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  • af Ursula K. Le Guin
    77,95 kr.

    Ursula K. Le Guins berømte og gribende beretning om et laboratoriedyrs forgæves forsøg på at komme i kontakt med sin laborant. Værket står som et af de mest slående litterære eksempler på en litteratur, der formår at skrive fra andre arters og livsformers perspektiv. Her er menneskene de fremmede.

  • af Timothy Zahn
    187,95 kr.

  • af Iain M. Banks
    105,95 kr.

    The third Culture novel from the awesome imagination of Iain M. Banks, a modern master of science fiction. The man known as Cheradenine Zakalwe was one of Special Circumstances' foremost agents, changing the destiny of planets to suit the Culture through intrigue, dirty tricks or military action.The woman known as Diziet Sma had plucked him from obscurity and pushed him towards his present eminence, but despite all their dealings she did not know him as well as she thought. The drone known as Skaffen-Amtiskaw knew both of these people. It had once saved the woman's life by massacring her attackers in a particularly bloody manner. It believed the man to be a burnt-out case. But not even its machine intelligence could see the horrors in his past.Praise for the Culture series:'Epic in scope, ambitious in its ideas and absorbing in its execution' Independent on Sunday'Banks has created one of the most enduring and endearing visions of the future' Guardian'Jam-packed with extraordinary invention' Scotsman'Compulsive reading' Sunday Telegraph The Culture series:Consider PhlebasThe Player of GamesUse of WeaponsThe State of the ArtExcessionInversionsLook to WindwardMatterSurface DetailThe Hydrogen SonataOther books by Iain M. Banks:Against a Dark BackgroundFeersum EndjinnThe Algebraist

  • - A Culture Novel
    af Iain M. Banks
    105,95 kr.

    The second Culture novel from the awesome imagination of Iain M. Banks, a modern master of science fiction.The Culture - a human/machine symbiotic society - has thrown up many great Game Players, and one of the greatest is Gurgeh. Jernau Morat Gurgeh. The Player of Games. Master of every board, computer and strategy.Bored with success, Gurgeh travels to the Empire of Azad, cruel and incredibly wealthy, to try their fabulous game ... a game so complex, so like life itself, that the winner becomes emperor. Mocked, blackmailed, almost murdered, Gurgeh accepts the game, and with it the challenge of his life - and very possibly his death.Praise for the Culture series:'Epic in scope, ambitious in its ideas and absorbing in its execution' Independent on Sunday'Banks has created one of the most enduring and endearing visions of the future' Guardian'Jam-packed with extraordinary invention' Scotsman'Compulsive reading' Sunday Telegraph The Culture series:Consider PhlebasThe Player of GamesUse of WeaponsThe State of the ArtExcessionInversionsLook to WindwardMatterSurface DetailThe Hydrogen SonataOther books by Iain M. Banks:Against a Dark BackgroundFeersum EndjinnThe Algebraist

  • af Iain M. Banks
    103,95 - 105,95 kr.

    The eighth Culture book from the awesome imagination of Iain M. Banks, a modern master of science fiction.In a world renowned within a galaxy full of wonders, a crime within a war. For one man it means a desperate flight, and a search for the one - maybe two - people who could clear his name. For his brother it means a life lived under constant threat of treachery and murder. And for their sister, it means returning to a place she'd thought abandoned forever.Only the sister is not what she once was; Djan Seriy Anaplian has become an agent of the Culture's Special Circumstances section, charged with high-level interference in civilisations throughout the greater galaxy.Concealing her new identity - and her particular set of abilities - might be a dangerous strategy. In the world to which Anaplian returns, nothing is quite as it seems; and determining the appropriate level of interference in someone else's war is never a simple matter.Praise for the Culture series:'Epic in scope, ambitious in its ideas and absorbing in its execution' Independent on Sunday'Banks has created one of the most enduring and endearing visions of the future' Guardian'Jam-packed with extraordinary invention' Scotsman'Compulsive reading' Sunday Telegraph The Culture series:Consider PhlebasThe Player of GamesUse of WeaponsThe State of the ArtExcessionInversionsLook to WindwardMatterSurface DetailThe Hydrogen SonataOther books by Iain M. Banks:Against a Dark BackgroundFeersum EndjinnThe Algebraist

  • af Iain M. Banks
    105,95 kr.

    The fifth Culture book from the awesome imagination of Iain M. Banks, a modern master of science fiction. Two and a half millennia ago, the artifact appeared in a remote corner of space, beside a trillion-year-old dying sun from a different universe. It was a perfect black-body sphere, and it did nothing. Then it disappeared. Now it is back.Praise for the Culture series:'Epic in scope, ambitious in its ideas and absorbing in its execution' Independent on Sunday'Banks has created one of the most enduring and endearing visions of the future' Guardian'Jam-packed with extraordinary invention' Scotsman'Compulsive reading' Sunday Telegraph The Culture series:Consider PhlebasThe Player of GamesUse of WeaponsThe State of the ArtExcessionInversionsLook to WindwardMatterSurface DetailThe Hydrogen SonataOther books by Iain M. Banks:Against a Dark BackgroundFeersum EndjinnThe Algebraist

  • af Sean Williams
    187,95 kr.

    BioWare and LucasArtscreators of the hugely popular Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video gamehave combined their storytelling talents and cutting-edge technology for an innovative new massively multiplayer online role-playing game that allows players to create their own personal Star Wars adventure 3,500 years before the rise of Darth Vader. Now #1 New York Times bestselling author Sean Williams brings the world of the game to life in his latest novel, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance.Tassaa Bareesh, a matriarch in the Hutt crime cartel, is holding an auction that's drawing attention from across the galaxy. Representatives of both the Republic and the Sith Empire are present, along with a Jedi Padawan sent to investigate, a disenfranchised trooper drummed out of the Republic's elite Blackstar Squad, and a mysterious Mandalorian with a private agenda. But the Republic's envoy is not what he seems, the Empire's delegate is a ruthless Sith apprentice, the Jedi Padawan is determined to do the right thing and terrified that he can't, the trooper hopes to redeem her reputation, and the Mandalorian is somehow managing to keep one step ahead of everyone. None of these guestsinvited or uninvitedhave any intention of participating in the auction. Instead they plan to steal the prize, which is locked inside an impregnable vault: two burned chunks of an exploded star cruiser, one of which may hold the key to the wealth of an entire world.But the truth about the treasure is dangerous and deadly. And in the end, Sith and Jedi, Republic and Empire, must do something they've never done before, something that all the agents of good and evil could never make them do: join together to stop a powerful threat that could destroy the galaxy.Features a bonus section following the novel that includes a primer on the Star Wars expanded universe, and over half a dozen excerpts from some of the most popular Star Wars books of the last thirty years!

  • af Robin Hobb
    97,95 - 106,95 kr.

    The final book in the Soldier Son series, from the author of the Tawny Man and Farseer trilogies, following on from the bestselling Shaman's Crossing and Forest Mage. The people of Getty's town remember the death of their cemetery soldier vividly. They remember believing him guilty of unspeakable crimes, condemning him, and then watching as other men of his unit beat him until he no longer drew breath. But Nevare Burvelle didn't die that day, though everyone believes they saw it happen. He was cornered by a power far more intractable than an angry mob. When he was a boy, the magic of the Specks - the dapple-skinned tribes of the frontier forests - claimed Nevare as a saviour; severing his soul in two, naming his stolen half Soldier's Boy and shaping him into a weapon to halt the Gernian expansion into their lands and save their beloved ancestor trees. Until now Nevare has defied the magic, unable to accept his traitorous fate. But the magic has won: it has extinguished his once golden future, devastated his family and has now turned his own people against him. Faced with endangering the only loved-ones he has left, Nevare has no choice but to surrender to its will and enter the forest. But surrendering to his Speck destiny is only the beginning of his trials. Before he submits completely, Nevare makes one desperate last attempt to deter the Gernians from the Barrier Mountains without causing them harm. But the magic accepts no compromise. Exhausted, Nevare can no longer suppress his traitorous Speck self, Soldiers Boy. Losing control, he becomes a prisoner in his own body; able only to watch helplessly as his other half takes. Soldier's Boy is determined to stop the Gernian expansion at all cost, and unlike Nevare, he has no love, nor sympathy for his spirit-twin's world.

  • af Robin Hobb
    97,95 - 125,95 kr.

    The second book in the Soldier Son trilogy, from the author of the Tawny Man trilogy, following on from the bestselling Shaman's Crossing. The King's Cavalla Academy has been ravaged by the Speck plague. The disease has decimated the ranks of both cadets and instructors, and even the survivors remain sickly. Many have been forced to relinquish their military ambitions and return to their families to face lives of dependency and disappointment.As the Academy infirmary empties, Cadet Nevare Burvelle also prepares to journey home, to attend his brother Rosse's wedding. Far from being a broken man, Nevare is hale and hearty after his convalescence. He has defeated his nemesis, Tree Woman and freed himself of the Speck magic that infected him and attempted to turn him against his own people. A bright future awaits him as a commissioned officer betrothed to a beautiful young noblewoman. Yet his nights are still haunted by dreams of the voluptuous Tree Woman, dreams in which his Speck self betrays everything he holds dear in his waking life. Has the plague infected him in ways far more mysterious than the merely physical?Despite his fears, Nevare will journey back to Widevale in high spirits, in full expectation of a jubilant homecoming and a tender reunion with his beautiful fiancee, Carsina. But his life is about to take a shocking turn, as the magic in his blood roars to life and forces him to recognize that his most dangerous enemy, an enemy that seeks to destroy all he loves, might dwell within him.

  • af Robin Hobb
    97,95 - 105,95 kr.

    'Fantasy as it ought to be written' George R.R. MartinYoung Nevare Burvelle is the second son of a second son. Traditionally in Gernia, the firstborn son is heir to the family fortunes, the second son bears a sword and the third son is consecrated to the priesthood. Nevare will follow his father - newly made a lord by the King - into the cavalry; to the frontier and thence to an advantageous marriage, to carry on the Burvelle name. It is a golden future, and Nevare looks forward to it with relish.For twenty years King Troven's cavalry have pushed the frontiers of Gernia out across the grasslands, subduing the fierce tribes of the plain on its way. Now they have driven the frontier as far as the Barrier Mountains, home to the enigmatic Speck people. The Specks - a dapple-skinned, forest-dwelling folk - retain the last vestiges of magic in a world which is becoming progressive and technologised. The 'civilised' peoples base their beliefs on a rational philosophy founded on scientific principle and a belief in the good god, who displaced the older deities of their world. To them, the Specks are primeval savages, little better than beasts. Superstitions abound; it is said that they harbour strange diseases and worship trees. Sexual congress with them is regarded as both filthy and foolhardy: the Speck plague which has ravaged the frontier has decimated entire regiments.All these beliefs will touch Nevare's training at the Academy; but his progress there is not as simple as he would wish. He will experience prejudice from the old aristocracy: as the son of a 'new noble' he is segregated into a patrol comprising other new nobles' sons, all of whom will encounter injustice, discrimination and foul play in that hostile and deeply competitive environment. In addition, his world view will be challenged by his unconventional girl-cousin Epiny; and by the bizarre dreams which visit him at night. And then, on Dark Evening, the circus comes to Old Thares, bringing with it the first Specks Nevare has ever seen...

  • - Rummets Detektiver 1
    af Morten Ellemose & Søren
    167,95 kr.

    Xander er en helt almindelig dreng på 13 år, der hellere vil læse tegneserier end bøje tyske verber i 7. klasse på Tvegaardskolen. Han er lun på Jeanne fra parallelklassen, der virker mere interesseret i den nye dreng, Georg. Han kigger til gengæld mere efter Sigrid, der er Jeannes bedste veninde. Midt i det hele nødlander de tidsrejsende tvillinger, Robert og Tammie, på skolen, i en defekt tidsmaskine. De er fra år 2155 og har en hidsig Timecop i hælene. Snart er de alle hvirvlet ind i alletiders største eventyr, hvor hele universets fremtid og fortid er på spil. Kan de nå at redde jorden fra undergang? Tidsmaskinen er første bind i serien om Rummets Detektiver. LIX-tal: 29 • Niveau: Let • Læs selv fra ca. 11 år. Følg serien på Om forfatterne Tvillingerne Søren & Morten Ellemose (f. 1972) har skrevet mere end 30 bøger.

  • af J.G. Ballard
    189,95 kr.

    Verden under vand foregår på vores egen jord i den nære fremtid, på et tidspunkt hvor ekstreme klimaforandringer har forvandlet det meste af jordkloden til en tropisk sump. Mennesket er fortrængt til de arktiske egne i nord og syd, og byerne ligger under vand. Men nogle enkelte er blevet tilbage. Draget af solen og det nye klimas eksplosive vegetation er de i gang med at undersøge og tilpasse sig en ny økologi, der fører dem tilbage i tiden mod en anden bevidsthedstilstand og en ny samhørighed med naturen.J.G. Ballards sci-fi-klassiker foregriber de aktuelle planetariske forandringer og giver et uafrysteligt billede af verden efter katastrofen.

  • af Gipi
    297,95 kr.

    Vinder af Ping-prisen for Bedste internationale tegneserie på dansk 2019.♥♥♥♥♥ "Børnenes jord er en tankevækkende, smuk og barsk beretning, og klart en af 2019's allerbedste og fineste tegneserieværker."-✶✶✶✶✶"... i en liga for sig."- Nummer 9 - magasin for tegneserier"... en mageløs fortælling."- Roskilde Avis♥♥♥♥"Et lille chok af en tegneserie (...) Gipis sort-hvide tegninger er triumferende i deres mesterlige blanding af vilter spontanitet og naturtro præcision." - Politiken✶✶✶✶"Børnenes jord er en moderne arketypisk fortælling (...) fortalt med overbevisende inderlighed og nærvær."- Kulturmagasinet Fine Spind“Fantastisk medrivende, velfortalt (…) en usædvanlig tegneserieoplevelse, der ikke minder om ret meget andet”- KulturkapelletPostapokalyptisk fortælling fra Italiens førende serieskaber Den italienske tegneserieskaber Gipi fortæller en historie om familie, maskulin skrøbelighed og hvad det vil sige at være menneske i denne postapokalyptiske graphic novel. Brødrene Lino og Santo er født efter en katastrofe, der udslettede civilisationen. De bor i et sumpområde sammen med deres fjerne, utilnærmelige far, der opdrager dem strengt. Han lærer sine sønner, hvordan man finder mad, der ikke er forurenet, hvordan man skaffer sig af med et lig, og han lærer dem, at de aldrig må bruge ordet ”elske.” Han lærer dem derimod ikke at læse, og han forbyder dem at komme i nærheden af den notesbog, som han selv konstant skriver i. Da faren pludselig dør, står de to brødre alene i en verden, de ikke helt forstår, og de håber, at den hemmelighedsfulde notesbog rummer svarene på deres spørgsmål. Følg brødrene på deres rejse gennem en verden, de ikke ved, at de er blevet beskyttet mod, når de begiver sig ud på en mission for at finde nogen, der kan lære dem at læse, så de kan afsløre notesbogens mysterier.Om tegneren: Gipi, hvis rigtige navn er Gian-Alfonso Pacinotti, blev født i Pisa i 1963. Han indledte sin karriere som illustrator og reklametegner, inden han i 1992 begyndte at skabe kortere tegneserier for en række italienske magasiner. Med fortællingen ”Appunti per una storia di guerra” (”Noter fra en krigshistorie”, ikke udsendt på dansk) brød han i 2005 igennem til et internationalt publikum, og bogen vandt bl.a. hovedprisen ved Europas største tegneseriefestival i den franske by Angoulême. I 2018 modtog han ved samme festival kritikerprisen for ”Børnenes jord”, der nu bliver det første af hans værker, danske læsere får mulighed for at stifte bekendtskab med.

  • af Johannes Kepler
    97,95 kr.

    Verdens første science fiction-roman er skrevet af Johannes Kepler som et vovet forsvar for det heliocentriske verdensbillede. Romanen tager sin begyndelse på Hven med et møde med Tycho Brahe, der lærer hovedpersonen dansk og astronomi. Romanen er oversat af Conni-Kay Jørgensen.I 1593 tog den tyske videnskabsmand Johannes Kepler de første notater til en teori om en månefærd, som han kom til at arbejde på resten af livet, men aldrig blev færdig med. Tekstens egentlige formål er at argumentere for det heliocentriske verdensbillede, der i samtiden stadig var kontroversielt, og tilbagevise den gængse indvending mod Kopernikus: Jorden kan umuligt dreje rundt om Solen, for det mærker vi ikke noget til. Kepler svarer, at eventuelle månebeboere opfatter deres planet som ubevægelig på samme måde, som vi opfatter Jorden, men det betyder ikke, at den også er ubevægelig.Drømmen eller måneastronomi er en brik i det puslespil, der udgøres af Keplers omfangsrige og mangefacetterede værk, som vil påvise, at universet er harmonisk og styret af enkle love. Sønnen Ludwig udgiver teksten i 1634, fire år efter farens død, i et forgæves forsøg på at tjene lidt penge. Tidspunktet kunne ikke være mere uheldigt: Kort tid forinden havde inkvisitionen tvunget Galileo Galilei til at afsværge troen på, at Jorden bevæger sig rundt om Solen. Drømmen eller måneastronomi får ingen gennemslagskraft overhovedet og bliver først kendt, da Isaac Asimov og Carl Sagan i forrige århundrede begynder at interessere sig for bogen som »verdens første science fiction.«Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), astronom og matematiker. Han er en af de vigtigste skikkelser i det 17. århundredes naturvidenskabelige revolution. Kepler samarbejdede med Tycho Brahe i Prag og overtog efter hans død stillingen som hofmatematiker. Conni-Kay Jørgensen (f. 1968), oversætter og forfatter, cand.mag. i latin og filosofi, og ph.d. i filosofi efter studier i Napoli, Firenze og Torino. Bosat i Piemonte.Bogens omslagsmotiv er skabt af Maja Lisa Engelhardt.

  • af Niels Roland
    197,95 kr.

    I Der er ingen grænser for, hvad foretagsomhed kan resultere i: Finanskrise og terrorisme! Pandemier, overbefolkning, råstofmangel og klimaforandringer. Listen over dommedagsscenarier er lang, men hvor reelle er truslerne? Hvem skal vi tro? Videnskaberne? Politikerne? Profeterne? Eller Hollywood? I Niels Rolands inspirerende, humoristiske og vidende tegneseriebog kan læseren se, hvor bekymret der er grund til at være for fremtiden. Og se, om det kan betale sig at foretage langsigtede investeringer i dette univers. Humor, videnskabelige facts og populærkultur blandes i Niels Rolands værk. I kraft af en stor informations- og underholdningsværdi vil bogen kunne finde anvendelse i undervisningen fra 9-10 klasse og i de forskellige ungdomsuddannelser.

  • af Ursula K. Le Guin
    189,95 kr.

    Ordet for verden er skov er en højaktuel bog om ressourcemangel, skovfældning og kolonialisme, men også om modstand mod undertrykkere, samliv med naturen og ikke mindst retten til at leve i frihed.I fremtiden har menneskeheden koloniseret skovverdenen Athshea og omdøbt den til New Tahiti. Formålet er at fælde alle træerne, som Athshea består af, og sende dem tilbage til en ressourcehungrende Jord. De fredelige athsheanere, der lever i pagt med skovverdenen, bliver tvunget til slaveri og arbejdskraft i fældningen af skoven under dække af frivilligt arbejde. Den desperate situation kalder dog på desperate midler, og et oprør ulmer i athsheanerne. Men ved at forsvare deres liv har de bragt selve grundlaget for deres samfund i fare. Ordet for verden er skov er Ursula K. Le Guins mest aktivistiske science fiction-værk og har vundet den prestigefulde Hugo Award. Bogen foregår i Hainish-universet og er en del af Le Guins omfattende fremtidshistorie. Blandt de andre bøger i universet kan nævnes Mørkets venstre hånd og De udstødte. Ordet for verden er skov har været inspiration for mange forskellige værker, blandt andet James Camerons Avatar-film, men også mere filosofiske værker som Donna Haraways At blive i besværet.

  • af Priest
    192,95 kr.

    "With the Westerners and their allies pressing in on all sides, the empire of Great Liang enters its darkest hour. Under these desperate conditions, Gu Yun leads the beleaguered Black Iron Battalion to hold the borders. Meanwhile, Chang Geng makes his move in the imperial court, sweeping corrupt officials aside in an effort to stabilize the nation before it's too late. As the two struggle to hold the tattered pieces of the empire together, Gu Yun uncovers a shocking truth about the curse slowly tightening its grip on Chang Geng's mind. But are the deepest secrets of Chang Geng's past enough to move the iron heart of the nation's most fearsome general?"--Provided by publisher.

  • af Katherine Arden
    145,95 kr.

    The sweeping new novel from New York Times bestselling author Katherine Arden.'A wonderful clash of fire and ice ... A book you won't want to let go of.' Diana Gabaldon'A spectacular tour de force ... I love this book so much and want everyone to read it!' Naomi Novik'Well-researched and beautifully written, this is a compelling, memorable novel.' The Guardian'Darkly beautiful and deeply humane ... The Warm Hands of Ghosts will stir your heart, and settle into your bones.' Ava Reid'Visionary, imaginative and brilliantly written.' Anthony Horowitz'This exquisite novel took me over like a haunting ... One of the best historical fantasies I've ever read' Emma Törzs'A historical fantasy that will touch the hearts of many readers' Fantasy Hive______________World War One, and as shells fall in Flanders, a Canadian nurse searches for her brother believed dead in the trenches despite eerie signs that suggest otherwise in this gripping and powerful historical novel from the bestselling author of The Bear and the Nightingale.January 1918. Laura Iven has been discharged from her duties as a nurse and sent back to Halifax, Canada, leaving behind a brother still fighting in the trenches of the First World War. Now home, she receives word of Freddie's death in action along with his uniform -but something doesn't quite make sense. Determined to find out more, Laura returns to Belgium as a volunteer at a private hospital. Soon after arriving, she hears whispers about ghosts moving among those still living and a strange inn-keeper whose wine gives soldiers the gift of oblivion. Could this have happened to Freddie - but if so, where is he?November 1917. Freddie Iven awakens after an explosion to find himself trapped under an overturned pillbox with an enemy soldier, a German, each of them badly wounded. Against all odds, the two men form a bond and succeed in clawing their way out. But once in No Man's Land, where can either of them turn where they won't be shot as enemy soldiers or deserters? As the killing continues, they meet a man - a fiddler - who seems to have the power to make the hellscape that surrounds them disappear. But at what price?A novel of breath-taking scope and drama, of compulsive readability, of stunning historical research lightly worn, and of brilliantly drawn characters who will make you laugh and break your heart in a single line, The Warm Hands of Ghosts is a book that will speak to readers directly about the trauma of war and the power of those involved to love, endure and transcend it.______________More love for The Warm Hands of Ghosts . . .'Immersive and timeless, and an ode to the enduring power of memory.' Vaishnavi Patel'A page-turner of the highest order ... A haunting, fantastic read!' Helene Wecker'I absolutely devoured it!' Santa Montefiore'Wonderful storytelling. Inventive, haunting and deeply moving.' Sarah Winman'An exquisite, brilliant gem of a story.' Conn Iggulden'Simply stunning.' Kate Quinn'Absolutely incredible; I had chills all through reading it.' Shannon Chakraborty'A sweeping, fantastical tour-de-force of a novel.' I Newspaper'Arden's prose is full of emotion... an unforgettable, inspiring read.' Historical Novel Society'Arden's gripping historical fantasy will draw readers in and keep them engaged.' Library Journal, starred review'Lyrically beautiful prose, a brave heroine and a story shot through with the darkness of war' Daily Mail'Eerie and fanciful, yet gruesomely down-to-earth.' The Spectator'Mixing historical fiction with the paranormal, this haunting, atmospheric tale of separated siblings is a real gem of a book.' Heat Magazine'A gripping tale of loss, mystery, ghosts and queer romance.' BBC Culture Online

  • af Frank Schatzing
    297,95 kr.

    Global økothrillerbestseller udkommer på danskEn fisker forsvinder sporløst ud for Perus kyst efter mødet med en stor stime fisk. Et tankskib i Stillehavet mister navigationsevnen, da små muslinger blokerer roret. Ud for Canadas vestkyst går en flok hvaler amok og begynder at angribe skibe. I Australien blokerer millioner af giftige gopler strandene. Og ud for Norges kyst opdager ingeniører en hidtil ukendt ormeart, der æder sig ned i kontinentalsoklen og frigør metangas.Den norske marinbiolog Sigurd Johanson begynder at analysere de mystiske orme, som dukker op i millionvis, ligesom andre som ham kloden over langsomt indser, at noget er grueligt galt. En økologisk katastrofe uden sidestykke truer menneskeheden. Og nogen er fast besluttet på at udnytte katastrofen i en kynisk stræben efter magt. Sværmener en storstilet økothriller til tiden, der kombinerer videnskabens indblik i Jordens skrøbelige økologi med den politiske spændingsroman.”En fængslende thriller med den utæmmede natur i hovedrollen. Et kæmpe science fictionværk fyldt med fakta.” Stern”Efter disse 1.000 åndeløse sider ser du havet med andre øjne.” Focus”… den ultimative sommerlæsning … får mig til at tænke på det bedste af Michael Crichton og Stephen King.” Contra Costa Times”Verden kunne gå under, mens du læste Sværmen , og du ville ikke bemærke det.” Die Welt

  • af Caitlin Schneiderhan
    187,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Carrah-Anne Aldridge
    205,95 kr.

    Have a Blast Coloring Out-Of-This-World Galactic Art! Calling all cosmic lovers: The creator of the wildly popular online art platform Creative Carrah brings you 35 show-stopping, space-themed illustrations of wondrous women to color in with alcohol markers. Thanks to alcohol markers' trademark vibrancy and blendability, you'll soon watch with awe as your striking designs come to life. These size-inclusive illustrations feature gorgeous versatility and a range of styles-from stunning femme characters to supernatural gals, expansive portraits to more intricate designs-so that you can immerse yourself in every breathtaking detail. What's more, the thick 200gsm paper and perforated pages ensure you can proudly gift or display your beautiful work. So get your markers ready and come get lost in this dazzling space adventure!

  • af Gaia Vince
    105,95 kr.

  • af Wang Hongwei Wang
    485,95 - 1.097,95 kr.

  • - Mekaniske Hjerter
    af Stine Bahrt
    58,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Med tilbageholdt åndedræt rører jeg ved den næsten usynlige cirkel. Det summer i fingerspidserne og i mit hoved. Evnen ligger efterhånden som en forlængelse af mine tanker, og jeg behøver ikke engang koncentrere mig. Portalen åbner sig.Splittelsen mellem urværkere og evneløse vokser. Nil er fanget i konfliktens midtpunkt, og hvis hun skal redde dem, hun elsker, må hun få kontrol over sine feyevner.Dorian har lært, at han må passe på sit hjerte, selv hvis det betyder, at han må give slip på Nil. Og da menneskehedens overlevelse trues, står han over for en skæbnesvanger beslutning.Men Kuppelbyens fjender er langt farligere, end nogen af dem kunne forestille sig.Mekaniske Hjerter er andet bind i den dystopiske steampunkserie URVÆRKERNE.Første bind i serien blev nomineret til Årets Danske Fantasydebut 2022.

  • af Priest
    187,95 kr.

    ENEMIES FROM WITHOUT AND WITHINFour years ago, Chang Geng and Gu Yun parted in anger. When fate draws them together again, Chang Geng, a once-awkward teen, is now an elegant and adroit young man.But storms lie ahead. As Great Liang faces foreign pressure from without, Gu Yun finds himself embroiled in turmoil within the imperial court. Meanwhile, as the curse in Chang Geng’s blood grows, his feelings for his godfather become more painful to subdue by the day. How much longer can he keep Gu Yun from learning his secret…and what will happen when he can hide it no more?

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    THE 30th ANNIVERSARY EDITION WITH NEW, NEVER-BEFORE-PUBLISHED MATERIALAfter the Internet, what came next?Enter the Metaverse - cyberspace home to avatars and software daemons, where anything and just about everything goes. Newly available on the Street - the Metaverse's main drag - is Snow Crash. A cyberdrug that reduces avatars in the digital world to dust, but also infects users in real life, leaving them in a vegetative state.This is bad news for Hiro, a freelance hacker and the Metaverse's best swordfighter, and mouthy skateboard courier Y. T.. Together, investigating the Infocalypse, they trace back the roots of language itself to an ancient Sumerian priesthood and find they must race to stop a shadowy virtual villain hell-bent on world domination.In this special edition of the remarkably prescient modern classic, Neal Stephenson exploreslinguistics, computer science, politics and philosophy in the form of a break-neck adventure into the fast-approaching yet eerily recognizable future.'Fast-forward free-style mall mythology for the twenty-first century' William Gibson'Brilliantly realized' New York Times Book Review 'Like a Pynchon novel with the brakes removed' Washington Post'A remarkably prescient vision of today's tech landscape' Vanity Fair

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    #1 NATIONAL BESTSELLER“The pages brim with tenderness and an appreciation for what we had and who we were. I could not have loved it more."—Ann Patchett“One of the most moving and intelligent time travel novels I have ever read. Nostalgic, wise, funny, and filled with love."—Gabrielle Zevin “The kind of book that will make you laugh, make you cry, and make you call the people you love. Exceptional."—Emily HenryWhat if you could take a vacation to your past?        With her celebrated humor, insight, and heart, beloved New York Times bestseller Emma Straub offers her own twist on traditional time travel tropes and a different kind of love story. On the eve of her fortieth birthday, Alice’s life isn’t terrible. She likes her job, even if it isn’t exactly the one she expected. She’s happy with her apartment, her romantic status, and her independence, and she adores her lifelong best friend. But her father is ailing, and it feels to her as if something is missing. When she wakes up the next morning, she finds herself back in 1996, reliving her sixteenth birthday. But it isn’t just her adolescent body that shocks her, or seeing her high school crush—it’s her dad, the vital, charming, forty-something version of her father with whom she is reunited. Now armed with a new perspective on her own life and his, some past events take on new meaning. Is there anything that she would change if she could?

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