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  • af H.G. Wells
    73,95 - 317,95 kr.

    Amerikanske Direck rejser til Europa for at opleve den gamle verden og se, hvordan den adskiller sig fra den nye, hvor han er vokset op. Første stop er England, hvor han møder hr. Britling, der er så engelsk, som man kan være. Det, der starter som en interessant og hyggelig rejse, bliver imidlertid langt mere begivenhedsrig, end den muntre amerikaner havde drømt om. Mens han er i England, bryder første verdenskrig ud, og det gamle Europa, som han længtes efter at se, smuldrer mellem fingrene på de stridende stormagter.”Hr. Britling og verdenskrigen” udkom første gang i 1916, hvor ingen anede, hvor længe krigen ville rase, og hvordan verden ville se ud, når den var færdig.H.G. Wells (1866-1946) var en britisk forfatter, der skrev i flere genrer, men som primært er kendt for sine bidrag inden for science fiction. Heriblandt er ”Tidsmaskinen” (1895), ”Den usynlige mand” (1897) og ”Klodernes kamp” (1898) nogle af de mest berømte og også nogle af dem, der gentagne gange er blevet filmatiseret og været inspiration til andre forfattere og filmskabere.

  • af Brianna Labuskes
    81,95 - 177,95 kr.

    Tyskland, 1946: Emmy Clarke er bibliotekar – ikke soldat. Det forhindrer dog ikke USA's nationalbibliotek i at sende hende til Tyskland for at hjælpe Monumenternes Mænd, en gruppe museumsdirektører og kuratorer, som Roosevelt i slutningen af 2. verdenskrig udnævnte til soldater og sendte til Tyskland i forsøget på at redde uerstattelige kunstskatte. Emmy skal finde og katalogisere den dyrebare litteratur, der er blevet plyndret af nazisterne.På Emmys første dag på arbejde finder hun en digtsamling af Rainer Maria Rilke, og på titelbladet er en håndskrevet dedikation: "Til Annelise, min modige Edelweiss-pirat." Emmy bliver øjeblikkeligt fascineret af dedikationen og hun er fast besluttet på at afdække historien bag den håndskrevne hilsen.Jagten på bogens retmæssige ejer fører Emmy til to søstre, et forfærdeligt forræderi og en ekstraordinær protest mod nazisterne.

  • af Jakob Sørensen
    355,95 kr.

    Julen 1944 nærmede sig. Stilheden og kulden sænkede sig over Ardennerne. Et kuperet og viltert skovterræn i grænselandet mellem Frankrig, Belgien og Tyskland, som den allierede hærledelse anså for at være en stille sektor holdt med få og grønne enheder. Efter sommerens landgang i Normandiet havde de allierede i en hæsblæsende fremrykning trængt Nazitysklands arméer tilbage, men nedslidte gjorde de nu holdt for vinteren for at komme sig. En fredfyldt højtid var kærkommen. Men Adolf Hitler havde helt andre planer. Nazitysklands fører slap hundredtusindvis af elitesoldater og tunge kampvogne løs i en sand Panzerstorm, der gennem de små skovveje skulle rase gennem Ardennerne, vende krigslykken og knuse de allieredes trætte hærstyrker i en sidste desperat storoffensiv. På 80 året for de højdramatiske dage, hvor Vestfronten og de allieredes skæbne hang i en tynd blodig tråd, går historiker og forfatter Jakob Sørensen helt tæt på de voldsomme kampe i Ardennerskovene. Kampe der gjorde små byer som Bastogne og St. Vith, og ikke mindst de underlegne amerikanske soldater der heltemodigt stod i vejen for Hitlers tordnende Panzerstorm, verdensberømte.

  • af Charlotte Al-Khalili
    186,95 kr.

    En ung mor er flygtet fra sin voldsomme eksmand og lever nu et liv under jorden med deres lille datter. En aften forsvinder kvinden sporløst, og det eneste, man finder i hendes midlertidige lejlighed, er den femårige pige og små dråber blod i entreen. Hvad har barnet set? Og kan bloddråberne give et fingerpeg om, hvad der er hændt hendes mor? På opgaven sættes Olivia Oldenheim, der netop er vendt tilbage til jobbet efter at have mistet sin førlighed i en trafikulykke. Olivia får nok at se til, for sporene peger i mange retninger, og langsomt går det op for hende, at hun må gå helt til grænsen – og måske endda over den – for at sikre, at retfærdigheden sker fyldest.Når alt er forbi er første uafhængige bog i en ny svensk spændingsserie med den utrættelige Olivia Oldenheim, der slås med sine egne dæmoner, mens hun kæmper de svages sag.

  • af Tonny Gulløv
    295,95 kr.

    Palnatoke venter utålmodigt på at Haralds landsforvisning fra Danmark er overstået og fordriver tiden med at skændes med sin søn Palner, som ikke vil være kriger, men noget så åndssvagt som bygmester. Derudover bliver Palnatoke nødt til at eskortere den henrivende Anna Billung til farbror Hermanns begravelse på Sankt Mikaelis kloster i Lüneburg - i hjertet af Otto den Stores enorme rige. Palnatoke stoler ikke rigtigt på Otto, eller på ret mange andre for den sags skyld, og tager et par skibsbesætninger af Jómskrigere med - bare for en sikkerheds skyld - og dem får han brug for.Efter en del gode, mindre gode og elendige beslutninger lægger Palnatoke sig ud med en kardinal, et par biskopper, en del klerke, en lokal krigsherre på Lolland samt kejseren af Østfranken. Den gale jarl udviser et uhørt snilde og hans Jómskrigere er ustoppelige, men det er Nornerne også … Og det er ikke altid til Ulv Palnatokes fordel. Palnatoke er som altid i et forrygende fortællehumør i Tvelys – ottende bind i vikingesagaen om Danmarks fødsel og den spændende fortsættelse i bestseller-sagaen 1000-årsriget. Tvelys er en fascinerende, humoristisk og barsk fortælling om en tid, hvor danerne konstant lå i krig med hinanden og utallige andre folkeslag i jagten på rigdom, skjaldenes lovprisning og evig ære – en skønlitterær fortælling baseret på faktiske begivenheder.

  • af Louise Jensby
    204,95 kr.

    Enden er nær. Fronterne er trukket skarpt op mellem det gode og det onde i den endelige jagt på sandheden og bevarelsen af den ældgamle hemmelighed, som kan få ødelæggende konsekvenser for menneskehedens fremtid. Med skurkene i hælene må Katherine og hendes venner følge instrukserne fra den anden tavle til Alexandria, hvor nye farer venter under hver sten, de vender. Hvem vil sejre, og hvem vil segne i forsøget på at blive dem, der står med svaret på fortidens gåder? Og vil sejrherren tage opdagelsen med ind i evigheden?

  • af Bente Strager
    187,95 kr.

    Romanen bygger på virkelige begivenheder i Grønland under 2. verdenskrig.I dyb hemmelighed ankommer den tyske kaptajn Hermann Ritter til østkysten af Grønland på mission for Det tredje rige. Uheldigvis støder Ritters mænd på nogle af de danskere, der lever som fangstmænd og telegrafister i Østgrønland. Danskerne har netop indgået en aftale med myndighederne om at fungere som den første militære enhed i Grønland – forløberen til Siriuspatruljen.Konfrontation er uundgåelig, og det ender fatalt med at en af danskerne bliver dræbt. 2 andre danskere tages til fange, og Ritter tager en af de danske krigsfanger, Marius Jensen, med sig på en lang slæderejse. En slæderejse, der forandrer alt.

  • af Ariel Lawhon
    235,95 kr.

    Gribende historisk krimi om en ukuelig kvinde, der trodsede retssystemet og skrev sig ind i amerikansk historie. Maine, 1789: Da Kennebec-floden fryser til, og en død mand bliver fundet i isen, tilkaldes Martha Ballard for at undersøge liget og fastslå dødsårsagen. Hun er ikke i tvivl: Manden er blevet hængt, før han blev smidt i floden. Som jordemoder og klog kone har hun indblik i meget af det, der foregår bag lukkede døre i Hallowell, og hendes dagbog er en optegnelse over stort og småt i det lille samfund. Nogle måneder forinden dokumenterede Martha detaljerne om en formodet voldtægt begået af to af byens mest respekterede mænd – hvoraf den ene nu er blevet fundet død i isen. Men da en nytilkommen læge modsiger hendes konklusion og erklærer, at dødsfaldet skyldes en ulykke, må Martha efterforske mordet på egen hånd. I løbet af den isnende vinter, mens retssagen nærmer sig, og splittelsen i byen vokser, jagter Martha i al hemmelighed sandheden. Hendes dagbog havner snart i skandalens centrum, samtidig med at en af hendes nærmeste kommer under mistanke, hvilket tvinger hende til at tage kampen op mod stærke kræfter og søge retfærdighed. 'Den frosne flod' er en fortælling inspireret af virkelige hændelser om en ukendt heltinde, der insisterede på at sige sandheden i en tid, hvor kvinder helst skulle ses og ikke høres. Det er en fængslende og stemningsmættet historie om en bemærkelsesværdig kvinde, der efterlod sig en unik arv, men som ikke desto mindre er så godt som glemt i dag.

  • af H. D. Carlton
    237,95 kr.

    The Manipulator: I can manipulate the emotions of anyone who lets me. I will make you hurt, make you cry, make you laugh and sigh. But my words don't affect him. Especially not when I plead for him to leave. He's always there, watching and waiting. And I can never look away. Not when I want him to come closer ... The Shadow: I didn't mean to fall in love. But now that I have, I can't stay away. I'm mesmerized by her smile, by her eyes, and the way she moves. The way she undresses ... I'll keep watching and waiting. Until I can make her mine. And once she is, I'll never let her go. Not even when she begs me to ...

  • - Regnens æra
    af Elsebeth Lerche-Olsen
    64,95 - 87,95 kr.

    Denne spændingsroman, handler om en nylig fraskilt kvinde. Hun indgår rimeligt hurtigt i et nyt forhold til hendes ven gennem en del år. Hun tror hun kender sin ven, nu kæreste.Det viser sig at være en løgn.Hun kender ham slet ikke.Samtidig følger vi hovedpersonens større og større indsigt i hendes sceneskræk, og i hendes til tider invaliderende angstanfald.Et stort problem for hende som udøvende sanger i et band.Hænger tingene sammen på en anden måde , end hun egentlig tror og er klar over?En lille roman om et stort emne.

  • - My Voyages
    af Vito de la Vera
    57,95 - 102,95 kr.

    To gain an understanding of the past, it is sometimes useful to test what one has learned by investigating the past. That is what this book is about. It is a continuation of my book, "The Whale Culture of Greenland". Based on the details about the whale culture in Greenland that I learned from rock carvings on a cliff in Eastern Greenland, I and like-minded individuals have built an airship, as it could have been built by a hunter-gatherer culture in the Arctic during the Holocene Maximum, and we will now attempt to fly it around Greenland and propel it with the fuel we can gather from hunting.This is therefore the story of our journey in a hot-air balloon around Greenland and how we managed the long trip north around the island and down along the west coast until we returned to the east coast, facing all the challenges and dangerous situations that arose along the way.It is also the story of what an ancient people could achieve in the distant past and what it tells about their spread in the Arctic and beyond.It is a long and eventful journey that I and my companions undertake, which does not go as expected and certainly does not end as such, but still bears the fruits we desired.The journey is long and tough and constantly tests us, as the Arctic must have tested the whale culture in Greenland's distant past, but we endure it all the way to the abrupt end of the journey, thereby showing that an airborne culture in Greenland could have been possible around the time of the Holocene Maximum.

  • af Lewis Wallace
    63,94 - 227,95 kr.

    Denne historiske og religiøse roman foregår omkring det nye testamente, der danner bagtæppet for historien. Ved at kombinere hændelser fra Jesu liv med betydningsfulde historiske begivenheder, skildres Judas Ben Hurs liv. Efter en hændelse ved en militærparade, bliver Ben Hur dømt til galejslave indtil sin død uden en retssag, hans familie bliver fængslet og al hans ejendom bliver konfiskeret. Ved et held overlever Ben Hur og vender derefter tilbage til Jerusalem for at få sin hævn.Lewis Wallace (1827-1905) var en amerikansk soldat, advokat, diplomat og ikke mindst forfatter. Han skrev flere bøger, men er primært kendt, berømt og husket for sin roman ”Ben Hur”. I 1900 blev ”Ben Hur” udnævnt som den bedst sælgende amerikanske roman i det 19. århundrede. Wallace levede et farverig og omfangsrigt liv, som blandt andet involverede, at han meldte sig som frivillig i den mexicanske krig, hvori han tjente i 1846-1847.

  • af C. S. Forester
    265,95 kr.

    Efter Hornblowers skib Sutherland blev skudt i sænk af franskmændene, blev han og hans besætning taget som krigsfanger. Nu er han på vej til Paris med to af sine bedste mænd, og ingen af dem har i sinde at lade franskmændene bestemme deres skæbne. Da fangevognen kører fast i en snestorm, ser de tre mænd deres snit til at stikke af. Hornblower ved, at han først er i sikkerhed, når han er hjemme i England, men han aner ikke, hvilken tragedie der venter ham, hvis han når frem. Andet bind af ”Kommandør Hornblower” er ottende bog i seriens indre kronologi.Kaptajn HornblowerSerien om den engelske søofficer kaptajn Hornblower tager os med tilbage til Napoleonskrigene og fortæller historien om den søsyge matros, der ender med at blive en vaskeægte søhelt i den engelske flåde. Bøgerne er blevet filmatiseret flere gange og har opnået stor popularitet verden over.C.S. Forester (1899-1966) var pseudonymet for den britiske forfatter Cecil Louis Throughton Smith, der blev kendt for sine fortællinger om krig til søs. Hans bogserie om den royale søofficer Horatio Hornblower blev oversat til en lang række sprog og gjorde ham meget populær. I 1951 blev hans bog "The African Queen" filmatiseret med Katherine Hepburn og Humphrey Bogart i hovedrollerne.

  • af Bernhard Schlink
    143,95 kr.

    'Anyone who wants to understand contemporary Germany must read The Granddaughter now' Le Monde 'The great novel of German reunification' Le Figaro 'A masterpiece' Maurice SzafranMay, 1964. At a youth festival in East Berlin, an unlikely young couple fall in love. In the bright spring days, anything seems possible for them - it is only many years later, after her death, that Kaspar discovers the price his wife paid to get to him in West Berlin. Shattered by grief, Kaspar sets off to uncover Birgit's secrets in the East. His search leads him to a rural community of neo-Nazis, and to a young girl who accepts him as her grandfather. Their worlds could not be more different - but he is determined to fight for her. From the author of the no.1 international bestseller The Reader, The Granddaughter is a gripping novel that transports us from the divided Germany of the 1960s to contemporary Australia, asking what might be found when it seems like all is lost.Translated from the German by Charlotte Collins

  • af Alastair Reynolds
    106,95 kr.

    Panoply is a small, efficient police force, dedicated to maintaining the rule of democracy among the ten thousand disparate city states orbiting the planet Yellowstone.Ingvar Tench was one of Panoply's most experienced operatives. So why did she walk alone and virtually unarmed into a habitat with a vicious grudge against her organisation?As his colleagues pick up the pieces, Dreyfus must face his conscience. Four years ago, when an investigation linked to one of his most dangerous adversaries got a little too personal, Dreyfus arranged for Tench to continue the enquiry by proxy.In using her - even though he had his reasons - did Dreyfus also put her in the line of fire?And what does Tench's misadventure tell him about an enemy he had hoped was dormant?Praise for Alastair Reynolds:'A leading light of the new British space opera' Los Angeles Review of Books on Alastair Reynolds'One of the giants of the new British space opera' io9 on Alastair Reynolds'[Reynolds is] a mastersinger of the space opera' The Times (UK) on Blue Remembered Earth'[Reynolds] is the most gifted hard SF writers working today' Publishers Weekly on Beyond the Aquila Rift

  • af Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson
    99,95 kr.

    'My favourite kind of grand space opera' BEN AARONOVITCHShe's searching for the emperor who stole her sister.He's searching for the prince who stole his heart.The entire universe is at stake.The Principle of Moments is a centuries-spanning adventure unmissable for fans of the spacefaring found family of Becky Chambers, the magical London of V. E. Schwab, and the epic climate-craft of N. K. Jemisin.WHAT READERS ARE SAYING:'This book! OMG this book was everything I could hope for! A queer love story, a space story, a rebel story and so well written' 5-star reader review'An absolute stonker of a debut... I was hooked the whole way through' 5-star reader review'I absolutely devoured this book! Everything I could possibly want with Star Wars / Doctor Who vibes mixed in with Pride and Prejudice' 5-star reader review'THIS is how you write a "chosen one" story! Jikiemi-Pearson is going straight on my "instant read" list of authors' 5-star reader review'I have read quite a few debuts this year and this was easily my top of the year' 5-star reader review'OMG, this book was amazing... Fantastic if you like N.K. Jemisin and Doctor Who... Well worth five stars' 5-star reader review'Hang on and enjoy the ride!' 5-star reader review

  • af Madeleine Roux
    158,95 kr.

    Loki and Valkyrie seek redemption in the first adventure of an epic new multiversal series that reimagines the origins of iconic Marvel heroes.So many worlds, so little time. Infinite possibilities, creating infinite realities. Long have I watched the trickster god sow chaos. But . . . what if Loki saved Asgard from Tony Stark’s revenge? Thor—Son of Odin, God of Thunder, Wielder of Mjolnir—is dead. And Loki is responsible.  It was meant to be only a joke—tampering with the Destroyer, changing Thor’s course to Midgard—a bit of mischief with a chance of maiming. But Loki’s harmless prank spiraled out of control, unleashing death and destruction on New York City and the heroes sworn to protect it. The city was saved, at the cost of Thor’s life.  Furious and heartbroken, the All-Father banishes Loki to Earth for his crime. Loki finds himself in a realm of boxed wine, instant noodles, and some sort of regional performance troupe known as the “Buffalo Bills.” It’s a meager existence, far from Asgard’s grand courts, but he finds his new friend, Brian the Gecko, a much more engaging companion than the sycophants back home. It’s a true meeting of the minds.  Loki is the God of Mischief—but he knows, deep down, that he never truly deserved to stand next to their father’s golden child, Thor, as two true sons of Odin. Yet he cannot endure his exile in peaceful isolation. A Valkyrie—Hel-bent on carrying out her oath to Thor—barges into Loki’s trailer home with his brother’s final words from the beyond: a plea to find a certain Dr. Jane Foster and pass the hammer Mjolnir on to its rightful heir. While Loki struggles to fulfil his brother’s last request, the far-reaching consequences of his fatal prank return to haunt him. Blinded by grief over those he lost in the chaos wrought by Asgard, Iron Man vows revenge on those who consider themselves gods. Determined to protect Earth from the might of this unpredictable alien power, Stark forges Asgard’s own weaponry into a lethal suit of armor, set on eradicating any tether between their worlds—consequences be damned. When Asgard looks to Loki for salvation, he must answer the question: Am I truly worthy?

  • af Richard Jefferies
    225,95 kr.

    "Bevis: The Story of a Boy" is a novel written by Richard Jefferies, an English naturalist and writer, in the 1880s. The narrative focuses on the experiences and observations of a little child named Bevis as it follows his travels. Bevis is shown as an inventive and inquisitive youngster who enjoys being outside, exploring the rural delights and developing a strong bond with the natural world. Bevis goes on a number of adventures, interactions with nature, and creative travels as the story is told. A young person's character is shaped by their natural surroundings, as the story emphasises while skilfully capturing the purity and curiosity of youth. The author uses Bevis's travels as a prism to examine themes of awe, exploration, and the way that the natural world may influence a child's mental development. "Bevis" captures Jefferies's personal love of the natural world and his conviction that a child's upbringing is much enhanced by being outside. The book celebrates the beauty and secrets of rural England while simultaneously telling the tale of a coming-of-age.

  • af Captain Mayne Reid
    121,95 kr.

    "The Land of Fire: A Tale of Adventure" with the aid of Captain Mayne Reid is an mesmerizing narrative that plunges readers right into a world of high-stakes journey and bold exploits. Known for his vivid storytelling, Captain Mayne Reid takes us on a charming adventure thru distinctive landscapes and dangerous conditions. The plot unfolds as a gripping tale of exploration and survival, weaving collectively the fates of a diverse cast of characters navigating the challenges of the untamed desert. Against the backdrop of the "Land of Fire," readers are treated to a narrative packed with suspense, courage, and surprising alliances. Captain Mayne Reid's narrative prowess shines as he skillfully blends action, suspense, and a touch of the unknown, developing a tale that continues readers on the edge in their seats. "The Land of Fire" not best guarantees a thrilling adventure however also explores the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity, making it a timeless conventional within the style of adventure literature.

  • af Jim Jones
    150,95 kr.

    As Jared Delaney rides home from a cattle drive to Colorado, he is haunted by a nightmare of menace and impending change, signified by the moon encircled by a hazy band of light . . . a halo moon. When he arrives in Cimarrón, he is shocked to discover that his friend and mentor, Sheriff Nathan Averill, has been murdered. Against his wife's wishes, he agrees to seek vigilante justice to avenge Nathan's death. Estranged from his family and friends, Jared travels the perilous trail to vengeance, unaware that a truly evil man is stalking him and his family at the same time. Refusing to accept the counsel of those close to him, he finds moral guidance from an unlikely source-a young man with a checkered past on the run from the law. Will the end justify the means? How many people will die along the way?

  • af F. M. Parker
    169,95 kr.

    Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant,comrades in arms in the Mexican-American War 1846-1848. President Polk, desiring to expand the United States to the Pacific Ocean, orders General Winfield Scott to invade Mexico at Veracruz and march inland and capture Mexico City. Mexico controlled much of what is now the southwestern part of the United States and California.Scott arrives at Veracruz with 100 ships crowded with 9,000 soldiers and the tools of war, cannon, muskets and cavalry mounts. Among the soldiers are Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant and Captain Robert E. Lee. Grant, 24 years old, is a hardened combat veteran from fighting with General Taylor in northern Mexico. Lee, 40 years old, is untested in battle. Both men desire grade and glory and it is during war that these can be won if a man acted bravely.General Scott lands his army upon the hostile Mexican shore. After a heavy bombardment of Veracruz, the Americans capture the city. Scott waits for the reinforcements that President Polk had promised. When they do not arrive and his men begin to die from yellow fever, Scott severs his link with the States and his supply base at Veracruz and marches his small army into the mountains. He must capture Mexico City lying in the center of the nation of seven million inhabitants. He will lead his men to victory or death. General Santa Anna is waiting with an army of 30,000 soldiers to annihilate the small force of invading Americans.

  • af J. L. Crafts
    165,95 kr.

    Spring 1876 . . . .When a bomb explodes and destroys a sawmill in Glenbrook Harbor, the residents and businessmen on the shores of Lake Tahoe are left reeling. Will Toal and his wife, Beth, are caught in the deadly, fiery fragments of the devastating explosion, and Beth is severely injured.Will gets Beth to the doctor and sets out to find those responsible. Once again, he is drawn back into the crosshairs of business barons clashing among themselves while competing for economic and political clout amid the sliver riches of the West. Will's been in this position before in earlier days, but this time, the big company money is out to get him-and the things just got personal.Will just wants those who hurt Beth brought to justice, but he must find out who's responsible for setting that blast-the first of many to come, if he figures right. With the timber business leveling the forests around Lake Tahoe, and the silver mines clamoring for the necessary wood, the arsonists could be working for anyone. Those who don't believe in the deforestation process will go to any length to save the woodlands, but those who need the jobs lumbering provides are just as determined.Ina race against time, Will is forced to work with an old nemesis, private investigator Dale Paris, to try to stop the arsonists and save the sawmills from disaster. Can they stop the bloodshed? At any price, Will is determined to have CLEAR CUT JUSTICE . . . .

  • af Rod Miller
    145,95 kr.

    OUTLAWMAN: The Life and Times of Matt WarnerMatt Warner was an outlaw. And a lawman. In a word, an outlawman.Once among the most notorious bandits in the Old West, riding with Butch Cassidy and other famous outlaws, Warner was wanted for crimes across the Southwest, the Northwest, and the Mountain West. After serving time on overblown charges following a shootout, Warner changed his prison stripes for a badge and served as a town marshal, justice of the peace, and deputy sheriff. Whether wearing a black hat, a white hat, or some shade of gray, Warner outlived the Old West but never abandoned its wild and wooly ways.Follow the trail through Brown's Hole, Robbers Roost, and other outlaw enclaves as a mysterious old man tells the outlawman's story in a rundown barroom once owned by Matt Warner himself.

  • af Morley Roberts
    120,95 kr.

    "Captain Balaam of the 'Cormorant': And Other Sea Comedies" is a collection of comedic memories set at sea, written by Morley Roberts. The book capabilities a chain of enjoyable memories that revolve around the adventures and misadventures of Captain Balaam and his team aboard the ship 'Cormorant'. Each story gives a humorous and lighthearted depiction of life at sea, filled with colorful characters, comical situations, and witty speak. Captain Balaam, the relevant character, is a bumbling and eccentric captain who often reveals himself in absurd predicaments. From encounters with pirates to navigating treacherous waters, the captain's escapades provide sufficient possibilities for laughter and entertainment. The sub-identify, "And Other Sea Comedies," suggests that the book includes extra comedic tales set in maritime settings. These memories may additionally function extraordinary characters and situations, however all of them percentage the commonplace subject matter of humor and the ocean. Morley Roberts' writing fashion combines wit, satire, and an eager experience of remark to create a lovely studying revel in.

  • af H. Rider Haggard
    195,95 kr.

    ""She and Allan"" is a captivating adventure novel penned by H. Rider Haggard, renowned for its gripping narrative and vivid portrayal of exotic locales and cultures. Set in Africa, the story follows the protagonist, Allan Quatermain, a seasoned explorer, as he embarks on a perilous journey into the heart of the continent. Along the way, Allan encounters the enigmatic and immortal Ayesha, known as ""She-who-must-be-obeyed,"" who possesses otherworldly beauty and formidable powers. Drawn into Ayesha's web of intrigue and ambition, Allan becomes entangled in a struggle for power and immortality that spans centuries. As he navigates treacherous terrain, faces off against fierce adversaries, and confronts his own inner demons, Allan must grapple with questions of mortality, love, and the nature of human ambition. With its blend of action, romance, and mysticism, ""She and Allan"" transports readers to a world of wonder and danger, where the boundaries between myth and reality blur, and the true nature of heroism is put to the test.

  • af Edgar Rice Burroughs
    175,95 kr.

    ""Tarzan the Terrible"" is an exhilarating adventure novel penned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, renowned for its captivating narrative and vivid portrayal of the legendary hero Tarzan. In this installment of the Tarzan series, the story follows Tarzan as he embarks on a perilous quest to rescue his wife, Jane, who has been abducted by a tribe of savage warriors. As Tarzan journeys through the dense jungles of Africa, he encounters prehistoric beasts, hostile tribes, and treacherous landscapes, showcasing his unparalleled strength, cunning, and survival skills. Along the way, Tarzan forms alliances with allies and confronts adversaries, facing numerous challenges that test his resolve and courage. With its blend of action, suspense, and exploration, ""Tarzan the Terrible"" immerses readers in a world of danger and excitement, where the spirit of adventure and the bonds of love prevail. Burroughs' vivid imagination and dynamic characters make this novel a thrilling and unforgettable journey into the heart of the jungle.

  • af Rudyard Kipling
    132,95 kr.

    ""Captains Courageous: A Story of the Grand Banks"" is a classic adventure novel by Rudyard Kipling, renowned for its vivid portrayal of life at sea and its exploration of themes such as courage, redemption, and the bonds of friendship. Set against the backdrop of the North Atlantic fishing grounds, the story follows the young protagonist, Harvey Cheyne Jr., the spoiled son of a wealthy businessman who falls overboard from a transatlantic liner and is rescued by a group of fishermen. Forced to adapt to the harsh realities of life aboard a fishing schooner, Harvey learns the value of hard work, perseverance, and camaraderie as he forms deep connections with the crew, including the seasoned captain, Disko Troop, and the compassionate sailor, Manuel. Through a series of trials and adventures, Harvey undergoes a profound transformation, ultimately finding redemption and a newfound sense of purpose. With its evocative descriptions, compelling characters, and timeless themes, ""Captains Courageous"" is a stirring tale of resilience and self-discovery that continues to captivate readers of all ages.

  • af H. Rider Haggard
    195,95 kr.

    ""Allan and the Holy Flower"" is a thrilling adventure novel written by H. Rider Haggard. Set in colonial Africa, the story follows Allan Quatermain, a seasoned explorer, and his companions as they embark on a perilous journey to locate a legendary flower with mystical properties. Along the way, they encounter treacherous landscapes, hostile tribes, and formidable adversaries, all while contending with their own personal demons and conflicts. As they delve deeper into the heart of Africa, the quest for the Holy Flower becomes a test of courage, resilience, and moral integrity. Haggard's vivid descriptions, richly drawn characters, and pulse-pounding action sequences make ""Allan and the Holy Flower"" a riveting read that transports readers to a world of adventure, mystery, and discovery. With its blend of exotic settings, thrilling escapades, and philosophical undertones, the novel captivates audiences from start to finish, leaving a lasting impression long after the final page is turned.

  • af Captain Mayne Reid
    190,95 kr.

    "The Quadroon: Adventures within the Far West" by Captain Mayne Reid is a riveting tale that unfolds in opposition to the backdrop of the untamed American frontier. Captain Mayne Reid, regarded for his prowess in crafting adventurous narratives, affords readers with a story packed with suspense, intrigue, and the demanding situations of the Wild West. The plot revolves around the protagonist's entanglement within the complexities of the Far West, an area teeming with peril and untold secrets and techniques. As the narrative unfolds, readers are drawn into an international of duels, frontier justice, and the clash of cultures, prepared against the good sized and unforgiving landscapes of the American desert. Captain Mayne Reid's storytelling expertise is clear as he skillfully combines elements of action, thriller, and the exploration of moral dilemmas confronted by way of his characters. "The Quadroon" guarantees no longer best a gripping adventure but additionally a nuanced portrayal of the human spirit amidst the harsh realities of the frontier. This conventional painting stands as a testament to Captain Mayne Reid's ability to move readers to the heart of the Far West with vivid and interesting storytelling.

  • af Jeffery Farnol
    182,95 kr.

    "The Definite Object: A Romance of New York" with the aid of Jeffery Farnol is a fascinating tale set towards the vibrant backdrop of early 20th-century New York. Farnol weaves a romantic narrative that unfolds amidst the dynamic power of the town. The plot revolves across the man or woman of Peter Ganns, a young man with dreams and aspirations, who will become entangled inside the complexities of affection and ambition. As the story unfolds, readers are taken on a journey through the bustling streets of New York, wherein ardour, societal expectancies, and the pursuit of 1's desires converge. Farnol's narrative skillfully combines elements of romance and adventure, growing a tale that explores topics of love, self-discovery, and the clash among subculture and personal desires. "The Definite Object" stands as a testomony to Farnol's capacity to craft attractive and emotionally resonant testimonies. With its brilliant portrayal of characters and the cultural milieu of New York, the unconventional offers readers a glimpse into the social dynamics and romantic entanglements of the time, making it an undying exploration of human relationships inside the bustling metropolis.

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