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Bøger i The Spider serien

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  • - Satan's Death Blast
    af Grant Stockbridge & Norvell W Page
    147,95 kr.

    How fight a menace which strikes without warning-which disintegrates flesh and blood and stone to mere chemical atoms! Men fled in blind panic from the merest rumor of a new attack, and even the Spider-dodging the death blasts-can find at first no weapon with which to combat this new and devastating evil which obliterates its victims in the fraction of time between two heart-beats!

  • - Death's Crimson Juggernaut
    af Grant Stockbridge & Norvell W Page
    142,95 kr.

    Hideous maniacal laughter shattered the dark silence of ghostly tenements. Sleepy-eyed men and women, stumbling through the dim halls of the building, found a sight that chilled their souls with terror. On a blank wall, spikes driven through her, hands and feet, blood coursing down her arms and breasts in tiny rivulets, a beautiful young woman was hanging, crucified, dying. Still another victim of the Torture Trust! And while panic spreads, while hundreds die victims of the Killers, the Spider is blinded, his faithful servants imprisoned, his friends dishonored! How can Richard Wentworth, desperate and alone, combat the powerful, well-organized Murder Syndicate whose gun hirelings hunt him down like a vicious mad dog?

  • - The City Destroyer
    af Norvell W Page
    142,95 kr.

    Thousands of busy persons bent over their desks in the tallest building in the world-conducting the commerce of the nation-when suddenly the steel girders began to creak and twist, and the gigantic edifice swayed giddily in the rising wind. Never before had criminal brains devised a more cunning or a more horrible weapon to garner their ill-gotten treasures. And never before was the Spider so strenuously put to test-for the Master, the man behind the devastation and death, eluded every suspicion, foresaw every contingency, left no tell-tale clues behind him as he ravaged, slayed and pillaged... Richard Wentworth, working for once hand in hand with the organized forces of law and order, fights the grimmest battle of his long career. Can the Spider avenge the countless dead who have already fallen? Can he bring the Murder Master to the justice he so richly deserves?

  • - The Pain Emperor
    af Norvell W Page
    142,95 kr.

    In a hundred thousand homes, families sat down together at the supper table. A few hours later, those persons were dead-killed by poison in canned foods! Thousands of women used cosmetics, and acid made their faces forever hideously scarred. A master criminal, daring and clever, was ruthlessly slaughtering Americans to win immense illicit profits for himself. Only one man was powerful enough and wise enough to stop this wholesale murder-Richard Wentworth, champion of oppressed humanity, better known as the Spider. And the Spider was engaged in the bitterest battle of his career, fighting the Avenger, a false, wily crusader who was determined to destroy him!

  • - City of Flaming Shadows
    af Grant Stockbridge & Norvell W Page
    142,95 kr.

    The Flaming Shadows fell upon the city, shrouding whole neighborhoods in a fiery gloom-wherein walked screaming death and merciless destruction... Go with the Spider as he battles, single-handedly, the Flaming Shadows-to save the very people who pray for his destruction!

  • - The Corpse Cargo
    af Grant Stockbridge & Norvell W Page
    147,95 kr.

    Thundering far beneath Manhattan's thronging streets came the Death Express-a crack New York Central train bearing a gruesome cargo of lifeless men, women and children-their bodies stripped of valuables, naked and mutilated! A grim warning of the terror-reign that threatened America-at the hands of Twentieth Century land-pirates, whose weapon was neither gun nor sword, but the stunning, body-shivering force which lies in electricity! Can the Spider, using mortal weapons, fight the numbing power of the thunderbolt-and survive?

  • - Reign of the Silver Terror
    af Grant Stockbridge & Norvell W Page
    147,95 kr.

    Fear stalked the corridors and offices on Capitol Hill, for it was from the ranks of the mighty-the rulers and lawmakers of America-that the Silver Assassins sought their victims! Singly, in pairs and in numbered groups they died, laying down their lives for their country-while panic spread, and the Spider, alone aware of the terrific catastrophe which impended, fought through black, bodiless shadows to reach and destroy the menace which festered underground!

  • - Prince of the Red Looters
    af Grant Stockbridge & Norvell W Page
    142,95 kr.

    Never before had any criminal dared give open challenge to the Spider! Never before had Richard Wentworth faced a foe who welcomed personal combat with the grim avenger whom all others feared... And while they fought-the Spider and the Fly-a new and fearless criminal army was forming; men and women were dying by the scores; and the youth of a nation was flocking to the dark banner of that gentlemanly killer whose battle cry was "Kill the Spider-and the world is ours!"

  • - The Mad Horde
    af Grant Stockbridge & Norvell W Page
    147,95 kr.

    Never before in history had anything quite so horrible as the Mad Horde been loosed upon a terrified humanity! In rural towns and through the thronging streets of great cities the death-bringers stalked, spreading the slow madness of which they themselves must soon die! The Spider, dismayed and horrified as never before in his long career, is forced at last into risking the life of the girl he loves-so that a million others may live!

  • - Empire of Doom!
    af Grant Stockbridge & Norvell W Page
    147,95 kr.

    America faces certain doom as its citizens fall in screaming thousands before the noxious death vapors loosed upon them by the Green Hand. How can the Spider, harried and threatened by a hundred new and deadly perils, check the rising power of the next Dictator-and lay bare the scheming, criminal mind which seeks to enslave the nation?

  • - Wings of the Black Death
    af Grant Stockbridge & Norvell W Page
    147,95 kr.

    Like the consuming flames of a prairie fire the dread news spread: "The Spider has gone mad! He will massacre us all!" But Richard Wentworth, never more sane, was even then gambling life itself in one desperate effort to save the city which cursed his name-from the awful ravages of man-spread plague!

  • - The Wheel of Death
    af R T M Scott
    147,95 kr.

    Mysterious death, suicide, and madness took uncanny toll of New York's most prominent citizens. Only the Spider sensed the presence of the criminal genius whose tentacles were strangling the city-and the Spider was next on the crime monster's death list!

  • - The Spider Strikes
    af R T M Scott
    147,95 kr.

    Meet the Spider-master of men! More just than the Law... more dangerous than the Underworld. Hated, wanted, feared by both! Alone and desperate, he wages deadly, one-man war against the super-criminal whose long-planned crime-coup will snuff a thousand lives! Can the Spider prevent this slaughter of innocents?

  • - Hordes of the Red Butcher
    af Norvell W Page
    143,94 kr.

    In the gaunt desolation of those dark Kentucky hills, the Dixie Limited, crack flyer, stood gutted of all living passengers... The Spider, the only survivor, stood alone at that bleak scene, vowing silently, solemnly, to destroy the ambition-mad arch-criminal who had plotted this wholesale ruin. For this, and manifold like disasters, were occurring everywhere in the land-at the direction, Richard Wentworth knew, of some diabolical brain which was unleashing hordes of primitive barbarians to lay waste civilization. But later, at the very moment when the Spider should have struck his most telling blow, he was pacing a narrow cell in the death-house at Sing Sing!

  • - Legions of Madness
    af Norvell W Page, John Fleming Gould & John Newton Howitt
    132,95 kr.

    Never had Richard Wentworth-he who is the scourge of the Underworld in his guise of the Spider-faced such tremendous odds or been so alone in the strife! Nita, his beloved, had tried to kill him, was hopelessly insane. His faithful servant had been tortured beyond human endurance. And the Master of Madness, chief of a powerful, fiendish syndicate, was spreading his germs of mania unchecked. Who could rescue America from screaming, murderous frenzy when the Spider, harried by Law and lawless, himself half-doubted his own skill and bravery?

  • - The Cholera King
    af Norvell W Page
    147,95 kr.

    Death in its ugliest form ravaged America. An ambitious, clever madman, master of a far-flung criminal empire, spread cholera germs through every rank and class of a large and totally unsuspecting populace. Numbed by terror, the citizens fled from certain death... while the police, baffled and powerless, campaigned relentlessly against the Spider, the only man able to save the stricken and bring the Plague Master to justice!

  • - The Mayor of Hell
    af Norvell W Page
    142,95 kr.

    In that single, unguarded moment while he played his precious Stradivarius, the combined forces of the Mayor of Hell-the crooked Law and the vengeful Underworld-besieged Richard Wentworth, otherwise known as the Spider, nemesis of criminals! Mourned as dead, the Spider must start life anew, without friends or funds or hidden refuge, so that the Mayor of Hell's bloody-handed henchmen-who judge no deed too base, who respect neither man nor God-may find their just reward-in death!

  • - Overlord of the Damned
    af Norvell W Page, John Fleming Gould & John Newton Howitt
    143,94 kr.

    The Spider-who was really Richard Wentworth, a true American aristocrat-had fought a hundred battles and faced a thousand foes... But never before had a more brilliant criminal genius challenged him. For the Boss, employing a horrible, new weapon, ruled the Underworld with an iron hand, slaughtering, maddening, and loosing maniacs to ravage the nation...!

  • - Emperor of the Yellow Death
    af Norvell W Page
    142,95 kr.

    Pitiless, astute, ambitious, yellow-skinned Wang-ba emerged from the mystic Orient to proclaim himself Emperor of America! Sight of his green face caused blood-curdling terror; his anger could be appeased only by soul-twisting agony and writhing, long-lasting death... Such was the criminal genius whom Richard Wentworth had to kill. Never before has the Spider been squeezed so tightly between the vise-jaws of the Law and the Lawless. Nor has he ever struggled so fiercely against the pleading of his own brave heart!

  • - City of Dreadful Night
    af Emile C Tepperman, John Fleming Gould & John Newton Howitt
    132,95 kr.

    Looting, murdering bands of desperadoes roamed the streets of New York like wanton jackals who destroyed what they could not devour. An underworld Juggernaut had been unleashed upon Manhattan, turning it into a place of desolation and terror. The Thuggees of the East, those masters of murder, the cruel minions of Tang-akhmut, held the city in a state of siege. One man could save New York-Richard Wentworth, the avenging Spider, and Richard Wentworth, hunted by the police, hated by the underworld he fought, had been ordered shot on sight!

  • - The Devil's Death-Dwarfs
    af Norvell W Page
    132,95 kr.

    The most diabolical criminal ever to menace America, Tang-akhmut, the Egyptian, had descended like a blighting plague on Cincinnati. Tang-akhmut, leading a new and terrible army of dwarfed monsters-scourging helpless women with poisoned and barbed whips; who set about systematically to wreck the water supply of the city and then set uncontrollable conflagrations to cover his looting. Richard Wentworth, the Spider, penniless, a man outside the law, once more faces him in single-handed battle!

  • - Satan's Sightless Legion
    af Norvell W Page
    137,95 kr.

    It is Wentworth himself-the Spider-who is first to feel the dread hand of that Master of Darkness-The Blind Man, and his satanic weapon. His best friend, Kirkpatrick, Commissioner of Police, is strangely attacked by the forces of evil; his beloved Nita van Sloan spirited away into a fearsome fate... And the Spider himself destined to a horrible life of pain and misery. Caught between the forces of evil, the Spider at last seems doomed to die in ignominy!

  • - Green Globes of Death
    af Norvell W Page
    142,95 kr.

    Richard Wentworth-who, as the swift-killing Spider, is the scourge of the Underworld-thought the Fly was dead. But once more that most formidable enemy had arisen, pillaging, slaying wantonly, armed with a ghastly new weapon, the Green Globes of Death! Ruthless and astute, heading a gigantic criminal syndicate, the Fly was butchering innocent persons only, it seemed, to see their red blood flow. It was with flagging hope and heavy heart that the Spider took up his newest battle with the preying jackals of crime!

  • - Laboratory of the Damned
    af Norvell W Page & John Newton Howitt
    132,95 kr.

    Richard Wentworth-whose grim, anti-crime crusades as the Spider have made him world-famous-was the first objective in the Poison Master's murder campaign. His best friend, Kirkpatrick, lay in a death-like stupor. His beloved, Nita van Sloan, was stricken with the horrible living death! And at the same time, countless thousands were felled by the same fatal venom... Caught in the crossfire between the Law and the Underworld, the Spider must battle the blind apathy of a nation ensnared in a subtle death-trap-must overcome the despair in his own brave heart...!

  • - The Coming of the Terror
    af Norvell W Page
    137,95 kr.

    Stripped of his wealth, cut off from his faithful helpers, Richard Wentworth, known and feared throughout the Underworld as the avenging Spider, struggles with his most powerful and wily foe-the Man who came out of the East! With Wentworth's best friend, Police Commissioner Kirkpatrick framed for murder; with the entire city capitulating before that new and cruelly cunning menace from the Orient, the Spider himself seems doomed to die on the torture racks of the Far East!

  • - Slaves of the Dragon
    af Norvell W Page
    142,95 kr.

    White slavery, the loathsome traffic in women's bodies-and souls-was stripping America of wives, sisters and sweethearts. Richard Wentworth, valiant champion of human rights, knew that an Oriental master criminal was captaining the slavery syndicate, guessed the unspeakable purpose behind those wholesale abductions. But with Nita hopelessly lost, with G-men harrying him relentlessly, can the Spider outwit his most formidable foeman and save America's doomed womanhood?

  • - Slaves of the Murder Syndicate
    af Norvell W Page
    142,95 kr.

    Never before had a shrewd criminal leader so successfully defied the Law-and the Spider's sure vengeance! A powerful Eastern murder syndicate, employing two deadly weapons, held America for ransom, spreading pain and terror and red destruction... Never had the Spider's struggle against the Underworld seemed so futile, for the name of Richard Wentworth was disgraced, his fortune was forfeit, and his beloved had betrayed him into the hands of the police-and certain death!

  • - Death Reign of the Vampire King
    af Norvell W Page
    142,95 kr.

    Never before had greedy, criminal genius loosed so loathsome and deadly a weapon! The Bat Man-leading a band of savages, releasing clouds of bloodthirsty vampire bats-planned to make himself a greater conqueror than Napoleon or Genghis Khan! One man stood in his way-Richard Wentworth, who when the Law fails, sallies forth as the dread Spider to spread red death in the Underworld. And the Spider-his beloved Nita forfeited, his loyal servants captive, his own life ever in horrible danger-must battle both the Bat Man and a broken heart!

  • - Voyage of the Coffin Ship
    af Emile C Tepperman
    132,95 kr.

    Coffins and gold lay side by side in the strongroom of the liner that was sailing to its doom. And Richard Wentworth had picked that ship to carry Nita and himself to their long-delayed honeymoon in Europe! Denounced by Baron Otuna as a pirate, assailed by the green men in flaming chaos, he donned once more the Spider's dusty cloak and well-oiled guns-for an epic battle at sea with a terror that stalked in the great ship's wake and menaced a thousand lives!

  • - Scourge of the Yellow Fangs
    af Emile C Tepperman
    132,95 kr.

    War gongs clanged in Chinatown-but it was no tong war that tore the great Societies with fear and suspicion and deadly hate. For deeper in evil mystery than their own dark secrets lay the hidden temple of crime that loosed the Scourge of the Yellow Fangs-the menace that erupted in the yellow men's haunts and overflowed into white men's lives and threatened white men's rule. Victims lived long enough to curse the unknown Man From Singapore-who knew the Spider and planned his quick removal from the finish fight... While in a tenuous truce with baffled police, Richard Wentworth, by night the Spider, accepted the top-heavy odds-and gave grim battle!

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