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  • - A Publication of the Max-Planck-Institut fur Mathematik, Bonn
    af Anthony Tromba
    1.122,95 kr.

    This book consists almost entirely of papers delivered at the Seminar on partial differential equations held at Max-Planck-Institut in the spring of 1984. They give an insight into important recent research activities. Some further developments are also included.

  • af Daniel S. Alexander
    820,95 kr.

    In late 1917 Pierre Fatou and Gaston Julia each announced several results regarding the iteration ofrational functions of a single complex variable in the Comptes rendus of the French Academy of Sciences. These brief notes were the tip of an iceberg. In 1918 Julia published a long and fascinating treatise on the subject, which was followed in 1919 by an equally remarkable study, the first instalIment of a three­ part memoir by Fatou. Together these works form the bedrock of the contemporary study of complex dynamics. This book had its genesis in a question put to me by Paul Blanchard. Why did Fatou and Julia decide to study iteration? As it turns out there is a very simple answer. In 1915 the French Academy of Sciences announced that it would award its 1918 Grand Prix des Sciences mathematiques for the study of iteration. However, like many simple answers, this one doesn't get at the whole truth, and, in fact, leaves us with another equally interesting question. Why did the Academy offer such a prize? This study attempts to answer that last question, and the answer I found was not the obvious one that came to mind, namely, that the Academy's interest in iteration was prompted by Henri Poincare's use of iteration in his studies of celestial mechanics.

    686,95 kr.

    Bringing together experts in the field of harmonic maps and integrable systems to give a coherent account of this subject, this book starts with introductory articles. Harmonic maps are maps between Riemannian or pseudo-Riemannian manifolds which extremize a natural energy integral.

  • af Friedrich Hirzebruch, Rainer Jung & Thomas Berger
    834,95 kr.

    "A publication of the Max-Planck-Institut f'ur Mathematik, Bonn."

  • af Hirotaka Fujimoto
    579,95 kr.

    This book presents in a systematic and almost self-contained way the striking analogy between classical function theory, in particular the value distribution theory of holomorphic curves in projective space, on the one hand, and important and beautiful properties of the Gauss map of minimal surfaces on the other hand. Both theories are developed in the text, including many results of recent research. The relations and analogies between them become completely clear. The book is written for interested graduate students and mathematicians, who want to become more familiar with this modern development in the two classical areas of mathematics, but also for those, who intend to do further research on minimal surfaces.

  • af Jean-Pierre Serre
    1.420,95 kr.

    The book is based on a course given by J.-P. Serre at the Collège de France in 1980 and 1981. Basic techniques in Diophantine geometry are covered, such as heights, the Mordell-Weil theorem, Siegel's and Baker's theorems, Hilbert's irreducibility theorem, and the large sieve. Included are applications to, for example, Mordell's conjecture, the construction of Galois extensions, and the classical class number 1 problem. Comprehensive bibliographical references.

  • af Roland Hüber
    1.442,95 kr.

    The aim of this book is to give an introduction to adic spaces and to develop systematically their étale cohomology. First general properties of the étale topos of an adic space are studied, in particular the points and the constructible sheaves of this topos. After this the basic results on the étale cohomology of adic spaces are proved: base change theorems, finiteness, Poincaré duality, comparison theorems with the algebraic case.

  • - Seminar Bonn/Wuppertal 1983/84
    af Gerd Faltings & Gisbert Wüstholz
    628,95 - 783,95 kr.

  • - Foliations on Compact Surfaces, Fundamentals for Arbitrary Codimension, and Holonomy
    af Gilbert Hector
    819,95 kr.

    Foliation theory grew out of the theory of dynamical systems on manifolds and Ch. Ehresmann's connection theory on fibre bundles. Pioneer work was done between 1880 and 1940 by H. Poincare, I. Bendixson, H. Kneser, H. Whitney, and IV. Kaplan - to name a few - who all studied "regular curve families" on surfaces, and later by Ch. Ehresmann, G. Reeb, A. Haefliger and otners between 1940 and 1960. Since then the subject has developed from a collection of a few papers to a wide field of research. ~owadays, one usually distinguishes between two main branches of foliation theory, the so-called quantitative theory (including homotopy theory and cnaracteristic classes) on the one hand, and the qualitative or geometrie theory on the other. The present volume is the first part of a monograph on geometrie aspects of foliations. Our intention here is to present some fundamental concepts and results as weIl as a great number of ideas and examples of various types. The selection of material from only one branch of the theory is conditioned not only by the authors' personal interest but also by the wish to give a systematic and detailed treatment, including complete proofs of all main results. We hope that tilis goal has been achieved.

  • af Ravi S. Kulkarni & Ulrich Pinkall
    686,95 kr.

    "A publication of the Max-Planck-Institut f'ur Mathematik, Bonn."

  • - A Survey
    af Wilfred W. J. Hulsbergen
    581,95 kr.

    In this expository paper we sketch some interrelations between several famous conjectures in number theory and algebraic geometry that have intrigued mathematicians for a long period of time. Starting from Fermat's Last Theorem one is naturally led to intro­ duce L-functions, the main motivation being the calculation of class numbers. In particular, Kummer showed that the class numbers of cyclotomic fields playa decisive role in the corroboration of Fermat's Last Theorem for a large class of exponents. Before Kummer, Dirich­ let had already successfully applied his L-functions to the proof of the theorem on arithmetic progressions. Another prominent appearance of an L-function is Riemann's paper where the now famous Riemann Hypothesis was stated. In short, nineteenth century number theory showed that much, if not all, of number theory is reflected by proper­ ties of L-functions. Twentieth century number theory, class field theory and algebraic geometry only strengthen the nineteenth century number theorists's view. We just mention the work of E. Heeke, E. Artin, A. Weil and A. Grothendieck with his collaborators. Heeke generalized Dirichlet's L-functions to obtain results on the distribution of primes in number fields. Artin introduced his L-functions as a non-abelian generaliza­ tion of Dirichlet's L-functions with a generalization of class field the­ ory to non-abelian Galois extensions of number fields in mind. Weil introduced his zeta-function for varieties over finite fields in relation to a problem in number theory.

  • af Hidetoshi Tahara & Raymond Gerard
    1.110,95 kr.

    The aim of this book is to put together all the results that are known about the existence of formal, holomorphic and singular solutions of singular non linear partial differential equations. We study the existence of formal power series solutions, holomorphic solutions, and singular solutions of singular non linear partial differential equations. In the first chapter, we introduce operators with regular singularities in the one variable case and we give a new simple proof of the classical Maillet's theorem for algebraic differential equations. In chapter 2, we extend this theory to operators in several variables. The chapter 3 is devoted to the study of formal and convergent power series solutions of a class of singular partial differential equations having a linear part, using the method of iteration and also Newton's method. As an appli­ cation of the former results, we look in chapter 4 at the local theory of differential equations of the form xy' = 1(x,y) and, in particular, we show how easy it is to find the classical results on such an equation when 1(0,0) = 0 and give also the study of such an equation when 1(0,0) #- 0 which was never given before and can be extended to equations of the form Ty = F(x, y) where T is an arbitrary vector field.

  • af Dmitri Akhiezer
    444,95 kr.

    This book was planned as an introduction to a vast area, where many contri­ butions have been made in recent years. The choice of material is based on my understanding of the role of Lie groups in complex analysis. On the one hand, they appear as the automorphism groups of certain complex spaces, e. g. , bounded domains in en or compact spaces, and are therefore important as being one of their invariants. On the other hand, complex Lie groups and, more generally, homoge­ neous complex manifolds, serve as a proving ground, where it is often possible to accomplish a task and get an explicit answer. One good example of this kind is the theory of homogeneous vector bundles over flag manifolds. Another example is the way the global analytic properties of homogeneous manifolds are translated into algebraic language. It is my pleasant duty to thank A. L. Onishchik, who first introduced me to the theory of Lie groups more than 25 years ago. I am greatly indebted to him and to E. B. Vinberg forthe help and advice they have given me for years. I would like to express my gratitude to M. Brion, B. GilIigan, P. Heinzner, A. Hu­ kleberry, and E. Oeljeklaus for valuable discussions of various subjects treated here. A part of this book was written during my stay at the Ruhr-Universitat Bochum in 1993. I thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for its research support and the colleagues in Bochum for their hospitality.

  • - Quantum Cohomology and Singularities
    1.238,95 kr.

    Quantum cohomology, the theory of Frobenius manifolds and the relations to integrable systems are flourishing areas since the early 90's.An activity was organized at the Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in Bonn, with the purpose of bringing together the main experts in these areas. This volume originates from this activity and presents the state of the art in the subject.

  • af Peter Stiller
    833,95 kr.

    In studying an algebraic surface E, which we assume is non-singular and projective over the field of complex numbers t, it is natural to study the curves on this surface. In order to do this one introduces various equivalence relations on the group of divisors (cycles of codimension one). One such relation is algebraic equivalence and we denote by NS(E) the group of divisors modulo algebraic equivalence which is called the N~ron-Severi group of the surface E. This is known to be a finitely generated abelian group which can be regarded naturally as a subgroup of 2 H (E,Z). The rank of NS(E) will be denoted p and is known as the Picard number of E. 2 Every divisor determines a cohomology class in H(E,E) which is of I type (1,1), that is to say a class in H(E,9!) which can be viewed as a 2 subspace of H(E,E) via the Hodge decomposition. The Hodge Conjecture asserts in general that every rational cohomology class of type (p,p) is algebraic. In our case this is the Lefschetz Theorem on (I,l)-classes: Every cohomology class 2 2 is the class associated to some divisor. Here we are writing H (E,Z) for 2 its image under the natural mapping into H (E,t). Thus NS(E) modulo 2 torsion is Hl(E,n!) n H(E,Z) and th 1 b i f h -~ p measures e a ge ra c part 0 t e cohomology.

  • - Proceedings
    1.333,95 kr.

    This volume contains the Proceedings of the International Workshop "Complex Analysis", which was held from February 12-16, 1990, in Wuppertal (Germany) in honour of H. Grauert, one of the most creative mathematicians in Complex Analysis of this century. In complete accordance with the width of the work of Grauert the book contains research notes and longer articles of many important mathematicians from all areas of Complex Analysis (Altogether there a re 49 articles in the volume). Some of the main subjects are: Cau chy-Riemann Equations with estimates, q-convexity, CR structures, deformation theory, envelopes of holomorphy, function algebras, complex group actions, Hodge theory, instantons, Kähler geometry, Lefschetz theorems, holomorphic mappings, Nevanlinna theory, com plex singularities, twistor theory, uniformization.

  • - Basic Concepts, Coherent Cohomology, Curves and Their Jacobians
    af Gunter Harder
    1.398,95 - 1.740,95 kr.

  • - Integral Formulae and Neumann Problem
    af Ingo Lieb & Joachim Michel
    999,95 kr.

    This book presents complex analysis of several variables from the point of view of the Cauchy-Riemann equations and integral representations. A more detailed description of our methods and main results can be found in the introduction. Here we only make some remarks on our aims and on the required background knowledge. Integral representation methods serve a twofold purpose: 1° they yield regularity results not easily obtained by other methods and 2°, along the way, they lead to a fairly simple development of parts of the classical theory of several complex variables. We try to reach both aims. Thus, the first three to four chapters, if complemented by an elementary chapter on holomorphic functions, can be used by a lecturer as an introductory course to com­ plex analysis. They contain standard applications of the Bochner-Martinelli-Koppelman integral representation, a complete presentation of Cauchy-Fantappie forms giving also the numerical constants of the theory, and a direct study of the Cauchy-Riemann com­ plex on strictly pseudoconvex domains leading, among other things, to a rather elementary solution of Levi's problem in complex number space en. Chapter IV carries the theory from domains in en to strictly pseudoconvex subdomains of arbitrary - not necessarily Stein - manifolds. We develop this theory taking as a model classical Hodge theory on compact Riemannian manifolds; the relation between a parametrix for the real Laplacian and the generalised Bochner-Martinelli-Koppelman formula is crucial for the success of the method.

  • - Perspectives on Algebro-Geometric Moduli
    af Thomas Tradler, Matilde Marcolli & Hossein Abbaspour
    777,95 - 999,95 kr.

  • - Where Arithmetic Meets Geometry and Physics
    843,95 kr.

    In recent years, number theory and arithmetic geometry have been enriched by new techniques from noncommutative geometry, operator algebras, dynamical systems, and K-Theory. Research across these ?elds has now reached an imp- tant turning point, as shows the increasing interest with which the mathematical community approaches these topics. This volume collects and presents up-to-date research topics in arithmetic and noncommutative geometry and ideas from physics that point to possible new c- nections between the ?elds of number theory, algebraic geometry and noncom- tative geometry. Thecontributionstothisvolumepartlyre?ectthetwoworkshops¿Noncom- tative Geometry and Number Theory¿ that took place at the Max¿Planck¿Institut f¿ ur Mathematik in Bonn, in August 2003 and June 2004. The two workshops were the ?rst activity entirely dedicated to the interplay between these two ?elds of mathematics. An important part of the activities, which is also re?ected in this volume, came from the hindsight of physics which often provides new perspectives onnumber theoretic problems that make it possible to employ the tools of nonc- mutative geometry, well designed to describe the quantum world.

  • af Urban Cegrell
    637,95 kr.

    "Notes ... prepared in November 1983 for a couple of seminars at the University of Uppsala. These notes were made into a more complete form during a series of lectures at the University of Umea in the fall of 1985 and at Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse in December 1986"--P. ix.

  • af Yves Andre
    735,95 kr.

    "A publication of the Max-Planck-Institut f'ur Mathematik, Bonn."

  • af Thomas Berger, Rainer Jung & F. Hirzebruch
    1.029,95 kr.

    This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory of elliptic genera due to Ochanine, Landweber, Stong, and others. The theory describes a new cobordism invariant for manifolds in terms of modular forms. The book evolved from notes of a course given at the University of Bonn. After providing some background material elliptic genera are constructed, including the classical genera signature and the index of the Dirac operator as special cases. Various properties of elliptic genera are discussed, especially their behaviour in fibre bundles and rigidity for group actions. For stably almost complex manifolds the theory is extended to elliptic genera of higher level. The text is in most parts self-contained. The results are illustrated by explicit examples and by comparison with well-known theorems. The relevant aspects of the theory of modular forms are derived in a seperate appendix, providing also a useful reference for mathematicians working in this field.

  • - Sheaves, Cohomology of Sheaves, and Applications to Riemann Surfaces
    af Gunter Harder
    1.437,95 kr.

    This book and the following second volume is an introduction into modern algebraic geometry. In the first volume the methods of homological algebra, theory of sheaves, and sheaf cohomology are developed. These methods are indispensable for modern algebraic geometry, but they are also fundamental for other branches of mathematics and of great interest in their own.In the last chapter of volume I these concepts are applied to the theory of compact Riemann surfaces. In this chapter the author makes clear how influential the ideas of Abel, Riemann and Jacobi were and that many of the modern methods have been anticipated by them. For this second edition the text was completely revised and corrected. The author also added a short section on moduli of elliptic curves with N-level structures. This new paragraph anticipates some of the techniques of volume II.

  • - Sheaves, Cohomology of Sheaves, and Applications to Riemann Surfaces
    af Gunter Harder
    1.427,95 kr.

    This book and the following second volume is an introduction into modern algebraic geometry. In the first volume the methods of homological algebra, theory of sheaves, and sheaf cohomology are developed. These methods are indispensable for modern algebraic geometry, but they are also fundamental for other branches of mathematics and of great interest in their own.In the last chapter of volume I these concepts are applied to the theory of compact Riemann surfaces. In this chapter the author makes clear how influential the ideas of Abel, Riemann and Jacobi were and that many of the modern methods have been anticipated by them. For this second edition the text was completely revised and corrected. The author also added a short section on moduli of elliptic curves with N-level structures. This new paragraph anticipates some of the techniques of volume II.

  • af Hanspeter Kraft
    736,95 kr.

    Die vorliegende Einftihrung in die Invariantentheorie entstand aus einer Vorlesung, welche ich im Wintersemester 1977/78 in Bonn gehalten habe.Wie schon der Titel ausdruckt stehen dabei die geometrischen Aspekte im Vordergrund. Aufbauend auf einfachen Kenntnissen aus der Algebra wer­ den die Grundlagen der Theorie der algebraischen Transformationsgruppen entwickelt und eine Reihe klassischer und moderner Fragestellungen aus der Invariantentheorie behandelt. Der Leser wird dabei bis an die heutige Forschung herangeftihrt und sollte dann auch in der Lage sein, die ent­ sprechende Originalliteratur zu verstehen. Ich habe versucht, den algebraisch-geometrischen Apparat klein zu halten, um einen meglichst breiten Leserkreis anzusprechen; die benotigten Defi­ nitionen und Resultate sind in einem Anhang zusammengestellt. FUr weiter­ ftihrende Studien wird man allerdings gut daran tun, etwas tiefer in die algebraische Geometrie und die Theorie der halbeinfachen Gruppen einzu­ dringen. Hierfur gibt es inzwischen einige sehr gute Lehrbucher. Bei der Gestaltung und der Themenauswahl schwebte mir vor, eine solide Grundlage zu schaffen und gleichzeitig klassische und moderne Original­ literatur aufzuarbeiten. Viele Einzelheiten stammen aus Gespr1:ichen und Briefwechseln mit verschiedenen Kollegen, speziell mit Walter Borho, wim Hesselink, Jens-Carsten Jantzen, Victor KaC, Domingo Luna, Claudio Pro­ cesi, Vladimir Popov, Nicolas Spaltenstein und Thierry Vust. Alfred Wie­ demann hat die Bonner Vorlesung ausgearbeitet und damit die Grundlage fur das vorliegende Buch geschaffen. Gisela Menzel und Christine Riedt­ mann haben den Text gelesen und viele Unstimmigkeiten behoben. Frau M.

  • af Harald Stieber
    625,95 kr.

    Jede komplexe Mannigfaltigkeit ist auf natürliche Weise eine differenzierbare !>1annigfaltigkeit. Sei umgekehrt M eine differenzierbare Mannigfaltigkeit. Es erhebt sich die Frage, ob auf M eine komplexe Struktur existiert. Falls dies der Fall ist, besteht dasnächste Problern darin, eine Übersicht über "alle" komplexen Strukturen auf M zu gewinnen. Sei L(M) :=Menge der Äquivalenzklassen von komplexen Strukturen auf M ~ Menge der zu M diffeornorphen, komplexen Mannigfalt- keiten/biholornorphe Äquivalenz. Das Modulproblern, das seinen Ursprung in der Arbeit [67] von B. Riernann hat, besteht darin, auf L(M) eine "natürliche" komplexe Struktur einzuführen. Beispiel 1. Im Falle, daß M = ~ ist, besteht L(M) aus zwei 1 Punkten, falls M = F ist, besteht L(M) nur aus einem Punkt (Riernannscher Abbildungssatz) . Beispiel 2. Sei w E ~ mit Im w > 0 und Gw:= {rnw+nlrn,nE~ }. Dann ist Tw := ~/Gw ein Torus. Zwei Tori Tw' und T sind w genau dann biholornorph zueinander, wenn ganze Zahlen a,b,c,d mit ad - bc = 1 existieren, so daß + b w' = aw cw + d ist. Jeder Torus hat also einen Repräsentanten T mit w wEr := {aE~ i Im Ct > 0, /Real :5. 2' Iai .::. 1} . VIII Identifiziert man entsprechende Punkte in r , so kann man zeiaen. daß für jeden Torus T gilt r(T) ""a: ¿ Man vergleiche dazu [39], Example 2.14. Beispiel 3. Satz (Riemann, Teichmüller, Rauch, Ahlfors, Bers).

  • - Foliations on Compact Surfaces, Fundamentals for Arbitrary Codimension, and Holonomy
    af Ulrich Hirsch & Gilbert Hector
    631,95 kr.

  • af Michael Laska
    629,95 kr.

    Let K be an algebraic number field. The function attaching to each elliptic curve over K its conductor is constant on isoger. y classes of elliptic curves over K (for the definitions see chapter 1). ~Ioreover, for a given ideal a in OK the number of isogeny classes of elliptic curves over K with conductor a is finite. In these notes we deal with the following problem: How can one explicitly construct a set of representatives for the isogeny classes of elliptic curves over K with conductor a for a given ideal a in OK? The conductor of an elliptic curve over K is a numerical invariant which measures, in some sense, the badness of the reduction of the elliptic curve modulo the prime ideals in OK' It plays an important role in the famous Weil-Langlands conjecture on the connection between elliptic curves over K and congruence subgroups in 5L2(OK) ¿ In case K ~ this connection can be stated as follows. For any ideal a = (N) in ~ let ro(N) be the congruence subgroup ro(N) { (: ~) E 5L2 (~) c E (N) } of 5L2 (~) and let 52 (fo (N» be the space of cusp forms of weight 2 for r 0 (N) Now Weil conjectured that there exists a bijection between the rational normalized eigenforms in 52(ro(N» for the Heckealgebra and the - 2 - Lsug~ny classes uf elliptic curves over ~ with conductor a = (N) .

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