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  • af John Broughton
    437,95 - 537,95 kr.

  • af Sian Ann Bessey
    197,95 kr.

  • af Mark Dowler
    297,95 kr.

    Sovereigns, Scandals and Secrets The Court of King Henry VIII is ruled by fear, greed and jealousy. As a young girl of humble birth, Claire is destined for a life of obscurity, until a chance encounter with the vivacious Lady Anne Boleyn plunges her into the treacherous world of the power hungry aristocracy.Claire may only be a low ranking servant, but if there is one thing she learns from the ruthlessly ambitious nobility, it's that her future lies in her own hands. A life of happiness and fulfilment is within her reach, she just needs to be audacious enough to grasp it.In a captivating blend of fact and fiction, this tale weaves together the threads of love, passion and betrayal. In a world of constantly changing allegiances, those prepared to gamble for wealth. power and prestige are rewarded only if they are prepared to pay the ultimate price.

  • af Marcel Pujol
    197,95 kr.

    Belzalith asume la dirección del único Imperio de las Tierras Occidentales en el peor escenario posible: su familia a pleno ha sido asesinada en el Banquete de Primavera. Sus amigos también cayeron en el mismo atentado. La nauta amateur y que el día antes del atentado era conocida en la corte como la Jefa de la Diplomacia Zehirí y una adicta a las fiestas disipadas con sus amigos, regadas de pétalos de amapolas, debe hacer de tripas corazón para definir qué rumbo quiere darle a la nueva Zehiria: si hacerse a un lado y dejar que el curso de la historia determine el destino de sus compatriotas, o hacerse cargo del peso que la tradición puso sobre sus hombros.¿Con qué cuenta la joven de 15 años de tez oliva? Karah-Ulf, la de las cúpulas doradas, esa ciudad capital de espaldas a las montañas y enfrentada al Océano Zafiro, aún cuenta con miles de efectivos navales que pueden ser fieles al mayor Imperio que sobrevivió a la Gran Peste que aniquilara mil cuatrocientos treinta y cinco años atrás a nueve de cada diez pobladores del planeta, fieles al gobierno y a su nación, pero Zehiria pronto se torna en sólo uno de los participantes en el juego de ajedrez en el que se convierten los destinos de la mayor organización de humanos en las Tierras Occidentales, en sólo una pieza del puzzle de lealtades y rencores acumulados que determinarán lo que les depare a los habitantes de un mundo sobreviviente de atrocidades irreparables... o de oportunidades devenidas en futuros posibles....

  • af Thomas A'Kempis
    177,95 kr.

    The Imitation of Christ, Book IV: Divine UnionPrepare to be transported to the mystical world of Thomas a'Kempis in Book IV, the final installment of the devotional series. In this profound and transformative journey, Thomas reveals the ultimate destination for those who have embraced the Imitation of Christ. Arriving at the altar, we unite with Jesus through the Holy Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith.But before approaching the Lord's Table, Thomas imparts essential wisdom. He guides us to examine our conscience, seek reconciliation, meditate on God's holy word, and let go of worldly cares and selfish curiosities. In this short but impactful book, Thomas invites us to revisit its chapters repeatedly, urging us to immerse ourselves in its profound messages and prepare ourselves as celebrants, recipients, or adorers of the Blessed Sacrament.In a unique blend of fiction and historical research, Timothy Moore breathes life into the mind of Thomas a'Kempis. In That Same Year, Letters from Thomas a'Kempis to Adriaan Boeyens, Three Pieces of Bread, and The Installation, the reader is transported to the time and place where Thomas wrote Book IV and the impact of its legacy. Fictionalized accounts provide insights into Thomas' thoughts and experiences, shedding light on his intent.Join Thomas as he chronicles the happenings at Mt. St. Agnes in "In That Same Year." Experience the mentorship of Thomas as he passes the torch to a young Adrian Boeyens, who later becomes Pope Adrian VI, in Letters from Thomas a'Kempis to Adriaan Boeyens. Get ready to be captivated by the sacred vision shared by Thomas's mentor, Prior Radewyns, in Three Pieces of Bread, which immerses us in the depth and significance of the Eucharistic life of Jesus through the eyes of Dismas, the Good Thief and Gesmas, the Bad Thief.As you embark on the final Book of this extraordinary series, be prepared for a soul-stirring encounter with the divine. Book IV will leave an indelible mark on your spirit, reminding you of the sacredness of the Holy Eucharist and the transformative power of communion with Christ. ¿Let Thomas a'Kempis guide you to the summit of faith, where you will find the fulfillment of your spiritual journey.

  • af Alfred Read
    247,95 kr.

    1013AD: King Ethelred has fled England, abandoning his country to the cruelty of the Danish usurper, Svienn Forkbeard, and his malevolent son, Cnut. Seeking refuge in Normandy, Ethelred hopes to secure a life free from danger, one where he'll be able to take care of his family and avoid the intrigue and double-dealing that had blighted his reign back home.Yet not every Englishman is happy to just leave their nation to the Danes. A son of Ethelred, now known by his fearsome name, Edmund Ironside, has refused to flee and is raising an army. Aided by the heroic Ealdorman, Ulfcytel of Eastengle, Edmund hopes to rally what's left of his people and lead them in a furious campaign to win his father's throne and drive the foreign hordes into the sea.But the Danes are not the only enemy the young Edmund has to contend with, and even as he meets them in battle other forces are coming into play, ones that seek to control his fate and place England under a crushing yoke for centuries to come.

  • af David Ep Dennis
    257,95 kr.

    The brilliant warrior-poet Dante Alighieri was born in Florence, in the district or quarter known as San Martino in May or June 1265. In later life, he was banished from his home in Florence by his enemies and began to write The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso. This amazing poem described all the terrors, pains and wonders of Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. Dante had an imagined companion - the Roman poet Virgil, and together they examined the results of gross sin and the forgiveness of God.In this book we are concerned with just a few lines of Inferno, albeit of foremost importance, concerning the horrendous butchery of a vengeance killing in an Italian church during Holy Mass. These lines have a surprising mention of the River Thames in England and so they reflect another bloody conflict - the war between the King of England, Henry III, and the French warrior Simon de Montfort. The book also explores the mythical idea of Rivers of Blood and the English conspiratorial phrase: 'He is up to his neck in it.' The author puts forward a theory showing why Dante may have used particular words in the verses of Inferno.This history details how Earl Simon de Montfort was killed, how his sons Simon and Guy pursued a vendetta against someone who was innocent - Henry, King of the Romans, and how the various Rivers of Blood stemming from the Holy Blood of the crucifixion of Christ and the bloody de Montfort vengeance killing merge into an historic saga of hate and madness.

  • af Lenora Bell
    97,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Michael A. Clark
    82,95 kr.

    What if a legend walks among us, but goes unnoticed?What if a myth is reborn, but the world yawns in reply?Would the legend be slighted, the myth offended?What if they decided it was time to let us know they were here, and ready for duty?

  • af Terry Newman
    148,95 kr.

    From the author of the #1 Kindle Bestselling Epic Fantasy Detective Strongoak and the Case of the Dead Elf, a new saga begins. This is Camelot Noir. Almost against his will, the Sword-for-Hire known simply as Chaucere, finds himself back in his native land and the burgeoning city of Camelot. It turns out Camelot is now the perfect place for a man of his talents because, when there is nobody else available to help the common folk, Chaucere, and his sword, is always at hand; for a reasonable price. Chaucer becomes involved with machinations surrounding King Arthur's young Queen Guinevere, which brings him to the attention of the formidable Merlin. Forced to become his cat's paw, Chaucere finds, and falls foul of Lord Hudde and his true boss, who has an unexpected secret connection to the King who pulled the Sword from the Stone. But Chaucere has his own secret and he dare not reveal that, not if he wants to save the dream of a Kingdom of Britain.

  • af Michelle Deerwester-Dalrymple
    207,95 kr.

    He's not called Black Douglas for nothing.In fact, the reason for his name is nothing short of grim.James Douglas has a heart as black as his name. When his king commands him to wed the daughter of a fallen laird, can the fair Tosia Fraser tame the beast of the Highlands? James Douglas prides himself on his uncanny military strategy over the English sassenachs, and he soon finds himself at the right hand of King Robert the Bruce of Scotland. But the king and his kinsmen worry that his darker side will consume him. The king finds an ideal solution. Get the Black Douglas a wife to help ground him and salve his soul. Tosia Fraser doesn't know it, but she is the daughter of a powerful laird and staunch ally to the Bruce. To reward the fallen Laird Fraser's fealty and assure the future of Tosia, the king betroths her to the man whose name strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear it. The idea of marrying such a beast makes Tosia's knees weak, but as she gets to know the man behind the beast of Black Douglas, her legs are weak for another reason. When he weds her, James uses his beastly skills to ignite their bed, and Tosia's heart, on fire. James Douglas does have a heart, and he swears it to Tosia. It turns out the beast of Scotland can be tamed. But life is precarious during the Scottish War of Independence, and even though Douglas has led the Scots to a series of victories, this doesn't mean he will always return to Tosia's side. Especially when a spy alerts Tosia to a trap laid by the English to kill the Bruce and her Black Douglas. Armed with this news, Tosia is willing to risk everything, even her own life, to make sure James always returns to her. In this eighth and final book in the Glen Highland Romance series, all the clan come together to join the Bruce in his march across Scotland. Amid the chaos of the war and the clans, Tosia and James cling to the slender thread of hope that they will survive to head into the future together. Will this thread be cut too soon? Meet The Blackguard of the Glen, a stunning Sottish historical romance story of the power of love in the Glen Highland Romance series. If you like handsome Highlanders, bold heroines, and steamy Highlander romances, then discover The Blackguard of the Glen! Get your copy to experience this passionate romance today! Then be sure to check out all her other romance series! The novels in this series are each stand-alone stories and can be read individually in any order, if desired. These historical romances are set in Medieval Sottish Highlands and do not shy away from steamy scenes, occasional archaic curses, and accurate scenes of Medieval Highlander life!

  • af Eliza MacArthur
    197,95 kr.

    At the end of her year-long handfast to the vicious and abusive Laird Malcolm Cameron, Una has had more than enough of men to last a lifetime. She may be free from the arrangement but doesn't know if she'll ever outrun the pain of the past year. If only she can find a place to start over. A gifted healer, she decides to make her way to start a new life with a neighboring clan. Nothing can stop her now... except perhaps a stranger in the woods begging for help... and his life. From his earliest memories, Ewan MacDonald knew he would become Laird. but he could never have predicted how much loss would pave the way or how much of himself he'd have to sacrifice. Now, he's responsible for his five younger siblings and his clan-and trying hard not to let the panic show. When his youngest brother is gravely wounded, he needs a healer. How fortunate, then, that one almost murders him in the woods. Lives are at stake, but so too, it turns out, are hearts. Letting themselves be loved feels terrifying, but it's nothing compared to the danger lurking in the shadows. When the demons of the past come calling, will Una and Ewan find the strength to trust the other to catch them? Or will all be lost?Hold Fast is a dual-POV, medieval highland romance. It is the first book in The Laird's Holdings series.

  • af L. S. Mangos
    184,95 kr.

    A young nation in peril. A web of deception. A triangle of forbidden love. The year is 1315. The fledgling nation of Switzerland - the Confederation Helvetica - is under threat from the Habsburgs. In France, the Knights Templar have been disbanded and declared heretics by the king. Magda, a beautiful weaver living near the alpine village of Morgarten, befriends Walter, a messenger and tracker who is the son of the legendary Wilhelm Tell. Walter and Magda's budding romance is threatened by the arrival of Sébastien, a French fugitive. What secrets is this foreigner hiding? Can Walter solve the mystery of a murder and a stolen religious artefact before a mighty battle with the Habsburgs ensues? And who will be the victors in their turbulent triangle of love?Finalist in the Page Turner Awards 2023

  • af Elizabeth Rose
    112,95 kr.

    A cottage in a secret garden is where two strangers discover the true meaning of Christmas.With dark memories of a past Christmas taunting him, Lord Percival Hamilton wants nothing to do with silly kissing boughs or any manner of festive celebrations at his brother's castle. Deciding to stay away until Twelfth Night passes, he heads to an abandoned cottage in a secret garden in the woods, wanting to escape this burdensome time of year. When he arrives, he discovers he is not alone.On her deathbed, Holly Wakefielde's mother gives her a heart-shaped brooch and tells her to flee the evil Lord Neville. Holly and her young brother travel to their grandmother's cottage in the woods, hoping to find refuge. However, they are serfs, bound to their lord and his land and are not allowed to leave. If caught, they will be punished or perhaps even killed.A woman on the run and a man trying to escape his past are housed together at Christmastime. Now, the biggest danger is falling for each other while hoping to keep their secrets.

  • af Brendan Noble
    332,95 kr.

    Death claims the living realm.Scarred by the demon's influence, Waclaw cannot forget the horror he caused in Vastroth. He knows he must be strong to face Koschei and the Frostmarked Horde, but powerful magic protects the deathless sorcerer. With everyone Waclaw loves at risk, can he control his power and find the key to slaying Koschei's soul as his tribe burns?Anointed by the Vastrothie, Otylia has found worshipers and new strength in the force of endings, but it's nothing without her mother. She finally knows where to find Dziewanna. Can she save her before the pacts she's woven with her enemies come due?Charge into the fast-paced fourth entry of The Frostmarked Chronicles as gods, spirits, and demons from Slavic myths clash for control of the Three Realms.

    855,95 kr.

    منذ أنْ أعلنَ الفاطميّون عن قيام دولتهم الجديدة في إِفْرِيقِيّة (تونس) في أواخر القرن الثالث الهجري/التاسع الميلادي، رأوا في إقْلِيمَي طَرابلس الغَرب وبَرقة (ليبيا) أهمية كبيرة لمشروعهم العَسكري والسّياسي والْمَذهَبيّ في العالم الإسلامي شَرقِهِ وغَربِهِ. حيث كانت طرابلس استراتيجيًّا هي بوابة الدخول لإِفْرِيقِيَّة وبلاد المغرب الإسلامي كُلُّه لأولئك القادمين من المشرق، في حين كانت بَرقة جُغرافيًّا هي بوابة الدخول لِمِصْر وبقية بُلدان المشرق الإسلامي لأولئك القادمين من المغرب. فكانا يمثلان العصب الحيوي الذي يربط ما بين المشرق والمغرب، والجسر الأرضي الوحيد الآمن لتحقيق أحلام الفاطميين السياسية وأمانيهم الواسعة في التَّوَسُّع ومَدِّ سيطرتهم على كل أقاليم العالم الإسلامي، ومحاولتهم نشر مذهبهم الشيعي فيها. فكان نجاحُ مشروع الفاطميين في المنطقة متوقفًا على السيطرة على الإقليمين والمحافظة على استتباب الأمور فيهما. وهذا ما عمل الفاطميُّون على تحقيقه بمجرد قيام دولتهم الناشئة في إِفْرِيقِيَّة. وتحت حكم الفاطميين وسيطرتهم شهدت أرض طَرابلس وبَرقة وسُكّانِهِمَا زَخَمًا جديداً في الحياة السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية، جاء كونه مواكباً لمتطلبات الدولة الجديدة وتطلعاتها الواسعة، تجسيداً حَقيقيًّا لاندماج السياسة مع الأرض والناس، وتفاعلها مع البيئة المحيطة والمجاورة.

  • af Claire Delacroix
    232,95 kr.

    When the grim Lord de Tulley bequests his legacy to his niece and decides to arrange her marriage, the maiden in question knows that no man of sense will decline such a rich prize of a bride. Her jest, undertaken to ensure her survival and ease an old man's loneliness, has become deadly serious. To Heloise's dismay, Tulley chooses Lothair the Viking as his successor. Lothair is unlike the other knights in his company-just as powerful and decisive as his fellows, quiet Lothair is also perceptive. His very presence makes Heloise's heart flutter and not just because she fears he will uncover her deepest secret. A man of honor like Lothair can only reveal the truth to Tulley and Heloise dreads the result. Can she charm her taciturn betrothed for the greater good?A warrior and a healer, Lothair is accustomed to being caught between objectives. Still, experience has not prepared him for the temptation of Lady Heloise, the beautiful niece of his overlord. The maiden's very presence steals his wits and renders him mute, while her barest glance fills his heart with wild yearning.When Lothair discovers that Heloise is not the maiden she pretends to be, he is once again snared-between honor and duty, his dawning love for his new wife, and the lady's determination to keep her secret. Can he dare to trust the woman who has stolen his heart, or is he just a willing pawn to his lady? Can Heloise trust the knight who swears to defend her forever instead of fleeing-or will her past demand its due from both of them first?

  • af Paul V Hunter
    97,95 - 107,95 kr.

    Book Two in the Scotland's Knight Series "The descriptions are extraordinary. Great descriptions are given of each character and scene." - Royal Palm Literary Award Judge "Lennox's illness is a clever opportunity for the story to turn in a more action-oriented direction, and to sneak in some drama into what might have otherwise been a quiet family story." - Book Pipeline Sir Lennox Brodie's life as a powerful knight is over. Having fulfilled his oath to the king, he is comfortably settled at the manor house built on his family's ancestral lands. He and Maggie are raising five-year-old Kendric, and his dream of raising Friesian horses is coming true. Lennox's desire for a life of peace and tranquility has finally come to pass. So he thinks ... The demons of his past have come calling, threatening his idyllic life as he is cast onto the path of a dark and perilous journey. Where will it take him? If he survives the pain and suffering he is forced to endure, will he recognize the man who emerges at its end?

  • af Jacob Abbott
    127,95 kr.

    After tragedy and turmoil engulfed his father's reign, Charles II ascended the throne during a time of great upheaval in England. Follow the fascinating story of the merry monarch in History of Charles the Second of England, a gripping narrative biography for young readers by acclaimed historian Jacob Abbott.From a daring exile and improbable return to power to palace intrigue and the great plague of London, immerse yourself in Charles II's captivating world. With vivid storytelling and accessible historical insight, this book brings to life the witty and complex king who shaped Restoration England.Ideal for budding historians and curious young minds, History of Charles the Second of England blends page-turning drama with engaging learning. Uncover one monarch's quest to restore stability to a divided kingdom, navigate folklore and scandal, and witness the pomp and politics of 17th century England firsthand.Let a true tale of exile, adversity, and ascent to power ignite your imagination! History of Charles the Second of England enthralls as it educates about a pivotal era in England's past and an unforgettable king.

  • af Wacht
    247,95 kr.

    Evil lurks in New Caledonia.Will man or monster prevail?The Highlanders may have found a way to evade the monsters hunting in the mist, but they can't shake the terror and the loss of hope that accompanies hiding from an enemy they can't see let alone kill.Many fear that desperation and apathy will become commonplace as the Governors continue to fill their coffers and ignore the plight of their people - then all will be lost.But a chance encounter with Jakob Kestrel brings a glimmer of hope.Rather than fleeing the Murk, Jakob hunts within it. Can the Highlanders convince him to stay and teach them how to battle the monsters in the mist?Bryen and Aislinn have their own chance encounter of a more lethal kind. Because of it, they meet a potential ally. Talia Carlomin will do everything in her power to eradicate the marauders in the Sea of Mist.Recognizing their common goal but leery of who they can trust, Bryen, Aislinn, and Talia agree to work together to uncover the hidden threats in New Caledonia. While Jakob stokes a rebellion in the Highlands.All four seek to battle the evil threatening their new home. All know the price they will pay if they fail.Fate has tied the four together. Find out what it holds in store for them in this third book of the new epic sword-and-sorcery fantasy by bestselling author Peter Wacht.The Tales of the Territories are part of the universe of The Realms of the Talent and the Curse. If you want to find out more about this world, read the preceding series:The Sylvan Chronicles (9-book series)The Tales of Caledonia (7-book series)

  • af Susanna M Newstead
    177,95 kr.

    A scorching summer. A melancholic merchant. A mysterious murder.The date is 1208.Sir Aumary Belvoir, Lord of Durley and a king's constable and the warden of Savernake Forest, receives the strangest request. The self-important and vituperative vintner, Aldous of Pitchcott, needs protection, claiming he is about to be murdered. Aumary is sceptical but moves Pitchcott to Marlborough Castle, where he is locked in a room in the castle wall. No one can possibly reach him, but within the day, Aldous Pitchcott is dead. Aumary discovers that many in the town wished Pitchcott harm, but how did the killer reach him? Aumary and his friends are baffled! Can Aumary reveal the guilty party before the murderer strikes again?Worldes Blis, a strange thirteenth-century song, provides the backdrop to the fourteenth novel in Susanna M. Newstead's Savernake Medieval Murder Mystery Novel series.Author Interview1) How difficult is it to research settings for a Medieval Murder Mystery?I've been doing it so long, I don't really know. When I first started there was no web. Much of the history was a bit of a mystery even to experts. The manuscripts one might have needed were difficult to access but with the help of many people and institutions like libraries, I managed the investigation I needed. I'm still researching - it never ends. One has to play detective oneself never mind write about secrets and intrigue.2) This is the fourteenth novel in your series. How do you keep the stories so fresh and exciting? Ah, this is just practice I think. Clues have to be eked out and red herrings buried deep in the mystery. Pacing is very important and the investigation has to go on at the right speed, with little moments of humour to lift the intrigue.3) Did you discover anything fascinating when researching this book?Yes. All about Mediaeval scaffolding! Who knew exactly how the builders put together a castle? And the fact that some of that Medieval work is sometimes still there! I've seen it with my own eyes.BOOK ORDERBelvoir's PromiseShe Moved Through the FairDown By the Salley GardensI Will Give My Love an AppleBlack is the Colour of My True Love's HairLong LankynOne Misty Moisty MorningThe Unquiet GraveThe Lark in the MorningA Parcel of RoguesBushes & BriarsThough I Live Not Where I LoveWynter WakenethWorldes BlisAlysoun

  • af Thomas Stapleton
    267,95 - 412,95 kr.

  • af Anonymous
    377,95 - 517,95 kr.

  • af Anonymous
    257,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Jagatarma Jagatarma
    197,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af Chretien Dehaisnes
    327,95 - 487,95 kr.

  • af Elias
    267,95 - 412,95 kr.

  • af Beylié Léon de
    197,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af William Benham
    167,95 - 322,95 kr.

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