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  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    38,95 kr.

    Sherlock Holmes est mort depuis trois ans et un nouveau meurtre perplexe la police. Comment Ronald Adair, fils du Comte de Maynooth, travaillant seul dans son salon ferme a cle dans sa residence de Park Lane, a-t'il pu etre assassine ? Watson s'interesse a l'affaire, mais c'est bien plus que le meurtrier d'Adair qu'il va trouver. "e;La Maison Vide"e; est extrait de "e;Le Retour de Sherlock Holmes"e;.-

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    38,95 kr.

    Le commis d'agent de change Hall Pycroft demande l'aide de Holmes apres s'etre vu offrir un job trop beau pour etre vrai. Il a accepte le poste, mais trouve rapidement que les affaires ne se deroulent pas selon la procedure et de plus, le bureau est a moitie vide. Et il y encore bien d'autres elements qui rendent le tout fort suspicieux. "e;Le Commis d'Agent de Change"e; est extrait de "e;Les Souvenirs de Sherlock Holmes"e;.-

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    38,95 kr.

    Le Dr. Thorneycroft Huxtable, fondateur et directeur de l'Ecole du Prieure, demande l'aide de Holmes suite a la disparition d'un de ses eleves, le petit Lord Saltire, et de son professeur, l'Allemand Heidegger. Le velo de ce dernier manque aussi a l'appel. "e;L'Ecole du Prieure"e; est extrait de "e;Le Retour de Sherlock Holmes"e;.-

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    38,95 kr.

    Sherlock Holmes vient a l'aide de l'inspecteur Stanley Hopkins suite au meurtre de Willoughby Smith, secretaire du frele professeur Coram. La victime a ete retrouvee par la femme de menage, qui s'est precipite a son aide apres avoir entendu un cri. Elle arriva juste a temps pour entendre ses derniers mots: "e;Le professeur... s'etait-elle!"e;"e;Le Pince-nez d'or"e; est extrait de "e;Le Retour de Sherlock Holmes"e;.-

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    38,95 kr.

    Le jeune ingenieur Victor Hatherley est recrute par le Colonel Lysander Stark pour examiner une presse hydraulique. Le colonel lui propose de le payer 50 guinees, une somme enorme pour l'epoque, et le jeune homme accepte sans hesitations. Cependant, tout va de mal en pis et quand Hatherley arrive chez Watson et Holmes pour leur raconter son histoire, il lui manque un pouce. "e;Le Pouce de l'ingenieur"e; est extrait de "e;Les Aventures de Sherlock Holmes"e;.-

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    38,95 kr.

    L'inspecteur Stanley Hopkins fait appel au Dr Watson et a Sherlock Holmes suite au meurtre de Sir Eustache Brackenstall. Il semble avoir ete victime d'un cambriolage ayant mal tourne. Sa femme avait surpris trois hommes penetrant chez eux. Le plus age l'avait frappe a la figure et elle s'etait evanouie. En se reveillant, elle se trouva ligotee. Quand son mari, qu'elle dit avoir ete violent et alcoolique, entra dans la piece, il se lanca vers les trois hommes et fut tue. "e;L'Abbaye de Grange"e; est extrait de "e;Le Retour de Sherlock Holmes"e;.-

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    38,95 kr.

    Sherlock Holmes et le Dr Watson sont en voyage en Cornouailles quand Mortimer Tregennis vient les trouver avec une affaire des plus etranges. Sa sA ur a ete retrouvee morte aux cotes de ses deux freres devenus fous, au lendemain d'avoir joue une partie de whist avec eux. Tregennis est sur que c'est la l'A uvre du diable. "e;Le Pied du Diable"e; est extrait de "e;Son dernier salut"e;.-

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    38,95 kr.

    Le Colonel James Barclay est mort et sa femme est soupconnee. Pourtant, quand on interroge les collegues du colonel, on apprend que le couple semblait tres heureux, mais que le colonel souffrait d'episodes depressifs inexpliques. "e;L'Homme estropie"e; est extrait de "e;Les Souvenirs de Sherlock Holmes"e;.-

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    38,95 kr.

    Noel approche et un bijou precieux, l'Escarboucle Bleue, est vole de la chambre d'hotel de la Comtesse de Morcar. On arrete un plombier qui etait present sur les lieux du crime, mais le bijou a disparu sans une trace. "e;L'Escarboucle bleue"e; est extrait de "e;Les Aventures de Sherlock Holmes"e;.-

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    38,95 kr.

    Tout est bien calme au 221B Baker Street et Holmes sombre dans l'ennui et les stimuli artificiels. La situation s'ameliore enfin quand une jeune femme fort belle et avec une affaire des plus intrigantes se presente a sa porte. Il y a dix ans de ca, le pere de Mary Morstan a disparu apres son retour d'Inde et quatre ans plus tard, elle a commence a recevoir une perle precieuse par la poste - une chaque annee, sans explications. Et maintenant, elle a recu une lettre l'invitant a rencontrer son mysterieux bienfaiteur. Holmes et Watson lui proposent de l'accompagner et se retrouvent bientot plonges dans une histoire dramatique de tresor indien, de meurtre, de fraude et de vengeance, ainsi qu'une enigmatique alliance entre quatre hommes, dont le signe reapparait encore et encore."e;La Marque des Quatre"e; est le deuxieme des quatre romans de la serie Sherlock Holmes d'Arthur Conan Doyle. -

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    38,95 kr.

    Le fiance de Mary Sutherland, Hosmer Angel, a disparu le jour de leur mariage, laissant Mary devant l'autel, sans aucunes explications et le cA ur brise. Elle en sait tres peu sur lui et les lettres qu'il lui a adressee ont ete ecrites sur une machine a ecrire. Mary veut des reponses, mais est-elle prete a les recevoir?"e;Un cas d'identite"e; est extrait de "e;Les Aventures de Sherlock Holmes"e;.-

  • af Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
    63,94 kr.

    Da denne, den fjerde og sidste af de lange Sherlock Holmes-historier udkom i 1914, bemærkede Sir Arthur Conan Doyle i en let tone:"Jeg tænker, dette er min svanesang i den skønlitterære genre."Ganske rigtigt var hans tid som skønlitterær forfatter praktisk talt forbi, og han gik ind i spiritismen, som kom til at beherske hans sidste år. Frygtens dal, der udkom som føljeton i The Strand Magazine fra september 1914 til april 1915, er den historie, hvori Sherlock Holmes løser mysteriet om et rædselsfuldt mord i en herregård, omgivet af en voldgrav i Sussex.Undervejs afslører han en tidligere og barskere historie om lovløshed og massedrab i en minedal i USA og prøver endnu en gang kræfter med professor Moriarty’s overlegne forbryder-hjerne.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    John McFarlane, a young solicitor, got himself in a mess which could cost him his future. He is afraid that he is about to be arrested for the murder of Jonas Oldacre, a builder who he met a day earlier. The only option McFarlene sees is to get to Holmes and Watson fastest possible before the police find him. Just as John manages to explain his situation to the two friends, the police burst in the room and arrest him. Is John’s life doomed to failure or Holmes and Watson will save the day?"The Adventure of the Norwood Builder" is a part of "The Return of Sherlock Holmes".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    Mr. Percy Phelps, a Foreign Office employee, is desperate. An important naval treaty disappeared while he was working with it during one late night in the office. Phelps reaches out to his old schoolmate, Holmes, and asks for his help. A long and exhausting investigation begins. But it is a matter of time for the treaty to be divulged to a foreign government. Will Holmes solve the case in time? Will Phelps win his good reputation back? "The Adventure of the Naval Treaty" is a part of "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    Sherlock has retired. Now living in Sussex, he’s enjoying a pleasant walk along the beach when he runs into a friend, Harold Stackhurst, headmaster at The Gables. The two acquaintances have just started chatting when they’re interrupted by one of the teachers at Stackhurst’s school, Fitzroy McPherson. The man appears to be in a great deal of pain and only manages to mutter something about a lion’s mane before collapsing, dead. He has strange wounds on his back. Then comes another of the teachers, Ian Murdoch, who claims to have no idea what happened, having just arrived himself. But there is no one else close by."The Adventure of the Lion’s Mane" is part of "The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    "The Adventure of the Gloria Scott" which is a part of "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" sends us back to the very first case of Sherlock Holmes. While Holmes was still a student, he visited an old friend of his, named Trevor. Holmes stayed for a while in Trevor’s house but eventually had to return to London. However before he took home, he got to meet one of Trevor’s mysterious and strange friends, Hudson. Two months later Trevor died. What happened? Did Hudson have something to do with Trevor’s death? How did Hudson and Trevor meet and what was their past? Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    Holmes has been following the diamond thief, Count Negretto Sylvius, and is convinced that the man is going to try to kill him. The detective has therefore set up a clever visual trick at 221B Baker Street that should allow him to catch the count and not get killed. But will it be enough? And will Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson be able to track down the precious stone? "The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone" is part of "The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    88,95 kr.

    Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson invite their readers to follow their adventures one last time, as they solve more mysteries from the criminal underworld. This last collection about the famous and eccentric duo takes you on an adventure full of mysterious lodgers, missing diamonds, lions, vampires, and lover’s quarrels. One last time, let yourself be swept away by the curious cases and Holmes' grandiose talent of deduction. This collection includes: "The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone", "The Problem of Thor Bridge", "The Adventure of the Creeping Man", "The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire", "The Adventure of the Three Garridebs", "The Adventure of the Illustrious Client", "The Adventure of the Three Gables", "The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier", "The Adventure of the Lion's Mane", "The Adventure of the Retired Colourman", "The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger", and "The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    Mycroft, Sherlok Holmes’ brother, has a story to tell. Mycroft’s friend Mr. Melas is an interpreter who got himself in great trouble. He was hired as a translator in a business meeting. Melas however did not know that the "meeting" was between Mr. Latimer and the person he had kidnapped. Mr. Latimer wanted to force a Greek to sign some property papers. The plan however did not go as expected because Mr. Melas found out what was going on. Did he manage to save the victims or he became one as well? Will the two brothers Holmes solve the case in time? Find out the answers in "The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter" which is a part of "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    Reginald Musgrave, a school friend of Holmes, saw his butler searching through private family papers. The butler Brunton got caught red handed with an ancestral ritual of the Musgraves as well. The ritual seemed worthless to the family but Brunton was determined to decipher it. A few days after Brunton disappeared. "The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual" is a part of "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    A thick smog has fallen over London. Mycroft comes to visit his brother Sherlock Holmes, asking for his help. A ten-page secret document has gone missing and three pages have just been found... in the pocket of Arthur Cadogan West’s lifeless body. He was discovered near Aldgate tube station with his head smashed in and with only a little money, the confidential pages, and theatre tickets on him. Strangely, he had no Underground ticket. The document is a construction plan for the Bruce-Partington submarine and it is feared that the document may fall into enemy hands. "The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans" is part of "His Last Bow".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    The politician Neil Gibson wants Sherlock Holmes’ help to solve the mystery of his wife's murder. Maria’s body was found lifeless on a bridge on their estate. He hopes Holmes will be able to clear his children’s governess, Miss Dunbar, of the crime. "The Problem of Thor Bridge" is part of "The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    The Australian Charles McCarthy is brutally murdered in Hertfordshire, England. His son James is the prime suspect, having been the last person seen at his side. Yet he claims to be innocent. Lestrade calls on Holmes to clarify the case. "The Boscombe Valley Mystery" is part of "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    A murder was committed at the old professor Coram’s house. His secretary Smith was killed while the professor was still in bed. Coram would have been the first suspect if it was not for the fact that he was an invalid who could not move. Inspector Hopkins got to a dead end in the investigation so he reached out for help from Watson and Holmes. The only evidence they found was a pince-nez. Can this be enough for them to solve the case? "The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez" is a part of "The Return of Sherlock Holmes".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    Mr. Hilton Cubbit married a young American girl, named Elsie, a few years ago. Elsie had warned her husband of her dark past and she begged him not dig deeper and ask questions. He managed to keep his promise till the day they received several drawings of little dancing men. Cubbit thought that they were simply some joke, but when he showed them to Elsie, she almost lost her mind. Mr. Hilton could not contact the police, so his only option was to reach out to Holmes. Will Holmes decipher the message in time to save the married couple? What did the dancing men mean? Find the answers in "The Dancing Men" which is a part of "The Return of Sherlock Holmes".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    The rugby player Staunton is missing. His friend, the rugby team coach, Cyril Overton, reaches out to Holmes and Watson begging them to take up the case. Holmes and Watson find out that the boy went out in a hurry the previous night together with an unknown man. The next step is to find out who this man was and what did he has to do with Staunton. Holmes and Watson will get to the bottom of it. What they will learn is however more than unexpected. "The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter" is a part of "The Return of Sherlock Holmes".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    Trelawney Hope, secretary for European Affairs, reaches out to Holmes. A very important letter was stolen from Hope’s safe and he wants Holmes to track it down. The letter’s content was of political importance and the three main suspects of Holmes are international secret agents. However one of them, Eduardo Lucas, was found murdered. Is there some connection between both crimes and will Holmes connect the dots? "The Adventure of the Second Stain" is a part of "The Return of Sherlock Holmes".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    Sir James comes to 221B Baker Street in the name of an anonymous but illustrious client. It concerns General de Merville’s daughter, Violet, who has fallen for the Baron Adelbert Gruner. The man has a bad reputation and Sir James hopes that if his misbehaviours can be proven by Holmes Violet will agree to break off the union. Just how bad the Baron’s actions have been and how to prove it is what Sherlock Holmes will have to find out. "The Adventure of the Illustrious Client" is part of "The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    Violet Hunter has been offered a position as a governess by Jephro Rucastle, owner of the country estate the Copper Beaches, in Hampshire. She wants to have Sherlock Holmes opinion, as to whether or not she should accept the position. The pay is three times what she is used to but it comes with strange conditions, such as having to cut her long hair short. Yet her would-be-employer seems nice enough and finally, Violet takes the job. Holmes tells her to send him a telegram if she ever needs him. Two weeks later, a telegram comes in begging him to come to her. "The Adventure of the Cooper Beeches" is part of "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    36,95 kr.

    Sherlock Holmes is hired for another case. The target this time is a professional blackmailer who buys compromising letters of people and then presses them for loads of money. Lady Brackwell turns to Holmes with the hope of him finding and getting rid of old letters to a younger boy. Holmes and Watson try to blend into the blackmailer Milverton’s home. And when they finally get themselves to Milverton’s safe, they get involved in a murder. This was not the initial plan. What happened? Who was the victim and who was the murderer? Find out the end in "The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.

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