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  • - Tragic >Kunstsprache< and the >kharakter< of Heroes
    af Nicholas Baechle
    1.192,95 kr.

  • - Studies in Ancient Philosophy, History, and Literature
    1.492,95 kr.

  • - Essays on Plato's Menexenus
    1.542,95 kr.

    Speeches for the Dead unites the contributions of scholars working on diverse aspects of Plato's Menexenus. In addition, the volume contains an up-to-date bibliography of scholarship in English, French, German, and Italian on the dialogue. This makes the book the definitive guide and ideal starting point for advanced students and scholars looking for further information about the Menexenus.

  • - Interactions, Intertexts, Interpretations
    1.842,95 kr.

    This volume sets out to explore the complex relationship between Horace and Seneca. It is the first book that examines the interface between these different and yet highly comparable authors with consideration of their ¿uvres in their entirety. The fourteen chapters collected here explore a wide range of topics clustered around the following four themes: the combination of literature and philosophy; the ways in which Senecäs choral odes rework Horatian material and move beyond it; the treatment of ethical, poetic, and aesthetic questions by the two authors; and the problem of literary influence and reception as well as ancient and modern reflections on these problems. While the intertextual contacts between Horace and Seneca themselves lie at the core of this project, it also considers the earlier texts that serve as sources for both authors, intermediary steps in Roman literature, and later texts where connections between the two philosopher-poets are drawn. Although not as obviously palpable as the linkage between authors who share a common generic tradition, this uneven but pervasive relationship can be regarded as one of the most prolific literary interactions between the early Augustan and the Neronian periods. A bidirectional list of correspondences between Horace and Seneca concludes the volume.

  • - >Oratio Corrupta< and the Poetics of Senecan Tragedy
    af Robert John Sklenar
    1.077,95 kr.

    This book studies Seneca's poetic drama from a novel point of view. Whereas most criticism of Seneca's dramas has tended to focus on their relationship to Stoicism, I approach them from the perspective of Seneca's own theory of literary decadence, which he sets forth in the 114th of his letters to Lucilius. His theory can be summed up as follows: the various forms of stylistic corruption are the result of a straining for effect, which itself reflects a taste for the extreme. A writer or speaker's stylistic vices thus mirror the vices of his character; they also reflect the vices of the time and place in which he lives, since every user of language is conditioned by his environment. What is especially striking about Seneca's discussion is that a number of the vices he lists ¿ hyperbole, disruption of natural word order, excessive metaphor ¿ are notable features of the poetic style of his own dramas. I argue for a rehabilitation of the 'decadent' style of Seneca's tragedies: in Seneca's hands, this style is a precise diagnostic tool for revealing the self-destructive irrationality that governs not only the individual, but also his society and the entire universe.

  • - Discorsi Immaginari Tra Letteratura E Diritto
    af Alfredo Casamento
    1.653,95 kr.

  • af Stefan Schorn
    477,95 - 1.997,95 kr.

    Die hellenistische Biographie ist eine Gattung, die noch immer unter einem schlechten Ruf zu leiden hat. Man betont ihren fiktiven, bisweilen unernsten Charakter und sieht in ihr eine Form der Unterhaltungsliteratur mit allenfalls ethisch-padagogischer Zielsetzung. Die Aufsatze in diesem Band entwerfen ein differenzierteres Bild von der Gattung und sehen sie als eine besondere Form der Historiographie. Zu diesem Zweck rekonstruiert der Autor in Detailstudien auf der Grundlage der erhaltenen Fragmente die Arbeitsweise wichtiger hellenistischer Biographen und die Charakteristika ihrer Werke. Er untersucht die Uberlieferung der Fragmente, zeigt die Konsequenzen auf, die fur ihre Interpretation daraus zu ziehen sind, und erhellt das Verhaltnis der Biographie zu anderen Gattungen. Seine Analysen zeigen insbesondere den Wert der Gattung als bisher vernachlassigte Quellen fur die Kulturgeschichte und verdeutlichen ihre Positionierung im Rahmen der historiographischen Literatur. Der Band enthalt aktualisierte Fassungen von zwolf Beitragen der Jahre 2003-2014 sowie zwei neue Aufsatze. Zusammengenommen entwerfen sie ein vielfach neues Bild von der Gattung, das fur Philologen und Historiker gleichermaen von Interesse ist.

  • - Studies in the >Ciris
    af Boris Kayachev
    1.476,95 kr.

    The Ciris, a Latin mythological poem of contested date and authorship, has received a certain amount of scholarly attention during the twentieth century, but has failed to meet with adequate appreciation. This study aims at vindicating the Ciris, by exploring its use of pre-Virgilianpoetic texts largely ignored in previous scholarship.

  • - Moralising Agents and Contexts
    af Sophia Xenophontos
    1.841,95 kr.

    In addition to being the author of the Parallel Lives of noble Greeks and Romans, Plutarch of Chaeronea (AD c.46-c.120) is widely known for his rich ethical theory, which has ensured him a reputation as one of the most profound moralists in antiquity and beyond. Previous studies have considered Plutarch's moralism in the light of specific works or group of works, so that an exploration of his overall concept of ethical education remains a desideratum. Bringing together a wide range of texts from both the Parallel Lives and the Moralia, this study puts the moralising agents that Plutarch considers important for ethical development at the heart of its interpretation. These agents operate in different educational settings, and perform distinct moralising roles, dictated by the special features of the type of moral education they are expected to enact. Ethical education in Plutarch becomes a distinctive manifestation of paideia vis-a-vis the intellectual trends of the Imperial period, especially in contexts of cultural identity and power. By reappraising Plutarch's ethical authority and the significance of his didactic spirit, this book will appeal not only to scholars and students of Plutarch, but to anyone interested in the history of moral education and the development of Greek ethics.

  • - The Speech of Two Augustan-Age Declaimers, Arellius Fuscus and Papirius Fabianus
    af Bart Huelsenbeck
    1.537,95 kr.

    The collection of the elder Seneca assembles quotations from scores of declaimers over a period spanning sixty years, from the Augustan Age through the early decades of the empire. A view is offered onto a literary scene, for this critical period of Roman letters, that is numerously populated, highly interactive, and less dominated by just a few canonical authors. Despite this potential, modern readings have often lumped declaimers together en masse and organizational principles basic to Seneca's collection remain overlooked. This volume attempts to 'hear' the individual speech of declaimers by focusing on two speakers-Arellius Fuscus, rhetor to Ovid, and Papirius Fabianus, teacher of the younger Seneca. A key organizing principle, informing both the collection and the practice of declamation, was the 'shared locus'-a short passage, defined by verbal and argumentative ingredients, that gained currency among declaimers. Study of the operation of the shared locus carries several advantages: (1) we appreciate distinctions between declaimers; (2) we recognize shared passages as a medium of communication; and (3) the shared locus emerges as a community resource, explaining deep-seated connections between declamation and literary works.

    1.687,95 kr.

    As a genre situated at the crossroad of rhetoric and fiction declamatio offers the freedom to experiment with new forms of discourse. Placing the literariness of Calpurnius Flaccus into the spotlight, this volume showcases declamation as a realm of genuine literary creation with its own theoretical underpinning, literary technique and generic conventions.

  • - The Declamations Ascribed to Quintilian
    1.747,95 kr.

    Placing the literariness of (Ps)Quintilian's oeuvre into the spotlight, this volume showcases declamation as a realm of genuine literary creation with its own theoretical underpinning, literary technique and generic conventions. It is suitable for students and scholars of rhetoric and Roman Literature.

  • - A Contribution to the History of Ancient Atheism
    af Marek Winiarczyk
    1.647,95 kr.

    Diagoras of Melos (lyric poet, 5th c. B.C.) has received special attention for some time now because he was regarded as a radical atheist and the author of a prose work on atheism in antiquity. He was notorious for revealing and ridiculing the Eleusinian Mysteries and was condemned for impiety at Athens. The present book evaluates Diagoras' biography and shows that he cannot be considered to have been an atheist in the modern sense.

  • - Interactions, Intertexts, Interpretations
    397,95 kr.

    This volume sets out to explore the complex relationship between Horace and Seneca. It is the first book that examines the interface between these different and yet highly comparable authors with consideration of their ¿uvres in their entirety. The fourteen chapters collected here explore a wide range of topics clustered around the following four themes: the combination of literature and philosophy; the ways in which Senecäs choral odes rework Horatian material and move beyond it; the treatment of ethical, poetic, and aesthetic questions by the two authors; and the problem of literary influence and reception as well as ancient and modern reflections on these problems. While the intertextual contacts between Horace and Seneca themselves lie at the core of this project, it also considers the earlier texts that serve as sources for both authors, intermediary steps in Roman literature, and later texts where connections between the two philosopher-poets are drawn. Although not as obviously palpable as the linkage between authors who share a common generic tradition, this uneven but pervasive relationship can be regarded as one of the most prolific literary interactions between the early Augustan and the Neronian periods. A bidirectional list of correspondences between Horace and Seneca concludes the volume.

  • - Ein Spatantikes Goldamulett Mit Christlichem Exorzismus Und Verwandte Texte
    af Michael Lurje & Christoph Schaublin
    418,95 kr.

  • - Kleine Schriften zu Platon und zum Platonismus
    af Matthias Baltes
    2.179,95 kr.

    Die Beitrage zur Altertumskunde enthalten Monographien, Sammelbande, Editionen, Ubersetzungen und Kommentare zu Themen aus den Bereichen Klassische, Mittel- und Neulateinische Philologie, Alte Geschichte, Archaologie, Antike Philosophie sowie Nachwirken der Antike bis in die Neuzeit. Dadurch leistet die Reihe einen umfassenden Beitrag zur Erschlieung klassischer Literatur und zur Forschung im gesamten Gebiet der Altertumswissenschaften.

  • - Acque ispiratrici e lima poetica nell'Ovidio dell'esilio e nella poesia flavia di omaggio
    af Elena Merli
    1.647,95 kr.

    E luogo comune che, esaurendosi la stagione della poesia augustea, i motivi di sorso ispiratore e labor limae perdano pregnanza semantica: un giudizio legato alla polemica di Persio contro la poesia contemporanea e al Kallimachos in Rom di Walter Wimmel. Entrambi i topoi subiscono in realta una profonda trasformazione, entrando nei nuovi equilibri del sistema letterario (dopo l'Eneide la poesia epica non scorre piu fangosa', mentre i generi minori si collocano all'insegna della festinatio e non della cura formale) e nel delicato dialogo fra professionisti della letteratura e patroni che scrivono versi. Il processo inizia a delinearsi nell'elegia ovidiana dell'esilio per giungere a piena maturazione nel cuore della vita culturale della Roma flavia. Concetti di casa nel callimachismo romano (oltre al sorso ispiratore e alla lima si pensi a pudor, agrypnia, tenuitas) vengono ripresi fra tradizione e innovazione, al fine di tributare un omaggio ai dilettanti ma anche nell'ambito di una delicata strategia di self-fashioning da parte di Stazio e di Marziale. Questi motivi, pur se si svincolano dalle funzioni originarie, continuano a dare voce alla coscienza dei poeti e al discorso sulla letteratura.

  • - Vicende testuali di un corpus tardoantico
    af Idalgo Baldi
    1.726,95 kr.

    Since Terzaghi's edition (1939) no new relevant data were found illustrating the textual history of the Synesian poetic corpus from Late Antiquity to the Palaeologan Byzantium. Thanks to a new inspection of the main manuscripts and the enucleation of thematic and structural incoherencies, hitherto unnoticed, it seems possible to restore the structure of the hymnodic corpus as it was before its original pattern was damaged and modified by late Byzantine editors. Specific researches are devoted to: (1) the displacement of the ninth hymn (originally intended to open the hymns series); (2) the beginning of a new hymn with the last verses of the ninth; (3) the merging of two hymns into what is now the first hymn and a new assessment of the last part of the same piece (according to the Neoplatonic theory of the soul); (4) the real purpose and nature of the hymns 6-8 (uncorrectly considered "e;tout court"e; as christological), and the original structure of the eighth hymn (to be divided in two different poems). Moreover, the study of ancient and late antique metrical and musical theories reveals hitherto unexpected features about both production and performance of Synesius' hymns.

  • - Luciano nell'esegesi di Areta
    af Giuseppe Russo
    2.672,95 kr.

    Lucian of Samosata met a two-sided fate: on the one hand he was attacked for philosophical and theological reasons; on the other he was admired for the command of the Greek language and the stylistic elegance he displays in his writings. The origins of this twofold attitude towards Lucian seem to date back to the exegesis devoted to him by Arethas, archbishop of Caesarea, which is integrally examined for the first time in this publication. The book consists of eleven chapters: 1 (manuscript tradition of Arethas' scholia on Lucian); 2 (Arethas' polemic against Lucian); 3 (scholia with quotations from biblical and patristic texts); 4 (scholia with quotations from classical texts); 5 (relationships between Arethas' scholia and Photius' Bibliotheca); 6 (scholia concerning matters of language or style); 7 (scholia dealing with various learning); 8 (scholia containing autoschediasms); 9 (scholia comparing words or facts found in Lucian's writings with words or facts belonging to the scholiast's times); 10 (bibliography); 11 (index of Arethas' scholia on Lucian).

  • af Stefano Dentice di Accadia Ammone
    2.675,95 kr.

  • - A Reconstruction of Family y in the light of a hitherto unkown Manuscript (Athos, Lavra H-73)
    af Maria Kalli
    2.161,95 kr.

    The Introduction, which gives information about the life and work of Procopius and also about previous editions and studies of the text, is followed by Chapter 1 which contains an analytical codicological and palaeological description of codex Ath, which was written in the late 13th century and is thus the earliest extant ms of Procopius' Wars. Section 2 examines the position of the codex in the stemma codicum, proposed by the latest editor of the text, Jacob Haury, Procopius Caesariensis Opera Omnia (Teubner: Leipzig, 1905-12, revised by G.Wirth, 1963). A collation of the text with the principal manuscripts (K and L) of the two families, z and y, shows that Ath belongs to the y family. A further collation of Ath with all other extant manuscripts of this family of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, illustrates the importance of Ath in the tradition of the text, despite its minor phonetic, grammatical, syntactical and linguistic errors. Section 3 gives a description and updated information of all manuscripts of family y, which were briefly described by previous editors, and some of them were not examined at all, before their relation is examined and the stemma codicum is revised on the basis of a series of propositions. It is concluded that Ath has been the exemplar for some of the later manuscripts, either directly or through intermediaries. The study concludes with a more theoretical chapter, Section 4, which places the production of Ath and other manuscripts, containing Procopius' works and other early Byzantine historiographical texts, in the general context of the intellectual milieu of the Palaeologan period.

  • - A Study of Euripides' Bakchai
    af Valdis Leinieks
    1.552,95 kr.

    The volumes published in the series "e;Beitrage zur Altertumskunde"e; comprise monographs, collective volumes, editions, translations and commentaries on various topics from the fields of Greek and Latin Philology, Ancient History, Archeology, Ancient Philosophy as well as Classical Reception Studies. The series thus offers indispensable research tools for a wide range of disciplines related to Ancient Studies.

  • af Martin L. West
    3.084,95 kr.

    The volumes published in the series "e;Beitrage zur Altertumskunde"e; comprise monographs, collective volumes, editions, translations and commentaries on various topics from the fields of Greek and Latin Philology, Ancient History, Archeology, Ancient Philosophy as well as Classical Reception Studies. The series thus offers indispensable research tools for a wide range of disciplines related to Ancient Studies.

  • - Dialektikkritik illustriert am Beispiel der Bekampfung des metus mortis. Ein Kommentar
    af Ulf Gregor Hamacher
    2.181,95 kr.

    Im 82. Brief an Lucilius fuhrt Seneca den Versuch, mittels Dialektik in Form eines Syllogismus von der Todesfurcht zu befreien, durch seine eigene unnachahmliche Art der Psychagogie ad absurdum. Der bisher im Einzelnen noch nicht hinreichend erklarte Text wird durch eine ausfuhrliche Einleitung und einen Kommentar (mit durchgangiger interpretierender Ubersetzung) erschlossen. Die Einleitung ordnet den Brief in die dialektische Tradition der Stoiker ein, beleuchtet romische Einschatzungen der Dialektik und versucht auf dieser Basis Senecas durchaus differenzierte Position herauszuarbeiten. Den Hauptteil bildet ein detaillierter Kommentar mit textkritischen, sprachlichen und sachlichen Erlauterungen.

  • af Ute Oehlig
    1.593,95 kr.

    Die Beitrage zur Altertumskunde enthalten Monographien, Sammelbande, Editionen, Ubersetzungen und Kommentare zu Themen aus den Bereichen Klassische, Mittel- und Neulateinische Philologie, Alte Geschichte, Archaologie, Antike Philosophie sowie Nachwirken der Antike bis in die Neuzeit. Dadurch leistet die Reihe einen umfassenden Beitrag zur Erschlieung klassischer Literatur und zur Forschung im gesamten Gebiet der Altertumswissenschaften.

  • - Their Structural Significance in Plays of Aristophanes
    af Carl A. Anderson
    1.598,95 kr.

    The volumes published in the series "e;Beitrage zur Altertumskunde"e; comprise monographs, collective volumes, editions, translations and commentaries on various topics from the fields of Greek and Latin Philology, Ancient History, Archeology, Ancient Philosophy as well as Classical Reception Studies. The series thus offers indispensable research tools for a wide range of disciplines related to Ancient Studies.

  • - Decorum, Allusion, and Ideology
    af Wendell V. Clausen
    2.165,95 kr.

    The volumes published in the series "e;Beitrage zur Altertumskunde"e; comprise monographs, collective volumes, editions, translations and commentaries on various topics from the fields of Greek and Latin Philology, Ancient History, Archeology, Ancient Philosophy as well as Classical Reception Studies. The series thus offers indispensable research tools for a wide range of disciplines related to Ancient Studies.

  • - Episode, Exemplum, Anekdote
    af Frank Wittchow
    1.547,95 kr.

    Die Abhandlung tragt einer neueren Tendenz in der Literaturwissenschaft Rechnung, Untersuchungen von Stil und dramatischem Aufbau mit den Ergebnissen historischer Forschung zu verknupfen. Im Sinne des New Historicism wird deshalb auch danach gefragt, welche zeitgenossischen Diskurse in den Res Gestae verhandelt werden. Um sowohl das Zeittypische, als auch das Besondere der Res Gestae herauszuarbeiten, werden die Stile und Darstellungsabsichten des Tacitus und des Ammian deutlich voneinander abgegrenzt und ein Vergleich mit dem Zeitgenossen Aurelius Victor gezogen. Abschlieend werden die Ergebnisse der Arbeit fur die Frage nach dem intendierten Publikum der Res Gestae relevant gemacht.

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