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Bøger om EU

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  • - et forsvar for vores liberale værdier
    af Marlene Wind
    43,94 - 206,95 kr.

    Marlene Wind – EU-ekspert og flittig debattør – giver her sit bud på Europas tilstand. Hun frygter, at antiglobalisme og identitetspolitik vinder over dialog, samarbejde og liberale værdier. Den tendens, Marlene Wind går op imod, kalder hun tribalisering – det fænomen at befolkningsgrupper søger sammen med dem, der ligner dem selv, og bekæmper dem, der står udenfor. Vi ser det i Storbritannien, hvor Brexit-tilhængere beskylder deres modstandere for forræderi og stempler EU-tilhængerne som upatriotiske forrædere, og i populistiske bevægelser i Ungarn og Polen, hvor demokratiet har lidt nederlag over for illiberalismen, og hvor frie valg, et uafhængigt retssystem og en fri og kritisk presse står for fald. Denne bog er et wakeupcall på et tidspunkt, hvor tidligere forsvarere for liberale værdier i stigende grad tier stille eller ligefrem slutter sig til det voksende kor af tribalister. Bogen – som også findes på spansk og engelsk – opmuntrer alle europæere til at forsvare vores liberale værdier, det sande demokrati og det europæiske retssamfund.

  • af Torsten Iversen
    572,95 kr.

    Denne fremstilling udgør en del af værket ”Obligationsret”, som blev grundlagt af professor Bernhard Gomard. Værket er opdelt i 4 bøger, hvor denne 3. del behandler emner som kreditor- og debitorskifte samt fordringers ophør.Som Obligationsret 1., 2. og 4. Del har Obligationsret 3. Del til formål at formidle et overblik over gældende dansk obligationsret, gøre rede for almindelige obligationsretlige principper i dansk ret og at illustrere samspillet mellem forskellige regler. Skønt formålet er at redegøre for gældende dansk ret, indeholder fremstillingen en række henvisninger til norsk, svensk, tysk, engelsk, fransk ret og US-amerikansk ret. Der henvises i fremstillingen også til de lovgivningsovervejelser, der er kommet til udtryk i nogle nyere europæiske »privatkodifikationer«, nemlig DCFR (Draft Common Frame of Reference), PECL (Principles of European Contract Law) og UPICC (Uniform Principles of International Commercial Contracts).Sammenligner man den nu foreliggende udgave af Obligationsret 3. Del med førsteudgaven fra 1993, vil man se, at der reelt er tale om en ny bog. Størstedelen af teksten er om- eller nyskrevet. Som følge af ændringerne i lovgivningen siden 1993 – bl.a. nye regler om digital tinglysning i 2006, om forældelse i 2007, om rekonstruktion i 2011 og om meget andet (herunder om betalinger, hvidvask og kapitalmarkeder) – og tilkomsten af mange nye retsafgørelser og litterære bidrag er det begrænset, hvad der står tilbage af den oprindelige tekst, der blev trykt for 25 år siden.Der er i almindelighed ikke taget hensyn til materiale, der er fremkommet efter den 3. januar 2018.

  • - En fremmed i flygtningestrømmen
    af Madame Nielsen
    189,95 kr.

  • af Pauline Endres De Oliveira
    736,95 kr.

    The book provides a comprehensive legal assessment of four different types of safe pathways to protection in the EU: the asylum visa, resettlement, ad hoc humanitarian admission and sponsorship programs. It investigates the effects these pathways can have on the asylum paradox, that is the paradoxical interplay in current EU asylum policy between the granting of territorial protection on the one hand and the prevention of access to territory on the other.Based on the assumption, that the asylum paradox is the result of a conflict of responsibility principles, the book develops an analytical tool, a responsibility framework, for the analysis and assessment. Overall, the book identifies normative differences, depending on the specific pathway and its details of implementation.

  • af Georgios Psaroudakis
    1.745,95 - 1.754,95 kr.

  • af Heinz Handler
    431,95 kr.

    Das Integrationsprojekt der Europäischen Union ist über seine wirtschaftlichen Erfolge noch nicht weit hinausgekommen, die ursprüngliche Idee einer politischen Union nach den Krisen des vergangenen Jahrzehnts in weite Ferne gerückt. Mit dem Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine ist eine Krise hinzugekommen, die Europa vor enorme innere und äußere Herausforderungen stellt und eine Neubewertung der geopolitischen sowie wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen der Europäischen Union erforderlich macht. Für die 2. Auflage wurden die Inhalte entsprechend überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Neu sind die beiden Kapitel über den Ukrainekrieg und dessen Einfluss auf die Bemühungen der Europäischen Union, die Energiekrise und den Klimawandel zu bewältigen.Der Inhalt Krisen formen EuropaCOVID- 19 deckt viele Schwächen der EU aufEuropa in Trümmern - neue Identität gesuchtLangzeitkrise KlimawandelDer AutorUniv.-Doz. Dr. Heinz Handler ist Emeritus Consultant des es Österreichischen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO) und stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Wiener Thinktanks "Policy Crossover Center Vienna-Europe".

  • af Moritz Hennemann
    657,95 kr.

    The new Data Act is not only the centrepiece of the new EU data regulation, but probably also the most complex piece within the mosaic created by the EU Data Strategy. The regulation establishes b2b and b2c data access rights, stipulates rules for 'fair' data contracts, and tackles b2g data access in exceptional circumstances. The new rules are especially directed at IoT devices, smart contracts, and cloud services. The work offers an introduction to the new rules. Genealogy, structure, and practical consequences of the new Act are laid down - nonetheless with regard to the existing legal framework (e. g. data protection law). The authors' research is dedicated to European and International Information and Data Law.Dr. Gordian Konstantin Ebner, LL.M. | Prof. Dr. Moritz Hennemann, M.Jur. (Oxon.) | Benedikt Karsten | Gregor Lienemann, LL.M. (Reading) | Marie Wienroeder

  • af Angelos Kornilakis
    957,95 kr.

    The work deals with Digital Commons. These are a case of the new organizational forms developed in the realm of digital economy and fall under the notion of "Network Enterprise", substituting the classical hierarchical forms of firms with horizontal cooperation between independent agents.They are hybrid forms of organization, which reject both markets and hierarchies, as the two mainstream organizational modes of conventional economics. They are based on individual autonomy combined with egalitarian cooperative mechanisms, trying to reap the best of the organizational structure of firms without sacrificing individual autonomy.

  • af Markus P. Beham
    337,95 kr.

    From the 1972 Stockholm Declaration to the European Union's Green Deal, the principles of international environmental law have successfully permeated the multilateral discourse. They are also woven into a large patchwork of international treaties, binding the international community and requiring their implementation at the domestic level. This materials collection provides an edited compilation of international and European environmental law documents. Alongside the fundamentals as well as the procedural and liability frameworks, it includes a selection of the most relevant sectoral treaties relating to air, ozone, climate, freshwater, oceans, biodiversity, and hazardous substances.

  • af Christel Querton
    311,95 - 1.159,95 kr.

    "Based on a systematic and empirical comparative study of six European Union countries, Christel Querton explores judicial decision-making in the context of persons fleeing armed conflicts in the EU.Using interdisciplinary techniques, it re-asserts the Refugee Convention as the cornerstone of international protection"--

  • af Yves Jorens
    1.788,95 - 1.798,95 kr.

    This book provides insights into the complex labour and social security framework of EU employment and its enforcement. Starting from an analysis of the various EU instruments and case law, it outlines the complicated legal framework, the practical problems involved, and ways to overcome them. In turn, the book puts the evolution of the framework into perspective, reviews the numerous modifications made over the years, and describes interpretation-related difficulties. Since the formation of the European Community 65 years ago, migration and the European labour market have evolved considerably through special patterns of (temporary) mobility such as postings, simultaneous work in several Member States and high mobility, thus leading to major questions about the applicable legal framework. The interplay between the free movement of persons and services has produced a complex system of rules. Which law applies when a person crosses a border: that of the host State (and to what extent should this State take into account the legal rules from the home State?) or that of the home State? Does the person crossing the border have any choice in the matter?The book subsequently analyses the penetration of EU (market) law into national systems of labour and social security law. The divergent solutions and views within labour and social security law are considered and discussed from a critical point of view.As the positive elements of the European story are at risk of being overshadowed by the negative consequences of the European construction - social dumping being the prime example - special attention is paid to the cooperation between inspection services and other stakeholders in order to guarantee efficient enforcement. The latter is more than just sanctioning, but also includes prevention and monitoring issues.The unique strength of this book is that it brings together all legal-technical aspects of cross-border employment and its enforcement in both labour law and social security law in a single volume. Readers will find a wealth of detailed and specialised information, helping them to understand the topic in depth. Accordingly, the book will be of interest to academics, practitioners, enforcement bodies, judiciary policymakers, advanced law students, and researchers seeking to understand the law in context.

  • af Bjorn Hacker
    152,95 kr.

    Yes, European social policy exists, and its origins can be traced back nearly 70 years. This book succeeds in demystifying Social Europe and explains its significance in the integration process for the broader public. Björn Hacker maps out the lines of conflict in social affairs between Member States and the EU, as well as between economic and social progress. These lines of conflict determine the modes and actors of European social policy, creating tangible development stages with different focus points. Going back to Willy Brandt and Jacques Delors the author highlights visions of Social Europe in their respective paradigmatic environment and mirrors what is left of them today. Challenges of socioeconomic imbalances, the twin transformation and multiple crises setting, make this book an indispensable companion for all those who want to understand and further progress Social Europe. The volume on Social Europe is part of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) Primers Series.

  • af Martin Große Hüttmann
    507,95 kr.

    Die Herausforderungen für das Regieren in Europa und insb. in der EU und in ihren Mitgliedstaaten werden nicht geringer; im Gegenteil, Entwicklungen wie die Finanz- bzw. Schuldenkrise, der Austritt Großbritanniens aus der EU, die COVID-19-Pandemie, starke anti-europäische Tendenzen in einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten oder der Angriff Russlands auf die Ukraine waren 2003, dem Jahr der Veröffentlichung der ersten Festschrift für Professor Rudolf Hrbek, kaum denk- und vorstellbar. Die Autorinnen und Autoren nehmen sehr unterschiedliche Perspektiven ein, wenn sie der Frage nachgehen, wie die Europäische Union mit den jüngsten Herausforderungen umgeht und welche Lehren sie daraus zieht.

  • af Mirjam Dikken
    182,95 kr.

    Knowing what people think feels more like a curse than a blessing to Kathy van der Laan. After all, how do you deal with discovering your employer is a pervert, your father's replaying scenes from the car accident that killed your mother, and suspecting the guy ahead of you in the department store to be the reason for the latest amber alert? Unable to explain the source of her knowledge, Kathy reduces her interactions, sends anonymous tips to police and tries not to remind her father about a loss they both can't get past. Then she receives an offer from the Syndicate, a shadowy organization which purports to shape policy within the EU, and where she discovers her mother worked till her death. To find out more about her mother, can she risk joining a group that seems to know too much about her dangerous gift?

  • af Gisela Muller-Brandeck-Bocquet
    794,95 kr.

    This book aims to present a coherent picture of Germany's European policy during Merkel's chancellorship. At the same time, it traces the development of the EU in the period 2005-2021. Accordingly, the European crises and the internal and external threats to the integration community are addressed, as well as the jointly developed solutions. Thus, on the one hand, the book shows what Germany was willing to do for Europe; on the other, it reveals how the EU was able to develop further as the most important point of reference for German politics and power.

  • af Ottavio Quirico
    1.382,95 kr.

    "This edited volume offers an interdisciplinary and comparative analysis of the implementation of climate change policies worldwide, exploring ways of improving key regulatory mechanisms. This book is part of the Flip it Open Programme and may also be available as Open Access. Check our website - Cambridge Core - for details"--

  • af Melanie Goergmaier
    1.087,95 kr.

    TTIP is not "dead". The author demonstrates why many of the TTIP negotiating content is more relevant today than ever before in connection with the ongoing EU-US trade negotiations that have been picking up new speed. From the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) to the Trump administration's trade war, this book examines the transatlantic trade relationship between the European Union and the United States and the political implications on both sides of the Atlantic. This book also provides policy recommendations for both sides on how to move forward based on the analysis. An outlook for trade in the 21st century is provided drawing on trade history between the two entities over the years up until the current 2023 trends.

  • af Hans Jörg Schrötter
    317,95 kr.

    Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Europäischem Rat und Europarat? Wo liegen die Ursachen für die zahlreichen Krisen, die Europa gemeistert - oder noch vor sich - hat? In seiner 4., überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Auflage erklärt das Buch, wie unser neues Europa funktioniert, welche ungeahnten Freiheiten und Chancen es uns bietet - und warum es mitunter nicht funktioniert. Anschaulich analysiert der Autor das gesamte Spektrum aktueller Themen - von den Turbulenzen um den Euro, die Flüchtlingspolitik, den Brexit und Fridays for Future bis hin zum "Green Deal" und dem Angriffskrieg Russlands auf die Ukraine.Europa ist kein Elite-Projekt. Dieses bewährte, leicht lesbare Taschenlexikon lädt Einsteiger wie Europa-Kenner gleichermaßen ein, mitzumachen, zu kritisieren und zu diskutieren. Europa ist zugegeben unperfekt, aber es ist das Erstaunlichste, was wir auf unserem Kontinent in den letzten Jahrhunderten auf die Beine gestellt haben.

  • af Marius Müller
    1.022,95 kr.

    The 2008 financial crisis brought the far-reaching influence of credit ratings on capital markets into focus and confirmed doubts about the quality of ratings published by rat-ing agencies. In the context of regulatory efforts to limit the influence of ratings, Marius Müller addresses the question to what extent investment funds are obliged to sell bonds that no longer comply with investment guidelines following a rating downgrade. Results of a statistical analysis of 200 European and U.S. fund prospectuses are evaluated in the light of regulatory objectives. Subsequently, a structural proposal for the formulation of investment guidelines is developed, accounting for the protection of investor interests and market functioning.

  • af Jürgen G. H. Hoppmann
    150,95 kr.

    Great European planetary festival in Dresden: a serial killer sends out poison horoscopes.Police student Max, severely disturbed by combat missions in Afghanistan, and his Evi, a petty criminal bakery clerk from Upper Lusatia, go in search of clues. While she hunts poisoners in the pulsating Florence on the Elbe, he accompanies the star astrologer Scultetus as a bodyguard to the end of the world.Art Nouveau palace in Prague, Chinese pagoda on the Canary Islands, heavenly priests of the Sahara, Istanbul horoscope scholars, alpine castle with scary witch, planetary avenues on the Atlantic, Scottish druid circles, star hall in Øresund, secret studies in Warsaw, examination by granite-headed lodge brothers and odyssey through the Zittau mountains, escape and return to Dresden.Showdown on the roof of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt am Main. And on, on and on, to the city of dawn in distant India.

  • - Anti-Brexit Activism in the United Kingdom Volume 4
    af Adam Fagan
    371,95 kr.

    Studies of the United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union ("Brexit") have largely focused on the role of politicians and political parties, on the one hand, and the characteristics of Leave and Remain voters on the other. The Failure of Remain offers the first comprehensive study of the UK's grassroots anti-Brexit movement. Emerging in the weeks and months following the June 2016 referendum, this movement was the most significant and wide-scale mobilization of pro-European support that the UK had ever witnessed. In The Failure of Remain Adam Fagan and Stijn van Kessel assess participants' ideologies, arguments, and strategies. Drawing evidence from first-hand interviews, an original survey of anti-Brexit activists, and an analysis of their campaign materials, Fagan and van Kessel conclude that while the anti-Brexit movement was successful in mobilizing a large number of pro-European citizens, its impact was limited by weak links to political elites and institutions, divisions between organizations and activists, and the absence of a clear stance on the UK's relationship with the European Union. In the context of enduring debates about the future direction of European integration, The Failure of Remain reveals the difficulties of formulating effective pro-European arguments.

    478,95 kr.

    This book investigates the multifaceted conflicts of sovereignty in the recent crises in the European Union.

  • af Tomas Weiss
    564,95 kr.

    This book studies how domestic contestation influences the security policy of small states within the European Union and NATO.

  • af Elena Korosteleva
    567,95 kr.

    This book proposes a new understanding of resilience, both as a quality and a way of thinking, taking it to the level of 'the person' and 'the local', to argue that a more sustainable way to govern the world today is bottom-up and inside-out.

  • af Juan Roch
    1.770,95 kr.

    This book explores the modes of European Union (EU) contestation which are mobilized by populist parties and seeks to unearth the relationship of such contestation with populist discourses.

  • af Anastasia Bermudez
    559,95 kr.

    This volume explores how the recent intra-EU migrations reflect new and more complex patterns of mobility, increasingly uncertain and unstable, involving both natives and naturalised migrants.

  • af Carlo Invernizzi Accetti
    557,95 kr.

    This volume examines what the concept of ideology can add to our understanding of the European Union, and the way in which the process of European integration has inflected the ideological battles that define contemporary European politics, both nationally and transnationally.

  • af Erica Howard
    1.670,95 kr.

    This book examines the Islamic headscarf cases of the Court of Justice of the European Union and places these in context of the Islamophobia existing across Europe. It assesses how EU law can best protect women who want to wear headscarves at work for religious reasons and why this protection is important not only for the women but also for the EU.

  • af Sandrina Antunes
    561,95 kr.

    The book addresses the impact of the European Union (EU) on subnational mobilization in small unitary states.

    560,95 kr.

    This interdisciplinary book analyses the impact of digital technologies on specific markets and, more broadly, the society and the economy. It identifies and assesses the different features, challenges, trends and dimensions of the EU DSM, from a legal and economic viewpoint, and also from a Polish perspective.

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