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  • af Lucius Annaeus Seneca
    43,94 - 207,95 kr.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca var romersk tragedieforfatter, digter, filosof og statsmand. Han er forfatter til de filosofiske tekster: Om livets korthed. Om vrede. Om mildhed. Om sindsro, som her udgives i ét samlet værk som en del af Gyldendals Oldtidsserie. Bogen er med nyt forord af Niels Overgaard,  forfatter til Det hele handler ikke om dig selv. Antikke principper for et liv med sindsro, frihed og mening (2020).I Om livets korthed skriver Seneca om livets forgængelighed og hvordan man får det bedste ud af det, ved ikke at lade sig distrahere, eller spilde livet, fordi man tror det varer evigt. Seneca skriver indsigtsfuldt og relevant om hvordan mennesket ødsler det mest kostbare, som det har, bort – nemlig tiden. Fordi tiden ikke er materiel eller synlig.”Kortest og mest beklemmende er deres liv som glemmer fortiden, forsømmer nutiden og ængstes for fremtiden” skriver Seneca i sit filosofiske skrift, som en kærkommen påmindelse om at være til stede, om at huske og om ikke at frygte dét, man ikke kan kontrollere.Om vrede. Om mildhed. Om sindsro er tre centrale tekster i Senecas forfatterskab. Om vrede indeholder blandt andet en detaljeret beskrivelse af det menneskelige sind og hvordan sindet påvirkes. Senecas tanker om vrede er højaktuelle i dag, hvor en hård og barsk tone fylder mere i den offentlige debat. Seneca skrev Om mildhed til kejser Nero kort efter hans tronbestigelse i år 54. Teksten er Senecas forsøg på at overbevise kejseren om, at man når længst med mildhed, og at hvis man misbruger sin magt imod naturens orden, vil disse grusomheder blive vendt mod en selv. I Om sindsro skriver Seneca vedkommende om hvordan selvindsigt kan befri mennesket fra den ydre verdens omskiftelighed.

  • af Chr. Gorm Tortzen, Anne Knudsen & Tue Søvsø
    297,95 kr.

    En kulinarisk tidsrejse til det Romerske Imperium ca. år 36. Køkkenpersonalet er slaver, og pæne mennesker ligger ned og spiser! Men maden var dejlig og egner sig fint til moderne køkkener. Hvis man kan lide vietnamesisk eller marokkansk mad, vil man elske oldtidsmaden. I Latinsk Kogebog får man gennemprøvede, tilgængelige opskrifter på næsten 50 romerske retter, fra forretter over saucer og hovedretter til desserter. Retterne er alle forklaret og beskrevet, så man nemt kan lave dem selv. Samtidig får man de originale, latinske tekster, en indledning om den antikke madkultur og en ordbog over de særlige, latinske kokkeudtryk. Det romerske køkken har som andre store køkkentraditioner en særlig tone; fremmedartet, men delikat. Romerne brugte krydderurter og vin i maden på deres helt egen måde, og selv om de fleste af råvarerne er almindelige den dag i dag, ligner resultaterne ikke noget andet køkken.

  • af Rick Riordan & Mark Oshiro
    112,95 - 165,95 kr.

    From New York Times #1 best-selling author Rick Riordan and award-winning author Mark Oshiro comes a new standalone adventure featuring two of the most popular characters from the world of Percy Jackson and the Olympians.ONE PROPHECY. TWO DEMIGODS. A HEROIC QUEST.Nico di Angelo is pretty familiar with the realms of death, being the son of Hades and all. So when a desperate voice starts plaguing his dreams, Nico is convinced it's coming from the Underworld and belongs to an old friend - a reformed Titan called Bob. Then an ominous prophecy leaves Nico in no doubt - Bob needs his help and Nico must rescue him.Of course Nico's boyfriend, Will Solace, the son of Apollo (the god of light) insists on joining the quest too. But can will even survive in the darkest part of the world? And what does the prophecy mean when it says that Nico will have to leave something of equal value behind?As Nico faces demons both internal and external, his relationship with Will is tested to its very core. Can love find its way, even through the depths of hell?COMING SEPTEMBER 2023 - Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Chalice of the Gods. Join the original heroes from The Lightning Thief in a brand-new adventure!

  • af Rick Riordan
    135,95 - 187,95 kr.

    The original hero. A brand-new adventure.Percy Jackson has saved the world multiple times - battling monsters, Titans, even giants - but these days the modern-day son of Poseidon is hoping for a regular final year at school.Too bad the Greek gods have other plans, and three new quests for Percy to complete.First up: the cupbearer of the gods, Ganymede, is missing his golden chalice. Not only is this embarrassing (why do the gods keep losing their magical items?), it's also potentially disastrous. One sip from the cup will turn any mortal into a powerful god. And the old gods do not take kindly to newbies.Can Percy and his friends Annabeth and Grover find the chalice before it falls into the wrong hands? And even if they do, will they be able to resist its awesome power. . .?Readers new to the Percy Jackson universe and long-time fans will love this epic adventure - full of legendary heroes, mythical creatures, ancient Greek gods and enduring friendship - from the global bestseller Rick Riordan.

  • - Oversat af Harald Voetmann
    af Catul
    151,95 - 197,95 kr.

    "Catul er store armbevægelser og løse håndled", skriver forfatteren og oversætteren Harald Voetmann i sit forord til "Catul".Catul levede ca. 84-54 f.v.t. og er en af de tidligste romerske digtere, hvis værker er bevaret. Mest kendte af Catuls digte er en håndfuld til den elskede Lesbia, men blandt hans værker findes også mytologiske digte, trøstedigte, forbandelser og trusler, sladder, breve til venner og sexpartnere af begge køn, festsange, politiske smædevers, onkelvitser, kultisk digtning, utrolig meget sjofelhed og enkelte tekster, der stadig kan virke stødende på læseren. Nu findes hele Catuls sprælske værk for første gang på dansk i Harald Voetmanns lige så sprælske oversættelse.

  • - En romersk digter
    af Harald Voetmann
    43,94 - 156,95 kr.

    Sulpicia er den eneste romerske kvindelige digter fra klassisk tid, der er bevaret hele digte af. Hendes digte er kærlighedselegier fra sidste tredjedel af 1. årh. f.v.t., kejser Augustus’ tid. Måske. Man kender kun til Sulpicias mulige eksistens igennem digtene, og de er bevaret i et appendiks til den mandlige digter Tibuls værk. Ifølge den gængse teori, var Sulpicia en ung kvinde fra en rig patricierslægt med nære forbindelser til kejseren og til alle den romerske guldalders berømte digtere. I SULPICIA – EN ROMERSK DIGTER oversætter Harald Voetmann de bevarede digte, der tilskrives Sulpicia, og forsøger i sine kommentarer at åbne veje for læsningen, bl.a. at se hendes digte som udtryk for forskellige tilgange til at give plads i kærlighedselegien til en særegen kvindelig stemme. Mange af vejene er blindgyder, for Sulpicias digte fører nemt læseren ud i et vildnis af gætværk og spekulationer. Men alt i alt giver digtene og læsningerne en tilgang til de måder, man kunne - og ikke kunne - være kvinde på i et mandsdomineret samfund som det romerske.

  • - Facts at Your Fingertips
    af DK
    117,95 - 294,95 kr.

    Travel back in time in this essential mini encyclopedia to the mighty Roman empire, with all the information you need to know about gods, gladiators, baths, battles, and more! Did you know that audiences of up to 50,000 people watched entertainments in the Colosseum in Rome, and their tickets were numbered pieces of broken pottery? Or that Romans went to public baths to get clean, but there wasn't any soap as they rubbed themselves with olive oil instead. No? Then you need this brilliant mini book to learn the really important facts about one of history's greatest civilisations. Includes pictures, Pocket Eyewitness Ancient Rome uses bite-sized chunks of information, including amazing stats and facts, to make learning fun. Ideal for school projects and homework assignments, Pocket Eyewitness Ancient Rome is the perfect guide for young historians.

  • af Rick Riordan
    107,95 kr.

    The first book in the bestselling Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. Now with a new cover look! Discover the story behind the Disney+ series.HALF BOY - HALF GOD - ALL HERO.Look, I never asked to be the song of a Greek god, I was just a normal kid. . . until I accidentally vaporized my maths teacher.Percy Jackson is having a bad week. His life has gone from totally normal to monsters-from-Greek-mythology-randomly-appearing kind of strange. Worse still, the king of the gods thinks Percy has stolen his all-powerful lightning bolt - and it seems making Zeus angry is a very bad idea.Now Percy and his friends have just ten days to catch the true lightning thief and stop all-out war from erupting on Mount Olympus. . .What could possibly go wrong?Return to the World of Percy Jackson in the best-selling, brand-new adventure featuring the original hero in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Chalice of the Gods - out now!And don't miss the trio's next adventure in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Wrath of the Triple Goddess, coming soon!

  • af Lindsey Davis
    106,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • af Rick Riordan
    177,95 kr.

    Nico, the son of Hades, and his boyfriend Will, the son of Apollo, travel to Tartarus, the deepest, darkest part of the Underworld as they attempt to rescue an old friend.

  • af Kate O'Hearn
    497,95 kr.

    The complete spellbinding series in which two kids find themselves trapped on a mythical island in the heart of the Bermuda Triangle.

  • af M. C. Bishop
    145,95 kr.

    Fully illustrated, this study investigates the origins, evolution and use of the mail and scale armour worn by the soldiers and gladiators of Imperial Rome.Less glamorous than the Roman Army's instantly recognizable plate armour but much more versatile, mail and scale armour were used by both legionaries and auxiliaries throughout Rome's history. Developed by the Celts and quickly adopted by the Romans, mail armour was easy to make and required little maintenance. Scale was a much older form of armour, originating in the Near East during the second millennium BC. As with mail, it was used by both auxiliaries and legionaries, but like plate armour, it was much more fragile than mail. Both types of armour were also used by gladiators (principally as arm defences).New discoveries in both mail and scale, as well as in hybrid forms that mixed the two, mean that much more is now known about the development of these types of defence during the Roman period, their efficacy in battle and how they were manufactured and repaired. Featuring specially commissioned artwork and drawing upon the latest findings, this study lifts the veil on the mail and scale armour used by soldiers, gladiators and others during the heyday of Imperial Rome.

  • af Marcus Aurelius
    195,95 kr.

    Chiltern Publishing creates the most beautiful editions of the World's finest literature. Your favourite classic titles in a way you have never seen them before; the tactile layers, golden edges, fine details and beautiful colours of these remarkable covers make these titles feel extra special and will look striking on any shelf.

  • af Aesop
    378,95 kr.

    In this collection of 300 fables, Aesop unravels the morals behind every action in human nature. Included are "The Shepherd-Boy and the Wolf," "The Tortoise and the Hare" and "The Dog and the Shadow."

  • af Andrei Pogacias
    125,95 kr.

    This intriguing book describes the Romans' formidably warlike enemies in modern Romania and Bulgaria - their 'most illustrated' opponents, thanks to friezes on Trajan's Column and carvings on Trajan's Adamklissi monument.Formidable warriors, able to field tens of thousands of infantry and cavalry and led by a military aristocracy, the Dacians and Getae presented a real threat to Rome's north-eastern frontier. They inflicted several defeats on Rome, crossing the Danube to invade the province of Moesia, and later stubbornly resisting counter-invasions from their strong mountain fortresses. Historians believe that the Dacians and Getae were essentially the same group of tribes during successive periods, related to Thracian tribes from territory south of the Carpathian Mountains, but their exact relationship in place and time is a subject for debate. Those called the 'Getae' by ancient Greek sources were actively expanding by at least the 4th century BC; some enlisted as mercenaries in Roman armies during the 1st century BC, and others later clashed with the army of Augustus, fighting alongside the Sarmatians. The people whom the Romans called the 'Dacians' are best known from wars against the emperors Domitian in AD 85-89 and Trajan in 101-106. At their peak, the Dacians and Getae defeated neighbouring peoples stretching from modern Slovakia to southern Ukraine and it is believed that the effectiveness of their weapons caused modifications in Roman infantry armour. Although most direct ancient sources have been lost to us, enough references remain to reconstruct a picture of their society and culture. Using previously unseen photos of archaeological finds with colour illustrations showing the appearance and weaponry of their warrior kings, noblemen, infantry and cavalry, this detailed book draws upon the latest literary and archaeological research to provide a complete account of these fascinating fighters.

  • af Rick Riordan
    842,95 kr.

    All five books in the Trials of Apollo series in a hardcover boxed set of heroic proportions. Favorite Greek and Roman demigods return in a five-book adventure quest with a fresh twist: they're helping Apollo regain his immortal status."A clash of mythic intrigues and centuries of pop culture to thrill die-hard and new fans alike."--Kirkus Reviews5 hardcovers in a specially designed slipcase#1 New York Times best-selling seriesRick Riordan is considered the "storyteller of the gods" because of his five #1 best-selling series based on mythologyA new take on Greek and Roman mythology from the point of view of a fallen godFast-paced, monster-filled quest adventures told with humor and heartBrings back beloved demigod characters from the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus seriesConcludes the Percy Jackson sagaIntroduces new demigodsVillains are based on Roman emperorsFeatures a diverse cast with people from all kinds of backgrounds and lifestylesPerfect for middle schoolers but can be enjoyed by older readers, tooFrom The Hidden Oracle to the long awaited The Tower of Nero, this collection will thrill loyal readers and be a go-to gift for new fans of the bestselling series.

  • af Richard Saller
    225,95 - 435,95 kr.

    The first comprehensive study of Pliny the Elder's economic thought-and its implications for understanding the Roman Empire's constrained innovation and economic growthThe elder Pliny's Natural History (77 CE), an astonishing compilation of 20,000 "e;things worth knowing,"e; was avowedly intended to be a repository of ancient Mediterranean knowledge for the use of craftsmen and farmers, but this 37-book, 400,000-word work was too expensive, unwieldy, and impractically organized to be of utilitarian value. Yet, as Richard Saller shows, the Natural History offers more insights into Roman ideas about economic growth than any other ancient source. Pliny's Roman Economy is the first comprehensive study of Pliny's economic thought and its implications for understanding the economy of the Roman Empire.As Saller reveals, Pliny sometimes anticipates modern economic theory, while at other times his ideas suggest why Rome produced very few major inventions that resulted in sustained economic growth. On one hand, Pliny believed that new knowledge came by accident or divine intervention, not by human initiative; research and development was a foreign concept. When he lists 136 great inventions, they are mostly prehistoric and don't include a single one from Rome-offering a commentary on Roman innovation and displaying a reverence for the past that contrasts with the attitudes of the eighteenth-century encyclopedists credited with contributing to the Industrial Revolution. On the other hand, Pliny shrewdly recognized that Rome's lack of competition from other states suppressed incentives for innovation. Pliny's understanding should be noted because, as Saller shows, recent efforts to use scientific evidence about the ancient climate to measure the Roman economy are flawed.By exploring Pliny's ideas about discovery, innovation, and growth, Pliny's Roman Economy makes an important new contribution to the ongoing debate about economic growth in ancient Rome.

  • af Ditlev Tamm, Rasmus Gottschalck & Merike Ristikivi
    267,95 kr.

    Juraen og måden at tænke juridisk på blev skabt af romerne i antikken og er et af det gamle Roms vigtigste bidrag til verdenskulturen. De romerske jurister udviklede en eminent god måde at analysere komplicerede retlige spørgsmål på, hvilket endnu i dag præger jurister verden over. Latin var romernes sprog og blev også juraens sprog i næsten 2000 år, og vi finder stadig i juristernes sprog rester af det latinske grundlag. Juristlatin er et særligt fagsprog med fagudtryk og vendinger, som man ikke finder i det litterære latin, der normalt læses i skolen og på universitetet. Denne bog er en indføring i den rige kulturelle verden, som romerretten er en del af. Den er på en gang en lærebog i latin, en indføring i juristlatin og en introduktion til romernes juridiske verden.Denne bog indgår i serien LATINERKVARTERET, der udgives i samarbejde med Societas Latina Daniae (Latinselskabet).

  • af Jack Ludlow
    92,95 - 297,95 kr.

    Lucius Falerius er død, og i hele Romerriget sørger man over tabet af den magtfulde senator. Det er nu op til Marcellus, Lucius Falerius’ unge søn, at føre sin fars løfter over for de sicilianske slaver ud i livet. Det er dog ikke alle, der ønsker at se Roms ære kompromitteret. Samtidig er der uro i de romerske grænseprovinser, og legionerne rykker nordpå for at gøre det af med truslen fra kelterne. De keltiske stammer har samlet sig under én høvding, den frygtindgydende og uforudsigelige Brennos – men der er også dem, der ønsker ham død. Brennos bliver forrådt af sin egen familie, og hævnen bliver både brutal og blodig.”Republikkens skæbne” er tredje og sidste bind i trilogien ”Republikken”.David Donachie, forfatteren bag pseudonymet Jack Ludlow, er at finde på de internationale bestsellerlister. Han har udgivet historiske romaner i mere end 30 år, og det er blevet til over 50 bøger - med flere på vej!

  • af Nashae Jones
    192,95 kr.

    In this "sweetly romantic coming-of-age story with fun, magical touches" (Kirkus Reviews), a girl uses her newfound ability to make people fall in love to sabotage her rival. Erin Johnson's thirteenth birthday unfolds like any other day, from her mom's quirky and embarrassing choice of outfit to racing her nemesis, Trevor Jin, to the best seat in class--front row, center. But her gifts this year include something very out of the ordinary: magical powers. Erin discovers her mysterious father is actually the love god Cupid and she's inherited his knack for romance. It's not the most useful ability for an overachiever with lofty academic and extracurricular goals...or is it? Erin desperately wants to be elected president of the Multicultural Leadership Club, and as usual, Trevor is her fiercest competition. He's never backed down from a challenge before, but if Erin makes him fall in love with her, maybe he'd drop out of the race and let her win. With her magical pedigree, wrapping Trevor around her finger is a snap, and having him around all the time is a small price to pay for victory. But without their cutthroat rivalry bringing out the worst in each other, Erin realizes Trevor may not be as bad as she thought, and suddenly her first foray into love gets a lot more complicated...

  • af James Hynes
    151,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Slaven Jacob – også kendt som Spurv – vokser op på et bordel i Carthago Nova i Spanien i Romerrigets sidste år. Som voksen ser han tilbage på sin umenneskelige barndom: som forældreløs var han overladt til det barske liv på bunden af samfundet, det hårde slid i værtshuset og blandt de prostituerede. Men trods vold, forfald og lidelse finder Spurv både kærlighed, venskab og ømhed. Og hans fantasi og hans sang lindrer den brutale virkelighed. "Spurv" er en betagende roman om slaveri og sammenhold i Romerriget og en livsbekræftende historie om overlevelse. Om forfatteren:James Hynes (f. 1955) har skrevet seks romaner, "Spurv" er hans første på dansk. Han har skrevet essays og anmeldelser for New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Review og Salon. Han bor i Austin, Texas.

  • af Holmes
    178,95 kr.

    In the first major work written about Attila in decades, Nick Holmes rewrites the story of Attila and Rome. Contrary to his brutal legend, Attila was a complex and captivating personality. A great warlord who despised ostentation, admired bravery and valued loyalty.He led his steppe nomads further west than Genghis Khan or Tamerlane. He nearly destroyed the Roman Empire. But his vast ambition undid him. This book is a must read for those interested in Rome, the Huns and military history. This is the third volume in Nick Holmes' series on The Fall of the Roman Empire. The first volume, The Roman Revolution, covers the 'crisis of the third century' when classical Rome nearly fell to invading barbarians but was reinvented as a Christian empire. The second volume, The Fall of Rome, covers the period from Constantine to the sack of Rome by the Goths in AD 410. Further volumes will tell the full story of Rome's fall, from its revival under the emperor Justinian to the rise of Islam, the beginnings of Byzantium and the dawn of the Middle Ages.

  • af Tony Perrottet
    192,95 kr.

    The ancient Romans were responsible for many remarkable achievements—Roman numerals, straight roads—but one of their lesser-known contributions was the creation of the tourist industry. The first people in history to enjoy safe and easy travel, Romans embarked on the original Grand Tour, journeying from the lost city of Troy to the Acropolis, from the Colossus at Rhodes to Egypt, for the obligatory Nile cruise to the very edge of the empire. And, as Tony Perrottet discovers, the popularity of this route has only increased with time.Intrigued by the possibility of re-creating the tour, Perrottet, accompanied by his pregnant girlfriend, sets off to discover life as an ancient Roman. The result is this lively blend of fascinating historical anecdotes and hilarious personal encounters, interspersed with irreverent and often eerily prescient quotes from the ancients—a vivid portrait of the Roman Empire in all its complexity and wonder.

  • af Dean Sandifer
    632,95 kr.

    An introduction to the reader of the many forces that molded early Christianity including the classical pagan world, its prevalent thought processes, its core values, and its cultural behaviors.

  • af William Mitchell Ramsay
    417,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Robert Mackey
    164,95 kr.

    Discover what life was like for the first-ever Europeans during the Stone Age. Then, fast forward to the Bronze and Iron Ages when the first advanced civilizations emerged in Europe. You'll discover more about the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome, and the Northern European barbarians. Next up on your tour of European history, you will enter the gruesome middle Ages, when Vikings and knights were the heroes and villains of the day. The medieval time was also a war-torn period. You will learn about the Norman Conquest, the Crusades, and the Hundred Years' War before finally discovering the grizzly truth of what the Black Death was. Here are just a few of the incredible things you'll discover in this book:What inspired the US Declaration of Independence?Who believed telling the truth was the most important thing, even if it hurts people?Did you know that children as young as four years old once had full-time jobs?Where did the famous phrase "let them eat cake" come from?Who was the most famous short man ever?How did one man's death start a world war?In doing so, they recognized the enormous strategic value of the Cape as global shipping routes were developing and expanding. Possession passed back and forth once or twice, but more or less from that point onwards, the British established their presence at the Cape, which they held until the unification of South Africa in 1910. However, it would only come after several rounds of conflicts.

  • af Tatjana Bartsch
    250,95 kr.

    Between 1532 and 1536/37, the Dutch artist Maarten van Heemskerck traveled to Rome. Most of the drawings created there were made by van Heemskerck in a sketchbook that he filled with motifs as he wandered through the city, and whose original binding has been lost. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, researchers at the Berlin Kupferstichkabinett have now largely reconstructed the original sequence of the book's pages. This forms the basis of the present facsimile. In his fascinating studies, van Heemskerck captured the ancient sculptures, ruins, and Roman cityscapes. His sketches display a refined eye for composition and perspective as well as an extraordinary sensibility of drawing. In the sketchbook, the artist developed a space for individual experimentation, as well as a valuable trove of motifs from which he would draw throughout his life. MAARTEN VAN HEEMSKERCK (1498-1574) was one of the most famous Dutch painters of the sixteenth century. Today he is best known for his magnificent Roman drawings.

  • af Charles Freeman
    337,95 kr.

  • af Katell Berthelot
    346,95 - 412,95 kr.

    How encounters with the Roman Empire compelled the Jews of antiquity to rethink their conceptions of Israel and the TorahThroughout their history, Jews have lived under a succession of imperial powers, from Assyria and Babylonia to Persia and the Hellenistic kingdoms. Jews and Their Roman Rivals shows how the Roman Empire posed a unique challenge to Jewish thinkers such as Philo, Josephus, and the Palestinian rabbis, who both resisted and internalized Roman standards and imperial ideology.Katell Berthelot traces how, long before the empire became Christian, Jews came to perceive Israel and Rome as rivals competing for supremacy. Both considered their laws to be the most perfect ever written, and both believed they were a most pious people who had been entrusted with a divine mission to bring order and peace to the world. Berthelot argues that the rabbinic identification of Rome with Esau, Israel's twin brother, reflected this sense of rivalry. She discusses how this challenge transformed ancient Jewish ideas about military power and the use of force, law and jurisdiction, and membership in the people of Israel. Berthelot argues that Jewish thinkers imitated the Romans in some cases and proposed competing models in others.Shedding new light on Jewish thought in antiquity, Jews and Their Roman Rivals reveals how Jewish encounters with pagan Rome gave rise to crucial evolutions in the ways Jews conceptualized the Torah and conversion to Judaism.

  • af Joy Chester
    134,95 - 209,95 kr.

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