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Hverdagen i DDR var ikke kun grå. I groteske, humoristiske, indsigtsfulde og altid personlige historier tegnes et bredt billede af livet på den anden side af Berlinmuren. DET DET VAR handler om jagten efter et par ægte cowboybukser, efter en bil og andre eftertragtede mangelvarer, om knækkede tænder, om besatte lejligheder og om et danskstudium på et fakultet, der var gennemsyret af Stasi. Om unge pionerer, venskaber, drømme og en masse frustration, indtil Berlinmurens fald pludselig vender alt på hovedet. Forfatteren er født og opvokset i DDR, hvor hun læste dansk sprog og kultur. Hun flyttede til Danmark sammen med sin familie to år efter murens fald og bor i København. ”En spændende, sprudlende, usædvanlig livshistorie og samtidigt en super introduktion til DDR. Skrevet med et godt blik for danske læseres interesser og forudsætninger – og det hele fortalt med humor.” Thomas Borchert, journalist, Frankfurter Rundschau og Jyllands-Posten
The Dream of the Red Chamber is one of the "e;Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese Literature."e; It is renowned for its huge scope, large cast of characters and telling observations on the life and social structures of 18th century China and is considered by many to be the pinnacle of the classical Chinese novel.The "e;Red Chamber"e; is an expression used to describe the sheltered area where the daughters of wealthy Chinese families lived. Believed to be based on the author's own life and intended as a memorial to the women that he knew in his youth, The Dream of the Red Chamber is a multilayered story that offers up key insights into Chinese culture."e;Henry Bencraft Joly's attention to detail and the faithfulness in his translation of Hong Lou Meng makes this revised edition of The Dream of the Red Chamber an excellent book for the student of modern Chinese."e; Edwin H. Lowe, from his introduction"e;this partial version certainly deserves a wider readership, as a brave early skirmish on the outer ramparts of this masterpiece. The re-issuing of Joly's work will undoubtedly provide a rich crop of fascinating raw material for the growing community of Translation Studies scholars."e; John Minford, from his foreword
Det persiske felttog – Anabasis er det bedst kendte værk af den oldgræske filosof, historiker og essayist Xenophon (ca. 430-354 f.Kr.). Anabasis betyder ordret 'marchen ind i landet'. Bogen skildrer den skæbne, som hæren på 10.000 græske lejesoldater led, da den blev hyret til at støtte et internt kupforsøg inden for kongefamilien i det mægtige Perserrige i 400 f.Kr.Grækernes arbejdsgiver, tronraneren Kyros den Yngre, tabte og blev dræbt. Hans soldater strandede langt inde i Perserriget uden vejvisere og uden proviant. Dette er indholdet af den første bog ud af syv, og resten handler om de utrolige strabadser og lidelser, hæren måtte gennemgå under tilbagetoget gennem Armenien og Tyrkiet for at nå ud til Sortehavet og den græske verden. Xenophons medrivende værk hører til blandt de store klassikere i europæisk historieskrivning og er her for første gang oversat i sin helhed til et mundret, moderne dansk. Bogen er forsynet med en forklarende indledning, der dækker centrale emner såsom værkets litterære formål, græsk militærvæsen og religion. Endvidere er der et fuldstændigt register over personerne og lokaliteterne, der forekommer i teksten samt et antal forklarende noter. Endelig er værket forsynet med adskillige kort, plancher og illustrationer, der forklarer komplicerede tekststeder samt et antal farvefotos af de relevante landskaber.
Tragedie og bystat handler om forholdet mellem Athens dramatiske og politiske kultur i det 5. århundrede f.Kr. Bogen afdækker det avancerede og bekostelige produktionsforløb, der lå bag afholdelsen af Den store Dionysosfest, og forklarer, hvorfor athenerne tillagde deres teater så stor betydning.Tre tragedier er i fokus: Aischylos’ Syv mod Theben, Sofokles’ Antigone og Euripides’ Bakkantinderne. Fælles for disse tragedier er, at de alle foregår i byen Theben, der hos de athenske tragediedigtere stiliseres som arnested for politiske og civilisatoriske sammenbrud. Det er også karakteristisk for den attiske tragedie at afsøge betingelserne for social og politisk stabilitet i polis ved at fremhæve bystatens iboende modsætninger mellem familie og stat, elite og masse, frihed og underkastelse.Tragedie og bystat er den første større dansksprogede udgivelse om græsk tragedie i årtier. Den henvender sig til et publikum, som både ønsker at vide mere om græsk tragedie og om de litteraturhistoriske forskningsdiskussioner, som studiet af den græske tragedie rejser i dag. Bogen formidler og analyserer et stort kildemateriale, hvor alle græske citater forklares og oversættes til dansk. Vigtigst er dog at præsentere den græske tragedie som en kunstform, der reflekterer over det politiske fællesskabs betingelser og iboende modsætninger.
Zions vises protokoller er et stykke skønlitteratur, som giver sig ud for at være et historisk sandfærdigt skrift – og aldrig har et stykke fiktion haft så tragisk en virkningshistorie. Den danske historiker Morten Thing fortæller historien om antisemitismens bibel.Udover Morten Things historie om tilblivelsen og udbredelsen af det antisemitiske smædeskrift indeholder bogen også selve den oprindelige danske version af Zions vises protokoller fra 1920.Zions vises protokoller udkom første gang i 1903 på russisk og berettede om, hvordan jøder i århundreder havde forberedt sig på at tage magten over hele kloden.I 1919 oversættes teksten for første gang, først til svensk og derefter til polsk, tysk, engelsk, dansk og mange andre sprog. I 1921 afsløres det, at teksten er et falsum. Afsløringen får imidlertid ingen effekt på tekstens udbredelse, og den er i dag kommet i op mod 950 forskellige udgaver på 38 forskellige sprog. Det er uden sammenligning den mest udbredte antisemitiske tekst i verden, som stadig til dato mange steder læses som om, det var et sandt historisk skrift, der beviser ”en jødisk konspiration”.
Brutal, morsom og usentimental erindringsbog om at leve i Sovjetunionen, hvor partiet og KGB havde uindskrænket magt. Og om en piges drømme om at rejse til Mars og – næsten det samme – til Danmark.
En kyndig og velskrevet fortælling om de mennesker og begivenheder, der har formet Ruslands voldsomme historie. Læs om kroningen af Ivan den Grusomme i en kandelaberoplyst katedral, om Katarina den Store til hest på vej til at arrestere sin husbond, om Romanovdynastiets sidste bitre dage – og alle de andre autokrater, undersåtter, revolutionære og helt almindelige russere, der har befolket det utrolige land gennem tiderne.
Deliver me from the Watchers who bear slaughtering knives, and who have cruel fingers. The Egyptian Book of the Dead is an ancient collection of spells, prayers and incantations designed to guide the departed through the perils of the underworld, ultimately ensuring eternal life. Written as part of funeral rites, these scrolls were often left in the sarcophagus of the deceased and now offer fascinating insight into Egyptian culture. This beautifully illustrated edition contains images from the exquisite Papyrus of Ani, an ancient Egyptian scroll narrating the journey of Theban scribe Ani through the underworld. Its accompanying hieroglyphic text has been translated by acclaimed Egyptologist E.A Wallis Budge, and includes spells addressed to ferryman, gods and kings to aid Ani on his way to the afterlife. This silk-bound hardback contains magnificent illustrations that complement the text and bring out its timeless beauty. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Arcturus Silkbound Classics series brings together deluxe gift editions of literary classics, presented with luxurious silk binding, striking embossed cover designs and full-color illustrations.
TAKE THEM ON A TRIP TO VISIT ANCIENT ROME THIS CHRISTMAS AND JOIN NERO IN A BATTE FOR SURVIVAL'Deft and robust storytelling, that whips through the history with plenty of blood, guts and plot-twists' The Times'Epic and in a class of his own' Daily Mirror ----ANCIENT ROME, AD 37It begins with a man's hand curled around another's throat.Emperor Tiberius first dispatches a traitor.Then his whole family.Next all his friends. It is as if he never existed.THIS IS ROMAN JUSTICE.Into this fevered forum, a child is born.His mother is Agrippina, granddaughter of Emperor Augustus. But their imperial blood is no protection. The closer you are to the heart of the empire, the closer you are to power, intrigue, and danger.She faces soldiers, senators, rivals, silver-tongued pretenders, each vying for position. One mistake risks exile, incarceration, execution. Or, worst of all, the loss of her infant son.For Agrippina knows that opportunity waits, even in your darkest moments. Her son is everything. She can make this boy, shape him into Rome itself - the one all must kneel before.BUT FIRST, THEY MUST SURVIVE . . .This then is the story of Nero's birth and raising under the watchful and scheming eye of his mother Agrippina - a woman every man crossed at his peril.----PRAISE FOR CONN IGGULDEN'Breakthtakingly good' Bernard Cornwell'Magnificent' The Times'Pacy and propulsive, cracking with energy, violence and stirring speeches, Iggulden chronicles power struggles, political machinations and the bloodthirsty ravages of up-close combat' Daily MailReaders love Nero'Iggulden draws you into Rome, its brutality and its glory, and brings it back to life with such seamless ease' ***** Reader Review'Absolute quality from first to last page, atmospheric with a real feel for time and place' ***** Reader Review'It was fascinating to see the seeds being planted that will lead to the Nero becoming the tyrant we know through the ancient historians, but told in such a contemporary and accessible way' ***** Reader Review'An absolutely immersive experience throughout that throws you into the politics of Ancient Rome' ***** Reader ReviewConn Iggulden, Sunday Times bestseller, June 2023
“Germanere” kaldte romerne dem for to tusind år siden. Selv kaldte de sig andre ting: saksere, kimbrere, goter, langobarder, vandaler, batavier, frisere og markomanner. Langt senere er ordet “germansk” blevet brugt til at betegne en række beslægtede sprog, hvoraf dansk er et – hver eneste danske, svenske eller norske sætning rummer en række ord af “germansk” oprindelse, hvoraf flere genfindes på engelsk og tysk. Hvilken historie ligger der bag? Hvem var egentlig oldtidens germanere, og hvorfor er de siden blevet hentet frem af glemslen og støvet af for at spille en rolle i nationalistisk propaganda, især under nazismen? Mærkeligt nok er det svært at finde klare svar på så enkle spørgsmål. Germanernes historie og efterliv hænger sammen med hele den nordiske og nordeuropæiske historie siden oldtiden og handler om tanker og forestillinger, der har spillet en stor rolle og stadig er farligt ladet. Tore Janson undersøger sprogenes historie og historierne om de mennesker, der har talt og skrevet dem. Det er en farverig, detaljeret og omskiftelig historie, der endnu ikke er afsluttet – også selvom der ikke længere findes germanere.
Unlock the Mysteries of Ancient Geoglyphs with Our Exclusive Book Bundle!Embark on an extraordinary journey through time, culture, and history with our captivating book bundle, "Ancient Geoglyphs of Peru, England & Chile." Delve into the enigmatic symbols that have puzzled and inspired generations, as we uncover the secrets of the Nazca Lines, Uffington White Horse, Atacama Giant, and Paracas Candelabra. This meticulously curated collection offers you the opportunity to explore the stories etched into the landscapes of three diverse regions-Peru, England, and Chile-revealing the threads that connect ancient civilizations to our modern world.Book 1: "Tracing Time in the Sand: The Historical Evolution of the Nazca Lines" Unveil the mysteries of the Nazca Lines, intricate geoglyphs carved into the deserts of Peru. Journey through time as you trace the footsteps of ancient cultures, unraveling the enigma of these colossal figures and discovering their potential significance.Book 2: "Galloping Through Centuries: The Saga of the Uffington White Horse in History" Travel across the hills of England to encounter the Uffington White Horse, a striking chalk figure that has galloped through the annals of history. Immerse yourself in tales of knights, folklore, and the enduring connection between humanity and the land.Book 3: "Giant Steps of Antiquity: Charting the Legacy of the Atacama Giant" Venture to the Chilean desert to uncover the secrets of the Atacama Giant, an anthropomorphic figure etched into the landscape. Explore its celestial alignment, contemplate its cultural significance, and traverse the giant's footsteps across time.Book 4: "Whispers from the Desert: Unveiling the Story of the Paracas Candelabra" Discover the Paracas Candelabra-a maritime mystery carved into the sands of Chile's coast. Delve into the world of ancient seafaring cultures, untangle the threads of its symbolism, and decipher the whispers hidden within its lines.Why Choose Our Book Bundle?Comprehensive Exploration: Immerse yourself in four in-depth volumes, each dedicated to a unique geoglyph. Uncover the stories, cultures, and mysteries that surround these ancient symbols.¿¿¿¿ Exclusive Insights: Our bundle offers exclusive insights from researchers, archaeologists, and historians who have dedicated their lives to understanding these enigmatic creations.Diverse Perspectives: Explore the significance of geoglyphs across different regions and cultures, bridging the gaps between civilizations separated by time and distance.Engaging Narratives: Our authors bring history to life with captivating storytelling that blends historical facts, folklore, and modern insights.Limited-Time Offer: This exclusive book bundle is available for a limited time only. Don't miss your chance to embark on a journey through time and culture with these remarkable geoglyphs.Uncover the echoes of the past, explore the threads that connect civilizations, and ignite your curiosity about the mysteries of our world. Order your "Ancient Geoglyphs of Peru, England & Chile" book bundle today and embark on an unforgettable journey into the heart of history!
The enthralling tale of a powerful Greek goddess maligned in both myth and ancient history, as told by Sunday Times bestselling author Jennifer Saint.'An exceptional achievement' ELODIE HARPER 'A very special novel' COSTANZA CASATI 'The essential mythological book of the decade' NIKITA GILL When Hera, immortal goddess and daughter of the ancient Titan Cronus, helps her brother Zeus to overthrow their tyrannical father, she dreams of ruling at his side. As they establish their reign on Mount Olympus, Hera suspects that Zeus might be just as ruthless and cruel as the father they betrayed.She was always born to rule, but must she lose herself in perpetuating this cycle of violence and cruelty? Or can she find a way to forge a better world?Often portrayed as the jealous wife or the wicked stepmother, this retelling captures the many sides of Hera, vengeful when she needs to be but also compassionate and most importantly, an all-powerful queen to the gods. More praise for HERA:'A thrilling depiction' ELIZABETH FREMANTLE'Subtle, nuanced and utterly gorgeous' SARAH UNDERWOOD 'Jennifer Saint's best book yet' ROSIE HEWLETT 'Vast in scope and thoroughly entertaining' NIKKI MARMERY 'An absolutely triumph' JASMINE ELMER
The first book in the bestselling Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. Now with a new cover look! Discover the story behind the Disney+ series.HALF BOY - HALF GOD - ALL HERO.Look, I never asked to be the song of a Greek god, I was just a normal kid. . . until I accidentally vaporized my maths teacher.Percy Jackson is having a bad week. His life has gone from totally normal to monsters-from-Greek-mythology-randomly-appearing kind of strange. Worse still, the king of the gods thinks Percy has stolen his all-powerful lightning bolt - and it seems making Zeus angry is a very bad idea.Now Percy and his friends have just ten days to catch the true lightning thief and stop all-out war from erupting on Mount Olympus. . .What could possibly go wrong?Return to the World of Percy Jackson in the best-selling, brand-new adventure featuring the original hero in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Chalice of the Gods - out now!And don't miss the trio's next adventure in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Wrath of the Triple Goddess, coming soon!
A fascinating insight into the chronology of the people, places, and events in the Bible.The rich history of the Bible is captured by the use of timelines, maps, images, and diagrams that chart the earliest origins of the text to the present day. Along with scholarly commentary on the Bible and its myriad translations, Timeline of the Bible includes five foldout wall charts that reveal the chronology of the people, places, and events that shaped the early days of Christianity. Full-color photographs and detailed discussion of the origins, key figures, and authors make this a valuable addition to the library of anyone with an interest in learning more about how the Bible came to be the most important book in history.
Nestled in the northernmost corner of Europe lies a land of rugged coastlines, vast forests, and a rich cultural heritage. Step back in time and immerse yourself in the history of Scandinavia, a land of Vikings, legends, and achievements that have influenced the world.This book explores the history of Scandinavia - inside you will discover:Scandinavian Prehistory & The Roots of Norse CivilizationThe Histories of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway & SwedenRolf the Ganger: The Legendary Founder of NormandyThe Viking Age Battles, Trade, Literature, Christianity & MoreThe Aesir-Vanir War (Myths and Legends of Norse Cosmology)Snorri Sturluson's Contribution to Norse Mythology (Prose Edda)How Norway, Sweden, and Denmark Became Rich CountriesAnd much, much more..This book offers a comprehensive exploration of the past, providing a window into the fascinating story of this unique and influential corner of the world.Explore the stories of the people, places, and events that have shaped this fascinating region.Scandinavian History Comes Alive: A Fascinating Tour Through TimeBegin now with This Book
Michael Davis revisits questions of interpretation in Greek tragedy emerging in the thought of the late Seth Benardete. While this is not the book Benardete would have written, it wrestles with problems that bear his indelible mark. In the extant tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, only one story is treated by all three--the tale of Electra. Davis endeavors to develop Benardete's understanding of the story's deeper meaning, as well as the connections that might be drawn between the three authors. He follows a thread that brings Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides closer together according to a powerful and shared theme--namely, that the female is the deeper (even if less easily accessible and articulated) of the pair of fundamental principles constituting human beings. Davis accomplishes much more than an exegetical bridge as he connects us with ancient memory and wisdom. "When we cannot resist the temptation to recoil morally from their terminology, we risk the tragedy of losing their profound thoughts about our humanity--their philosophical anthropology." Davis has remarkably made of a niche study a stunning source material for more universal questions. This is a book that is as timely as it is ageless.
Although we think of early monks as master concentrators, a life of mindfulness did not, in fact, come to them easily. As historian Jamie Kreiner demonstrates in The Wandering Mind, their attempts to stretch the mind out to God-to continuously contemplate the divine order and its ethical requirements-were all-consuming, and their battles against distraction were never-ending. Delving into the experiences of early Christian monks living in the Middle East, around the Mediterranean, and throughout Europe from 300 to 900 CE, Kreiner shows that these men and women were obsessed with distraction in ways that seem remarkably modern. At the same time, she suggests that our own obsession is remarkably medieval. Ancient Greek and Roman intellectuals had sometimes complained about distraction but it was early Christian monks who waged an all-out war against it. The stakes could not have been higher: they saw distraction as a matter of life and death.Even though the world today is vastly different from the world of the early Middle Ages, we can still learn something about our own distractedness by looking closely at monks' strenuous efforts to concentrate. Drawing on a trove of sources that the monks left behind, Kreiner reconstructs the techniques they devised in their lifelong quest to master their minds-from regimented work schedules and elaborative metacognitive exercises to physical regimens for hygiene, sleep, sex and diet. She captures the fleeting moments of pure attentiveness that some monks managed to grasp, and the many times when monks struggled and failed and went back to the drawing board. Blending history and psychology, The Wandering Mind is a witty, illuminating account of human fallibility and ingenuity that bridges a distant era and our own.
In Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs Illustrated, explore the logograms for popular concepts such as "sun," "house," and "mountain," as well as more complex ideas such as Ajet, or "sun rising over mountains"; marvel at Tutankhamun's full name as marked on his tomb; and wonder at the Ouroboros, a symbol that shows a snake-like animal that swallows its own tail, representing eternal struggle. Each of more than 150 entries includes a description of the written form and an explanation of its meaning.
Arranged by dynastic period, Pharaohs offers a compact history of the reign of god-kings, from Menes, who united the north and south kingdoms, to the Ptolemaic Queen Cleopatra, who was defeated along with her lover Mark Antony at the Battle of Actium (31 BCE) by imperial Rome. Along the way the reader will learn about the Great Pyramid constructed by Khufu, the last of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world; Queen Hatshepsut, a rare female pharaoh whose name means "foremost of noblewomen"; and much more.
Nico, the son of Hades, and his boyfriend Will, the son of Apollo, travel to Tartarus, the deepest, darkest part of the Underworld as they attempt to rescue an old friend.
Armenia travel guide. Expert holiday advice including Yerevan, monasteries, UNESCO World Heritage sites, national parks and the Transcaucasian Trail. Also covers hotels, walking, cycling, winter sports, wildlife, petroglyphs and ancient art, Orbelian's Caravanserai, Dilijan, Tavush, Debed Canyon, Noratus, Etchmiadzin, Tatev, Geghard, Vayots Dzor.
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