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  • af Olga Alieva
    1.597,95 kr.

    The Platonic corpus is a collection of texts written under Plato's name. It is fairly inconvenient for us, modern readers, that it includes texts hardly authored by Plato, but we are normally able, or deem ourselves so, to tell the difference between spurious and authentic material. Yet that 'either-or' logic might be too simplistic to account for the specifics of 'school accumulation', which continued more or less till the end of the Hellenistic epoch and implied imitation rather than deception: the Platonic corpus was in the making as long as the Academy existed. And so were its separate components: authorial and editorial revisions and 'updates' of dialogues are signalled both by ancient sources and by modern computational techniques. In eleven chapters provided by twelve specialists in the field, this volume explores the Platonic corpus as a living whole in its dynamic and complex development. Two major sets of questions are addressed here. The first concerns the individual components of the corpus, the institutional and philosophical context of their emergence, and questions of authorship and revision. The second question has to do with the corpus as a whole, with the progressive organization of the dialogues into a recognized body of work, including both ancient and modern editions and classifications, as well as the formation and transformations of the canon.

  • af Jerzy Kochanowski
    850,95 kr.

    The cautious expansion of freedoms in the sign of de-Stalinization is remembered in Poland as the "October Thaw of 1956". The renowned historian Jerzy Kochanowski presents an innovative view of this era. He vividly describes the contemporary facts of life as hooliganism and prostitution, work and unemployment, money and corruption, the concept of deliberate motherhood and dreams of having one's own car. The term "revolution" in the title of the book is to be taken literally, because the emotions that gripped Polish society at the time manifested themselves in a variety of ways on the streets. When the "Polish October Revolution" was over, the country was irreversibly changed.

  • af Selina R. Stone
    1.522,95 kr.

    This book represents the first monograph in womanist theological ethics and pentecostalism from within Europe. Despite its designation as an 'embodied faith', this book argues that both historically and in the present, classical pentecostalism often fails to integrate the body with spirituality in ways which attend to the hierarchies which oppress certain bodies in the church and the wider world. Looking back to the African and Wesleyan roots of the movement to explore this tension, the book then draws on qualitative as well as textual research, to analyse classical progressive pentecostalism in Britain today which models an integrated pentecostal faith to an extent, but retains inconsistencies. Finally, a womanist pentecostal theology is being constructed, which calls attention to the Spirit and the body - especially the bodies of the oppressed - as a path towards a holistic understanding of the work of the Spirit and pentecostal faith and ministry.

  • af Vladimir Ivanovici
    1.522,95 kr.

    This book argues that Romans credited certain living persons with the capacity to function as cult statues, that is, as images and vessels of the divine. After addressing the cultural context that produced the idea that humans can become images of the divine, the text shows how emperors, bishops, and others imitated the aesthetic, immobility, and material setting of statuary to establish themselves as iconic and how their role as mediators with the divine was eventually transferred to new categories of material objects, such as relics and icons. The figure of the iconic person thus is shown to have bridged the cult statues of Antiquity with the new mechanisms of interaction with the divine that Christians used for the following millennium. By integrating living persons in the art historical analysis of the spaces and advocating for the need to consider the animation of artefacts together with the reification of bodies, this study marks an important development in the study of the past.

  • af Vanessa De Senarclens
    1.112,95 kr.

    Millionen von polnischen Büchern wurden während des Zweiten Weltkriegs von Nazi-Deutschland in Polen zerstört oder gestohlen. Indessen migrierten im August 1945, im Zuge der Verlegung der deutsch-polnischen Grenze, Millionen von deutschen Büchern aus privaten, kirchlichen und öffentlichen Sammlungen nach Polen - in einen neuen national-kulturellen Kontext. Der Begriff "das Bibliomigratorische" beschreibt sowohl die Reise dieser Bücher in Raum und Zeit als auch ihre sich wandelnde Semantisierung innerhalb geografischer, politischer, institutioneller und sprachlicher Räume. Seit nunmehr 75 Jahren sind diese Bücher Gegenstand zweier völlig verschiedener nationaler Erzählungen. Sie rufen dazu auf, als ein gemeinsames historisches Erbe begriffen zu werden und Ausgangspunkt für Forschungskooperationen und eine intensivierte deutsch-polnische kulturelle Kooperation zu sein.

  • af Klaus Buchenau
    1.597,95 kr.

    When Yugoslavia was created in 1918, noble landowners still possessed vast parts of its territory especially in the northwestern half of the country which had formerly belonged to the Habsburg Monarchy. With approximately 38,000 hectares, Prince Albert of Thurn and Taxis was the largest private owner of forests in the new kingdom. Yugoslav politicians demanded an expropriation, justifying their actions on the grounds of social and historical justice. At the same time, political and business networks attempted to appropriate the property themselves. The parties involved - Thurn and Taxis, Yugoslav officials, national and international companies - fought for their interests using various means, from lawsuits to international arbitrage and political lobbyism. This book concentrates on the latter, arriving at a "grammar of bribery" in the lumber business of interwar Yugoslavia.

  • af Sonja Dolinsek
    1.407,95 kr.

    This edited collection comprises twelve original research papers scrutinizing the historical dimensions of prostitution across 19th and 20th century Central, South, and East-Central Europe. Each contribution employs distinct methodological perspectives and diverse sources. Notably, this volume includes pioneering articles delineating nearly uncharted terrains in the history of prostitution in Europe, especially socialist Eastern European countries. The volume is intended primarily for scholars and students specializing in women's history, gender studies, and sexualities, as well as histories of crime and policing with a focus on European or Global History.

  • af Winfried Baumgart
    2.177,95 kr.

    Die vorliegende Edition ist eine umfangreiche Dokumentation der Politik der europäischen Großmächte gegenüber dem Osmanischen Reich zwischen den zwei großen Krisen des Krimkriegs 1853/56 und der Orientkrise 1875/78. Diese beiden Krisen sind in der internationalen Forschung überaus intensiv behandelt worden; die dazwischenliegenden 20 Jahre wurden dagegen nur punktuell und nie in großem Zusammenhang dokumentiert oder interpretiert. Die Edition ermöglicht es, diese Lücke zu schließen, oder zumindest eine breite Grundlage dafür bereitzustellen.

  • af Izak Y. M. Lattu
    1.522,95 kr.

    This book's central argument is that oral forms of collective memory in Christian-Muslim engagements in orally-oriented societies are more effective than interreligious dialogue through the dominant written text based on elite-based concepts. The approach has dominated interreligious interactions. From the perspective of the social scientific study of interreligious encounters & collective memory in folklore studies, this book explores how orality and social remembrance articulated through folksong, oral narrative, and ritual performance strengthen interreligious engagements in the post-conflict society. The approach proposed in this book reclaims interreligious engagements based on the local Indonesian dynamic preserved in ritual performance, oral narrative, and folksong. This method articulates a contextualized interreligious engagement grounded in local culture.

  • af Milena Wozniak-Koch
    1.662,95 kr.

    The essays featured in this book cover a broad spectrum of topics related to individual identity strategies and art collecting in the late modern era. They give a pan-European perspective on collecting in its various facets, encompassing the history of museums, exhibition policy, art market history, history of taste shaping and provenance research. By showing how collecting mirrored the social problems of modernity, this book indirectly addresses issues such as the sociocultural role of ethnic minorities, the question of women's emancipation, social exclusion versus inclusion, colonialism and the politicisation of museums. These matters, analysed in the context of private collections, reveal the complexity and relevance of the cultural processes underpinning many social issues that remain the subject of reflection to this day.

  • af Tiziana Faitini
    1.522,95 kr.

    The figure of the "professional" looms large in our contemporary society as an ideal for economic activity and socio-political inclusion, and even as a model for individual self-development. But how and when did this figure arise? And what has led professional activity to become such an essential part of our personal, social, moral, economic, and political life? While Max Weber and others have famously addressed these questions, this book reveals a more nuanced history of the concept of "profession" and "professional duty," and offers the first comprehensive study of the discourse of professional ethics from a historical perspective. Italy, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom provide most of the rich corpus of philosophical, juridical, and theological sources discussed throughout the book in its longue durée journey from Ancient Rome to the present.

  • af Gunter Prüller-Jagenteufel
    1.522,95 kr.

    This volume documents two international conferences held as part of the global theological research program "A Kairos for Catholic Theology: Serving the Church - Serving the World" of the International Network of Societies for Catholic Theology (INSeCT). The 2019 intercontinental conference in Manila was dedicated to European-Asian dialogue and gathered contributions on peace, justice, democracy and political culture, ecology, family and gender justice. The 2020 European Conference in Vienna was dedicated to the contribution of multicultural and multi-religious experienced Europe to the solution of the current global challenges in church and society.

  • af Rüdiger Lohlker
    1.522,95 kr.

    Humanitarian Islam is an innovative concept that has begun emerging from the traditions of Islam in Indonesia in recent years. The most important contemporary Islamic organizations in Indonesia support it. Nevertheless, it seems to be unknown beyond the Southeast Asian context, despite its global potential, aspirations and claims. Moreover, the concept has not received any academic attention so far. This volume presents reflections on the idea of Humanitarian Islam by Muslim and non-Muslim scholars from Europe and beyond.

  • af Anna Machcewicz
    697,95 kr.

    "Rebellion" is a fascinating, multi-threaded story about how revolutions unfold. The story begins when the communist authorities in Poland promise a better life after the bloody suppression of strikes in December 1970. The availability of goods temporarily increased, and for a time the outside world seemed closer. Just a decade later, however, rebellion arrived nonetheless. This book provides the full story of the Great Strike of August 1980, the centre of which was the Gdan¿sk Shipyard. This strike was a fight not only for bread, but also for dignity of the striking workers. The authorities were faced with the choice of either calling for assistance from Soviet troops or seeking a compromise. Many days of negotiations with the strikers resulted in an agreement that began a new chapter in Polish history and opened the way to demise of the communist system in Eastern Europe.

  • af Christina M. Kreinecker
    1.407,95 kr.

    The first volume of the new series "Papyri and the New Testament" introduces students, teachers, and scholars to the value of the study of papyrological documentsand their impact on the understanding of early Christ groups.Papyri, ostraca, and tablets document social, economic, political, and multilingualcircumstances of the Greco-Roman period and are one of the best sources for understandingNew Testament times. Compared to the first studies devoted to papyri andthe New Testament some hundred years ago, the amount of available material hasincreased twentyfold. In addition, the days have passed when papyri were foundexclusively in Egypt: a significant number of texts from Israel, Syria, North Africa,Britain, Switzerland, and other Greco-Roman regions demonstrate that these sourcesshed light on general conditions throughout the Roman Empire. The volumeboth introduces the main issues of comparing papyri with New Testament texts andpresents a great variety of comprehensive examples.

  • af Anna Usacheva
    1.277,95 kr.

    This issue takes an inclusive approach to the multidimensional topic of Mediterranean movement, as the themes to be discussed include migration, trade, travelling objects, knowledge exchange, and dissemination of books. The case studies demonstrate the impact of movement on the processes of identity building, whether social, cultural, or religious.Apart from textual sources, the articles included in this issue explore the movement of objects that are characterised by temporal continuity, embodying a prior existence with lingering effects. As objects transform through time and space, so do the values and functions attributed to them. The process of mapping out itineraries of value in the realm of the material allows us to grasp the nature of a given social formation through the shape and meaning taken on by them. It also provides insights into the nature of dynamic synergy between the world of material objects and the realm of beliefs, knowledge, and identities.

  • af Christian Danz
    1.407,95 kr.

    This volume presents different approaches to the concept of religion. Religion in modern societies is undergoing accelerated change. Traditional religious forms are dissolving and being overlaid with or replaced by new ones. This poses particular challenges for analyses of the current religious situation, which already presuppose an understanding of religion. But it is precisely this that is disputed in academic discourse about it. Against the background of this complex situation, this volume turns to the transformations of religion. It brings together inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to religion and its definition. In this way, it takes into account the fact that the transformations of religion can only be grasped by incorporating diverse methodological approaches.

  • af Benyamin F. Intan
    1.407,95 kr.

    The heightened role of religion in the public sphere can become either a source of violence or a source of reconciliation. Considering Indonesia as a pluralistic state in terms of religion despite the fact that Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, a basic question arises: Would it be possible for religion to play a pivotal role in the public sphere of Indonesian society without seeking hegemonic control of social, political, and intellectual life? This book offers positive suggestions of how religion can develop as a transformative and liberating force in Indonesian public affairs. Based on Calvin's and Neo-Calvinist Legal Theory, this book suggests that it is only within the realm of civil society that Indonesian religion will be able to promote the ideas of democracy, tolerance, and human rights in Indonesian public affairs. In short, far from being anti-pluralist, Indonesian religion evolves as a liberating force in the life of society, nation, and state.

  • af Elena Marushiakova
    1.022,95 kr.

    The publication of this outstanding book marks the beginning of the Brill book series Roma History and Culture. The core of the present volume is an until now unpublished manuscript by Shakir Pashov (1898-1981), a Bulgarian Roma activist whose name continues to be surrounded by rumours and myths.The volume includes the original manuscript of Shakir Pashov on the history of the Gypsies in Europe, followed by archival documents highlighting his life and work, and the text of the first booklet devoted to him, which was the first attempt to create a Roma historical narrative. There is also included an extended biography of Shakir Pashov as known by now. The book contributes to identifying and highlighting the numerous inputs Roma have had to shape their activism and popularise their historical knowledge. Pashov's manuscript is a prominent example of these efforts.

  • af Julieta Rotaru
    1.022,95 kr.

    This is the first monograph on the history of the Rudari people of Romania and the first mapping of their settlements. The Rudari are a population which has traditionally inhabited the Balkan area and much of Central Europe. Many of them do not know the Romani language but speak Romanian dialects and today make a living out of carving wooden household items, although their Slavic name alludes to mining. Indeed, the Rudari were for centuries gold-prospectors and gold-washers working for the Crown of Wallachia and were administrated as slaves by a monastery situated on the auriferous Olt river. The authors have reconstructed the fascinating history of this ethnic group for a period of 500 years until the 19th century when gold-panning went in decline due to the exhaustion of the reserves of alluvial gold.

  • af John Paul Newman
    1.147,95 kr.

    This innovative book explores the complexities and levels of resistance amongst the populations of Southeastern Europe during the Second World War. It provides a comparative and transnational approach to the histories of different resistance movements in the region, examining the factors that contributed to their emergence and development, their military and political strategies, and the varieties of armed and unarmed resistance in the region. The authors discuss ethical choices, survival strategies, and connections across resistance movements and groups throughout Southeastern Europe. The aim is to show that to properly understand anti-Axis resistance in the region during the Second World War historians must think beyond conventional and traditional national histories that have tended to dominate studies of resistance in the region. And they must also think of anti-Axis resitance as encompassing more than just military forms.The authors are mainly scholars based in the regions in question, many of whom are presenting their original research for the first time to an English language readership. The book includes contributions dealing with Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.

  • af Tarald Rasmussen
    1.522,95 kr.

    The overarching goal of the book is to examine the relations between Lutheran majority traditions and the development of secular law in the Nordic region in the early modern period, from the 16th to the 18th century. The early modern Nordic region included the kingdoms of Denmark/Norway and Sweden - with the Finnish diocese Åbo as part of the Swedish realm. Both kingdoms were consolidated as Lutheran countries after the reformation. While this change occurred in a determined and radical way in Denmark, in Sweden the transformation was more hesitant. Due to its mixed Protestant (Lutheran/Calvinist) and RomanCatholic heritage, case studies dealing with Germany off er interesting comparative perspectives. The authors are experts in church history and legal history from Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Norway.

  • af Paolo Costa
    1.147,95 kr.

    "The Post-Secular City" is the first attempt to systematically map and assess the recent debate about secularization."The Post-Secular City" examines the alleged shift from a "secular" to a "post-secular" dispensation from the perspective of the ongoing de-construction of the secularization "theorem" (as Hans Blumenberg called it). Accordingly, the new secularization debate is described as being polarized between the "de-constructors" and the "maintainers" of the standard thesis of secularization. This is the assumption underlying an ambitious effort to map the field, which consists of a long introduction where "secularization" is analyzed as a deeply problematic concept-of-process and of eight chapters in which several protagonists of the recent debate are discussed as crucial junctions of a multidisciplinary conversation.

  • af Rachel Blumenthal
    1.022,95 kr.

    Classification is an inherent feature of all societies. The distinction between Jews and non-Jews has been a major theme of Western society for over two millennia. In the middle of the twentieth century, dire consequences were associated with being Jew ish. Even after the Shoah, the labelling of Jews as "other" continued. In this book, leading historians including Michael Brenner, Elisheva Carlebach and Michael Miller illuminate the meaning of Jewishness from pre-modern and early-modern times to the present day. Their studies offer new perspectives on constructing and experiencing Jewish identity.

  • af Andreas Holzem
    3.197,95 kr.

    Christianity did not reach the modern age by straight paths, but by crooked ones: For two centuries after the Reformation, Catholics and Protestants fought over the truth of their religion. They waged merciless wars and concluded fragile peace treaties. They invested in education and culture. They professionalized clerics and civil servants and tried harder than ever to shape the everyday lives of ordinary people in the villages and towns. They persecuted witches and learned to control the fear of magic.The Enlightenment, the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars created completely new conditions for making Christianity plausible for the modern era.The book describes the enormous efforts under which Catholic and Protestant men and women faced the upheavals between the Reformation and the Revolution. Many of these efforts were similar. But their respective 'religious knowledge' developed significantly different.

  • af Christian Kern, Stefan Silber, Judith Gruber, mfl.
    1.407,95 kr.

    The struggle against the climate crisis and for a livable future on earth raises profound questions of justice that call for theological engagement. Anchored in concrete situations of climate vulnerability and responsibility, this volume investigates the theological epistemologies, practices and imaginaries that have profoundly shaped climate politics in the past and explores possible theological reformulations that can open up sustainable and just futures. With these critical and constructive theological reflections inspired by Liberation Theology, it seeks to contribute to practices of climate justice by inspiring the development of socially and economically just ways of living in global, interspecial community.

  • af Kiesten John-Stucke
    392,95 kr.

    Wewelsburg Castle in Germany figures prominently in right-wing conspiracy theories and popular culture. This book sheds light onto the background and impact of these myths for the first time. During the Nazi era, this Westphalian castle became a key venue for gatherings of high ranking SS leaders. After World War II, rumors about occult SS rituals made the place a pilgrimage site of the extreme right. The northern tower's ornamental sun wheel design, today known as the "Black Sun," appears in thrillers, comic books, and in the right-wing music scene. It has morphed into a dubious visual element of today's pop culture and is now familiar to people throughout the world as a symbol of neofascist and alt-right groups. The lavishly illustrated volume traces facts and fiction about the origins and current reception of the myths related to Wewelsburg Castle and the sun wheel symbol.

  • af Kolja Lichy
    1.277,95 kr.

    Der polnische Königshof in der Zeit Sigismunds III. Wasa war eine wichtige Plattform europäischen Informationsaustauschs, dynastischer Netzwerke und der Koordination konfessionell geprägter Politik.Am Hof fielen auch in Polen-Litauen die Verwaltung des herrscherlichen Haushaltes und damit auch dynastischer Interessen sowie Teile der Verwaltung des Herrschaftsverbandes zusammen. Im Spannungsfeld zwischen den politischen Ansprüchen der Ständeversammlung des Sejms und den Interessen des Monarchen entspann sich in Hinblick auf die Außenbeziehungen damit ein Handlungsfeld, dessen Analyse einen Blick auf das Funktionieren europäischer Verflechtungen ermöglicht und zugleich zeigt, welche Handlungsoptionen dem Monarchen und dessen Umgebung im Rahmen der polnisch-litauischen Mischverfassung zukamen.

  • af Anthony Meyer
    1.277,95 kr.

    During the Second Temple period (516 BCE-70 CE), Jews became reticent to speak and write the divine name, YHWH, also known by its four letters in Greek as the tetragrammaton. Priestly, pious, and scribal circles limitted the use of God's name, and then it disappeared. The variables are poorly understood and the evidence is scattered. This study brings together all ancient Jewish literary and epigraphic evidence in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek to describe how, when, and in what sources Jews either used or avoided the divine name. Instead of a diachronic contrast from use to avoidance, as is often the scholarly assumption, the evidence suggests diverse and overlapping naming practices that draw specific meaning from linguistic, geographic, and social contexts.

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