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"Profetens bog" er en samlet udgave af klassikerne "Profeten" og "Profetens have". I "Profeten" er Profeten Almustafa på vej væk fra den lands by, hvor han har opholdt sig tolv år. Før han stiger om bord på det skib, der skal føre ham hjem til hans fødeø, taler han til folket om livet mellem fødsel og død; kærlighed, ægteskab, børn, glæde og sorg, forbrydelse og straf, religion og død. I "Profetens have" vender den oplyste Profet Almustafa hjem til sin fødeø efter sit lange fravær. Han samler ni disciple, og i korte kapitler belærer han sine disciple og lokalbefolkningen om livets sande mening og om det at være menneske.
FE-agent Sigrid Melin jager en terrorist, der planlægger et angreb i København, men da hun afslører hans identitet, bliver hun pludselig taget af sagen.Sigrid Melin arbejder undercover på den danske ambassade i Beirut, da hun spotter en mistænkelig passager i lufthavnen på vej mod København. Manden viser sig at være terrorist med planer om at udføre angreb på både dansk og tysk jord, og sammen med sin kollega fra Berlin, BND-agent Felix Zobel, må Sigrid infiltrere og optrevle terroristens organisation. Et pengespor fører dem dybt ind i Beiruts sofistikerede og bundkorrupte finansverden, hvor ikke kun Islamisk Stat, men også fjendtlige spioner følger hvidvasken af penge.Da Sigrids efterforskning peger i retning af en dansk IS-kriger, slår PET pludselig sagen hen. Manden er deres agent. Det er falsk alarm. Sigrid køber imidlertid ikke forklaringen. Desuden har hun af personlige årsager ingen tillid til PET’s operative chef, der er kæreste med hendes eksmand.Sigrid er tvunget til at søge hjælp hos sin far, Carl Rosa, som hun brød forbindelsen til som ung. Carl er ny justitsminister og vil gerne hjælpe. Men i det samme bryder en historisk flygtningekrise ud i Europa. Ifølge efterretninger er der jihadister blandt flygtningene på vej til Danmark, så Carl får nok at se til. Overbevist om, at der vil ske flere angreb, går Sigrid og Felix deres egne veje for at stoppe terroristen – uden at vide, at de langt fra er de eneste, der leder efter den danske agent.
I London fortæller en afhoppet sovjetisk agent om muldvarpe i vestlige sikkerhedstjenester.I Moskva får en deltager i en svensk delegation øje på en mand, som han ikke ventede at finde der. Hans beretning giverforsvarsstabens sikkerhedsafdeling noget at tænke på.I Stockholm pågriber orlogskaptajn Carl Gustaf Gilbert Hamilton en indbrudstyv, som er i færd med at gennemsøge hans bolig.Alt sammen hændelser, hvis indbyrdes sammenhæng ikkeer indlysende. Carl Hamilton sættes i aktion. Han må udføreen ukonventionel opgave i Libanon, og i Moskva udfører handen mest uhyrlige ordre, han hidtil har fået. Men kan den svenske forsvarsledelse stole på sin mest kompetente medarbejder, eller er Carl også hyret af andre?Det er kompetent og underholdende. Indimellem hylende grinagtigt og satirisk. Ikke mindst, når Guillou spiller på stridighederne mellem politi, sikkerhedsfolk og efterretningstjenesterne.B.T.Så har den svenske journalist og forfatter gjort det for fjerdegang: Skrevet en stor, fængslende og utroligt spændende romanom sin spionhelt Coq Rouge.Aalborg StiftstidendeDet hele er fortalt med både den sans for detaljen og den elementære spænding, som har præget også Guillous tidligereromaner ... Guillou mestrer blandingen af intens suspense og ond satire over fænomener i det svenske samfund.Information
Året er 1983. I Washington har præsident Ronald Reagan erklæret økonomisk og psykologisk krig mod USSR. I Moskva har Jurij Andropovs paranoia bredt sig fra KGB til toppen af den sovjetiske ledelse. Atomoprustning i Vesteuropa, invasion i Grenada, terrorbomber i Libanon og nedskydningen af et koreansk passagerfly er med til at gøre dette år til Den kolde krigs højdepunkt. Supermagternes provokationer og hårde retoriske angreb på hinanden skaber en farlig situation, hvor små tilfældigheder eller misforståelser risikerer at udløse en altødelæggende atomkrig. Ronald Reagan, Jurij Andropov, George Shulz og Oleg Gordievskij er nogle af hovedpersonerne i dette autentiske drama, som blandt andet udspiller sig i magtens korridorer i Washington og Moskva, i det krigshærgede Libanon og i luftrummet over Sakhalin og Kamtjatka-halvøen. Vi er med, hvor beslutningerne tages, og hvor konsekvenserne mærkes. Og historien fortælles i dramadokumentarisk form, så de afgørende begivenheder fremstår lige så intense, som de blev oplevet i 1983.Rasmus Dahlberg (f. 1977) er cand.mag. i historie fra Syddansk Universitet og forfatter, historiker og adm. Direktør i Det Historiske Hus. Rasmus Dahlberg er særligt interesseret i historieteori og teknologi- og videnskabshistorie og har skrevet flere bøger om historie.
Ancient foodways don't recognize geopolitical boundaries. For instance, the harissa found in Tunisia is incredibly similar to the adjika used in Georgia. Both accessible and delicious, the food in this cookbook is perfectly suited to the home cook because it is not fussy, and everything on the table is meant to be shared.
Amin ha poco più di dieci anni e vive a Beirut.Gino Rampello è un soldato italiano stanziato in Libano per proteggere i pochi superstiti palestinesi che hanno trovato rifugio. Tra questi, c’è anche il piccolo Amin. Tra i due si instaurerà un rapporto d’amicizia purissimo, un barlume luminoso in mezzo a tante ostilità. Con il conflitto Israele-Palestina a fare da sfondo, “Quelli del Libano” racconta una storia fatta di speranza e di coraggio, una finestra su un passato ancora molto attuale.Francesco Cannarozzo (1921-1990), più comunemente noto con il suo nome d’arte, Franco Enna, è stato uno scrittore e drammaturgo italiano. Giallista affermato e di grande successo, le sue opere sono spesso caratterizzate da atmosfere noir e crepuscolari, da trame intrecciate e protagonisti carismatici.
Få en libanesisk madoplevelse derhjemme - hurtigere lavet end takeaway! Hummus, falafler, kebbeh, fattouche, shawarma, krydderier... Med 30 lækre opskrifter fra Libanon, der tilberedes med et minimum af ingredienser - på ingen tid.
In den Bergen des Libanon wächst die junge Amal in der strengen, patriarchalischen Religionsgemeinschaft der Drusen auf. Sie will nur eines: die Schule besuchen und studieren, doch Mädchen haben dort keine Rechte. Der Großvater lässt zwischen sich und seiner Frau eine Mauer errichten, aber die Mutter darf immerhin Brot backen, und damit bezahlt sie das Schulgeld ihrer Töchter. Als Amal, die jüngste, mit fünfzehn verheiratet wird und das Elternhaus verlässt, schweigt die Mutter. Unbeirrt, wenn auch gegen viele Widerstände, geht die junge Frau ihren Weg und beginnt zu begreifen, was es heißt, selbstbestimmt zu leben und wahrhaftig zu lieben.Ein poetischer, anrührender Text über Freiheit, Tradition und familiäre Ketten.Haneen Al-Sayegh, geboren 1986 im Mount Lebanon, studierte Englische Literatur an der American University of Beirut, arbeitet als Dozentin und Übersetzerin. Sie hat drei Gedichtbände veröffentlicht und wurde mit dem renommierten Naji Noaman Literary Award ausgezeichnet. Sie lebt in Berlin und Beirut.
Fra krig til flygtningtil asylansøger uden hjemtil kriminel bag tremmerså studentFra gadedrengsmentalitetmed ni knivstik i kroppentil gangene på et universitetKan vise dig gadehjørnerdu aldrig før har setSkrev mig ud af helvedemens jeg hang på gadennu hænger blækket påhylderne i dit bibliotekLad mig invitere indenfor i tankernehos en gadedreng forklædt som poetDen danske forfatter, komiker, og iværksætter med libanesisk og palæstinensisk baggrund er kendt for sine skarpe og humoristiske iagttagelser af samfundsproblematikker. Mazen Ismail blev hædret af Statens Kunstfond med prisen for Årets bedste udgivelse for sine tekster i comedy-liveshowet "Sådan Overtager vi Danmark", han har haft udsolgte på Bremen Teater fem gange med sine shows og senest i Den Sorte Diamant hvor teksterne blev udført sammen med et liveorkester.Digtsamlingen Den der blinker først består af tekster fra de Mazens live shows ”Sådan Sender I Mig Hjem" og "Sådan Overtager vi Danmark" oplæst af forfatteren selv.
According to Rami Elias Kremesti, nothing in life is worse than living in ignorance... After many years of living in depression, fear, anxiety, hate and confusion, the author feels he is finally emancipated and enlightened and wants to bring a taste of this sweetness to the reader... In his third book, he talks about the accomplishments of the Jewish people, the same people that were and are still demonized in his home country of Lebanon. Rami was lucky he was able to escape from the toxic milieu of Lebanon after the end of the civil war. Instead of East, he went to the decadent "West" where paradoxically, he tasted the truth in the poetry of Rumi in Los Angeles, which was his home for about six years. There he also met some Jewish people that became his lifelong loyal friends. As Rumi puts it, his soul caught fire... He discovered the meaning of loving one's enemy and turning the other cheek... You see dear reader, when one tastes divine love, all pettiness, anger, and attachment dissolves... One starts to see unity instead of division... All religions, one praise, as Rumi puts it...In his first book, The Other Cheek of Islam, he reached out to his Muslim brothers. In his second book, For Love of the Sacred Awe, he talks about beauty and aesthetic. In his third one he reaches out to his Jewish brothers.
Kathryn Silver-Hajo's debut novel paints an unforgettable portrait of the life of young protagonist, Noor, as she navigates the dangers of civil war in her native Lebanon and the challenges of life in the diaspora in the New York City of the 1970s. Silver-Hajo deftly portrays the tragedy of a country torn apart by sectarian conflict, but also the excitement of the teenaged narrator's coming-of-age adventures. But when her mother reveals a closely-held secret, Noor is shaken, yet wiser and more determined than ever to define her place in the world. The characters and events that animate Roots of the Banyan Tree promise to burrow deep in readers' hearts and refuse to be forgotten.
This is how you achieve changeFridays for Future. Just Stop Oil. Black Lives Matter.From Greta Thunberg's inspiring school strike in Sweden to emerging 'hacktivism' in Ethiopia and Iran to the toppling of the statue of a notorious slave trader in Britain, Barney Cullum travels around the world to find out how disruptors are fighting for a better future. Meet the dissidents campaigning for democracy in Moscow and Istanbul, activists in the Sahel, Palestine, Brazil, and Ukraine, a commune claiming underground energy in Denmark and climate emergency protesters across Europe. Everywhere Cullum goes, he asks: how are you achieving change? Find out the secrets of successful movements for social change, including:What made Ireland U-turn on abortion?How did Taiwan's students resist when Hong Kong's could not?What persuaded Britain to reform its drug laws?How did peace finally break out in Colombia?Reviews"Making a Movement is a call to action but also a great insight into some of the leading international campaigns over the last ten years, which gives a sense of hope and aspiration for the next generation of campaigners and activists." - Patrick Vernon OBE, Windrush Campaigner"Jam-packed with stories of collective action, Barney Cullum deftly brings to life the lives and passions of people who have been driven to action for a better world. Whatever your perspective on their campaigns, we all have things to learn from their imagination and skill in drawing people together to bring change." - Abigail Thomas, Hopeful Activists Podcast Host"Making a Movement delivers a wrecking ball to the unsustainable populism of the right." - Simon Speakman Cordall, Al Jazeera Journalist"If you read Barney Cullum's book, you will come away with comprehensive knowledge of the severe problems impacting people every day all over the world, but you will also feel utterly inspired to take action yourself. Powerful stories reframe the brave people and organisations who are truly taking risks to bring about positive change, all achieved in an accessible, fascinating way." - Lucy Skoulding, Human Rights Campaigner and Independent Journalist"Cullum skilfully weaves together and situates social movements, campaigns and their tactics around the world. Interviews with key and ordinary people are interlaced with stories of how he obtained access. Filled with illuminating behind-the-scenes accounts of current situations, poignant viewpoints include those of pacifist Russians and Belarusians on the war in the Ukraine. Closer to home in the UK, Cullum captures the senselessness of people locked up in psychiatric hospitals for years with no end in sight." - Valerie de Schaller, Amnesty International Grassroots Activist"Through interviews with activists and campaigners across the global spectrum, these chapters offer a crucial insight into environmental, political and human rights movements. From strike action, to street art, to direct action, this book is an argument for why a whole range of tactics are so critical to achieving real change. A captivating and meaningful read." - Ella Abraham, Praxis, For Migrants and Refugees Campaigner
Demonstrates the role of Beirut's postwar graffiti and street art in transforming the cityscape and animating resistance.
Many countries in Asia are inhabited by multi-segment societies diversified in terms of race, religion, language and economic status. They have repeatedly provided the basis for analysis of the search for consensus in the construction of a political scene that would ensure the participation in power of each group. Regardless of the chosen model, the distribution of power in multi-segment societies has always been characterized by a state of "unstable equilibrium". Practical solutions constantly evolved between consociationalism, centripetalism, federalism. In extreme cases they led to political disintegration of states or to permanent domination of one of the segments, most often based on authoritarian solutions. In this volume, a group of scholars specializing in countries of the region try to point out the dynamics of the "unstable equilibrium" of power sharing in particular Asian countries and analyze the trends occurring in them in the 21st century.
Artworks and archival documents from Lebanon's turbulent postwar yearsThis volume revisits a turbulent chapter in Lebanese modernism, from the 1958 crisis to the 1975 outbreak of civil war. Through 230 works by 34 artists and more than 300 archival documents, it shows how collisions between art, culture and polarized political ideologies turned Beirut's art scene into a microcosm for larger transregional tensions.
Winner of the Prix littéraire France-Liban'A stunningly stylish, breathtakingly evocative tribute in words and art to the cosmopolitan Levant that exists in defiance of war and empire. I treasure my copy' -- Molly Crabapple, artist and co-author of Brothers of the Gun: A Memoir of the Syrian WarMy Great Arab Melancholy is a beautiful, elegiac and award-winning book from Lebanese writer and illustrator Lamia Ziadé. Blending the author's years of research, personal memoir, and more than 300 illustrations, this compelling history of the modern Arab world explores the major thinkers, struggles, and turning points that have shaped the Middle East as we know it today.Ziadé begins in South Lebanon, "land of martyrs, ruins, and passion", before taking the reader on a journey through Beirut, Jerusalem, Cairo, and Baghdad. The book moves from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day, tracing the Arab world's tragedies and the derailing of dreams and possibilities caused in large part by Western imperialism and the conquest of Palestine.Within these pages there are the blasts of explosions, blood, and tears; cemeteries, wreaths, and ribbons; martyrs and paradise. Ziadé unearths the buried memory of resistance fighters and their lost ideals. In haunting prose and unforgettable images she celebrates the progressive, bold, revolutionary moments and figures of the Arab world's recent past.Lamia Ziadé is a Lebanese author, illustrator and visual artist. Born in Beirut in 1968 and raised during the Lebanese Civil War, she moved to Paris at 18 to study graphic arts. She then worked as a designer for Jean Paul Gaultier, exhibited her art in numerous galleries internationally, and went on to publish several illustrated books, including My Port of Beirut, Ô nuit, ô mes yeux and Bye Bye Babylon: Beirut 1975-1979.
Halima har rødder i Palæstina, men er opvokset i Danmark og bor i et rækkehus i Vollsmose. Hun er 18 år og går i 3.g på Mulernes Legatskole. Siden 1.g har hendes liv ikke været let. Hun kæmper sig igennem gymnasiet, og hun skændes konstant med sin mor, som er intenst optaget af, hvad omgivelserne tænker, synes og mener. Derudover er frierne begyndt at banke på Halimas dør. Hendes mor jubler, men ikke Halima. Hun er ulykkeligt forelsket i sin grandfætter Amir, der bor i Libanon.På den anden side er en bog om en ung pige, der er fanget mellem to kulturer. Hun ønsker at følge sine egne drømme og sit hjerte, men også at ære sine forældre. Som flygtninge fra Libanon, der har klaret skærene og fundet et trygt sted til deres familie, ønsker forældrene, at Halima skal stikke så lidt ud som muligt, og især moren er imod, at Halima søger dybere ind i troen og begynder at komme i moskeen.Huda El-Hawari er født i 1989 i en palæstinensisk flygtningelejr i Libanon. Hun har en BA i international virksomhedskommunikation og arabisk sprog og kommunikation samt en cand.mag. i Mellemøstens sprog og samfund med arabisk litteratur. Romanen På den anden side er forfatterens skønlitterære debut.
'Poignant and compelling. will resonate with anyone who cares about justice and the abuse of power' - Lindsey Hilsum, Channel 4 News International Editor and author of Sandstorm'Essential and urgent' - Kim Ghattas, journalist and author of Black Wave'Courageous and essential' - Sally Hayden, journalist and author of My Fourth Time, We DrownedOn August 4 2020, a huge explosion in the heart of Beirut killed hundreds of people - it is the apocalypse of a sequence of events that have led to Lebanon's unprecedented collapse. Journalist Dalal Mawad has interviewed tens of Lebanese and foreign women - victims of the explosion, and those stuck in Lebanon - and weaves an extraordinary story of survival, corruption and impunity.Award-winning journalist Dalal Mawad was in Lebanon when the blast happened, and was one of the first journalists to report on the mysterious and devastating explosion.During her reporting, she discovered something else - that it is the women who stay behind, and it is through their stories that the history of the Middle East must be re-constructed. She set out to record the stories of those she met, the women long discriminated against, and those whose stories are untold. She spoke to mothers who lost their children on August 4, spouses who lost their partners, refugee women who have fled from the war in Syria - and who now find themselves in another failing state. We hear from the Lebanese grandmother, bankrupted by the small nation's collapse, who remembers Beirut's glory days of the 1960s - when the likes of Brigitte Bardot and Miles Davis came to Beirut. And then the women like Dalal herself, who have left their home behind.The women in this book all experienced the explosion and suffered unimaginable loss and tragedy, but it is not just this one event that brings them together. Their personal stories converged to tell the story of a nation whose glory days are long gone, now riven by protracted violence, lurching from crisis to crisis, and fighting to survive. It tells not only of what these women have lost, but also what Lebanon has lost, and a part of the Middle East that is no more.
Beautifully illustrated, intimately personal and politically trenchant account of Beirut's catastrophic 2020 port explosion
Tracing the cultural, political and artistic developments over a 17-year period in Beirut's modern historyThis volume chronicles a turbulent chapter in the development of modernism in Beirut, beginning in 1958 and ending with the 1975 outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War. The accompanying exhibition highlights how collisions between art, culture and polarized political ideologies turned Beirut's art scene into a microcosm of larger transregional tensions.
Kahlil Gibran (1883-1991) was a Lebanese artist, poet and writer best known in the western world for his book ‘The Prophet’ (1923). Regarded as a literary and political rebel, his romantic style was part of a renaissance in modern Arabic literature, breaking away from the classical school.Gibran is famed for his inspiring and enlightening writings and sayings which include, "You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts." and "If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were."This collection contains 100 of Khalil Gibran’s most celebrated quotes.Kahlil Gibran (1883-1991) was a Lebanese artist, poet and writer best known in the western world for his book ‘The Prophet’ (1923). Regarded as a literary and political rebel, his romantic style was part of a renaissance in modern Arabic literature, breaking away from the classical school.He is the third best-selling poet of all time, behind only Shakespeare and Lao-Tzu, and despite emigrating to America, he is still celebrated as a literary hero in Lebanon.
„Útlit hans lýsti því glögglega, að hann var ekki fæddur í Týrus, en hvaðan hann kom var öllum hulið." Þannig er lýsingin á hinum dularfulla handiðnaðarmanni Gio, sem vel er liðinn þótt enginn viti deili á honum. Réttlætiskennd hans og góðmennska knýr hann til að bjarga hinni fögru Marinu úr klóm auðugra og óvandaðra manna, en ýmislegt óvænt bý undir, og fortíð Gios er flóknari en virðist í fyrstu.Sagan birtist fyrst sem framhaldssaga í Bergmáli, tímariti Vestur-Íslendinga og gat sér þar góðan orðstýr.Sylvanius Cobb var vinsæll bandarískur höfundur um miðja 19. öld. Hann skrifaði fjölda skáldsagna og framhaldssagna í dagblöð og tímarit og gaf verk sín út undir ýmsum dulnefnum. Íslenskum lesendum ætti hann að vera að góðu kunnur fyrir söguna vinsælu um Valdimar munk.
Tripoli, Lebanon's 'Sunni City' is often presented as an Islamist or even Jihadi city. However, this misleading label conceals a much deeper history of resistance and collaboration with the state and the wider region. Based on more than a decade of fieldwork and using a broad array of primary sources, Tine Gade analyses the modern history of Tripoli, exploring the city's contentious politics, its fluid political identity, and the relations between Islamist and sectarian groups. Offering an alternative explanation for Tripoli's decades of political troubles - rather than emphasizing Islamic radicalism as the principal explanation - she argues that it is Lebanese clientelism and the decay of the state that produced the rise of violent Islamist movements in Tripoli. By providing a corrective to previous assumptions, this book not only expands our understanding of Lebanese politics, but of the wider religious and political dynamics in the Middle East.
Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation from the year 2012 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: Near East, Near Orient, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, language: English, abstract: In this thesis, I examine and compare the Socioeconomic Status and the Subjective Social Status of the naturalized at the time of naturalization and 15 years after in order to explore how, notwithstanding other factors, the naturalized perceive their situation pre and post-naturalization. I analyze the strength of the association between citizenship acquisition/naturalization and socioeconomic mobility and political participation through Socioeconomic Status (SES) and Subjective Social Status (SSS) among 164 Kurds who were naturalized Lebanese by the Presidential Decree 5247/1994 of June 20, 1994. I also examine their political participation through voting and political partisanship in order to test the theory whether their political engagement at the beginning of the process shifted downward to a state of political apathy in the years since their naturalization, and whether there is a significant gap between them and the native-born in voting turnout.
International and Local Actors in Disaster Response uses the Beirut explosion in August 2020 to explore disaster prevention and response in developing states.Disasters, whether man-made or natural, have always tested governments and their bureaucracies. Despite numerous research efforts, existing empirical literature does not provide conclusive evidence on how multiple aspects of social infrastructure can simultaneously affect disaster preparedness and recovery, and what role the international community can have. This book analyzes the role of international and local organizations in responding to the disaster in Beirut and assesses the interorganizational collaboration between the public and private sectors following the explosion. The author develops a conceptual framework of government/non-profit relations in post-disaster management and examines the long-term disaster response and intervention of both international and local communities in a developing world context.This book will be of interest to students, scholars, and researchers of disaster management and response, public administration, international relations, and the non-profit sector.
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