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  • - The Shocking Truth
    af Nicolas Michaud
    312,95 kr.

    Ever since it was first unleashed in 1818 the story of Victor Frankenstein and his reanimated, stitched-together corpse has inspired intense debate. Can organic life be reanimated using electricity or genetic manipulation? If so, could Frankenstein's monster really teach itself to read and speak as Mary Shelley imagined? Do monsters have rights, or responsibilities to those who would as soon kill them? What is it about music that so affects Frankenstein's monster, or any of us? What does Mel Brook's Frau Blucher say to contemporary eco-feminism? Why are some "Frankenstein"'s flops and others historic successes? Is there a "true" Frankenstein? Why are children, but not adults, drawn to Shelley's monster? And what is a "monster," anyway? "Frankenstein and Philosophy" calls 25 philosophers to stitch together these and other questions as they apply to history's greatest horror franchise. Some chapters treat the "Frankenstein" films, others the original novel, and yet others the many comic books, novels, and modern adaptations. Together they pay tribute to perhaps the most enduring pop culture icon and the fundamental fears, hopes, and puzzles it raises.

  • - Being and Awesomeness
    272,95 kr.

    Like philosophy itself, How I Met Your Mother has everyone thinking. Have you ever wondered why you identify so strongly with Barney despite the fact that he's such a douche? Or why your life story doesn't make sense until you know the ending-or at least, the middle? Or where the Bro Code came from and why it's so powerful? How I Met Your Mother and Philosophy answers all these questions and a whole lot more.Twenty of the awesome-est philosophers ever congregated in one bar have come together to quaff a few drinks and analyze this most awesomely philosophical of sit-coms. They poke, prod, and sniff at the misdeeds of Goliath National Bank, the ontology of waiting to get slapped, the epistemology of sexual attraction, why the Platinum Rule is to never love thy neighbor, the authenticity of censoring yourself, why future Ted's opinions matter to present-day Ted, and whether it's irrational to wait for the Slutty Pumpkin. This book shows that viewers of How I Met Your Mother and Philosophy know that philosophy is much more than a song and dance routine.

  • - Bootleg This Book
    212,95 kr.

    From Machiavellian city officials to big-time mobsters, corrupt beat cops, and overzealous G-men, Boardwalk Empire is replete with philosophically compelling characters who find themselves in philosophically interesting situations. This book is directed at thoughtful fans of the show. Here, readers discover parallels between the events in Boardwalk Empire and contemporary political events. Twenty philosophers address issues in political philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, feminism, and metaphysics. Is Nucky Thomson a Machiavellian prince or a Nietzschean superman? Is Jimmy's resentment towards Nucky justified, given that Jimmy would never have come into existence had his parents not met? What can be said about the ethics of lying in the seedy world of bootlegging? Agent Van Alden's unique religious attitudes bring a warped sense of morality to the Boardwalk universe. One chapter brings to light the moral character of Van Alden's God. Other chapters explores the roles that storytelling, deception, and gender play in the show.

  • - Fullmetal Metaphysician
    397,95 kr.

    Drawing from Japanese art traditions, manga has rapidly become a literary force not just in Japan but worldwide. This title discusses manga by examining some of its major forms (lolicon to shonen to shojo), series titles ("Death Note" to "Space Battleship Yamato" to "Gunslinger Girl"), and cultural factors from a philosophical vantage point.

  • - I Am Philosophy (And So Can You!)
    297,95 kr.

  • - iCon of an ePoch
    287,95 kr.

    The iPod is transforming the lives of millions, changing their relationship to music and to each other. It is also an icon in its own right: the victory of the iPod over other mp3 players remains an unsolved mystery. This book features philosophers with diverse interests and points of view who bring their expertise to bear on this phenomenon.

  • - How to Philosophize with a Pair of Pliers and a Blowtorch
    272,95 kr.

  • - Badder Living through Chemistry
    287,95 kr.

    Breaking Bad tells the story of a man whose life changes because of the medical death sentence of an advanced cancer diagnosis. The show depicts his metamorphosis from inoffensive chemistry teacher to feared drug lord and remorseless killer. In Breaking Bad and Philosophy, a squad of professional thinkers investigate the crimes of Walter White, showing how this story relates to the major themes of philosophy and the major life decisions facing all of us.

  • - The Real and the Cereal
    317,95 kr.

    Since he burst on the world with his heavy-metal memoir Fargo Rock City in 2001, Chuck Klosterman has been one of the most successful novelists and essayists in America. His collections of essays Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs and Chuck Klosterman IV: A Decade of Curious People and Dangerous Ideas have established Klosterman not only as a credible spokesman for intelligent purveyors of popular culture. His writings and regular columns (in Spin, Esquire, The New York Times Magazine and other venues) about music, sports, and modern culture have sometimes become themselves touchstones in popular culture. The success of his card-based game Hypertheticals: 50 Questions for Insane Conversations has demonstrated that Klosterman can connect with his fans and readers even off the printed page.As he writes in his contribution to this book, Klosterman “enjoys writing about big, unwieldy ideas” as they circulate in culture, in people, in music, and in sports. The twenty-two other philosophers writing alongside Klosterman couldn’t agree more. They offer their own take on the concepts and puzzles that fascinate him and take up many of Chuck’s various challenges to answer brain-twisting "hypertheticals" or classic ethical quandaries that would arise if, say, Aristotle wandered backstage at a Kiss concert.

  • - This America, Man
    244,95 kr.

    By many accounts, HBO's The Wire was and remains the greatest and most important television drama of all time. The Wire was able to reveal the overlapping, criss-crossing, and colliding realities that shape - if not control - the people, institutions, and culture of the modern American city. This book celebrates this show's realism.

  • - Great Apes Think Alike
    367,95 kr.

    Genetic engineering is changing humans, animals, and plants, raising new questions about the morality of such interventions. Planet of the Apes is the most resonant of all scientific apocalypse myths. This book looks at all the deeper issues involved in the Planet of the Apes stories.

  • - Do Androids Have Kindred Spirits?
    362,95 kr.

    Science-fiction writer Philip K Dick (1928-1982) is the giant imagination behind popular culture - hit movies based directly on his writings, such as "Blade Runner", "Total Recall", "Minority Report", and cult favorites such as "A Scanner Darkly" and "Paycheck". This title confronts the fascinating and frightening ideas raised by his fantasies.

  • - A Book for Bastards, Morons, and Madmen
    267,95 kr.

    Few novels have had more influence on individuals and literary culture than J D Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye", that quickly became championed by youth who identified with the awkwardness and alienation of the novel's protagonist, Holden Caulfield. In this title, philosophers take on the phonies in Holden Caulfield's world.

  • - Raiding the Temple of Wisdom
    337,95 kr.

    Shows readers that the swift ascent of the tabletop role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons to worldwide popularity event in popular culture since the invention of the motion picture. This title explores what D&D has to teach us about ethics and about how results from philosophical study of morality that can enrich and transform the game itself.

  • - It's Just a Thought Away
    347,95 kr.

    From their commanding role in the so-called British Invasion of the early 1960s to their status as the elder statesmen (and British Knight) of rock and roll, the Stones have become more than an evanescent phenomenon in pop culture. They have become a touchstone not only for the history of our times-their performance at the Altamont Raceway marked the "end of the sixties," while their 1990 concert in Prague helped Czechoslovakia and other eastern bloc nations celebrate their newfound freedom (and satisfaction) out from under Moscow's thumb. Because of their longevity, the music and career of the Stones-much more than The Beatles-stand as touchstones in the personal lives of even casual Stones fans. Everyone of a certain age remembers the Stones on Ed Sullivan, the death of founder Brian Jones, their favorite songs, concerts, or videos, and their stance in the classic "Beatles versus Stones” debates. In the wake of Keith Richards's bestselling autobiography, Life (2010), many are now reliving these events and decades from the viewpoint of the band's endearing and seemingly death-defying guitarist.The chapters in The Rolling Stones and Philosophy celebrate the Stones' place in our lives by digging into the controversies, the symbols, and meanings the band and its songs have for so many. What might you mean (and what did Mick mean) by "sympathy for the Devil”? Did the Stones share any of the blame for the deaths at Altamont, as critic Lester Bangs charged they did in Rolling Stone magazine? What theories of ethics and personality lay behind the good-boy image of the Beatles and the bad-boy reputation the Stones acquired? If Keith Richards really had his blood replaced four separate times, does that make him a zombie? How do the Glimmer Twins help us refine our understanding of friendship? Written by a dozen philosophers and scholars who adore the Rolling Stones not only for their music, this book will become required reading for anyone seeking maximum satisfaction from "the world's greatest rock and roll band."

  • - Green Monster Meditations
    387,95 kr.

    This volume in the Popular Culture and Philosophy series delves into the tragic and redemptive history of the Boston Red Sox baseball franchise. Drawing on philosophers from Aristotle to Sartre, chapters range from issues of faith and spirituality to tragedy, irony, existentialism, Sabermetrics, and the infamous "curse of the Bambino." With an emphasis on "Red Sox Nation" — the community of Red Sox fans across the globe — the book connects important philosophical ideas with one of the most storied teams in the history of Major League Baseball. The chapters make complex philosophical arguments easy to understand while providing an insider’s knowledge of the hometown team. All but one of the authors in this volume are all Red Sox fans who comment on their team philosophically. There''s even a Yankee fan’s perspective! With a foreword by Dick Bresciani, vice president and official historian of the Boston Red Sox, this book provides a unique philosophical experience for the die-hard Red Sox fan.

  • - The Curious Case of the Defective Detective
    317,95 kr.

  • - Darkness on the Edge of Truth
    197,95 kr.

    Known as the working man's poet, the Boardwalk prophet, or simply, the Boss. If "love is a banquet at which we feed," Bruce Springsteen has provided much food for thought. In this collection of metaphysical probes, a gang of E-street philosophers will undress Bruce's deeper mysteries like irresistible Jersey girls. Can Springsteen settle the nature-nurture debate through his song "Born to Run"? What do the famous philosopher Ricuoer and Springsteen have in common in their depiction of time? These die-hard Springsteen fans, who just happen to be philosophers, compile an entertaining handbook to the field of Springsteen studies, covering topics like Springsteen's connection to Marx and the proletariat, Springsteen's concept of the soul, and his status as a poet.

  • - Thinking Outside the Batter's Box
    177,95 kr.

    Bringing together two high-powered pastimes - the sport of baseball and the academic discipline of philosophy - Eric Bronson asks 18 young professors to provide their profound analysis of some aspect of baseball. The results offer surprisingly deep insights into this most American of games.

  • - The Footprints of a Gigantic Mind
    362,95 kr.

    A collection of essays that shows that Sherlock Holmes sees things others don't. It explores the source of Holmes' faculty of observation and facility for deduction: Is it systematic training (as Watson surmises), genetics, or is he just really lucky?

  • - Intellect Evolved
    af Luke Cuddy
    212,95 kr.

    Since the "Doom" series, First Person Shooter (FPS) videogames have ricocheted through the gaming community, often reaching outside that community to the wider public. While critics primarily lampoon FPSs for their aggressiveness and on-screen violence, gamers see something else. "Halo" is one of the greatest, most successful FPSs ever to grace the world of gaming. Although "Halo" is a FPS, it has a science-fiction storyline that draws from previous award-winning science fiction literature. It employs a game mechanic that limits the amount of weapons a player can carry to two, and a multiplayer element that has spawned websites like Red vs. Blue and games within the game created by players themselves. "Halo"'s unique and extraordinary features raise serious questions. Are campers really doing anything wrong? Does "Halo"'s music match the experience of the gamer? Would Plato have used "Halo" to train citizens to live an ethical life? What sort of Artificial Intelligence exists in "Halo" and how is it used? Can the player's experience of war tell us anything about actual war? Is there meaning to Master Chief's rough existence? How does it affect the player's ego if she identifies too strongly with an aggressive character like Master Chief? Is "Halo" really science fiction? Can "Halo" be used for enlightenment-oriented thinking in the Buddhist sense? Does "Halo"'s weapon limitation actually contribute to the depth of the gameplay? When we willingly play "Halo" only to die again and again, are we engaging in some sort of self-injurious behavior? What is expansive gameplay and how can it be informed by the philosophy of Michel Foucault? In what way does "Halo""'s post-apocalyptic paradigm force gamers to see themselves as agents of divine deliverance? What can Red vs. Blue teach us about personal identity? These questions are tackled by writers who are both "Halo" cognoscenti and active philosophers, with a foreword by renowned "Halo" fiction author Fred Van Lente and an afterword by leading games scholar and artist Roger Ngim.

  • - Mind over Spatter
    312,95 kr.

    Although Dexter Morgan kills only killers, he is not a vigilante but a charming psychopath. His gory appetite is controlled by 'Harry's Code', which limits his victims to those who have gotten away with murder, and his job as a blood-spatter expert for the Miami police department gives him the inside track on those targets.

  • - Ideas to Die For
    367,95 kr.

    "Inception", starring Leonardo DiCaprio, is the one of the most philosophical and disturbing movie since "The Matrix". The very idea that our dreams and reality are one and the same has caused many sleepless nights and deep, vexing conversations around the world. This title examines the complicated dream theme from various angles.

  • - Bigger on the Inside
    412,95 kr.

    Famous throughout the world, the "Doctor Who" series is the longest-running sci-fi TV show in history. This title covers such topics as: the Doctor's philosophy of science, the ethics of a universe with millions of intelligent species, what makes one life-form more important than another, whether time travellers can change history, and more.

  • - Beating and Nothingness
    215,95 kr.

    Martial arts and philosophy have always gone hand in hand, as well as fist in throat. Philosophical argument is closely paralleled with hand-to-hand combat. And all of today’s Asian martial arts were developed to embody and apply philosophical ideas. In his interview with Bodidharma, Graham Priest brings out aspects of Buddhist philosophy behind Shaolin Kung-Fu — how fighting monks are seeking Buddhahood, not brawls. But as Scott Farrell’s chapter reveals, Eastern martial arts have no monopoly on philosophical traditions: Western chivalry is an education in and living revival of Aristotelian ethical theories. Several chapters look at ethical problems raised by the fighting arts. How can the sweaty and brutal be exquisitely beautiful? Every chapter is easily understandable by readers new to martial arts or new to philosophy.

  • - Beautiful Thoughts on the Beautiful Game
    337,95 kr.

    What does it really mean to be a football fan (and why should we count Aristotle as one)? Why do great players such as Cristiano Ronaldo count as great artists? This title explores the complex and often hidden contours of the world's most popular game.

  • - What's on Your Mind?
    337,95 kr.

    Explores what Facebook means for us and for our relationships. This title discusses issues ranging from the nature of friendship and its relationship to 'friending', to the efficacy of 'online activism'.

  • - The Burning Ring of Truth
    317,95 kr.

    Interest in the Man in Black has grown since his death in 2003, with increased record sales, cover videos by groups like Nine Inch Nails, and the 2006 biopic Walk the Line cementing his fame. This book honors Cash by examining the many philosophical issues and concepts within his music. From the gender confusion of “A Boy Named Sue” to the ethics of "shooting a man just to watch him die,” philosophers who are fans of Johnny Cash explore the meaning and continuing importance of his work and legacy.

  • - Fake News Story True Alleges Indignant Area Professor
    297,95 kr.

    The Onion, with its unique brand of deadpan satirical humor, has become a familiar part of the American scene. The newspaper has a readership of over a million, and it reaches millions more with its spin-off books and The Onion News Network. The Onion has shown us that standard ways of thinking about the news have their grotesque and silly side, and this invites philosophical examination. Twenty-one philosophers were commissioned to figure out just what makes the Onion so truthful and insightful. Are the Onion writers truly cynical, or just cynically faking it? Does the Onion really have a serious point of view on religion? On sex? On politics? Who cares what Area Man thinks? If everyone’s so dumb, how come so many Onion readers keep on laughing at how dumb they are?

  • - Wrath of the Philosopher King
    212,95 kr.

    World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role playing game. It causes more and more real world events, as people marry individuals they have met in the game, and real-world financial markets thrive in virtual WoW property. This book offers an exploration of the thrilling, addictive world of online videogames.

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