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Bøger i True Crime serien i rækkefølge

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  • af Kathrin Hanke
    70,95 kr.

    Eine wahre Geschichte, die garantiert für Gänsehaut sorgt! So schön wie sich das Wort Engelmacher für manche anhören mag, die Wahrheit, die sich dahinter verbirgt ist es nicht. Bis zum Tag ihrer Hinrichtung leugnet die Engelmacherin von St. Pauli ihre Taten. Sie soll mindestens fünf Babys ermordet und im Ofen verbrannt haben, den Müttern der Kinder, für die sie als Pflegemutter gearbeitet hatte, erzählte sie jedoch, die Kinder seien von reichen Familien in weit entfernten Städten adoptiert worden. Was ist nun die Wahrheit? ....Kathrin Hanke ist eine deutsche Autorin aus Hamburg, bekannt für ihre Kriminalromane, die sich allesamt in Deutschland abspielen, viele dabei in Lüneburg. Nach dem Abschluss ihres Studiums war Hanke zunächst u.a. als Redakteurin beim Radio tätig. 2017 erschien ihr erster True Crime-Roman über die Giftmörderin Grete Beier. Die Autorin lebt mit ihrer Familie in Hamburg.

  • af Franziska Steinhauer
    70,95 kr.

    Sommer 1924. Die beiden Freunde Ludwig und Theo sind gerade auf einer Fahrradtour unterwegs, als Theo plötzlich verschwindet. Hat etwa der Serienmörder, der gerade in Hannover sein Unwesen treibt, etwas damit zu tun? Der Verdacht erhärtet sich, als ein menschlicher Schädel am Ufer der Leine gefunden wird... Wer wird dem Werwolf von Hannover als nächstes zum Opfer fallen?Franziska Steinhauer, geboren 1962, arbeitet seit 2004 als freie Autorin. Durch ihr Studium der Pädagogik, das sie durch eine Forensiker-Ausbildung ergänzte, ist es ihr möglich, kriminaltechnische Untersuchungen realitätsnah zu beschreiben und dem Leser einen besonderen Einblick in die pathologischen Denkmuster ihrer Täter zu geben.

  • af Regina Schleheck
    68,94 kr.

    Langenberg, 1966. Ein sadistischer Kindesmörder terrorisiert eine ganze Region. Seinen pädophilen Neigungen nicht länger widerstehend, beschließt der junge Metzgergeselle Jürgen Bartsch auf die Kirmes zu gehen, wo er den 8-jährigen Klaus Jung dazu überredet ihn in einen nahegelegenen Luftschutzbunker zu begleiten. Dort missbraucht er den Jungen sexuell, ermordet ihn und zerstückelt schließlich seine Leiche. Im Laufe der nächsten 4 Jahre finden noch drei weitere junge Knaben ein grausames Ende im Inneren des Luftschutzbunkers. Als Bartsch 1966 schließlich gefasst wird, dürstet die Bevölkerung des ganzen Landes nach Rache... Regina Schleheck ist eine deutsche Autorin zahlreicher Hörspiele, Kurzgeschichten, Prosa, Drehbücher und Theaterstücke. Nachdem sie in Aachen ihr Studium der Germanistik, Sozialwissenschaft und Sportwissenschaft auf Lehramt abgeschlossen hatte, begann 1999 ihre Karriere als Schriftstellerin, die mittlerweile mit zahlreichen Preisen ausgezeichnet worden ist. Regina Schleheck ist u.a. Mitglied der sog. "Mörderischen Schwestern", einem Netzwerk für deutsche Krimiautorinnen.

  • af Preben Emil Andersen
    10,95 - 14,95 kr.

    Ein kaltblütiger Mord, der 2010 in einem Kopenhagener Hotel verübt wurde: Am Abend ihrer Ankunft wurde eine norwegische Stewardess, die nur auf der Durchreise war, auf äußerst brutale Weise auf ihrem Hotelzimmer im Kopenhagener Radisson Blu ermordet. Erstaunlicherweise stellte sich der Täter zwei Tage später in Malmö, doch der Tathergang war nicht so leicht zu ermitteln...Preben Emil Andersen ist Kriminalkommissar bei der Kopenhagener Polizei.

  • af Torgeir P. Krokfjord
    10,95 - 14,95 kr.

    Ist der norwegische "König des Kitsches" ein Steuerhinterzieher? Diese True Crime-Geschichte befasst sich mit dem exzentrischen norwegischen Maler Odd Nerdrum, dem vorgeworfen wurde, die norwegische Steuerbehörde um einen sehr großen Betrag betrogen zu haben. Ein vielschichtiger Fall, der so leicht nicht zu entwirren war. Torgeir P. Krokfjord ist ein norwegischer Nachrichtenjournalist und arbeitet für die norwegische Tageszeitung "Dagbladet".

  • af Leif Nykvist
    10,95 - 14,95 kr.

    Zwei furchtbare Morde an wehrlosen Opfern erschüttern Schweden: Als eine junge Frau in ihrem Heimatort in der schwedischen Provinz Dalarna im Sommer 2000 ermordet aufgefunden wurde, versuchte ganz Schweden den brutalen Mörder zu finden. Doch erst viele Jahre später, als ein weiterer grässlicher Mord an einem kleinen Mädchen in der Gegend geschah, führen die Spuren zu dem Täter...Leif Nykvist ist ein schwedischer Kriminalkommissar von der Polizeibehörde Dalarna. Er war selbst an den Ermittlungen dieses Falls beteiligt und kennt die Details aus erster Hand.

  • af Anonymous
    10,95 - 14,95 kr.

    Eine außergewöhnliche Suchaktion: In dieser True Crime-Geschichte, die sich im Norwegen der 1980er Jahre zugetragen hat, geht es um das spurlose Verschwinden des älteren Ehepaars Landli an der norwegischen Westküste und den Einsatz eines Mini-U-Boots, um ihre Leichen in den tiefen Gewässern des Fjords zu suchen. Nie zuvor wurde ein U-Boot für solch eine Suche eingesetzt, und die Tauchgänge waren gewiss nicht ohne Hindernisse...Eine dänische Kriminalchronik – Polizisten erzählen echte Kriminalfälle aus dem Norden! In diesem Fall ist der Autor anonym.

  • af Anonymous
    10,95 - 14,95 kr.

    Ein Leichenfund, der viele Rätsel aufgibt: Diese True Crime-Geschichte aus Dänemark befasst sich mit einem Fall aus dem Jahr 1980, als in einem Kopenhagener Park die Leiche eines Mannes gefunden wurde, über den zunächst nichts bekannt war. Die Ermittlungen, die schließlich in die Kopenhagener Stricher-Szene führten, erwiesen sich jedoch als äußerst schwierig, bis letztendlich doch der Durchbruch gelang. Eine dänische Kriminalchronik – Polizisten erzählen echte Kriminalfälle aus dem Norden! In diesem Fall ist der Autor anonym.

  • af Maailman historia
    56,95 kr.

    Kauhua auringon alla.Kalifornia 1970-1980-luvuilla. Aurinkoa, lämpöä, komeita miehiä, kauniita naisia ja halpoja huumeita. Elämä on unelmaa ja ihmiset onnellisia. Taustalla häilyy kuitenkin pimeitä varjoja.Kuuden murhaajan tarinat näyttävät Kultaisen osavaltion pimeän puolen. Ihmisten pahuus ja julmuus pääsee valloilleen kapeilla kujilla ja öisessä kaupungissa, ja joskus murhaaja hurmaa tv-ruudussa tai tarjoaa autokyytiä. Kehen voi luottaa, kun kaupungin yllä häilyy pahuuden varjo? Kuinka moni vielä kuolee? Onko kukaan enää turvassa?Maailman historia vie sinut henkeäsalpaavalle matkalle menneisyyteen. Nauti historian suurista tapahtumista ja palaa ajassa taaksepäin – takaisin toisen maailmansodan eturintamaan, viikinkien ryöstöretkiin ja jumalia palvovien egyptiläisten pariin. Maailman historia tarjoaa upeita artikkeleita jännittävistä ja dramaattisista menneisyyden tapahtumista.

  • af Maailman historia
    38,95 kr.

    Hyytäviä tositarinoita karusta Pohjolasta.15-vuotias poika kuolee, nuoren naisen mieli järkkyy ilkeiden juorujen verkossa, oslolainen romukauppias löytyy murhattuna, taparikollinen suunnittelee suurta keikkaa... Pohjoismaiden rikoshistoriasta löytyy tapauksia, jotka voisivat olla suoraan rikoskirjailijoiden kynästä. Mutta nämä tarinat ovat totta.Dramaattisten murhatapausten kautta lukija saa kurkistusaukon historiallisiin tapahtumiin, jotka aikoinaan ravistelivat rauhaisan Pohjolan elämää. Tanskan, Suomen, Norjan ja Ruotsin maisemissa tapahtuneiden raakojen rikosten jäljet johtavat erilaisten ihmiskohtaloiden, motiivien ja suunnitelmien luokse. Mikä oikein saa ihmisen tekemään murhan?Maailman historia vie sinut henkeäsalpaavalle matkalle menneisyyteen. Nauti historian suurista tapahtumista ja palaa ajassa taaksepäin – takaisin toisen maailmansodan eturintamaan, viikinkien ryöstöretkiin ja jumalia palvovien egyptiläisten pariin. Maailman historia tarjoaa upeita artikkeleita jännittävistä ja dramaattisista menneisyyden tapahtumista.

  • af Norma Lewis
    257,95 - 382,95 kr.

    "The rich history of the Wolverine State has a serious dark side. In the Detroit area, the Black Legion outdid the Ku Klux Klan in hate, but remained secret until one of its leaders was implicated in a murder. John Harvey Kellogg of Battle Creek was equal parts physician and quack. Then there were the state's two self-proclaimed kings--James Jesse Strang, the leader of a Mormon group on Beaver Island, and Albert Molitor, the reputed illegitimate son of German royalty who established his own kingdom on Presque Isle. Michigan author and historian Norma Lewis present a gallery of the state's most despicable criminals, crooks, conmen and more"--Back cover.

  • af Jim Hall
    257,95 - 382,95 kr.

    When romance was met with murder...Arthur Jordan and Elvira Corder were young and unafraid, but their love was doomed. He was black, she was white, and this was Virginia in 1880. When Elvira became pregnant, the couple fled Fauquier County to live in Maryland. But her father found them and recruited neighbors to help kidnap them. Four nights later, a mob dragged Arthur from the county jail in Warrenton and lynched him. Elvira, taken to a hotel in Williamsport, Maryland, was never heard from again. Stories of lynching are all too common in the postbellum South, but this one tells a unique tale of a couple who were willing to sacrifice everything to be together--and did.Author Jim Hall tells a classic tale of forbidden love, one of hope crushed by hate.

  • af Mark W Koenig
    257,95 - 382,95 kr.

    "A roving, shiftless fellow..." That's how the newspapers described Jesse C. Walker, who in 1908 was served with an arrest warrant by Brunswick County sheriff Jackson Stanland, with tragic results. Little did Walker know that he was about to set off on twenty-five years of headline-grabbing exploits. Two murders, two wives, three prison escapes, and thousands of miles of travel across eight states are only the surface of the adventures of this North Carolina desperado. Local author Mark W. Koenig relates the untold saga of a man who rocketed to notoriety in the first years of the twentieth century and found atonement decades later.

  • af E. A. Kellner
    187,95 kr.

    The murder rate in Chicago from 1965 to 1995 reached 827 murders in 1995. In July 1995, Chicago experienced a 100-year heatwave with 739 deaths, mostly elderly, due to a lack of air conditioners and the fear of leaving their homes.Crime wreaked havoc throughout Chicago in the nineties and gave rise to D'Quandree Jones, who rose through the ranks to form a frightful group of gangbangers who specialized in drugs, burglary, and murder.Jones was always one step ahead of the law until he was on trial for the murder of Attorney General Alphonse Ferguson. He bragged he was not going to rot in jail.Could his slick attorney, Clarence Huffington, get him off the hook again? Could Charlotte Steele, forewoman for the Ferguson trial, cement a verdict of guilty?

  • af Michael Delaware
    267,95 kr.

    Decades after his supposed death in 1846, a litigious bachelor was discovered to have been buried alive. In 1865, a Battle Creek woman, yearning for her lover, used Spiritualism to conceal poisoning her three children. An 1883 unsolved quadruple homicide near Jackson caused two suicides, one attempted suicide and two assassination attempts. In 1891, a ten-year-old girl adopted from the State School in Coldwater one morning was found dead in an icy river two counties away that same afternoon.

  • af James R Doyle
    267,95 kr.

    A history of betting on the East Side. Making it as a professional gambler in the first part of the twentieth century was a long shot, but wagering on the wide open scene of East St. Louis could help even the odds. Folks who were feeling lucky enough might grab a copy of Louis Cella's racing form, or get the inside scoop from turf men like Barney Schreiber. Students of the art of bookmaking had plentiful mentors in local legends like Adam "Mulepole" Fritz. But even then, a hot streak could attract the attention of a representative of the Chicago Outfit such as Frank "Buster" Wortman. The nephew of Vic and Jim Doyle, who built the Ringside Casino into the Midwest's largest casino, author James Doyle connects the dice rolls of bygone St. Louis Kingpins to high stakes players in New York and New Orleans.

  • af Keith Roysdon
    257,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af James M. Greiner
    397,95 kr.

    Warren township in the southern portion of Herkimer County has been the scene of more than one gruesome event. In January 1885, locals reeled in horror when disgruntled wife Roxalana Druse shot her husband and dismembered his corpse to incinerate it in a farm house stove. Her trial and hanging was followed up in May of 1901 with two murders in yet another farm house kitchen. John C. Wallis had allowed his ex-wife Arvilla to return home, one year after running off with hired farm hand Ben Hoyt. Wallis then rehired Hoyt and within months both Ben Hoyt and Arvilla Wallis were dead. Did Ben Hoyt murder Arvilla in cold blood or did John C. Wallis kill both of them? Author James M. Greiner investigates a mysterious case of marriage, infidelity and multiple murders in turn of the century Herkimer County.

  • af Chris Flook
    392,95 kr.

    Surveying the sensational newspaper accounts as events unfolded, author and historian Chris Flook recounts this grisly tale of political intrigue and conspiracy. In the fall of 1902, Indianapolis police uncovered a prolific graverobbing ring operating across the city. At the time, cemeteries across central Indiana were relieved of their dead by ghouls, as they were called, seeking fresh corpses desperately needed by the city's medical colleges. The ring was also accused of multiple murders. In Hamilton County, a former Confederate soldier named Wade West delivered stolen corpses by floating them down the White River. His counterpart in Indianapolis, Rufus Cantrell, an itinerant preacher and full-time graverobber known as the "King of the Ghouls," ransacked Indy's cemeteries for years before being caught.

  • af Tobin T Buhk
    267,95 kr.

    They used arsenic to obtain chemical divorces and strychnine to settle scores. They bludgeoned husbands to make way for lovers. They flattened love triangles with blunt objects. They murdered for money, for revenge, for pleasure. Meet the heiress who just could not take "no" for an answer from her mechanic lover; meet the two nursing home workers whose deadly game ended after the murders of six residents; meet the three sirens who lured a wealthy banker to the strip poker game of death. And many, many other Michigan mistresses of mayhem in this collection of true crime tales.

  • af Angela Fielder
    205,95 kr.

    Dive into this riveting tale and discover just how deadly a pen and paper can be when wielded by a master manipulator. In the 1930s, in the sleepy town of Quiet Dell, West Virginia lonely, wealthy women began to disappear. Under the guise of charming love letters, con man Harry F. Powers lured them into a sinister web of deceit. When correspondence evolved into promises of romance, and then face-to-face meetings, these women would mysteriously vanish. As the number of missing women grew, the authorities finally took notice. Investigators unearthed a murder garage with a custom-made concealed dungeon, revealing the appalling evidence of multiple murders. The horror of Powers' crimes gained statewide notoriety, and shook the community to its core. Local author Angela Fielder tells a riveting tale of one of history's most cunning serial killers.

  • af Autumn Bones
    267,95 kr.

    Haunting mysteries from America's Heartland Indiana rightly prides itself as a safe place to live. Nevertheless, the Hoosier State has experienced its share of unexplained deaths and unsolved disappearances. The state's oldest missing child case, the disappearance of four-year-old Richmond Byers from Seelyville in 1904, may never be solved. The 1998 attempted bombing of the Tippecanoe County Courthouse remains one of the only unsolved instances of domestic terrorism in the United States. The identities of Bedford's so-called Carnival Babies will likely forever be unknown. The 1929 murder of Elizabeth Miller tragic death may have been the result of the community's belief that she was a witch, but the true culprit has never been brought to light. Author of Unsolved IndianaAutumn Bones explores some of Indiana's least known unsolved mysteries.

  • af Mcqueen
    267,95 kr.

    The Derby City's Dark Side Louisville has a long history of violence and murder. Editor Godfrey Pope shot Leonard Bliss over a political joke. A hanged man was allegedly revived with electricity. Josephine Lawrence was a sex worker bent on revenge with unfortunate bad aim. Two locals engaged in a feud that resulted in one man's death and the other's marriage to the dead man's widow. A United States president had a direct descendant arrested for committing a murder near the city. Author Keven McQueen details twenty-four little known homicides that rocked the city from the 1840s to the 1920s.

  • af Jane Ann Turzillo
    267,95 kr.

    Haunting cold cases from the Heart of It All Northern Ohio is best known for its stunning lake views and bustling cities, but even a region as gorgeous and prosperous as this has seen its measure of tragedy. Judy Martins was a beautiful Kent State University coed who disappeared after a dorm party. Frank Noch was a mathematical genius and valuable employee at the General Motors plant in Cleveland. Someone broke into his home and killed him. Hinckley Police Chief Mel Wiley had a secret. Maybe that is why he disappeared. DNA helped Sandusky Police identify a Jane Doe forty-three years to the day she washed up on the shores of Lake Erie. Now, detectives are hoping to find out who put Patricia Greenwood in the water and why. Award-winning author Jane Ann Turzillo unfolds these unsolved cases and eight more from the north of the Buckey State.

  • af Rodney Harris
    267,95 kr.

    A True Story of Murderous Greed. The John R. Kizer story is a riveting tale of deception, murder and anxiety in rural Arkansas. Kizer was a doctor who used his knowledge to drive his lustful greed and his standing in the community to evade detection. He would spend hours caring for a sick farm animal but could also poison a dog with no emotion. And he acted the same with humans. Kizer used his wealth, position and social standing to evade detection while committing gruesome crimes, allowing him to recoup much of his ruined finances following the great stock market crash of 1929. His dreams of wealth and social acceptance drove him to murderous heights. Historian Rodney Harris offers the true story of Kizer's life.

  • af Cathy Pickens
    267,95 kr.

    Mischief and Mayhem in the Midlands. A thrilling account of dramatic and menacing crimes that shaped the central region of the state. Crimes that captured the attention of residents in the area and statewide over the years from gamblers with too much debt to insurance fraud and a famous cat burglar. A well-known televangelist had a run in with arson, and a murderer made his presence felt all the way in California. This collection of headlining stories features notorious serial killers, families divided, vicious politics and marital strife. Author Cathy Pickens brings her eye for a great story to Columbia and recounts with a novelist's detail the infamous crimes that rocked a region.

  • af Wendy Biddlecombe Agsar
    182,95 kr.

    Discover the truth of what happens when true believers go too far with the shocking stories of the world’s most known and horrific cults like The Order of the Solar Temple and the NXIVM Cult.Cults have been around for centuries, and many have been dubbed as satanic and murderous due to their heinous crimes. In Cults: A True Crime Collection, you will get to study the most notorious ones and what they did to achieve that notoriety. Get to know the story behind the scariest cults in history, including: Charles Manson and the Manson Family Heaven’s Gate and their mass suicide attempts Blood-consuming cults like the Vampire Clan Jim Jones and the Jonestown Massacre The People’s Temple and their cyanide-laced drinks And more! From gruesome suicides to clan murders, Cults: A True Crime Collection will tell you the real story behind the crimes and the leaders who orchestrated them. This book also studies the rise and fall of said clans and what led them to commit such terrible crimes like mass murders and human sacrifices.

  • af Michelle Kaminsky
    192,95 kr.

    Take a deep dive into the rise and fall of some of the most notorious serial killers of the ‘80s, including Jeffrey Dahmer, Joseph James DeAngelo, Dennis Lynn Rader, and the Night Stalker.Neon leg warmers, big hair, rock band T-shirts, and mix tapes — 1980s’ nostalgia at its finest. But just below that saccharine facade lurked a seedy underbelly of inconceivable human monsters like no decade before had ever seen. The Golden Age of the Serial Killer brought a sharp increase in violent crime, panic, and terror, which in turn sparked a chaotic race between serial murderers and law enforcement officers tasked with both stopping the killings and delivering justice to victims and their loved ones. The Big Book of 1980s Serial Killers is for the true crime fanatic who wants to investigate these cases and discover the ins and outs of how crimes like these are solved. Drawing from meticulous research, contemporary journalistic accounts, and trial transcripts, this book traces the various ways in which law enforcement cracked some of the most challenging serial killer cases in history. Serial killers included: Doug Clark and Carol Bundy (Sunset Strip Killers) Jeffrey Dahmer Joseph James DeAngelo (The Golden State Killer) Larry Eyler (The Interstate Killer) Lonnie David Franklin, Jr. (The Grim Sleeper) Samuel Little Gary Leon Ridgway (The Green River Killer) Dennis Rader (The BTK Killer) Richard Ramirez (The Night Stalker) Tommy Lynn Sells Arthur Shawcross (The Genesee River Killer) Aileen Wournos Are you ready to hunt the worst serial killers of the 1980s?

  • af O'Daniel
    267,95 kr.

    The Memphis Underworld King Diggs Nolen's name was the byword for crime in 1920s Memphis. As a child, he dreamed of becoming a swashbuckling outlaw. He turned his back on a promising career, his family and consorted with the worst elements of society. Under the tutelage of train robber Frank Holloway, Nolen became a notorious con artist. Later, he and his gun-slinging wife built an empire out of selling narcotics and trafficking stolen goods. Law enforcement caught Nolen, but they could not hold him. Nolen escaped from Leavenworth Prison, led the largest jailbreak in Memphis history and confounded prosecutors with legal wranglings. Author Patrick O'Daniel details Nolen's quixotic quest for criminal fame that earned him the title King of the Memphis Underworld.

  • af James M Greiner
    257,95 kr.

    Warren township in the southern portion of Herkimer County has been the scene of more than one gruesome event. In January 1885, locals reeled in horror when disgruntled wife Roxalana Druse shot her husband and dismembered his corpse to incinerate it in a farm house stove. Her trial and hanging was followed up in May of 1901 with two murders in yet another farm house kitchen. John C. Wallis had allowed his ex-wife Arvilla to return home, one year after running off with hired farm hand Ben Hoyt. Wallis then rehired Hoyt and within months both Ben Hoyt and Arvilla Wallis were dead. Did Ben Hoyt murder Arvilla in cold blood or did John C. Wallis kill both of them? Author James M. Greiner investigates a mysterious case of marriage, infidelity and multiple murders in turn of the century Herkimer County.

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