acordes con oncena aportan a la música. Desde su base teórica hasta su aplicación práctica, los lectores descubrirán cómo estos acordes transforman y enriquecen la armonía, abriendo un abanico de posibilidades creativas en la composición, interpretación y comprensión musical. Con explicaciones claras, ejemplos musicales y ejercicios, este libro invita tanto a músicos novatos como a expertos a explorar un nivel más profundo de la teoría musical y a expandir su creatividad en el mundo de la música.

  • af Susy Klinger
    238,95 kr.

    Take a fascinating trip through the world of bagpipe music: a journey in time covering the history of this wonderful instrument. Bagpipe Tunes and Their Stories: Old Times to 1950 features over 350 stories behind the unique bagpipe tunes that were composed before 1950.Bagpipes are at the centre of a vibrant culture that has grown over many generations and continues to fascinate music lovers throughout the world. This book unearths stories connected with well-known tunes that were played and written before 1950. A tribute to the rich heritage of bagpipe music, it is captivating reading for long-time bagpipe enthusiasts as well as people less familiar with this distinctive instrument.You'll become acquainted with a wide range of bagpipe tunes, from the Scottish Highlands to the hills of Ireland and beyond. In addition, you'll learn about the occasions for which they were composed and interpreted.Author Susy Klinger, a well-known music expert and bagpipe enthusiast, has put her broad-ranging knowledge and passionate musical interest into this book. She has done many years of research in Scotland and neighbouring countries, conducted numerous interviews with famous pipers and thoroughly studied bagpipe music in order to put together this collection of stories and personal portraits. The book is a treasure chest of musical discoveries, encompassing everything from traditional ballads to lively dance melodies.The wealth of information on bagpipe tunes is supplemented by carefully selected photos and illustrations that bring the atmosphere and culture of the relevant period to life. Each page is an invitation to delve into the past and become absorbed in stories of times gone by.Order your copy now and let yourself be inspired by this fascinating survey of music history.

  • af Guitarschool
    203,95 kr.

    Praktische RINGBINDUNG!Die bekanntesten Weihnachtslieder für die Gitarre lernen!WEIHNACHTSHITS, DIE BEGEISTERN ¿ Bist du unsicher, welche Weihnachtslieder du zuerst lernen solltest? Keine Sorge! In diesem Buch findest du eine sorgfältig ausgewählte Sammlung, die bei jedem gut ankommt. Lerne die Klassiker und Überraschungshits, die in der Weihnachtszeit für strahlende Augen sorgen werden!EFFIZIENTES ÜBEN IM ADVENT ¿ Hast du das Gefühl, die Vorweihnachtszeit rast nur so an dir vorbei und lässt dir kaum Zeit zum Üben? Kein Grund zur Panik! Dieses Buch beinhaltet einen Adventskalender mit 24 Lehrvideos, sodass du jeden Tag Schritt für Schritt bis zum Heilig Abend geführt wirst. Selbst in der hektischen Dezemberzeit findest du so genügend Momente, um dich auf die Gitarre zu konzentrieren und deinen Liebsten beeindruckende Weihnachtslieder vorzuspielen!SELBSTUNTERRICHT DURCH ONLINE-TUTORIALS ¿ Du suchst Videos, die dir alles einfach und logisch erklären, fühlst dich aber oft überwältigt oder verloren? Mit dem Online - Adventskalender und den Videos in diesem Buch erhältst du eine klare Struktur und den richtigen Weg zum Lernen. Entdecke, wie gezieltes Feedback und eine schrittweise Anleitung den Unterschied machen können. Damit wirst du deine Fortschritte spüren und mit Stolz die ersten Weihnachtslieder spielen!VORANKOMMEN OHNE STILLSTAND ¿ Kennst du das Gefühl, auf der Stelle zu treten und nicht so recht voranzukommen? Du bist nicht allein! Mit den strukturierten Tipps und Übungen aus diesem Buch wirst du bald stetige Fortschritte sehen und spüren. Lass Frustration hinter dir und tauche mit neuer Motivation in die Welt der Weihnachtslieder ein!MOTIVATIONSBOOSTER ¿ Kennst du diese Tage, an denen du einfach keine Lust aufs Üben hast oder an dir selbst zweifelst? Mit den inspirierenden Tipps und aufmunternden Tricks aus diesem Buch schaffst du es, solche Hürden zu überwinden. Entfache deine Begeisterung neu und erlebe, wie du mit jeder gespielten Note wächst!TALENT ODER TRAINING? ¿ Glaubst du, dass nur Talent zählt? Lass dich überraschen, wie Hingabe und die richtige Methode mehr bewirken können als reines Talent. Mit diesem Buch öffnest du dir die Tür zu einer Welt, in der Übung tatsächlich den Meister macht!ROUTINE STATT ZUFALL ¿ Übst du nur, wenn dir danach ist? Erfahre, wie eine konstante Übungsroutine nicht nur deinen Fortschritt beschleunigt, sondern auch dein Selbstvertrauen stärkt. Hier findest du den Weg zur Beständigkeit, die deine Fähigkeiten auf das nächste Level hebt!FINGERSTYLE BEARBEITUNGEN ¿ Tauche in die zauberhafte Welt des Fingerstyle ein ¿ entdecke alle Songs auch als Solofassungen im Fingerstyle.AKKORDE - ANSCHLÄGE - ZUPFMUSTER - LIEDTEXT ¿ In diesem Buch findest du zu jedem Weihnachtslied ein detailliertes Zupfmuster, passende Anschlag Vorschläge, übersichtliche Akkorde, hilfreiche Griffbilder und den vollständigen Liedtext. So lernst du, jeden Song nicht nur zu spielen, sondern wirklich zu verstehen und mit Gefühl zu interpretieren.Bereit, Weihnachten in einem ganz neuen Licht zu erleben? Tauche mit unserem Gitarren Weihnachtslieder- und Lehrbuch in die Magie der Weihnachtslieder ein und werde zum Star des Abends. Beginne jetzt deine musikalische Reise und entdecke, wie erfüllend es ist, für dich und deine Lieben zu musizieren.Schenke dir und deiner Familie unvergessliche Momente ¿ mit jedem Akkord, den du spielst!

  • af Ethan Hayes
    212,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Peter Gülke
    312,95 kr.

    Das neue Buch von Peter Gülke kreist um die Grundsatzfrage nach der Verwandlung komponierter, geschriebener Musik in Klang durch die Kunst der Interpretation. Sein zentrales Thema ist die Betonung erlebter statt nur gelesener, "architektonisch" verstandener Musik. In eingängigen Werkbetrachtungen von Bach bis Schostakowitsch, von Mozart bis Lachenmann spricht der Praktiker, der "denkende Dirigent" Gülke. In Künstlerporträts etwa von Herbert Blomstedt, Alfred Brendel und Dina Ugorskaja schärft er sein Bild von musikalischer Interpretation.Dabei bietet Gülke immer wieder faszinierende Perspektivwechsel an. Etwa indem er zeigt, wie sehr hochartifizielle Musik von purem Klangdenken durchzogen sein kann. Oder wie die Grenzen zwischen Komposition und Interpretation verschwimmen, wenn improvisatorische Elemente von Komponisten aufgegriffen und in Noten verwandelt werden.

  • af Gaggero Luigi
    227,95 kr.

    »'A natural gesture' is a philosophy of sound, for musicians, for conductors, and can be read in metaphor by anyone who delves deeply into that about which they are passionate. It is a beautiful exploration of a Way. Reading this book makes me eager to get back to the scores, to the practise studio, and to the podium, to strive to serve the music at a deeper and deeper level. And also, to realize that it is not just burying oneself in music but the authentic and healthy being one must nourish through philosophy, self-realization and rhetoric, to reach the silence which precedes the sound.«From the Preface by Barbara Hannigan

  • af Tül Demirbas
    1.397,95 kr.

    Whether in outwardly- or inwardly-directed ceremonies and rituals, the appearances of rulers and their court states, as well as other institutions of power, took place under unique acoustic conditions. The latter, in turn, were embedded not only in an intermedial and sensory structure, but also in a complex system of symbols and signs that conveyed certain messages or evoked particular associations. The contributions to this conference volume are devoted to these multi-layered connections and constellations, their manifestations in sound and silence, their distinctive power and their inherent specifics. The approach to the topic is interdisciplinary and multi-perspective as well as inter-, cross-, and transcultural and focuses on various courtly and urban instances of power between Ragusa, the Ottoman Empire, Habsburg-Burgundy, China, and other cultures at the turn of the 14th century to the beginning of the 18th century.Ob in nach außen oder innen gerichteten Zeremoniellen und Ritualen: Die Auftritte von Herrschern, Herrscherinnen und deren Hofstaaten sowie anderen Machinstitutionen vollzogen sich unter besonderen akustischen Bedingungen. Letztere wiederum waren nicht nur in ein intermediales und intersensorisches Gefüge, sondern auch in ein komplexes System von Symbolen und Zeichen eingebettet, die bestimmte Botschaften vermittelten oder Assoziationen hervorriefen. Diesen vielschichten Verbindungen und Konstellationen, ihren Ausprägungen in Klang und Stille, ihrer besonderen Macht und deren innenwohnenden Spezifika widmen sich die Beiträge des vorliegenden Konferenzbandes. Die Zugriffe auf die Thematik erfolgen unter interdisziplinären, multiperspektivischen sowie inter-, cross- und transkulturellen Blickwinkeln auf verschiedenste höfische und städtische Machtinstanzen zwischen Ragusa, dem Osmanischen Reich, Habsburg-Burgund, China und anderen Kulturen an der Wende zum 14. und dem beginnenden 18. Jahrhundert.

  • af Linus Eusterbrock
    622,95 kr.

    The cultural practices of hip-hop have been among people's favorite forms of popular culture for decades. Due to this popularity, rap, breaking, graffiti, beatboxing and other practices have entered the field of education. At the intersection of hip-hop and music education, scholars, artists, and educators cooperate in this volume to investigate topics such as representations of gangsta rap in school textbooks, the possibilities and limits of working with hip-hop in an intersectional critical music pedagogy context, and the reflection of hip-hop artists on their work in music education institutions. In addition, the contributors provide ideas for how research and theory can be transferred and applied to music educational practice.

  • af Kristin Wendland
    315,95 - 722,95 kr.

  • af F. H. (Frank Hartson) Shepard
    367,95 kr.

    An instructional book on the principles of musical harmony, aimed at beginners and intermediate students.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af E. F. Richter
    287,95 - 422,95 kr.

  • af William Wignall Parkinson
    257,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Olivia Dussek Buckley
    187,95 - 342,95 kr.

  • af Robert Brown
    172,95 - 342,95 kr.

  • af Ernst Friedrich Richter
    367,95 kr.

    The Manual of Harmony is a practical guide specially designed for the students of the Conservatory of Music at Leipzig. It covers the basics of harmony in an easy-to-understand manner and provides practical tips for its study.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Adolf Bernhard Marx
    357,95 - 467,95 kr.

  • af Ernst Friedrich Richter
    367,95 kr.

    Unlock the secrets of musical harmony through this comprehensive manual by one of Germany's most renowned composers and music theorists. Ernst Friedrich Richter's treatise covers everything from basic concepts and principles to advanced techniques, with clear explanations and numerous examples. A must-read for any serious student of music theory or composition.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Tenali Hrenak
    322,95 - 447,95 kr.

  • af Eduardo Reck Miranda
    1.733,95 kr.

    This book explores music with respect to quantum computing, a nascent technology that is advancing rapidly. There is a long history of research into using computers for music since the 1950s.Nowadays, computers are essential for the music economy. Therefore, it is very likely that quantum computers will impact the music industry in the time to come.  Consequently, a new area of research and development is emerging: Quantum Computer Music.This unprecedented book presents the new field of Quantum Computer Music. It introduces the fundamentals of quantum computing for musicians and the latest developments by pioneering practitioners.

  • af Ulrich Morgenstern
    972,95 kr.

    The "anthropological turn" in ethnomusicology is generally associated with Alan P. Merriam's "Anthropology of music" (1964). The present volume intends to correct this picture from a European perspective, presenting insights into early fieldwork-based ethnomusicology, hitherto largely restricted by linguistic borders. Eleven authors from different parts of Europe present pioneers in the field who carried out research on the continent and beyond as musicologists, philologists, and folklorists. The volume also includes panoramic overviews of folk music research from specific regional and national perspectives, including national and regional schools of early European ethnomusicology.

  • af Sylvan Song
    272,95 kr.

    The Western art music canon is a collection of musical works that are considered to be the most important and influential in the history of Western music. It is typically defined by a focus on European composers and musical traditions, and it has been critiqued for its lack of diversity and representation.In recent years, there has been a growing movement to queer the Western art music canon. This means challenging the traditional assumptions about what constitutes "good" music and who is considered to be a "great" composer. It also means amplifying the voices of marginalized musicians and composers, including those who are LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and disabled.There are many reasons why it is important to queer the Western art music canon. First, it is simply unfair that so many talented musicians and composers have been excluded from the canon simply because of their identity. Second, queering the canon can help us to better understand and appreciate the diversity of musical traditions that exist in the world. And third, it can help us to imagine new possibilities for the future of music

  • af Özge Baykan Calafato
    527,95 kr.

    A prolific writer, photographer, portraitist, and documentarian, Lucia Moholy defies categorization. She was as active in avant-garde circles as she was in the field of information science, advancing an expansive understanding of visual reproduction. While previous publications on Moholy have limited her accomplishments to the five years she spent at the Bauhaus, Lucia Moholy: Exposures presents the full breadth of her writings and photographs for the first time. Extensive essays drawing on new archival discoveries offer insights into her early life in turn-of-the-century Prague, her involvement in the radical social movements of the 1920s in Weimar Germany, her emigration to London, where colleagues and friends included members of the Bloomsbury Group as well as her wartime involvement with microfilm and scientific documentation and her work in the Middle East on behalf of UNESCO. Acknowledging her reception by contemporary artists such as Jan Tichý, the publication demonstrates how Moholy's interdisciplinary approach to photography anticipated the medium's post-analogue present.LUCIA MOHOLYs (1894-1989) photographs in the aesthetics of the New Objectivity continue to shape the international reception of the Bauhaus to this day. After studying art history and philosophy in her native Prague, she worked as an editor before arriving at the Bauhaus with her husband László Moholy-Nagy in 1923. Her bestselling book A Hundred Years of Photography 1839-1939 was highly influential for the recognition of the medium as an art form. In 1959 she settled in Switzerland, where she continued to work as an art critic.

  • af Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
    197,95 kr.

    "Celia Cruz - The Defiant Voice of Afro-Cuban Music" is a riveting tribute to the life, legacy, and indomitable spirit of one of Latin music's most celebrated icons. This biography captures the essence of Celia Cruz's journey - from her humble beginnings in Havana's vibrant neighborhoods to her ascent as the undisputed "Queen of Salsa."Using a rich tapestry of different sources, the author paints a vivid portrait of Cruz as not just a musical sensation but also a symbol of resilience and defiance against the socio-political challenges of her era. The book delves into Cruz's early exposure to Santería chants, rumba rhythms, and the burgeoning sounds of mambo, highlighting the Afro-Cuban roots that deeply influenced her musical style.While celebrating her chart-topping hits and collaborations with legendary artists, this biography also sheds light on Cruz's profound struggles. From facing racism due to her African heritage to her painful decision to leave Cuba post the Castro revolution, Cruz's life was marked by battles that went beyond the stage. Her voice, both in song and in life, became a beacon for countless immigrants and Afro-Latinos, echoing themes of hope, identity, and freedom.The author also emphasizes Cruz's role in challenging the gender norms of Latin music. In a male-dominated industry, Cruz carved out a space for herself, breaking barriers and setting the stage for future female artists. Through her distinctive style, characterized by vibrant costumes and her electrifying stage presence, the singer asserted her identity and influenced fashion and pop culture."Celia Cruz - The Defiant Voice of Afro-Cuban Music" is not merely a chronicle of Cruz's life. It's a celebration of Afro-Cuban heritage, a testament to the power of perseverance, and an intimate look at the woman whose voice continues to inspire and resonate with generations across the globe. Whether you're a seasoned salsa aficionado or a newcomer to Cruz's captivating melodies, this book is an essential read, promising to immerse you in the rhythms and passions of a remarkable life.

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