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Bøger om Det bibelske Israel

Her finder du spændende bøger om Det bibelske Israel. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 110 bøger om emnet.
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  • af Peter Madsen
    67,95 kr.

    Læs Peter Madsens tanker bag arbejdet med Urhistorien – en tegneserie om Bibelens første kapitler.

  • af Michael Brenner
    317,95 kr.

    Jødernes historie begrænses i dag ofte til forfølgelser, holocaustforbrydelserne og de politiske begivenheder i Mellemøsten. Denne bog ønsker at åbne for et mere facetteret og farverigere billede, hvortil især også hører den frugtbare udveksling med andre kulturer. Selv om jøderne altid har udgjort en lille minoritet, har de efterladt deres spor i talrige kulturer, har præget de store verdensreligioner og har udviklet deres egne livsverdener. Michael Brenner skildrer præcist og gennem rammende eksempler den mangefacetterede historie for en nation og en religion. Han tager læserne med på en verdensrejse fra den Nære Orient over den græske og romerske verden, det mauriske Spanien og Centraleuropa til Østeuropa, Israel og Amerika. Der opstår således et fascinerende panorama over en historie, som netop på grund af de mange brud og tvungne nye begyndelser gør indtryk gennem sin kontinuitet og troskab mod egne rødder.

  • - Historien om smædeskriftet Zions vises protokoller
    af Morten Thing
    252,95 kr.

    Zions vises protokoller er et stykke skønlitteratur, som giver sig ud for at være et historisk sandfærdigt skrift – og aldrig har et stykke fiktion haft så tragisk en virkningshistorie. Den danske historiker Morten Thing fortæller historien om antisemitismens bibel. Udover Morten Things historie om tilblivelsen og udbredelsen af det antisemitiske smædeskrift indeholder bogen også selve den oprindelige danske version af Zions vises protokoller fra 1920.Zions vises protokoller udkom første gang i 1903 på russisk og berettede om, hvordan jøder i århundreder havde forberedt sig på at tage magten over hele kloden. I 1919 oversættes teksten for første gang, først til svensk og derefter til polsk, tysk, engelsk, dansk og mange andre sprog. I 1921 afsløres det, at teksten er et falsum. Afsløringen får imidlertid ingen effekt på tekstens udbredelse, og den er i dag kommet i op mod 950 forskellige udgaver på 38 forskellige sprog. Det er uden sammenligning den mest udbredte antisemitiske tekst i verden, som stadig til dato mange steder læses som om, det var et sandt historisk skrift, der beviser ”en jødisk konspiration”.

  • af Pip Reid
    212,95 kr.

  • af Giulio Fanti
    938,95 kr.

    This book examines this startling relationship between the image on the Shroud of Turin and the "Miracle of the Holy Fire." As this amazing relationship becomes more broadly known, the world will be shocked and inevitably changed.

  • af Jodi Magness
    346,95 kr.

    In this broad yet detailed account of one of the world's oldest, holiest, and most contested cities, leading expert Jodi Magness incorporates the most recent archaeological discoveries and original research to weave an authoritative history of Jerusalem's ancient and medieval periods.

  • af Benedikt Hensel
    1.322,95 kr.

    Is the Hebrew Bible purely a product of Jerusalem or were there various social groups who each played a role in its development during the Second Temple period? This is the guiding question of the present volume, which fills a crucial gap in recent research by combining current literary-historical, redactional and text-historical analysis of the Hebrew Bible with the latest results pertaining to the pluriform social and religious shape of early Judaism. For the first time, the thirteen articles in this volume address the phenomenon of religious plurality by bringing together archaeological, (religious-) historical, and literary-critical approaches. The articles by internationally renowned scholars cover the panorama of currently known social groups of Yahwistic character and the impact of this phenomenon on the making of the Hebrew Bible - from the Persian period to the time of Qumran.

  • af Anonym
    183,95 kr.

    Le Livre de la Genèse est le premier livre de la Bible. Ce texte est fondamental pour le judaïsme et le christianisme.Récit des origines, il commence par la création du monde, ¿uvre de Dieu, suivie d'une narration relatant la création du premier couple humain. Adam et Ève, forment ce premier couple mais désobéissent et sont exclus du jardin d'Éden. Ils ont une descendance, mais Dieu considérant que les humains sont malfaisants, il regrette de les avoir créés et décide de les détruire par le Déluge. Seuls Noé, considéré parfait, ainsi que sa famille, sont sauvés. Plus tard, Dieu différencie les langues et disperse l'humanité sur la surface de la Terre, lors de l'épisode de la tour de Babel. L'essentiel de la Genèse est ensuite consacré aux cycles d¿Abraham, un nomade arrivé dans le pays de Canaan sur injonction divine, de Jacob, dont la plupart des aventures ont pour cadre le nord du pays, et de ses fils parmi lesquels domine Joseph.La Genèse est anonyme, tout comme les autres livres de la Torah (Pentateuque). Les traditions juive et chrétienne l¿attribuent à Moïse, mais les recherches exégétiques, archéologiques et historiques tendent, au vu des nombreux anachronismes, redondances et variations du texte, à remettre en cause l¿unicité de son auteur. Ainsi, la Genèse représente, pour l'exégèse historico-critique du xxie siècle, la compilation d¿un ensemble de textes écrits entre les viiie et iie siècles av. J.-C. Pour cette raison, entre autres, l'historicité de son contenu est aussi mise en question.La Genèse est largement commentée par les rabbins et par les théologiens chrétiens. Avec l'avènement de l'islam, ses personnages font l'objet de multiples interprétations dans le Coran et ses commentaires.De nos jours, certains fondamentalistes, surtout dans des églises évangéliques, défendent l'idée du créationnisme, une théorie qui s'appuie sur une lecture littérale de la Genèse, qui serait historiquement et scientifiquement valable. Cependant, cette position est rejetée par l'ensemble des scientifiques et par d'autres autorités religieuses.

  • af James Riley Strange
    235,95 kr.

    "A textbook about the archaeology of first-century Roman Galilee and how it relates to the gospels"--

  • af Katharine J. Dell
    271,95 - 853,95 kr.

  • af Lloyd (Cardiff University Llewellyn-Jones
    252,95 - 1.028,95 kr.

  • af Nissim Amzallag
    1.036,95 kr.

    "This book advances a new perspective on the birth of ancient Israel combining the archaeological data and biblical sources through the discovery of the metallurgical background of ancient Yahwism. It should concern archaeologists, biblical scholars, and readers with an interest in the development of the religions based on the biblical tradition"--

  • af Enoch
    287,95 kr.

  • af Anonyme
    189,95 kr.

  • af Anonyme
    182,95 kr.

  • af Assaf Kleiman
    1.327,95 kr.

  • af Johannes Unsok Ro
    1.072,95 kr.

  • af Jordan Davis
    1.027,95 kr.

  • af Ada Yardeni
    1.624,95 kr.

    Since the early 1990s, about two thousand Idumean Aramaic ostraca have found their way onto the antiquities market and are now scattered across a number of museums, libraries, and private collections. This fifth and final volume of the Textbook of Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea completes the work of bringing these ostraca together in a single publication. Volumes 1‿4 published some 1,600 ostraca that gave us insight into agriculture, economics, politics, onomastics, and scribal practices from fourth/third-century BCE Idumea and Judah. The ostraca in volume 5 come from the same milieu, but the information they provide is entirely new and different. This volume presents 485 ostraca, including 99 land descriptions, 168 uncertain texts, and 218 assorted remains, scribal exercises, and forgeries, along with useful indexes and tables and a comparative list of entries. The land descriptions‿which record local landmarks, ownership boundaries, and land registration‿provide rich complementary material to the rest of the Idumean ostraca. The “uncertain textsâ€? are fragmentary, in poor condition, or contain other abnormalities. As the TAO corpus becomes better understood and as imaging techniques improve, these texts will help to fill gaps in knowledge. The final section includes the remains of scribal practices and forgeries, important because they help to show the authenticity of the other two thousand pieces. A unique collection of documentary sources for fourth/third-century BCE Idumea‿and, by extension, Judah‿this multivolume work will be a powerful resource for those interested in onomastics and social and economic history.

  • af Anonyme
    174,95 kr.

  • af Ken Dark
    284,95 kr.

    The first book to discuss the arcaheology of first-century Nazareth - Jesus' hometown in Galilee - written for the general reader. This is the latest consideration of whether the 'House of Jesus' really was Jesus' family home.

  • af H. G. M Williamson
    125,95 kr.

    The story of the Holy Land, encompassing the three millennia that saw the birth of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Each chapter is written by a leading scholar.

  • af Gustave Brunet
    287,95 kr.

  • af Nur Masalha
    136,95 kr.

    This rich and magisterial work traces Palestine's millennia-old heritage, uncovering cultures and societies of astounding depth and complexity that stretch back to the very beginnings of recorded history.Starting with the earliest references in Egyptian and Assyrian texts, Nur Masalha explores how Palestine and its Palestinian identity have evolved over thousands of years, from the Bronze Age to the present day. Drawing on a rich body of sources and the latest archaeological evidence, Masalha shows how Palestine's multicultural past has been distorted and mythologised by Biblical lore and the Israel-Palestinian conflict.In the process, Masalha reveals that the concept of Palestine, contrary to accepted belief, is not a modern invention or one constructed in opposition to Israel, but rooted firmly in ancient past. Palestine represents the authoritative account of the country's history.

  • af Stuart Lasine
    1.464,95 kr.

    This is the first in-depth comparative analysis of envy, jealousy, and vengefulness experienced by divine personalities in the Hebrew Bible and ancient Greek texts, and the functions served by attributing negative emotions and traits to one's gods. Suitable for biblical, classical, and literary scholars.

  • af Carol Meyers
    117,95 kr.

    Households and Holiness provides a clear overview of the religious lives of Israelite women. Carol Meyers stresses the diversity of religious practices in ancient Israel and argues we must examine practices as well as beliefs. The book explores anthropology, archaeological evidence, ethnographic data, and textual sources.

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